Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
//First we roll the stats...//
<<include [[Init Stats]]>>
[[Next->Main Test Runner]]<<nobr>>
<<set $d6a to random(1,6)>>
You rolled a $d6a.
<<set $d6a to random(1,6)>>
<<set $d6b to random(1,6)>>
You rolled a $d6a and a $d6b.
Rolling Max Fatigue...
<<include [[Roll 1d6]]>>
<<set $maxFatigue to $d6a + 6>>
Max Fatigue = $maxFatigue
Rolling Max Arousal...
<<include [[Roll 1d6]]>>
<<set $maxArousal to $d6a + 6>>
Max Arousal = $maxArousal
Rolling Strength...
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $strength to $d6a + $d6b>>
Strength = $strength
Rolling Agility...
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $agility to $d6a + $d6b>>
Agility = $agility
Rolling Cunning...
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $cunning to $d6a + $d6b>>
Cunning = $cunning
Rolling Willpower...
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $willpower to $d6a + $d6b>>
Willpower = $willpower
<</nobr>>Rolling all stats.
//1d6 + 6 for MaxFatigue, MaxArousal//
//2d6 for Strength, Agility, Cunning, Willpower//
<<include [[Init Max Fatigue]]>>
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
Fatigue = $currFatigue
<<include [[Init Max Arousal]]>>
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
Arousal = $currArousal
<<include [[Init Strength]]>>
<<include [[Init Agility]]>>
<<include [[Init Cunning]]>>
<<include [[Init Willpower]]>>
<<include [[Init Stats]]>><<nobr>>
<<set $testPassed to $currFatigue lt $maxFatigue>>
<<if not $testPassed>>
You are exhausted!
<td>Max Fatigue:</td>
<td>Max Arousal:</td>
Max Fatigue = $maxFatigue
''Fatigue = $currFatigue''
Max Arousal = $maxArousal
''Arousal = $currArousal''
Strength = $strength
Agility = $agility
Cunning = $cunning
Willpower = $willpower
<<set $currFatigue += 1>>
<<if $currFatigue gt $maxFatigue>>
<<set $currFatigue to $maxFatigue>>
Fatigue is at max!
''Fatigue +1''
<<set $currArousal += 1>>
<<if $currArousal gt $maxArousal>>
<<set $currArousal to $maxArousal>>
''You are totally aroused!''
''Arousal +1''
<<set $testPassed to $currArousal lt $maxArousal>>
<<if not $testPassed>>
You are too aroused to focus!
''Test of Agility''
/* check fatigue */
<<include [[Test of Fatigue]]>>
/* check arousal */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Test of Arousal]]>>
/* now roll against agility */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $roll to $d6a + $d6b>>
<<set $testPassed to $roll lte $agility>>
<<if $testPassed>>
You passed the ''Test of Agility''.
You failed the ''Test of Agility''.
/* All tests increase fatigue */
<<include [[Increment Fatigue]]>>
<</nobr>>:: StoryAuthor
by M.E. Hydra
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
What would you like to test?
//[[Testing incrementing Fatigue->Testing Inc Fatigue]]//
//[[Testing decrementing Fatigue->Testing Dec Fatigue]]//
//[[Testing incrementing Arousal->Testing Inc Arousal]]//
//[[Testing decrementing Arousal->Testing Dec Arousal]]//
//[[Testing Agility (Normal)->Testing Normal Agility]]//
//[[Testing Agility (max Fatigue)->Testing Fatigued Agility]]//
//[[Testing Agility (max Arousal)->Testing Aroused Agility]]//
//[[Testing Agility (pass)->Testing Passed Agility]]//
//[[Testing Agility (fail)->Testing Failed Agility]]//
//[[Testing Strength (Normal)->Testing Normal Strength]]//
//[[Testing Strength (max Fatigue)->Testing Fatigued Strength]]//
//[[Testing Strength (max Arousal)->Testing Aroused Strength]]//
//[[Testing Strength (pass)->Testing Passed Strength]]//
//[[Testing Strength (fail)->Testing Failed Strength]]//
//[[Testing Cunning (Normal)->Testing Normal Cunning]]//
//[[Testing Cunning (max Fatigue)->Testing Fatigued Cunning]]//
//[[Testing Cunning (max Arousal)->Testing Aroused Cunning]]//
//[[Testing Cunning (pass)->Testing Passed Cunning]]//
//[[Testing Cunning (fail)->Testing Failed Cunning]]//
//[[Testing Willpower (Normal)->Testing Normal Willpower]]//
//[[Testing Willpower (max Fatigue)->Testing Fatigued Willpower]]//
//[[Testing Willpower (max Arousal)->Testing Aroused Willpower]]//
//[[Testing Willpower (pass)->Testing Passed Willpower]]//
//[[Testing Willpower (fail)->Testing Failed Willpower]]//
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currFatigue to $maxFatigue>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
Resetting Fatigue after test...
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currArousal to $maxArousal>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
Resetting Arousal after test...
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
''Test of Strength''
/* check fatigue */
<<include [[Test of Fatigue]]>>
/* check arousal */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Test of Arousal]]>>
/* now roll against strength */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $roll to $d6a + $d6b>>
<<set $testPassed to $roll lte $strength>>
<<if $testPassed>>
You passed the ''Test of Strength''.
You failed the ''Test of Strength''.
/* All tests increase fatigue */
<<include [[Increment Fatigue]]>>
''Test of Cunning''
/* check fatigue */
<<include [[Test of Fatigue]]>>
/* check arousal */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Test of Arousal]]>>
/* now roll against cunning */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $roll to $d6a + $d6b>>
<<set $testPassed to $roll lte $cunning>>
<<if $testPassed>>
You passed the ''Test of Cunning''.
You failed the ''Test of Cunning''.
/* All tests increase fatigue */
<<include [[Increment Fatigue]]>>
''Test of Willpower''
/* check fatigue */
<<include [[Test of Fatigue]]>>
/* check arousal */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Test of Arousal]]>>
/* now roll against willpower */
<<if $testPassed>>
<<include [[Roll 2d6]]>>
<<set $roll to $d6a + $d6b>>
<<set $testPassed to $roll lte $willpower>>
<<if $testPassed>>
You passed the ''Test of Willpower''.
You failed the ''Test of Willpower''.
/* All tests increase fatigue */
<<include [[Increment Fatigue]]>>
Setting Agility to max...
<<set $temp to $agility>>
<<set $agility to 12>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
Resetting Agility...
<<set $agility to $temp>>
Agility = $agility
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
Setting Agility to 0...
<<set $temp to $agility>>
<<set $agility to 0>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
Resetting Agility...
<<set $agility to $temp>>
Agility = $agility
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currFatigue to $maxFatigue>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
Resetting Fatigue after test...
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
Setting Strength to max...
<<set $temp to $strength>>
<<set $strength to 12>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
Resetting Strength...
<<set $strength to $temp>>
Strength = $strength
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
Setting Strength to o...
<<set $temp to $strength>>
<<set $strength to 0>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
Resetting Strength...
<<set $strength to $temp>>
Strength = $strength
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currArousal to $maxArousal>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
Resetting Arousal after test...
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Cunning]]>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currFatigue to $maxFatigue>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Cunning]]>>
Resetting Fatigue after test...
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currArousal to $maxArousal>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Cunning]]>>
Resetting Arousal after test...
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
Setting Cunning to max...
<<set $temp to $cunning>>
<<set $cunning to 12>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Cunning]]>>
Resetting Cunning...
<<set $cunning to $temp>>
Cunning = $cunning
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
Setting Cunning to 0...
<<set $temp to $cunning>>
<<set $cunning to 0>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Cunning]]>>
Resetting Cunning...
<<set $cunning to $temp>>
Cunning = $cunning
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Willpower]]>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currFatigue to $maxFatigue>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Willpower]]>>
Resetting Fatigue after test...
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<set $currArousal to $maxArousal>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Willpower]]>>
Resetting Arousal after test...
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
Setting Willpower to max...
<<set $temp to $willpower>>
<<set $willpower to 12>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Willpower]]>>
Resetting Willpower...
<<set $willpower to $temp>>
Willpower = $willpower
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<nobr>>
Setting Willpower to 0...
<<set $temp to $willpower>>
<<set $willpower to 0>>
<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Test of Willpower]]>>
Resetting Willpower...
<<set $willpower to $temp>>
Willpower = $willpower
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Increment Fatigue]]>>
new Fatigue = $currFatigue
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Increment Arousal]]>>
new Arousal = $currArousal
[[Next->Main Test Runner]]You see a large plain stone chamber festooned in white cobwebs. A stone plinth stands in the centre of the room. That too is covered in spiderwebs, but beneath the white silk you think you can see something. Treasure maybe?
There are two tunnels in the far wall, one on each side of the stone plinth.
//[[Enter the chamber?->Enter Chamber]]//
//[[Don't Enter?->Don't Enter Chamber]]//You enter the chamber. The walls are constructed from finely crafted stone blocks. Thick white cobwebs are everywhere. Some of the webs are rather large. You wouldn't like to run into the spiders that made them!
Closer up you can clearly see there is something of value on the plinth. Some kind of statuette that glints as if made of gold. What is it doing here in this stone chamber? You can't help feeling the placement—right in the centre of the room—is a little suspicious. As if...
You hear a sound behind you—the small rattle of loose stone displaced from the wall. It is followed by a sinister feminine chuckle.
//[[Turn around and see what it is?->Entry: Look at Arachne]]//
//[[Put your head down and make a run for it?->Blind Run]]//Well, they say discretion is the better part of valour, but it does make this scenario rather short. Why not step inside and have some fun?
//[[Enter the Chamber?->Enter Chamber]]//You turn and see a monstrous spider woman—an arachne. Above the waist she has the body of an exotic young woman with voluptuous round breasts. Below the waist she has the shiny black abdomen and eight long jointed legs of a giant spider. Straight black hair falls in curtains on either side of a thin and haughtily beautiful face. Her sensually plump lips are stained black and curled up in a cruel smile.
"Hello, little cricket. I am L'hesperusa the arachne," she says. "I'm going to suck up all your fluids..."
She pauses to run a moist tongue around her sensual lips.
"...through your lovely hard cock."
Her words send both a shiver of arousal and fear through you. You don't think she'll stop with just your semen.
No time to dwell on that now. The arachne rears up on her long spindly legs and points the tip of her bulbous black abdomen in your direction. It looks like she's taking aim.
<<set $isArachneKnown to true>>
''[[Test of Agility!->Entry: Agility Test]]''
<</nobr>>You decide you'd rather not see what is behind you. You dash for the tunnels at the back of the chamber. Your path will take you close to the centre of the chamber and you might be able to snatch the ''gold statuette'' off the plinth as you run past.
//[[Try to snatch the treasure as you run by?->Blind Run: Snatching Treasure]]//
//[[Ignore the treasure and run for the tunnels?->Tunnels]]//<<nobr>>
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You dodged->Entry: Passed Dodge]]//
//[[You failed to dodge->Entry: Failed Dodge]]//
<</nobr>>Setting test scenario flags...
<<set $testPassed to false>>
<<set $hasTreasure to false>>
<<set $hasTorch to false>>
<<set $isNaked to false>>
<<set $isArachneKnown to false>>
<<set $webNumber to 0>>
<<set $webFailCount to 0>>
<<set $hasPlayedPossum to false>>
[[Begin Scenario->Scenario Tester]]Setting test player stats...
<<include [[Init Test Stats]]>>
[[Next->Init Test Scenario Flags]]<<nobr>>
Creating max stats for testing purposes...
<<set $maxFatigue to 12>>
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
Max Fatigue = $maxFatigue
''Fatigue = $currFatigue''
<<set $maxArousal to 12>>
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
Max Arousal = $maxArousal
''Arousal = $currArousal''
<<set $strength to 12>>
<<set $agility to 1>>
<<set $cunning to 12>>
<<set $willpower to 12>>
Strength = $strength
Agility = $agility
Cunning = $cunning
Willpower = $willpower
<</nobr>>This is the starting point for testing purposes.
[[Next->Init Test Player Stats]]You successfully dodge the spray of silk. Which way did you jump?
//[[To the left?->Entry: Dodge Left]]//
//[[To the right?->Entry: Dodge Right]]//You don't react fast enough. Her abdomen throbs and she sprays streamers of white silk at you. You are covered in a mass of sticky white threads. They stick to you and the floor and quickly harden. You are stuck in a mass of webbing.
"Caught you," the arachne says, her sensual lips turned up in a cruel smile.
//[[You are bound.->Fully Bound: Init]]//<<nobr>>
/* setting array of options */
<<set $arachneActions =
"Fully Bound: Arachne Action I",
"Fully Bound: Arachne Action II",
"Fully Bound: Arachne Action III",
"Fully Bound: Arachne Action Kiss"
<<goto [[Fully Bound]]>>
<</nobr>>You jump to the left and the spray of silk passes harmlessly by. Unfortunately, you land in another web stretched between the wall and floor. It's not as fresh, but the silk is still sticky and tangles up one of your legs and part of your body. You are partially stuck in a giant spiderweb.
//[[You are partially bound.->Partially Bound: Init]]//You jump to the right and the spray of silk passes harmlessly by. The spider woman regards you with an amused smile. As appealing as her upper body looks, and her face and exposed boobs are undeniably gorgeous, you don't think it would be a good idea to let yourself get caught by her.
//[[What next?->Player Action]]//You have some time before the arachne readies her next spray of silk. What will you do?
//[[Run for the tunnels?->Player Action: Run for it]]//
<<if not $hasTreasure>>
//[[Try to grab the treasure on the central plinth?->Player Action: Investigate Treasure]]//
<<if not $hasLookedAround>>
//[[Look around the chamber for something that might help?->Player Action: Look Around]]//
<<if $hasLookedAround and not $hasTorch>>
//[[Grab one of the torches off the wall?->Player Action: Grab Torch]]//
//[[Take a moment to catch your breath?->Player Action: Wait]]//
You are partially stuck in the arachne's net of sticky silk strands. You have one arm and one leg free. Your other arm and leg are enmeshed in silken filaments. They stretch and resist your attempts to snap through the remaining strands. With a little more effort you might be able to pull the rest of your body free.
//[[Try to struggle free?->Partially Bound: Struggle]]//
//[[Pause to catch your breath?->Partially Bound: Catch Breath]]//
//[[Play possum?->Bound: Play Possum]]//
<</nobr>>You make a grab for the ''gold statuette'' as you run past. The cobwebs covering it are stronger and stickier than they first appeared. The treasure is stuck to the plinth, although with a bit of effort you might be able to dislodge it.
//[[Ignore it and continue running?->Blind Run: Ignore Treasure]]//
//[[Try to pull it free?->Blind Run: Grab Treasure]]//You are nearly at the back wall of the chamber. There are two tunnels leading off into darkness.
//[[Run into the left tunnel?->Left Tunnel]]//
//[[Run into the right tunnel?->Right Tunnel]]//Running tests on scenario...
[[Start->Begin Arachne Scenario]]
[[Entry->Entry: Look at Arachne]]
[[Blind Running->Blind Run]]
[[Fully Bound->Fully Bound: Init]]
[[Partially Bound->Partially Bound: Init]]
[[Arachne Kiss->Arachne Kiss]]
[[Player Action->Player Action]]
[[Arachne Action->Arachne Action]]
[[Left Tunnel->Left Tunnel]]
[[Right Tunnel->Right Tunnel]]
[[Cocooning->Arachne Cocooning]]You enter the left tunnel and run a few metres before encountering an obstacle in the form of a spiderweb large enough to fill the entire tunnel. The silk threads look thick and sturdy.
<<if $isArachneKnown>>
//[[Go back and try the right tunnel?->Left Tunnel: Go Back Arachne Known]]//
//[[Go back and try the right tunnel?->Left Tunnel: Go Back Arachne Unknown]]//
//[[Try to force your way through the webs?->Left Tunnel: Force Web I]]//
<<if $hasTorch>>
//[[Use your torch to burn a way through?->Left Tunnel: Torch Webs]]//
You run down the right tunnel. The passage is dusty and festooned with old cobwebs, but otherwise unblocked. You can see light at the far end.
<<if $isArachneKnown>>
//[[Next.->Right Tunnel: Arachne Known]]//
//[[Next.->Right Tunnel: Arachne Unknown]]//
<</nobr>>You turn around only to see the body of the arachne blocking the entrance to the tunnel. She crosses her arms between her full round breasts and smiles at you.
"Where do you think you're going, little cricket?" she asks.
There is no way past her. You're going to have to find a way through the webs in front of you.
//[[Try to force your way through the webs?->Left Tunnel: Force Web I]]//
<<if $hasTorch>>
//[[Use your torch to burn a way through?->Left Tunnel: Torch Webs]]//
//[[Give up?->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
<</nobr>>You turn around and see your mystery pursuer for the first time. An arachne—half woman and half spider—blocks the way back to the stone chamber. Above the waist she has the body of an exotic young woman with voluptuous round breasts. Below the waist she has the shiny black abdomen and eight long jointed legs of a giant spider. Straight black hair falls in curtains on either side of a thin and haughtily beautiful face. Her sensually plump lips are stained black and curled up in a cruel smile.
"Where do you think you're going, little cricket?" she asks.
She steps into the tunnel.
"I am L'hesperusa the arachne," she says. "I'm going to suck up all your fluids..."
She pauses to run a moist tongue around her sensual lips.
"...through your lovely hard cock."
Her words send both a shiver of arousal and fear through you. You don't think she'll stop with just your semen.
There is no way past her. You're going to have to find a way through the webs in front of you.
<<set $isArachneKnown to true>>
//[[Try to force your way through the webs?->Left Tunnel: Force Web I]]//
<<if $hasTorch>>
//[[Use your torch to burn a way through?->Left Tunnel: Torch Webs]]//
//[[Give up?->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
<</nobr>>The webbing is thick, strong, and sticky. You don't see any gaps big enough for you to slip through. You're going to have to try and tear your way through. You put your hands on two thick strands and try to pull them apart.
<<set $webNumber to 1>>
<<if $currFatigue gte $maxFatigue>>
//[[You're too exhausted to break through the webs->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
''[[Test of Strength!->Left Tunnel: Strength Test I]]''
<</nobr>>The silk is old, dusty and very flammable. You touch the burning torch to the web and it goes up in flame. Shielding your face with your arms, you burst through the burning remnants and continue down the tunnel.
The taunts and lewd suggestions from the arachne follow you. Thankfully, she still sounds some distance away. Perhaps a fear of fire has kept her from running you down.
Further down the tunnel you encounter another giant web. This too goes up in flames the moment you touch the torch to it.
The arachne's lewd suggestions sound further away. They have also become cruder and more vulgar, more befitting a common whore than a sophisticated concubine.
The third obstructing web is even thicker than the previous two. It is no obstacle to your burning torch. And then you're through. You see the end of the tunnel and torchlight flickering in the chamber beyond. Ignoring the frustrated curses of the arachne behind you, you rush on to the end of the tunnel.
//[[Run to the exit.->Escape]]//
It's no use. The silken strands, despite looking as delicate as women's lingerie resist all your efforts to pull them apart. And now you're out of strength. You slump down to your knees. All you can do is wait.
[[Next.->Left Tunnel: Bad End]]<<nobr>>
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[Broke through.->Left Tunnel: Passed Strength Test I]]//
/* depends on number of previous failures */
<<switch $webFailCount>>
<<case 0>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test I]]//
<<case 1>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test II]]//
<<case 2>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test III]]//
//[[The web holds!->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
<</nobr>>The silk is durable, but also old. You flex your muscles and the web gives away enough for you to open up a hole in it. You force your way through and continue down the tunnel.
You only manage to make it a few metres before you run into a second obstructing web. You know
<<if $isArachneKnown>>
the arachne
your mystery pursuer
is behind you, but you dare not waste time looking over your shoulder to see how close.
//[[Try to force your way through the webs?->Left Tunnel: Force Web II]]//
//[[Give up?->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//<<nobr>>
You pull and tug at the web, but to no avail. The old strands resist your attempts to pull them apart.
<<if $isArachneKnown>>
The arachne chuckles as she slowly closes the gap between you.
"Struggling with my webs, little cricket?" she says.
You hear a soft feminine chuckle from behind you. You turn around and see your mystery pursuer for the first time. An arachne—half woman and half spider. Above the waist she has the body of an exotic young woman with voluptuous round breasts. Below the waist she has the shiny black abdomen and eight long jointed legs of a giant spider. Straight black hair falls in curtains on either side of a thin and haughtily beautiful face. Her sensually plump lips are stained black and curled up in a cruel smile.
"Struggling with my webs, little cricket?" she says.
Her spider legs //tic tac// on the stone floor like high heels as she approaches you.
"I am L'hesperusa the arachne," she says. "I'm going to suck up all your fluids..."
She paused to run a moist tongue around her sensual lips.
"...through your lovely hard cock."
Her words send both a shiver of arousal and fear through you. You don't think she'll stop with just your semen.
<<set $isArachneKnown to true>>
You turn back to the web and redouble your attempts to force your way through.
<<set $webFailCount += 1>>
<<switch $webNumber>>
<<case 1>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web I]]
<<case 2>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web II]]
<<case 3>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web III]]
<</nobr>>You push your hands through the silken web and try to pull it apart.
<<set $webNumber to 2>>
<<if $currFatigue gte $maxFatigue>>
//[[You're too exhausted to break through the webs->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
''[[Test of Strength!->Left Tunnel: Strength Test II]]''
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[Broke through.->Left Tunnel: Passed Strength Test II]]//
/* depends on number of previous failures */
<<switch $webFailCount>>
<<case 0>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test I]]//
<<case 1>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test II]]//
<<case 2>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test III]]//
//[[The web holds!->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
The web parts before you and you're able to push through. Again, you're only able to travel a short distance before the cobwebs thicken up to block the tunnel again. How many of these webs will you have to get through?
<<if $isArachneKnown>>
You hear the arachne's throaty chuckles behind you. She doesn't seem in any particular hurry. Maybe she knows this is a dead end.
You hear your mystery pursuer's throaty chuckles behind you. They don't seem in any particular hurry. Maybe they know this is a dead end.
//[[Push on regardless?->Left Tunnel: Force Web III]]//
//[[Give up?->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
The web just won't break. It resists your attempts to rip a hole through it.
L'hesperusa chuckles at your failed attempt to find a way through.
"You won't escape, little cricket," she says. "You're going to get caught in my web and tangled up, just like all my other prey."
She doesn't appear to be in any hurry to close the distance between you. Maybe she knows you can't escape. Whatever, you can't give up now.
<<set $webFailCount += 1>>
<<switch $webNumber>>
<<case 1>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web I]]
<<case 2>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web II]]
<<case 3>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web III]]
<</nobr>>The strands won't break. Why won't they break? You put everything into trying to tear a way through.
"You're going to get stuck," the arachne whispers.
She sounds very close now. Right behind you, her breath tickling the back of your neck close.
"And then I'm going to suck... and suck... and suck."
You need to find a way through. Now!
<<set $webFailCount += 1>>
<<switch $webNumber>>
<<case 1>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web I]]
<<case 2>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web II]]
<<case 3>>
[[Try Again->Left Tunnel: Force Web III]]
There is no point dwelling on whether this is a dead end. You have to at least try. You press fingers through soft sheets of silk and try to tear a way through.
<<set $webNumber to 3>>
<<if $currFatigue gte $maxFatigue>>
//[[You're too exhausted to break through the webs->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
''[[Test of Strength!->Left Tunnel: Strength Test III]]''
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[Broke through.->Left Tunnel: Passed Strength Test III]]//
/* depends on number of previous failures */
<<switch $webFailCount>>
<<case 0>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test I]]//
<<case 1>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test II]]//
<<case 2>>
//[[The web holds.->Left Tunnel: Failed Strength Test III]]//
//[[The web holds!->Left Tunnel: Give Up]]//
<</nobr>>Strands of silk clutch at your face and legs. The webbing is thick here and it's like pushing through sheets of cloying mud. Then, just as you are thinking there is no way through, that the whole tunnel is packed with obstructing silk, your hands start to meet with less resistance. Sticky strands tug at your legs as you stumble free of the web, but it doesn't matter. You're through.
You can also see the end of the tunnel. Torchlight flickers in the chamber beyond. Renewed hope powers your weary legs and you run to what you hope is the safety of the light.
//[[Run to the exit.->Escape]]//<<nobr>>
You run out into a well-lit stone chamber. This chamber appears to be completely devoid of cobwebs. You pause to catch your breath.
<<include [[Decrement Fatigue]]>>
Your heart jumps again as you see the spider demon at the entrance of the tunnel you just ran from. She makes no move to enter the chamber. Perhaps she is forbidden from doing so. Instead she watches you with arms folded beneath her sizable naked breasts.
"You escaped my webs after all, little cricket," she says. "Such a shame... for you. You would have experienced such pleasures wrapped up in my silk."
With that she retreats back into the darkness, leaving you with a vague sense of wondering what it would have been like to let her toy with you.
<<if $hasTreasure>>
You look down at the ''gold statuette'' you retrieved from the spider woman's lair. It depicts a beautiful arachne not dissimilar to L'hesperusa. You wonder what its use is. No matter, that is a question for another time. For now...
You were unable to grab the ''gold statuette'', but at least you escaped with your life.
Congratulations! You have escaped the lair of L'hesperusa the arachne.
//Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed this little demo despite its rough'n'ready state. If the interest is there I will create further scenarios with other sexy monster girls. If I can drum up enough support I might even look at commissioning quality features such as artwork, sound effects, voice acting and something resembling a proper GUI.//
//Until next time...//
//M. E. Hydra//
"Caught you," L'hesperusa whispers in your ear.
You've run out of time!
You feel a weight settle on your back. Her long, segmented legs fold around you like a cage.
"This won't hurt," she whispers.
She plants a sloppy wet kiss on your neck. The aphrodisiac venom coating her lips is absorbed through your skin and seeps into your bloodstream. You feel hot and hazy, but strangely relaxed. You are unable to resist as binds you in place at the heart of a new web stretched between the walls of the tunnel. She continues to plant wet venom kisses on your neck and shoulders to keep you compliant<<if $isNaked eq false>> while she takes your clothes off<</if>>.
"And now my little cricket, time to give you a nice long suck."
She presses her voluptuous body against your back. You head is wedged between the big soft pillows of her boobs. Her bulbous abdomen curls around until you are sitting astride it. A fleshy orifice opens out at the tip. You hear a lewd bubbling sound as the tip of her orifice spits a glob of gooey silk at your crotch. Your manhood is enveloped and then dragged down into the fleshy opening.
"This silk is very special," L'hesperusa whispers in your ear.
Her abdomen throbs beneath you and a pillow of soft, elastic silk is puffed around your cock.
"It's soft, gooey, and laced with a special little something that makes a man feel really pleasant."
Anther puff and a pillowy bubble of molten silk rolls down your shaft. The walls of her spinneret squeeze and undulate as she kneads the soft substance around your manhood. You know you should feel nothing but revulsion, but instead the sensation has you hard, throbbing and gasping in pleasure.
"Like it, little cricket?"
L'hesperusa lets out an erotic sigh and puffs another blob of exquisite silk around your engulfed erection.
Whatever plans you had to hold on are blown aside. Your body trembles as you climax and spurt your seed into the sticky mass.
"Oh yes, little cricket," L'hesperusa sighs. "Spurt it out into my special silk."
The semen-saturated glob is drawn away from your cock by muscular contractions. You barely have time to recover before she's wrapping your manhood in another cushion of exquisite silk.
"Spurt it all out."
The second orgasm is faster, stronger and longer. Same for the third... the fourth... the fifth... until you lose the ability to count and they all roll together into one single pulsing pleasure. Her venom takes over your sexual organs, coaxing them into creating more and more and semen until your body runs out of fluids. You are too overwhelmed with ecstasy to care. Her abdomen swells beneath you as she empties you.
You have been sucked dry by L'hesperusa the arachne. Your adventure ends here.
"You won't escape me, little cricket," L'hesperusa calls after you.
You glance over your shoulder in time to see her rise up on spindly legs and fire a concentrated stream of silk in your direction.
''[[Test of Agility!->Right Tunnel: Agility Test]]''"You won't escape me, little cricket," your pursuer calls after you.
You glance over your shoulder and see your pursuer for the first time. It is an arachne. Above the waist she has the body of a voluptuous young woman. Below the waist she has the shiny black abdomen and eight long jointed legs of a giant spider. Straight black hair falls in curtains on either side of a thin and haughtily beautiful face. Her sensually plump lips are stained black and curled up in a cruel smile.
"You won't escape L'hesperusa," she says.
She rises up on her spindly legs and fires a stream of concentrated silk in your direction.
<<set $isArachneKnown to true>>
''[[Test of Agility!->Right Tunnel: Agility Test]]''
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You dodged.->Right Tunnel: Passed Agility Test]]//
//[[You didn't dodge.->Right Tunnel: Failed Agility Test]]//
<</nobr>>You jink to the left and the stream of sticky silk shoots harmlessly past you. Without looking to see what the arachne plans to do next, you put your head down and dash for the welcoming light of the exit. Behind you the arachne's lewd suggestions become cruder and more vulgar, more befitting a common whore than a sophisticated concubine.
You ignore her and rush on to the end of the tunnel.
<<include [[Increment Fatigue]]>>
//[[Run to the exit.->Escape]]//
You fail to dodge and the stream of sticky silk catches you on the left ankle. The rope pulls taut and you fall to the ground.
<<if $isNaked>>
//[[The arachne reels you in.->Right Tunnel: Bad End]]//
//[[The arachne reels you in.->Right Tunnel: Snared and Clothed]]//
<</nobr>>The arachne jerks her abdomen and slide on the stone floor as she slowly reels you in like an angler with a fresh catch. You scrabble around for something to grab hold of and when that fails, try to dislodge the rope of silk glued to your foot and ankle. It's no use, you can't detach the sticky rope. You're twisted round onto your back and see the arachne's gloating smile as she pulls you to her.
"I've caught you, little cricket," she says.
She drags you beneath her bloated abdomen and presses her body down, pinning you to the stone floor. You flail and struggle, but aren't able to knock her off you.
"Stop wriggling, little cricket," the arachne says. "Hmm. Maybe a good sniff of my lovely vagina will put you in a more receptive mood."
Her exposed sex, the folds pink and enticingly human, is right before your face. If she was a human, she'd be squatting over your face. If she was a spider, this would be her mouth. She is neither and both. She reaches down and presses your face into the soft folds of her vulva.
"Mmm. Take a deep breath."
Your nose is filled with the rich, musky aroma of her sex. Mixed with it is the sweet tang of something else. Some kind of drug. Your body relaxes and you feel comfortable... aroused.
Her abdomen presses down and your rising erection is drawn into a wet, meaty tunnel. You feel it throb and your cock is enveloped in a warm gooey substance that sends pleasant tingles running through your body.
"Ah, my special silk," L'hesperusa sighs. "It makes men come, and come, and come."
Her bulbous abdomen bobs up and down and her gooey molten silk strokes up and down your shaft. It feels like sex. If you close your eyes you can imagine one girl riding your face while another rides your cock.
No, it's not. It's a repulsive spider woman.
L'hesperusa presses your face deeper into her smothering sex. Her scent, laden with her aphrodisiac poisons, fills you.
Now it feels like sex... dirty, energetic sex.
You can't hold on any longer. Her spinneret weaves another sticky pillow of silk around your cock and this one tips you over the edge. You buck and thrash. Not to escape, but in the throes of an intense orgasm.
L'hesperusa sighs. "Time to give you that nice big suck."
Her abdomen swells, drawing up your issue. Your orgasm has barely ended before she smothers your cock in another sticky pillow of special silk. You come again, harder and longer. And again. And again. And again. Until they all roll together into one continuous pulsing pleasure. Her abdomen swells as she slowly, gently, pleasantly, sucks out all of your fluids.
You have been sucked dry by L'hesperusa the arachne. Your adventure ends here.
The arachne jerks her abdomen and you slide on the stone floor as she slowly reels you in like an angler with a fresh catch. You feel your trousers give and this gives you an idea. Her sticky silk is mostly attached to your trousers and boots, not you. You kick them off and scramble free.
Untethered now, you get back to your feet and start running before she can ready another shot. You leave the arachne with your webbed-up boots and trousers. Her vulgar curses follow you to the end of the tunnel.
<<set $isNaked to true>>
<<include [[Increment Fatigue]]>>
//[[Run to the exit.->Escape]]//
<</nobr>>You leave the ''gold statuette'' behind and run on to the tunnels. You hear a //pshing// sound behind you as if someone is spraying water or some other fluid in your direction.
''[[Test of Agility!->Blind Run: Agility Test]]''
Old cobwebs stick to your hand as you grab the ''gold statuette''. Your muscles flex as you try to pull it free of the sticky mass of webbing.
''[[Test of strength!->Blind Run: Strength Test]]''
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You dodged.->Blind Run: Passed Dodge]]//
//[[You failed to dodge.->Blind Run: Failed Dodge]]//
<</nobr>>You react instantly, diving and rolling to the right as thick strands of white webbing cover the space you just vacated. Fortunately, none hit you. You get right back to your feet and keep running for the tunnels.
//[[Run for the tunnels.->Tunnels]]//
You don't react fast enough and are covered in a mass of sticky white threads. They stick to you and the floor and quickly harden. You are stuck in a mass of webbing.
//[[Next.->Blind Run: Arachne Revealed]]//The source of all the webbing is revealed as a monstrous spider woman—an arachne. Above the waist she has the body of an exotic young woman with voluptuous round breasts. Below the waist she has the shiny black abdomen and eight long jointed legs of a giant spider. Straight black hair falls in curtains on either side of a thin and haughtily beautiful face. Her sensually plump lips are stained black and curled up in a cruel smile.
"What little cricket have I caught myself?" she says.
Her black eyes sparkle with dark amusement.
"I am L'hesperusa the arachne," she says. "I'm going to suck up all your fluids..."
She pauses to run a moist tongue around her sensual lips.
"...through your lovely hard cock."
Her words send both a shiver of arousal and fear through you. You don't think she'll stop with just your semen.
If you don't want that to happen you'd better pull yourself free of this sticky webbing.
<<set $isArachneKnown to true>>
//[[You are bound.->Fully Bound: Init]]//
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[Pulled it free!->Blind Run: Pulled Treasure Free]]//
//[[It remains stuck.->Blind Run: Failed to Free Treasure]]//
<</nobr>>The cobwebs are considerably stronger than normal spiderwebs. It takes a bit of effort, but you're able to pull the ''gold statuette'' free.
You don't get long to enjoy your new acquisition. You hear a //pshing// sound from behind you and turn around in time to be covered by a mass of sticky white threads. They stick to you and the floor and quickly harden. You are stuck in a mass of webbing.
<<set $hasTreasure to true>>
//[[Next.->Blind Run: Arachne Revealed]]//
Nope. The cobwebs are far stronger than they first appeared. You tug with all your might, but the ''gold statuette'' remains stuck within the sticky mass of spider silk.
Before you can ponder another course of action you hear a //pshing// sound from behind you and turn around in time to be covered by a mass of sticky white threads. They stick to you and the floor and quickly harden. You are stuck in a mass of webbing.
//[[Next.->Blind Run: Arachne Revealed]]//The threads are sticky, elastic and tough. You might be able to snap and pull them apart, but it will take some effort.
''[[Test of Strength!->Fully Bound: Strength Test]]''You pause to gather your strength and wait to see what the arachne does next. Her silk is soaked in some kind of aphrodisiac. It is absorbed through your skin, creating a pleasant tingling sensation. Your horniness grows. You start to notice her attractive upper half more than her monstrous lower half. You catch yourself wondering what it would be like to fuck her.
<<include [[Decrement Fatigue]]>>
<<include [[Increment Arousal]]>>
//[[What is the arachne doing?->Fully Bound: Arachne RNG Actions]]//
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You feel the threads start to give.->Fully Bound: Partially Break Free]]//
//[[You remain stuck.->Fully Bound: Fail to Break Free]]//
<</nobr>>Yes! You feel some threads give and pull others aside until you feel like you're slowly pulling yourself free of the arachne's snare.
Rather than try to stop you, L'hesperusa applauds your efforts.
"You're doing so well, little cricket. You're almost free of my diabolical web."
//[[Keep struggling to free yourself.->Partially Bound: Init]]//You push, you pull, you tug, you stretch. Nothing works. You remain stuck within the arachne's webbing.
//[[What is the arachne doing?->Fully Bound: Arachne RNG Actions]]//<<nobr>>
/* Kludge to make weirdness with arrays work */
<<if $arachneActions.length == 0>>
Error: arachneActions Array not initialised correctly
/* now do the code we need to */
<<set _arachneAction to $arachneActions.pluck()>>
<<goto _arachneAction>>
<<set $currFatigue -= 1>>
<<if $currFatigue lt 0>>
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
''Fatigue = 0''
''Fatigue -1''
<<set $currArousal -= 1>>
<<if $currArousal lt 0>>
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
''Arousal = 0''
''Arousal -1''
<</nobr>>The arachne stays where she is. For the moment she seems content to smirk with amusement at your fruitless struggles.
//[[Try again to free yourself.->Fully Bound]]//"Oh dear, little cricket," the arachne giggles. "You appear to be stuck. Would you like a little help?"
At least she doesn't approach to finish you off.
//[[Try again to free yourself.->Fully Bound]]//"Hmm, watching you struggle is making me all wet, little cricket," L'hesperusa says. "I can't wait to fuck all the juices out of you."
She reaches down to finger the plump exposed folds of her vagina.
//[[Try again to free yourself.->Fully Bound]]//"Have you finished wearing yourself out, little cricket?" L'hesperusa asks. "Is it time for us to have some fun together?"
Her long insectile legs //tic tac// across the stone floor. She is coming closer. Close enough for you to see just how gorgeous she looks. Her pale skin is flawless. Her breasts are ripe and pendulous. Her black hair is sleek and glossy. Her big black eyes sparkle with sultry mischief.
"How about it, little cricket?" she asks. "Would you like a little kiss?"
She opens her arms for an embrace. Her luscious lips bunch up in a sensual pout. They look inviting, but there is a strange wet sheen to them. Beads of mysterious liquid form on their glossy surface.
Her lips descend on yours.
//[[Time for a kiss...->Arachne Kiss]]//L'hesperusa hugs you tight to her and presses her lips against yours. Her lips feel wonderfully soft and supple. They are also coated with her aphrodisiac venom. You absorb it through your lips and it enters your bloodstream. It starts as a pleasant tingling feeling and then expands into a fire raging within you. Your cock jumps up to full erection. Your thoughts are filled with lewd imagery of you in bed with L'hesperusa, only she's fully human and you really really want to fuck her.
L'hesperusa murmurs in pleasure and continues her poison kiss.
<<include [[Increment Arousal]]>>
''[[Test of Willpower!->Arachne Kiss: Willpower Test]]''
<</nobr>>To gather you up in an embrace, the arachne first has to clear away some of her webbing. She slices through it with her long, jointed forelegs and pulls you out of her silken snare. You don't resist as she pulls you closer to her. Her luscious lips bloom in preparation for a passionate kiss.
You twist hard in her embrace with a force and suddenness that catches the spider girl off guard. You slip out of her embrace and scramble away to the centre of the room.
L'hesperusa pouts in frustration.
"Such a slippery little cricket," she says. "Now I'll have to use my silk to catch you all over again."
<<set $hasPlayedPossum to true>>
//[[What next?->Player Action]]//
<</nobr>>Again you pretend to be overwhelmed and helpless as the arachne cuts you out of her webbing. She gathers you up in an embrace. Her eyes close and her lips bunch up as she descends upon you for a kiss.
This is your moment. You twist hard in her embrace... and the arachne's hand closes around your arm like a manacle. This time you can't break free of her.
Her eyes open and glint with amusement. "Silly cricket. You couldn't possibly think I'd fall for the same trick twice."
Her lips descend on yours.
//[[Time for a kiss...->Arachne Kiss]]//L'hesperusa gathers you up in an embrace. You feel her warm body—the soft bulges of her tits—press against you. Her lips feel wonderfully soft and supple as she kisses you. They are also coated with her aphrodisiac venom. You absorb it through your lips and it enters your bloodstream. It starts as a pleasant tingling feeling and then expands into a fire raging within you. Your cock jumps up to full erection. Your thoughts are filled with lewd imagery of you in bed with L'hesperusa, only she's fully human and you really really want to fuck her.
L'hesperusa moves her soft tits in a circular motion against your chest. More of the same aphrodisiac venom leaks out of her nipples. L'hesperusa mewls with delight as she rubs it into you with her sumptuously soft boobs.
<<include [[Increment Arousal]]>>
''[[Test of Willpower!->Arachne Kiss: Willpower Test]]''
<<include [[Test of Willpower]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You resist.->Arachne Kiss: Resisted]]//
//[[Her kiss overwhelms you.->Arachne Kiss: Seduced]]//
<</nobr>>The aphrodisiac venom from the arachne's kiss courses through your veins. You feel hot and horny. Lewd thoughts of L'hesperusa's voluptuous upper body tug at your thoughts but do not smother them entirely. You are still able to think rationally. And as good as L'hesperusa's embrace and kiss feels, you know what often happens to a spider's mate.
//[[Struggle?->Arachne Kiss: Struggle]]//
//[[Do nothing and let her continue?->Arachne Kiss: Do Nothing]]//
The aphrodisiac venom from the arachne's kiss courses through your veins. You feel hot and horny. Lewd thoughts of L'hesperusa's voluptuous upper body fill your head and push out every other thought. You want to put your hands on her ripe boobs and squeeze. You want to feel her soft caresses all over your body. You are lost totally in her embrace. You don't resist as the arachne begins to...
<<if $isNaked>>
//[[wrap you up in even more silk.->Arachne Cocooning]]//
//[[undress you.->Arachne Kiss: Undressing]]//
<</nobr>>The arachne has kissed you into submission. Poison leaks from her lips and sets your blood ablaze. The same poison leaks from her nipples as she rubs her voluptuous boobs against you. Her hand strokes up and down your erection. Your thoughts are totally consumed by lust. Rather than resist her, you return her kiss with the same passion.
L'hesperusa chuckles. "Good little cricket. I think you've earned your reward."
She tilts you in her embrace. Her abdomen curls round. This time the sound is thicker and more glutinous as she sprays silk from her abdomen. The silk is soft and fluffy and feels wonderful against your exposed flesh. The arachne slowly turns you around as she wraps you in silk.
"Doesn't my silk feel soft and pleasant," she whispers.
She continues to spray it from her abdomen and it sounds like fresh cream from a nozzle. She cocoons the whole of your body in warm silk apart from your erection. She takes special care to leave that free. You don't resist. It feels wonderfully comfortable to be wrapped up.
By the time you return to your senses you are fully cocooned. Your arms are pinned to your sides and your legs are bound together. There is no escaping from this.
Finished, the arachne admires her handiwork.
"All done," she says. "And so are you, my little cricket."
She playfully bats your exposed erection.
"Time to give you a nice long suck. But, hmm?"
She places a finger to her sumptuous bee-stung lips.
"What shall I suck you with? These lips?"
Her black lips puff up in an enticing pout. Your erection twitches at the thought of them wrapped around it.
"My lovely tight vagina? She will suck you hard enough to blow your mind."
Her fingers go down below to toy with her sex. The labia swell up in anticipation.
"Or maybe you'd like something more... exotic?"
She turns to show you the tip of her abdomen. The spinneret at the end opens up to reveal a fleshy pink tunnel. Bubbles of sticky white silk swell and pop.
L'hesperusa smiles at you. "I know, why don't I let you choose."
So what will it be?
//[[Her lips?->Arachne Cocooning: Choose Blowjob]]//
//[[Her vagina?->Arachne Cocooning: Choose Vagina]]//
//[[Something more... exotic?->Arachne Cocooning: Choose Spinneret]]//
//[[Say nothing?->Arachne Cocooning: No Choice]]//
The arachne's kisses have left you swooning and compliant, lost in a cloud of lust. All you can think of is how much you want her to kiss you again.
"We don't need these clothes getting in the way," she says.
You don't resist as she undresses you. She murmurs appreciatively on seeing your naked body.
"Mmm, very nice, little cricket."
She plants soft venom kisses on your sensitive nipples. Her hand enfolds and strokes up and down your engorged member.
"Let's have some fun together."
Her wonderfully plump lips bunch up. She's going to kiss you again.
<<set $isNaked to true>>
//[[Another kiss?->Arachne Kiss: Naked]]//
<</nobr>>You twist your head away from L'hesperusa's kiss. You squirm and try to break out of her embrace.
"My my, you are a lively little cricket," L'hesperusa chuckles.
She is stronger than her curvaceous womanly body would suggest, but not preternaturally so. You might be able to break free of her using your own strength.
''[[Test of Strength!->Arachne Kiss: Strength Test]]''You can resist, but choose not to. Maybe you tell yourself you're biding your time and waiting for a better moment. Or maybe you don't really want to escape at all. Either way, you offer no resistance as L'hesperusa begins to...
<<include [[Decrement Fatigue]]>>
<<if $isNaked>>
//[[wrap you up in even more silk.->Arachne Cocooning]]//
//[[undress you.->Arachne Kiss: Undressing]]//
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You break free.->Arachne Kiss: Broke Free]]//
//[[You don't break free.->Arachne Kiss: Failed to Break Free]]//
You kick and squirm in the arachne's grasp. It is unseemly and not very erotic, and L'hesperusa makes her displeasure clear with angry hisses. Her forelegs rise up and start to fold around behind you like iron bars. She can't quite lock them place or get an arm around you.
<<if $isNaked>>
You slither out of the arachne's embrace and jump back out of her reach.
The only grip she is able to get on you is your clothes. Fortunately, your clothes are not you. You are able to wriggle out of the torn remnants and pull free of the arachne's embrace. You are no longer held by the arachne but your nakedness makes you feel exposed and vulnerable.
<<set $isNaked to true>>
L'hesperusa's face softens back to seductive beauty. Her lips turn up in a smile. She looks down at your very obvious erection.
"That looks like it's bothering you, little cricket. Would you like me to take care of it for you?" she asks with a sweet voice.
//[[What next?->Player Action]]//You squirm and thrash, but the arachne is able to lock her forelegs in place behind you. She wraps her arms around you and crushes you to her soft bosom.
"My, what an energetic one," she breathes. "Looks like I'm going to have to kiss you into submission."
She gets a hand behind your head and crushes her lips against yours in a powerful kiss. Hot pleasure flows into and through your body. It settles in your loins and surges up an erection grown hard enough to be painful. That—and lustful desire—is all you can think of. You don't resist as the arachne begins to...
<<if $isNaked>>
//[[wrap you up in even more silk.->Arachne Cocooning]]//
//[[undress you.->Arachne Kiss: Undressing]]//
<</nobr>>"Mmm," L'hesperusa says. "So you'd like my lovely lips wrapped around that lovely big cock of yours."
She runs a moist tongue around her luscious lips. Is it your imagination or do they plump up even more?
"Very well, I'll give you a nice long suck."
You tremble in anticipation.
//[[Next.->Bad End: Blowjob]]//"My pussy? Are you sure?"
L'hesperusa's fingers crawl down between the pink folds of her sex.
"She sucks hard. Once she gets a hold of your cock she'll... unf..."
Her sex contracts around her fingers. The pink labia puff up.
"...suck and suck until you're all dried up."
Her fingers come out dripping with her juices. You twitch in helpless anticipation. L'hesperusa looks at you and laughs.
"Haha. Still so eager to have sex. You're all the same."
She approaches your bound form.
//[[Next.->Bad End: Vagina]]//"My my, aren't you the adventurous one," L'hesperusa says.
Her abdomen swells and contracts. The orifice at the end opens out into a fleshy tunnel. There is something hypnotic in the way the pink walls move in and out. Idly, you wonder what it would feel like to stick your dick in there.
"A good choice," the arachne says. "This is a very special organ. I use it to smother men's cocks in my lewdest of silks and suck up all their cum while they're squirming helplessly in pleasure."
She approaches your bound form.
//[[Next.->Bad End: Spinneret]]//The arachne chuckles at your defiant silence.
"Oh, so you'd like me to pick for you."
She folds her arms beneath her breasts and rests her chin on her hand,
"Now, let me see..."
/*probably not the cleanest way to do this*/
<<set _choice to either("blowjob", "vagina", "spinneret")>>
<<switch _choice>>
<<case "blowjob">>
//[[The arachne chooses...->Arachne Choice: Blowjob]]//
<<case "vagina">>
//[[The arachne chooses...->Arachne Choice: Vagina]]//
<<case "spinneret">>
//[[The arachne chooses...->Arachne Choice: Spinneret]]//
She pouts up her sensual lips and runs a tongue around them. Your erection twitches again. The arachne notices.
"Yes, I think I'll suck you up with these luscious lips," L'hesperusa says.
//[[Next.->Bad End: Blowjob]]//L'hesperusa smiles down at your helpless cocooned form.
"I'm going to wrap these lips around your cock and suck," she says. "And suck, and suck, and suck."
She pouts her black lips and they swell up even more impossibly plump and sumptuous than before. Beads of her aphrodisiac venom well up and spread out to give her lips a glossy sheen—like shiny vinyl cushions.
"Let's get you comfortable. I'm sure you'll want to see every moment of this," the arachne says.
She rearranges your cocooned body and props your head up on a pillow of freshly squirted silk. She climbs up over your bound legs. She runs her tongue around her moist, over-plump lips as she stares down at your exposed cock.
"Mmm, I'm going to give you a real nice suck."
With that, she lowers her head. Her eyes fix on yours as she wraps her swollen lips around the head of your cock and draws you—slowly—up into her warm mouth. You feel her soft lips stroke down your shaft and then a tingling sensation as her venom is absorbed into your bloodstream. That tingling ignites into a raging inferno of horniness. It drives you mad. Your cock swells up harder than you've ever felt before.
L'hesperusa takes your full length in her mouth. Her head bobs in your lap as her exquisite lips stroke up and down your shaft, thoroughly coating your cock in her aphrodisiac venom.
There is no escape now. Only one way to release the pent-up burning lust within you. L'hesperusa's cheeks hollow. She sucks. You can't hold on.
You spurt thick ropes of cum into her mouth. L'hesperusa stares at you with her wide black eyes and gulps it all down. Her mouth—her soft, luscious lips—doesn't leave you. Neither does your erection. You stay hard, as if the previous release didn't happen at all.
L'hesperusa starts sucking again. Harder this time. It doesn't take long before she's sucked you off to another ejaculation, and another, and another. She sucks and sucks, making you feel like she's sucking the semen right out of your balls.
And not just that. While you squirm in the throes of never-ending orgasm, her venom hijacks your testicles and prostate and kicks them into overdrive. They keep producing more and more semen for L'hesperusa to suck out of you until there are no more fluids left in your body. Only then does L'hesperusa release your cock with a satisfied smack of her lips. You don't see. There is nothing left of you but an empty husk.
You have been sucked dry by L'hesperusa the arachne. Your adventure ends here.
''Bad End''
L'hesperusa crawls a long finger down between the naked folds of her sex. Her vagina contracts around her finger. You wonder what it would feel like to have her do the same to your cock.
L'hesperusa looks down at your cocooned form.
"I don't think you've had much experience with women. I'll give you the full pleasure of sexual intercourse before I suck out all your fluids."
//[[Next.->Bad End: Vagina]]//L'hesperusa hugs you close to her and presses her lips against yours in a venomous kiss. You can feel the erect points of her nipples pressing against the cocoon wall. Your thoughts are clouded... vulgar.
"This way is fastest, but also the most intense," she breaks off the kiss to whisper in your ear.
Her segmented legs hook around your cocooned ass and press you against her. Your cock, the only part of your anatomy not currently wrapped in silk, enters her pussy. You slide easily into her warm, well-lubricated vagina. That lubricant causes your cock to tingle. More of her venom, you realise. And much stronger.
Her poison sends heat rushing through you. Your lips press back against hers of their own accord. You feel your cock swell up inside her.
Her muscular walls tighten around you like a padded cuff. Tight and very muscular. L'hesperusa resumes kissing you as her vagina squeezes you with rhythmic contractions.
"Prepare yourself," L'hesperusa whispers. "This is going to feel intense."
Her abdomen swells. The walls of her vagina ripple against your throbbing erection. Your toes curl against her binding silk.
"Yes, a little more, then I have you," L'hesperusa chuckles.
Too late you realise what she is. What her vagina is. You have to hold on.
Then the walls of her sex begin to move. The chambers beyond expand. And //suck.//
You can't hold on. The orgasm wells up within you and you empty yourself into her throbbing sex.
The suction continues, as does your ejaculation.
"Mmm, oh yes! Give me all your lovely juices," L'hesperusa whispers in your ear.
Her sucking vagina goes to work on you, pumping more and more semen from your body. You're not even sure if it semen at this point. No ejaculation should go on for this long. The pleasure... the intensity of the orgasm overwhelms your thoughts. Your body shudders helplessly within the cocoon.
Her abdomen throbs. Her vagina tightens around your swollen cock and pumps and pumps and pumps... until there is nothing left of you in the cocoon but a dried-up husk.
You have been sucked dry by L'hesperusa the arachne. Your adventure ends here.
''Bad End''
"Let's be adventurous," L'hesperusa says.
She turns around until the tip of her bulbous abdomen is right above your erection. The fleshy pink opening at the end dilates and contracts. Sticky white fluids drip from the orifice.
L'hesperusa glances over her shoulder and gives you a filthy smile.
"Does it revolt or fascinate you?" she asks.
There is something hypnotic in the way the fleshy pink walls of the opening move in and out. Idly you wonder what it would feel like to stick your dick in there.
"It's a very special organ," L'hesperusa says. "I can use it to smother a man's cock in my special silk and suck out all their cum."
Your erection gives an involuntary twitch. L'hesperusa notices and smiles.
"Oh yes, I think you'll like that."
//[[Next.->Bad End: Spinneret]]// L'hesperusa turns over onto her back and pulls your cocooned form up on top of her bulbous abdomen. Her segmented legs fold around you and hold you in place with your face level with her exposed sex. You could lick, but you suspect her vagina is just as filled with poison as her lips.
"This will seem a little weird," L'hesperusa says, "but I'm sure you'll find it to be very pleasant."
You hear a loud burbling sound and feel something warm and sticky splatter against your crotch. It's her silk, but wetter and gooier. Your cock is covered in the stuff and it feels surprisingly pleasant. Even more so when she drags your erection into the orifice at the end of her abdomen.
"This is my most comfortable way of sucking all the fluids out of a man, little cricket," L'hesperusa says. "My dirty little spinneret will knead and smoosh my nastiest silks around your cock."
The walls of her spinneret tremble and squirt molten globs of silk around your erection. The walls undulate and squeeze, kneading the pillows of silk against your throbbing member. It feels like hands squeezing soft dough around your cock. Squeezing and tugging. Soft and gentle.
"You won't be able to stop yourself coming over and over."
L'hesperusa presses your face into her vagina. You are overwhelmed by the musk of her sex and a fragrance more reminiscent of deadly blooms.
"Some men try to pleasure me with their tongues. They think that by bringing me pleasure they might be spared," L'hesperusa says. "Not realising the venom coating my vagina hastens their own end."
The opening at the end of her abdomen continues to work on your erection—kneading, pulling, squeezing, tugging... stroking your arousal higher and higher.
"There is nothing to fear, little cricket," she says. "It is the sweetest of ends. One filled with many glorious ejaculations. So let yourself go and release your cum inside me."
You can hold it in no longer. You twitch within the cocoon as you empty your balls into... what? It's not her sex or ass, and she demonstrates that by meeting your spurt of semen with another bubble of soft, smothering silk.
L'hesperusa tenderly runs her hand through your hair. She lets you recover before puffing another bubble of aphrodisiac silk around your erection. Her spinneret starts kneading and squeezing as she begins to guide you, irresistibly, to another massive ejaculation.
"I'll take my time and drain you slowly... pleasantly."
Your orgasm is the second of many. So many you lose count. So many they all roll into one irresistible throb of pleasure. Her venom takes control of your body and coaxes it to create more and more semen. She sucks it all out of you until nothing remains of you but a mummified corpse within a silk cocoon.
You have been sucked dry by L'hesperusa the arachne. Your adventure ends here.
''Bad End''
You have no desire to tussle—or do anything else!—with the spider woman, no matter how gorgeously inviting her voluptuous upper body looks. She blocks the way back to the entrance, so you'll have to try your luck with the two tunnels in the far wall. You turn and run for them.
"Run little cricket," L'hesperusa calls after you. "You won't escape my web."
//[[Run.->Tunnels]]//You dodge to the central plinth and make a grab for the ''gold statuette'' sitting on top of it. It's covered in sticky cobwebs that are far stronger than they first looked. It will take some effort to pull the ''gold statuette'' out of the sticky webs.
//[[Leave it?->Player Action: Leave Treasure Alone]]//
//[[Try to yank it free?->Player Action: Pull Treasure Free]]//
<<if $hasTorch>>
//[[Burn away the cobwebs with your torch?->Player Action: Torch Treasure Webs]]//
<</nobr>>You look around the chamber for anything that might aid you. There is not much to see. Everything in the chamber is heavily festooned in thick spiderwebbing, including some disturbing lumps at the base of the right wall. The only things free of the ever-present cobwebs are the torches on the wall. There are four of them, each mounted loosely in an old iron bracket. Wisps of smoke rise up from the burning torches. No cobwebs cover them. Perhaps that's because the silk is flammable.
<<set $hasLookedAround to true>>
//[[Next.->Arachne Action]]//
<</nobr>>You move to one of the wall brackets. The iron fixture looks old and is bolted into the stone wall. The torch sits loosely within the bracket. It's easy to remove.
"What are you up to, little cricket?" the arachne asks. "Wouldn't you like to play with me."
You turn and face her, torch in hand, and notice an immediate change. Her eyes narrow. She keeps her distance. She doesn't seem to like the fire of the torch.
<<set $hasTorch to true>>
//[[Next.->Arachne Action]]//
<</nobr>>You watch the arachne warily and wait to see what she does. No sense in jumping blindly into another one of her webs. The pause gives you an opportunity to get your breath back.
<<include [[Decrement Fatigue]]>>
//[[Next.->Arachne Action]]//<<nobr>>
<<if not $isNaked>>
<<goto "Arachne Action: Normal Silk">>
<<set _choice to random(3)>>
<<if _choice == 0>>
<<goto "Arachne Action: Special Silk">>
<<goto "Arachne Action: Normal Silk">>
You don't have time for this. The arachne is already readying another attack.
//[[Next.->Arachne Action]]//The cobwebs are stickier and more resilient than you anticipated. The ''gold statuette'' is firmly stuck within them. It's going to take some force to pull it free.
''[[Test of Strength!->Player Action: Strength Test]]''As you suspected, the strands of spidersilk are highly flammable. You touch the torch to the cobwebs and they flare up before quickly burning away, revealing the ''gold statuette'' hidden within them. Without the webbing to hold it in place, it is a trivial matter to snatch it off the plinth.
There is no time to celebrate your success. The arachne is already rearing up to release another spray of sticky silk.
<<set $hasTreasure to true>>
//[[Next.->Arachne Action]]//
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[It starts to come loose.->Player Action: Successfully Free Treasure]]//
//[[It doesn't budge.->Player Action: Fail to Free Treasure]]//
<</nobr>>Try as you might, you can't pull the ''gold statuette'' out of the sticky mass of webbing. Looking over you see the arachne already rearing up to unleash another spray of sticky silk. You'll have to try again later.
//[[Next.->Arachne Action]]//The cobwebs are very sticky and surprisingly resilient. Despite this you are still able to yank the ''gold statuette'' free. There is no time to celebrate your success. The arachne is already rearing up to release another spray of sticky silk.
<<set $hasTreasure to true>>
//[[Next.->Arachne Action]]//
<</nobr>>Your legs tense in anticipation. L'hesperusa sprays streamers of silk in your direction.
''[[Test of Agility!->Arachne Action: Agility Test]]''The arachne rears up on long legs. Her bulbous abdomen curves round to point in your direction. It looks like she is readying another spray of silk.
What will you do?
//[[Attempt to dodge the spray?->Arachne Action: Dodge]]//
//[[Feint in one direction and go the other?->Arachne Action: Feint]]//
<<if $hasTorch>>
//[[Swing the torch at the arachne?->Arachne Action: Use Torch]]//
//[[Wait to see what she does?->Arachne Action: Do Nothing]]//
<</nobr>>You drop your left shoulder, trying to trick the arachne into thinking that's the direction you're dodging.
''[[Test of Cunning!->Arachne Action: Cunning Test]]''You brandish your torch at the spider woman. She tries to maintain a seductively aloof façade, but is clearly discomforted by the closeness of the burning torch. She backs away from you.
//[[Next.->Player Action]]//You stand where you are and wait to see what the arachne does next.
L'hesperusa smiles. "So you want to be caught by me, little cricket?"
She sprays thick strands of sticky silk all over you. It sticks to your body and the floor and quickly hardens. You are stuck in a mass of webbing.
//[[You are bound.->Fully Bound: Init]]//The arachne rears up on long legs. Her bulbous abdomen curves round to point in your direction.
"I tire of all your hopping around, little cricket," she complains. "Time to prepare some special silk for you."
Her abdomen throbs and alarming gurgling sounds emanate from it. You sense that this is not going to be like her other silk.
What will you do?
//[[Attempt to dodge the spray?->Special Silk: Dodge]]//
//[[Feint in one direction and go the other?->Special Silk: Feint]]//
<<if $hasTorch>>
//[[Swing the torch at the arachne?->Arachne Action: Use Torch]]//
//[[Wait to see what she does?->Special Silk: Do Nothing]]//
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You dodge.->Arachne Action: Successful Dodge]]//
//[[You fail to dodge.->Arachne Action: Unsuccessful Dodge]]//
<</nobr>>You wait until the last possible moment. As L'hesperusa looses her stream of silk you're already moving and the spray of sticky filaments falls harmlessly onto the stone floor next to you.
//[[Next.->Player Action]]//You move too soon. L'hesperusa follows you and adjusts her aim. The spray of sticky white fibres falls right over you. You are stuck in a mass of webbing.
//[[You are bound.->Fully Bound: Init]]//<<nobr>>
<<include [[Test of Cunning]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You trick her.->Arachne Action: Successful Feint]]//
//[[She reads it.->Arachne Action: Unsuccessful Feint]]//
<</nobr>>It works. L'hesperusa's gaze leans to the left, where she thinks you're dodging. She releases a stream of sticky white silk, but you're not there. You moved to the right instead.
"Sneaky little cricket," she says as her spray of sticky filaments lands harmlessly on the stone floor.
//[[Next.->Player Action]]//The arachne reads your pathetic attempt to fool her. You switch back to the right only to be met by a thick stream of sticky white silk. The filaments stick to your body and the floor, and quickly harden into a net. You are stuck in a mass of webbing.
//[[You are bound.->Fully Bound: Init]]//Your legs tense in anticipation. L'hesperusa's abdomen swells then shoots a thick rope of concentrated silk right at you.
''[[Test of Agility!->Special Silk: Agility Test]]''You drop your left shoulder, trying to trick the arachne into thinking that's the direction you're dodging.
''[[Test of Cunning!->Special Silk: Cunning Test]]''You stand where you are and wait to see what the arachne does next.
"You'd like to experience my lovely special silk?" L'hesperusa asks. "Very well."
Her abdomen swells. She shoots a concentrated rope of silk that hits you squarely in the groin with a wet splat.
//[[It feels... nice.->Special Silk: Bad End]]//<<nobr>>
<<include [[Test of Agility]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You dodge.->Special Silk: Successful Dodge]]//
//[[You fail to dodge.->Special Silk: Unsuccessful Dodge]]//
<</nobr>>You have a narrow escape. L'hesperusa fired her silken rope with much greater force this time. You are only just able to twist your body in time to get out of the way of the thick rope of silk. It shoots past you and splatters harmlessly onto the floor.
The arachne //tches// in annoyance.
//[[Next.->Player Action]]//
Too slow. L'hesperusa fires her silk much faster and with greater force this time. Before you even have time to twitch, the condensed rope of silk hits you squarely in the groin with a wet splat.
//[[It feels... nice.->Special Silk: Bad End]]//You look down. Your crotch—your penis and testicles—is smothered in a mass of white silk. It leads back to the arachne's abdomen in a thick, gloopy rope. A look at her face reveals she hit exactly the target she was aiming for.
You place both hands around the rope, wondering how you'll be able to detach it without hurting yourself. The silk feels different. Dark energies pulse through the fibres and it squirms in your hands like a living thing.
"You hop around too much, little cricket," L'hesperusa says. "Let's take some of that energy away."
She gives her abdomen a little flick. The rope pulses with lascivious energy. You gasp in surprised pleasure. It feels like warm hands, or even soft lips, wrapped around your cock and gently tugging back and forth.
Pulses travel back along the silken rope, taking your energy with them. L'hesperusa draws it into her abdomen and sighs with pleasure.
"No more hopping around now, little cricket," she says. "Only pleasure."
She jerks on the rope with deft flicks of her abdomen. The movements translate to pleasurable tugs on your now rock-hard cock. Tug, tug, tug. Like a luxurious handjob given by smooth silk-gloved hands. Too much. Too pleasant. You let out a groan of pleasure and empty the contents of your balls. Your energy comes out with it and you slump to your knees before the spider woman.
"Did you like that, little cricket?" She smiles with bruise-black lips. "How about some more."
More jerks. More tugs. More incredible sensations of silk-wrapped hands, lips, //flesh?// stroking up and down your shaft. You groan again and again, helpless as L'hesperusa milks ejaculations of energy out of you with deft little tugs of her special silk rope.
You fall back, weak but nerves jangling in divine bliss. L'hesperusa approaches you and settles her body over yours. She draws her silken rope back into her abdomen, your cock with it. Warm fleshy walls close around your manhood. Her abdomen throbs. You buck as another orgasm rips through you. Lost in an ecstatic fever dream, you are unable to do anything as the arachne's throbbing abdomen pumps all the semen—//and energy//—from your body.
You have been sucked dry by L'hesperusa the arachne. Your adventure ends here.
''Bad End''
<<include [[Test of Cunning]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You trick her.->Special Silk: Successful Feint]]//
//[[She reads it.->Special Silk: Unsuccessful Feint]]//
<</nobr>>It works. L'hesperusa's bulbous black abdomen swells and then lets loose a condensed rope of silk... to the wrong side of where you were standing. The rope lands on the floor with a harmless wet splat.
"You're getting annoying now, little cricket," L'hesperusa says rather tetchily.
//[[Next.->Player Action]]//
L'hesperusa easily reads your intent. The corner of her mouth turns up in a contemptuous smirk. She lets you jink and turn. You bob left, then jump right. L'hesperusa's abdomen swells. She fires a thick rope of silk that hits you squarely in the groin with a wet splat.
"Not so tricksy now are you, little cricket." She chuckles darkly.
//[[It feels... nice.->Special Silk: Bad End]]//You tug at your leg, trying to pull yourself totally free of the arachne's sticky web. The remaining strands resist your efforts to snap them or pull them off your body. You need to put everything into it, again.
''[[Test of Strength!->Partially Bound: Strength Test]]''You pause to regather your strength and thoughts for one last big pull to free yourself. The substance impregnating L'hesperusa's silk continues to seep into your flesh and cloud your thoughts with impure desires.
<<include [[Decrement Fatigue]]>>
<<include [[Increment Arousal]]>>
//[[What is the arachne doing?->Partially Bound: Arachne RNG Actions]]//
<<include [[Test of Strength]]>>
<<if $testPassed>>
//[[You pull free.->Partially Bound: Break Free]]//
//[[You remain stuck.->Partially Bound: Fail to Break Free]]//
<</nobr>>The last remaining threads stretch then snap. You are free! You jump and scramble away from the sticky mass and regain your feet in the centre of the chamber. Panting for breath from your exertions you face the arachne.
L'hesperusa shakes her head.
"You're only delaying things. Why make yourself wait for the pleasures I have planned for you?"
//[[Next.->Player Action]]//No use. You pull as hard as you can but the last remaining threads stubbornly refuse to give. You are still snared by the spider woman's sticky silk.
//[[What is the arachne doing?->Partially Bound: Arachne RNG Actions]]//<<nobr>>
/* Kludge to make weirdness with arrays work */
<<if $arachneActions.length == 0>>
Error: arachneActions Array not initialised correctly
/* now do the code we need to */
<<set _arachneAction to $arachneActions.pluck()>>
<<goto _arachneAction>>
<</nobr>>The arachne scuttles up closer.
"Oh no, we can't have you hopping free, little cricket," she says.
She rises up, tilts her abdomen and sprays sticky silk all over you. You are tangled up again in her gooey silk filaments.
"You wouldn't want to miss out on me sucking you."
Your nose is filled with the wet, musky odour of the fresh silk. It smells like a mixture of sex and expensive perfume. The feel of it against your skin causes your cock to twitch. Maybe being wrapped up in her silk isn't so bad. Idly, you wonder what it would feel like to be wrapped up fully. Your cock twitches again.
//[[You are bound.->Fully Bound: Init]]//"Oh you were so close, little cricket," L'hesperusa says. "How does it feel to come so close to freedom... and fail."
//[[Keep trying to free yourself.->Partially Bound]]//"You're not getting away, little cricket," the arachne says. "You'll wonder why you even tried to escape once I start to suck you."
Her black lips bunch up in a sensual pout. Your eyes are drawn to her mouth, the little gap between her plump lips. A seductive voice in the back of your head wonders how good it would feel to have them wrapped around your cock.
<<include [[Increment Arousal]]>>
//[[Keep trying to free yourself.->Partially Bound]]//
<</nobr>>The arachne folds her arms under her heavy breasts and chuckles at your attempts to free yourself. She feels confident enough in your inability to escape she makes no attempt to intervene.
//[[Keep trying to free yourself.->Partially Bound]]//<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Decrement Fatigue]]>>
new Fatigue = $currFatigue
//[[Next->Main Test Runner]]//<<include [[Display Stats]]>>
<<include [[Decrement Arousal]]>>
new Arousal = $currArousal
[[Next->Main Test Runner]]<<nobr>>
<<if $hasPlayedPossum>>
<<goto [[Bound: Possum Fail]]>>
<<goto [[Bound: Possum Success]]>>
<<if $isNaked>>
<<goto [[Arachne Kiss: Naked]]>>
<<goto [[Arachne Kiss: Clothed]]>>
<</nobr>>"That's enough watching you struggle," L'hesperusa says. "It's time we had some fun together, little cricket."
Her long insectile legs //tic tac// across the stone floor. She is coming closer. Close enough for you to see just how gorgeous she looks. Her pale skin is flawless. Her breasts are ripe and pendulous. Her black hair is sleek and glossy. Her big black eyes sparkle with sultry mischief.
"So eager to try and get away," she says. "I think I'll give you a little kiss to change your mind."
She opens her arms for an embrace. Her luscious lips bunch up in a sensual pout. They look inviting, but there is a strange wet sheen to them. Beads of mysterious liquid form on their glossy surface.
Her lips descend on yours.
//[[Time for a kiss...->Arachne Kiss]]//You are tangled up in a mesh of silken strands. They cover you like a net. Despite the strands looking gossamer-thin, they stretch and resist all your attempts to pull them apart. The silk triggers a pleasant tingly sensation wherever it comes into contact with your exposed flesh. You feel strangely aroused and horny.
<<include [[Increment Arousal]]>>
//[[Try to struggle free?->Fully Bound: Struggle]]//
//[[Pause to catch your breath?->Fully Bound: Catch Breath]]//
//[[Play possum?->Bound: Play Possum]]//
/* setting array of options */
<<set $arachneActions =
"Partially Bound: More Silk",
"Partially Bound: Arachne Action I",
"Partially Bound: Arachne Action II",
"Partially Bound: Arachne Action III",
"Partially Bound: Arachne Action Kiss"
<<goto [[Partially Bound]]>>
<</nobr>>''Your Stats:''
<table style="width:100%">
<td style="text-align:left">Max Fatigue:</td>
<td style="text-align:right">$maxFatigue</td>
<td style="text-align:left"><b>Fatigue:</b></td>
<td style="text-align:right"><b>$currFatigue</b></td>
<td style="text-align:left">Max Arousal:</td>
<td style="text-align:right">$maxArousal</td>
<td style="text-align:left"><b>Arousal:</b></td>
<td style="text-align:right"><b>$currArousal</b></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td style="text-align:left">Strength:</td>
<td style="text-align:right">$strength</td>
<td style="text-align:left">Agility:</td>
<td style="text-align:right">$agility</td>
<td style="text-align:left">Cunning:</td>
<td style="text-align:right">$cunning</td>
<td style="text-align:left">Willpower:</td>
<td style="text-align:right">$willpower</td>
© M. E. Hydra<<include [[Display Stats on Sidebar]]>>A little demo scenario/* Initialise stats to zero here */
<<set $maxFatigue to 0>>
<<set $currFatigue to 0>>
<<set $maxArousal to 0>>
<<set $currArousal to 0>>
<<set $strength to 0>>
<<set $agility to 0>>
<<set $cunning to 0>>
<<set $willpower to 0>>
/* Items here */
<<set $hasTorch to false>>
<<set $hasTreasure to false>>
/* States */
<<set $isNaked to false>>
/* Miscellaneous flags */
<<set $testPassed to false>>
<<set $isArachneKnown to false>>
<<set $hasPlayedPossum to false>>
<<set $hasLookedAround to false>>
<<set $webNumber to 0>>
<<set $webFailCount to 0>>//Hello, I'm M. E. Hydra (also known in other parts as manyeyedhydra). I write horror fiction featuring dangerously sexy succubi and other monster girls. This is a short little CYOA/Gamebook scenario where you get to play with one of those alluring monster girls.//
//Be careful, she plays rough.//
//And now the obligatory disclaimer for those unfortunate souls that might have found their way here by accident. This work is very much of an adult nature. If you are under the age of 18, please do not continue. Also, for those unfamiliar with my work, I tend to mash eroticism, horror and weirdness together. Some might find the results a little icky. If you are one of those people who are easily offended and like to complain about the things you are offended by, go no further. This is not for you. You are not welcome here.//
//With that out of the way, let's get on to the "fun".//
//This is a short scenario, about the length of a short story or novella. I'm using it mainly as a demo or proof of concept, so please forgive the rough'n'ready appearance. If the interest is there, I might build on it with new scenarios featuring other monster girls, and maybe look to add artwork, sound fx, voice acting and maybe even a decent interface. Until then please enjoy this for what it is.//
//Now, do you like spiders...?//
//[[Continue.->Stats Intro]]//
//This scenario uses a basic stats-based system similar to classic gamebooks of the past. At points in the game you will called upon to test various stats.//
//Currently these tests take the form of trying to roll equal to or under the stat value on 2d6. This is a demo of sorts, so the final form of these tests might change.//
//There are multiple paths through the scenario. Depending on your starting stats some are easier than others. Even if you roll poor opening stats it should still be possible to escape the arachne by making the right choices.//
//(But where's the fun in that...)//
//[[Roll stats with explanations.->Roll Strength]]//
//[[I've seen the rules. Roll all stats at once.->Roll all Stats]]//
//This represents how physically strong you are. Strength is used primarily for breaking out of holds and other bonds.//
//Strength is calculated by rolling 2d6.//
<<include [[Init Strength]]>>
<<switch $strength>>
<<case 2>>
You are a puny weakling. I'd recommend not letting any of the monster girls grab hold of you. Even a lowly imp might be too much for you.
<<case 3 4>>
//You are weak. Be careful to avoid being grabbed hold of.//
<<case 5 6>>
//You are not very strong.//
<<case 7>>
//You are of average strength.//
<<case 8 9>>
//You are quite strong.//
<<case 10 11>>
//You are very strong.//
<<case 12>>
//You are a veritable titan with rippling muscles all over your body. (But beware, some monster girls are stronger still.)//
//[[Next.->Roll Agility]]//
//Rolling all stats...//
<<include [[Init Strength]]>>
<<include [[Init Agility]]>>
<<include [[Init Cunning]]>>
<<include [[Init Willpower]]>>
<<include [[Init Max Fatigue]]>>
<<include [[Init Max Arousal]]>>
//That's it. Ready to begin?//
//[[Let's go.->Begin Arachne Scenario]]//
//This represents how physically agile you are. Agility is used primarily for dodging attacks and staying out of reach of a monster girl's clutches.//
//Agility is calculated by rolling 2d6.//
<<include [[Init Agility]]>>
<<switch $agility>>
<<case 2>>
//You are as clumsy as an ox. It's a wonder you don't trip over your own feet while walking.//
<<case 3 4>>
//You are not very mobile. Pray you don't ever need to move quickly.//
<<case 5 6>>
//You are not very agile.//
<<case 7>>
//You are of average agility.//
<<case 8 9>>
//You are quite agile.//
<<case 10 11>>
//You are very agile.//
<<case 12>>
//You are lightning fast on your feet, able to evade most attacks with ease. (But beware, some monster girls are even faster.)//
//[[Next.->Roll Cunning]]//
//This represents how good you are at thinking on your feet. You'll use this stat when trying to trick monster girls or trying to talk yourself out of a bad situation.//
//Cunning is calculated by rolling 2d6.//
<<include [[Init Cunning]]>>
<<switch $cunning>>
<<case 2>>
//You are dumber than a box of rocks. But don't worry, your mama loves you just fine and so too will the monster girls (in a different, possibly lethal, way).//
<<case 3 4>>
//You are not the fastest thinker or talker. Better to let your other attributes do the talking.//
<<case 5 6>>
//You are not very cunning.//
<<case 7>>
//You are of average cunning.//
<<case 8 9>>
//You are quite cunning.//
<<case 10 11>>
//You are cunning like a fox.//
<<case 12>>
//You suave, sophisticated, silver-tongued smooth-talker, you. Girls just fall at your feet. (NOTE: May not work on some monster girls)//.
//[[Next.->Roll Willpower]]//
//This represents how mentally strong you are. This stat is tested whenever a monster girl tries to seduce or mind control you.//
//Willpower is calculated by rolling 2d6.//
<<include [[Init Willpower]]>>
<<switch $willpower>>
<<case 2>>
//You have the willpower of a wet lettuce. Even the ugliest, most unskilled of monster girls could talk you into bed with minimal effort.//
<<case 3 4>>
//You are weak-willed. Be wary of monster girls that specialise in seduction.//
<<case 5 6>>
//Your will is not that strong.//
<<case 7>>
//You are of average mental strength.//
<<case 8 9>>
//You are quite strong-willed.//
<<case 10 11>>
//You are very strong-willed.//
<<case 12>>
//Your will is a nigh unbreakable fortress around your mind. All but the strongest of succubi will have trouble breaking you. (The strongest will still wrap you around their little finger, but at least they'll respect you more when their sex magics turn your brain to mush.)//
//[[Next.->Roll Fatigue]]//
//Fatigue starts at 0 and builds up whenever you are forced to exert yourself. Any test of an attribute will raise your fatigue by 1 regardless of the outcome of the test.//
//Max Fatigue represents the limit to which your fatigue can rise. Once your fatigue hits max you are exhausted and will fail every stat test until you can lower it again.//
//Fatigue can be reduced by taking breathers to get your breath back. But beware, this may leave you temporarily open to attack.//
//Max Fatigue is calculated by rolling 1d6 + 6.//
<<include [[Init Max Fatigue]]>>
//[[Next.->Roll Arousal]]//
//The monster girls and succubi will do their very best to seduce and arouse you. Your arousal starts at 0 and rises as the monster girls use their various "talents" on you.//
//Max Arousal represents how much sexual arousal you can take. Once your arousal reaches max you will be overcome by horniness and unable to concentrate properly. This means you will fail every stat test for as long as you are in this state.//
//Arousal can be reduced by...//
"Not in my lair, sweetie. My aphrodisiac webs and sweet kisses will drive you mad with lust."
// Be careful in there, I guess.//
//Max Arousal is calcuated by rolling 1d6 + 6.//
<<include [[Init Max Arousal]]>>
//That's it. Ready to begin?//
//[[Let's go.->Begin Arachne Scenario]]//