This game will have you learn all about survival skills as this can be sometimes useful for you in the future. It will help you discover what to do when you have very little amount of resources. This interactive game helps you to also educate others. To play press the start button below. Lets get started!
You explore an unfarmiliar area in the woods with a tourist and you no longer see them then your <strong> ALONE </strong> and find out you are off track with no map not knwoing where anyone is. You have two options either to do the following actions. Which one do you choose <<print $name>>?
[[SCREAM for help|scream]] or you can [[Build A Hut|Build]]
No one has heard you and no one has come for around thirty to forty minutes
You then decide to [[Build a house|Build]] as this is probably the best option that is available for youWhat wood do you need to build a very structured house?
You choose either to use the two following woods that are in front of you.
The options are the following
[[Schinopsis brasiliensis|Good choice]] or [[ balsa|Bad choice]]
One of these was a much better choice than the other one
However you can identify the difference between these two woods this tree stands about 30-50 ft tall. This tree is a light red/brown. The other wood is super soft compared to this very hard wood. So now you choose to use this wood. The other wood is super soft compared to Schinopsis brasiliensis.
[[Cutting|Cutting the Wood]]This wood is not as strong as the other you find out because when you cut it is super soft compared to Schinopsis brasiliensis.
Now you know this wood is not as good and you decide to use the other wood named Schinopsis brasiliensis. You now know that the other wood will help you much more against different climates so now you know the differences.
[[Wood|Good choice]]
<img width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 100px;" src="">
Hey, you are doing pretty good! Now lets cut the wood.
To cut the wood we will need to look at the following steps
1. Create a notch cut which is a cut that is 70 degrees - 90 degrees
including -20 degrees low slope.
2. The felling cut is the cut which should be lined with the notch cut however do it on the other side.
3. This makes the wood fall to the side of the notch cut.
So Now that you have learnt how to cut the wood your wood is cut. You now have a house that is structured but now you need a comfortable place to sleep.
You need a bed as it is getting dark and you need to sleep
You have a couple of options
Option number 1 is to find soft materials like long grass
Option 2 is sleep without anything
[[Option 1|Option 1]] or [[ Option 2|Option 2]]
<img width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 100px;" src="">
Great choice! This was a great choice just be cautious of the bugs like ticks that possibly could be in the grass and I do not think you want any bites.
You now choose to get food because you are quite hungry and need some energy for tommorow.
[[Choose your food|Food]] The best option is to sleep on something soft as it is more comfortable and easier to sleep on
[[ Go to option 1|Option 1]]This game will have you learn all about survival skills as this can be sometimes useful for you in the future. It will help you discover what to do when you have very little amount of resources. This interactive game helps you to also educate others. To play press the start button below.
Lets get started!
What is your name?
<<textbox "$name" "">>
You have two options which is either to pick some berries like strawberries blueberries and rasberries or option number two which is to have some nuts like walnuts. So which one do you choose? Option number one berries or Option number 2 nuts press the button below.
[[Berries|Berries]] or [[Nuts|Nuts]]Both of these choices are fine as berries help your heart and your blood flow and give you less chance of getting a heart attack and nuts help your heart aswell and nuts contain not a lot of carbs but a few so that is good for energy tommorow morning.
Which berries to you choose to eat [[The blueberries|Blueberries]] or [[The holly berry|Oh no]]
<img width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 100px;" src="">Both of these choices are fine as nuts may help your heart aswell and nuts contain not a lot of carbs but a few so that is good for energy today. And berries were a good choice as they help your heart and your blood flow and give you less chance of getting a heart attack!
Looks like that berry was poisonous so you need to restart. These berries can contain Chlorogenic acid which can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
[[Start|Start]]Good choice! Get some sleep and I will see you tomorrow
<img width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 100px;" src="">
You have just woke up from a great sleep it is now time to eat some berries
as berries help your heart and your blood flow and give you less chance of getting a heart attack. There are two choices of berries you can have Which berries to you choose to eat [[The holly berry|Oh no]] or [[The blueberries|Ropes]]Today for breakfast you are going to have some nuts as nuts help your heart aswell and nuts contain not a lot of carbs but a few so that is good for energy today.
[[Continue|Ropes]]<img width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 100px;" src="">
I hope you have had a great breakfast as breakfast is the most important part of the day! Now I will be teaching you a couple basic knots as you never know when you will actually need this basic knot.
So the first basic knot is the Bowline Knot for support or a handle.These knots help make a secure loop <img src="" alt="Rope" height="442" width="642">
[[Find Someone|Find Someone]]
You think that it is a very good idea if you try and find someone but you think again. And you are thinking do you really want to go and try and find someone? Here is your chance to choose if you actually want to go and try and find someone. So do you choose option 1 or option 2?
[[Find Someone for SURE|Find Someone for sure]] or [[Switch your Mind|Switch your Mind]]Looks like this is a risky chance that you are willing to take. So you have to options which is either to be cautious of your surroundings and hope for the best. Or you leave a trail behind you and hope for the best.
[[Option 1|Option 3]] or [[Option 2|Option 4]]Good Choice as the other Choice would have gotten probably most likely got you lost as you do not know your way back to your hut unless you chose option 2 which is to leave a trail behind so you can follow it.
[[Continue|Space]]You get lost as you do not remember which area you are in and where to go so you decide just to keep looking or to try and find your way back.
[[Keep on Looking for Someone|Keep on Looking for Someone]] or [[Try and find a way back |Try and find a way back]]You leave a trail behind you and hope for the best. It works and you are back safe. [[Good job|Space]]You are still not able to find ANYONE aroun you so you die do to getting eaten by a Grizzly Bear. So you need to start over [[retart|Start]]You are not able to find a way back and neet to [[Restart|Start]] <<print $name>> you have a quest since you have made it so far. However the only problem is you are starving and you have not had any lunch and that is bad because you need it as you will be walking for a while. Do you choose to try and find someone and not eat or try and eat or you can eat something small like some berries and nuts. What is your choice <<print $name>>?
[[Find someone but do not eat|You are Starving]] or [[Eat and find someone]]This is not safe you can become dehaydrated which can cause diarrhea and vomiting because your body dries up and needs fluids. This could lead to serious issues. You aneed to restart [[Start|Start]]You choose to eat some leftover nuts and berries from the other day. So now you go and find someone turns out you actually see them. [[Do you want to approach someone|Aprroach]] or [[do you want to turn back|Turn back]]
<img width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 100px;" src="">You approach this person and they are very friendly they ask you lost of questions however they ask you if you want to come to them instead of living by yours and move all your stuff over there. And you answer with a yes! [[You are almost there!|Almost at the end]]The person ended up being nice and was going to help you leave however now you have lost them and cannot find them anymore. This not an [[available|Easter egg]] option. Sorry look like you will need to just continue. [[Continue|Continuing]]Congratulations! You have found one of the very few easter eggs hidden in this game. You are now with this person and are having a great time in fact how much more hidden this easter egg is you skip a little bit more forward then if you were to take the other path.
[[Ask for person to help|Ask for person to help]] Just kidding it is fine we gave you a second chance and everything is fine.
[[Almost at the end|Almost at the end]] Okay great you have accomplished a lot since you started. You will need to transport your stuff over to this person do you ask for the [[person to help you bring it|Ask for person to help]] or [[just do it yourself|DIY]]They say of course! They are very happy to help and it only took 20 minutes. This person has spare water and gives it to you. You drink it as you are super thirsty. You ask them what their name is and they respond their name is James they ask you what your name is and you respond saying your name is <<print $name>>.
[[Sleep|Sleep for one more night]]
Doing it yourself is always more tricky so I suggest you [[ask the person for help|Ask for person to help]] Tonight should hopefully be your last night here as you have done a great job and have learnt a couple things about survival. However I hope you have been paying attention to what you have learnt as it will be improtant because you will take a quiz at the end of the game.
You are almost there it is the morning and you are going to eat and leave. You eat food that James has provided it is delicious. You then start to make a plan so that you can leave.
[[Plan|Plan]]What is the First step to cutting a tree
is it [[Side cut|Side cut]] or a [[Notch Cut|Notch Cut]]You are about to take the quiz!
If you wish you can skip this part however I wonder how many you can get correct.
[[Start|Wood]] or [[Credits|Credits]] Works Cited
Cursor Creative, editor. "Bed." Flat Icon, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
Freepik, editor. "Grapes." Flat Icon, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
---, editor. "Rope." Flat Icon, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
Jr., Lindsay Thomas. "How to Safely Drop Large Trees with a Chainsaw." Qdma, 23 Apr. 2013, Accessed 30 Dec. 2018.
Monkik, editor. "Tree - Free Nature Icons." Flat Icon, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
"Nut (Fruit)." Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Accessed 30 Dec. 2018.
"Online CSS Generator." Html-CSS-Js, Accessed 8 Jan. 2019.
"Quebracho." The Wood DataBase, Eric Meier, Accessed 30 Dec. 2018.
Smachicons, editor. "Grapes." Flat Icon, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
Smashicons, editor. "Groceries." Flat Icon, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
---, editor. "Map Location." Flat Icon, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
"Top 10 Hardest Woods in the World." HitchCock & King, Accessed 30 Dec. 2018.
WikiHow Staff Editor, editor. "4 Ways to Tie Strong Knots." WikiHow, Jack Herrick, Accessed 31 Dec. 2018.
Wikipedia, editor. "Dehydration." Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Accessed 30 Dec. 2018.
---, editor. "Dehydration." Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Accessed 30 Dec. 2018.
You have an idea which is actually strange because you thought a couple hours ago not to meet someone and now you think it is a good time to try
[[Continue|Continue]]Your plan is very simple, it is asking James if he knows the directions back out of the area. He replies saying yes which is great. You then find the way out with James and thank him for what he has done. You have now completed the game and are ready to take on the [[quiz|Quiz]]
<img width="100" height="100" style="margin-right: 100px;" src="">
This is incorrect [[Next|Next q]] You are correct! [[Next question|Next q]]Is the holly berry poisonous?
[[Yes|Correct]] [[No|Incorrect]]You are correct! [[Next Question|3 out of 7]]You are incorrect. [[Next|3 out of 7]]Why is dehaydration dangerous?
A. [[Because it can cause you to throw up and have diarrhea|Good]]
B. [[Because it can cause your eyes are dry blind]]You are doing pretty good you are correct. [[4th question|Question 4]]This is a symptom for dehaydration aswell as headaches. But unfortunatley this is incorrect.
[[4th Question|Question 4]]You are on the 4th question which is, what is the basic knot I thought you?
[[Strctured Knot|Nope]] or [[Bowline Knot|Yep]]Sorry but you are incorrect.
[[Question 5|Question 5]]Great job! You are correct.
[[Question 5|Question 5]]Why are berries are bad or good for you?
[[They are good for you because it helps your blood flow and your heart|Right]]
[[They are bad because it does not help your blood flow.|Wrong]]You are correct
[[Almost finished|Almost finished]]You are incorrect however you have almost completed the game.
[[Almost finished|Almost finished]] Why are nuts good for you?
[[Do they make your eyes more healthy|Awww]] or [[Do they contain carbs for energy|Yay]]?Sorry you are incorrect
[[Next Question|Prob Last question]]Yay, you are correct
[[Next question|Prob Last question]]Your last question is what was the strong wood?
[[Schinopsis brasiliensis|Yeppp]] or [[Balsa|Naahhh]]You are correct now you can checkout the sources i have used to help create this project.
[[Credits|Credits]] Good job even though you got this question Wrong.
We will now checkout the sources I used to create this game.