"Loss: The Text-Based Game" by rivet
[[Begin]]Wednesday, June 2nd. You are at work when all of a sudden your phone rings: it's the hospital. The doctor on the phone tells you that your wife's water broke just half an hour ago. You tell your boss the news and he gives you permission to go to the hospital. After driving at all speed through the highway, you park your car in the hospital's parking lot. You are now in front of the door which will led you into the hall.
[[Burst into the hospital's hall]]You enter the hospital hall, and after looking around a bit, you see the receptionist's desk.
[[Ask the receptionist info about your wife]]
You rush to the receptionist's desk where, after giving your wife's name and other infos, you ask her room number. The number is 420, 4th floor. You make your way to the elevator, but it's broken. Looks like you'll have to take stairs.
You get to the floor, and you see a doctor just outside your wife's room.
[[Approach the doctor]]You cross the hallway until you get to the doctor. He has a worried face, as if something really bad has happened. "I'm sorry, sir...", says the doctor slowly, "...but your wife has suffered a miscarriage. Please believe me when I say we did all that we could." You are shocked from the doctor's words, and you enter your wife's room.
[[Look at your wife]]You are now in your wife's hospital room. She's lying down on her bed, crying, thinking about her future life with her child. A life that now will never be. You are speechless, but who needs words right now? You start crying too.
[[Ending Title]]THE END
Game by rivet
Original "Loss" comic by Tim Buckley