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Hello, welcome to my game!
<img src="" alt="Island" height="230" width="280">
You wake up on an island and you don't remember anything. You are laying on a beach and your clothes are torn and you are all sandy. Your head also hurts. You must have hit it.
Do you want to be a [[Girl]] or a [[Boy]]
Welcome Adventurer,
You are about be a part of a quest!
But first - What do you want your name to be...?
Enter your name here: <<textbox "$name" "">>
[[Press here to continue|continue]]Welcome Adventurer,
You are about be a part of a quest!
But first - What do you want your name to be...?
Enter you name here: <<textbox "$name" "">>
[[[[Press here to continue|continue]]
You continue walking as you hear another grumbling sound just this time it is not you. You slowly turn around and see a huge volcano and it looks like it is about to erupt. You want to run but then you remember Sarah. Will you [[tell Sarah|tell]] or just [[run for your life|run]]It's POISONOUS!!!!
You should go to shore to drink some water so that you don't die. As you go to shore you find a snake. Will you [[walk away slowly and leave it alone|leave]] or [[pet the snake but fear to get bitten|pet]]
Good choice😊
You are feeling much better after eating the mushrooms so you start tying the pieces of bamboo together that you have collected. You hear a female voice behind you that is asking you for help. You turn around and see a girl wearing a leaf dress. She says her name is Sarah and she has been stuck on the island for a very long time. She shows you where all the things are that you will need to make a boat. During the tour you notice a bubbling volcano. Do want to [[escape the island|escape]] or [[take cover on the island|hide]].That's to bad because it was a very friendly snake, but know the snake doesn't like you anymore because you rejected it. You continue to walk and then you see a girl her name is Sarah and is wering a leave dress. She wants to give you a tour of the island do you [[accept]] or [[decline]] You have a new friend. The snake is nice!! Now you won't be alone on the island. The snake is good at climbing so it helps you collect coconuts and wood for your boat. After 2 hours you finally have a good sturdy boat. You and the snake get on the boat and start paddling. You get really tired and doze off. After a while you wake up you start to scream because you see a big boat. The people hear you and look over the deck.
They ask where you are from?
You say: <<textbox "$country" "">>
[[We can bring you home|go home]]<h6> You and Sarah walk around the island and talk. Then you see a cave underground and you go into it. After a long walk you can see light. It is the end of the cave. You and Sarah come out of the cave and then you realize that you are off the island! </h6>
<h1> [[Yeah, THE END|THE END!]] </h1>You walk around and notice a bubbling volcano. Do you want to [[escape the island|escape]] or [[take cover on the island|hide]].<h6> You and Sarah have a great time ziplining and playing together. You know you will not be able to get back home (where ever that is). You had a great adventure and you might someday go home. But for now you will live on the island with Sarah. </h6>
<h1> [[THE END!]] </h1>You walk around alone and then find a volcano. You run for shore and then find pieces of bamboo that are connected together with pieces of string. You take a big leaf that you find next to the bamboo boat. You put the bamboo in the water, get on and then grab the leaf and start paddling. You turn and see a big explosion on the island. You start to feel guilty about not telling Sarah about the valcano. You look again and see a little dot coming closer. When it is closer you see it is Sarah on a beautiful bamboo boat. You feel embarrassed but also relieved that she is okay.
You descover a big boat in front of you. Do you want to [[get on]] or [[sail home alone]].Sarah does not appreciate you getting mad at her because she was trying to help you survive the volcano!
You beg her to let you come on her boat but she ignores you.
You hear the grumbling of the volcano. You get scared. You see Sarah on her boat sailing away.
The volcano erupts over you. [[You are running but you can't escape|run from valcano]]You and sarah paddle for a long time. You doze of after a while. When you wake up you see land. Sarah lets you off on the shore and then you find a sign with you on it. It says "Missing - Kidnapped." You call the number on the poster and you hear a lady. After a lot of talking on the phone you find out someone kidnapped you and dropped you of at the island. She says you have been missing for a long time. Suddenly you remember everything - she is your mom! You go looking for her house and when you find it you [[move in]].You run for Sarah's teehouse and when you get there you tell her the bad news she runs to shore with you and then goes in this little hut and get out a boat. You can't belive it she has had a boat all this time but hasn't told you. Will you [[get mad at her for not telling you|MAD!!]] or [[just ignore it because you are dealing with life or death|ignore]]You run for shore and then find pieces of bamboo that are connected with pieces of string. You take a big leaf that you find next to the bamboo boat. You put the bamboo in the water, get on and then grab the leaf and start paddling. You turn and see a big explosion on the island. You start to feel guilty about not telling Sarah about the volcano. You look again and see a little dot coming closer. When it is closer you see that it is Sarah on a beautiful bamboo boat. You feel embarrassed but also relieved that she is okay.
You discover a big boat in front of you. Do you want to [[get on]] or [[sail home alone]].Hello $name!
You clean yourself up and then start [[exploring the island|explore]] or do you want to [[leave the island|try to leave]] You know there won't be enough time to make a boat so you grab some wood and tie it as fast as you can. Then you get on and start swimming. After about 2 hrs you see land. You get off your "boat" and [[explore land]]You search around the island for a nice and safe hiding spot. After a while you find a waterfall that is around a cave where you could take cover in.
<img src="" height="230" width="280">
Do you want to look for another [[hiding spot]] or [[stay by the waterfall|stay]] <img src="" height="230" width="280">
You start walking along the island as you see a girl she is wearing a leaf dress and has a beautiful flower in her hair. She introduces herself. She says her name is Sarah and she was lost on the island for a month. She invites you to go to her house and eat and play a little. Do you want to [[go with Sarah|with Sarah]] or [[continue going alone|alone]]You want to leave the island so you go into the jungle and start to collect bamboo to make a boat. As you get the bamboo you can hear your tummy rumbling. You are starving. You see a couple of mushrooms laying around but you don't know which one is poisoness. Do you want the
<img src="" alt="Plank Mushroom" height="230" width="240">
[[Plank Mushroom|Poisonous]]
<img src="" alt="Armillaria Mushroom" height="230" width="240">
[[Armillaria Mushroom|Edible]]You get on the boat and are getting nervous because they could be kidnappers. But after a while you start to recognize this area. You even see land that looks like $country. [[You are soooooooo happy to be home so you thank the captain and his crew!|THE END!]]You search longer and then you find this...
<img src="" height="230" width="280">
Are you going to [[stay|stay #2]] or see if you can find [[another hiding spot in time|new hiding spot]].<h6> You stay in your hiding spot till the eruption of the volcano is over. You stay safe in your hiding spot in are able to come out safely. You will eventually be able to leave the island but for now you will live on the [[Island.|THE END!]] </h6> The people on the boat ask where you are from?
You say: <<textbox "$country" "">>
[[We can bring you home|go home]]You get so exhausted and are tired that you freeze. You also are sooooooooooooooooooo hungry and thirsty you forget to pack food and water.
[[stay warm]]You can't!!
<h1> [[YOU DIED OF FROST BITE, THIRST AND HUNGER|THE END!]] </h1>The magma catches up to you before you can get away.
[[You could not survive!|THE END!]]
<img src="" height="230" width="280">You have a lot to discuss with your mom. And... You live a [[happy ever after like in fairy tails.|THE END!]]<h6> You stay in your hiding spot till the eruption of the valcano is over. You stay safe in your hiding spot and are able to come out safely. You will eventually be able to leave the island but for now you will live on the [[island.|THE END!]] </h6> You start looking but you can't see anything for a long time...
You only see this <img src="" height="230" width="280">
You hear the valcano again but this time it lasts longer and you can hear it coming. You need to start [[running]]<h6> You see
<img src="" height="230" width="280">
You know you won't survive. </h6>
<h1> [[YOU DIED!!|THE END!]] </h1>You find a sign with your picture on it and it says "Missing - Kidnapped!" You call the number on the poster and you hear a lady. After a lot of talking on the phone you find out someone kidnapped you and dropped you off at the island. She says you have been missing for a long time. Suddenly you remember everything - She is your mom! You go looking for her house and when you find it you [[move in]].<h6> Good Job $name! You made it to the end of the game!
If you had a good ending then well done, you were able to survive 😁!
If you died, then you might have trouble with surviving on a deserted island 😵!
THE END (again, and for good) </h6>
<img src="" height="230" width="280">Sarah brings you to her treehouse and it is realy cool! It has food, water, games and is beautiful. She even has a zipline but as she asks you to try out the zipline you get goosebumps. Even though you are scared to you want to [[zipline]] or [[admit you are scared|not zipline]]