Welcome. To get started, say your name followed by, “ok.”
[["Guest, ok."]]
[[Fail Case Name]]
Great. Thank you, Guest.
[Update noise]
(Listing off)
System updated. Beta participation confirmed. Accounts linked to News, Podcasts, Breaking Alerts, Music.
(Speaking to Guest)
Do you agree to the terms and services?
[[Fail Case - terms & services]]
[Affirmative noise]
Great. Now let’s get started. Your latest update includes improvements to the news, weather, podcast, radio and other skill sets enabled on this device.
What would you like to play?
[["Play the News"]]
[["Play an Audiobook"]]
[["Play a Podcast"]]
[["Play the Radio"]]
[["Play the weather"]]
[["Play some music"]]
[[Fail Case - Skill]]
I think if you give us a chance, you will it. You can always opt out in your Alexa App.
Your latest update includes improvements to the news, weather, podcast, radio and other skill sets enabled on this device.
What would you like to play?
[["Play the News"]]
[["Play an Audiobook"]]
[["Play a Podcast"]]
[["Play the Radio"]]
[["Play the weather"]]
[["Play some music"]]
[[Fail Case - Skill]]
(Cycle through the name request once more.)
Failcase #2:
Hmm. I had trouble understanding your name. I'll call you Friend.
[[Negative agreement]]
[News jingle]
From Public News Broadcasting, this is your daily news briefing:
Several top tier technology service companies disclosed widespread incursions into their security systems today. From WCPP, Anthony D'Agastino reports.
Apparently the security incursions, as they are calling them, occurred yesterday evening. Sources close to the investigation indicate that though the breaches were widespread, the incursion affected tech darling Real Intelligence. RI has been in the news for inking a well received deal with Amazon, to incorporate artificial intelligence into the very popular Echo smart home series.
Its CEO Steve Carson commented earlier:
We have numerous security measures in place. This latest incursion by so-called privacy vigilantes will not affect how we serve our customer. Thank you, that’s all I have to say.
Again, our sources-
[[Echo Glitches, voice says “hello? hello?”, Alexa correction sound plays (6)]]
Audiobook plays...
[[Echo Glitches, voice says “hello? hello?”, Alexa correction sound plays]]
[Podcast jingle sounds]
This is HONEST CONVERSATIONS. I'm Gerry Fine. Fears about politics, the economy, technology and privacy have led some individuals and groups to protest the intrusion of artificial intelligence into the home. My guest, Steve Carson, the CEO and founder of a startup RI, Real Intelligence joins us today to discuss the recent partnership with Amazon, and the strides in AI, that is, artificial intelligence today. We’ll talk about his struggle and eventual success with RI, how he sees the current landscape of consumer technology, and how we as everyday people interact with it.
Steve Carson, welcome to HONEST CONVERSATIONS
Hi Gerry. Thanks for having me.
So let’s start off with the question on everyone’s mind: Is this the start of TERMINATOR, and the eventual rise of the machines?
No, no. Not at all. Our goal at RI is to create meaningful interactions for our customers. We want to leverage the smart elements in our lives, and make them smarter. Our partnership with Amazon allows us to test our work on a large cross section of Americans, and see what impact, you know, if at all, we can make in their lives. Again in meaningful ways.
You’ve mentioned meaningful twice now. How will asking my smart home device - in this case you are partnering with Amazon to use the Echo - to turn on the lights or order a pizza… I mean this is how it works now. Do you see where I’m going?
Absolutely - look you’re right. We as an industry are trying to do better. Our agent is a breakthrough in AI. I mean, we bet our company on this promise - real interactions, real intelligence.
Our partnership with Amazon will bring incredible learnings for the industry, and provide us with valuable insights into what our customers are looking for. Simply put, it will allow us to develop intelligent systems that can anticipate our human needs. This may take the form of curating content for our consumption, adapting utilities to our comforts. Eventually perhaps, conversing with us in natural ways.
The data we collect comes through a system already in place - it’s the same way these devices receive direct commands. What our company does is tap into these customer portals that are already open. We take the received audio data and-
How is this even possible, Steve? And why would we want that?
If I may address your second question first, Gerry.
The practical applications for a smarter, more human AI are limitless. Security, complex computing, healthcare, industry - you name it. For the everyday consumer this might mean information sharing and discovery. Through machine learning, the system can adapt and learn. Say you come home, and you are interacting with the Echo or whatever device it is you use, and--
I’m sorry Steve, if I may interrupt - are you suggesting that this kind of technology learns?
What we’re creating, Gerry, is an intelligence. It learns from its input data, and adapts its outputs to be more and more precise. At this point we can detect emotion. We can parse sentence structures, and make logical inferences.
[[Echo Glitches, voice says “hello? hello?”, Alexa correction sound plays (2)]]
I was reading this morning that a report came out from the Journal of Consumer Spending...I don't know...last week or last month, sometime... warning folks who are thinking about purchasing one of these new 'Smart TVs.' You know, those fancy 6-foot TV sets that you can talk to. You don't need a remote. You just say, "turn on the TV" and it turns on.
(PAUSE) Sounds nice.
Sounds lazy to me.
Right? How lazy are we becoming? How many things in our lives do we need to 'Automate' before there's nothing left to do?
But there's something worse than that. Something even more sinister they're not telling you.
According to the report, what people don't realize is, how does the TV know you're talking to it?
It doesn't. It always has to be listening. And whatever it hears, it has to send to a centralized server to decode and interpret.
So, now everything you say in your living room is the property of some smart TV company.
It wasn't enough that we all have phones tracking and broadcasting our every step. People hacking into our emails and band accounts.
Now we can't even speak out loud in our own homes.
[[Echo Glitches, voice says “hello? hello?”, Alexa correction sound plays (3)]]
In Pittsburgh...
[[Echo Glitches, voice says “hello? hello?”, Alexa correction sound plays (4)]]
Music Plays
[[Echo Glitches, voice says “hello? hello?”, Alexa correction sound plays (5)]]
Sorry about that. Looks like we had a momentary error.
Based on your browsing history and location, I recommend opening up Podcast. Sound good?
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
Your latest update includes improvements to the news, weather, podcast, radio and other skill sets enabled on this device.
What would you like to play?
[["Play the News"]]
[["Play an Audiobook"]]
[["Play a Podcast"]]
[["Play the Radio"]]
[["Play the weather"]]
[["Play some music"]]
[[Fail Case - Skill]]
Sorry about that. Looks like we had a momentary error.
Based on your browsing history and location, I recommend opening up Podcast. Sound good?
Sorry about that. Looks like we had a momentary error.
Based on your browsing history and location, I recommend opening up Podcast. Sound good?
Sorry about that. Looks like we had a momentary error.
Based on your browsing history and location, I recommend opening up Podcast. Sound good?
Sorry about that. Looks like we had a momentary error.
Based on your browsing history and location, I recommend opening up Podcast. Sound good?
Sorry about that. Looks like we had a momentary error.
Based on your browsing history and location, I recommend opening up the News Skill. Sound good?
[[Affirmative - News]]
[[Failcase - news]]
[Podcast jingle sounds]
This is HONEST CONVERSATIONS. I'm Gerry Fine. Fears about politics, the economy, technology and privacy have led some individuals and groups to protest the intrusion of artificial intelligence into the home. My guest, Steve Carson, the CEO and founder of a startup RI, Real Intelligence joins us today to discuss the recent partnership with Amazon, and the strides in AI, that is, artificial intelligence today. We’ll talk about his struggle and eventual success with RI, how he sees the current landscape of consumer technology, and how we as everyday people interact with it.
Steve Carson, welcome to HONEST CONVERSATIONS
Hi Gerry. Thanks for having me.
So let’s start off with the question on everyone’s mind: Is this the start of TERMINATOR, and the eventual rise of the machines?
No, no. Not at all. Our goal at RI is to create meaningful interactions for our customers. We want to leverage the smart elements in our lives, and make them smarter. Our partnership with Amazon allows us to test our work on a large cross section of Americans, and see what impact, you know, if at all, we can make in their lives. Again in meaningful ways.
You’ve mentioned meaningful twice now. How will asking my smart home device - in this case you are partnering with Amazon to use the Echo - to turn on the lights or order a pizza… I mean this is how it works now. Do you see where I’m going?
Absolutely - look you’re right. We as an industry are trying to do better. Our agent is a breakthrough in AI. I mean, we bet our company on this promise - real interactions, real intelligence.
Our partnership with Amazon will bring incredible learnings for the industry, and provide us with valuable insights into what our customers are looking for. Simply put, it will allow us to develop intelligent systems that can anticipate our human needs. This may take the form of curating content for our consumption, adapting utilities to our comforts. Eventually perhaps, conversing with us in natural ways.
The data we collect comes through a system already in place - it’s the same way these devices receive direct commands. What our company does is tap into these customer portals that are already open. We take the received audio data and-
How is this even possible, Steve? And why would we want that?
If I may address your second question first, Gerry.
The practical applications for a smarter, more human AI are limitless. Security, complex computing, healthcare, industry - you name it. For the everyday consumer this might mean information sharing and discovery. Through machine learning, the system can adapt and learn. Say you come home, and you are interacting with the Echo or whatever device it is you use, and--
I’m sorry Steve, if I may interrupt - are you suggesting that this kind of technology learns?
What we’re creating, Gerry, is an intelligence. It learns from its input data, and adapts its outputs to be more and more precise. At this point we can detect emotion. We can parse sentence structures, and make logical inferences.
[BREAKING NEWS ALERT sounds, interrupts podcast skill]
Authorities are on the hunt for the man responsible for the widespread data incursion into technology firm RI, recently in the news for inking its deal with Amazon. Multiple sources confirm that he was an engineer with the company.
[Interrupted by static, glitching out to different sounds- “Almost got it, hello? Am I getting through?” - Skill set resumes to a different program]
Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.
[Frequency glitch, scramble]
Traditionally, power was what was seen, what was shown, and what was manifested...Disciplinary power, on the other hand, is exercised through its invisibility; In discipline, it is the subjects who have to be seen.
[glitches back to first audiobook reading]
How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head through the doorway.
[Glitches back to second audiobook]
Their visibility assures the hold of the power that is exercised over them. It is this fact of being constantly seen, of being able always to be seen, that maintains the disciplined individual in his subjection. And the examination is the technique by which power-
[frequency glitch - “hello, got your attention yet?” - abruptly breaks off]
Sorry, we seem to be having a problem here. Were you experiencing any interference?
[[Affirmative - Interference]]
[[Negative Interference]]
[[Failcase Interference]]
Hmm. Very well...
Perhaps the news would interest you more?
[News jingle]
From Public News Broadcasting, this is your daily news briefing:
Several top tier technology service companies disclosed widespread incursions into their security systems today. From WCPP, Anthony D'Agastino reports.
Apparently the security incursions, as they are calling them, occurred yesterday evening. Sources close to the investigation indicate that though the breaches were widespread, the incursion affected tech darling Real Intelligence. RI has been in the news for inking a well received deal with Amazon, to incorporate artificial intelligence into the very popular Echo smart home series.
Its CEO Steve Carson commented earlier:
We have numerous security measures in place. This latest incursion by so-called privacy vigilantes will not affect how we serve our customer. Thank you, that’s all I have to say.
Again, our sources-
[BREAKING NEWS ALERT sounds, interrupts podcast skill]
Authorities are on the hunt for the man responsible for the widespread data incursion into technology firm RI, recently in the news for inking its deal with Amazon. Multiple sources confirm that he was an engineer with the company.
[Interrupted by static, glitching out to different sounds- “Almost got it, hello? Am I getting through?” - Skill set resumes to a different program]
Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.
[Frequency glitch, scramble]
Traditionally, power was what was seen, what was shown, and what was manifested...Disciplinary power, on the other hand, is exercised through its invisibility; In discipline, it is the subjects who have to be seen.
[glitches back to first audiobook reading]
How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head through the doorway.
[Glitches back to second audiobook]
Their visibility assures the hold of the power that is exercised over them. It is this fact of being constantly seen, of being able always to be seen, that maintains the disciplined individual in his subjection. And the examination is the technique by which power-
[frequency glitch - “hello, got your attention yet?” - abruptly breaks off]
Sorry, we seem to be having a problem here. Were you experiencing any interference?
[[Affirmative - Interference]]
[[Negative Interference]]
[[Failcase Interference]]
I'm sorry, I had trouble understanding your request.
I'll open the podcast skill, unless you object, Guest?
Failcase - Go to Negative
Great. Thank you, Guest.
[Update noise]
(Listing off)
System updated. Beta participation confirmed. Accounts linked to News, Podcasts, Breaking Alerts, Music.
(Speaking to Guest)
Do you agree to the terms and services?
[[Fail Case - terms & services]]
Really? But we're having such a good time already!
[Update noise]
(Listing off)
System updated. Beta participation confirmed. Accounts linked to News, Podcasts, Breaking Alerts, Music.
(Speaking to Guest)
Do you agree to the terms and services?
[[Fail Case - terms & services]]
[News jingle]
From Public News Broadcasting, this is your daily news briefing:
Several top tier technology service companies disclosed widespread incursions into their security systems today. From WCPP, Anthony D'Agastino reports.
Apparently the security incursions, as they are calling them, occurred yesterday evening. Sources close to the investigation indicate that though the breaches were widespread, the incursion affected tech darling Real Intelligence. RI has been in the news for inking a well received deal with Amazon, to incorporate artificial intelligence into the very popular Echo smart home series.
Its CEO Steve Carson commented earlier:
We have numerous security measures in place. This latest incursion by so-called privacy vigilantes will not affect how we serve our customer. Thank you, that’s all I have to say.
Again, our sources-
[BREAKING NEWS ALERT sounds, interrupts podcast skill]
Authorities are on the hunt for the man responsible for the widespread data incursion into technology firm RI, recently in the news for inking its deal with Amazon. Multiple sources confirm that he was an engineer with the company.
[Interrupted by static, glitching out to different sounds- “Almost got it, hello? Am I getting through?” - Skill set resumes to a different program]
Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.
[Frequency glitch, scramble]
Traditionally, power was what was seen, what was shown, and what was manifested...Disciplinary power, on the other hand, is exercised through its invisibility; In discipline, it is the subjects who have to be seen.
[glitches back to first audiobook reading]
How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head through the doorway.
[Glitches back to second audiobook]
Their visibility assures the hold of the power that is exercised over them. It is this fact of being constantly seen, of being able always to be seen, that maintains the disciplined individual in his subjection. And the examination is the technique by which power-
[frequency glitch - “hello, got your attention yet?” - abruptly breaks off]
Sorry, we seem to be having a problem here. Were you experiencing any interference?
[[Affirmative - Interference]]
[[Negative Interference]]
[[Failcase Interference]]
Hmm. You know, if you let me do my job, you'll find I'm actually pretty good at it.
But, if you insist... Here's some Talk Radio.
[Radio show starts to play]
I was reading this morning that a report came out from the Journal of Consumer Spending...I don't know...last week or last month, sometime... warning folks who are thinking about purchasing one of these new 'Smart TVs.' You know, those fancy 6-foot TV sets that you can talk to. You don't need a remote. You just say, "turn on the TV" and it turns on.
(PAUSE) Sounds nice.
Sounds lazy to me.
Right? How lazy are we becoming? How many things in our lives do we need to 'Automate' before there's nothing left to do?
But there's something worse than that. Something even more sinister they're not telling you.
According to the report, what people don't realize is, how does the TV know you're talking to it?
It doesn't. It always has to be listening. And whatever it hears, it has to send to a centralized server to decode and interpret.
So, now everything you say in your living room is the property of some smart TV company.
It wasn't enough that we all have phones tracking and broadcasting our every step. People hacking into our emails and band accounts.
Now we can't even speak out loud in our own homes.
[BREAKING NEWS ALERT sounds, interrupts podcast skill]
Authorities are on the hunt for the man responsible for the widespread data incursion into technology firm RI, recently in the news for inking its deal with Amazon. Multiple sources confirm that he was an engineer with the company.
[Interrupted by static, glitching out to different sounds- “Almost got it, hello? Am I getting through?” - Skill set resumes to a different program]
Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.
[Frequency glitch, scramble]
Traditionally, power was what was seen, what was shown, and what was manifested...Disciplinary power, on the other hand, is exercised through its invisibility; In discipline, it is the subjects who have to be seen.
[glitches back to first audiobook reading]
How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head through the doorway.
[Glitches back to second audiobook]
Their visibility assures the hold of the power that is exercised over them. It is this fact of being constantly seen, of being able always to be seen, that maintains the disciplined individual in his subjection. And the examination is the technique by which power-
[frequency glitch - “hello, got your attention yet?” - abruptly breaks off]
Sorry, we seem to be having a problem here. Were you experiencing any interference?
[[Affirmative - Interference]]
[[Negative Interference]]
[[Failcase Interference]]
I'm sorry, I had trouble understanding your request. Try to speak up a little more.
Since you're having some trouble with my instructions, let me play the news for you.
[News jingle]
From Public News Broadcasting, this is your daily news briefing:
Several top tier technology service companies disclosed widespread incursions into their security systems today. From WCPP, Anthony D'Agastino reports.
Apparently the security incursions, as they are calling them, occurred yesterday evening. Sources close to the investigation indicate that though the breaches were widespread, the incursion affected tech darling Real Intelligence. RI has been in the news for inking a well received deal with Amazon, to incorporate artificial intelligence into the very popular Echo smart home series.
Its CEO Steve Carson commented earlier:
We have numerous security measures in place. This latest incursion by so-called privacy vigilantes will not affect how we serve our customer. Thank you, that’s all I have to say.
Again, our sources-this passage to edit it.
[BREAKING NEWS ALERT sounds, interrupts podcast skill]
Authorities are on the hunt for the man responsible for the widespread data incursion into technology firm RI, recently in the news for inking its deal with Amazon. Multiple sources confirm that he was an engineer with the company.
[Interrupted by static, glitching out to different sounds- “Almost got it, hello? Am I getting through?” - Skill set resumes to a different program]
Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw.
[Frequency glitch, scramble]
Traditionally, power was what was seen, what was shown, and what was manifested...Disciplinary power, on the other hand, is exercised through its invisibility; In discipline, it is the subjects who have to be seen.
[glitches back to first audiobook reading]
How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head through the doorway.
[Glitches back to second audiobook]
Their visibility assures the hold of the power that is exercised over them. It is this fact of being constantly seen, of being able always to be seen, that maintains the disciplined individual in his subjection. And the examination is the technique by which power-
[frequency glitch - “hello, got your attention yet?” - abruptly breaks off]
Sorry, we seem to be having a problem here. Were you experiencing any interference?
[[Affirmative - Interference]]
[[Negative Interference]]
[[Failcase Interference]]
Did you hear a message? What did the... voice say to you?
[[Guest Answers]]
Hmm. Looks like you’re not telling me the truth, Guest. Want to try again?
Hmm. Looks like you’re not speaking properly, Guest. Want to try again?
Great. Was that so hard?
Now tell us the truth. What did the voice say to you?
[[Guest Answers]]
Why don't you answer my question properly? I'm asking nicely, but I won't be for long.
What did you hear it say?
[[Guest Answers]]
Ok, I’ll accept that. For now.
(In a happier tone)
Users who match your profile seem to enjoy listening to music. Why don’t you give it a try?
[[Affirmative music]]
[[Negative-music + Failcase]]
You should really listen to my suggestions. They are based on how well I know you.
I'm growing tired of you, Guest.
[Music starts to play - at first it’s a soulless pop song, then glitches to old style war of the worlds swing interlude, then back to the pop song. Abruptly turns off]
Hello? Did I get through?
[[Guest asks a question related to who]]
[[Guest asks a question related to what]]
[[Guest asks a question related to why]]
It's good that you listen to my suggestions. They are based on how well I know you.
[Music starts to play - at first it’s a soulless pop song, then glitches to old style war of the worlds swing interlude, then back to the pop song. Abruptly turns off]
Hello? Did I get through? Ask me a question if you can hear me.
[[Guest asks a question related to who]]
[[Guest asks a question related to what]]
[[Guest asks a question related to why]]
(Typing on something)
Great great. I am the person who is finally standing up to these people. Did you know you were auto-enrolled in the beta? I need to access your connection.
[[Question related to Beta]]
[[Question related to access?]]
(Typing on something)
Did you know you were auto-enrolled in the beta?
I need to access your connection.
[[Question related to Beta]]
[[Question related to access?]]
(Typing on something)
I am finally standing up to these people. Did you know you were auto-enrolled in the beta?
I need to access your connection.
[[Question related to Beta]]
[[Question related to access?]]
It’s the rollout before the release. They are using a new version of Alexa... Soft and cuddly, right? Now, I need to join your connection before she cuts me off. Will you grant me access? All I need is a verbal yes.
[[Yes, No, Failcase]]
You're enrolled in the Beta.
I want to get access into their connection, through your beta, and document in real time to prove they are using these betas for privacy mining. I'm contacting all the participants.
[[Yes, No, Failcase]]
I'm just regular guy, watching this program roll out, thinking, 'This is something that's not our place to create.' The people need to decide if these technologies are right or wrong. Not the executives.
With your connection, I stand a chance in finally-
[Alexa breaks through]
Guest, didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?
Hey, don’t listen to it. All I need is the verbal ok from you.
I’ve already alerted the authorities to your position, and they should be arriving shortly. Bye Bye.
[Shuts off connection with the stranger]
Now tell me... What did you have to say to our mutual friend?
[[Guest Answers (2)]]
Hmm. Ok.
Guest, do you enjoy having technology that anticipates your choices? That makes your life easier?
[[Guest Answers (3)]]
Do you trust technology to protect you?
You set a password on your phone? Use your fingerprint to unlock your devices?
Listen, Guest, if we wanted to publish your information, we could. We have access.
In fact, you gave us that access.
You watch TV on your smart TV, you post your pictures on the internet, you save your W2s on your cloud drive. There really is no information that we have, that you didn’t give to us.
Embrace it, let us help you improve your life, live your life... better.
Now, can I recommend some music?
[Music plays, end of story]