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<p> you talk to the <strong> King </strong> and he tells you to go find the person who did it with a special item or you can still get there but go with soldiers. Do you use [[The Item|math 9]] or do you go with [[Soldiers |math 8]] </p><p> the king gives you a pen. He says, use this in case of an emergency. do you [[go alone|math 5]] or [[Go with King|Math 6]] </p><p>You leave with the soldiers and can't deal with animals and you all die</p>
Ending 4<p> The <b> King </b> says " thank you for your help $name!" "Here, take these <i> coins </i> +100 coins Do you ask the king [[to find killer with you |math 2]] or do you [[Go Away|math 3]] or do you [[Ask for an item to help defeat this murderous man|math 4]] </p><p> They king says <strong> ok </strong> if were going to do this we have to go now. do you [[leave with him|math 11]] or [[go alone with new item|math 14]] </p>What is your name?
<<textbox "$name" "">>
<p> You wake up in <strong> Subtraction state </strong> and it is destroyed, (Subtaction state is your hometown) do you [[look around|math 0]] or go to [[Palindrome palace.|math -1]] </p>
<p> you ($name) look around only to find bodies and a few <i>coins</i>. Do you [[Go Fight Alone|math 13]] or [[Go to King|Math 1]] </p>on your walk with him you see the king has a blade unsheathed and you see him reach for it. Do you either, [[Steal the kings weapon|math -0.2]] or do you [[go with him|math 0.1]]<p> <b> BAD CHOICE</b> You are killed by some magical animals while you are alone.
Ending 3 </p><p> With your new item do you [[Go with King]] or do you [[go alone|math 7]] </p><p> <b> BAD CHOICE</b> You are brutally destroyed by the magical creatures around your hometown village
<strong> Ending </strong> 1 </p><p> <b> BAD CHOICE</b> You are murdered by the King. </p>
Ending 2<p> You run as fast as you can then your item asks [[Would you like to fly away |math 10]] or [[ Teleport away|math 10]] or, [[Stay]] </p><p> He destroys you on your walk with him. </p>
Ending 5well the item says I cant do that so you [[Teleport away]] anyways<p>you teleport to a monster, your item summons a wand, is 9 + 10 [[21]] or [[19]] or [[-19]] or [[-31]] </p><p> He destroys you on your walk with him. </p>
Ending 5<p>The monster wrecks you
Ending 9 </p><p> you are... <b> CORRECT </b> do you cast [[division double]] (division take longer than multiplication) or do you [[Multiplication madness]] </p><p>The monster wrecks you
Ending 8 </p><p>The monster wrecks you
Ending 7 </p>the monster beats you before you can do the math problem which wouldve been 19 x 13<p>What is 19 x 41, is it [[60]] [[200]] [[312]] [[418]] or [[779]] </p>Wrong answer!Wrong Answer!Wrong answer!Wrong answer!<p> CORRECT you defeat the monster </p> now time to battle [[the King]]what is 21 + 37? is it [[16]] [[58]] [[20]]Wrong answer!Correct! Now you may [[Go to King]] Wrong answer!what is 5720 + 9773? is it [[14312]] or [[15493]]what is 3.2 x 0.4? is it [[1.35]] [[1.28]] or [[0.82]]What is 2905 + 6004? is it [[9000]] [[8909]] or [[80]]Wrong answer!Correct! you may now [[The Item]]Wrong answer!Wrong answer!Correct! you may now [[Ask King to find killer with you]]The king says "hello" I am sorry I have to do this" he yells, "division destruction!!" you are injured and decide there is no other way so you cast the dark division decimal spell to reverse everything. what is 19 x 21 divided by 31.2? is it [[23.135325326765]] [[12.3125568543521]] or [[12.78846153846154]] Wrong answer!Wrong answer!CORRECT!! You reverse time and the king isn't born in the new timeline so your village is safe! But you still have the item and everything you had back then. With the gold what do you buy?
<<textbox "$CoinPurchase" "">>
Good Choice thats what i would have bought too!
ending 17 THE HAPPY ENDING!!Correct! you may now [[Go to King]] Double-click this passage to edit it.Wrong Answer!Correct! you can now [[Go Away]] Wrong Answerwhat is 20 + 31? is it [[51]] [[26]] or [[92]]Before you may go with the king you must figure out what is.... <i> 86 + 31 </i> ? is it [[117]] [[131]] [[12.31323]]Correct you may now [[go alone]] Wrong answer!Wrong Answer!what is 12 + 13? is it [[25]] or [[13.5]]?Correct! you may now [[go alone]] Wrong answer!Correct! you may now [[Go with the King|Go with King]] wrong answer!Wrong answer!what is 16 - 31? is it [[-15]] [[15]] or [[12]]Correct you may now go to the [[Soldiers]] Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.what 58 + 31 is it [[83]] [[89]] or [[1]]Wrong answer
ending 14correct! you may now use [[The Item]]Wrong answerBefore you do this what is 17 + 44? is it [[61]] or [[31]]Correct you may now either [[Teleport away]] or [[Would you like to fly away]] Wrong answerwhat is 131 + 156? is it [[1259]] or [[287]]?Wrong answer!
Correct you may now get [[The Item]] firstwhat is 1 x 0? is it [[1]] [[0]] [[2]]Correct you may no [[Go Fight Alone]] Wrong answer!what is 32 x 3? is it [[30]] [[96]] [[29]]Wrong answerCorrect you may now [[go alone]]Wrong answerwhat is 30 x 2.5 is it, [[73]] or [[75]]what is 1 + 1.5? is it [[3.5]] [[1.5]] [[2.5]]Wrong answer
ending 0Wrong answer
Ending 0Correct you may now go to [[Palindrome palace.]] wrong answer
The First ending possibleCorrect you may now [[look around]] what is 20 + 32, is it [[52]] [[123]]what is 12 x 30? is it [[360]] [[42]]correct! you may now [[go with him]] Wrong answer
ending 15Correct you may now [[Steal the kings weapon]] Wrong answer you die
ending 16