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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you are a peasant and your village been destroyed by a troll and you are the only survivor of this village you hide behind a tree beside the village but you know that the troll will find you do you want to [[fight the troll by surprise]] or to [[go away to prepare]]
[[hide]]you go behind the troll you look behind you and you see a axe do you [[want to take it]] , [[just attack the troll with your hand]] or to [[finally go away]]
[[hide|hide2]]calculete this 134+27 to go away
[[56|w]] [[161]] [[146|w]] [[96|w]]you take the axe but you need to calculate this 25+63.
[[66]] [[88]] [[89]] [[78]]you punch him but but it did not do anything to him but he see you.
Sorry retry [[restart|Introduction]]sorry wrong answer [[restart|Introduction]]good answer but when you was thinking the troll see you
Sorry restart [[restart|Introduction]]sorry wrong answer[[restart|Introduction]]sorry wrong answer [[restart|Introduction]]good answer you go away to prepare
[[next page]]you run as much as you can but your tired you stop and see two other troll [[try to pass without being noticed]] or to [[circumvent them|1]]you are thirsty and hungry you see a temple it's write temple of time do [[you go inside|calc b ygi]] or [[go elswhere]]you circumvent them [[next page|2]]you finnaly choose to go away [[next page|2]]
[[,]]you enter in but there is three door
take the [[first door|a1]] [[second door|a2]] [[third door|a3]]you died of hunger [[restart|Introduction]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]]next three door
[[first door|b1]] [[second door|b2]] [[third door|b3]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]]well done this was hard or not you find a lake with many animals and just forward you you see a sword in a [[do you want to take it out]] or to [[don't take it]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]]next three door
[[first door|c1]] [[second door|c2]] [[third door|c3]]sorry wrong door retry [[retry|Introduction]]sorry wrong door retry [[retry|Introduction]]sorry wrong door retry [[retry|Introduction]]next three door
[[first door|d1]] [[second door|d2]] [[third door|d3]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]] [[last door|tt4]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]]well done you reach the exit of the temple [[next|exit of the temple]]next three door
[[first door|w1]] [[second door|w2]] [[third door|w3]]ypu take it out drink eat and then try to find the exit after 5 minutes you find three door do you want to [[take the first one]], [[the second one]] , [[the third one]] or [[the last one|tt4]] ; Hint: this is the same as the first and the last dooryou died of hunger [[restart|Introduction]]you have entered the endless piece [[repeat|tt4]]
[[dhsdgh]]wrong one [[next|you go inside]]good one [[next|AAA]]wrong one [[next|you go inside]]you reach the exit well done [[next page|well done]]you find the hiden passage [[next|Introduction]]you are at the first checkpoint (to come back here when you restart in the first passage there is a hidden passage) [[next|calc b tas]]you go in a secret passage [[next|well done]]now what do you want to do [[train you at the sword]] or to [[sleep]]you decide to train at sword you see a tree do you [[train on the tree]] or [[do nothing]]when you where sleeping a troll see you [[retry|Introduction]]are you sure you want to train on this tree [[you are sure]] or [[finnaly train somewhere else]]you was tired and fall asleep and a troll see you [[retry|Introduction]] you destroy the <bold> Great Tree </bold> the malediction kill you [[restart|Introduction]] when you going away a tree give you a stone and say "This is one of the three great stone the great stone have enought power to create a spaceship but caution a troll is coming $name" do you [[think it's a trap and destroy him|you are sure]] , [[take the stone and go away before the troll is coming|stone 1]] or [[create spaceship with the Stone|good end 1]]you have the stone (to come back here when you restart in the second passage there is a hidden passage) [[next|pae]]you find the hidden passage [[next|stone 1]] you decide to go to the casstle [[next|nextpage]]you find the hidden passage [[next|Introduction]] you find the hidden passage well done [[next page|exit of the temple]]you finnaly arrive at the casstle $name let's [[ask some help to the king]]welcome young traveler what is your name?
<<textbox "$name" "">>
[[continue|hello]]welcome to my game $name let's start
[[Start|Introduction]] you being noticed sorry retry [[restart|Introduction]]Double-click this passage to edit create a spaceship and go to another planet when you go away your planet explosebefore you enter the casstle you see a little hut do you [[go inside]] or [[enter the casstle|garde 1]][[next|tt3]]you enter in the Throne Room <img src=>you see the king you and ask you is that you that destroy my guard [[yes]] or [[no]]you have entered the endless piece [[repeat|tt3]]
[[dhsdgh]]you destroy him and go inside [[next|enter the casstle]]he said "what is your name" you answer "my name is $name" he think your crazy with this stupid name and he destroy you [[retry|Introduction]]at the entrance you see a guard do you [[destroy him]] or [[explain to him that you need help to deffeat a giant troll]]He think you will destroy his army so he decide to destroy you. [[retry|Introduction]] or [[run away|tt3]]He decide to help you and give you his army to deffeat the troll [[next|calc b nxt]]you go to your village but the troll is not there. You and the army go back to the castle when suddenly the troll comes out of nowhere to destroy the castle and in a few second the troll almost destroy you come close to him and use the stone to destroy him. Two days later, some of the poeple from the castle come to your village to help you reconstruct the village.
THE END.67+115
[[11567|w]] [[182]] [[384|w]] [[187|w]]good one [[next|nxt]]342+63
[[457|w]] [[405|you go inside]] [[474|w]] [[572|w]]wrong [[retry|Introduction]]930+37
[[674|w]] [[967|next]] [[937|w]] [[946|w]]