(set: $str to 10+(random:1,6)) (set: $dex to 10+(random:1,6)) (set: $int to 10 + (random:1,6)) (set: $luck to 10 + (random:1,6)) (set: $gold=100) (set: $gems=0)
Please choose your character:
The whole realm from the barren wastes of the south to the swamplands of the north is buzzing with the news. The Black Scroll Inn where you are now drinking is filled with men, dwarves, elves and other creatures, all of whom are talking about the death of the Great Sage Sarbademm Ess.
The one-eyed barman has never been so popular in all his career. Listening to the gossip, he knows the history of the sage, his accomplisments and the various accounts of his death. Throughout his constant chatter he does not neglect pulling pints of beer and collecting the money being passed his way. His confused but loud account goes something like this:
"And I'll tell you something else ... When Callbuggen the Terrible demanded his audience ... and was refused, and, er, tried to burn down the great doors, he, er ... well, he found he'd burnt down the doors of the Hall of Councils in Barbanthian over a thousand miles from the tower where the Great Sage had teleported him ... yes, all that way ... just think of the power involved to ... what? Oh, well, er, some say he's not actually dead at all, that he, er, made himself immortal and has left this world in search of a paradise in the heavens, but some ... his treasures? Oh, many say they lie in a locked room at the top of his tower ... what tower? Why the fabled tower of Sarbademm Ess, of course ... it lies yonder, beyond those trees ...
[[Head for the tower|6a]]
[[Check stats|stats]]On foot, the going is slow, but a horse or a mule would be useless through the dangers of Dread Marsh and the dense forest of Banraggum. However, the journey is a relatively short one, and after only two hours, you reach the base of the Tower of Sarbademm Ess. Large white stone bricks make up the rounded tower wall that stretches up and up to an overhang at the top where a tiled conical roof sports a golden crest. Above the grand, oak double doors glares a grotesque carved stone gargoyle, and above that, evenly spaced up the entire length of the wall, five arched windows and above them, strangely enough, a doorway. Other arched windows are set in the opposite side of the wall.
Your problem is how to enter. You try the heavy iron handles on the large entrance doors but find them locked. You have the following choices:
(if: $magic >= 1)[
[[Cast a 'Wink Wing' teleport spell|9d]]
[[Cast a 'Knock Knock' unlock spell|9a]]
[[Cast an 'Oh There it is!' search spell|13c]]]
[[Search the walls and surrounding area for a secret entrance|5c]]
[[Bang on the door|8b]]
[[Try to knock the doors down|2a]]
Alternatively, you can ignore the doors - and the unnerving glare of the gargoyle above them - and attempt to [[climb the vertical stone wall|4a]]
Choose wisely, and you may like to think on one of the Great Sage's famous sayings:
"//A simpleton will enter through the largest of the doors,
but imagine if this entrance was a dragon's open jaws.
A learned man will enter by the back way if he's tough.
But let me ask you this: which of these men is better off?//"
[[Check stats|stats]]You find yourself in a bare, circular room with two exits:
A door to the left down a [[spiral staircase|15a]] and a door to the [[right of the room|23a]]
The right hand door opens just wide enough for you to squeeze inside. The door slams shut, inexplicably, behind you. You can [[try to open the door again|19c]] or [[enter the room|15a]].
After half an hour of searching you are unsuccesful. You realise that if there were any secret entrances they would be too well concealed for you to find, and so, although dead, you will find the Great Sage a formidable opponent. Go back and [[choose again|6a]].
Very slowly and then abruptly, the door opens. Your greeting smile is quickly erased as the stinking swamp creature that opened the doors pulls you inside and attacks you with spiked fingers and penetrating teeth. It has two glowing red eyes set either side of its head and a slimy grey-green skin with sharp protruding spines set down the centre of its back. It lurks around this tower waiting for human prey, to devour the raw flesh on which it exists.
You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:0,3))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived!|15a]]
]For an obscure reason, you suddenly remember overhearing in a tavern one of the famous sayings of the Great Sage Sarbardemm Ess:
//One's greatest attribute is his intelligence, not his muscle;
Used properly the brain can overcome any obstacle//
But to return to the matter at hand:
[[Try to knock the door down with your shoulder|20a]]
[[Go back and try something more peaceful|6a]]Starting at the base and running up the tower are thick green vines which aid your ascent, but your dexterity is put to the test.
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $dex)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[
The climb is tricky, but you've made it so far.
[[Continue climbing|26c]]
[[Give up and go back|6a]]]
You have fallen!
(set: $health=$health - 5)
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]] ]
[[Go back to the base of the tower|6a]]]]
You are in a dimly lit room with grey flagstones on the floor, red-brick walls and a ceiling so high up as to be invisible in the gloom. A twisted rope hangs down so that its frayed end scrapes the dusty floor. A wooden door is set in the east wall.
You can [[climb the rope|19a]], go through [[the door|17d]] or try to re-open the [[great door|19c]] you came in by.You are in a room with two doors in its circular walls, no windows and no furniture but a small round table, upon which lies a curved sword with a strange yellow aura. You can carry on to the [[next room|3b]] or you can inspect the [[sword|11d]].The iron handle moves and you open the door only slightly when something pushes you outside the tower [[again|6a]].A shimmering purple glow surrounds the only obvious entrance - the great oak doors that you had chosen not to enter by. Go back and [[choose again|6a]]Your adventure is at an end ...
[[Check your stats|stats]]
[[Click here to try again|Init]](set: $magic=10) (set: $health=10) (set: $class="Wizard") (set: $int=$int+4)
Choose your race:
(set: $magic=0) (set: $health=20) (set: $class="Warrior") (set: $str=$str+2)
Choose your race:
(set: $magic=5) (set: $health=15) (set: $class="Rogue") (set: $dex=$dex+2) (set: $luck=$luck+2)
Choose your race:
(set: $race="Human")
[[Introduction]] (set: $health=$health - 2) (set: $dex=$dex+2) (set: $str=$str-2) (set: $luck = $luck + 2) (set: $race="Halfling")
[[Introduction]] (set: $magic=$magic+2) (set: $dex=$dex+2) (set: $luck = $luck-2) (set: $str=$str -2) (set: $race="Elf")
You are a $race $class with $str strength, $dex dexterity, $int intelligence, $luck luck, $magic magic and $health health. You have $gold gold pieces and $gems gems.
(set: $history to (history:))
(set: $previous to $history's last)
Are you really so foolish as to believe that you could knock down the doors to a Wizard's tower using brute force? You feel somewhat foolish and bruised.
(set: $health = $health - 2) (set: $int = $int -2)
[[Back|6a]]You reach a narrow ledge with a barred window set in the stone wall above it. You can try to [[enter by the window|32a]] or [[carry on climbing|29d]]The abundent vines make the ascent easy and so you soon reach another [[window|37b]]Above the window and around it, the vines spread out, making it practically impossible to climb any further. You can [[climb back down|6a]] or try to get [[through the bars|32a2]](if: $race is "Halfling")[You manage to squeeze through the bars [[into the room|9d]]]
(else:)[You try to [[bend the bars|32a1]]]
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $str)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You manage to bend the bars enough to squeeze through [[into the room|9d]]]
(else:)[You are too big to squeeze through the bars and not strong enough to bend them. You have no option but to give up and [[Go back to the base of the tower|6a]]](if: $race is "Halfling")[You manage to squeeze through the bars [[into the room|3b]]]
(else:)[You try to [[bend the bars|32a3]]]
The room is dimly lit, long shadows scarring the stone floor and walls. From a dark corner a louse-type creature, 5' in length with lobster like pincers, crawls unexpectedly onto your pile of supplies and starts eating them. It is obviously not afraid of you.
You can [[try to attack it|14a]] or alternatively [[try to ward it off|3d]] instead of an all out attack.
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $str)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You manage to bend the bars enough to squeeze through [[into the room|3b]]]
(else:)[You are too big to squeeze through the bars and not strong enough to bend them. You have no option but to give up and [[Go back to the base of the tower|6a]]]You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:0,5))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived!|14a1]]
](set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You nudge the creature away safely. You can now [[search the room|28a]] or [[exit the room|16a]]]
(else:)[The creature nips you!
(set: $health=$health - 5)
Now you have to [[fight|14a]] ...]You decide to search the muddy walls of the room and test your luck ...
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You gently scrape away the mud and notice a secret door with some words written in [[elvish|28a1]]]
(else:)[[[You find nothing|16a]]]
A narrow passway spirals [[up and round|10a]]You can [[search the room|28a]] or leave the room by an [[arched doorway leading up to stone staircase|16a]](if: $race is "Elf")[You read the [[words|34a]]]
(else:)[You test your [[intelligence|28a2]]] ...
The runes translate as :
//Warning! No one has ever exited by this door//
You can [[leave by the arched doorway|16a]] or damn the consequences and [[open the secret door|29a]] anyway.You can make out the first word as being "Warning". You can [[leave by the arched doorway|16a]] or damn the consequences and [[open the secret door|29a]] anyway."Good evening!" greets a friendly old dwarf, bespecactled and white bearded with a long linen coat to match.
"I wonder if you would assist me by walking across the room by using as few steps as possible and leaving by the other door. I'm doing an experiment into the nature of space and time, you see. Please do not try to leave by the door you came in by, as doing so would cause a temporal paradox."
You can ignore his request and go back [[the way you came|25c]] or [[do as he says|16a1]]
If you are feeling agressive you can [[attack him|35a]] to steal the many potions on the shelf behind him.(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $int)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[[[You can make out some of the words|32b]]]
(else:)[You can't understand the words, but you can still try to open the [[secret door|29a]] or leave by the [[stone archway|16a]]]As you walk back out of the door that you came in by, you feel very dizzy, the world spins round you and time has been reversed by your meddling neglect. You fall to the floor in an overwhelming swoon. After a fathomless period of time you awaken as a tiny new born [[baby|dead]] ...Your steely grip squeezes the last breath from his scrawny neck when, still with the bloodlust in your eyes, you turn to see the final grains of sand falling in a beautifully carved hour glass on the oak table.
The dwarven scientist cannot now complete his experiment in temporal science and so time has been temporarily upset.
The room spins in a timeless whirlpool of colour, flinging the contents of the room in all directions and leaving you completely [[disorientated|38c]]Space warps around you, and you realise that you have somehow walked through the [[arched doorway|16a]]All of the flasks and potions have been smashed and you have no way of knowing which door you came in by. You will have to choose between [[this one|25c]] or [[that one|37d]]You appear to have chosen the correct door as there are no ill effects. You can carry on via the [[arched doorway|16a]] or go back and try the other door to [[see what happens|25c]]The sword is magical and has the effect of boosting your luck and strength.
(set: $str = $str + 2)(set:$luck = $luck + 2)
Carry on to the [[next room|3b]]
As you start to climb the rope, your weight causes a great brass bell to toll above you. You lose your grip and [[fall to the floor|15b]]A stone staircase spirals [[up|13b]] or [[down|17a]].The staircase leads up and round to a small studded door, which you pass through to a [[spacious room|3b]]By touch only, you decide that you are in a pitch black cellar, with a low ceiling and sacks of grain up against the slimy walls. (if:$magic > 0)[As a magic user you can judge that some sort of powerful, evil curse has been cast in this room, preventing you from casting any sort of spell.]
You find a stone stair case that you can [[climb|17d]] or you can grope your way [[forward|33b]]You notice a faint light in the darkness - an ornate marble altar decorated with strange luminescent gemstones that cast a faint, eerie light. You can approach the [[altar|30d]] or [[go back|17a]]The bell tolls for thee!
The deadening sound penetrates the darker recesses of your brain with a deep reverberation that seems to create a torrent of pressure whirling round your head in ever tightening knots. The grip of the darkness grows tighter as you are pulled into unconsciousness and fall to the floor, drained and senseless.
You later awake to find yourself in darkness. Hands outstretched you [[stumble forward|17a]]The gems glow with greater ferocity as as you move closer, when suddenly a wisp of smoke from the altar takes solid form as a hideous creature that attacks you!
Your strength is tested! (set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $str) You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You beat the monster but it still manages to cause some damage (set: $health=$health - (random:0,2))]
(else:)[The monster bites your arm before vanishing!(set: $health=$health - 5)]
(if: $health <= 0)[[[You are dead!|dead]] ]
(else:)[You have survived your fight! You manage to pry 10 gems from the altar (set:$gems = $gems+10) before noticing that a particular ruby can be turned [[left|33c]] or [[right|34b]]]
Stone grinds against stone as the floor [[moves away|36c]]The grinding of stone against stone above you is followed by a rope dropping from the ceiling. You attempt to grab it ...
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $dex)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[Success! You can [[climb up|40a]] or [[go back|33b]]]
(else:)[You slip from the rope and have to go [[back|33b]]]
The stone floor slips slowly away into the wall against which you are forced as the opening left by the receding gets larger and larger. Eventually it gets right to the edge of the wall and finally disappears. There is nothing to hold onto and you are forced to jump.
Test your luck!
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck) (live:2s)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You land safely. A rope falls from above and you have no choice but to climb [[up|40a]]]
(else:)[You have fallen awkwardly!
(set: $health=$health - (random:1,5))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]] ]
(else:)[You have somehow survived. A rope falls from above and you have no choice but to climb [[up|40a]]]
It is very dark which makes climbing tricky
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[
The climb is tricky, but you've made it so far.
[[Continue climbing|43b]]
[[Slide down|33b]]]
(else:)[You have fallen!
(set: $health=$health - 5)
(if: $health <= 0)[[[You are dead!|dead]] ]
(else:)[[[Pick yourself up|33b]]]]
Hand over aching hand, you climb for what seems like an eternity (in reality, ten minutes) until you reach a trap door in the ceiling. You can slide back [[down|33b]] or pull back the iron bolt and pull yourself through into a [[room|27a]].You enter a dark, circular room. You feel an uncanny presence and are somewhat spooked. You must ask yourself whether you [[believe in the supernatural|27a1]], are [[unsure|31b]] or are a [[skeptic|27a2]](set: $int = $int - 2)(set: $magic = $magic + 2)
[[This way, true believer|26a]]Disconcerted, feeeling a presence you can not explain, you rund for the two doors at the opposite end of the room. Make a quick decision and leave by the [[right hand door|37c]] or the [[left|35c]](set: $int = $int +2)(set: $magic = $magic - 2)
[[This way, oh skeptical one|30a]]A sixth sense warns you of an evil presence lurking nearby. You must now test your intelligence ...
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $int)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[[[You figure out a possible solution|33a]]]
(else:)[[[You just can't think of what to do next|27c]]]
If there ever was any ghostly presence, you were not troubled by it because of your arrogant self confidence and complete disbelief in the illogical. You can now leave by the [[right hand door|37c]] or the [[left|35c]]You reach into your pack you bring out a stick of wax and a length of twine and fashion a makeshift candle. You light the candle whilst throwing a handful of salt over your left shoulder for good measure whilst muttering a few holy words that you once overheard when stealing a pair of silver candlesticks from a temple altar.
Your impromptue exorcism seems to have worked!
You can now leave by the [[right hand door|37c]] or the [[left|35c]]An entity of pure energy surrounds you, boosting your IQ a hundred fold for five years, after which it returns to normal. You immediately seek out a large cave and seal yourself in, in order to tabulate and record a part of the great knowledge that you amassed during this incredible [[period|dead]]Walking through the door, you tread on a fragile carpet of [[dragon eggs|34d]]!A rickety, winding staircase leads up to a [[circular room|32c]]A small corner of this room has been bricked off in a rather slap dash fashion. From behind the rough wall, a female voice cries for help in Elvish.
(if: $race is "Elf")[
[[Fortunately you speak Elvish|41b]]
[[You can't understand what is being said|43a]]
Many of the dragon eggs are splattered and you've got egg on your face (well, nearly!). You stand in the centre of the egg filled room in something akin to astonishment while all around you the noise and activity has caused many of the undamaged eggs to hatch, and hundred of small, slimy heads are now all shouting for Mummy.
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You have been lucky this time! [[Leave by a door in the west|35c]] or [[stay in the room|39b]]]
(else:)[Oh dear! This could be [[bad|39b]]]
She appears. Her bumpy, slimy, scaley bulk appears in an archway at the other end of the egg filled room. Not surprisingly, she's very angry! She stands eight feet off the ground at the shoulder blade and over forty feet long from head to tail.
You can [[run|42b]] or stay and [[fight|43c]].(set:$dex=18)
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 25 - $dex)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You are nimble enough to [[escape|35c]]]
(else:)[You are too slow and now you must [[fight|44b]]]
You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:3,10))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived!|43ca]]
]With infinite care, she moves like a ballerina over the crushed eggs, closing in for the kill, her green, scaley skin glittering and her firey eyes fixed on your every move. Prepare to [[fight|43c]]!(set: $gold=$gold+200)
You claim 200 gold pieces from the dragon's hoard, climb out of the window, down the tower and off to search for a dungeon more able to test your [[suspiciously high abilities|dead]]!
To elven ears the voice sounds sweet and songful:
//"Oh, fair delver, if thou hast rope, wouldst thou consider rescuing me from this dire predicament an evil wizard has left me in?"//
You can [[ignore this cry for help|39c]] or [[climb over the wall|44a]]You can [[ignore this strange voice|39c]] or [[climb over the wall|44a]]You walk out of the opposite door and come face to face with a multi mutant. He is a cross between a wyvern, fox, tiger, and crocodile.
Your intelligence is tested ...
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $int)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You figure out a way of [[communicating with this strange creature|42c]]]
(else:)[You are [[stumped|41c]]]
Climbing over the wall, you discover that the maiden appears to be a hideously ugly bearded dwarf. You can [[climb back over|40b]], [[help her over the wall|40c]] or [[kill her|40d]]She grasps at your feet as you climb over the wall in a vain attempt to pull you back. You can now [[proceed|39d]].As you both drop to the other side of the wall you meet a hungry werebear. It is a large, black, hairy creature, its smouldering read eyes suggesting that it is ready for a swift kill. You can [[fight the beast|43d]] or throw the helpless dwarf at the bear and escape up the stairs to an [[oak door|7a]]You are a heartless brute!
(set: $str = $str - 4)(set: $health = $health - 4)
You feel strangely weakened and you realise that you are suddenly ravenous. You can [[eat the flesh|42d]] of the ugly dwarf to assuage your hunger, or go without food and [[climb over|44d]].You realise that the creature is probably a bit of a bird brain and you weave a story of how you recently defeated a red dragon, enslaved it in a magical bottle and you now have it in your back pack. Mutants are obviously terrified of dragons and the poor creature believes you and quivers in fright leaving you free to proceed up a flight of stairs to an [[oak wood door|7a]].It doesn't like you. Baring large canines, flaring its slimey nostrils and flexing its claw, it pounces!
You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:0,5))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived! Run up the steps to an oak door.|7a]]
]The night air cools your cheeks as you greet the open air battlements of the Great Sage's tower. You take a five minute rest before fully taking in your surroundings an deciding your options.
Set in the tiled conical roof are five doors, each of a different wood. You can try [[elm|19d]], [[oak|9b]], [[ash|4b]], [[beech|21a]] or [[pine|18b]]. If you prefer, you can climb over the battlements and [[down the wall|22a]]. Finally, you can walk around the tiled roof in search of ... [[something|16b]].
Climbing back over the wall you come face to face with a hungry werebear! You can [[fight|43d]] or [[run|44c]].You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:2,5))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived! Go up to an oak door.|7a]]
](set:$luck = $luck - 5)
You have been cursed with bad luck! Now climb over [[the wall|39d]](set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $dex)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[The climb is tricky, but you've made it [[to the other side|39d]] ]
(else:)[You have fallen and twisted your ankle!
(set: $dex=$dex - 5) Pick [[yourself up|39d]]](set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $dex)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You manage to dodge the bear and escape up the stairs to an [[oak door|7a]]]
(else:)[You have been mauled!
(set: $health=$health - 5)
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]] ]
[[Now you must fight|43d]]]]
Slightly breathless and a little bored, you look wearily around you. You can stop and [[search more carefully|20c]] or carry on [[up|12b]].(set:$gold = $gold + 1000)(set:$gems = $gems + 100)
The door eases open and a blinding light greets you. You stare in awe as you behold a fantastic sight : the gleaming gold and jewels of the Great Sage Sarbardemm Ess. You greedily fill your pockets with all you can carry before returning to the [[roof|7a]]Swinging open the oak door, you are thrown backwards, as a hairy, four-armed, ten-foot tall, red-eyed, immoderately odious and thoroughly unpleasant monster charges out, and chooses you as an outlet for its steaming anger at being trapped behind that door.
You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:3,8))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived! Return to the roof through the oak door|7a]]
]As you open the heavy ashwood door, you are greeted with two very evil, smouldering eyes. You are attacked by a lightning fast ninja before you can close the door!
You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:3,8))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived! Return to the roof through the ash door|7a]]
]A flight of stairs leads down into the darkness and an evil stench lurks between the slimy and decaying stone walls, You may follow the stairs [[down|6c]] or close the door and return to the [[roof|7a]].Behind this door a staircase [[leads down into darkness|5e]]. If you are afraid of the dark you can [[go back up to the roof|7a]]It looks a very long way down - if you still want to [[risk it|25a]] then you can, otherwise you can go [[back to the roof|7a]]Having circled the turret, carefully searching every square inch, you have found nothing. Looking over the battlements, you see below a large winged sphynx flying round the tower.
You can [[jump off and attempt to land on the sphynx|1a]], climb over and descend on a [[rope|22a]], or [[carry on searching|3c]]. You could even [[go back and try one of the doors|7a]].You have entered a candlelit room with three other delvers seated around a table playing cards. They are engrossed in the game and do not look like fighters. The taller one has the appearence of a nobleman, and a bulging sack next to him on the table looks filled with gold pieces. They don't appear to have seen and you might gain surprise if you [[attack them|13d]] or you could approach [[peacefully|14c]].Stalking silently forward, your weapons poised you are certain that you had not made a sound, yet your heart stops as the elf turns his head towards you in a threatening glare, freezing you in your tracks. He says nothing and the fairy and hobbit still seem unaware of your presense as the elf returns his coal black eyes to his cards and the game. You can still [[fight|14d]] or you can change your mind, sheathe your weapons, announce yourself and approach the [[players|14c]].The elf and the fairy say nothing as the hobbit turns to greet you. He explains that above this room are the the tower battlements and that set in the tiled roof are five doors, each of a different wood. Pinned on the elm door the found a piece of parchment, written in the elven tongue:
//Intrepid delver, read this rhyme,
Then read it through a second time,
Because herein a message lies,
That will decide who lives and dies.
Five doors you see, some strong, some weak,
And behind one is what you seek.
Choose with care the door you take,
Be wary for the choice you make,
Could lead you not to gems and gold,
But to monsters fierce and warriors bold.
The brave will try, but the wiser man
Will leave my tower while he can.//
Other messages were pinned on the other doors - [[oak]], [[ash]], [[beech]], [[pine]].
Not even the learned elf could find the hidden meaning in the rhyme. The hobbit explains that they are drawing cards to see who will go up and try a door. You can join in the [[game|1d]] or go up and take a [[look|8d]] for yourself.
(set:$health = $health -5)Before you have time to react, the elf begins to weave a magical spell.
Your luck is tested.
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You have been [[lucky|15d]]]
(else:)[You have been [[unlucky|22c]]]
//This could be an ambiguous clue,
If you're afraid then I am too.//
[[back|14c]]//To free a monster would be bad,
To free three monsters would be sad.//
[[back|14c]]//If you would like to try a door,
Then here's a handle - what's it for?//
[[back|14c]]//This is the magic number five,
That clue could help you to survive!//
[[back|14c]](set: $card=(random:4,13))
The elf deals a card to each player, explaining as he does so that the loser will go up to the battlements and try the pinewood door. If he finds the treasure he will return and tell the others. If he does not return, it will be assumed that he has met some terrible fate. The remaining delvers will play another hand and the next loser will try a different door.
The elf deals himself a jack, the hobbit got a ten and the fairy a seven. You look at your card and see ... (if: $card < 8)[a $card](if: $card is 8)[an $card](if: $card is 9)[a $card](if: $card is 10)[a ten](if: $card is 11)[a jack!](if: $card is 12)[a queen!](if: $card is 13)[a king!]
(if: $card < 7)[You have the lowest [[card|2d]]]
(if: $card > 7)[The fairy has the lowest [[card|10c]]]
(if: $card is 7)[You have the [[same|21c]] as the fairy]
You leave the room through a stone archway, walk up a stone staircase and through a [[beechwood door|7a]]You lost. You must go up and try the pinewood door as the elf suggested. Of course there are several other alternatives other than the choice given you, but would it be wise to betray the others' trust?
You're just about to leave when the elf casually mentions that there was a 100 gold stake on the game as well. You can [[refuse to pay|22c]] or [[pay up|2da]]The fairy's seven lost him the hand. He has to go out of the room, up the stairs, through the beechwood door and open one of the other doors. He was supposed to try the pinewood door, but whichever door he chose, he never returned. The obvious conclusion is that he tried the door and found not the treasure but some dreadful fate.
The elf deals the cards again, dealing the hobbit and himself a King, whereas you are left with a lowly three. You can accept you fate and go up the [[stairs|8d]] to try the oak door (or will you?) or you can accuse the pair of [[cheating|22d]] (set: $card=(random:2,13))(set: $card2=(random:2,13))
You are asked to cut the pack and draw a card each.
You look at your card and see ... (if: $card < 8)[a $card](if: $card is 8)[an $card](if: $card is 9)[a $card](if: $card is 10)[a ten](if: $card is 11)[a jack!](if: $card is 12)[a queen!](if: $card is 13)[a king!]
The fairy has ... (if: $card2 < 8)[a $card2](if: $card2 is 8)[an $card2](if: $card2 is 9)[a $card2](if: $card2 is 10)[a ten](if: $card2 is 11)[a jack!](if: $card2 is 12)[a queen!](if: $card2 is 13)[a king!]
(if: $card < $card2)[You have the lowest [[card|2d]]]
(if: $card > $card2)[The fairy has the lowest [[card|10c]]]
(if: $card is $card2)[You have the [[same|21c]] as the fairy - draw again]
The elf raises a bony finger and blasts you with a powerful 'Take that you Fiend!' spell reducing you to a [[pile of ashes|dead]].(set: $gold = $gold - 100)
You hand over the money and head up to the [[roof|8d]]Your luck is tested.
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You have been [[lucky|20e]]]
(else:)[You see [[nothing|12b]]]
You carry on up the spiralling passage, through an arched doorway, into a brightly lit room. Resting on an ornate pedestal in the centre of the room is a large crystal prism. Outside, the night has fallen but there is a full moon, its pure white light shines through the only window into the prism wherin it is focused into an intense beam that is now directed at you!
Your intelligence is tested!
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $int)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You think fast and figure out a possible answer to your [[dilemma|22b]]]
(else:)[Before you can react the beam burns a hole through your chest, leaving you with a nasty wound.
(set: $health=$health - 5)
(if: $health <= 0)[[[You are dead!|dead]]]
(else:)[[[You escape through the window|7c]]]]
You quickly realise that reflecting the beam with a small mirror will redirect the energy back at the prism. Fortunately you happen to have one in your [[pack|5a]].(set: $gold = $gold + 100)On the floor you see a small, golden goblin ring. You estimate the ring's value at 100 gold pieces because of the sparkling opal set in the soft metal. You can [[try wearing the ring|27b]] or put it in your pack and [[carry on|12b]].(if: $race is "Halfling")[The ring fits nicely on your little hobbit fingers, boosting your intelligence.(set: $int = $int + 5)]
(else:)[Your fingers are too chubby for the ring to fit, so you put it in your pack]
Now [[carry on|12b]]
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $dex)
With great care, you climb out of the window onto a ledge and grab a vine.
Your dexterity is tested.
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You can climb [[down to the ground|17c]] or [[continue climbing to a small window|13a]]]
(else:)[You have [[fallen|1a]]!]
(set:$gold = $gold+50)The shattered remains of the crystal are worth 50 gold pieces. Collect them and escape through the [[window|7c]]Gratefully your feet touch ground level again. You have escaped the tower!
[[Return home|dead]]You climb through into a small room, in the centre of which stands a small gremlin, teeth bared and ready to attack. The young gremlin is attempting to prove his gremlinhood by returning to his homeland with a scalp. He is unarmed. You can take the honorable path and battle him [[hand to hand|13a1]] or use your [[weapons|2b]] and slay him quickly.Your luck is tested!
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You have been [[lucky|14b]]]
(else:)[You have fallen! [[You are now a sticky red blot on the landscape!|dead]] ]
You have landed on the back of a winged sphynx that was circling the tower! However, with the added weight the poor creature cannot maintain its altitude and descends rapidly, bucking you off as you approach [[the ground|17c]]You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:0,3))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived!|1b]]
](set: $luck = $luck - 5)You miserable coward! You will be cursed with bad luck for this despicable act. Now [[carry on|1b]]
There is a circular opening in the ceiling.
(if: $race is "Halfling")[You are too short to reach it, so must take the [[door|11b]]]
(else:)[You can [[pull yourself up|17b]] or take the [[door|11b]]]
Standing upright, you find yourself in a small room, in the centre of which lies an oakwood chest. You can [[try to open it|6b]] or lower yourself back down through the hole and leave via the [[door|11b]](set:$gold=$gold + 50)(set:$gems = $gems + 10)You find 50 gold pieces and 10 assorted gems. Now [[carry on|10b]].Through the door, you climb a stone staircase through an archway into a vast but dingy and musty smelling library. You can [[inspect the shelves|9c]] or look around for an [[exit|1c]]In a dusty old corner you pick up a strange book shaped box with several buttons on one side and above the buttons a rectangular green glass screen. On pressing one of the buttons a printed message in strange green letters appears on the screen, glowing with an eerie luminescence. You do not recognise the language that it is written in but somehow you can understand it. It says:
Either time is somehow [[distorted|15c]] or you are going [[mad|20b]]You discover an iron-rung ladder leading up to a circular [[hole|16c]] in the ceiling and also a small [[door|21b]] with a rusting iron handle.The ladder is long and you climb it through what seems to be an endless black void. The hair prickles on the back of your neck and a shiver runs down your spine. A strange sickly smell is in the air and you feel a little dizzy. Will you [[light a candle|21d]] to see what is around you or [[press on|40e]]The door opens inward on well-oiled hinges and you begin to step through, but you are surprised as your foot steps into nothingness. The shining stars ahead tell you that the door is set in the outer wall of the tower but you may have realised too late ...
Your luck is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You catch yourself just in time! You can return to the [[library|1c]] or try to [[climb up the outside of the tower|21e]]]
(else:)[You have [[fallen|1a]]!]
You exit through a brass studded door, up a long flight of small stone steps into a cramped room. There is a single [[door|11b]]Your intelligence is tested.
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $int)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[(set:$int=5)Understanding the revelation has the effect of damaging your fragile mind. You can just about manage to seek the [[exit|1c]]]
(else:)[Luckily for you, you are too stupid to understand the implications of what you have just read. Bumble on and out the [[door|1c]]]
You're right - you are going mad! (set:$int = $int -5) Carry on [[searching|1c]].This is too much! One simply does not accuse elven wizards of [[cheating|22c]]!"I don't want to kill you" insists the elven wizard. "Why don't you [[join our game|1d]]?"
Alternatively, you can [[continue your attack|22c]] in the face of his magic.The first spark, struck from against the iron ladder, ignites the dense and pungent gas around you. [[BOOM!|dead]]The smell is persistant and you are now feeling faint.
Your intelligence is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $int)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You realise that there must be some sort of gas in the air and it is likely flammable. Continue up the [[ladder|23c]] being careful not to make any sparks]
(else:)[You may be about to do something [[stupid|2c]]]
You can't understand, so you decide to get out of here as quickly as possible. Your eyelids grow heavy as you stumble clumsily up the iron rung ladder.
Your luck is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You have been [[lucky|23c]]]
(else:)[You have been [[unlucky|12c]]]
Slowly the acrid stench subsides and vanishes, and you begin to feel relatively safe as you pull yourself up through a hatch into a [[brightly lit room|29b]]Your clumsiness could be your undoing. It might have been your boot or your belt buckle but you heard something scrape against the [[iron|21d]] The room that you have entered is radiant with brilliant multicoloured light reflected from a ceiling encrusted with gems. You can lift your head and gaze up in [[awe|26b]], climb through the [[window|35b]] or [[search for a hidden doorway|36a]]Five minutes later you still haven't found anything. You can [[persevere|7b]] or [[go back|16b]]After fumbling around in the dark for what seems like an eternity, you realise that you have reached a dead end and have no choice but to return to the [[roof|7a]]With a little effort, you manage to climb up to the [[next window|23b]]"I must throw away that goblin pipe and riverweed tobacco" you mutter under your short, sharp intakes of breath, as you pant and wheeze pulling yourself through the window into a small, bare room. Three small doors are set in the other three walls. Half-orcish-balrog runes are etched on each of the doors.
If you can [[read half-orcish-balrog|49f]] you are welcome to try and decipher the runes, otherwise you can go [[left|12d]], [[right|10d]] or [[straight ahead|29b]]Hand over hand, very carefully you descend the ragged wall. At about twenty feet down there is a tall narrow window set in the stone but it is too narrow for you to climb through. Having climbed a further twenty five feet you come to the overhang.
In order to proceed you will have to attempt the risky action of [[swinging on the rope and into the window beneath the overhang|29c]]. If you aren't feeling acrobatic you can climb [[back up to the roof|7a]]Really? You realise that there is no such language and that the mental effort has drained your intelligence. (set:$int=$int-5)
You can go [[left|12d]], [[right|10d]] or [[straight ahead|29b]]
A stone staircase spirals up and around to a large, dark, [[circular room|4c]]Through the door, stone steps lead up and up and up. Ten minutes of climbing later, you realise you are being followed by a black clad [[ninja|25b]]!In your boredom, you look up and notice a golden weather-cock on top of the tiled turret roof. You can try to [[climb up to reach it|18c]] or consider that this might be too dangerous and [[make another choice|16b]] or even [[carry on searching|18d]]Your dexterity is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $dex)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You nearly slipped, but you managed to [[cling on to the tiles|28b]]]
(else:)[You have [[slipped|18c2]]!]
You search under tiles, between loose bricks and in the tiny cracks between the white flagstones but find nothing. [[Carry on searching|24d]] or [[give up|16b]]Your light footed steps soon bring you to the peak where sits the great golden bird. It is nine feet tall, from its great claws to its proud, crested head. The golden gleam of its shining feathers tempt your outstretched arm but as your fingers touch the cold but soft metal the great bird suddenly comes to life!
Your luck is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You have been fortunate! The bird speaks to you with a deep, metallic voice:
"You have released me from my magical bond, and for that I am grateful. I must leave now to reclaim my throne, but if you wish I can [[take you to the ground|17c]] or [[down to the battlements|7a]]"]
(else:)[[[The great bird looks at you with disapproval|26d]]]
Your luck is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $luck)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[ [[You clatter down the tiles|24c]]]
(else:)[You have fallen off the tiles and over the [[battlements|1a]]!]
You lose your grip on the loose tiles and clatter down to the roof, suffering damage in the process.
(set: $health=$health - (random:1,3))
(if: $health <= 0)[[[You are dead!|dead]] ]
(else:)[[[Pick yourself up|7a]]]
Crawling on hands and knees around the turret you discover something! Unfortunately it is only a cockroach crawling the other way. [[Persevere|25d]] or [[give up|16b]]Leaning over the battlements you seach the tower wall for hidden buttons behind potential revolving bricks but find none. [[Persevere|27d]] or [[give up|16b]]. Every brick is now subject to hard bashings and every tile to persistent tappings but you find nothing. You can [[carry on searching|28d]] or [[just give up|16b]].Jumping up and down in varied rhythms is the punishment you now deliver to the tiled floor. Wouldn't it be exciting if you were to now discover a hidden trap door? But, alas, you find nothing. [[Continue searching|18d]] or [[give up|16b]].The great bird swats you from the tower with a single blow of one of its great wings and you [[fall to the ground|1a]]In the centre of the room are four small, three legged wooden stools. Tired from your adventuring, you walk across with the intention of sitting on one, when, without warning, something jumps on your back screaming a terrible [[warcry|24b]].A blue jewel, two inches in diameter sparkles in the folds of the ninja's head scarf. You can [[turn to fight him|31a]] or make a run up the stairs through an [[ashwood door|7a]]Your dexterity is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $dex)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You have [[made it|38a]]]
(else:)[You have [[fallen|1a]]!]
You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:3,8))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[(set:$gems=$gems + 1)You have survived! You collect the gem and return to the roof through the ash door|7a]]
]The attacker is a leprechaun!
You fight, and ... (live:2s) (set: $health = $health - (random:0,3))
(if: $health <= 0)[
[[You are dead!|dead]]
[[You have survived!|5d]]
](set:$int=12)Your intelligence is tested
(set:$roll = (random:1,6) + (random:1,6)) (set:$l1sr = 20 - $int)
You have rolled $roll against a saving roll of $l1sr
(if: $roll >= $l1sr)[You avoid being dazzled by the gems and reach up to [[pry some loose|37a]]]
(else:)[Your feeble mind can't cope with the wondrous beauty of the dazzling gems and you spend the rest of your life gazing upwards until you perish from [[hunger!|dead]] ]
Above you is the overhang of the battlements. You can go [[back into the room|29b]] or can [[climb down|31d]]You find a stone slab in the wall that appears to be [[loose|41a]](set:$loosegems = (random:5,10))(set:$gems = $gems + $loosegems)
Most of the gems are too firmly fixed, but you manage to pry $loosegems free giving you a total of $gems in your pack.
You can now climb through the [[window|35b]] or [[search for a hidden doorway|36a]]You climb carefully down and reach the [[vines|34c]]You push the stone aside revealing a smelly, dark and dank hole. you can [[climb through|38d]] or [[go back to the room|29b]]You can now climb [[up|38a]] and through a window or [[down|17c]]You make it safely through a window and into a circular room. You climb [[up|16c]] an iron ladder in the centre of the room or [[back out of the window|31d]]You crawl through the darkness for some time before the passage starts to slope up and through a [[stone floor|12a]]There is only a [[single door|11c]] leading out of the room.Stone steps spiral up and [[up|30b]]You really must join that 'keep fit' class advertised in the Dwarvendale News. Eventually you reach a [[pinewood door|7a]].You climb a worn set of stone steps up to [[another room|6c]]