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Hello I am 大賢者. I am kind of navigator Can I ask your name
<<textbox "$name" "">>
click [[here|here]]Press the right button
Which one is foul
[[I only touch the ball|Touch the ball]]
[[I touch the ball and enermy leg|Foul]]
<img src="">
<img src="">[[Go inside |Foul]]Wrong [[Try again|go inside]]
Hey $name I can gice you hint to you what weapons to use
Which one is right way to through
Iron Stick[[Put the leg on the ground and throw|Correct]]
Gun [[Didn't throw the ball over the head|Wrong]]Great $name
Polic is coming Will you [[Fight|f]] or [[Escape|e]]Wrong [[Try again|Foul]]
<iframe src="//" width="624" height="436" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>Police was so weak that if you punch him he died
[[Contineu|Contineu]]You fell down into the valley [[Try again|Correct]]
<iframe src="//" width="680" height="634" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>Hey $name I can give you hint to choose button but if you press wrong button you have to start again.
How many people do we need to play soccer (Pro)
Wrong [[Try again|Intro]]
<iframe src="//" width="600" height="368" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>Hey $name We need right things to protect from bullet
Which item is item to guard the shin
[[Shin gaurd| Wrong]]
[[Shin guard|Very good]]Oh no it was fake one
Wrong [[Try again|Intro]]
Hey $name your shin guard protect you but you are in the locked room
You trapped in the locked room
Who get ballon d'or in 2018
became parakeet and use sox [[Lionel Messi|No]]
became parakeet and walk [[Antoine Griezmann| No]]
became parakeet and use Coca Cola [[Luka Modric|Yes]]People around you thought you are new parakeet so they caught you
<iframe src="//" width="558" height="658" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>
[[Try again|Very good]]You can't see so you just go around and can't go out.
<iframe src="//" width="717" height="531" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>
[[Try again|Very good]]$name! you broke the building and escape
<iframe src="//" width="620" height="516" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>
[[Contineu|C]]$name You can see treasure but there are so many police what will you do?
And I can give you hint $name
Which one is right way to do penaly kick
Sing [[Stand on the goal line and when refree whistled I moved from goal line|good]]
Fight [[Didn't stand on goal line|bad]]
You defeat enermy by singing but it was terrible voice $name
<iframe src="//" width="620" height="423" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>
[[Contineu|Oh Yeah]] $name You stole the treasure but you have to escape what will you do?
This is the hint for you
Which one is telling right way to do goalkick
Airplane[[We can be any position if we are not offside| Wrong]]
Flying car [[We can be any position if we are not offside and not in the penalty area|You got it]]
You lost
[[Try again|C]]Oh no your airplane broke by a shark
<iframe src="//" width="<iframe src="//" width="620" height="423" frameBorder="0" class="gifmagazine-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe>
[[Try again|Intro]]Yeah $name! you finally stole treasure
hey $name which one do you use to go inside [[go inside directly|go inside]] or [[use helicopter|helicopter]]