You arrive to the Western Woods, miles away from any village. The trail you are traveling on was bright and well kept when you first started this journey, and wide enough to have two carrages travel next to each other. As time went by the trail slowly shrunk and became overgrown, now barely visible as you enter the forest. Still close to the edge, you ponder if you should go over your purpose here, to truly be certain of your mission, or to simply press on, knowing your purpose in this forest.
Do you.....
[[Ponder your purpose]]
Press on through the [[Forest]] Thinking is for the weak!You think back to why you came to this secluded forest, your mind has gotten quite numb from the long journey. Jogging your memory, you recall the events leading up to your travels.
Your time in your village, quiet and peaceful. You remember your family, not the biggest but you definitely filled the house. Life was quite normal there; having it's ups and downs, laughter and arguing, farm work and hunting.
But then of course you remember the day "it" came, the beast.
[[Continue your memory]]
The day started just as any other, you helping the family with farm work. But the relatively lax day ended a sound nobody in the village had heard before. One of the elderly folk responded to it by describing it as "demonic." Nobody knew what to do, until you felt the large gusts of wind hitting everything. Some of the children and elderly being knocked over.
The Beast came, beating it's wings as it prepared the land, it's large form blocking out the sun as it flew over you. You could barely see any of it, but you remember it's yellow feathers, and it's surprisingly reptilian-like maw, grabbing at your neighbors. It's long tail knocking you into a pool of mud by a farmer's pigs.
Much of the hay covered you and kept you hidden from the beast. After finishing the few villagers. It began sniffing the air, trying to follow a scent it picked up. It crawled right over you, almost crushing you with one of it's talons and snapped it's maw at a boy hiding in the bale of hay a few feet from where you layed.
Before it finally left, it beat it's wings and glided to the open fields, grabbing two other villagers and leaving with them.
[[Conclude your memory]]
You remember the beast you're hunting. The one you promised to slay, for the sake of protecting the people who are still in danger, and to avenge the ones whom it's too late for. You find your way through a good chunk of the forest, the thinning trail now completely gone. Suddenly, you hear a roar out in the distance, it sounds as twisted and demonic as you remember the Beast's. You find yourself looking at a few different options of where to go next.
Continue down the [[Thick Wood]]
Travel out into the [[Open Field]]
Travel up the [[Mountain]]The thoughts become too much, you can't stand to think about what happened anymore, finding your heart racing. You reminded yourself in detail of what you're facing, making you uneasy of whether you should go through with the whole plan at all.
What shall you do?
[[Forest]] You mustn't let that creature threaten your people anymore!
[[Give Up]] Perhaps this is only a rare occassion, the other villagers could easily just move before another attack occurs. You decide that this quest is too much to handle, and you turn back towards the of the open trail.
You return to your mostly ruined village, telling them that you could not find the beast in the woods. You didn't have the heart to tell them that you simply didn't have to courage to face it and needed a way to convince them that there was time to move and start over.
Your supposedly "safer" option actually resulted in your denizens being nearly wiped out by the beast, as it followed you throught your move. Only half of your family survived and even less than half of the other villagers avoided being consumed by the glutton.
Congrats! You failed and your family hates you for lying!
Go back to [[Start]]
(if: (history:) contains "Ponder your purpose")[
Recalling the Beast is a large, flying predator, it would probably be best to stick to the thick woods, where it doesn't have the space to spread it's wings.
You decide to keep traveling into the thick woods, nothing wrong with getting used to your surroundings.
While traveling, you notice some signs of wildlife nearby. In one direction, you see a series of claw marks. In another direction, you see some bright yellow feathers. Which direction should you follow?
Follow the [[Claw Marks]]
Follow the [[Yellow Feathers]]
After approaching the Open field,
(if: (history:) contains "Ponder your purpose")[
You recall that the Beast was able to grab others by swooping from the air. You realize you'll be left open as a target.
You decide to walk back to the [[Forest]]
You venture forward into the open. Suddenly, you hear a large gust of wind blowing through the trees in the distance. By the time you grab for your sword it's too late. The Beast has already grabbed you and began stuffing you into it's maw.
You are now it's lunch. Go back to [[Start]]
(if: (history:) contains "Ponder your purpose")[
The Beast mostly flies right? Well if it's anywhere in this damned forest, it would be this mountain!
Mountains tend to have large monsters there right? I dunno....
While climbing up the mountain, you don't seem to find anything of worth. Perhaps the Beast is on the other side?
You try to find a good route to reach the other side of the mountain. You could either climb to the top and see where to go from there, though it seems kind of steep. You could also just circle around the mountain, but it could take a little longer than climbing to the top.
[[Climb to the top]]
[[Circle around]]The claw marks did look rather large, no doubt some sort of predator has lurked around here.
After walking a bit, you find that you are correct! However, this predator is not the Beast, but is in fact a large bear. This bear seems like it hasn't noticed you yet.
You could either:
Head back to the [[Thick Wood]]
Try to sneak by the [[Bear]] You recognize these feathers as those that belong to the Beast! You follow them down slowly as to not draw any attention to yourself. Within a short while, you eventually come across the apposite side of the mountain from before. Upon closer examination, you see the Beast itself, resting on a perch.
Now's the time to take action!
Head to the [[Beast's Lair]]While trying to sneak by the bear, you accidentally snap some branches. The bear hears this and has now spotted you. It makes some aggressive noises, seeming to ready itself for an attack, so trying to act big and loud won't work on this animal.
[[Throw a pepper bomb]]
[[Use your sword!]]
[[Run for it!]]You recall that you have a handy pepper bomb on your person. You grab it and throw it at the charging bear, exploding in it's face. The bear is now stunned and feel great irritation around the eyes and nose. It runs off out of fear. Unfortunately, that was your only pepper bomb....
You can finally continue you're actual quest, and with luck too! While engaged with the bear, you hear the same roars from when you first entered the forest. The Beast is near, and you can now pinpoint it to a mountain edge very close to you. This is it, you must slay the beast!
Head to the [[Beast's Lair]]While fighting man to... bear.... seems admirable, it's not a good idea, even when armed with a sword. While you do get one or two hits on the bear, it manages to use it's far superior strength to knock you down. The animal finishes you off and quickly leaves to go lick it's wounds.
Return to [[Start]]You try to run, but you seem to have forgotton that bears are actually really fast. It catches up to you from behind and rips you to shreds, nawing on you later on.
Return to [[Start]]{
(if: (history:) contains "Throw a pepper bomb")[
You reach the pearch on the side of the mountain. The Beast is in the cave, feasting on a recent kill, likely a Moose. Bones lay around the area, many of which seem human. You ready your sword and try to sneak inside to kill it once and for all!
Unfortunately, the Beast can smell you quite easily, and is now well known of your presence. It whips it's tail at you to knock you over, how shall you deal with this?
[[Jump over tail]]
[[Slash at tail]]
(else-if: (history:) contains "Yellow Feathers")[
You reach the pearch on the side of the mountain. The Beast is in the cave, feasting on a recent kill, likely a Moose. Bones lay around the area, many of which seem human. You ready your sword and try to sneak inside to kill it once and for all!
Unfortunately, the Beast could smell you as you got close and was preparing to attack, you've got to act fast!
[[Charge with your sword]]
[[Throw a Pepper Bomb]]
While the Beast is away, you make your way inside and take a quick look around. You see multiple piles of bones from previous meals, many of which seem to belong to humans!
You decide that the best course of action is to make a trap while the Beast is gone. You sharpen a bunch of branches from small trees nearby and stick them into wholes by where the Beast likes to feast.
[[Continue making the trap]]
}You climb to the top of the mountain. You don't see much at first, but then hear a loud boom of wind come from below you. It's the Beast! It had just taken off.
Unfortunately, you are right out in the open, being at the peak of the mountain. The Beast sees you almost immediately and grabs you with it's talons.
You have now become its next meal. Return to [[Start]]Though it takes a little bit, you finally manage to circle around the mountain. Looking around, you find a cave opening, with a stone perch at the edge of it. In the distance, you see a large flying creature out in the distance. It's the Beast! And it seems like it just recently left to go for a hunt. Now's you chance to prepare yourself for when it returns!
Head into the [[Beast's Lair]]Dodging seems like a good idea, however, the Beast was only using that as a diversion. As soon as you leap into the air, the Beast counters by snapping it's maw at you, engulfing and then swallowing you whole as you drop your sword.
The Beast enjoys it's full belly that day. Return to [[Start]]You decide to do some damage first and slash your sword at the beast's tail. Luckily it's tail wasn't too tough, and you were able to slice the last third of it off!
The Beast screams in pain and then furiously snaps at you, biting your arm. The Beast then begins to wind it's head back as if it's gonna throw you. You could stab it now, though it could result in a reflex you don't want.
[[Wait for the Beast to throw you]]
[[Stab it in the eye]]
For the sake of your arm, you wait for the Beast to throw you. It does so, and you go flying across the cave, hitting a wall and tumbling to the floor. You can feel multiple bones broken, and are unable to move much. The Beast approaches you, ready to begin snacking on its next meal. You lay there helplessly before the Beast begins consuming you.
Go back to [[Start]]You cannot wait for the Beast to make the next move. You take your sword and jam it right into the Beast's eye. Its reflexes kick in and it bites down even harder on your arm, severing it from your body. You fall to the ground as the beast screams in pain, now half blind. You take your chance and jab your sword into the Beast's heart, killing it within seconds.
You try to bandage up your crippling wound as best as possible, before returning to your village that day. Though you lost an arm, you were able to avenge those consumed by the beast, and have saved your people from further attacks.
The End.
Play again? Return to [[Start]]
You charge at the beast with your sword, but it decides to simply whip it's tail at you. You get hit and fall to the floor, unable to fight back as the Beast towers over you and begins crunching on your body.
You've become it's next meal, go back to [[Start]]You realize that you have a pepper bomb on you and decide to throw it at the Beast. The chemicals inside blind the beast and block out it's sense of smell. Out of confusion and frustration, the Beast begins swinging and twirling around manically.
[[Stab it in it's belly]]
[[Go for the face]]While the Beast tries to cover it's face with it's wings, it left it's belly wide open. You plunge your sword into it and slice it open. Blood and digestive fluid pour out of it as the Beast roars in pain. You back off, watching it stagger to the floor, slowly dying from intense bleeding.
Within a minute or so, the Beast finally dies. You cut out its heart and an eye to bring as trophies to your people, showing them that you have saved them and avenged the deaths of others!
The End.
Play again? Go back to [[Start]]You charge at the beast's face, now vulnerable from the pepper bomb. Unfortunately, it was currently guarding it with it's wings and it instictively swipes you away with one of them. You slam against the cave wall, disoriented. The Beast slowly comes to, and furiously crushes you with it's talon, making you a bloody mess.
Not the best way to go out.... go back to [[Start]]{
(if: (history:) contains "Ponder your purpose")[
You recall that you need to hide your scent, the Beast has very sensitive nose! Luckily you find what seems to be the Beast's.... disposal pile.... in a corner. You reluctantly cover yourself in the Beast's excrment to hide your scent.
[[Hide behind the fecal pile]]
You finish the trap and decide you need to find a good hiding spot. So, you manage to hide behind a pile of bones near the eating site.
[[Hide behind bone pile]]
}Eventually, the Beast arrives back into its hole with a new large prey, seems like a mangled moose. It doesn't seem to see or even smell you, as it brings its recent kill to it's dining area, where it falls for your trap.
One of it's talons steps right into one of the whole, the branch spears piercing through. Out of shock and pain, the Beast drops it's meal and leaps back, falling into another trap that pierces some of its mid-section. You find a good opportunity and approach the wounded predator. It sees you and then prepares to snap at you, but you manage to thrust your blade into it's jugular first due to it's slowed speed. The Beast dies within seconds.
You take its head with you as a reward and as proof that you saved your people and avenged the ones it consumed.
The End
Play again? Go back to [[Start]]The Beast returns shortly after with its recent kill, seems like a mangled Moose. Unfortunately, it quickly smells you out and pinpoints you quite quickly. It drops it's meal before reaching the dining area and charges towards you!
[[Charge with your sword]]
[[Throw a Pepper Bomb]]