<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a black book about life and death") gte 0>><<if ($light is true) or ($match is true)>>You flip open the book.\n\n@@color: #ffc872;"Chapter 4: theft of body\n\nA body thief is one who transports their soul to different mortal bodies rather than attempt to maintain a single vessel. Some displace the present soul, sending it wherever it may go, others are not so kind, and choose to let it stay, lest the body reject its foreign contents.\n\nThe great danger in body thieving is the transporting of the soul. Normally it must be imbibed or inhaled, but may occasionally be read if the preparation is done correctly."\n\n\n"Chapter 10: blood and poison\n\nThose who drink blood to stay alive, who have been demonized and detested, are called many names. "Vampire" is the one that comes to mind, but it, like all legends, contains only a piece of the truth. It all comes down to a simple idea: taking the life from another. It is not only the body that must be nourished by the blood, it is the spirit. The very form must be rebuilt and destroyed for one to accept such foul sustenance. Death must be touched, but thwarted in its path. \n\nA brew can be made of the following ingredients:\nFirst, blue lotus, or blue lily, to ease the mind and prepare the soul. \nSecond, foxglove, the deadman's bells, to bring one to death.\nThird, belladonna, the beautiful lady, to bring one to death but fight the foxglove.\nFourth, the calabar bean, known as the ordeal bean. Hardest to find, but necessary to fight the belladonna."\n\n\n"Chapter 13: he who murders babes\n\nOthers, more cruel, live off of the souls of the innocent. Not simply destroying, but desecrating. Not only killing, but damning. A soul ripped free in such ways will never know peace, never know rest. Even when the foul creature is killed, the souls seep out with its blood and live forever in the dirt and the plants."@@<<else>>It's too dark to read.<<endif>><<else>>What black book?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $light is false>><<goto "darklook lightswitch">><<else>>It's a lightswitch.\n<<b>><<endif>><<else if $location is "dark foyer">><<if $light is false>><<goto "darklook lightswitch">><<else>>It's a lightswitch.\n\n<<b>><<endif>>
You pull out the last cigarette and look at it. It's mostly dry, thank god. You put it back.\n\n<<b>>
Need help?\n\ntry one of these actions to start out:\ngo\nlook\nuse\n\nexamples: "look inventory", "use lighter", "take umbrella", "go west"\n<<b>>
<<if $location is "landing">><<goto "uplantern">>\n<<elseif $location is "basement">><<goto "basement leave">>\n\n<<else>>You can't go that way.<br>\n<<b>><<endif>>
The table is very old and still quite sturdy. The carved legs have been holding it up for years by the looks of it.\n\nThere's nothing of Birdistean's on this table except a spotless table cloth, running down the middle from one end to the other. <<if $sight is true>>The cloth is decorated with @@color:#ffc872;many small sets of handprints.@@<<endif>><<if $inventory.indexOf(" a bottle of luminol") gte 0>><<else>>\nThe rest of the items belong to the police department. They've left out some luminol. This is a small town on the edge of nowhere, and you didn't expect much from the locals, but leaving stuff lying around? Jeez.\n\n<<endif>><<if $notes.indexOf(" several small sets of prints were found around the kitchen") gte 0>><<else>>There is a notepad on the table. You quickly copy down a few of the notes. <<set $notes.push(" several small sets of prints were found around the kitchen", " police said the basement, lantern room, and pantry were locked and needing a locksmith")>><<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a few jars of herbs") gte 0>>No point in picking up all this stuff if you're just going to drop it on the floor. <<if $location is "fireplace">>You could try using them in the cooking pot, though.<<endif>><<else>>What?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if ($inventory.indexOf(" a few jars of herbs") gte 0) or ($location is "pantry")>>You're not really sure what most of these plants are, but you could probably find out by trying them.\n\nWhat are you going to eat?\n<<forget $herbs>>\n<<if visited("eat Shruggy yellowcrest")>><<else>><<radio $herbs "Shrubby yellowcrest">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("eat Foxglove")>><<else>><<radio $herbs "Foxglove">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("eat Mary's gold")>><<else>><<radio $herbs "Mary's gold">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("eat Beautiful lady")>><<else>><<radio $herbs "Beautiful lady">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("eat Blue lily of the nile")>><<else>><<radio $herbs "Blue lily of the nile">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("eat Belecus flower")>><<else>><<radio $herbs "Belecus flower">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("eat Ordeal bean")>><<else>><<radio $herbs "Ordeal bean">><<endif>>\n<<button [[Taste test.|poison]]>>\n<<else>>What herbs?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if ($brew.indexOf("Blue lily of the nile") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Foxglove") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") bte 0)>><<goto "life potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "useless potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) or ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "dead potion">>\n\n<<else>><<goto "useless potion">><<endif>>
html {\nbackground: #865200;\n}\n
You uncover some of the paintings. They are all in a similar, rough sort of style, but the subject matter is varied. \n\nYou find two paintings of the lighthouse: one facing the sea, the other facing away. There are also a few still life studies, and one portrait. The portrait is of a young man. You can tell, judging from the style of his clothes, that he must be long dead.\nIn the corner of each painting are the initials BC.\n\n<<b>>
You taste a couple of the yellow petals. The taste is rather mild, not nearly as bad as it smells.\n\n[[<|eat herbs]]
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a small bottle full of liquid") gte 0>>You pull out the bottle, careful not to drop it. You pull out the cork and swallow the contents in a single sip.\n\n[[>|soulend]]<<else>>You reach down, lifting the bottle off of the desk. It's so small, so light. It fits so easily in your hand. Before you have too much time to think, you pull out the small cork and drink the liquid inside.\n\n[[>|soulend]]\n<<endif>>
You gulp down the drink. It's <<print either("smooth", "pulpy", "gritty")>> on your tongue, with a <<print either("bland", "sweet", "bitter", "sour", "grassy", "light", "complex">> flavor. You wait, expecting something to happen. <<print either("Your stomach hurts.", "Your eyes water.", "You feel dizzy.", "You feel hungry.", "Your face feels warm.", "Your heartbeat quickens.", "You feel tired.", "Your head hurts.")>> \n\n<<b>>
You're not stupid. If anyone else shows up, you need to be able to identify yourself.\n\n<<b>>\n
You look at your notepad. There are various notes here about the investigation.\n\n<<if $light is true>><<print $notes>><<elseif $match is true>><<print $notes>><<else>>It's impossible to read without any light.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
/% BELLADONNA, poison and foxglove antidote %/The label says "Beautiful lady". This jar contains some dried flowers, like the rest, but on top of the flowers there are also around twenty small, shiny, black berries. They aren't dry, and must have been picked only a few days ago. \n\n[[<|look herbs]]
<<if $location is "landing">><<goto "downbasement">>\n<<elseif $location is "lantern">><<goto "downlanding">>\n\n<<else>>You can't go that way.<br>\n<<b>><<endif>>
You nibble on one of the dried blue flowers. The taste is mild, but not bad. Might make a good tea.\n\n[[<|eat herbs]]
There is no need to use that.\n\n<<b>>
<<if visited() lt 4>>No way are you eating those.<<else>>You finally decide to unwrap one and pop it in your mouth. You regret it instantly.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
You're smart enough not to take the whole bottle at once.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $match is false>><<goto "basement leave">><<else>>You turn around, looking at the door, but there's no handle. There's nothing there. You try to pull at the edges, looking for a hidden seam, but it doesn't work. It won't open.\n<<if $sight is true>>\nAbove the door is written, @@color:#ffc872;"Nos sumus vestri hospites."@@\n<<endif>>\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>Your match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
@@font-size: 20px;investigate >@@
<<if $match is false>><<goto "basement">><<else>>The basement is dark and silent. The walls are made of brick and feel cool to the touch.\n\nIn the dim light, you can see a wooden desk pushed up against one wall. The opposite wall is mostly bare, except for a single painting.\n\nOff in a dim corner, you can see a pile of something. Might be firewood, or other debris, but it's hard to say without getting closer.\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>Your match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>><<set $location to "basement">>\n<<a>>\n<<endif>>
html{\n\nbackground: #c19d59;\nbackground: -moz-linear-gradient(45deg, #c19d59 0%, #aa7650 15%, #7a473a 27%, #000000 47%);\nbackground: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, right top, color-stop(0%,#c19d59), color-stop(15%,#aa7650), color-stop(27%,#7a473a), color-stop(47%,#000000));\nbackground: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #c19d59 0%,#aa7650 15%,#7a473a 27%,#000000 47%);\nbackground: -o-linear-gradient(45deg, #c19d59 0%,#aa7650 15%,#7a473a 27%,#000000 47%);\nbackground: -ms-linear-gradient(45deg, #c19d59 0%,#aa7650 15%,#7a473a 27%,#000000 47%);\nbackground: linear-gradient(45deg, #c19d59 0%,#aa7650 15%,#7a473a 27%,#000000 47%);\nfilter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#c19d59', endColorstr='#000000',GradientType=1 );\n\n}\n
<<if $light is true>>You take a look at your credentials. Noah Williams, detective.<<else>>You feel around for your credentials. Still there.<<endif>> \n\nYou worked so hard to get this far and for what? Investigating the deaths of old ladies.\n\n<<b>>
Not now, maybe when you're back outside. You know you'll want one when you're done with all this.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $matches is 0>>You have no more matches.<<else>>You're really going to use the whole box?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
html{\nbackground: #050A08\n}
There are two flimsy dish towels. They're a deep red color and damp.\n\n<<b>>
There are still many hours before sunrise, and the two of you could soon be out of town. Birdistean smiles, and you find it hard not to smile as well. Her struggles are yours, her sins are yours, but also her knowledge, her power, her secrets.\n\nShe whispers lightly in your head, a simple request that you are happy to fulfill.\n\nYou light your last cigarette and drive away.\n\n[[<>]]
Of course. The memories that were hers are now yours, and yours are now hers as well. She knows exactly who you are, and why you're here.\n\nThere is an uncertain sound, and a feeling of fear that reaches right down to your shaking hands. Things were not supposed to go this way. You were not supposed to be the vessel.\n\n"But she is gone," you both say.\n\nThere is a pause, a silence, as you both wait.\n\nThere are no other voices.\n\n[[>|soul3]]
The figurines are small but heavy, made of rough iron. Like the chests, they have no rust on them. There are three in total: a bird, a deer, and a rabbit. You can't imagine they would be toys, but they make rather odd decorations. <<if $sight is true>>Each one is @@color:#ffc872;covered in an intricate pattern of shapes and lines.@@<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
You dump the pot so you can start over.<<set $potion to false>><<set $pot to 0>>\n\n<<b>>
html{\n\tbackground: black;\n}
<<if $location is "basement">>In the dark of the basement, you have time to think. Too much time. You don't know how long it will be before the locals come looking for you, if they do at all. There was only one key to this room, and it's trapped in here with you. The thought of being stuck down here makes the air seem that much thinner, makes your breath seem that much weaker. \n\nYou know more now than you did before. There isn't any going back, and now, there isn't any way out.\n\nFire your gun?\n[[y|gun end]] / [[n|$location]]<<else>>The whole residence is empty except for you. No reason to pull your gun out. You know better than that.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchbasement">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>>The basement is dark and silent. Reaching out, you can feel that at least one of the walls is brick. It feels cool to the touch. \n\n<<set $location to "basement">>\n<<a>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchlook notes">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>>It's too dark.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
You'll use it when you need to.\n\n<<b>>
It's an oven with a gas stovetop. Doesn't seem to have gotten much use. That or it's been cleaned meticulously for years. Judging by the cooking pot in the fireplace, you're guess the former.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $location is "foyer">><<goto "darkuse lightswitch">><<elseif $location is "dark foyer">>You flick the switch and the whole room lights up.<<set $light to true>><<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
No way in hell.\n\n<<b>>
<<display "use wooden chair">>
You drink the marigold, trying your best not to smell it. The taste is mild and somewhat green. You get tired of it after the first mouthful, but somehow manage to drink down the rest.\n\nYour head begins to hurt. It feels like a migraine coming on, and you instinctively close your eyes tight. Soon, the swirling colors behind your eyelids begin to change. They begin to solidify, colors turning to shapes. \n\n<<if $will is true>>[[>|truevision]]<<else>>[[>|falsevision]]<<endif>>
You bring the drinking horn slowly to your lips; the warm drink goes down easy. You're not sure what's going to happen, so you sit down.\n\nThe first thing you notice is that your mouth is very dry. You are incredibly thirsty, but at that moment, you don't have the strength to stand back up.\n\nIt could very well be that you've just poisoned yourself, and as you begin to feel the effects, you wonder if that is truly the case.\n\nYour heartbeat begins to dance, as if to a silent tune. It slows down almost to the point of stopping, only to pick back up again at irregular speed. Its rhythm makes you dizzy, stomach churning slowly. \n\n[[>|life2]]
You chew up a couple of the dried flowers. The taste isn't the most pleasant, and on top of that, they make you a bit nauseous. Best not to have any more.\n\n[[<|eat herbs]]
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a bottle of luminol") gte 0>>Why do you want to drop everything?<<else>>What?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
You can't leave until you've done your job.\n\n<<b>>
This is right where she died. Apparently she fell right into the pot while the fire was going. She drowned, but her face was also boiled and burned as the liquid evaporated. A sad way to go. Seeing the pot now for yourself, you can see how someone might have fallen in. Seems the perfect size for getting your head stuck and boiled alive.\n\nHard to say what she was using it for, but you're glad the mess has been mostly cleaned up.\n\nThe cooking pot is <<if $potion is true>>full of some sort of drink that you've brewed.\n\nDump the mixture?\n[[y|empty pot]] / [[n|$location]]<<elseif $pot is 0>>empty.\n\n<<b>><<elseif $pot is 50>>half full of water.\n\n<<b>><<elseif $pot is 100>>full of water.<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a few jars of herbs") gte 0>>You can use the herbs you found to make a concoction.\nMake something?\n[[y|brew potion]] / [[n|$location]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n
Definitely not.\n\n<<b>>
You're inside the lantern room. You've seen a few lighthouses before, but newer, electric ones. This one appears to be much older, the kind that used kerosene.\n\nWith the storm beginning to pass, you can see the starlight shining through the lens. It looks like an immense jewelled egg. \n\nThe windows in the room are a bit cloudy, but you can still look outside if you want to. <<if $sight is true>>\n\nAll along the ceiling are @@color:#ffc872;intricate star maps, with constellations you don't recognize.@@<<endif>>\n\nBesides the antiquated equipment, the room is rather bare. There's nothing in here except for a small wooden chair. \n\nThe floor creaks beneath your feet and rain patters gently against the glass.\n<<set $location to "lantern">>\n<<a>>
<<if $pills is 1>>You only have one left...<<else>>You should really only take these one at a time.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $pantry is true>>You're in the pantry. It's mostly empty except for a large variety of herbs. There are some other odds and ends as well, but nothing of note that isn't already getting moldy.\n<<set $location to "pantry">>\n<<a>><<elseif $inventory.indexOf(" the pantry key") gte 0>>You use the key to open up the pantry and step inside. It's mostly empty except for a large variety of herbs. There are some other odds and ends as well, but nothing of note that isn't already getting moldy.\n<<set $location to "pantry">><<set $pantry to true>>\n<<a>><<else>>\nYou try to open the door to the pantry, but it's locked shut. Seems the police force already noticed that. You consider forcing the door open, but it's oddly sturdy for a pantry, and you really aren't supposed to cause any property damage. You'll have to find a key if you want to get in.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
You reluctantly taste a bit of the dull yellow flower. The taste is not very good. On top of that, you begin to feel rather odd. Your vision becomes blurry and you start to feel cold. You feel like you need to move, but your heart is beating so fast and your steps are uneasy. You fall to the ground, body convulsing, fighting back. You vomit and it catches in your throat. You try to get up but there are hands, hands everywhere, holding you down on the ground. You cannot breath, you cough on your own vomit until your breath is spent.\n\n<<x>>
html {\n\tbackground: #101010;\n}
As soon as the liquid hits your tongue, the effects begin. You are blinded for a moment by a bright light that blocks out everything. You close your eyes, trying to block it out, but it makes no difference. @@color:#ffc872;Eventually this brightness fades into a warm yellow, covering everything around you. It's as if you're looking through a colored lens.\n\nYou blink a few times, and even the golden tint begins to fade.@@\n\nSoon, it feels like nothing has changed at all, but you know it has. Somewhere, somehow, something has changed. You simply have to keep your eyes open.\n<<set $sight to true>><<set $notes.push(" there is hidden writing all throughout the house, only visible after taking a potion of sight")>>\n<<b>>\n\n\n
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a yellow book about visions") gte 0>><<goto "random book">><<else>>This book is about visions, titled "Seeing the Unseen". The cover is bright yellow.\n\nYou flip through the pages for a while and find that its contents are more than hypothetical. It gives instructions on how to induce certain visions or enhance one's otherworldly sight. It seems a little far-fetched, but if the old woman used it, it might give you some insight into what she was doing up here.\n\nYou put it in your bag in case you need to reference it later. You now have a yellow book.\n<<set $inventory.push(" a yellow book about visions")>>\n[[<|study]]<<endif>>\n\n
<<display "look floorboard">>
There are only a few, so you simply take one. It's about as boring as you would imagine, eating a dried bean. It makes you feel odd, though. You notice first that you are beginning to drool, and that your steps are slow and uneasy. You find it hard to move your body the way you want to. You trip then, and fall, heading knocking hard against the floor. You limps being to twitch and shake. You piss yourself. Your lungs move less and less, only small twitches here and there. Your eyes roll, your mouth foams, and you die.\n\n<<x>>
You flick the switch and all the lights shut off.<<set $light to false>><<set $location to "dark foyer">>\n\n<<b>>
You're sure this is illegal, but at this point you're in too deep to go back. You know that this will might not hold in in court, but Birdistean signed it, prepared it for some reason, and that's got to count for something.\n\nYou pull out a pen from the cache of art supplies, and write your name in the blank space.\n\nOf course, nothing happens, but as far as this document is concerned, you now own this lighthouse and everything inside it.\nGod, what are you doing?<<set $will to true>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchlook desk">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>>It's too dark.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
The bottle is made of a dark green glass, and is stopped with a small cork. The whole thing is smaller than the palm of your hand. There are no obvious marking on the bottle, but you can tell that it's full of some sort of liquid. Hard to tell what it is through the dark glass, and given how little of it there is, you probably shouldn't take out the cork.\n\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>Your match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n<<b>>
<<if $herbs>><<display "eat " + $herbs>><<else>>Well?\n\n[[<|look herbs]]<<endif>>
html{\n\tbackground: #0c1824;\n}
<<if visited("lantern") gt 1>>You head up the stairs to the lantern room.\n\n[[>|lantern]]\n<<else>><<if $notes.indexOf(" police said the basement, lantern room, and pantry were locked and needing a locksmith") gte 0>> As you head up the stairs to the lantern room, you notice something odd. According to your notes, the lantern room was supposed to be locked. Due to the lax nature of this investigation and the historical value of the lighthouse, the locals left a couple hours ago to get a locksmith rather than force open the door. Right now, though, not only is the door unlocked, but it's wide open. No way they could have missed that.<<set $notes.push(" the door to the lantern room was unlocked")>><<else>>You begin heading up the stairs to the room. The door is unlocked and wide open. It's nice to see some light for once, even if it's just the night sky. You go in.<<endif>>\n\n[[>|lantern]]<<endif>>
<<if ($inventory.indexOf(" an old drinking horn") gte 0) or ($location is "kitchen")>>It's an old drinking horn. The whole thing is very large, about as long as your forearm. It could hold probably two drinks at a time. It's been waterproofed, polished, and accented with gold around the tip and the rim. You have to admit that it's rather beautiful. <<if $sight is true>>You also notice @@color:#ffc872;several unfamiliar letters wrapping around it.@@ <<endif>>For some reason it makes you thirsty to look at it too long.<<else>>What horn?<<endif>>\n<<b>>
You find a few papers of a legal nature, mostly academic degrees bearing names you do not recognize. At the bottom is the deed to the lighthouse, yellow with age. \n\nOn top of the pile, however, is a will. It's Birdistean's will. The paper is still new and crisp compared to the rest, the list of belongings matching everything you've found so far, with nothing strange or out of place. <<if $will is true>>You've written yourself in as the sole beneficiary.\n\n<<b>><<else>>\n\nAt first glance, you assume it to be complete, given the signature at the bottom and the initials BC written throughout. Then you realize that it's missing something. It's missing a beneficiary. The entire will, completed word for word, except for the name of the beneficiary, leaving a small blank space mid-sentence.\n<<if $thief is true>>\nEdit the will?\n[[y|edit will]] / [[n|$location]]<<else>><<b>><<endif>><<endif>>
The chair seems a bit mossy. It's more than likely that it's been exposed to more than a few storms up here when the one of the windows was left open. You give it a nudge; doesn't look like it's able to bear much weight anymore.\n\n<<b>>
You see the kitchen of this old lighthouse, only a few hours before, Birdistean slumped over the cooking pot. Your vision focuses suddenly on the small figure standing behind her. A child, trying to catch her breath. You get small glimpses of her: face dirty, hands covered in blood.\n\nThen, a hand thrust quickly into a the old woman's pocket. The girl pulls out a key. It's black with soot, no markings on it. She pulls a second key out of her own pocket, marked by a piece of cloth tied to the end reading "pantry". She goes inside the pantry, shoving the black key inside a moldy bag of flour. From that point, the vision begins to fade, unwinding itself. You see small feet running up stone steps and then nothing but the normal colors behind your eyes.\n\n<<b>>
Lucky Strikes, your favorite. Just one left, your lucky cigarette.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchfoyer">><<elseif $light is true>><<goto "foyer">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "no more matches">><<else>>The foyer is loud, thin walls barely muffling the sound of the stormy wind outside. It's dark, with all the windows blacked out you can't even see your hands in front of your face.<<endif>>\n<<set $location to "dark foyer">>\n<<a>>
That sounds pretty gross, no thanks.\n\n<<b>>
version.extensions.timedgotoMacro={major:1,minor:2,revision:0};\nmacros["goto"]=macros.timedgoto={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){function cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return +(s.slice(0,-2))||0\n}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return +(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0\n}}}throwError(a,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");return 0}var t,d,m,s;\nt=c[c.length-1];d=d.fullArgs();m=0;if(b!="goto"){d=d.slice(0,d.lastIndexOf(t));\nm=cssTimeUnit(t)}d=eval(Wikifier.parse(d));if(d+""&&state&&state.init){if(macros["goto"].timer){clearTimeout(macros["goto"].timer)\n}s=state.history[0].passage.title;macros["goto"].timer=setTimeout(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==s){state.display(d,a)\n}},m)}}};
<<if $location is "lantern">>You pull out the bottle of luminol and spray it around the room. A single floorboard underneath the old wooden chair glows for a while and then fades slowly. You haven't managed to find blood anywhere else in the house so far. Maybe you should take a look.\n<<elseif $location is "basement">>You spray the luminol around the room. Large patches of the stone floor begin to glow, but only faintly. It's not bright enough to help you see anything.\n<<else>>You spray the luminol around the room, but don't find any traces of blood.\n<<endif>>\n<<b>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old journal") gte 0>><<goto "random book">><<else>><<if $sight>>This doesn't appear to be a normal book, but actually an old journal. The first page says "volume 6". The subsequent pages are labelled by date, starting in 1810 and ending in 1883. Each entry is signed with the initials BC. It couldn't be her, right?\n\nYou put it in your bag in case you need to reference it later.\nYou now have a journal.\n<<set $inventory.push(" an old journal")>>\n<<else>>This old book is completely empty. You can't find a single word inside it, though it seems to be rather used. The cover is brown leather.<<if $notes.indexOf(" there are a couple of blank books in the study for some reason") gte 0>><<else>><<set $notes.push(" there are a couple of blank books in the study for some reason")>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n[[<|study]]
<<if $matches is 0>>You have no more matches.<<else>>That would definitely be a waste.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>\n
There is no dishwasher...\n\n<<b>>
<<display "look wooden chair">>
<<display either("sight book", "life book", "journal", "random book", "random book", "random book", "random book")>>
You drink it down to the last drop. It doesn't take long for the effects to take hold of you. Your heartbeat quickens, your breath becomes shallow, trying and failing to catch up with itself. You vomit up the mixture you just drank, but too late. Your body collapses and then convulses, muscles fighting to keep your soul inside. It's no use. You are jerked forcefully from your mortal shell, into darkness.\n\n<<x>>
[[Try again?|Start]]\n<<forgetall>>
<<if $light is false>><<goto "darklook shelves">><<else>>The shelves have some photos on them. Oddly enough, they are all photos of the woman, none including friends or family. Some of them seem very old, showing a young Birdistean in black and white, but still with no one else in the shot. Makes you wonder who took them. <<if $sight is true>>All of the photos are marked on the back @@color:#ffc872;with a number, ranging between four and five hundred.@@<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
You take out a pill. Your heart pounds and you take a deep breath to steady yourself as you put the pill in your mouth and swallow it.\n<<set $pills -= 1>>\n<<if $pills > 0>>You don't feel good, but you feel better.\n\n<<b>>\n<<else>>You don't feel good. Your head starts to spin, you find it hard to stand. You collapse.\n\n<<x>><<endif>>\n
This is the kitchen, the room where they found the body. You can see actual evidence of police activity in this room. Things have been marked and labeled as needed, but nothing that catches your eye.\n\nOne the right side of the room you see all of the modern appliances. On one end of the counter is a refrigerator, and on the other is an oven. There's also a sink and various cupboards, but no dishwasher.\n\nThe left side of the room seems to be quite a bit older. Set in the middle of a brick wall is a large fireplace. You can't hear the wind outside anymore, the brick wall must be blocking out the noise.\n\nTo the north you see a small door. The dining room is to the south.\n<<set $location to "kitchen">>\n<<a>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old journal") gte 0>><<if ($light is true) or ($match is true)>>You flip open the journal.\n\n@@color: #ffc872;"January 23rd, 1810\nThe townsfolk here are speaking now, another child missing, another child dead. I would think after losing so many they would hold most tightly to the ones they have but they do not. Still, I must leave soon. The women here find me peculiar, a woman my age with no husband. The men here are trouble. The children are foolish. The child from yesterday stole something from me, and I made such a strong brew of marigold to find him. I boiled two cups and drank them so fast I burnt my mouth. It was worth it to see his face when I stole from him in turn.<<set $thief to true>>\nBC"\n\n"August 9th, 1823\nAnd how did I get here? It seems so long ago that I began my wandering. I wish greatly to simply rest a while, but I know that if I stop, I may never rise again. I am committed to this life above all things. Why be alive if I cannot prove him wrong? The world is looking larger everyday. If I keep to my wandering, soon all those who know my face will be dead.\nBC"\n\n"April 19th, 1865\nThe coast here is changing, ever so slowly. Or I could be imagining it. They are rebuilding the old lighthouse, adding on a new addition, hoping that they can keep someone out there. It is a dreadful place, always windy, always bitter cold from the sea. It would suit me well.\nBC"\n\n"December 1st, 1883\nThe fire in the kitchen is warm, and larger than any others in the house. That may be why I spend so much time in the kitchen. Soon everything is to be electric, but I think I will keep this fireplace for myself. I hope the coast always remains this desolate, nothing but the waves and the rocks. I could stay for many years as long as the people do not move too close.\nBC"@@<<else>>It's too dark to read.<<endif>><<else>>What journal?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
You pull the various jars out, looking them over. You'd better be sure of what you're doing here, there's no knowing how these ingredients will react with eachother.\n<<forget $brew>>\n<<checkbox $brew "Shrubby yellowcrest">>\n<<checkbox $brew "Foxglove">>\n<<checkbox $brew "Mary's gold">>\n<<checkbox $brew "Beautiful lady">>\n<<checkbox $brew "Blue lily of the nile">>\n<<checkbox $brew "Belecus flower">>\n<<checkbox $brew "Ordeal bean">>\n<<button [[Make a potion.|brew]]>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchlook bottle">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>>It's too dark.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
Not a chance.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $herbs>><<goto $herbs>><<else>>Well?\n\n[[<|look herbs]]<<endif>>\n<<print $herbs>>
<<if $notes.indexOf(" the basement door is locked and there is no other way out") gte 0>><<else>><<set $notes.push(" the basement door is locked and there is no other way out")>><<endif>><<if $match is true>><<goto "matchbasement leave">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>>You turn around, grasping at the door, but there's no handle. There's nothing there. You try to pull at the edges, but it doesn't move. It won't open.\n<<if $sight is true>>\nAbove the door is written, @@color:#ffc872;"Nos sumus vestri hospites."@@\n<<endif>>\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $notes.indexOf(" the basement door is locked and there is no other way out") gte 0>><<else>><<set $notes.push(" the basement door is locked and there is no other way out")>><<endif>>
<<if ($inventory.indexOf(" a few jars of herbs") gte 0) or ($location is "pantry")>><<if $location is "fireplace">>You could probably brew some sort of mixture out of these ingredients using the cooking pot.\n\nThe cooking pot is <<if $brew is true>>already full of a mixture.\nDump the mixture?\n[[y|empty pot]] / [[n|$location]]<<elseif $pot is 0>>empty.\n<<b>><<elseif $pot is 50>>half full of water.\n<<b>><<elseif $pot is 100>>full of water, and ready to be used.\n\nBegin?\n[[y|brew potion]] / [[n|$location]]<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>There's nowhere to use those.\n\n<<b>><<endif>><<else>>What herbs?\n\n<<b>><<endif>>\n
All four of the walls in the study were at one point turned into bookshelves. You guess that this wasn't originally the way the room was constructed, judging by how small and closed in it feels. There isn't even so much as a desk, only a single floor lamp, dimly lighting up the room, and a reading chair, old and well-used.\n\nYou were hoping for some kind of writing desk, maybe some more information about the old woman, but no luck. There's really nothing to do here besides reading a book.\n\nPick out a book?\n[[y|read a book]] / [[n|$location]]
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a yellow book about vision") gte 0>><<if ($light is true) or ($match is true)>>You flip open the book.\n\n"When trying to see ghosts and other dead, it is best to burn large amounts of masterwort over a small piece of cedar wood until your eyes begin to water. If you look through the tears pooled in your eyes, you will witness the dead. Be wary, though, as they may still deceive you."\n\n"To view spelled writing when the sun is not at its zenith, you must open your eyes to the revealing sun. Using equal parts sun-opener the yellowcrest and foxglove to induce the vision, you will be able to read the words. An experienced herbalist will not need it, but if your hands start to shake, you may want to take some Belladonna to ease your heart."\n\n"For visions into the self, there are two routes. The first is a sleeping dream. Leaf of god, boiled, tastes terrible but does the trick. The second route is that of the waking dream, by taking the root of the iboga tree. You must be ready for what you see. We are not always so prepared for what we have inside ourselves."<<else>>It's too dark to read.<<endif>><<else>>What yellow book?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $sight is true>>You drink the mixture, but nothing new happens. Your enhanced sight is still the same as before.\n\n<<b>><<else>><<goto "sight">><<endif>>
Your pills. You know the bottle says "take twice a day or as needed," but you always feel like you need it. You have <<$pills>> pill<<if $pills > 1>>s<<else>><<endif>> left.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" the pantry key") gte 0>>It's the key to the pantry, as you can read from the embroidered bit of cloth tied to the end. It still seems a bit odd to lock the pantry, though.<<else>>What key?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $location is "foyer">><<if $foyeraction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $location is "dark foyer">><<if $foyeraction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $location is "dining">><<if $diningaction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $location is "kitchen">><<if $kitchenaction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $location is "fireplace">><<if $fireaction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $location is "pantry">><<if $pantryaction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $location is "landing">><<if $landingaction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<elseif $location is "lantern">><<if $lanternaction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>><<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<elseif $location is "basement">><<if $basementaction.indexOf($action) gte 0>><<display $action>>\n<<else>>What?\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<else>> whoops?\n<<endif>>
@@font-size: 14px;[[caeth|http://caethiel.tumblr.com]]@@
At first you feel nothing, and then you feel everything. A light reaches down into the corners of your mind that were still unused, and fills them. Memories stitch themselves together where none were before, and a feeling like rain taps lightly on your skull. \n\nThe effect is profound yet gentle, and for a moment you forget who exactly you are. That moment ends, when a voice like dry leaves echoes in your ear.\n\n"Noah..."\n\n[[>|soul2]]
There isn't enough light for you to see very well.\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>\nYour match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n[[>|foyer]]
<<if $matches is 0>>You have no more matches.<<else>>You have <<$matches>> match<<if $matches > 1>>es<<else>><<endif>> left.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
The sunlight doesn't burn you, but it's uncomfortable. Brighter than it should be, almost blinding you unless you squint. You walk over to your car and pull out a pair of sunglasses. It helps, but not enough. You turn around, taking one last look at the lighthouse.\n\nThere are still mysteries inside that house, but at this moment, none of it matters. Whatever the old woman did, whatever she was, you are something similar, something cursed and wrong. \n\nYou did it to yourself. \nIt isn't your place to uncover her secrets, to know more than you should. She's gone, and nothing will change that. \n\nBut you? You light your last cigarette and drive off.\n\n[[<>]]
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old drinking horn") gte 0>>You already have that.<<else>>Sure, why not? You take the drinking horn.\nYou now have a drinking horn.\n<<set $inventory.push(" an old drinking horn")>><<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a few jars of herbs") gte 0>>You already have those.<<else>>These jars are pretty small, you can probably take them with you, so you do.\nYou now have herbs.\n<<set $inventory.push(" a few jars of herbs")>><<endif>>\n<<b>>
The wind and rain hit you all at once as you exit the car. You hurry up and over the police line and into the dark building, coat pulled tight around you.<br><br>\n[[>|dark foyer]]\n\n\n/% FOYER %//% FOYER %//% FOYER %/\n<<set $foyeraction = [ "help",\n\n"go up", "go down", \n"go north",\n"go south",\n"go east",\n"go west",\n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory", \n"look match", "use match", "drop match", \n"look box of matches", "use box of matches", "drop box of matches",\n"look carton of cigarettes", "use carton of cigarettes", "drop carton of cigarettes",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette", "eat cigarette", \n"use lighter", \n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look gun", "use gun", "drop gun",\n"look notepad", "use notepad", "drop notepad",\n"look bottle of pills", "use bottle of pills", "drop bottle of pills",\n"look pills", "use pills", "drop pills",\n"look pill", "use pill", "eat pill", "drop pill",\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph", "eat photograph",\n\n"leave", "go outside",\n"look lightswitch", "use lightswitch",\n"look shelves",\n\n"look luminol", "use luminol", "drop luminol",\n"look drinking horn", "use drinking horn", "drop drinking horn",\n"look herbs", "use herbs", "eat herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal"] >>\n/% FOYER %//% FOYER %//% FOYER %/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/% DINING %//% DINING %//% DINING %/\n<<set $diningaction = [ "help",\n\n"go up", "go down", \n"go north",\n"go south",\n"go east",\n"go west",\n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory", \n"look match", "use match", "drop match", \n"look box of matches", "use box of matches", "drop box of matches",\n"look carton of cigarettes", "use carton of cigarettes", "drop carton of cigarettes",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette", "eat cigarette", \n"use lighter",\n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look gun", "use gun", "drop gun",\n"look notepad", "use notepad", "drop notepad",\n"look bottle of pills", "use bottle of pills", "drop bottle of pills",\n"look pills", "use pills", "drop pills",\n"look pill", "use pill", "eat pill", "drop pill",\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph", "eat photograph",\n\n"look tall chair", "use tall chair",\n"look short chair", "use short chair",\n"look table",\n\n"look luminol", "take luminol", "use luminol", "drop luminol",\n"look drinking horn", "use drinking horn", "drop drinking horn", \n"look herbs", "use herbs", "eat herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal"] >>\n/% DINING %//% DINING %//% DINING %/\n\n\n\n\n\n/% KITCHEN %//% KITCHEN %//% KITCHEN %/\n<<set $kitchenaction = [ "help",\n\n"go up", "go down", \n"go north",\n"go south",\n"go east",\n"go west",\n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory", \n"look match", "use match", "drop match", \n"look box of matches", "use box of matches", "drop box of matches",\n"look carton of cigarettes", "use carton of cigarettes", "drop carton of cigarettes",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette", "eat cigarette", \n"use lighter", \n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look gun", "use gun", "drop gun",\n"look notepad", "use notepad", "drop notepad",\n"look bottle of pills", "use bottle of pills", "drop bottle of pills",\n"look pills", "use pills", "drop pills",\n"look pill", "use pill", "eat pill", "drop pill",\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph", "eat photograph",\n\n"look appliances", "look counter", "look refrigerator", "look oven", \n"look sink", "use sink",\n"look cupboards", "look dishwasher", "look fireplace",\n"look dish towels", "use dish towels", "take dish towels",\n"look candies", "use candies", "take candies", "eat candies",\n\n"look luminol", "take luminol", "use luminol", "drop luminol",\n"look drinking horn", "take drinking horn", "use drinking horn", "drop drinking horn", \n"look herbs", "use herbs", "eat herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal"] >>\n/% KITCHEN %//% KITCHEN %//% KITCHEN %/\n\n\n\n/% FIRE %//% FIRE %//% FIRE %/\n<<set $fireaction = [ "help", \n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory",\n"look cooking pot", "look pot",\n\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette",\n"look match", "use match",\n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look drinking horn", "use drinking horn",\n"look herbs", "use herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal"]>>\n/% FIRE %//% FIRE %//% FIRE %/\n\n\n/% PANTRY %//% PANTRY %//% PANTRY %/\n<<set $pantryaction = [ "help",\n\n"go up", "go down", \n"go north",\n"go south",\n"go east",\n"go west",\n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory", \n"look match", "use match", "drop match", \n"look box of matches", "use box of matches", "drop box of matches",\n"look carton of cigarettes", "use carton of cigarettes", "drop carton of cigarettes",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette", "eat cigarette", \n"use lighter", \n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look gun", "use gun", "drop gun",\n"look notepad", "use notepad", "drop notepad",\n"look bottle of pills", "use bottle of pills", "drop bottle of pills",\n"look pills", "use pills", "drop pills",\n"look pill", "use pill", "eat pill", "drop pill",\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph", "eat photograph",\n\n"look luminol", "use luminol", "drop luminol",\n"look drinking horn", "use drinking horn", "drop drinking horn",\n"look herbs", "take herbs", "use herbs", "eat herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal"] >>\n/% PANTRY %//% PANTRY %//% PANTRY %/\n\n\n\n\n/% LANDING %//% LANDING %//% LANDING %/\n<<set $landingaction = [ "help",\n\n"go up", "go down", \n"go north",\n"go south",\n"go east",\n"go west",\n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory", \n"look match", "use match", "drop match", \n"look box of matches", "use box of matches", "drop box of matches",\n"look carton of cigarettes", "use carton of cigarettes", "drop carton of cigarettes",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette", "eat cigarette", \n"use lighter", \n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look gun", "use gun", "drop gun",\n"look notepad", "use notepad", "drop notepad",\n"look bottle of pills", "use bottle of pills", "drop bottle of pills",\n"look pills", "use pills", "drop pills",\n"look pill", "use pill", "eat pill", "drop pill",\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph", "eat photograph",\n\n"look paintings", "look chests",\n"look art supplies", "look sketches", "look legal papers", "look silverware", "look figurines",\n\n"look luminol", "use luminol", "drop luminol",\n"look drinking horn", "use drinking horn", "drop drinking horn",\n"look herbs", "use herbs", "eat herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal"] >>\n/% LANDING %//% LANDING %//% LANDING %/\n\n\n\n\n\n/% LANTERN %//% LANTERN %//% LANTERN %/\n<<set $lanternaction = [ "help",\n\n"go up", "go down", \n"go north",\n"go south",\n"go east",\n"go west",\n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory", \n"look match", "use match", "drop match", \n"look box of matches", "use box of matches", "drop box of matches",\n"look carton of cigarettes", "use carton of cigarettes", "drop carton of cigarettes",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette", "eat cigarette", \n"use lighter",\n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look gun", "use gun", "drop gun",\n"look notepad", "use notepad", "drop notepad",\n"look bottle of pills", "use bottle of pills", "drop bottle of pills",\n"look pills", "use pills", "drop pills",\n"look pill", "use pill", "eat pill", "drop pill",\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph", "eat photograph",\n\n"look luminol", "use luminol", "drop luminol",\n"look drinking horn", "use drinking horn", "drop drinking horn",\n"look herbs", "use herbs", "eat herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal",\n\n"look wooden chair", "use wooden chair", "look chair", "use chair",\n"look floorboard", "look floorboards",\n"look windows", "look window", "look outside"] >>\n/% LANTERN %//% LANTERN %//% LANTERN %/\n\n\n\n/% BASEMENT %//% BASEMENT %//% BASEMENT %/\n<<set $basementaction = [ "help",\n\n"go up", "go down", \n"go north",\n"go south",\n"go east",\n"go west",\n"look inventory", "inventory", "use inventory", \n"look match", "use match", "drop match", \n"look box of matches", "use box of matches", "drop box of matches",\n"look carton of cigarettes", "use carton of cigarettes", "drop carton of cigarettes",\n"look cigarette", "use cigarette", "drop cigarette", "eat cigarette", \n"use lighter", \n"look credentials", "use credentials", "drop credentials",\n"look gun", "use gun", "drop gun",\n"look notepad", "use notepad", "drop notepad",\n"look bottle of pills", "use bottle of pills", "drop bottle of pills",\n"look pills", "use pills", "drop pills",\n"look pill", "use pill", "eat pill", "drop pill",\n"look photograph", "use photograph", "drop photograph", "eat photograph",\n\n"look luminol", "use luminol", "drop luminol",\n"look drinking horn", "use drinking horn", "drop drinking horn",\n"look herbs", "use herbs", "eat herbs", "drop herbs",\n"look yellow book", "look black book", "look journal",\n\n"look painting", "look desk", "look pile", "look notes", \n"look bottle", "use bottle", "take bottle"\n]>>\n/% BASEMENT %//% BASEMENT %//% BASEMENT %/\n\n\n\n\n/% INVENTORY %//% INVENTORY %//% INVENTORY %/\n<<set $inventory = [" a box of matches", " a carton of cigarettes", " your credentials", " a gun", " a notepad", " a bottle of pills", " a photograph"] >>\n<<set $matches to 30>>\n<<set $pills to 12>>\n/% INVENTORY %//% INVENTORY %//% INVENTORY %/\n<<set $pot to 0>>\n<<set $horn to "empty">>\n\n\n\n\n/% NOTES %//% NOTES %//% NOTES %/\n<<set $notes = [" Birdistean Clarkson", " 92-years-old at time of death", " burns on face", " cause of death drowning", " body found in kitchen", " lived alone", " no cats(?)"] >>\n/% NOTES %//% NOTES %//% NOTES %/\n\n
You look in the cupboards and find the usual assortment of dishware. <<if $sight is true>>The cupboards are decorated with @@color:#ffc872;swirling designs of vines and flowers.@@<<endif>>\n<<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old drinking horn") gte 0>><<else>>You see an old drinking horn inside one of the cabinets.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
Uh, no?\n\n<<b>>
You crouch down near the kindling, trying to start a fire. It costs you a few matches, but soon the fire starts to grow, warm and bright.<<set $matches -= 3>>\n<<set $fire to true>>\n[[>|fireplace]]
With the light to guide you, you step over towards the painting. \n\nIt is a terrifying work of art, larger than any other in the house. Even the frame leaves you speechless, carved by hand and gilded.\n\nThe painting is old and yet new. In some places the paint is flat, and in others it has been applied over and over, taking on a very real depth and texture.\n\nIt is a portrait, of Birdistean herself if your eyesight is still good. Her face is serious, but in her right hand she holds a decapitated head, with a broad, joyous smile.\n<<if $sight is true>>\nThere is writing on the wall, to either side of the painting. One one side, @@color:#ffc872;"Sententiae vestrae audiatur,"@@ on the other, @@color:#ffc872;"Ops vester sentiatur".@@<<endif>>\n\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>Your match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n<<b>>
Your trusty old Smith & Wesson Model 15. It's worn from years of use, but you take good care of it. It brings you a lot of bittersweet memories. Best to keep it holstered.\n\n<<b>>
<<display "look windows">>
Inside of a wooden case are many paints and brushes. Off to the side are some pieces of artists' charcoal. These must be what she made her paintings and sketches with, you would assume.\n\n<<b>>
You feel for your box of matches, and it seems lighter than it should be. You search the box over and over, but there are no more matches left. Stuck in the dark with no way to see, you fumble around the room. There's no way out.\n\nYou're trapped.\n\n<<x>>
Nothing of note, a few baking ingredients that have been left alone for a long time.\n\n<<b>>
You see your friend, Marty, taking food out of your refrigerator. He doesn't even look guilty. Honestly, you can't be too mad at him, you have other things to worry about.\n\nThe vision fades as Marty begins to eat, unwinding slowly, until it's nothing but the normal colors behind your eyes.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchlook shelves">><<else>>You can't see any shelves.\n<<b>><<endif>>
<<if $light is true>><<goto "foyer">><<elseif $match is false>><<goto "dark foyer">><<else>>The foyer is loud, thin walls barely muffling the sound of the stormy wind outside.\n\nThere is a lightswitch right beside you.<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>\nYour match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>><<set $location to "dark foyer">>\n<<a>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $matches is 0>>You have no more matches.<<else>>That would be a waste.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>\n
<<if $matches is 0>>You have no more matches.<<else>>You strike a match.<<set $matches -= 1>><<set $match to true>><<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
This <<print either("old", "new", "like-new", "brand new", "weathered", "worn", "old", "handwritten", "burnt", "torn", "illustrated", "picture", "large", "thin", "small", "heavy", "handmade")>> book is about <<print either("lighthouses", "gardening", "folk medicine", "plant biology", "human physiology", "fishing", "knitting", "quilting", "cross-stitch", "medicine", "cooking", "different cuts of meat", "fairies", "romance", "baking", "adventure", "cartography", "witches", "religion", "religions", "travel", "history", "history", "history", "painting", "drawing", "sketching", "art")>>. The cover is <<print either("blue", "red", "orange", "purple", "violet", "indigo", "leather", "tattered", "ripped", "missing", "green", "white")>>.\n\n[[<|study]]
That doesn't sound like it would work.\n\n<<b>>
<<goto "leave">>
You pick up a piece of paper and read it.\n\n<<display either("page1", "page2", "page3", "page4")>>\n\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>Your match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n<<b>>
<<set $horn to "empty">><<if $brew.indexOf("Belecus flower") gte 0>><<goto "dead potion">><<else>>\n\n <<if $brew.length is 6>><<goto "useless potion">>\n\n <<elseif $brew.length is 1>><<goto "single">>\n\n <<elseif $brew.length is 2>><<goto "double">>\n\n <<elseif $brew.length is 3>><<goto "triple">>\n\n <<elseif $brew.length is 4>><<goto "four">>\n\n <<elseif $brew.length is 5>><<goto "five">>\n <<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>\n
Now what good would that do?\n\n<<b>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a bottle of luminol") gte 0>>You already have that.<<else>>You pick up the spray bottle. Might come in handy.\nYou now have luminol.\n<<set $inventory.push(" a bottle of luminol")>><<endif>>\n\n<<b>>\n
<<if $fire is true>><<goto "fireplace">><<else>>The fireplace is old and large, taking up almost half of the brick wall. It feels like the room is barely big enough to contain it. As you get closer, you can feel a chill. The flue is still open, making the area around the fireplace quite cold. It's also rather dark.\nThere are still some logs and some kindling underneath. You could probably get a fire going in here if you wanted to.\n\nThe fireplace is currently occupied by a large cooking pot.\n\nStart a fire?\n[[y|startfire]] / [[n|kitchen]]<<endif>>
<<display "look legal papers">>
You look out the windows. There are still a few rainclouds overhead, but the sky is much clearer, much less bleak. You can see a few stars here and there, and the moon has emerged. It's full tonight, and very bright. It feels good to see the the sky for a moment, even if it's still from this lighthouse.\n\nDown the coast you see a newer, taller, brighter lighthouse at work, beam shining across the waters. Everything seems so calm out there.\n\nYou take a deep breath. Time to get back to work.\n\n<<b>>
html {\n\tbackground: #1e0900;\n}
The silverware is neatly arranged in a rosewood box. The inside is lined with a soft, felt-like material. The silverware itself is real silver, not a piece missing and each one well polished. You imagine they're expensive, but you have no experience with actual silver.\n\n<<b>>
The chests are large and sturdy, made of wood and iron, with very little rust. They appear to have been used recently, judging by the dust around the chests but not on them.\n\nYou open up one of them. Inside you see it contains art supplies, sketches, legal papers, and silverware. Digging around, there are also a few different odds and ends, small figurines of different animals. This might explain why the house seems so empty. Why was she packing all this stuff away?\n\nYou open the other chest. It's full of linens, bedsheets and bath towels, which makes you wonder. Why doesn't this house have a bathroom or a bedroom? The place seems to have a questionable grasp on the concept of running water, but a bed? You can't imagine she slept in the basement.\n<<if $notes.indexOf(" the house has no bedroom or bathroom") gte 0>><<else>><<set $notes.push(" the house has no bedroom or bathroom", " most of Birdistean's belongings were recently packed away")>><<endif>>\n\n<<b>>\n\n\n
It's a lightswitch.\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>\nYour match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n\n[[>|foyer]]
You are within the lighthouse itself, at the main landing of the stairs. Because this lighthouse was built on top of a high cliff, the building itself is rather stout, only a few stories tall.\n\nThe room itself is rather dark, with the only light coming from the foyer. The original lighthouse must not be wired the same as the rest of the house. You can tell immediately that it's much older, built out of stone instead of wood and brick.\n\nIt seems that she mostly used this room for storage. There's nothing here except two oak chests and a few paintings propped up against the wall.\n\nUp the stairs is the lantern room, and down the stairs is the basement. To your south is the foyer.\n<<set $location to "landing">>\n<<a>>\n
Your pills. You know the bottle says "take twice a day or as needed," but you always feel like you need it. You have <<$pills>> pill<<if $pills > 1>>s<<else>><<endif>> left.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old drinking horn") gte 0>>Why do you want to drop everything?<<else>>What?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
As you draw closer, you realize that the pile is definitely not firewood, or any other normal debris. It is made entirely of human skulls, not arranged, but simply tossed into the corner like garbage. \n\nThe skulls range in size from adult to infant, and all are covered in smudges of black soot. You can guess how the bodies themselves might have been disposed of, but you don't wish to speculate any further.\n\nYou leave the pile alone.\n\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>Your match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n<<b>>
html {\nbackground: #1e0900;\nbackground: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #1e0900 0%, #000000 100%);\nbackground: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#1e0900), color-stop(100%,#000000));\nbackground: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #1e0900 0%,#000000 100%);\nbackground: -o-linear-gradient(top, #1e0900 0%,#000000 100%);\nbackground: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #1e0900 0%,#000000 100%);\nbackground: linear-gradient(to bottom, #1e0900 0%,#000000 100%);\nfilter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#1e0900', endColorstr='#000000',GradientType=0 );\n}\n
You head down the stairs to the landing.\n\n[[>|landing]]
Which appliance?\n\n<<b>>
Not much use for them here.\n\n<<b>>
You awake, much the same, but with a deep feeling that something has changed. You are hot, sore and covered in sweat. You feel as if you have woken from a fever, your mouth dry, tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. \n\nYou can tell from the faint light trying to get inside that it's daytime. The house is silent: no laughter, no wind or rain. You lift yourself up and brush yourself off, like everything is normal.\n\nYou stick your tongue out, licking slightly at the dried blood from your nose. It tastes sweet, not like you remember it. It makes you hungry.\n\nYou stumble to the front door and catch yourself, body slamming weakly against it. Steadying yourself, you pull open the door and head outside.\n\n[[>|lifeend]]
Around you, the sights and sounds begin to change. The lights around you turn a sickly yellow, then a deep green, then a bright white with blue halos. \n\nThere is a ringing in your ears that slowly turns to screaming. Voices shout all around you: some cursing, some demanding. Sciophyte, they say, death dealer. Rot, decay, life taker, fungus, infection, parasite. Behind the voices, echoing as if throughout the house, there is another voice. It does not speak, it only laughs. Soon the other voices fade, and even the laughter leaves.\n\nYou are left then, clinging to life, pain like fire running through you, as your vision fades to black.\n\n[[>|life3]]
/% HENBANE LOL %/The label says "Belecus flower". The flowers are a dull yellow with sickly purple veins. The smell is foul and strong. It's really not something you want to be close to.\n\n[[<|look herbs]]
What? No, that's gross.\n\n<<b>>
<<if ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "useless potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) or ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "dead potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Shrubby yellowcrest") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Foxglove") gte 0)>><<goto "sight potion">>\n\n<<else>><<goto "useless potion">><<endif>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchlook pile">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>>It's too dark.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchuse bottle">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>><<if $inventory.indexOf(" a small bottle full of liquid") gte 0>>You pull out the bottle, careful not to drop it in the darkness. You pull out the cork and swallow the contents in a single sip.\n\n[[>|soulend]]<<else>>You can't see well enough to do that.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>><<endif>>
There's really no point in doing that.\n\n<<b>>
/% BLUE LOTUS %/The label says "Blue lily of the nile". Inside the jar are several whole, dried flowers. In their desiccated state they appear to be blue verging on periwinkle. The flower has a radial pattern, petals circling around a center point. The scent is sweet but not overpowering.\n\n[[<|look herbs]]
No, thanks.\n\n<<b>>
You can tell immediately that Birdistean was much more free with her sketches than with her paintings. There are sketches of Birdistean herself, both old and young, sketches of different houses, different people. Many of the sketches are of children laughing, or people standing around. <<if $sight is true>>These ones have notes written on them, discussing @@color:#ffc872;times and places where the people were seen, and where to find them again.@@ <<endif>> A few of the sketches are botanical in nature, showing different plants and their parts. Unfortunately, they aren't labeled. At the bottom of the pile you find strange sketches, more charcoal than paper, of sad, screaming faces, hazy features crossed out or scribbled over. <<if $sight is true>>These are @@color:#ffc872;words written on them in a language you do not know.@@ <<endif>>The last shows a man's face, intricately detailed with an expression of happiness, but his ribs cracked open to reveal his organs. <<if $sight is true>>This sketch is almost entirely covered in words, @@color:#ffc872;mostly curses and statements of triumph and pride, half thoughts that are barely legible.@@<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
/% MARIGOLD THIEVES %/The label says "Mary's gold". Inside the jar are some dried petals. They might have been yellow once. When you open the jar you can tell they have a strong, unpleasant smell.\n\n[[<|look herbs]]
/% DIGITALIS YELLOW MAIN%/The label says "Foxglove". It sounds familiar but you've never been an expert on plants. It's dried flowers are purple trumpets, but they have little scent except for the green leafy bits still attached.\n\n[[<|look herbs]]
<<if ($inventory.indexOf(" a few jars of herbs") gte 0) or ($location is "pantry")>>There are seven jars in total, made of green glass, with tightly-sealed lids. They are all labeled with loose, disorganized cursive. Still, you've had a great deal of practice in reading poor handwriting, whether from the old, the blind, or the drunk. You can read the labels, and examine them further, if you like.\n<<forget $herbs>>\n<<radio $herbs "Shrubby yellowcrest">>\n<<radio $herbs "Foxglove">>\n<<radio $herbs "Mary's gold">>\n<<radio $herbs "Beautiful lady">>\n<<radio $herbs "Blue lily of the nile">>\n<<radio $herbs "Belecus flower">>\n<<radio $herbs "Ordeal bean">>\n<<button [[Get a closer look.|herbs]]>>\n<<else>>What herbs?<<endif>>\n<<b>>\n
<<if $location is "foyer">><<goto "dining">>\n\n<<else>>You can't go that way.<br>\n<<b>><<endif>>
macros.forgetall = macros.rememberall = {\n handler: function (a, name) {\n var s = state.history[0].variables;\n for (variable in s) {\n if (s.hasOwnProperty(variable)) {\n if (name == "forgetall") {\n delete window.localStorage[macros.remember.prefix + variable];\n delete s[variable];\n } else {\n window.localStorage[macros.remember.prefix + variable] = s[variable];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" a black book about life and death") gte 0>><<goto "random book">><<else>><<if $sight>>This old book is about life and death, but it has no title.\n\nYou flip through the pages, dazzled by the gleaming words that appear upon the pages as you turn them. The book seems to be about ways to prevent, postpone, reverse, and cheat death. Considering what you've already seen, you might as well take a look at it.\n<<set $inventory.push(" a black book about life and death")>>\nYou put it in your bag in case you need to reference it later.\nYou now have a black book.\n<<else>>This old book is completely empty. You can't find a single word inside it, though the cover and pages are well worn. The cover is black.<<if $notes.indexOf(" there are a couple of blank books in the study for some reason") gte 0>><<else>><<set $notes.push(" there are a couple of blank books in the study for some reason")>><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n[[<|study]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchlook lightswitch">><<else>>You can't see any lightswitch.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
It must be an old lady thing, these types of candies. Nobody really likes them. Must be why the bowl is still full.\n\n<<b>>
You taste some of the assorted foliage. It's somewhat bitter and mostly tastes like grass.\n\n[[<|eat herbs]]
/% Ordeal bean, belladonna antidote %/The label says "Ordeal bean". This jar, unlike the others, is very small and almost entirely empty. It contains only a few beans, normal in size and deep brown in color. The name seems somewhat menacing for a bean.\n\n[[<|look herbs]]
The story is over.\n<<forgetall>>\n[[Start again?|Start]]
<<if $match is true>>You pick up the bottle. It's small, and fits easily in your pocket.\nYou now have a bottle.\n<<set $inventory.push(" a small bottle full of liquid")>><<else>>You can't see well enough to do that.\n<<endif>>\n<<b>>
You sit down in the chair for a while. Exciting.\n\n<<b>>
<<if ($inventory.indexOf(" a bottle of luminol") gte 0) or ($location is "dining")>>The bottle of luminol you got from the dining room. It's a chemical that law enforcement use when looking for traces of certain bodily fluids, like blood. The bottle is almost completely full, so they probably didn't use it much here.\n<<else>>What luminol?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
Not gunna happen.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $brew.indexOf("Mary's gold") gte 0>><<goto "thief potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) or ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "dead potion">>\n\n<<else>><<goto "useless potion">><<endif>>
It's a pretty old sink. Judging by the faucet, it's barely more than an outdoor water pump. The water is probably potable, but you're not up for testing it right now. <<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old drinking horn") gte 0>>\nYou could probably fill the drinking horn with water.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
The refrigerator is completely empty, odd enough. It still works fine, but there isn't even so much as an old bottle of mustard in there. You sure could go for some food right about now.\n\n<<b>>
<<if ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "useless potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Shrubby yellowcrest") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Foxglove") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "sight potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) or ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "dead potion">>\n\n<<else>><<goto "useless potion">><<endif>>
You pull out one of the shiny black berries from the jar. The taste is mild but sweet and pleasant. You pull out more and more of the berries, savoring them slowly. It takes you a while to notice that your heart is beating rather quickly, and the lights in the room seem much brighter than before. You decide that you should sit down a moment too late, and collapse instead. The ground is cool. The lights are so bright, and the voices around you pleading and incessant, though you can hardly hear them over the sound of your heart beating. Louder and faster, deep like a war drum, drumming and voices together in a sick chant. It goes on and on, until the drums stop.\n\n<<x>>
Definitely not going to do that.\n\n<<b>>
"I have used up the last of my poppy to give myself some rest. I have not needed sleep in a long time, but my mind is assaulted every moment that I am awake. It is not only his voice that comes to be, but images, visions that he plants in my mind when I am simply trying to live.\n\nDo I deserve this, I wonder? I thought for so long that he was dead, but maybe all these years he has been suffering as well. Some days I truly think that I was wrong, but then I see him sneering at me, drawing his knife.\n\nIt must be tonight. I have made all the beginning preparations, and saved a bit of myself for consumption. I can have Rebecca over in a matter of hours, then all I must do is make sure that she takes the soul into her, and that this body perishes. Given enough time, I can be sure of both things.\n\nIt must be tonight. He tells me that soon he will be ready to fight me for control of this frail form."
You take out a pill and look at it. It's a small oval shape, with a soft pink tone. Inviting, tempting. You put it back.\n\n<<b>>
"I could maintain this body forever, if only I did not have this ghost haunting me. He has gotten louder now, taunting me, berating me, smug in his own defiance and his own existence.\n\nI have been resisting my urge to kill in strange ways. I have been sketching more, mostly images of him in agony, so he can watch and I can imagine it is actually happening. Sometimes it helps, but if it does not then I burn the image. I have been burning many things lately.\n\nI wish to leave soon."
"The children call me a witch. This used to frighten me, but it is a taller tale than it ever was, and no sane human believes anything of the sort. Of course, there are always the insane ones.\n\nI have taken to caring for a young girl, the closest thing I have to neighbor. (Though it is still to close for my liking.) Her name is Rebecca, and her parents let her wander the shore as well as my lighthouse. They trust me, as I have spoken with them once or twice and they judge from my body that I am harmless.\n\nHer hair is brown and her skin is dark, which I can only hope is not so much an issue as it once was. It's not like I have any other choice. I may give her a few more years, or I may take her tomorrow, I can never decide. Her body is still young, and she lodges with her parents, but I do not know when I will have another chance to break away from here. \n\nIn my mind I begin to wonder, can I ever really be free of him? He tells me no."
You smoke your last cigarette, and then...\n\n\n<<timedgoto "<>" 3s>>
"His soul has begun to speak to me, like a fracture, like a root sprouting new leaves. I fear that in time, the other souls will learn to do the same, ghosts haunting me forever inside my head, trees growing where there is no space. Of course there was no one to teach me that this could be the outcome of my sins, and the only one who might have known has offered me no explanation in his wailing.\n\nI try my best to block him out, but occasionally it throws me into a rage, one that is only ended by killing. This rage comes quicker and quicker, as his voice walks across my brain like a crawling insect.\n\nI know that for mortals there are pills one can take, but I do not know if they will affect my affliction, and I do not want to go into the world for such a petty purpose. I may simply need a new mind."
Nope, you promised someone you'd return this photo when you were done looking around. You can't just leave it here.\n\n<<b>>
<<display "look windows">>
You're out of matches, and there's nothing but darkness around you. You're forced to leave.\n\n<<x>>\n
<<if $location is "dining">><<goto "kitchen">>\n<<elseif $location is "kitchen">><<goto "pantry">>\n<<elseif $location is "foyer">><<goto "landing">>\n<<else>>You can't go that way.<br>\n<<b>><<endif>>
<<goto "look cooking pot">>
You're in the dining room, which is rather loud from the wind outside. The room is mostly empty and the sound echoes across all the hard, flat surfaces. There is a long table, with one tall chair on the far end, and one shorter chair on the other. The windows here are also blacked out, as you suspect they all are.\n\nFrom the looks of it, you don't think this room was used very much. The police have already looked it over, if the things on the table are any indication.\n\nTo the north of you is another door, leading to the kitchen. To the east is the foyer.\n<<set $location to "dining">>\n<<a>>
You sit down in the chair for a while. Exciting.\n\n<<b>>
You might need to use it later. Better to hold on to it.\n\n<<b>>
Well what did you want to do with your inventory exactly?\n\n<<b>>\n
You don't have a lighter! Maybe you should look at your inventory.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $location is "foyer">><<goto "leave">>\n<<elseif $location is "dark foyer">><<goto "leave">>\n<<elseif $location is "kitchen">><<goto "dining">>\n<<elseif $location is "pantry">><<goto "kitchen">>\n<<elseif $location is "landing">><<goto "foyer">>\n\n<<else>>You can't go that way.<br>\n<<b>><<endif>>
html{\n\tbackground: #0d1200;\n\n\theight: 100%;\n}\n\nbody{\n\tbackground-color: transparent;\n\twidth: 800px;\n\theight: 600px;\n\n}\n\n#passages{\n\tbackground-color: black;\n\theight: 600px;\n\tborder-left: 0px; \n\tpadding: 2%;\n}\n\n.passage{\n\tfont-size: 18px;\n\tfont-family: Justus-Italic;\n}\n\n\n.passage hr {\n\theight:2px;\n\tborder-width: 0;\n\tbackground-color: black;\n}\n\nbutton {\n margin: 0em;\n font-size: 18px;\n font-family: Justus-Italic;\n color: initial;\n letter-spacing: normal;\n word-spacing: normal;\n text-transform: none;\n text-indent: 0px;\n text-shadow: none;\n display: inline-block;\n text-align: start;\n}\n\n#sidebar{\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n left: 20px;\n width: 150px;\n\n}\n\n#credits{\n\tdisplay: none;\n}\n\n\n.revision-span-in {\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) {\n\ttransition: 1s; -webkit-transition: 1s;\n}\n.revision-span-out {\n\tposition:absolute;\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n\na.internalLink, a.externalLink {\n color: #747474;\n font-weight: bold;\n}\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover {\n color: #ffffff;\n text-decoration: none;\n}
You crouch down, shoving the chair aside to get a better look at the floor. The floorboards seem to be set up on top of the original stone for whatever reason, and the one underneath the chair feels a bit loose. <<if $inventory.indexOf(" the pantry key") gte 0>>There's nothing underneath it.<<else>>You pull it up and underneath there is a key.\n\nYou pick the key up and look it over. It's an old key, with a piece of cloth tied around the end and embroidered with the word "pantry". Fairly obviously, it's the key to the pantry. You put it in your pocket.\n<<set $inventory.push(" the pantry key")>>\nYou now have the pantry key.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>\n
This is the sort of desk you would have expected to find in the study. The whole thing is covered in loose paper, and a quick glance tells you that they are mostly notes.\n\nWhat catches your eye, though, is a small glass bottle in the middle of the desk. There are various marks cut into the wood around it, but you are unsure of their purpose. To you they look like circles and lines.\n\n<<if visitedTag("match", "match") % 2 is 0>>Your match goes out.<<set $match to false>><<endif>>\n<<b>>
<<if visited() lt 4>>No way are you eating those.<<else>>You finally decide to unwrap one and pop it in your mouth. You regret it instantly.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
You head down the stairs to the basement. <<if $sight is true>>There is no light down here aside from the glowing words above the door. \n@@color:#ffc872;"BEWARE ALL WHO TRESPASS."@@<<else>>There's no light down here, but you manage to feel around for the door.<<endif>>\n<<if $inventory.indexOf(" the basement key") gte 0>>You fumble the key a bit in the dark, but finally hear the lock click. You open the door and head into the dark room. The heavy door closes behind you.\n<<set $light to false>>\n[[>|basement]]<<else>>\nYou try the knob but it's locked. Looks like you'll have to find the key if you want to get in. You head back up to the landing.\n\n<<b>><<endif>>\n
Hidden in a dark corner of the pantry is an old bag of flour. A quick glance tells you that it's slightly damp, and that lots of small somethings are moving around inside of it. <<if $inventory.indexOf(" the basement key") gte 0>>It might be best to just leave it alone.<<else>>You take a deep breath and plunge your hand into the bag.\n\nThe initial feeling is cool and damp. The texture is rather gritty, and you can feel all sorts of insects wriggling slightly against your hand. You feel around until your fingers touch metal. You quickly pull out an old, black key, brushing the bugs and flour off of it.\n<<set $inventory.push(" the basement key")>>\nYou now have the basement key.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
You speak again, now a series of words that before meant nothing to you, but now taste warmly of chamomile. The door creaks slowly inward, dim light pooling in at your feet.\n\nThe air feels fresh and new.\n\nYou climb the stairs, stepping out into the foyer and then outside. \n\n[[>|soul4]]
The fireplace is old and large, taking up almost half of the brick wall. It seems like the room is barely big enough to contain it. You have a nice fire going, and although it's warmed up the room, it doesn't make you feel any more comfortable. Too bad.\n\nThe fireplace is currently occupied by a large cooking pot.\n\n<<if $sight is true>>Above the fireplace, written on the brickwork are @@color:#ffc872;various decorative symbols.@@\n@@color:#ffc872;font-size: 30px;⃝ ● ☀@@<<endif>>\n<<set $location to "fireplace">>\n<<a>>\n\n[[<|kitchen]]
The counter has been dusted for fingerprints, other than that there isn't anything interesting about it. It seems clean enough, there's nothing sitting out except for a couple of dish towels and a bowl of hard candies.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old drinking horn") gte 0>>\n\n<<if $pot < 100>><<if $horn is "water">>The horn is already full.<<else>>You fill the drinking horn up with water at the sink.<<set $horn to "water">><<endif>>\n\n<<else if $pot is 100>>You've already filled the cooking pot, no need to get more water.<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>No thanks.<<endif>>\n<br><br><<b>>
This chair doesn't look like it's been used at all. There are barely any marks on the floor, it's probably only been pulled out a couple of times. The old lady must have always eaten alone.\n\n<<b>>
<<if $location is "dining">><<goto "foyer">>\n<<elseif $location is "foyer">><<goto "study">>\n\n<<else>>You can't go that way.<br>\n<<b>><<endif>>
try {\n version.extensions['textinput'] = { \n major:1, minor:1, revision:1 \n };\nmacros['textinput'] = {\nhandler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) {\nv = params[0].replace("$","");\nvar input= document.createElement('input');\ninput.type = "text";\nd = v+"TextInput";\ninput.id = d;\ninput.name = v;\ninput.addEventListener('keyup', function()\n{\nstate.history[0].variables[this.name] = this.value;\n});\nplace.appendChild(input);\n},\t\ninit: function() { var v; var d;},\n};\n} catch(e) {\n throwError(place,"textinput Setup Error: "+e.message); \n}
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" the basement key") gte 0>>It's the key to the basement, still covered in flour and soot. It feels cool in your hand. <<if $sight is true>>There is a @@color:#ffc872;glowing dust@@ mixed in with the soot. It looks smeared, as if there was once writing which was wiped away.<<endif>><<else>>What key?<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>\n
<<if $inventory.indexOf(" an old drinking horn") gte 0>>\n\n\n<<if $horn is "potion">>You drink from the horn.\n<br><br>[[>|drink potion]]<<else>>\n\n <<if $location is "kitchen">>\n\t<<if $pot < 100>><<if $horn is "water">>The horn is already full.<<else>>You fill the drinking horn up with water at the sink.<<set $horn to "water">><<endif>>\n\n\t<<else if $pot is 100>>You've already filled the cooking pot, no need to get more water.<<endif>>\n<br><br><<b>>\n\n\n\n <<elseif $location is "fireplace">>\n\t<<if $pot < 100>><<if $horn is "water">><<set $pot += 50>><<set $horn to "empty">>You empty the drinking horn into the pot. The cooking pot is now <<print $pot>>% full.<<else>>The drinking horn is empty, you cannot use it.<<endif>>\n\n\t<<else if $potion>>You fill the drinking horn with the contents of the cooking pot.<<set $horn to "potion">>\n\n\t<<else if $pot is 100>>The pot is full of hot water. No point in drinking that by itself.<<endif>>\n<br><br><<b>>\n\n\n\n <<else>>There's nowhere to use that.\n<br><br><<b>><<endif>><<endif>>\n\n<<else>>You don't have a drinking horn.<br><br><<b>><<endif>>\n
<<forget $action>><<textinput $action>> [[>|action]]
<<if $light is true>>Look at this photograph. It's Birdistean, or at least what was left of her at 3 a.m. this morning.<<else>>It's too dark to look at that.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
/% SINICUICHI YELLOW%/The labels says "Shrubby yellowcrest". Inside is a finely chopped mixture of flower and foliage. Like the others, it has already been dried. It has a plain, grassy smell.\n\n[[<|look herbs]]
<<if $matches is 0>>You have no more matches.<<else>>You pull out a match and look at it. Fascinating.<<endif>>\n\n<<b>>
<<if $match is true>><<goto "matchlook painting">><<elseif $matches < 1>><<goto "basement end">><<else>>It's too dark.\n\n<<b>>\n<<endif>>
Not likely to happen.\n\n<<b>>
This was probably the chair she used most often, though it still only has minimal signs of wear. You can see small scuffs marks on the floor, evidence that she must have at least pulled it out every now and then. Can't really blame her, you never use your dining room much, either.\n\n<<b>>\n
You put in the ingredient<<if $brew.length gt 1>>s<<endif>> in the cooking pot and boil them for a while. Soon the water begins to turn color, and a strong smell fills the room. After a while, you get the feeling it's ready. The only thing left to do is to drink it.\n<<set $potion to true>>\n<<b>>\n
You take a look at your inventory. \n\nYou have:<<print $inventory>>.\n\n<<b>>\n
<<if ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) and ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "useless potion">>\n\n<<elseif ($brew.indexOf("Ordeal bean") gte 0) or ($brew.indexOf("Beautiful lady") gte 0)>><<goto "dead potion">>\n\n<<endif>>
<<if $light is false>><<goto "dark foyer">><<else>>The foyer is loud, thin walls barely muffling the sound of the stormy wind outside.\n\nIn the light of many lamps, softened by gaudy green glass, you can see two doorways, to the east and the west. There is also a large wooden door at the end of the foyer to the north, which leads to the lighthouse itself.\n\nAgainst the wall are a few small shelves.\n<<set $location to "foyer">>\n<<a>>\n<<endif>>
You take out a pill. Your heart pounds and you take a deep breath to steady yourself as you put the pill in your mouth and swallow it.\n<<set $pills -= 1>>\n<<if $pills > 0>>You don't feel good, but you feel better.\n\n<<b>>\n<<else>>You don't feel good. Your head starts to spin, you find it hard to stand. You collapse.\n\n<<x>><<endif>>
How exactly?\n\n<<b>>