<img src="http://www.tvnewscheck.com/playout/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Wireless-Microphone-Drahtloses-Mikrofonsystem-0.jpg">\n\n"Welcome to Grade 6 at AIS! We are excited to have you as part of our community. At AIS we are here to make friends, grow as a family, but most importantly to learn! You may find it difficult to adjust to being a Grade 6 student at first, but we are here to support you and to make sure you achieve. I have one motto for the year...about you being the best you can be... Can anyone guess what my motto is?" Mr Onyabi challenges the audience to guess. \n\nDo you [[raise your hand]] or [[look around the room]]?\n
<img src="http://www.campingshansurlesse.be/Images/Telephone.jpg"> \n\nYou call mum..it rings and rings...and she picks up! She seems worried\n\n"What went wrong? Is everything okay?"\n\nYou explain to her the sitation...and she says "Stop being so silly" and hangs up!\n\nYou decide to [[follow the other students]] or [[ask an adult]]
<img src="http://www.jongordon.com/images/road-success-370x229.jpg">\n\nExcellent! \n\nHaving High expectations will set you on the path to success both at AIS and after!\n\nCongratulations and welcome to the Atlanta International School.\n
<img src="http://images.clipartpanda.com/chair-20clip-20art-red-student-desk-chair-md.png">\n\nYou sit quietly for a while, taking in the atmosphere around you. You hear lots of new languages and accents and can over hear conversations about summer adventures. You decide that sitting alone is no good! You decide to [[introduce yourself to the group]] [[say hi to a student sitting alone]]
<img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2Y0xU6DShI4/UHovK0vQ0iI/AAAAAAAAApc/TCAPbfY0tnM/s1600/raising%20hands.png">\n\nYou slowly put your hand into the air.\n\nMr Onyabi nods in your direction.\n\n"Is it "simply the best?" you ask.\n\nMr Onyabi pauses. Everyone holds their breath.\n\n"...No...not quiet....but that is what I want you to be! The best versions of yourself. Can anyone guess what motto I have which will help them to be the best?"\n\nAlthough you got it wrong, you are proud you made an attempt.\n\nNow you [[sit and listen]]
<img src="http://images.clipartpanda.com/assembly-clipart-school_assembly_clipart.png">\n\nMr Onayabi smiles and waves, but then also moves his finger to his lips! This was probably not the time to say hello - but he still seems happy with your enthusiasm. You realize assembly is about to begin. So you [[sit quietly]]
<img src="http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/files/2013/12/follow-me.jpg">\n\nYou suddenly realize they are all a foot taller than you... These students can't be Grade 6! They must be DP students...\nUh oh! You decide to [[ask an adult]]\n\n<img src="https://www.shapeways.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/people.jpg">
<img src="http://a.rgbimg.com/cache1wSHJd/users/p/pr/prawny/300/oGmlilg.jpg">\n\nLots of hands shoot up! In your last school people were quite shy and did not like speaking up in assembly. You are impressed with the confidence in the room. You decide to [[raise your hand]] or [[sit and listen]]
No no no! This simple will not do!\n\n<img src="http://andreakihlstedt.com/wpsys/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/NO.jpg">\n\nYou pause and take a deep breath... you decide that you will have expectations of yourself [[always]] even if sometimes it is difficult!
It's the first day of Grade 6. You arrive at AIS early ready to begin middle school. \n\n<img src="https://s.graphiq.com/sites/default/files/5/media/images/Atlanta_International_School_269848.jpg" width="600" height="400" alt="School">\n\nYou are excited and happy to see so many new faces...but you do not know where you should go.\nDo you [[call mum]], [[ask an adult]] or [[follow the other students]] \n
<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/650349443712204804/Cp_xPYJP.jpg">\n\nYou approach a lady in the corridor. She speaks very fast and with a British accent. She informs you that she is Ms Dutton and she knows exactly where you need to go! [[Follow Ms Dutton]]
<img src="http://www.aprilerestaurant.com/images/hello.png">\n\nThe student is very happy that you have said hello. They introduce themselves as Alex and you find out that they are new too. They have just moved to Atlanta from Seoul! Alex seems really funny and nice and you are glad you have made a new friend. You both decide to [[introduce yourself to the group]]
<img src="http://images.clipartpanda.com/listening-ear-clipart-teee.png">\n\nMr Onyabi looks at one student who is sitting in the first row, practically levitating off of their seat! The student is bouncing around and it looks like their arm might fly off. \n\nMr Onyabi nods at this student and they shout at the top of their voice\n\n"High Expectations!" the student yells!\n\n<img src="http://awesomeculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/high-expectations-are-key-to-everything-180x300.png">\n\n"That is exactly right!" Mr Onyabi says. He seems impressed! \nYou think that sounds like a great goal....but what does it mean..\n\nHe explains that high expectations is something which happens both in and out of the classroom. It is important to have high expectations of yourself always! You should dress smart, arrive on time, approach your learning with confdience and enthusiasm and you should have high expectations of yourself, as the school has high expectation of you...and wants you to be the best you can be! \n\nWe want our students to have a global mindset, to be highly adaptable, to innovate and be social entrepreneurs! We want all AIS students to be able to be creative students who can collaborate with others, and who shows resilences and perseverance. This may seem like a lot - but there is a reason for this! The world needs more extraordinary individuals who can be called upon to shape the 21st century"\n\nMr Onyabi seems to be looking right at you as he finished off his speech by saying \n\n"...we want you to be one of those individuals"\n\n<img src="https://zellycherry.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/high-expectations.jpg">\n\nYou decided to have high expectations of yourself [[always]] or [[sometimes]]
And So It Begins\n(Grade 6 Adventures)
Ms Dutton
<img src="http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/files/2013/12/follow-me.jpg">\n\nMs Dutton takes you to the LPAC for a welcome assembly. The room is full of noise and you can taste the excitement in the air. Lots of people seem to know each other and are already in deep conversation about the summer.\nDo you [[introduce yourself to the group]], [[say hi to a student sitting alone]] or [[sit quietly alone]]
<img src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzhxq2igUv1qz6f1m.png">\n\n"hello I'm..." you gulp, then say your name. The group shake your hand and introduce themselves.\n\nThey group are great! Many of the students have been at AIS for primary school, but there are a few new students like you too. Two of the new students have lived in Georgia for their whole lives, another for three years and then you also meet students who have moved here from London, Copenhagen, Cape Town and even one who has moved from the same area as you!\n\nThe room starts to grow quiet. You notice an adult, in a smart suit, standing on the stage, waiting for everyone to grow quiet. This must be the famous Mr Onayabi - principal of the middle school - you are excited to meet him.\n\nDo you either [[shout hello]] or [[sit quietly]] and wait for the assembly to start