Best for me, I discovered that twine doesn't allow me to use dictation software directly in the passages \n\nInstead I have to have the built in Mac Notepad software open, dictate myself into that, and then cut and paste the resulting text [[onto the twilight]]
I thought that this would be easier than writing, but I discovered that it can be regular writing on the keyboard \n\nStill, this is an interesting experiment to do, for future projects which require more writing then I can tolerate to do in one sitting. \n\nBoy, this makes me sounds really [[lazy doesn't?]]
This is supposed to be a fun [[experiment]]
This is a twine experiment.\n\nThis is not written by hand (aside from this paragraph), rather, it's been dictated using the mac os x built in Dictation Software.\n\nI've not done any fixes afterwards, rather i'm going to let the text be as it's interpited by the software.\n\nwithout further ado, let's get [[on with it|main_loop]]
Estes with the nature of experiments we've a new things and modify all. Accordingly \nSometimes we find some new things \n\nAnd sometimes we must revise all thoughts to feed those [[new things]]
However, I must start dictating focus computers fans are getting louder, And as such the dictation policy will go down as the family's with it either way.\n\nI hope that's my back didn't have the fence near the Internet microphone, but see them Steve Jobs's department store started, it's plain to see why the microphone bus supposed. \n\nI hope you enjoyed this experiment and I hope you can make sense of the
Leo Loikkanen and Mac OS X dictation software