Clue prompt:
Recovered data contains financial information for a number of private business concerns. Submitted to miniFACT for analysis.
Financial data analysed. Inconsistencies detected. No clear indication of criminal involvement, but suspicious enough to warrant further investigation. Author of files: Hagen Jr. Suspected links to the Animus Consortium. Citizen contact details added to codec. Apply some pressure. He may know something.
Hagen speaking. If if this is another one of you small timers looking to get your books cooked, hang up now. I'm busy enough already
[[This is Constable string(playerdogtag) of minilaw:Hagen2]]
[[Are there a lot of people in this town wanting their books cooked?:Hagen3]]
Yes, indeed, a Constable of miniLaw. It sounds almost romantic, put like that. Tell me, are you finding the new exosuit comfortable? Some components were fabricated by one of my clients. I followed development with some interest.
[[minilaw have found some troubling inconsistencies in the ledger of one of your, ahem, clients:Hagen4]]
[[the new suit is highly uncomfortable, but only for perps who aren't wearing it:Hagen6]]
Like you wouldn't believe. Most of 'em can't afford Hagen Jr, though. A lot of idiot thugs. Can't imagine where they get my number. Listen, friend, don't beat about the bush here. What are you calling for?
[[minilaw have found some troubling inconsistencies in the ledger of one of your, ahem, clients:Hagen4]]
[[This is Constable string(playerdogtag) of minilaw:Hagen2]]
Impossible! Hagen Jr Assosciates prides itself on crossing every T and dotting every I. Might I enquire as to which client?
[[The Animus Consortium:Hagen5]]
The what now? My dear Constable, there's no such thing. It's mere fanciful rumour, I assure you. I'm sure you haven't gone to the trouble of launching an investigation into some urban legend? And even if they were real, I assure you that I would be the very last person to assosciate my name with them.
[[For an urban legend, I've beaten up a lot of their hired scum this afternoon:Hagen7]]
[[Cut the crap and we can do this the easy way:Hagen8]]
[[Can you prove that?:Hagen9]]
Haha! Splendid. Such bragadaccio. And might I ask why I am being graced with your attention?
[[minilaw have found some troubling inconsistencies in the ledger of one of your, ahem, clients:Hagen4]]
[[The Animus Consortium:Hagen5]]
That threatening tone won't work with me, Constable. I know my rights, and to be perfectly frank I resent the insinuation. There's nothing you can threaten me with. My flawless reputation should be enough to assure you that my nose is clean.
[[We'll see about that reputation. Dispatch, send any dirt we have on this Hagen Jr. Let's see if there's anything in our files that he might not want public:Hagen11]]
Well, I don't assosciate with those types of individual, no matter what you might suspect. And my record is entirely clear, I assure you. Not only that - my reputation in the business community is flawless. You'd see that if you went through my portfolio.
[[Good idea. Dispatch, requisition all datafiles on private networks associated with Hagen Jr Assosciates and all businesses in their portfolio:Hagen10]]
[[We'll see about that reputation. Dispatch, send any dirt we have on this Hagen Jr. Let's see if there's anything in our files that he might not want public:Hagen11]]
Prove it? However might I prove it? What are you suggesting - some kind of instantaneous audit of my client portfolio?
[[Good idea. Dispatch, requisition all datafiles on private networks associated with Hagen Jr Assosciates and all businesses in their portfolio:Hagen10]]
[[Stay on the line, Hagen. They're just crunching the numbers:Hagen12]]
Other than the files recovered from the Animus site, data on Hagen Jr is scant. His name was found on a customer list in a busted sugar refinery, but the penalty is trivial for someone like him. He's been known to frequent red-light districts, which is embarassing but not illegal. Given our suspicions, you might consider ascertaining leverage by stating that we have got images of him meeting a known Animus collaborator. Such images are being composited as we speak and will be transferred to you momentarily. Note that there is a risk factor of 37% assosciated with this strategy.
[[You've been known to purchase illegal sugar:Hagen14]]
[[You spend a lot of time in brothel-districts:Hagen15]]
[[You've been caught on surveillance cameras meeting known Animus affiliates:Hagen16]]
But that's over 15 Ts of raw data! It would take days to...
[[Analysis complete:Hagen13]]
Anaylsis... complete? Really? So fast? I didn't think they had computers that could...
[[minifact informs me that over 18% of your files contain some reference that can be correlated with known Animus fronts:Hagen22]]
Come on, Constable, we both you're not going to bust me over that. The penalty for sugar consumption is a fine of 11,000 creds which I'll happily pay right now. But if that's your best attempt to discredit me, I'm afraid I've got nothing to worry about.
[[You spend a lot of time in brothel-districts:Hagen18]]
[[You've been caught on surveillance cameras meeting known Animus affiliates:Hagen19]]
That's not a crime, and you know that well. Even pimps need accountants. Come now. You're embarrassing yourself.
[[You've been known to purchase illegal sugar:Hagen20]]
[[You've been caught on surveillance cameras meeting known Animus affiliates:Hagen19]]
What? It's impossible! You're lying, you couldn't have... I don't believe you!
[[-display falsified composites:Hagen17]]
[[You've been known to purchase illegal sugar:Hagen20]]
[[You spend a lot of time in brothel-districts:Hagen18]]
What? But these are... Where did you get these? I thought we... Oh God...
[[bingo. Better start talking, fucko, or I'll add obstruction to the list of charges:Hagen21]]
This is desperate policing, even for miniLAW. You're wasting your time. There's a bomb planted that's going to blow up the city, haven't you heard? If it goes off, I'm dead too. If I knew anything, I'd tell you. I'm not a fool. Now leave me in peace.
[[Fine, have it your way:Hagen21]]
This is desperate policing, even for miniLAW. You're wasting your time. There's a bomb planted that's going to blow up the city, haven't you heard? If it goes off, I'm dead too. If I knew anything, I'd tell you. I'm not a fool. Now leave me in peace.
[[Fine, have it your way:Hagen21]]
You must think I'm a fool to fall for something like that. This is desperate policing, even for miniLAW. You're wasting your time. There's a bomb planted that's going to blow up the city, haven't you heard? If it goes off, I'm dead too. If I knew anything, I'd tell you. I'm not a fool. Now leave me in peace.
[[-display falsified composites:Hagen17]]
[[Fine, have it your way:Hagen21]]
now hold on sir, i still understand my position. I'm under no obligation to offer testimony until a minifact arbiter is present and we're in the presence of...
[[if you wish to assert your innocence, we can expedite your testimony:Hagen24]]
good. well, i'm glad we sorted that out. now I have work to attend to, if you don't mind.
[[-hang up:Hagen23]]
... I suppose that does compromise me somewhat, doesn't it.
[[bingo. Better start talking, fucko, or I'll add obstruction to the list of charges:Hagen21]]
are you thretening to arrest me?
[[I'm threatening extreme violence and the nullification of your citizen-status unless your tone changes right now:Hagen25]]
Fine. You understand i'll require the protection of minilaw from this point forward. If they discover that I've talked I'm dead to rights
[[your protection will be aranged. Dispatch, arrange for escort of Hagen Jr to miniLAW HQ:Hagen26]]
OK. Sentencing is lighter if I cooperate, right? So my best option now is to tell you everything I know. You have to understand, I don't know much. And if this is about the bomb, you have to realise that I don't know anything about it. My proof for that is that I'm here, in the city, and not coasting across the wasteland in an armoured helivan.
[[how were you recruited to Animus?:Hagen27]]
[[has there been any unusual activity recently?:Hagen28]]
[[describe your role in the Animus organisation:Hagen29]]
Cassus Belli.
[[what were your duties?:Hagen30]]
Um, yes, actually. There was something. One of my principal functions in Animus is... I'm sorry, I need to gather my thoughts... I'm responsible for any particularly large debits and credits. That is, um, whenever there's a large amount of money going in or out, I move it. Basically my job to make sure that it's hidden, but higher-ups can access sufficient liquid capital when they need it. I... I imagine that there are other accountants working in parallel with me who I don't know about. In fact, I'm certain of it. Basic operational security. But I know my corner of the business. And recently, we've been banking a lot of capital. Money's been coming in from somewhere. From where, I don't know.
[[what form does this capital take?:Hagen31]]
I take orders from someone named Cassus Belli.
[[what were your duties?:Hagen30]]
Criminals need good accountants. The best ones, really. They also pay best. But really, the choice wasn't mine at all. When Animus want to recruit you, there's no way of saying no. They'll figure out how to make you hurt. Not a lot of accountants in New Babel. None as good as me, anyway.
[[surely keeping such records is a hazard Animus wouldn't countenance?:Hagen34]]
It... It's diamonds. The latest payment was in diamonds. We have them recut by a man inside Bork Jewellers. I don't know where they come from, but our contact might know something... You can get him on the phone if you call their head office. We have an account under the name "pisces". What's strange is that before that big payment, the accounts had been quiet. All income, but no substantial outgoings. normally when there's a big op happening, I have to move a lot of money around before and after in order to pay thugs and ship weapons and stuff. But this time, just... money arriving. No movement elsewhere.
[[noted. minilaw thanks you for your cooperation:Hagen32]]
codec entry obtained from either the MTX247 people or from a random drop
Clue prompt: Information recovered: Telephone number corresponding to
PDA message: Contact details of an illegal data brokerage added to codec.
Damn it all. My life as I knew it is over. Do you realise that? It's over. I hope this helps...
[[we'll see:Hagen33]]
[[Dispatch, request analysis of conversation transcript:Hagen34]]
analysis incoming. if animus are recieving large payments and banking them without making corresponding payouts, they must have been selling something lightweight such as contacts, information, illegal data. selling hardware or weaponry or tech is expensive, as is wet-work such as assassinations. therefore, our priority is to discover what Animus were selling, and to who.
reward: storyswitch that affects Bork Jewellers, leads off towards Incognito or Renegade Justice
Listen, bub. I'm not about to sit down and school you in the ancient art of double-entry bookkeeping. Let me just say this - the more far-reaching and comprehensive your enterprise, the more important it becomes to know where all your money is. It takes real finesse to keep track of the money for a group like them. One slip-up on my part any maybe they've got fifty armed maniacs they can't pay lined up outside their door, or maybe fifty years worth of protection money vanishes down some untracable rabbit hole, stuck in some encrypted account that's been designed to be invisible, and nobody ever finds it. So yeah, they need well-kept records. All the moreso because of all the surveillance.
[[sounds like a lot of repsonsibility:Hagen35]]
The renumeration has always been adequate. Damn it all. My life as I knew it is over. I'm finished in this town. Damn it all, Constable, this had better save some lives, or I'm going to feel like a chump.
[[Remains to be seen:Hagen36]]
[[Dispatch, have minilaw look over the transcript of the phone call I just made:Hagen37]]
Analysis incoming. Major point of interest: Cassus Belli, unknown agent. Sobriquet appears to be derived from concept of Cassus Belli, pre-LTC figure of speech, etymology unknown. Implied definition: Justification given for armed conflict. Occurs only in proscribed texts. Conclusion: Perp must have access to forbidden archives
[[Doesn't tell us much. It is estimated that 13% of citizens have accessed illegal content at some point:Hagen38]]
However, this Bly apparently has a particular interest in pre-LTC literature, which narrows the pool. Miniface recommends investigating contraband data brokerages.
reward: storyswitch for use in data-dealer conversation (data-dealer contact can be got from a different Animus clue drop, but doesn't do much until you've got this storyswitch), which will lead to the identity of Bly. There's another plot which mentions Bly too, so there are multiple ways to find out about her
Yo, Deetz speaking, what's your pleasure.
[[who is this?:DDealer1]]
[[what do you have?:DDealer2]]
--STORYSWITCHED off ("data_dealer_belli"): [[this is constable string, hereby requisitioning any and all data relating to your clients:DDealer3]]
My name don't matter, homeslice. All you care about is the massive drive full of premium proscribed content that your friend Deetz is gonna hook you up with. One hundred percent illegal, one thousant percent dangerous, one million percent essential.
[[what do you have?:DDealer2]]
Buddy-of-mine, it'd be quicker if I gave you a list of what I don't have. Hot picks include uncensored cuts of all your favourite movies, recipie books for drugs you can make with standard kitchen equipment, underground comix, fresh mix-tapes sold by the kilobob, skin flicks, technical manuals to help you hack the planet, schematic maps of the catacombs and topographic maps of the wasteland, role-playing game books, traffic feeds, site rips, communist shit... Anything you like so far, good buddy?
--STORYSWITCHED OFF ("data_dealer_belli"): [[do you have anything from the old world?:DDealer4]]
Shit, really? You'll never catch me, tinman. Not until you grow a heart. The phone's anonymous, routed through three dozen relays. You'll never find me. You can't threaten me. I'm perfectly safe, my dude. What's it you want from me, anyway? Don't you guys have bigger fish to be frying right now? I hear there's gonna be fireworks...
[[I need to know about anyone with an interest in books from before the LTC:DDealer7]]
That pre-LTC shit is super red hot, my dude! Only the most discerning customers ask for that shit! But it's very exclusive, very expensive.
[[do lots of people ask for it?:DDealer5]]
Listen, Mr. Police Man. I ain't afraid of you. I'm so anonymous, even my mirror doesn't know what I look like. You can't threaten me. We can deal, though. If you want some tender cuts of prime information from me, I'm gonna need to know what you want it for. Payment in kind, see? People pay top dollar to know the business of a minilaw constable.
[[Our business is to find the bomb that's going to blow up New Babel. We're investigating all possibilities:DDealer8]]
[[If you don't tell me what I need to know, you might get blown sky-high:DDealer9]]
That old shit? It doesn't do it for me, if I'm honest. I have a contact who has a contact who has a contact out in the wasteland, and he sometimes gets me bits and pieces of that old-world shit, but man it's super boring most of it. No moving pictures, no nothing. But the people who like that stuff pay tip-top dollar because they know I'm the only place to get it.
[[do lots of people ask for it?:DDealer5]]
But what's this got to do with dusty old books in strange dead languages?
[[Not your concern:DDealer10]]
[[We need to find someone in the Animus Consortium who may be a customer of yours:DDealer11]]
Brother - or should I say Sister? Can't tell what's under all that robo-armour - I have no interest at all in closing up for thermonuclear winter. But how's this all connected?
[[Not your concern:DDealer10]]
[[We need to find someone in the Animus Consortium who may be a customer of yours:DDealer11]]
Come on, my good Constable, buddy of mine, brother or sister of mine. Didn't mother tell you that I want doesn't get? You got to give me something here or I'm gonna hang up this phone. I've got other stuff I could be doing. Like nothing.
[[We need to find someone in the Animus Consortium who may be a customer of yours:DDealer11]]
[[Surrender the information now. No further negotiation:DDealer12]]
Shit, you're saying Animus are behind this whole bomb situation? But they're, like, old school. Protection rackets, intimidation, import export, kind of thing. A huge bomb isn't their style at all.
[[We're investigating all possibilities:DDealer13]]
Shit be jacked, my dude. OK. I'm not sending you my whole client list. I ain't no snitch. But here's the contact info for everyone I've ever sold classical goddamn literature to. You better find this bomb now, Captain Policeman. I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning and find I'm just ashes.
[[We will do what we can:DDealer14]]
No way, Mr. Roboto. I'm outie.
Data from Deetz analysed. Several contacts are viable. Three fit the specification very closely. Suggest further interrogation. All details being forwarded to your codec.
Reward: Cassus number added to codec, as well as some dummy-Cassuses.