BROKEN WAND [[Begin]] (set: $playerName to (prompt: "What is your first name?")) Ready $playerName? (set: $bestFriend to (prompt: "Who is your best friend?")) Is $bestFriend ready too? (set: $teacherName to (prompt: "Who is your favorite teacher?")) I hope $teacherName is ready for an adventure! (set: $ring to "False") [[Play]]It has been a normal day at school. The students of $teacherName's class go to lunch. $playerName is waiting in the line and hears a voice, like a soft whisper in the distance. "Help me, the fate of the world depends on it." $playerName asks $bestFriend "Did you hear that?" $bestFriend shrugs "Hear what?" They go inside and choke down school lunch. Finally it is time for RECESS!! $playerName and $bestFriend rush out onto the playground with the other students like a herd of wild buffulo. They go to the slides. $playerName finds three colored crystals at the top of the slide. $bestFriend is at the bottom of the slide and calls up. "Hey, there are three holes in the ground here at the bottom of the slide. Weird." $playerName slides down with the three crystals. "I found these at the top of the slide. It looks like they might fit in the holes. Let's shove 'em in there." Which color crystal goes in the first hole? [[Purple]] [[Red]] [[Blue]]Nothing happens, but it seems like something should happen. [[Try Again|Play]] The crystal begins to glow and a fine mist creeps out of the hole! "Whoa!" says $playerName. $bestFriend replies "Put one in the next hole!" Which one goes next? [[Purple|Purple2]] [[Blue|Blue2]]Nothing happens. But it seems like something should happen. [[Try Again|Play]]Both crystals, purple and red pop out of the ground. $playerName and $bestFriend hear a deep dark voice say "Try again. The fate of the world depends on it." They are both scared, but they [[try again|Play]]The blue crystal lights up! More mist begins to creep out of the ground. Other students are starting to notice and a small crowd is gathering. "Last one." $playerName says, sounding a little scared. [[Purple|Reveal The Wand]] All three crystals are glowing. Suddenly the crystals sink into the ground and there is a flash of light. In place of the crystals there is now a magic wand. $playerName reaches down and picks up the wand. "What is that $playerName?" asks $bestFriend. $playerName shrugs and holds up the wand. It seems to be bent, like it might be broken. $playerName studies it. There are four words written in very small print at the base of the wand. $bestFriend looks around "Hide that thing quick! $teacherName is coming over!" $teacherName walks over to see why there are so many students at the bottom of the slide. "Everything [[okay|tell]]?" $playerName holds up the wand to show $teacherName. "We found this." "Where?" $playerName points to the bottom of the slide. $teacherName slowly takes the wand and looks it over. $teacherName reads the words on it. "We need to take this to the library." $teacherName walks off quickly. "Come on!" $playerName and $bestFriend follow and all three move fast toward the [[library]]. The regular librarian isn't there. $teacherName walks up to the desk. "Hello, I am Mrs. Stulte. I am subbing here in the library." "I think we should come back." $teacherName says seeming to want to leave. "Is that a magic wand?" Mrs. Stulte asks. "Yes!" $bestFriend blurts out excitedly. "We found it." "By the slide?" Mrs. Stulte asks peering at $playerName and $bestFriend. "How did you know?" $playerName asks. "Who touched it first?" Mrs. Stulte asks while walking to an unassuming part of the library. Mrs. Stulte gets on the floor, pulls up the carpet to reveal a secret [[hiding place]] in the floor of the library! "Cool! A secret hiding place in the floor" $bestFriend shouts out. $playerName and $bestFriend lean in. Inside there is a silver key, an orange skull ring, a bottle of some kind of potion and an old leather book. Everything is covered in dust as if the hiding place hasn't been opened in a long time. "Did you hear a voice $playerName?" asks Mrs. Stulte. "How do you know all this?" $playerName replies. Mrs. Stulte pulls a dusty old leather book out of the secret hiding place in the floor. Dust blows off the book and fills the air. "You touched it first." Mrs. Stulte asks flipping through the dusty pages of the crusty book. "Yes." says $playerName "You aren't answering my questions, how do you know about the voice? Or the slide?" Mrs. Stulte just ignores $playerName and continues to read through the book. Finally Mrs. Stulte closes the book and looks up at $playerName. "Then it is you who must fix the wand. You must [[save the world]]."$teacherName interjects "What are you talking about? Save the world?" Mrs. Stulte closes the book. "There are four words on the side of the wand, say them in the right order and it fixes the wand. If the wand is fixed then the great evil can be destroyed." $playerName asks nervously "And what if I get it wrong?" "Don't get it wrong." Mrs. Stulte says. $teacherName shakes his/her head "This just sounds crazy." Mrs. Stulte stands up "Then it won't hurt to have $playerName says the words." $playerName stares at the wand "How do I know what is right? I don't even know what the words mean." "That I can help you with." says Mrs. Stulte. "Dha means two. Pi means Pi. Ga means radius. And Reimse means area. Remember the wand is broken, I do not know what will happen when you say the words." Which one does $playerName say [[first]]?"DHA!" $playerName says with a giant flourish of the wand. Everyone begins to look around. Nothing seems to be happening. Just as $playerName is going to say the next word $teacherName starts to scream. "Something BAD is happening to me!!!" $teacherName stumbles backwards against one of the bookcases. There is a loud POP sound and a flash of bright white light. $bestFriend's jaw drops to the floor. "Umm, $teacherName, you have two noses!" $teacherName slowly reaches up and touches his/her face, finding a nose directly under the left eye and another nose under the right eye. Mrs. Stulte cringes "You must have gotten it wrong, this is a curse." The door to the library opens and cats, about one hundred cats flood into the library, which leads to the next [[flood]]!$playerName waves the wand and shouts "PI!" There is a loud rumbling sound, the walls begin to shake. The roof of the library peels away. $bestFriend shouts "Look at the floor!" $teacherName stares "Is that dough? Like pie dough?" From the sky it begins to rain giant cherries. "Hide under the desk!" Mrs. Stulte says and all four scramble under the desk. The room fills with massive cherries. $playerName peeks out and sees the roof replaced with a layer of pie dough. "I think we are about to be baked into a giant cherry pie!" Just then the room begins to slowly get hot. "It's like we are in a giant oven." $teacherName says. Mrs. Stulte replies "I have a refrigerator in my office, if you can get the wand to it maybe it can cool off the room?" $playerName and $bestFriend decide to try and get to the office in the far corner of the room. $bestFriend says "We should just break the cherries!" $playerName answers "I think we should crawl through the spaces between them" [[Break The Cherries]] or [[Crawl Through The Cherries]] $playerName waves the wand and shouts "GA!" But nothing seems to happen. "Ga was radius, like a circle?" says $bestFriend. A loud rumbling noise begins to fill the room. $teacherName walks over the library window and looks outside. In the distance $teacherName sees a tornado, moving toward the library. "It's a tornado!" $teacherName shouts. "We have to get somewhere safe!" Mrs. Stulte goes over to a wall and begins frantically searching along the wall. "There is a button on this wall, it leads to an underground passageway." "How do you know all this?" asks $playerName but Mrs. Stulte doesn't answer, she just keeps looking for the button. The tornado is getting closer. "Help me find the button! Fast!" Mrs. Stulte yells. [[Secret Button]]"REIMSE!" $playerName shouts! A small whisper like voice fills the air "You have chosen correctly." Mrs. Stulte smiles. Now for the next choice. [[GA!|Ga]] [[PI!| Correct Pi]] [[DHA!|Dha]][[Dha]] [[Pi]] [[Ga]] [[Reimse]] (if: $ring is "True") [$bestFriend leans in close to $playerName and the wand and the skull ring begin to glow, alternating with orange and purple light. The skull on the ring then begins to speak. "There is a fool among you, be careful and be not deceived. One of the four of you is not who they seem." They all look at each other. Mrs. Stulte breaks the awkward silence "Say one of the words."] "I am allergic to cats!" $teacherName shouts as snot pours out of both noses. There is no much snot it is starting to rise. $bestFriend leaps up on the librarians desk. The green gooey snot is now ankle deep. Mrs. Stulte tries to open the doors but they are locked. "We are gonna drown in $teacherName's snot!!" $bestFriend yells as the snot is now up to $playerName's waist. Mrs. Stulte looks to $playerName "It is up to you, what do we do?" $playerName goes over to $teacherName, snot still pouring out of the two noses. [[Ask about allergy medicine.]] [[Shove the wand up one of the nostrils.]] "PI!" shouts $playerName. $bestFriend looks around nervously "I hope this works." "You have chosen wisely." says the deep voice. [[GA!| Correct Two Ga]] [[DHA!|Dha]]"Do you have allergy medicine?" "Yes." $teacherName answers, the words spitting out with large globs of snot. $playerName takes the medicine and taps the bottle with the wand. FLASH! A purple light flashes in the room and when the light goes away, the snot and the cats are gone. $bestFriend shouts "YES! That was gross." Mrs. Stulte takes a deep breath. "[[Try again|first]] $playerName." While that stops the flow of ooey gooey snot from one nostril, the other three are flowing like a river. "The allergy medicine!" shouts $bestFriend as he swims in the snot lake. $teacherName reaches for the medicine but it drops and sinks to the bottom of the library. The solution is now under five feet of boogers and snot. Someone has to dive down and get it. Who goes? [[$bestFriend| Best Friend Dives]] [[$playerName| Player Dives]] $playerName is feeling confident. "GA!" $playerName shouts with a flourish of the wand. The mysterious voice is now loud, very loud. "You have chosen wisely!" $playerName takes a deep breath and shouts "DHA!" The wand lifts into the air, a brilliant bright white light fills the room and the wand begins to spin faster and faster. The room has a tingle in it and it makes $bestFriend shiver. The wand now shines, it is magnificent to look at. It slowly stops spinning and comes back into the hand of $playerName. Mrs. Stulte walks over and looks at the wand. [[It is fixed!]] "Are you nuts!?" $bestFriend shouts. "You want me to dive into that?" $bestFriend takes a deep breath and then dives down. At the bottom $bestFriend tries to open his/her eyes but the snot is to thick to see through. $bestFriend needs to breath. $bestFriend reaches out looking for the bottle, but finds the secret hiding place in the floor of the library. $bestFriend opens the door and can feel the [[orange skull ring]], the [[potion]], and the [[silver key]]. Which one does $bestFriend take?$playerName takes a deep breath and dives into the thick green goo. Once at the bottom $playerName begins reaching, searching for the bottle. Finally $playerName finds the bottle and touches the wand to the bottle. FLASH! There is a flash of green light and suddenly the snot is gone and everything it back to normal. $playerName smiles and tosses $teacherName back the bottle of allergy medicine. [[Try Again|first]]$bestFriend places the ring on his/her [[index finger]], [[middle finger]], [[ring finger]], or [[pinky]]? It won't fit on the thumb!$bestFriend opens the potion bottle. $bestFriend can hear a crackling sound, feeling very nervous $bestFriend opens his/her eyes. The potion in the bottle is interacting with the snot and making it disappear. Soon the room is clear, the snot is gone. $playerName high fives $bestFriend. "Don't say that one first." says $bestFriend. $playerName replies "Got it." [[Try Again|first]]$bestFriend grabs the silver key, but nothing happens. $bestFriend then swims through the viscous snot and gets to the door of the library. The key fits! $bestFriend opens the door and the snot pours out of the library and into the hallway. But it has saved everyone! $playerName high fives $bestFriend "Good thinking!" [[Try again|first]](set: $ring = "True") The ring begins to glow, $bestFriend can feel heat coming from the ring, spreading around the room and it is making the snot disappear. Soon the room has been returned to normal. Everyone is happy, the snot is gone. $bestFriend looks down at the ring "This ring sure is powerful." $teacherName stumbles backwards abruptly, recovering from getting hit in the head by a small rock. "Who threw that?" Everyone looks at $bestFriend "Hey, it wasn't me. It came out of the ring." Just as $bestFriend says it another rock shoots out of the mouth of the skull on the ring and nails $playerName in the nose. Again it happens, and each time the rocks are getting bigger and bigger. The rocks are now the size of bowling balls and they are rocketing around the room. Books are getting blown apart and $playerName, $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte are hiding behind some bookcases in the corner. $bestFriend takes off the ring and throws it across the room, but the ring just flies back over and onto $bestFriends finger. "Try another finger!" $playerName shouts as a massive rock smashes the bookcase. [[Middle finger|middle finger]] or [[Ring finger| ring second]] or [[Pinky Finger|pinky]] (set: $ring = "True") The ring begins to glow, $bestFriend can feel heat coming from the ring, spreading around the room and it is making the snot disappear. Soon the room has been returned to normal. Everyone is happy, the snot is gone. $bestFriend looks down at the ring "This ring sure is powerful." Just then the room begins to cold, very cold. Near the ceiling there are rings of ice, spinning in fast circles like a tornado. $playerName says "I can see my breath." $teacherName's teeth are chattering "We are going to freeze! It is that ring!" $bestFriend tosses the ring across the room, but the ring rises up and returns to $bestFriend's finger. "Put it on another finger!" Mrs. Stulte shouts. Which one does $bestFriend put it on? [[Index Finger|index finger]] or [[Ring Finger| ring second]] or [[Pinky Finger|pinky]](set: $ring to "True") The ring begins to glow, $bestFriend can feel heat coming from the ring, spreading around the room and it is making the snot disappear. Soon the room has been returned to normal. $teacherName hugs $bestFriend. "A little weird, but thanks." says $bestFriend. "But I guess we all just thought we were going to drown in snot, so a hug is cool." Mrs. Stulte looks at $playerName and the wand. "Time to [[try again|first]]."(set: $ring = "True") The ring begins to glow, $bestFriend can feel heat coming from the ring, spreading around the room and it is making the snot disappear. Soon the room has been returned to normal. Everyone is happy, the snot is gone. $bestFriend looks down at the ring "This ring sure is powerful." $teacherName starts to sweat "Is it getting hot in here?" Mrs. Stulte is also sweating. $playerName says "It is getting really hot." A row of books in the back of the library burst into flames. Mrs. Stulte grabs $bestFriend "It's the ring!" $bestFriend takes it off and throws it across the room, but the ring simply flies back and returns to $bestFriend's finger. "Change fingers, fast!" shouts $playerName. [[Index finger|index finger]] or [[Middle finger|middle finger]] or [[Ring finger| ring second]]The room returns to normal. "Wow, I hope you get the next one right." $bestFriend says looking at $playerName. "Me too." replies $playerName. [[Try again|first]] $bestFriend and $playerName begin breaking the cherries, and the juice begins to fill up the room. But slowly they get to the fridge. $playerName opens the freezer and places the wand in the mist of cold air that is coming out. Soon the heat in the room is gone and the room becomes very cold. All the cherry juice freezes, and $bestFriend skates his way back out to the desk. "We have a new problem." $bestFriend shouts gazing on the $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte who are frozen in the cherry juice. "Now what?" $bestFriend asks. [[Break The Ice]] [[Say PI again]] (if: $ring is "True") ["The ring." says $playerName. Maybe we can use it. $playerName and $bestFriend place the wand and ring near each other. The skull begins to speak "Make alive the pages of a book." The ring then moves the finger it is on and points to three books over on a nearby shelf. [[Great Superheros]] [[Encyclopedia of Weird Body Noises]] [[Dumb Jokes For Kids]] ] $playerName and $bestFriend begin to crawl through the cherries toward the office with the refrigerator. But more and more cherries are falling and they are moving, shifting. "I'm stuck!" $bestFriend shouts pulling on his/her leg which is trapped between two giant cherries. The top cherry is wedged on the left by the wall. $playerName tries to pull $bestFriend free but it isn't working. "Eat the cherries!" says $playerName. Does $playerName like cherries? [[Yes!]] or [[No!]]$playerName and $bestFriend slowly chip away the ice and free $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte. "I think you should try again $playerName." $teacherName says. [[Say Another Word|first]]Well it melts the ice. But the room is getting baked into a pie again! This time the giant cherries are blocking the door to the office where the refrigerator was. $playerName goes to the secret hiding place in the floor. (if: $ring is "True") [ [[silver key|cherry key]] [[orange potion|cherry orange potion]] ] (else:) [ [[silver key|cherry key]] [[orange potion|cherry orange potion]] [[skull ring|cherry ring]] ] $playerName picks up the book and stares at $bestFriend. $bestFriend shrugs. "I think I'll just flip to a page and we will go from there!" says $playerName. $playerName flips open the book to a random page. Page 33. "Arch Runner!?" $bestFriend shouts "He is a sidekick! How can he..." Just then Arch Runner appears in the corner posing with hands on hips and chest out, you know standard superhero here to save the day pose. "Can you save our teachers?" $playerName asks. "Of course I can!" Arch Runner replies. He takes a deep breath and then exhales, melting the cherry juice and freeing $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte. "I didn't know you had that superpower." $playerName says "Read the small print at the bottom of my page!" Arch Runner says and waves and flies away. "Which word do I say next?" $playerName wonders. [[Well, which one?|first]]Double-click this passage to edit it.$playerName flips open the book and the wand lands on a dumb joke. Why are pirates called pirates? Because they ARRRR!!!!! $bestFriend laughs. When $playerName turns he is face to face to face with two pirates. "I am IGNISBEARD! Choose me and I will help you!" he says. "No choose me! I am FRIGUSBEARD!" says the other pirate. The two men now stand nose to nose and the room is starting to smell like old pirate. "Pick one quick, one of them smells bad." $bestFriend says. [[IGNISBEARD!]] or [[FRIGUSBEARD!]]$playerName grabs the key. "What are you going to do with a key?" $bestFriend asks. "It's a magic key right? Let's open the door to the library, go out and come back in and see what happens." "That sounds like it could go wrong." "I think we try it." says $playerName. $bestFriend takes a deep breath "Seems like a mistake." [[Open the door]] or [[Don't use the key|Say PI again]]$playerName grabs the potion and pours it on one of the cherries. The cherry shrinks down, and $playerName smiles and pours potion on all of the cherries. $playerName and $bestFriend go into the office and open the refrigerator. $playerName places the wand in the cold and the room cools down. $playerName and $bestFriend come out of the office. So the room isn't going to get baked into a pie but the orange potion didn't make the cherries disappear, it turned them into . . . [[Lupusaves]](Set: $ring to "True") $bestFriend takes the ring and places it on his ring finger. The skull and wand glow together, in a rhythm. The skull then grows, larger and larger until it is giant and it begins to eat the cherries. Soon all the cherries are gone. "BURP!" and the skull goes back to ring size. Inside the office they open the refrigerator and with the wand stop the baking of the room. "I have to fix this wand." $playerName says. [[Try again|first]]Ignis means fire! And as Frigusbeard disappears, Ignisbeard melts the ice. Soon $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte are free. Ignisbeard nods and he too, disappears. Time to fix the wand, time to try again. [[Try again|first]]Frigus means cold! Oh no! The room gets even colder. Frigusbeard laughs, and it turns out he was the one who smelled bad. Ignisbeard starts to fade, to disappear, but $playerName quickly touches him with the wand. "Can you help?" says $playerName. Ignisbeard grin ad half toothy grin "Of course I can. On guard Frigusbeard!" he shouts and pulls out a sword of fire! Frigusbeard pulls out his sword of ice and the two begin an epic sword fight in the library of the school. $bestFriend finds a bag of popcorn and eats it while watching. Frigusbeard strikes Ignisbeard and knocks him backwards, his sword falls and bounces across the room and lands in front of $playerName. [[Pick up the sword]] or [[Kick it back toward Ignisbeard]]$playerName lifts up the sword of fire. Slowly Frigusbeard turns to $playerName. He lets out a big laugh "You dare to fight me?" Frigusbeard says in the loud boom of a voice that seems to rattle the frozen library. $playerName touches the wand to the fire sword! A spray of fire comes out of the end of the sword and turns Frigusbeard to dust! Soon the frozen cherries melt, and $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte are free. $playerName gives the sword back to the thankful Ignisbeard. Ignisbeard smiles and laughs and then disappears, back into the joke book. "We gotta fix that wand." says $teacherName. [[Try again|first]] Ignisbeard grabs the sword and rolls out of the way of the death blow of Frigusbeard. Ignisbeard jumps to his feet and with one swift blow destroys Frigusbeard, who shatters into a million little ice pieces. Ignisbeard then waves his fire sword and melts the library. $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte are free. Ignisbeard begins to fade, back into the book "$playerName, you better fix that sword, a greater evil awaits." [[Try again|first]]Lupusaves are very tiny dogs that have wings. And now they are all over the library. At first they are pretty cute, but then they are not as cute. A few get hungry, and then the rest get hungry. And a hungry Lupusaves likes to eat crayons. Soon they are munching on each and every crayon they can find. Mrs. Stulte doesn't seem to mind. $teacherName tries to stop them but there are to many. But after a Lupusaves eats crayons, they have to poop. And soon they flying dogs are pooping rainbows all over the library. "We gotta get rid of these flying dogs!" $bestFriend says running around dodging rainbow poops falling from the sky. $playerName finds a book about fruits and vegetables. $playerName opens it to the page about... [[potatoes]] [[prunes]] [[pears]] and touches the picture with the wand!$playerName uses the key to go out of the library. The door closes and then $playerName opens the door and everything is back to normal. Well, the wand still needs fixed. [[Try again|first]]The Lupusaves eat the potatoes and it works. The rainbow pooping stops, though the library doesn't smell real good it looks great. Colors everywhere. But it is time to try to fix the wand. [[Fix it|first]]WHOA! That doesn't work! Not even close. In fact it seems to have made things worse! The Lupusaves are pooping like crazy. $bestFriend is hiding under a bookshelf. $playerName goes back to the book! [[potatoes]] [[pears]] The Lupusaves are now pooping even more! Wow, that is a lot of rainbow poop. $playerName tries again [[potatoes]] [[prunes]]$playerName eats the giant cherries, it's a lot of cherry. With $bestFriend free they make it to the office. $bestFriend opens the refrigerator, the cold air whisps out and as $playerName raises the wand... BLEEECH!!!! $playerName pukes, a bright red cherry vomit splashes on the floor. $bestFriend steps back "EWWW! And wow!" $playerName begins to sway, looking like there is more puke about to come out. $bestFriend [[lifts the wand]] or does $bestFriend [[grab the garbage can]] to catch the vomit."What's the plan then?" shouts $bestFriend tugging at the trapped leg. $playerName pushes on the top cherry but isn't strong enough. "I need some help here!" $playerName shouts. $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte come over to help move the cherry. Do the three push it [[left]] or [[right]]? $bestFriend lifts the wand and the room cools. The cherries disappear and in an instant $playerName is not sick anymore. "Thanks." says $playerName. "Pretty cool up chucking though." $bestFriend replies. But they both know they have to fix the wand before someone gets hurt. [[Fix the wand|first]]$bestFriend holds up the garbage can and $playerName fills it with cherry puke. It doesn't appear like it is ever going to stop! $bestFriend has to do something. $bestFriend grabs the wrist of the arm holding the wand and [[lifts the wand]] into the cool air coming from the refrigerator or [[places the wand in the puke]].The cherry is wedged against the wall and won't move. $teacherName keeps pushing until slipping too and becoming stuck. Now both $bestFriend and $teacherName are stuck. Mrs. Stulte is suddenly knocked down by a giant cherry. She is unconscious. "We need something that loves cherries, something that will eat them!" $teacherName shouts. $playerName goes to the animal section of the library. $playerName finds the book that will summon an animal that will eat the cherries. [[Birds]] [[Bears]] [[Tigers]]The cherry rolls away and $bestFriend is free. $playerName and $bestFriend make their way into the office and open the refrigerator. $playerName uses the wand and the cold to stop the pie baking. They step back out into the library. "We gotta fix this thing." $playerName says. [[Fix this thing|first]]The library fills with birds and they quickly eat all the cherries and soon everyone is free. "I will help her, you cool this room down!" $teacherName says leaning down over Mrs. Stulte. $playerName and $bestFriend get to the office and open the refrigerator, the mist of the cold air mixes with the wand and cools down the room. When they go back out into the library Mrs. Stulte has her eyes open. "We better fix that wand." she says. [[Try again|first]]Six bears burst through the door of the library. They eat the cherries, but there are still six bears in the library. Mrs. Stulte wakes up, sees the six bears, and faints back into unconsciousness. The bears are wondering around the library, seemingly searching for something. "If we had honey?" $bestFriend says. $teacherName jumps up, "I think they are looking for a place to call home. A library is not a place for bears. $playerName, grab that book on habitats!" $playerName does and using the wand touches the page on [[forest]] [[ocean]] [[desert]] Four tigers appear in the room, and they are not interested in the cherries. They are more interested in $bestFriend trapped by the cherries. Slowly they move closer. "Help! Oh boy, help! I am going to be eaten by a tiger!" $playerName leaps up on a cherry and points the wand at the tigers and shouts [[away with you!]] [[hello kitty kats!]] [[MEOW! MEOW! MEOW!]]The puke begins to bubble, like it is boiling. $playerName's eyes open wide and $bestFriend puts down the garbage can. The bubbling continues, but now there is spurting and a low moaning sound. Slowly the puke in the can begins to rise out and take form. Arms and legs appear and then a head. "CHERRY PUKE MONSTER!" $bestFriend shouts and runs! The seven foot tall monster turns and screams, spitting puke back onto $playerName. There is only one thing to do [[FIGHT THE CHERRY PUKE MONSTER]]!!!!$playerName looks around for something to fight this thing with. Pink sludge drips from the monsters lips. "ARRGHS!" it says. $playerName grabs a book off desk. It is a book about medieval weapons. $playerName takes the wand and touches the picture of the [[sword]], [[axe]] or [[spear]].The bears are transported into the book and are very happy in the forest. $playerName and $bestFriend rush into the office and using the wand and the refrigerator cool down the room and stop the process of being baked into a giant cherry pie. $playerName looks at the wand and hopes it can be fixed. [[Fix the wand|first]]The library begins to fill with water! "I don't think this is the answer!" Mrs. Stulte says. $playerName tries the book again. [[forest]] [[desert]]The library begins to get really hot, and then it fills with sand and some cactus even appear. The bears aren't happy. $playerName decides to try again. [[forest]] [[ocean]]That doesn't work, they just stare at you. [[MEOW! MEOW! MEOW!]] [[hello kitty kats!]]The tigers stop and stare at $playerName. "Hello." one of them says. "You can talk?" $playerName asks. "Yes, we are magical tigers. The Four Tigers of Ashter. Felinus Ashter if you will." $bestFriend shouts "Please don't eat me!" "We weren't going to eat you." the tiger replies "We were going to pull you out of there. "Umm, okay." $bestFriend says. "Thanks I guess." One of the tigers gently bites down on $bestFriend and pulls him out of the cherries. "You have to fix the wand, a great evil is coming." say the tigers before they disappear. [[Fix the wand|first]]The tigers stop and begin to laugh. "We don't speak kitty kat." one says. $playerName is shocked "You can talk?" "We are the Four Tigers of Ashter. We shall save your friend." One of the tigers gently bites $bestFriend and pulls him free. "There may be a time when you need our help, once the wand is fixed you can summon us at will. This time was an accident. Summon us by saying Felinus Ashter and we shall appear." The Four Tigers of Ashter then disappear. $playerName looks at the wand, it is time to fix it. [[Fix the wand|first]]A silver sword appears and $playerName lifts it, it is pretty heavy. The Cherry Puke Monster moves closer, not afraid of the sword. $playerName puts down the wand and weilds the sword with both hands. $playerName swings at the Cherry Puke Monster, aiming for the [[monsters head]] [[monsters body]] [[monsters legs]]A silver axe appears and $playerName lifts it, it is pretty heavy. The Cherry Puke Monster moves closer, not afraid of the massive axe. $playerName puts down the wand and weilds the axe with both hands. $playerName swings at the Cherry Puke Monster, aiming for the [[monsters head]] [[monsters body]] [[monsters legs]]The spear appears on the table. $playerName picks it up and throws it at the Cherry Puke Monster, but the monster is light on his feet for a big guy and moves out of the way. $playerName has time to summon another weapon! [[sword]] or [[axe]]?The weapon hits the target and the monster falls backwards and groans. Cherry puke splashes all over the floor and the monster is gone! $bestFriend hears the splash and comes back into the room. "It's gone?" $bestFriend asks. $playerName nods. [[Lets cool down the room|lifts the wand]]The weapon hits the target and the monster falls backwards and groans. Cherry puke splashes all over the floor and the monster is gone! $bestFriend hears the splash and comes back into the room. "It's gone?" $bestFriend asks. $playerName nods. [[Lets cool down the room|lifts the wand]]The weapons hits the target and both legs are gone, but that doesn't stop the Cherry Puke Monster! It slogs along the floor getting closer and closer. $playerName lifts the weapon and swings again aiming for the [[head! hit it in the head!]] [[body, go for the body!]]It works! The monster falls apart into a giant puddle of puke, cherry puke to be exact. $playerName takes a deep breath and $bestFriend comes back into the room. "It's gone?" $bestFriend asks. $playerName nods. [[Lets cool down the room|lifts the wand]]It works! The monster falls apart into a giant puddle of puke, cherry puke to be exact. $playerName takes a deep breath and $bestFriend comes back into the room. "It's gone?" $bestFriend asks. $playerName nods. [[Lets cool down the room|lifts the wand]]$playerName goes to the wall to help, the wall some sight words on it. Behind of one of the words is the button, but $playerName only has a few moments to get this right before the tornado tears apart the library. Which one does $playerName press? [[between]] [[sometimes]] [[without]] [[father]] [[beginning]] Nothing happens! The tornado is closer! Try again! [[between|between2]] [[sometimes|sometimes2]] [[without|without2]] [[father|father2]] [[beginning]]Nothing happens! The tornado is closer! Try again! [[between|between2]] [[sometimes|sometimes2]] [[without|without2]] [[father|father2]] [[beginning]]Nothing happens! The tornado is closer! Try again! [[between|between2]] [[sometimes|sometimes2]] [[without|without2]] [[father|father2]] [[beginning]]Nothing happens! The tornado is closer! Try again! [[between|between2]] [[sometimes|sometimes2]] [[without|without2]] [[father|father2]] [[beginning]]A door opens in the wall and $playerName, $bestFriend, $teacherName and Mrs. Stulte all go through and walk down the stairs. There are spiderwebs all over the place and it smells like old socks. "Now what?" $bestFriend asks. "We wait until the tornado is gone." says Mrs. Stulte. $playerName squints and starts looking around "Hey, there is a hallway here." "We need to stay here." Mrs. Stulte says. $playerName [[waits for the tornado to pass]] or $playerName [[explores the underground hallway]]Nothing happens! "The tornado is almost here!" $teacherName screams. $playerName can feel the walls shaking, books are falling all over the room. [[between|between3]] [[sometimes|sometimes3]] [[without|without3]] [[father|father3]] [[beginning]] Nothing happens! "The tornado is almost here!" $teacherName screams. $playerName can feel the walls shaking, books are falling all over the room. [[between|between3]] [[sometimes|sometimes3]] [[without|without3]] [[father|father3]] [[beginning]] Nothing happens! "The tornado is almost here!" $teacherName screams. $playerName can feel the walls shaking, books are falling all over the room. [[between|between3]] [[sometimes|sometimes3]] [[without|without3]] [[father|father3]] [[beginning]] Nothing happens! "The tornado is almost here!" $teacherName screams. $playerName can feel the walls shaking, books are falling all over the room. [[between|between3]] [[sometimes|sometimes3]] [[without|without3]] [[father|father3]] [[beginning]] Noooooo!!!!! The tornado slams into the library! Everyone scrambles to hide. $playerName sees $bestFriend fly up into the air, into the tornado! The tornado moves through the library and soon is heading down the street, with $bestFriend inside of the tornado. "You have to save $bestFriend!" shouts $teacherName. "How?" $playerName asks. Mrs. Stulte goes to the secret hiding place inside the library, he pulls out the old leather book. "I think this can help." she says pointing to a page in the book. [[Page 5]]Noooooo!!!!! The tornado slams into the library! Everyone scrambles to hide. $playerName sees $bestFriend fly up into the air, into the tornado! The tornado moves through the library and soon is heading down the street, with $bestFriend inside of the tornado. "You have to save $bestFriend!" shouts $teacherName. "How?" $playerName asks. Mrs. Stulte goes to the secret hiding place inside the library, he pulls out the old leather book. "I think this can help." she says pointing to a page in the book. [[Page 5]]Noooooo!!!!! The tornado slams into the library! Everyone scrambles to hide. $playerName sees $bestFriend fly up into the air, into the tornado! The tornado moves through the library and soon is heading down the street, with $bestFriend inside of the tornado. "You have to save $bestFriend!" shouts $teacherName. "How?" $playerName asks. Mrs. Stulte goes to the secret hiding place inside the library, he pulls out the old leather book. "I think this can help." she says pointing to a page in the book. [[Page 5]]Noooooo!!!!! The tornado slams into the library! Everyone scrambles to hide. $playerName sees $bestFriend fly up into the air, into the tornado! The tornado moves through the library and soon is heading down the street, with $bestFriend inside of the tornado. "You have to save $bestFriend!" shouts $teacherName. "How?" $playerName asks. Mrs. Stulte goes to the secret hiding place inside the library, he pulls out the old leather book. "I think this can help." she says pointing to a page in the book. [[Page 5]](if: $ring is "True") [$playerName reads the page. "The wand and the ring can summon each other with the words 'Convenitis', they will then find each other, but hold on tight." Mrs. Stulte closes the book "So if you say that and wave the wand you and $bestFriend will come together again." $teacherName stops $playerName before he/she can say the word "The wand is broken right? So I think we need to be careful." $playerName looks and sees the tornado getting farther away and just jumps in and shouts [[COVENITIS!]]] (else:) $playerName reads the page. "The wand and the ring can summon each other with the words 'Convenitis', they will then find each other, but hold on tight." "But the ring is still in the hiding spot, that doesn't help us." $teacherName says. "Keep reading." Mrs. Stulte says. "The wand and the key work together as one as well, giving the holder the power of the vechicle they have in mind when the two are together and the word 'Convenitis' is said." $playerName finishes and looks confused. "Take the key, and think of a car or truck or plane or something and say the word and you will be driving that thing!" $teacherName shouts. $playerName takes the key, waves the wand and shouts "CONVENITIS!" while thinking of a [[car]], [[motorcycle]], [[rocket]]!$playerName rises from the ground, hovers in the air and in a flash flies through the air toward the tornado! Flying over the path of destruction $playerName looks up and sees that $bestFriend is now flying toward him/her at a very fast rate. $bestFriend is out of the tornado and moving fist first toward $playerName, and $playerName is flying wand first toward $bestFriend. They are going to slam into each other fifty feet above the ground! [[SLAM!!!!]] $playerName chases the tornado in a sweet ride sports car, red and shiny. $playerName has never driven before... so it's not going ... umm... well. $playerName is coming up quick on a traffic jam, $playerName has to slam on the brakes. The brakes are the pedal on the [[left|brakes]] or the [[right|gas]]?$playerName is on top of a rocket and blazing toward the tornado! $playerName reaches out as the rocket blasts into the swirling twister and grabs $bestFriend. Both are on top of the rocket as it explodes out of the tornado. "Nice save!" $bestFriend shouts. $playerName nods "Yeah, but now what do we do?" "So there isn't a second part to this plan?" $bestFriend asks. "I got you out of the tornado didn't I?" $playerName responds. "But now we are on a rocket shooting out into space!" $playerName grabs $bestFriend and smiles and says... [[Lets Jump!]] [[Lets Dismantle The Rocket]] $playerName and $bestFriend slam into each other and the wand and ring touch and end the Covenitis spell, but they are now falling toward the ground. $bestFriend pulls three things out of his/her pocket and tells $playerName to touch one with the wand. [[a fuzz ball]] [[a paper clip]] [[an old piece of chocolate]]The fuzz ball grows and surronds $playerName and $bestFriend and they bounce safely on the ground. "Thanks for saving me." $bestFriend says. "Anytime." $playerName replies. $bestFriend laughs "Anytime I am scooped up by a tornado." "Yeah." $playerName says and looks back over the destruction caused by the tornado. "We have to fix this." "What are you going to do, wave a magic wand and make it all go away?" $bestFriend says. "Maybe together, with the ring?" says $playerName. They touch the two together and $playerName says "REPAIR... O!" And it works, it is as if the tornado never happened. $playerName looks at the wand. "This is confusing. I thought it was broken." "I was scooped up by a tornado, I think it is, lets just fix it." [[Fix it|first]]The paper clip grows and transforms into a giant spring, which $playerName and $bestFriend bounce on over and over until the drop safely to the ground. "Thanks for saving me, but I am feeling a little sick after all that bouncing." $bestFriend says. "Anytime." $playerName replies. $bestFriend laughs "Anytime I am scooped up by a tornado." "Yeah." $playerName says and looks back over the destruction caused by the tornado. "We have to fix this." "What are you going to do, wave a magic wand and make it all go away?" $bestFriend says. "Maybe together, with the ring?" says $playerName. They touch the two together and $playerName says "REPAIR... O!" And it works, it is as if the tornado never happened. $playerName looks at the wand. "This is confusing. I thought it was broken." "I was scooped up by a tornado, I think it is, lets just fix it." [[Fix it|first]]The chocolate grows and melts and $playerName and $bestFriend land safely in a giant pool of melted chocolate. They are safe but dripping with chocolatey goodness. "Thanks for saving me." $bestFriend says licking chocolate off his arm. "Anytime." $playerName replies. $bestFriend laughs, still licking off chocolate "Anytime I am scooped up by a tornado." "Yeah." $playerName says and looks back over the destruction caused by the tornado. "We have to fix this." "What are you going to do, wave a magic wand and make it all go away?" $bestFriend says. "Maybe together, with the ring?" says $playerName. They touch the two together and $playerName says "REPAIR... O!" And it works, it is as if the tornado never happened. $playerName looks at the wand. "This is confusing. I thought it was broken." "I was scooped up by a tornado, I think it is, lets just fix it." [[Fix it|first]]$playerName is riding toward the tornado on a fast motorcycle. As $playerName gets closer he/she decides to jump into the tornado using a small hill as a ramp. WHOOOSH!!!! Up into the tornado goes $playerName, reaching out and yanking $bestFriend out of the tornado. They land safely outside of the twister, which twists away and then disappears. "Nice save!" says $bestFriend. $playerName looks back over the path of destruction left by the tornado "We gotta do something about that." "Maybe the wand?" says $bestFriend. $playerName waves the wand shouts "REPAIR... O!?" It works! The destruction is wiped clean as if it never happened before. $playerName and $bestFriend return to the library. "Fix that thing!" says a very nervous $teacherName. [[Fix it|first]]$playerName and $bestFriend leap off the rocket and begin falling to earth. "This was a bad plan!" $bestFriend shouts. "PARACHUTE.. O!" $playerName shouts and waves the wand, but it doesn't work. $bestFriend's shirt catches the wind and puffs up, giving $playerName and idea. $playerName touches $bestFriend's shirts and says "PARACHUTE...O!" It turns $bestFriends shirt into a parachute, and the two land safely on the ground. "I cannot believe that worked." $bestFriend says while fixing the now normal shirt. $playerName looks over the destruction caused by the tornado "We gotta fix this." $playerName then waves the wand and says "REPAIR...O!" And it works! Everything is just as it was before the tornado. They walk back to the library and are met at the door by a shaking $teacherName. "Fix that thing!" $teacherName shouts and points at the broken wand. [[Fix that thing!|first]]"We don't know how to do that!" $bestFriend shouts. $playerName pulls open a control panel on the rocket "How hard can it be?" "Rocket science!" replies $bestFriend. There are four buttons on the control panel but they are marked with funny characters. $playerName pushes the [[()!@]] [[()()()]] [[^^^]] [[(~()~~]] This works! The rocket seperates into three pieces, $playerName and $bestFriend are on the front piece which was marked by the () As it drops a parachute opens above them, and they float slowly to the ground. $playerName smiles at $bestFriend once they are on the ground "See, easy, rocket science." They both look at the destruction caused by the tornado. "Can we fix this?" $bestFriend asks looking at the wand. $playerName waves the wand and shouts "REPAIR...O!" And it works! "Wow." they both say together. Everything is back to normal, as if the tornado never happened. They run back to the library and are met at the door by a very shaky and nervous $teacherName. "Fix that thing!" $teacherName sputters out pointing at the wand. [[Fix that thing|first]]That doesn't work, the rocket does seem to fart three times though, but it is still heading toward outer space. Try again! [[()!@]] [[^^^]] [[(~()~~]] Nope! That seems to be a speed button, as the rocket begins to move even faster. Try again! [[()!@]] [[()()()]] [[(~()~~]]The loud rumbling sound soon is gone. $teacherName walks cautiously up the stairs and opens the door. "It's clear! And it looks like the tornado missed the library!" All four emerege from the underground of the library. "That was close." $playerName says. "Lets just fix that wand, we gotta get it right!" [[Fix the wand|first]]$playerName and $bestFriend start down the dark hallway, after a few steps they cannot see. $teacherName comes up behind them with his/her phone out, using it like a flashlight. "Thanks $teacherName!" "If you two are going to do something stupid you might as well see what it is you are doing." answers $teacherName. The three walk about ten more yards and come to a split in the hallway. Do they go to the [[left|hallway one]] or to the [[right|hallway two]]? Or just [[go back and wait]]? There is a pretty bad smell down here and it is getting worse with each step. The three can hear slupring noises coming from up ahead. Do they [[go and see what is up ahead|hallway three]]? Or [[Go back|explores the underground hallway]]There is a terrible smell the farther they walk. "Was that you?" $bestFriend whispers to $playerName. "No!" $playerName says, then they both look at $teacherName. "It wasn't me, teachers don't fart." $teacherName says. The hallway turns up ahead, do they [[go back|explores the underground hallway]] or [[keep going|hallway five]]?There is a small room here, a door behind you and one on the other side of the room. In the corner of the room sits a jello like blob, brown and green like color and it is eating and farting. The smell is getting worse and worse. "This is crazy! There is a farting blob under our library!?" $playerName shouts. The monster looks up and sees the three. It seems to want them to come closer. [[Walk up to the farting blob monster]] Or [[Go back|hallway one]] [[Go to the door across the room|hallway four]]There is a room ahead and through the door they can see something. Whatever is causing the noise and the smell is right up ahead! "This seems like a bad idea." $teacherName says [[Push forward and see what lurks ahead|hallway three]] [[Go back|hallway five]]The smell is really bad, almost unbearable and now they can hear growling sounds. $teacherName says "Maybe we should go back." "There is something down here." $bestFriend adds. The hallway continues. [[Go back, please go back!|hallway two]] [[Deep breath, courage up and go ahead|hallway four]]"I am glad you came back." Mrs. Stulte says seeming very nervous. After a few moments loud rumbling sound soon is gone. $teacherName walks cautiously up the stairs and opens the door. "It's clear! And it looks like the tornado missed the library!" All four emerege from the underground of the library. "That was close." $playerName says. "Lets just fix that wand, we gotta get it right!" [[Fix the wand|first]]$playerName begins to walk slowly up toward the monster. "What are you doing?" $teacherName whispers with a voice mixed with caution and anger. "Are you okay?" $playerName asks the monster, who seems to be chained. The monster, farts, and then looks at the wand and then to the lock on the chain. "I think it wants me to free it." $playerName says looking over his/her shoulder at the others. "Bad idea!" $playerName says [[I am going to free him]] or [[Let's get out of here.|go back and wait]]$playerName moves in close, the smell is worse than anything ever. Even after taco chili mac and cheese lunch at the school! $playerName touches the lock and it unlocks, the chains fall to the floor and the monster is free. $playerName scrambles quickly back to the other side of the room where $bestFriend and $teacherName are. The Fart Blob Monster goes over to a small box in the corner of the room. It opens the box and pulls out a decoder looking thing and places it in front of its mouth. "I can speak again." it says, the decoder translating from fart monster language to English. "Thank you. I have been held prisoner here person who is helping the great evil. If you come across this person do not trust them, but don't let them know that you know they are working for the great evil." "Who is this person?" $playerName asks. "I do not know her name. But she works upstairs in the library." The three look at each other. $bestFriend talks "Why would she hold you prisoner?" "I am one who can help defeat the great evil. When the time comes you can summon me." And then with a loud fart, the monster disappears. [[Head back to the library]]"Did you find anything down there?" Mrs. Stulte asks, nervous. "No, it was to dark so we just came back." $teacherName replies. $teacherName then walks up the stairs and opens the door "The tornado has passed and it looks like it missed the library. Everything seems fine up here." All four go back up to the library and it is fine, a little shaken maybe but fine. "I think I need to fix this wand, so we can defeat the great evil." says $playerName. Mrs. Stulte nods as $bestFriend looks hard at her. [[Fix the wand|first]]Mrs. Stulte looks at $playerName "May I hold the wand?" she asks. $playerName gazes at the wand and [[gives it to her]], or [[says "No."]]Mrs. Stulte takes the wand, and suddenly kicks $playerName in the shin. $playerName drops to the floor in pain. "What are you doing?" $teacherName shouts and moves toward Stulte. "Stay back!" Mrs. Stulte says emphatically while pointing the wand at $teacherName. "I am doing what I was placed here to do. Once the wand is fixed I am to deliver it to the great evil, because with this wand in hand there will be no way to defeat the great evil! Thank you $playerName for fixing it for me, but now I must take it so we can RULE THE WORLD!" $bestFriend tries to sneak up behind Mrs. Stulte, but she spins around "Transmutare Chicken!" And $bestFriend is turned into a chicken. "That should keep you busy." Mrs. Stulte says and runs out of the room. $playerName is helped up by $teacherName and they both look down at $bestFriend who is a chicken. "What happened?" $bestFriend asks "Is it bad? BKAWK! Oh boy, I'm a chicken!" "We gotta [[catch Mrs. Stulte]] before she can give the wand to the great evil." says $teacherName. "Maybe we should [[change him/her back]] into $bestFriend first?" $playerName says.Mrs. Stulte becomes very serious and starts walking toward $playerName "You need to give that to me, you do not know the power of the wand!" $playerName holds out the wand "I will use this if I have to." $playerName says nervously. $teacherName gets in between $playerName and Mrs. Stulte "You need to leave $playerName alone. You need to leave." Mrs. Stulte grins and her eyes turn red "I will not leave without that wand, my master commands it." $playerName decides to cast a spell... [[Transform...O!]] [[Transform..O?]](if: $ring is "True") ["The ring!" shouts $teacherName "Can we use the ring?" $playerName smiles and sees the ring is still on $bestFriend's, umm, chicken foot. "I think we can." says $playerName. $playerName shouts [[Covenitis]] or [[Felinus Ashtar]] ] (else:) "Pick me up and let's get going!" $bestFriend says. $playerName picks up chicken $bestFriend and they run outside. $teacherName sees Mrs. Stulte getting into her car. $teacherName pulls out the key to his/her car "Come on!" $teacherName drives and $playerName gets in the passenger seat, and places chicken $bestFriend in the back. "Can you buckle me in." says chicken $bestFriend. $playerName does. The chase begins. On the highway $teacherName is able to get beside Mrs. Stulte. [[Ram her car with the car you are in]] [[Get in front of her and try to slow her to a stop]]$bestFriend clucks out "Covenitis!" Chicken $bestFriend lifts off the ground, $playerName and $teacherName quickly grab on and they shoot out of the door, flying across town. They come to an old abandon warehouse and burst through the doors. Mrs. Stulte is in the center of the room, waving the wand and chanting "Summonus Malum." [[Let her finish]] [[Tackle her and take the wand]]Four massive tigers appear, and this makes $bestFriend very nervous. "We are the Tigers of Ashtar." says one of the tigers. "We have a problem, Mrs. Stulte has taken the wand and is going to give it to the great evil. Can you help us?" $playerName asks. "Climb on, we will find her." says one of the tigers. $playerName climbs on, so does $teacherName. Chicken $bestFriend is not so sure "This one is looking at me like it wants to dip me in barbeque sauce." says chicken $bestFriend. $playerName picks up $bestFriend and places him on the tigers back "Just get on, we have a world to save." The tigers run out and begin to track Mrs. Stulte. Soon they are racing quickly through the town. Mrs. Stulte's car is up ahead. "What do you wish us to do?" the tiger asks $playerName. [[Surround Mrs. Stulte]] [[Follow Mrs. Stulte]]The cars smash together, sparks fly and Mrs. Stulte goes off the road for a moment but recovers and presses on the accelerator and starts going faster. $teacherName goes faster too and soon is beside Mrs. Stulte. The cars are side by side racing along the highway. $playerName looks over at Chicken $bestFriend and gets an idea. "Lay an egg!" $playerName demands. "What? Cluck! Do you think I can just make it happen?" $bestFriend shouts back. "Give it a try." $bestFriend bears down and POP! out comes an egg. $playerName grabs the egg and throws it at Mrs. Stulte's car. "Keep the egss coming!" $bestFriend pops out eggs and $playerName keeps throwing them until the windshield is covered and Mrs. Stulte is forced to stop. She scrambles out of the car and points the wand, but $playerName nails her in the face with an egg. $playerName grabs the wand and points it at Mrs. Stulte. "Get in, we are going back to the library to finish this!" [[Back to the library|Summon The Great Evil]] $teacherName, who is a really good driver, gets in front of Mrs. Stulte and slows down, forcing Stulte to slow down. Eventually the two cars come to a stop. Mrs. Stulte gets out and starts running up a hill. $playerName, with Chicken $bestFriend under arm, chases her up the hill. $playerName decides to [[tackle her]] or to stop and [[THROW THE CHICKEN]] football style!The four tigers surround the car just outside of an old abandon warehouse. Mrs. Stulte gets out of the car "Don't try to stop me!" she shouts holding out the wand as a weapon. [[Stop her!]] [[Let her go inside but follow her]]$playerName and the tigers keep a good distance behind Mrs. Stulte, patiently waiting to see where she is going. She pulls into an old warehouse and quickly rushes inside. [[Wait outside for a few minutes]] [[Rush in a find out what is going on]]"Can we use something from the hidden compartment?" $teacherName asks. $playerName goes over to the hidden compartment in the floor of the library. There is the orange skull ring, the old book and the silver key. Two of these will produce enough magic to un-chicken $bestFriend. Choose wisely, a mistake may make things worse. [[Ring and Key]] [[Ring and Book]] [[Book and Key]]"How long are we going to wait?" chicken $bestFriend asks. $playerName seems to be thinking very hard. $teacherName rides the tiger over to the door "We need to go inside!" $teacherName shouts reacting to hearing something from the inside. "Lets go!" $playerName says. They burst through the door and find Mrs. Stulte in the center of a giant empty warehouse, she is waving the wand and chanting "Summonus Malum." [[Let her finish]] [[Tackle her and take the wand]]Mrs. Stulte spins around. She is shocked to see $playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName all sitting atop the Tigers of Ashtar. "Don't try to stop me!" she shouts holding out the wand. "Summonus Malum!" she begins to chant while waving the wand. [[Let her summon the great evil|Let her finish]] [[Tackle her and take the wand]]$teacherName shouts "We should stop her!" $playerName stops $teacherName from moving in toward Mrs. Stulte. "We have to defeat this thing, so if this is how it appears, we have to let her go." A rumble fills the room, dust and dirt fill the air and a terrible smell fills $playerName's throat. $playerName chokes and falls to the floor, as does everyone else. "It begins!" shouts Mrs. Stulte. [[The Great Evil|Great Evil Wandless]]$playerName runs across the room and make a tackle on Mrs. Stulte that Coach Wilkins would be proud of. $playerName grabs the wand. "So you need this wand to bring about the great evil?" Mrs. Stulte nods. $playerName gazes down at the wand. [[Break the wand in half]] [[Summon the great evil in order to defeat it]]The wand snaps with a loud pop. Briilliantly colored light sparkles fall out of the wand and land on the floor. $bestFriend morphs from chicken back to $bestFriend. Mrs. Stulte drops to her knees and cries "What have you done?" "I have saved the world from the great evil." $playerName says. "Well done." says one of the tigers. $playerName then gives one half of the wand to the tigers. "Take this and never let anyone find it." "It is done." they tigers say and they turn and leave. $teacherName pats $playerName on the shoulder "Good job, you get an A for today. But what are you going to do with that?" $playerName smiles "This, I will keep safe." $bestFriend pats $playerName on the back, then pulls an egg out of his pants. $playerName stands in the center of the warehouse and begins to chant "Summonus Malum." $teacherName moves toward him "What are you doing?!" $bestFriend stops $teacherName "We can't defeat the great evil if it never appears!" The ground begins to shake, a rumble that knocks everyone to the floor. Dust and smoke and a terrible smell fill the room. "It begins!" Mrs. Stulte cackles! [[The Great Evil]] The dirt and dust of the warehouse whirl and begin to take form, a human form in the middle of the warehouse. The tall figure is huge, massive and hulking. A boom of a voice comes out of the faceless form "Who dares stand in my way with the Wand of Donum?" $playerName trembles and points the wand at the scary faceless creature moving closer and closer. "Then we shall battle, as it is written!" the Great Evil says. He lifts his wand and laughs then fires at you. [[Ninja Roll and then attack!|1001]] [[Use a defensive spell|1002]] $playerName tackles her and takes the wand. Mrs. Stulte stands up and $playerName presses the end of the wand against her nose. "Tell me why you brought the wand here or I will turn you into toilet paper and put you in the boys bathroom back at the school!" Mrs. Stulte takes a deep breath "The wand can summon the great evil, if the spell is chanted." "So the great evil can only be summoned by the wand?" $teacherName asks. "Yes." Mrs. Stulte replies "That is why it needed to be fixed." "What is the chant?" $playerName asks. "Cluck, cluck." adds $bestFriend. "I will not tell you." Mrs. Stulte says. "Toilet paper." says $playerName pressing the wand harder into her nose. "Summonus malum." $playerName begins the chant. [[Summonus Malum|The Great Evil]]She walks to the center of the giant empty warehouse and begins to wave the wand and she chants "Summonus Malum." [[Tackle her and take the wand]] [[Let her finish]] Just the confidence in $playerName's voice combined with the power of the wand pushes Mrs. Stulte backwards and into a wall. She slowly begins to transform into a lollipop. "How did that happen?" $bestFriend wonders out loud. "I guess cause that is what I was thinking of when I said the spell." $playerName answers. "Can you turn some of the books in here into pizzas?" $bestFriend replies while holding up a book. $teacherName picks up Lolli-Stulte. "Tell us how to defeat the great evil or we give you to the kindergarden kids." Mrs. Stulte the lollipop answers in a small squeaky voice "Chant summonus malum while waving the wand." $playerName holds up the wand, but then thinks "Wait, if we don't do that then the great evil never appears?" Lolli-Stulte doesn't answer. [[Destroy the wand]] [[Summon The Great Evil]]The doubt in $playerName's voice allows for nothing to happen. Stulte grabs the wand in one quick motion. "Now it shall begin." Mrs. Stulte says. "Vi agro!" she says with a wave of the wand and now there is a force field around her. $playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName can't break through. They try throwing books, staplers and a chair but nothing dents the force field. Inside the force field Mrs. Stulte is waving the wand and chanting. [[Summonus Malum]]$playerName snaps the wand over his/her knee. After a crack sound a million little sparkles of light falls out of the wand and scatter across the floor. "What have you done?" Mrs. Stulte shouts as she slowly turns back into herself. "I have saved the world!" $playerName says. $teacherName gets right into the face of Mrs. Stulte "Time for you to leave." Mrs. Stulte rushes out of the library. "Okay, back to class." $teacherName says. $playerName gives one half of the wand to $bestFriend. "We will be friends forever, so if we ever need it we know who will have the other half." The Great Evil spins with his dark robes enveloping him, his red eyes seem to see everything in the room. The Great Evil stops and looks directly into the eyes of $playerName. "You think you can destroy me?" The Great Evil snorts. "Then it begins." The Great Evil reaches into his dark black robe and pulls out a wand of his own, made from bone and steel. He waves his wand. $playerName responds by He/she [waves]<c1| then [moves]<c2| toward [The Great Evil]<c3|. (click: ?c1)[In a [[circle]] or a [[diamond]]? Don't move to the right!.] (click: ?c2)[To the [[left|l1001]] or the [[right|r1001]].] (click: ?c3)[Diamonds are powerful.] In the center of the force field a hole opens in the floor. Slowly rising up from the hole is The Great Evil. He is dressed all in black with deep red eyes that seem to see everything all at once. Mrs. Stulte bows before the figure and gives him the wand. The Great Evil smiles "Well done Stulte. Who are these people?" Mrs. Stulte points at $playerName "That one found the wand." "Then that one must be destroyed!" The Great Evil shouts, he then waves the wand and destroys the force field. $playerName ducks behind a bookshelf and decides to throw a book at The Great Evil in the hope of knocking the wand out of his hand. $playerName scours the bookshelf and throws a [[first grade]] book, a [[third grade]] math book or a [[teachers]] book.The dust comes together in the middle of the room and forms into a human like creature but without a face. Mrs. Stulte cackles "The Great Evil has arrived!" She gives the dust creature the wand. "Who is this who dares stand in my way?" the creature booms in a voice like an explosion. "Step forward, and resist The Great Evil if you dare!" the creature adds. [[$playerName steps forward|protag]] [[$bestFriend steps forward|friend]] [[$teacherName steps forward|teacher]]$playerName holds the ring and key together, but nothing happens. $playerName tries placing the key through the ring, and that casues a rumble. "Stop that! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!" shouts Chicken $bestFriend. But it is to late, eggs start to shoot across the room out of Chicken $bestFriend's butt! $bestFriend is spinning around, clucking and shooting eggs all over the place. "That was wrong!" [[Ring and Book|RB1]] [[Book and Key|BK1]]$playerName places the ring near the book, nothing happens. $playerName places the ring in the book, nothing happens. $playerName places the ring on the book, still nothing happens. $teacherName shrugs, "That isn't it." $playerName puts the ring on and opens the book. The skull on the ring begins to quake, to rattle and then to shake violently. $playerName tosses the ring into the corner. There is a rainbow of dark light arching from the book to the ring. The skull begins to grow, and soon it is life size with a life size skeleton body too! "You summoned a skeleton!? Cluck! Cluckety no!" says $bestFriend. The skeleton walks over and picks up Chicken $bestFriend in it's bony fingers. The mouth drops open and air comes out of its mouth. Slowly, $bestFriend begins to change back into $bestFriend. The skeleton then gives $playerName a wand made of bone. The skeleton disappears once $bestFriend is fixed. But there are some eggs on the floor under $bestFriend. "Oooookay." $teacherName says. "Let's focus, we have a wand of our own. Let's find Mrs. Stulte and stop her!" $playerName nods and waves the wand and says "FIND...O Mrs. Stulte...O!" There is another puff of smoke, and once it clears Mrs. Stulte is standing back in the library, wand in hand. [[Battle Mrs. Stulte]]$playerName takes out the book and the key, when they get close together a lock appears in the center of the book. $playerName places the key in the lock and turns it, the book opens to reveal another wand made from what looks like bone. "What is this?" $playerName wonders aloud. "Try to change him back." $teacherName says. $playerName waves the wand and says "RETURN...O to $bestFriend...O!" There is a puff of orange smoke and Chicken $bestFriend is returned to regular $bestFriend. "Thank you, thank you very much." $bestFriend says, then reaches into his pants and pulls out an egg. "Oooookay." $teacherName says. "Let's focus, we have a wand of our own. Let's find Mrs. Stulte and stop her!" $playerName nods and waves the wand and says "FIND...O Mrs. Stulte...O!" There is another puff of smoke, and once it clears Mrs. Stulte is standing back in the library, wand in hand. [[Battle Mrs. Stulte]]Mrs. Stulte looks hard at $playerName "Do you think that wand of bone can defeat me with this wand?" $playerName shrugs "I think we see where this goes." Mrs. Stulte waves her wand and a (text-color: red) [red beam] fires out toward $playerName. $playerName responds with a [[blue|bluebeam]] or an [[orange|orangebeam]]?$playerName puts the ring on and opens the book. The skull on the ring begins to quake, to rattle and then to shake violently. $playerName tosses the ring into the corner. There is a rainbow of dark light arching from the book to the ring. The skull begins to grow, and soon it is life size with a life size skeleton body too! "You summoned a skeleton!? Cluck! Cluckety no!" says $bestFriend still shooting eggs all around the room. The skeleton walks over and picks up Chicken $bestFriend in it's bony fingers. The mouth drops open and air comes out of its mouth. Slowly, $bestFriend begins to change back into $bestFriend. The skeleton then gives $playerName a magic wand made from bone. The skeleton disappears once $bestFriend is fixed. But there are some eggs on the floor under $bestFriend. "Oooookay." $teacherName says. "Let's focus, we have a wand of our own. Let's find Mrs. Stulte and stop her!" $playerName nods and waves the wand and says "FIND...O Mrs. Stulte...O!" There is another puff of smoke, and once it clears Mrs. Stulte is standing back in the library, wand in hand. [[Battle Mrs. Stulte]]$playerName takes out the book and the key, when they get close together a lock appears in the center of the book. $playerName places the key in the lock and turns it, the book opens to reveal another wand made from what looks like bone. $teacherName gets hit in the face with a flying egg. "Hurry up!" $playerName waves the wand and says "RETURN...O to $bestFriend...O!" There is a puff of orange smoke and Chicken $bestFriend is returned to regular $bestFriend. "Thank you, thank you very much." $bestFriend says, then reaches into his pants and pulls out an egg. "Oooookay." $teacherName says. "Let's focus, we have a wand of our own. Let's find Mrs. Stulte and stop her!" $playerName nods and waves the wand and says "FIND...O Mrs. Stulte...O!" There is another puff of smoke, and once it clears Mrs. Stulte is standing back in the library, wand in hand. [[Battle Mrs. Stulte]]Near the top of the hill $playerName tackles Mrs. Stulte and they both tumble backward down the hill. They land in the mud at the bottom of the hill and that is when they realize that the wand fell. $playerName looks up and the wand is at the top of the hill. Mrs. Stulte starts up the hill but $playerName is much faster and reaches the wand. "Okay Stulte, if that is your real name, let's go back to the library and end this!" $playerName says. [[Back to the library|Summon The Great Evil]]"BWAAAAAAAAAK!!!" Chicken $bestFriend screams and flies through the air taking down Mrs. Stulte. $playerName races ahead of the chicken carnage and grabs the wand. Mrs. Stulte reaches down and grabs Chicken $bestFriend. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander?" she yells then throws Chicken $bestFriend. "I am a chicken!!!" $bestFriend yells and rockets into the face of $playerName. The wand drops and rolls down the hill where Mrs. Stulte picks it up. She heads back down and shoves $teacherName out of the way and drives off. $playerName, Chicken $bestFriend and $teacherName get back in the car and chase her. She pulls into an old warehouse, jumps out and runs inside. [[Wait outside for a few minutes]] [[Rush in a find out what is going on]] $playerName rolls to the side, The Great Evil spell explodes a hole in the wall. $playerName points the wand for the attack! [[Transmutare!]] [[Ball O of Fire O!]]$playerName holds out the wand and a beam of golden light shoots out and meets the dark gray light coming from the wand of The Great Evil. "So you wish to engage me?" The Great Evil says. "Then we shall fight the way of the masters." $playerName has no idea what that means. The Great Evil moves his wand to try and gain an advantage, $playerName keeps moving the Wand of Donum so the streams don't break. The Great Evil seems to be ready to make a big move, $playerName decides to make a move first. Does $playerName move the wand [[Up]] [[Down]] [[Left|Clinton]] [[Right|Bush]]The faceless form begins to twist, in pain it falls to the floor. "You did it!" shouts $teacherName. The Great Evil begins to scream, to bellow to the sky above in a kind of hurt. There is a puff of smoke and a flash of bright white light. Where the Great Evil once was is a cheese stick. "I think you turned it into a cheese stick." says $teacherName. "That's what I was thinking about when I said Transmutare, I am kinda hungry." $playerName replies. Mrs. Stulte runs over and eats the cheese stick "AHA! Now the Great Evil is inside me..." She then begins to writhe in pain, until she has turned into a full size cheese stick. "I am The Great Evil and I cannot be defeated!" the Cheese Stick shouts. $playerName waves the wand and says [[First Graders.. O!]] or [[Cut The Cheese O!]]The Great Evil easily rejects the Ball of Fire. "Is that all you have?" the sand like faceless creature shouts. He lifts $teacherName off the ground, stopping once $teacherName is touching the ceiling twenty feet in the air. "Give me the wand, or I drop this pitiful person." [[Hand over the wand]] [[Don't give up the wand]]A swarm of first graders flood the room, and first graders cannot resist a cheese stick. They take down the Great Evil and over the next few minutes over a thousand first graders eat a part of the cheese stick. "Now the great evil is spread out all over the place, inside a thousand first graders, who are all a little evil anyway." says $playerName. The Wand of Donum speaks "You have done well, the Great Evil is defeated. Keep me well, in case you have need of me again." $playerName tucks the wand safely in pocket. All is right with the world, and safe from the Great Evil... at least for now.$playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName begin to fart. Not normal ones, but loud booming ones that begin to fill the room with a terrible stench. The Great Evil Cheese Stick stumbles. "Oh the smell is terrible!" The Cheese Stick falls backwards to the floor. $playerName and $bestFriend roll it toward a garbage compactor. The Great Evil tumbles in and $teacherName presses the button and the Great Evil Cheese Stick is squished. The Wand of Donum speaks "You have done well $playerName. The Great Evil is vanquished. Keep me well, in case you have need of me again." $playerName holds the wand close as they all walk out of the warehouse, knowing that they have saved the world. At least for now.$playerName places the wand on the floor "If you want it, come get it. But put down $teacherName!" The Great Evil approaches the wand, $playerName lunges forward and tries to kick the creature but it is made of dust, $playerName's foot just goes through. The Great Evil laughs and picks up the wand. "I am now the most powerful being in the world!" The Great Evil cackles. "Let $teacherName down!" shouts $playerName. The Great Evil seems to have an evil smile on the faceless face. $playerName knows that The Great Evil is going to drop $teacherName. [[Run over and try to catch $teacherName]] [[Push over a dumpster]]"I never got good grades anyway, drop $teacherName." The Great Evil snickers and drops $teacherName. $playerName shouts "Trampoline .. O!" A trampoline appears and $teacherName begins to bounce up and down, safely. The Great Evil points the wand at $bestFriend, $playerName becomes more serious than ever before "No one messes with my friends!" [[DESTRUCT.... O!]] [[Jump in front of $bestFriend]]With all the power of loyalty to friends, $playerName has the power to defeat The Great Evil. The faceless sand creature in the center of the room explodes into a million little sand grains and is once again returned to dust. "Whoa." says $bestFriend. The Wand of Donum speaks "You have done well $playerName. The Great Evil is gone and the world is saved. Keep me safe though, in case you need me again." $playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName smile at each other and leave the warehouse, knowing that the world is safe. ... for now.$playerName falls to the floor, crushed by the power of The Great Evil. "Fool." says The Great Evil and points the wand at $bestFriend. $playerName comes off the floor like a whip. $playerName is glowing. The Great Evil stumbles backward "Nooooo!" it shouts as $playerName points the wand and a brilliant white light leaves the tip of the wand and in the blink of an eye destroys The Great Evil. The dust settles. The wand speaks "$playerName, you gave yourself for your friend and in that action gave yourself a great power. A power you used to defeat The Great Evil and save the world." "So we saved the world." says $playerName. $teacherName smiles "No homework tonight." For now, the world is safe. For now.$teacherName falls and lands on top of $playerName. Both are on the floor and neither is moving. $bestFriend slowly walks over. $playerName gets up, and seems to be surrounded by a golden light. $playerName holds out a hand and the Wand of Donum, flies out of the hand of The Great Evil and back into the hand of $playerName. $playerName points the wand at The Great Evil and a brilliant golden light fills The Great Evil and blows the creature back into dust. $playerName looks down at the wand and it begins to speak. "$playerName you gave yourself and in that sacrifice you were given a great power, and with it you saved the world. Well done $playerName." With The Great Evil defeated $playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName leave the warehouse. And the world is safe. For now.$teacherName lands in the dumpster, but seems to be hurt. $bestFriend runs over "I think $teacherName might have a broken ankle!" $playerName charges toward The Great Evil, but goes right through since it is made from dust. The Great Evil points the wand at $bestFriend "Let's break another ankle!" [[Jump in front of $bestFriend]] [[Throw something at The Great Evil]]$playerName picks up a can from the floor and throws it, is goes right through The Great Evil and hits $bestFriend on the head. $bestFriend falls to the floor and is missed by the spell of The Great Evil. "Idiot!" The Great Evil shouts. The Great Evil points the wand at $bestFriend, who is rubbing his/her head on the floor. There is only one thing to do. [[Jump in front of $bestFriend]]The Great Evil moves to the right, and the golden beam of the Wand of Donum reaches the The Great Evil and he drops his wand. $playerName holds the wand in the dust and filth that is The Great Evil. Finally the creature explodes back into a million little dust particles. The Wand of Donum speaks "You have done well. $playerName you have saved the world. Go and be well, and keep me safe in case you ever have need of me again." So the heroes leave the warehouse and return to the school, knowing that the world is safe. For now!The Great Evil moves to the right, and the golden beam of the Wand of Donum reaches the The Great Evil and he drops his wand. $playerName holds the wand in the dust and filth that is The Great Evil. Finally the creature explodes back into a million little dust particles. The Wand of Donum speaks "You have done well. $playerName you have saved the world. Go and be well, and keep me safe in case you ever have need of me again." So the heroes leave the warehouse and return to the school, knowing that the world is safe. For now!The Great Evil moves to the right, and the golden beam of the Wand of Donum reaches the The Great Evil and he drops his wand. $playerName holds the wand in the dust and filth that is The Great Evil. Finally the creature explodes back into a million little dust particles. The Wand of Donum speaks "You have done well. $playerName you have saved the world. Go and be well, and keep me safe in case you ever have need of me again." So the heroes leave the warehouse and return to the school, knowing that the world is safe. For now!The Great Evil moves to the right just a second before $playerName, the beam of dirt colored light hits $playerName in the chest and throws him/her to the ground. The Great Evil laughs. "Say goodbye to your friends!" $playerName sees that The Great Evil is getting ready to blow away $bestFriend and $teacherName. The Great Evil has his wand pointing at $bestFriend.. [[Jump in front of $bestFriend]] [[Attack again with the Wand of Donum]]The beam of golden light hits The Great Evil in where his heart is, well, where his heart would be if The Great Evil had a heart. The creature falls to the floor and writhes in pain! Suddenly he explodes back into a million dust particles. $playerName looks down at the wand and it begins to speak. "Well done. You have saved the world $playerName. Go and be well, but keep me safe in case you need me again." $playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName walk out of the warehouse knowing they would sleep well, since the world is safe. For now.$playerName steps in the way, but knows that getting hit with a blast from the wand would mean certain death. The Great Evil waves the wand, and $playerName has to try and not get hit by the beam, so $playerName ... [[NINJA ROLL!]] [[JUMPS INTO A NEARBY ALUMINUM TRASH CAN|JUMP INTO An ALUMINUM TRASH CAN!]] The creature rises up, nearly ten feet in the air "You are brave, but you shall be the first of many to suffer!" The Great Evil points the wand at $bestFriend, ready to blast $bestFriend into oblivion. $playerName takes a deep breath and [[jumps in front]] of $bestFriend or [[rushes toward]] The Great Evil.The creature rises up, nearly ten feet in the air "You are brave, but you shall be the first of many to suffer!" The Great Evil points the wand at $teacherName, ready to blast $teacherName into oblivion. $playerName takes a deep breath and [[jumps in front]] of $teacherName or [[rushes toward]] The Great Evil.$playerName takes the red beam from the wand, the blast knocks $playerName to the ground. $bestFriend and $teacherName stand over $playerName, who is not moving. A bright white light illuminates $playerName, who is lifted into the air. $playerName opens his/her eyes and points at The Great Evil. A golden beam explodes out of $playerName's fingers and destroys The Great Evil. $playerName walks over and picks up the wand, which begins to speak. "You have done well. You have saved the world $playerName. Your selflessness gave you the power to defeat The Great Evil. The world is safe." The is a moment of silence and then $bestFriend says "So does this mean we don't have homework tonight?" $teacherName smiles. The world is safe. For now.$playerName rushes toward The Great Evil, who quickly turns the wand toward $playerName. "So you would rather die first?" the creature bellows in a deep boom of a voice. $playerName will die if hit by the blast from the wand. So does $playerName [[NINJA ROLL!]] [[JUMP INTO An ALUMINUM TRASH CAN!]]$playerName ninja rolls, the deadly beam blast misses and destorys the wall. $playerName leaps and grabs the wand out of the hand of The Great Evil, spins around and shouts... [[DESTROYOOOOOOO!!!!]] [[FELINUS ASHTAR!!!!!]]The beam blast reflects back to The Great Evil, the explosion doesn't hurt him but it does knock the Wand of Donum out of his hand. $playerName jumps back out of the can and races over, The Great Evil scrambles toward the wand which is rolling across the floor. $playerName and The Great Evil are side by side running to grab the wand. $playerName [[keeps running]] or [[tries to knock down The Great Evil]] $playerName waves the wand and a brilliant golden light bursts forth but The Great Evil is prepared and blocks the spell. $playerName looks down at the wand and it now has three small buttons on the base and they are glowing. One is blue, one is red and the last one is purple. $playerName can sense the power of the wand and knows that using these spells in the right order will defeat The Great Evil, but using them in the wrong order could spell doom. $playerName waves the wand and holds down which button first? [[Red|Red Wand]] [[Blue|Blue Wand]] [[Purple|Purple Wand]] The Four Tigers of Ashtar walk out of the shadows. The Great Evil laughs "You think these kitty cats scare me?" The Great Evil raises his hand and points at one of the tigers, there is a loud pop and the tiger is gone. "Give me back the wand, or the rest of the tigers die." [[Give back the wand|return wand]] [[Cast a spell|DESTROYOOOOOOO!!!!]] The Great Evil seems to grin in that faceless mass of tan and gray uglyness "You are a fool! I am now more powerful than ever and you will still watch your friends die!" The Great Evil sets his evil sights on one of the other tigers. But as The Great Evil casts the spell, $playerName steps in front of the powerful evil and is knocked to the floor. The tigers surround the body of $playerName as The Great Evil draws closer. Suddenly $playerName rises up, glowing golden and casts a powerful spell from his/her finger that destroys The Great Evil. The wand rolls to $playerName's feet, who picks it up. The Wand of Donum speaks "Your selflessness has given you a great power and with that power you have saved the world $playerName." The tigers slowly disappear and $playerName is joined by $bestFriend and $teacherName. They walk out of the warehouse, knowing that the world is safe. For now.A red hot beam if crimson light explodes across the room and knocks The Great Evil backwards. "Noo!" he screams and scrambles for his own wand. Which one next? [[Blue|Blue Wand 2]] [[Purple|Purple Wand]]A blue comes out of the wand but The Great Evil deflects it and it hits $teacherName, instantly freezing $teacherName in place. The Great Evil turns toward $teacherName, ready to use his wand to deliver a final blow. $playerName decides to [[use the red button|Red Wand]] or [[protect]] $teacherName by standing in front of the spell cast.A purple comes out of the wand but The Great Evil deflects it and it hits $teacherName, instantly freezing $teacherName in place. The Great Evil turns toward $teacherName, ready to use his wand to deliver a final blow. $playerName decides to [[use the red button|Red Wand]] or [[protect]] $teacherName by standing in front of the spell cast.An icy hot blue beam joins with the red one and The Great Evil is now doubled over and is making noises as if he is in great pain. $playerName then waves the wand one final time and uses the purple button! The Great Evil explodes back into a million dust particles. The Wand speaks "You have done very well. You have saved the world $playerName. Keep me close though, in case you need me in the future." $playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName walk out of the warehouse, knowing that the world is safe. "Does this mean we don't have homework tonight?" asks $bestFriend. $teacherName just laughs.$playerName takes the powerful force of the spell and is knocked to the ground. $bestFriend rushes over, $playerName is not moving. Suddenly $playerName's eyes open and he/she rises to his/her feet. $playerName is surrounded by a golden glow, $teacherName melts in it's warmth. $playerName turns and casts a golden spell at The Great Evil who explodes back into a million little dust particles. The wand speaks "Well done. You have saved the world $playerName, it is safe." "So does this mean we don't have homework?" asks $bestFriend. $teacherName smiles "Not tonight." The three leave the warehouse, knowing that the world is safe... For now!$playerName gets to the wand first, just by a hair and in one quick and cool motion holds the wand out toward The Great Evil. $playerName notices that the wand now has three buttons on the base, one blue, one purple and one red. $playerName feels at one with the wand, and knows that using these buttons and casting spells in the right order will defeat The Great Evil. Which button does $playerName use first? [[Red|Red Wand]] [[Purple|Purple Wand]] [[Blue|Blue Wand]]The Great Evil is made from dust and filth so $playerName just goes right through him and crashes shoulder first into a wall. The Great Evil now has the wand and is ready to use it. $bestFriend has found a cookbook in the rubble of this old warehouse and throws it at The Great Evil just as he casts his spell toward $playerName. The Great Evil has his spell altered by the word he sees as the recipe book goes through him. What word is it? [[Meatball]] [[Banana]] $playerName is not turned into a meatball, but can now shoot meatballs out of his/her mouth! Each time $playerName opens his/her mouth a rather large meatball fires across the room. $playerName realizes that with a good shot, a meatball fired out of the mouth can knock the wand out of the hand of The Great Evil. The Great Evil moves toward $playerName, holding the wand in his right hand. $playerName fires a meatball to his/her [[left|leftmeatball]], [[right|rightmeatball]] or [[straight|straightmeatball]]?$playerName is turned into a banana. But $bestFriend thinks quick "Let me peel you!" "I'll be naked!" $playerName shouts. $bestFriend sees The Great Evil ready to recast his evil spell "We can use your peel to trip him." $playerName peels himself and hands the big peel to $bestFriend. "Over here you ugly dusty jerk head!" $bestFriend taunts. The Great Evil moves toward him and $bestFriend throws the peel under his feet, he slips and lands on his back and the wand comes out of his hand. $bestFriend grabs it and goes over to $playerName. $playerName has no hands, so $bestFriend is trying to figure out how to give $playerName the wand. [[Stick it in]] [[Place it on the ground near the banana base]]"OUCH!" $playerName shouts, but instantly is turned back to $playerName without a hole where the wand was shoved in when $playerName was a banana. $playerName turns and sees The Great Evil ready to cast a spell. $playerName rolls out of the way and sees that there are now three buttons on the base of the wand. One is red, one is purple and the other is blue. $playerName feels at one with the wand and knows that casting spells using these buttons in the right order will defeat The Great Evil. Which spell does $playerName cast first? [[Purple|Purple Wand]] [[Blue|Blue Wand]] [[Red|Red Wand]]$playerName falls onto the wand and once on it turns back into regular $playerName. $playerName rolls and gets on his/her feet. $playerName turns and sees The Great Evil ready to cast a spell. $playerName rolls out of the way and sees that there are now three buttons on the base of the wand. One is red, one is purple and the other is blue. $playerName feels at one with the wand and knows that casting spells using these buttons in the right order will defeat The Great Evil. Which spell does $playerName cast first? [[Purple|Purple Wand]] [[Blue|Blue Wand]] [[Red|Red Wand]]The meatball knocks the wand out of the hand of The Great Evil. $bestFriend races in and grabs the wand and throws it frisbee style across the room. $playerName makes a great catch. $playerName starts wildly shooting meatballs at The Great Evil. The Great Evil stumbles backwards disoriented by the flying meatballs. $playerName cast the final spell! The Great Evil is hit with a golden light from the wand and soon explodes back into a million dust particles. The wand speaks "Well done. You have saved the world $playerName. Keep me in a safe place in case you need me again in the future." "Does this mean we have no homework?" asks $bestFriend, $teacherName just laughs. They all walk out of the warehouse, knowing that the world is safe... for now!The meatball fires past the left side of The Great Evil. The Great Evil waves his evil wand and shouts "SHUT O UP O!" $playerName's mouth is sealed shut. The Great Evil moves slowly to the center of the warehouse. He points his wand at $teacherName "Now the suffering can begin!" $playerName has to make a quick decision. [[Throw the cookbook]] at the Great Evil or [[Try and save]] $teacherNameThe meatball fires right through The Great Evil. The Great Evil waves his evil wand and shouts "SHUT O UP O!" $playerName's mouth is sealed shut. The Great Evil moves slowly to the center of the warehouse. He points his wand at $teacherName "Now the suffering can begin!" $playerName has to make a quick decision. [[Throw the cookbook]] at the Great Evil or [[Try and save]] $teacherNameAgain the book distracts The Great Evil! $teacherName is not destroyed but has been turned into a stalk of broccoli. The Great Evil stumbles backwards, even The Great Evil hates broccoli. $playerName uses the distraction and grabs the wand out of the hand of The Great Evil. $playerName points the wand at The Great Evil and a great golden light comes out of the wand and blasts him back into a million dust particles. The Great Evil has been destroyed, $playerName has saved the world. But $teacherName stays a broccoli until $teacherName agrees to never give homework again.The evil blast from the wand of The Great Evil hits $playerName, who steps in front of $teacherName. $playerName slumps to the floor, but begins to glow with a warm golden light. $playerName stands and points at The Great Evil, a brillant golden beam explodes out of the end of his/her finger and fills The Great Evil. There is an explosion, and The Great Evil is blasted back into a million dust particles. The Wand of Donum rolls to the feet of $playerName who picks it up, the wand speaks "Well done. You have saved the world $playerName. But keep me close, in case you need me in the future." $playerName, $bestFriend and $teacherName leave the warehouse knowing that the world is safe... ... for now!The blue beam acts as water and douses the fire of the red beam. The air fills with water vapor and it becomes hard to see. $playerName can see Mrs. Stulte moving to her left to try and get off a clear shot. $playerName then [[duck and cover]] or [[moves in to challenge her]]?The orange beam mixes with the red beam and the explosion blows $playerName backwards into a bookshelf. Mrs. Stulte walks over and picks up the wand made of bone. She laughs and touches the two wands together! "Stop her!" $bestFriend yells. $teacherName tries to tackle Mrs. Stulte but cannot, she is safe behind a force field of some kind. The library begins to smoke and rock back and forth! Stulte shouts ... "[[Summonus Malum]]!!!"Mrs. Stulte fires and the red hot beam goes over $playerName's head. $playerName jumps up and has a clear shot at Mrs. Stulte. $playerName takes the shot and Mrs. Stulte is turned into a toilet. The wand rolls to the feet of $playerName. There is a great rumbling as the two wands get near each other. Mrs. Stulte the toilet speaks, her lid flapping up and down "It is time! The Great Evil arrives!" [[The Great Evil Battle|Summon The Great Evil]]$playerName cuts off her move and is able to grab the wand from her. But as soon as $playerName has both wands the room begins to rumble. "It begins!" Mrs. Stulte shouts. [[Fight The Great Evil|Summon The Great Evil]]The book isn't thick enough to knock the wand out of his hands, he turns and shoots a red beam of light at the book shelf and it blows a huge flaming hole in the bookshelf. $bestFriend runs by and grabs $playerName, they both run toward the back of the library. They [[hide]] under the librarians desk or [[build a fort]] out of tables and desks.The book isn't thick enough to knock the wand out of his hands, he turns and shoots a red beam of light at the book shelf and it blows a huge flaming hole in the bookshelf. $bestFriend runs by and grabs $playerName, they both run toward the back of the library. They [[hide]] under the librarians desk or [[build a fort]] out of tables and desks. The big thick teachers book knocks the wand out of The Great Evil's hand. The wand rolls and $playerName races over and grabs the wand and points it at The Great Evil. "I am not powerless fool!" The Great Evil says. $playerName replies "Neither am I since I have this!" The Great Evil takes a deep breath "You have made a terrible mistake!" [[The Battle Begins!|Summon The Great Evil]]"We are going to have to fight somehow!" $playerName says. They look under the desk and find... [[old keyboard]] [[old lunch]] [[ruler]] Which does $playerName fight with?$playerName and $bestFriend knock over a few tables and build a makeshift fort. "Okay, now what?" says $bestFriend. The Great Evil moves in toward them "Now you will both suffer!" $playerName makes a decision. [[Stand up!]] [[Make a break for the door]]$playerName stands up "Do what you have to but leave my friends alone!" The Great Evil snickers "I do what I want!" The Great Evil points the wand and shoots, a bright red beam of light hits $playerName in the chest but it doesn't do any damage. The beam reflects back and hits The Great Evil, he fills with red light which gets brighter and brighter until The Great Evil explodes into a million little dust particles. The wand is suddenly in the hands of $playerName, and the wand speaks "Well done, your selflessness has saved you, and the world. You saved the world $playerName." The world is safe... For now!$playerName races toward the door, The Great Evil fires a blast from the wand but misses $playerName. Once outside $playerName scrambles around for something to fight The Great Evil with. The Great Evil destroys the door and steps through the smoke and fire "Where are you my scared little friend?" $playerName finds [[rocks]] [[tree limb]] Which one does $playerName use?$playerName jumps up and swings the old keyboard and hits The Great Evil on the wrist, the wand flies to the other side of the room. $playerName scrambles over and picks up the wand! "I do not fear you!" The Great Evil snorts and smokes comes out of his nasty nostrils. [[Let The Battle Begin|Summon The Great Evil]]$playerName throws the old smelly lunch through the air, and it hits The Great Evil just as he waves the wand. The Great Evil doubles over in pain, screaming. Slowly The Great Evil transforms from a scary evil dude into a moldy old sandwhich. The Great Evil is now on the floor, nothing more than an old turkey and cheese sandwhich. $teacherName shouts "I have an idea." Soon $teacherName is back with the hamsters from the third grade classrooms. They devour the The Great Evil sandwhich. $playerName picks up the wand, which speaks "You have saved the world $playerName. The Great Evil is now nothing more than hamster poop, well, eventually he will be. Well done $playerName." $playerName and $bestFriend exchange a fist bump and know that the world is safe... for now!$playerName slaps the ruler over the knuckles of The Great Evil, but it doesn't seem to hurt him! $playerName ducks back under the desk and shouts at $bestFriend... Give me the [[old keyboard]] Give me the [[old lunch]]$playerName throws a rock and it hits The Great Evil on the wrist, knocking the wand out of his hand. $playerName runs back toward the library, somersaults and grabs the wand and goes back into the library. The Great Evil follows, even angrier than before. "Do you think this is over just because you have that pathetic wand?" The Great Evil snorts. [[The Battle Begins!|Summon The Great Evil]]$playerName swings the tree limb but The Great Evil grabs it and with one quick motion jerks it away. The Great Evil then grips the throat of $playerName and lifts $playerName off the ground. $bestFriend comes out of the library and tackles The Great Evil. The wand falls to the ground. There is a mad scramble among the three to get the wand. [[Who Gets The Wand?]](set: $winner to (either: 1, 2, 3)) (if: $winner is 1) [The Great Evil comes up with the wand and points it at $bestFriend. "You are about to pay dearly for that!" $playerName jumps in front of the blast and takes the full brunt of it in the [[chest]] ] (elseif: $winner is 2) [$playerName comes up with the wand. "Do you think I fear that pathetic piece of wood in your hands?" The Great Evil snorts. [[The Battle Begins|Summon The Great Evil]] ] (else:) [$bestFriend comes up with the wand and ducks back into the library, $playerName follows. $bestFriend gives the wand to $playerName just as The Great Evil darkens the library with his presence. "I do not fear you with that!" shouts The Great Evil. [[The Battle Begins|Summon The Great Evil]] ]The red beam doesn't effect $playerName, instead the beam of magic reflects back to The Great Evil. The beam of light fills The Great Evil until he explodes into a million little dust particles. The wand suddenly is in the hand of $playerName and the wand begins to speak "$playerName you have saved the world, you were given the power by your act of selflessness. Keep me close though, in case you need me." $playerName and $bestFriend high five, knowing that the world is safe. For now.$playerName waves the wand in a circle but The Great Evil quickly uses a blast of potent magic to knock $playerName to the ground. The Great Evil points his wand at $bestFriend and smiles down at $playerName "You will watch your friend suffer!" $playerName goes to the [[left|leftsuffer]] of The Great Evil or [[jumps|martyr]] in front of the blast meant for $bestFriend.A bright silver light forms the shape of a diamond and it seems to scare The Great Evil! He moves in, which way does $playerName move? [[Left|l1111]] [[Right|r1111]]$playerName moves to the weak side of The Great Evil, but now for waving the wand. [[Circle|Circle1001]] or [[Diamond|Diamond1001]] $playerName moves to the strong side of The Great Evil who quickly uses a blast of potent magic to knock $playerName to the ground. The Great Evil points his wand at $bestFriend and smiles down at $playerName "You will watch your friend suffer!" $playerName goes to the [[left|leftsuffer]] of The Great Evil or [[jumps|martyr]] in front of the blast meant for $bestFriend.$playerName moves to the weak side of The Great Evil and the diamond shaped beam fills him and slowly melts him into a puddle of nothingness in the center of the room. There is a bad smell in the air, but it is over. $playerName has saved the world. There is no more Great Evil and once again the world is a safe place. At least for now.$playerName moves to the strong side of The Great Evil, but the power of the diamond wave of the wand is to much for The Great Evil. The diamond silver beam fills The Great Evil until it melts him into a puddle of nothingness in the middle of the room. $playerName has saved the world! At least for now.The circle wave forms a magical beam but The Great Evil is able to deflect it. He moves in and knocks $playerName to the ground. The Great Evil stands on the head of $playerName and points the wand at $bestFriend "You will watch your friend suffer!" The Great Evil laughs. $playerName [[bites]] The Great Evil uses the wand to set his robe on [[fire]]. A diamond forms and a golden beam fires out and into the chest of The Great Evil, slowly melting him into a puddle of nothingness in the middle of the room. $playerName has saved the world! The world is safe from The Great Evil. At least for now.$playerName exploits the weak side of The Great Evil with a short quick shot from the wand. The Great Evil stumbles backwards, the evil filling his eyes. $playerName waves the wand in a [[diamond]].$playerName stands in front of $bestFriend and takes the full brunt of the blast from the evil wand, but instead of getting blown into a million pieces $playerName begins to glow in a bright golden light. The light then fires across the room and into the head of The Great Evil and it melts him into a puddle in the center of the room. Because of selflessness $playerName was able to save the world and banish The Great Evil back to wherever he came from. $playerName has saved the world! At least for now!The Great Evil jerks up his foot and $playerName scrambles to his feet. $playerName [[attacks|attackTGE]] The Great Evil or [[jumps|martyr]] in front of the blast meant for $bestFriend?Though the robe is on fire it doesn't seem to matter to The Great Evil. The Great Evil fires off a shot that hits $bestFriend in the chest. The Great Evil lets up $playerName who races over and tries to wake up $bestFriend, who is still breathing but not awake. $playerName uses the wand to [[attack|attackTGE]] or [[save]] $bestFriend?The Great Evil [raises]<c1| his wand [high]<c2| above his [head]<c3|. He [smiles]<c4| and steps [forward]<c5|. (click: ?c1)[He is vulnerable under his arm!] (click: ?c2)[Is your shot at him [[high]] or [[low]]?] (click: ?c3)[Don't aim for his head!] (click: ?c4)[He is hoping you shoot for his head!] (click: ?c5)[Shoot low, under his arm!] $playerName holds the wand just over $bestFriend. "What are you doing?" snorts The Great Evil. "Saving my friend." $playerName replies. $bestFriend wakes "I was having this weird dream, there was this freak who.. nope not a dream there he is." and points at The Great Evil. $playerName takes a deep breath "This ends now!" [[Attack!|attackTGE]]The Great Evil easily deflects $playerName's shot. He fires his own shot and it knocks $playerName backwards and hard onto the floor. The Great Evil is standing above $playerName, grinning and pointing his evil wand right between $playerName's eyes. "Any last words?" cackles The Great Evil. "Yeah.." says $playerName. "[[Felinus Ashtar!|FA1001]]" or "[[Look out behind you!]]"The silver blast from the wand hits The Great Evil under the arm and flips him over and to the ground. He jumps back up only to get another shot, this one slowly fills him with bright silver light, and then melts him into a puddle of nothingness. $playerName has done it, $playerName has saved the world. With a little help from $bestFriend and $teacherName. So the world is safe.. For now!The Four Tigers of Ashtar appear and attack The Great Evil from behind. It allows $playerName to get to his feet. The Great Evil fights off the tigers with a spell that ties them all into a giant fur ball. $playerName and The Great Evil are face to face, The Great Evil grabs $playerName around the throat. "I will destroy you with my hands!" The Great Evil says breathing his bad breath on $playerName. Using the wand $playerName... [[rolls the fur ball]] [[pokes The Great Evil in the eye]]The Great Evil falls for it, there is nothing behind him. $playerName rolls out from under him and fire a blast from the wand just under his arm! The Great Evil shakes and fills with silver light, which slowly melts him into a puddle of nothingness in the middle of the room. You have saved the world $playerName! With some help from $bestFriend and $teacherName. But the world is safe. For now!The fur ball of tigers rolls across the floor, at the moment it hits The Great Evil from behind $playerName jumps up. The Great Evil lands on his back and $playerName lands on his chest. $playerName pushes the wand in his face and fires! A silver light fills The Great Evil and slowly melts him back into nothingness. $playerName, you have done it, you have saved the world. Well, $bestFriend and $teacherName helped a little. But the world is safe... For now!It works! The Great Evil lets go of the chokehold and stumbles backwards, $playerName levels the wand and fires! A shimmery silver light fills The Great Evil and slowly melts him into a puddle of nothingness in the middle of the room. You have done it $playerName, you have saved the world! Well, with a little help from $bestFriend and $teacherName, but the world is safe. For now!The rocket begins to zig zag, but it doesn't help. Try again! [[()!@]] [[()()()]] [[^^^]] It works! The car screeches to a halt. $playerName sees the tornado moving off to the right, $playerName can follow it by driving along the side of the road. [[side of the road]]Nope! Gotta swerve to miss slamming into the traffic! Swerve [[left|oncoming traffic]] or [[right|side of the road]]?Nope! $playerName swerves into oncoming traffic! The bright shiny red sports car slides off the road and into a ditch. $playerName has to make a desperate spell attempt! [[LASSO....O!]] [[ROCKET....O!|rocket]]$playerName goes to the side of the road and chases the tornado. The car is fast but it can't quite get the tornado. $playerName grabs the wand and makes a desperate spell attempt! [[LASSO....O!]] [[ROCKET....O!|rocket]]A giant lasso appears and $playerName grabs it and tries to rope [[the tornado]] or [[$bestFriend]]?MISTAKE! Now $playerName is flying through the air tied to a tornado. $playerName pulls himself along the rope until $playerName is right up near the tornado. $playerName can see $bestFriend spinning around in circles on the inside. While holid tight to the rope $playerName grabs $bestFriend when he/she comes by. They then slide down the rope and jump off near the ground. $bestFriend throws up, a lot. $playerName and $bestFriend walk back to the red shiny sports car and drive it back to the library. 'We better fix this wand." says $playerName. [[Fix the wand|first]]$playerName ropes $bestFriend and yanks $bestFriend out of the middle of the tornado. Back safely on the ground $bestFriend throws up. A lot. But the two make their way back to the library. "We better fix this wand." says $playerName. [[Fix the wand|first]]