Congratulations! You're a woman!\n\nWelcome to the world of substandard citizenry and socially-constructed ideas of feminine airs. Pink and purple are your favorite colors, dresses are your preffered clothing, and you feel much prettier and more successfull if you have long hair.\nSociety expects you to be submissive to men. Let them do all the important work while you stay home, raise children, and keep everything nice and tidy for when your man gets home.\nRemember to objectify yourself as much as politeness dictates. Obsess about your waist measurements, wear push-up bras to make your cleavage more appealing, and sculpt your self-image around what men think is sexually attractive. You must wear makeup. Be careful not to overdo it, though, or you might be seen as a narcissist or prostitute. Be prepared to spend a great deal of time and effort on your appearance because, ultimately, that's the first thing you will be judged on.\nYou might be tempted to change society's view of women, but it's better for everyone if you just stick to the status quo. Life is so much easier if you accept things as they come.\n\nGood Luck!\n\n[[I don't want to/feel like I fit with this description|Woman against]]
Are you sure you want to do this? Departing from your gender norms can lead to social ostracization and political troubles.\n\n[[Conform to gender norms|Man]]\n[[Reject gender norms|Truant pt 2]]
Are you sure you want to do this? Departing from your gender norms can lead to social ostracization and political troubles.\n\n[[Conform to gender norms|Woman]]\n[[Reject gender norms|Truant pt 2]]
Welcome to the Role Assignment Chamber. Here, you will answer an in-depth questionaire that will determine your hobbies, color preferences, pain tolerance level, marketability, etc.. Answer as truthfully as you can; remember, the results of this quiz will forever sculpt your position in and importance to society. Good luck!\n\n[[Begin Role Assignment Quiz|Question 1]]
Madison Ellis
Your persistance against gender norms has launched you out of the binary status quo. You may be an effeminate male or a more masculine female. Are you trans? Genderfluid? Does your gender change depending on the circumstances? ?Are you attracted to the opposite of genetalia, a matching set of genetalia, or both? While we're on the subject, do you even have difinitive genetalia? For all we know, you could be the 1 in 4,500 people born with ambiguous parts. \nNo matter how you differ from traditional gender roles, prepare for societal push-back. Bullying and hate-crimes are entirely possible and-in some places- permissible. People will be afraid of your blatant individuality, and they will try to suppress it. Some genderqueer or sexually queer people will often experience conflict with and separation from their families as a result of their nonconformity. Others will be accepted by their family, but shamed by religious or social institutions. \n\nGood Luck!
What is your current set of genetalia?\n\n[[Vagina|Woman]]\n[[Penis|Man]]\n[[Other|Truant pt 2]]
Role Assignment Chamber
Congratulations! You're a man!\n\nAccording to the dangling artifice between your legs, you are the epitome of social dominance. As a man, you must prescribe to the manly aesthetic. You prefer the color blue, you don't wear skirts, you avoid makeup at all costs, and you allow your beard to grow in on weekends. Prepare for a lifetime of leading others, asserting yourself, siring children, sleeping with as many women as you can, and constantly reasserting your masculinity. Throwing the occassional over-agressive punch is acceptable. Don't let anybody disrespect you. Remember: as a man, it is incredibly important that you maintain an emotionless face at all times. If society sees you with any degree of vulnerability, they'll catalogue your weak point and attack immediately.\nAs a man, you must be the main financial provider for your family, you must enjoy sports, and you must uphold the patriarchy at all costs.\n\nGood luck!\n[[I don't want to/feel like I fit with this description|Man against]]\n\n
Listen, kid, you have to play the game the right way. The options are penis or vagina, masculine or femenine, blue or pink, aggressive or compassionate. If you can't remember what your genitals are, check between your legs again.\n\n[[Check between legs.|Question 1 pt 2]]
What is your current set of genetalia?\n\n[[Vagina|Woman]]\n[[Penis|Man]]\n[[Other|Truant]]