<img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/09/09/16/05/forest-931706_960_720.jpg"width="650" height="350">
You get lost in the woods at camp in the middle of summer, you see a light. As you get closer you see that the light is coming from above a small wooden shed. You walk into the shed, as you walk out of the shed you come to exact same place but what has been there thousands of years ago. [[The viking age!]]
You see a typical viking town. The houses have brick walls and straw roofs, it is cold, you are shivering. You ask people where you are but people see you as a threat! Eventually you see big masculine man wearing skin from various different animals inculding bear, wolf, and even weasel. He walks up to you, he asks you a question; "Who are you?" he asks. What do you answer? [[I... don't know]] or [[I have come to deliver a message]]
He answers "He must be an offer from the gods, he shall work as a farmer" You run away as fast as you can. You steal a boat and float away until you cant see them anymore. You eventually get to a [[monastery!]]
"Well lets hear it" The big man answers in a deep and intimidating voice. You say:[[The gods have sent me to take a boat to the north]] "You are already in the north!" "You are a liar and shall be sold to slavery" You run away as fast as you can and manage to steal a boat. You float away until you cant see them anymore. You eventually get to a [[monastery!]]
<img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/12/31/16/18/panoramic-3052679_960_720.jpg"width="650" height="350">
You float to land, jump off the bout but you see nobody. You remember your boring history class when Mr. Clark told you about the monastery in Lindisfarne. It was the vikings first raid. You walk in to the monastery and see a monk peeking up from behind a wall. "Hello?" you ask "I know you're there" The monk slowly approaches you "you're not a viking?" he asks "No, I just fled from them." "Oh, thats why you had a viking boat" "Yes" you reply. "Are those your friends" the monk asks. You look out too the water and see three viking ships approaching the shore. "No I am alone" you tell the monk. [[Attack]]
The vikings get closer and eventually get to the shore, jump off and start running towards you. you see the vikings murdering the monks and taking all the loot from the monastery. A viking grabs you and ties you to the boat. Do you [[try to escape]] or [[stay put]]?You cant get out of the ropes so you decide to just [[stay put]]
After a few hours the boat gets to a little town. They grab you and sell you to a man together with another boy. You assume that you are now a slave and start following the mans instructions. You do so for a few days until you are so tired that you just can't do the work. Your owner gets frustraded so he starts to beat you so harshly that you eventually... [[die]]
Then, everything gets black, then you open your eyes. You see a man walking towards you, judging by the marvel movies you've seen you know that the man approaching you is Odin. The all father of the gods. God of war, death, sky, and wisdom. When he reaches you he says; "You look a little to young to be here" "I shall give you a second chance in life" Do you [[follow Odin]] or do you [[run away]]
<a href="https://norse-mythology.org/">Press ctrl+click and open in a new tab!</a>He leads you to a rainbow "This is the Bifrost!" Odin tells you "It will bring you back down to midgard.You walk onto it and finally get back to [[the woods]]You run away, you run past Odins 8 legged horse, men in batlle, and finally find the edge of Asgard. You don't know what do do so you jump! After a few secconds of falling you find yourself in [[the woods]] again!<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/08/eb/5b08eb0a4f9f4a35226326547b237b90.jpg"width="650" height="400">
You land softly on some moss and are so happy to feel earth again. You find the camp and tell them all about your adventure!
Extra [[test]]
Before you begin on thhis epic journey, here is a playlist for you to listen to as you go on your adventure!
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhkfnPVQyaY&t=18s">Press ctrl+click and open in a new tab!</a>
[[The woods]]Where was the vikings first raid?
1. [[Haithabu]]
2. [[Lindisfarne]]
3. [[Roskilde]]Incorrect, Haithabbu was a trading center in Denmark.Correct!
Who is the all-father of the gods?
1. [[Thor]]
2. [[Frey]]
3. [[Odin]]Sorry, Roskilde was a populated place for the vikings in Denmark.Sorry, Thor was definetly very important but not the all-father. Thor was god of sky, thunder, and fertility.Incorrect, Frey was god of peace, fertility, rain, and sunshine.Correct, Odin was god of sky, death, war, and what?
Good job! Hope you have learned a little more about the vikings.This was incorrect. Hope you learned a little bit more about the vikings.Sorry, Loki was god of mischief. Hope you have learned a little bit more about the vikings.