<<set $struggle += 5>>You find an apple with a worm in it. It seems cartoonish and strange. There's nothing else of interest here and nowhere else to go.\n\n<<display either("minus5", "minus10", "plus5", "plus10")>>\n\n[[Go back|previous()]]\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>You continue down, searching the walls for other openings or tunnels, but your path only leads you further down.\n\nEventually you pass a small glass bottle, with light shining through.\n\n[[Investigate|investigation]]\n[[Proceed|proceed2]]\n<<set $funk += 5>>\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 10>><<set $funk += 20>>You keep going, climbing up the beanbag and walking over it. The rats scurry about your feet, eager to smell you and pee on you. They nibble at your latex toes as you climb, and you can feel their tiny feet and tiny teeth break through your protective barrier all the way up to your shins.\n\nYou panic slightly, and try to shake them off. This only seems to agitate and encourage their exploration, and soon you are being overwhelmed by a wave of rats. Having already torn through your suit, they begin to tear through your skin.\n\nYou pull your bleeding body over the rest of the rat colony, and you begin to [[fall|backdown]] through a dark tunnel, refuse contaminating your open wounds.\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>You slide down farther, slipping on a pile of old newspapers, and crushing a moldy watermelon with your head as you crash onto the trash floor. You wipe off what you can, but bits of rotten fruit have lodged in your nose.\n\n<<display either("plus10", "plus15")>>\n\nWith nowhere else to go, you follow as the way curves and twists, meeting up with another path heading steadily down.\n\n[[Proceed]]\n[[Head back up the sloping path|forward1]]\n\n<<status>>
As you stare into the eyes of this depraved trash slut, you feel yourself start to change. The suit protecting your body from the outside elements begins to sizzle and melt away, and you can feel the filth and the insects in the water begin to touch your once-healthy skin.\n\nYes, you think, this is it, this is the answer. You must become what you revile. But their gaze holds you still for a long time. You can feel your control slipping. You're going too deep.\n\nYour body slowly becomes one with the trash, and you navigate yourself effortlessly through the wall seperating you from the other two.\n\nThe three of you fuck hungrily atop your pile of trash as the world above you succumbs to [[decay|credits]].\n\n[[Ingernious: off\nFunk: [■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■]■■■■■■■■■■ 150%\nStruggle: [■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□] 50%|explanation]]
"No, I have to do this on my own."\n\nThe being of pure light looks really confused. He scowls, and pulls back the wand.\n\n"Fine, be that way if you want to die alone in this horrid pile of trash. I guess that's what I get for being such a //nice guy// to you!"\nAnd then he vanishes.\n\nTry as you might, you remain terribly lost in the trash, and you do [[die|credits]] alone. When you do, your body slowly decomposes and becomes just another part of the great trash domain.\n\nWow, maybe you should have just used the wand.\n<<set $funk to 100>><<set $struggle to 100>>\n\n<<status>>
She makes no motion to resist you, knowing her time has come. She laughs a dry laugh as your infected nails dig into her skin and puncture her lungs. She slumps to the ground, a proud smile on her face. Though she tries to speak, no sound comes out. You lovingly hold a finger to her lips as way to say, "There is no need for words now."\n\nYou wait as she dies and becomes another part of the trash. //Your// trash.\n\nYou will [[struggle|credits]] no more.\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>You ought to be back where you started by now, but somehow you're not. Where are you? The Funk is getting worse around you, you should probaby pick a direction.\n\n<<set $funk += 5>>\n[[Left|kleft]]\n[[Right|kright]]\n\n<<status>>\n\n
<<set $struggle += 5>>You begin to climb back down. This is clearly a huge pile of trash, there's no way you're going to be able to get to the top of it. Instead you continue [[down|kdown2]].\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle to 100>>You know what you must do. With all your remaining power, you Struggle and finally tip over the barrel. Spent nuclear fuel spills out of it, the container now empty and powerless. You can hear an otherwordly shriek pierce the air, and the trash around you begins to shake and dislodge.\n\nYou've done it. You never gave up, you never gave in. You stayed clean to the last.\n\nYou take pride in this final thought as the trash around you collapses and [[crushes|credits]] you.\n\n<<status>>
You brandish your trash grabber, but she's faster than you, her gnarled fingers wrapping around your respirator. She pulls, and the thick strap comes unsecured, the respirator yanked roughly up your face, smashing your nose as it's removed.\n\nThe witch laughs, though it's more of a wet cough than a cackle. The Funk around you enters your nose and you feel sick. Waves of <<cyclinglink "vinegar" "gasoline" "methane" "sulfur" "decomposing flesh" "old fish" "blood">> overwhelm you. You cover your mouth, trying to choke back the feelings of nausea.\n\n"Go now, into the heart of my domain, with this curse: that no matter what you do, you will [[struggle]]. You will fight the noxious [[funk]], and you will be defeated by [[Ingernious]]."\n<<set $funk += 15>><<set $in to "off">>\nThe ground opens up around you and you [[fall|mazestart]].
The trash witch is putrid and beautiful, even more so than when you saw her last; clearly she has been preparing for this final battle as well. Her long, matted hair is separated into sections with rusted twisty ties. Ants and cockroaches wind up her legs in spiral patterns, dipping beneath her dress and emerging again to spiral around her arms. Her dress is made from an elaborate assortment of trashbags and waste.\n\nShe floats down from her throne towards you, her feet oozing pus and blood behind her. Even behind your respirator you can smell her: the fermented sweetness of vanilla-scented trashbags mixed with rotted bananas, atop a heavy musk of bile and ammonia. You look at your wrist indicator; the levels of [[funk]] sliding off her are beyond your ability to assess. She is too strong. There is no way you will win.\n\nShe slides her yellow, curled nails down your smooth, latexed arm and whispers near where your ear is covered up.\n\n"You think you can fight me, warrior? You think you deserve to face me?\n\n[[I think not.|begin3]]"
Her now-pale arms wrap around you, her bleached nails digging into your back. You can feel them, their curled inches punchering you between your ribs. You can feel the sting of the bleach as it gets inside you, as well as the dirt still under her nails, the essence of her Funk invading your bloodstream.\n\nYour knees shake, but being held tight in her embrace, you have nowhere to fall. She sticks out her tongue, coated in a thick, beige buildup, and traces it against the side of your face. You can feel a slight tingle, as the bacteria try to find a foothold in your skin.\n\nShe hisses, "Your faith betrays you, warrior. You were doomed from the start. You cannot kill that which you don't understand." She drops your now-limp body, and you [[fall|credits]] into the dark.\n\n\n\n[[Ingernious: on\nFunk:[■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■]100%\nStruggle:[■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■]100%|explanation]]\n
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<<set $struggle += 5>>You head back to the left passage, scouring the trash, overripe fruit oozing between your latex-covered fingers. You're glad you can't feel it.\n\n<<display either("plus5", "plus10", "plus15")>>\n\nWait, you thought you heard something from the [[right|kright2]]!\n\n<<status>>
<<set $funk to 0>><<set $struggle to 0>><<set $in to "ERROR">>You wave the wand in her direction and the witch shrieks.\n\n"You cheater! \nIt wasn't supposed to be like this! How can you so callously destroy all that I've made? I saved all this trash, I made it mine, but //you// had to buy in to this cheap alternative. If that's the way you want it then do it. //DO IT!//"\n\nHer swirling shield of meat and fluid falls and is destroyed by your wand. The wand begins to burn you hand; it's slowly wearing away at your skin where you're holding it.\n\nYou wave the wand dramatically in Ingernious' direction, and she begins to disintegrate. Her skin reveals blood and muscle and rot, her rot reveals black bones. She gives you a solemn look, showing no pain as her body rips apart before you. Soon, all is silent.\n\nYou drop the wand, and it vanishes from your hand. You [[stand|credits]] naked on clean, cool dirt.\n\n\n<<status>>\n
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<<set $struggle += 10>>You peer through the dirty glass of the bottle and you see two people on the other side.\n\nAt first it seems like they're rolling in mud, but you soon realize it's a mixture of different expired condiments. You can smell the Funk of it, salty and sour and spoiled. The two of them are naked, touching and licking their desecrated bodies. They seem immune to the power of the Funk, but you're unsure how. You can smell it even from the other side of this wall.\n\nYou continue to watch them, rubbing and grabbing desperately at eachother. You don't know why you can't look away from them. <<display "plus15">>\n\nIn an attempt to pull yourself away from this terrible scene, you spray bleach directly into your eyes. ''You are now blind.'' \n<<set $blind to 1>>\n[[Proceed|proceed2]]\n\n<<status>>
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Ingernious Funk Struggle
You head <<continue "up">>up...\nand <<continue "up">>up..\nand <<set $struggle += 50>><<continue "up">>up..\nand <<continue "up">>up..\n\nYou are exhausted, but finally you can see the soft moonlight at the end of the trash tunnel. You surface, once again atop the mountain of trash. Your will is strong, your mind unaffected by the Funk of the mountain, but you feel tired, weakened from your climb. The Struggle is real.\n\nThe witch is waiting for you at the top. She shakes her head.\n\n"You thought you could simply return as you are and defeat me? [[You fool.]]"\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>You tumble down, arms breaking through layers of mildewy washcloths. It smells like leaky pipes and wet rot. You land with a wet thud onto a pile of compost.\n\n<<display either("plus10", "plus15")>>\n\nYou slide down the pile of compost and begin to wade through knee-deep stagnant water. In the wall in front of you, you see light shining through a clear glass bottle.\n\n[[Investigate]]\n[[Climb back up|try]]\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>Your need for cleanliness compels you and you continue to climb upwards. It sure seems like a long ways. You find a wasp nest, but luckily it's empty.\n\n<<display either("minus5", "minus10", "minus15")>>\n\n[[Up|up3]]\n[[Down|kdown1]]\n[[Right|upright]]\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>As you scale the piles of trash you look down behind you. You're starting to gain some height, and the path ahead is becoming harder and harder to navigate. If you continue upwards, you don't think you'll be able to get back down.\n\n[[Up|up4]]\n[[Go back down|mazestart]]\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>><<if $blind>>You continue until you can feel a sick heat in front of you. You reach out and feel a large metal barrel. You've heard tale of this, a barrel of nuclear waste, the most destructive trash of all, where Ingernious hides her soul.<<else>>You continue on until you can see a large metal barrel in front of you. The symbols on it are clear; it contains nuclear waste, the most destructive trash of all. In it, Ingernious is said to hide her soul.<<endif>>\n\nThis could be the only chance you get to defeat her. In your numb state you realize that you can either destroy the barrel, or climb into it.\n\n[[Destroy]]\n[[Climb in]]\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>You begin you claw you way up through the garbage. The air is thick, but you manage to breathe in a pocket of air lodged in an old popcorn bag.\n\n<<display either("minus5", "minus10", "minus15")>>\n\n[[Up|up2]]\n[[Go back|previous()]]\n\n<<status>>
<<if $funk < 0>><<set $funk to 0>><<endif>>\n<br><br>[[Ingernious: <<print $in>>\n<br>Funk:\n[<<if $funk < 5>>□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 10>>■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 15>>■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 20>>■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 25>>■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 30>>■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 35>>■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 40>>■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 45>>■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 50>>■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 55>>■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 60>>■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 65>>■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 70>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 75>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 80>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 85>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 90>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□\n<<elseif $funk < 95>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□\n<<elseif $funk < 100>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□\n<<else>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<<endif>>\n]<<print $funk>>%\n<br>Struggle:\n[<<if $struggle < 5>>□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 10>>■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 15>>■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 20>>■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 25>>■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 30>>■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 35>>■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 40>>■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 45>>■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 50>>■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 55>>■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 60>>■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 65>>■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 70>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 75>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 80>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 85>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 90>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 95>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□□\n<<elseif $struggle < 100>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□\n<<else>>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■<<endif>>\n]<<print $struggle>>%|explanation]]
The tension around you rises to climactic levels. Your body is coated in a thin and arousing layer of latex, your face covered in night-vision goggles and a respirator. In your left hand you hold a large spray bottle of bleach and in the other a 36-inch trash grabby thing.\n\nAcross from you, atop her throne of refuse lies [[Ingernious]], the [[trash witch|begin2]].\n
<<set $struggle += 5>>As you turn back around, you see a being of pure light has appeard behind you. He smiles at you sweetly.\n\n"You've done it," he says, "You've found the secret path, you've done the secret ritual. \n\nFor this, you will be rewarded."\n\nHe holds out a wand: pure white, with the face of Mr. Clean engraved into the handle.\n\n[[Accept]]\n[[Don't|die1]]\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>You start to head forward and a dead animal falls from the top of the tunnel at your feet. You avert your eyes and step over it. The tunnel ahead of you slopes slightly down, leading you deeper into the trash.\n\n<<display either("plus5", "plus10", "plus15")>>\n\n[[Proceed]]\n[[Turn back|mazestart]]\n\n<<status>>
<<if visited() > 1>>You are in the center of your trash prison.<<else>>You are buried beneath a literal mountain of trash, with no way of knowing how far down you are. Your night vision goggles help you to see somewhat, but you are swimming in seemingly endless trash. You [[struggle]] to keep from falling down further as the Funk makes your head light.<<endif>> Which way will you go?\n\n[[Up|up1]]\n[[Down|down1]]<<if visited("left")>><<else>>\n[[Left|left]]<<endif>><<if visited("right")>><<else>>\n[[Right|right]]<<endif>>\n[[Forward|forward1]]\n[[Backward|backward1]]\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>>You find a colony of rats living in an old beanbag. If you continue down this way, contact with the rats is inevitable.\n\n<<display either("minus5", "minus10", "plus5", "plus10")>>\n\n[[Continue on|backwards2]]\n[[Go back|previous()]]\n\n\n<<status>>
The monitering equipment on your wrist blinks and beeps in regular intervals. There are two bars, one labeled "Funk" and one labeled "Struggle." There is another variable above them, "Ingernious," which is set to off.\n[[<back|previous()]]
<<set $struggle += 5>>You dash back over to the right passage, feeling like a total fool, but there's nothing there. You pick your way through a pile of dirty diapers, hoping for a way out, but there's nothing to note. You turn [[back|B]] around, hoping to climb out of this part of the trash tunnels.\n\n<<set $funk += 5>>\n<<status>>\n\n
<<set $funk += 15>>You feel utterly repulsed.
Ingernious\nFunk\nStruggle\nby [[caeth|http://caethiel.tumblr.com]] [[palmarium|https://twitter.com/palmariumeri]]\n\ninspired by the [[Video Game Name Generator|http://videogamena.me/]]
<<set $struggle += 5>>You head left, but it's a dead end. Maybe head [[right|kright]]?\n\n<<status>>
Striving, fighting against great difficulty with nothing but your will and your grit, used only if all other options are exhausted.\n[[<back|previous()]]
<<set $funk -= 15>>You feel totally relieved if only for a moment.
<<set $struggle += 5>>As you climb you notice an opening of sorts to your right. You climb through it suddenly you find yourself [[falling|falldown]].\n\n<<set $funk += 30>>\n\n<<status>>
<<set $funk -= 5>>You feel a little less gross.
<<set $struggle += 5>><<if $blind>>Although you cannot see, you<<else>>You<<endif>> continue down the tunnel, slowly heading deeper and deeper into the trash.\n\nEventualy you become numb to the Funk of the trash around you. It doesn't seem to bother you as much anymore, in fact, you feel comfortable. Maybe you can use this to your advantage.\n\nYou continue you trudge on, and almost trip over a book. You reach down and as soon as you touch the cover, you know what it is. "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: a beginner's guide to trash withcraft." You rip out a few pages and chew them slowly. You can feel the powerful Funk of this book, with its mildewed pages and its grimy cover. It belongs to Ingernious herself. You're heading closer and closer to her lair.\n\n[[Proceed|vat]]\n<<set $funk += 20>>\n<<status>>
Foul or unpleasant smell, the greatest power of Ingerious, used to currupt and contaminate.\n[[<back|previous()]]
<<set $funk += 30>>You peer through the dirty glass of the bottle and you see two people on the other side.\n\nAt first it seems like they're rolling in mud, but you soon realize it's a mixture of different expired condiments. You can smell the Funk of it, salty and sour and spoiled. The two of them are naked, touching and licking their desecrated bodies. They seem immune to the power of the Funk, but you're unsure how. You can smell it even from the other side of this wall.\n\nYou continue to watch them, rubbing and grabbing desperately at eachother. You ought to feel disgusted, but you aren't. You're transfixed.\n\nOne of them slowly looks up and your eyes [[meet]].\n\n<<status>>
<<set $funk += 5>>You're like "ew."
<<set $funk += 10>>You're pretty grossed out.
<<display either("plus5", "plus10", "plus15")>>\n<<display either("minus5", "minus10", "plus5", "plus10")>>\n<<display either("minus5", "minus10", "minus15")>>\n\n<<set $struggle += 5>>
<<set $struggle += 10>>The witch darts quicky behind you, running her nails around your waist, leaving dirt and hair in lines on your latex bodysuit. You brandish your bottle of bleach, sweat running down the sides of your face.\n\nShe eyes you hungrily beneath the filth on her face and you shudder.\n\n"You have no power here, cleanfreak."\n\nYou hold out your bottle of bleach, and say a quick prayer.\n"I beg to differ."\nYou spray, and the bleach sizzles against her mottled skin like holy water on the undead.\nYou expected her to cry out, but instead she [[lunges]].\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>><<set $funk += 25>>Your bleeding body tumbles down and slams hard onto an unknown surface. Your night vision goggles break, leaving you blind in the dark.\n\nYou try to move and find that you cannot feel your legs. What you can feel, though is a crawling sensation all over your body. You move your hands around and find that there are small bugs moving slowly onto you. You swat at them, but there are too many. You can feel sharp, burning bites start to hurt all over your body. It feels like you're being slowly consumed in flames.\n\nYou try to reach out for your bottle of bleach, but you can't find it, let alone exert the strength the grip and lift it. You begin to fade in and out of consciousness from the pain.\n\nYou realize, since you could not embrace the filth and the Funk, it instead has embraced you. Soon you will be part of it. Soon you will be [[nothing|credits]] but refuse.\n\n<<status>>
<<set $struggle += 5>><<if visited("kleft")>>You head right and find another dead end, which isn't particularly strange or anything. There's a fly buzzing dangerously close to your exposed lower face. Maybe you should head [[left|kleft2]] again and see if you missed anything before heading back.\n<<set $funk += 5>><<else>>Huh, you seem to have fucked something up. You have nowhere else to go, you're dead. The end.<<endif>>\n<<status>>
<<set $in to "ON">><<set $funk to 100>><<set $struggle to 0>>You feel that being buried in all this trash has changed you, deteriorated you. You cannot simply destroy Ingernious, you must //overthrow her//.\n\nYou lift yourself up and over the edge of the barrel, submerging your body in the strange liquid. You dip down beneath the surface and breathe it in.\n\nYou can feel the radiation ravage your body, and then change it, reform it.<<if visited("investigation")>> Your sight is returned to you.<<endif>> You feel light. You feel disgusting. You feel powerful. \n\nYou feel [[Ingernious]].\n\nYou snap your fingers, and the trash husk of the old Ingernious appears before you.\nYou [[embrace]] her.\n\n<<status>>
[[Ingernious: off\nFunk: [□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□] 0%\nStruggle: [□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□] 0%\n|begin]]
<<set $struggle += 5>>You wade through the warm, murky water towards the wall of trash in front of you. You approach the bottle and realize that not only can you see light, you can hear sounds.\n\nOnce you're near it you realize the bottle is acting like a window into a different pocket in the trash mountain.\n\nFor a moment you ignore the filth around you and [[look]] inside the bottle.\n\n<<status>>
You take the wand from the glowing being, and he vanishes. The wand sits comfortably in your latex glove of a hand. The tighter you hold it, though, the more you get the feeling that your latex protection is melting away. As the latex falls off your body, you point the wand towards the trash wall in front of you, and it also begins to melt away. It's as if you are magically erasing everything around you.\n\nAs the trash and all other materials around you begin to dissolve, you hear a pained shrieking in the distance. You wave more enthusiastically, the trash disappearing at an astonishing rate. Just as the sky comes into view, the witch floats down towards you, spoiled meat and bodily fluids swirling around her.\n\n[[You fight]]\n<<set $funk to 0>>\n<<set $struggle to 0>><<status>>
<<set $struggle += 10>>You try to climb back up the compost heap but only succeed in getting orange peels and coffee grounds stuck to the exposed skin under your suit.\n\nIt seems that there's nothing else around except that light shining from the wall.\n\n[[Investigate]]\n<<set $funk += 5>>\n<<status>>
<<if visited("Climb in")>>You, the greatest trash witch to ever walk the earth. You hold command over the decay of all things. You are like a god, your right is to destroy and to despoil. The world is your garbage can.<<else>>The greatest trash witch to ever walk the earth. The sheer stench of her Funk has been causing widespread decay throughout the entire world, adding all in her path to her grand trash empire.<<endif>>\n[[<back|previous()]]
<<set $funk -= 10>>You feel sort of clear-headed.
<<set $struggle += 5>>You find a shallow puddle of motor oil, mixed with several cartons of curdled milk. You don't get any closer.\n\n<<display either("plus10", "plus15")>>\n\n[[Go back|previous()]]\n\n<<status>>