(set: $light to 'on')
(set: $water to 'full')
(set: $filler_text to "You approach the keypad. It has space for 4 inputs, and below are the numbers 0 to 9.")<br>(set: $locked to 1)
(set: $x to 1)
(set: $dial to (a:0,0,0,0))
You are in a large room. In front of you is a locked door.
Beside the door is a [[keypad.|Keypad2]]
Behind you are four doors, each with a symbol.
[[Open the Fire door|room2]]
[[Open the Water door|room3]]
[[Open the Earth door|room4]]
[[Open the Air door|room5]]You walk into the light and feel a sense of immense accomplishment. You have passed the test!
Congratulations!(if:$light is 'on')
[You enter a room filled with letters, illuminated by a single bulb, swinging softly above your head.
The letters seem endless. They are plastered on the floor, ceiling and all the walls. It is impossible to make sense of any of them.
[[Try to make sense of the letters.|room2A]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]
[As you enter the room, you notice the bulb has been switched off.
The room is pitch black, except for a series of letters, that you can now clearly make out, which glow in the dark.
[[Try to make sense of the letters.|room2B]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]](if:$water is 'full')
[You enter a room with a basin square in the middle of it. It is full of murky grey water. It is impossible to see to the bottom of the basin. Next to the basin is a nozzle, connected to a pipe that leads to a nearby wall.
[[Try to turn the nozzle.|room3A]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]
[You enter a room with an empty basin square in the middle of it. You approach the basin. In the bottom of it you can clearly see the number one written in red jewels, inlaid into the ceramic.
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]] (if:$water is 'full')
[You enter a room covered in dirt. You can see the stems of old, shriveled plants.
On one wall is a hose, but no faucet. On the other wall, there is a small hole. Perhaps there was once another hose. Facing you on the back wall of the room is written NUMBER OF FLOWERS
[[Feel the dirt|room4A]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]
[You enter a room covered in dirt. You can see tons of healthy plants, growing at a rapid rate below your feet.
On one wall is a hose, but no faucet. Water is pouring through the hose. On the other wall, there is a small hole, which now houses a vine, growing into the wall. Facing you on the back wall of the room is written NUMBER OF FLOWERS
[[Examine the flowers|room4B]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]] (if:$water is 'full')
[The room you enter has countless holes on its right and left hand wall. Each hole has a number above it from 0 to 5. There are too many to count.
On the floor is a cross, maybe a plus sign?
On the back wall is a light switch.
[[Flick the switch|room5A]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]
[The room you enter has countless holes on its right and left hand wall. Each hole has a number above it from 0 to 5. There are too many to count. But you notice a vine, growing out of a hole marked 5, growing across the floor, and before your eyes, it enters a hole on the other side marked 3.
On the floor is a cross, maybe a plus sign?
On the back wall is a light switch.
[[Flick the switch|room5B]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]
]The keypad blinks for a second, and then turns green.
The door in front of you opens. [[You step through into the light.|endgame]]PXQSBOAILKPHTECRRRBLADHXFHQVIKIIWEQLYERM
It all seems meaningless to you. [[You decide to leave the room.|room1A]]The lit up letters seem to spell something:
[[A message! You rush out of the room, feeling a sense of confidence.|room1A]]You try the nozzle. It moves easily. You can turn it right or left.
[[Turn Right|room3AR]]
[[Turn Left|room3AL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle to the right.
[[Turn Right|room3ARR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ARL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle to the left.
[[Turn Right|room3ALR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ALL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]The basin remains full.
[[Try the faucet again.|room3A]]
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]You turn the noozle again to the right.
[[Turn Right|room3ARRR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ARRL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle again to the left.
[[Turn Right|room3ALLR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ALLL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle to the right.
[[Turn Right|room3ALRR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ALRL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle to the left
[[Turn Right|room3ARLR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ARLL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle yet again to the right.
[[Turn Right|room3ARRRR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ARRRL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle to the left.
[[Turn Right|room3ARRLR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ARRLL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]You hear a gurgle, then a gushing sound. It worked!
[[Check the basin|basin2]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]{(set: $water to 'empty')
The basin is completely empty! In the bottom of it you can clearly see the number one written in red jewels, inlaid into the ceramic.
[[Leave the room.|room1A]]You turn the noozle to the right.
[[Turn Right|room3ARLRR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ARLRL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle again to the left.
[[Turn Right|room3ARLLR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ARLLL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]You turn the noozle to the right.
[[Turn Right|room3ALLRR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ALLRL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle yet again to the left.
[[Turn Right|room3ALLLR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ALLLL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]You turn the noozle to the right.
[[Turn Right|room3ALRRR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ALRRL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]You turn the noozle yet again to the left.
[[Turn Right|room3ALRLR]]
[[Turn Left|room3ALRLL]]
[[Check the Basin|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]Hmm. Nothing seems to have happened.
[[Better check the basin, to be sure|basin]]You are in a large room. In front of you is a locked door.
Beside the door is a [[keypad.|Keypad2]]
Behind you are four doors, each with a symbol.
[[Open the Fire door|room2]]
[[Open the Water door|room3]]
[[Open the Earth door|room4]]
[[Open the Air door|room5]]The soil is dry, and all the plants seem near death.
[[You decide to leave the room.|room1A]]The soil is damp, and the plants are growing quickly.
You count two roses, three tulips and one daisy.
[[You decide to leave the room.|room1A]]{(set: $light to 'off')
You flick the switch. Nothing seems to happen in the room you're in.
[[You decide to leave the room|room1A]]{(set: $light to 'on')
You flick the switch. Nothing seems to happen in the room you're in.
[[You decide to leave the room|room1A]]Double-click this passage to edit it.(print: $filler_text)
{(live: 0.5) [
(if: $x is <= 4)[The display reads: (print: $dial.join("-"))
(if: $dial's 1st is 7 and $dial's 2nd is 1 and $dial's 3rd is 6 and $dial's 4th is 8)[
(set: $locked to 0)
(goto: "Correct")](else:)[
(goto: "Badcombo")]
(display: "Dials")
(link-repeat: "Zero")[ (set: $dial's $x to 0) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "One")[ (set: $dial's $x to 1) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Two")[ (set: $dial's $x to 2) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Three")[ (set: $dial's $x to 3) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Four")[ (set: $dial's $x to 4) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Five")[ (set: $dial's $x to 5) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Six")[ (set: $dial's $x to 6) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Seven")[ (set: $dial's $x to 7) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Eight")[ (set: $dial's $x to 8) (set: $x to it +1)]
(link-repeat: "Nine")[ (set: $dial's $x to 9) (set: $x to it +1)]</pre>
(set: $dial to (a: 0,0,0,0))
(set: $x to 1)
The keypad flashes red and resets. No luck.
Did you make a mistake? [[You can try again.|Keypad2]]
Or maybe you need to first try to [[find the solution?|room1A]]