A new wagon rolls into town. One of those "colonists" is in the back of the wagon.
Be a [[Gracious Host]]
Tell them to [[Keep Moving]]You tell them to move along.
[[Congratulations]]Ever the gracious host to a weary stranger, you invite the colonists to stay and offer to feed them dinner.
[[Mistakes Were Made]] Your shrewd and unwelcome nature has saved the village.
That "colonist" was the White Man. A vampire.
By telling them to move on, you and your family survive to live another day to fight the White Man.
[[The End]] The "colonist" in the back of the wagon was a White Man. A vampire.
He accepts your offer for dinner, but now you must choose who will be his dinner.
[[Sacrifice your daughter]]
[[Sacrifice your son]]The White Man graciously accepts your sacrifice.
[[Welcome to the family]]The White Man graciously accepts your [[sacrifice]]His hunger satiated for now.
The White Man decides to take his leftovers to go.
He leaves your village and you have to explain to the neighbors where your son has gone.
Tell the neighbors your son [[moved away]] or [[was murdered by a hideous beast]]The White Man decides to take your daughter as his bride.
She begs you not to let this vile creature take her, but what are you going to do. You can't fight the White Man.
The White Man kills your daughter and turns her.
The next morning, the White Man leaves with your daughter, his new vampire bride.
The neighbors watch the wagon leave, you tell them that [[your daughter moved away]] or [[she was murdered by a hideous beast]]You tell your neighbors that your son left with a traveling man last night.
That you are sad, but he is better off.
Your neighbors [[believe you]]/[[don't believe you]]You tell the neighbors that your son was murdered by a hideous beast.
They ask you what kind.
You tell them it was [[a wolf]]/[[The White Man]]They believe you. Your remaining family are safe to fight the White Man another day.
[[The End]] You decide to tell them the truth.
Your son [[was murdered by a hideous beast]] Your neighbors instantly believe you and put together a hunting party.
The next night, you murder an innocent wolf but are able to alleviate the fears of the village and are allowed to stay.
[[The End]]You tell your neighbors the truth.
It was the White Man who killed your son.
Your neighbors [[don't believe in the White Man]]/[[believe in the White Man]]The next day another wagon comes to town.
[[Welcome Wagon]] They call you a racist.
They tell you, "Not all white men are evil."
They tell you, "It's a filthy rumor."
They tell you, "White men are just like you and me. That it's disgusting how these rumors spread. That they have a White Man in their family and he's totally not a blood sucking vampire."
You [[lie]]/[[insist it was the White Man, not a white man]]The entire village decides to form a hunting party to [[avenge the death of your child]] You tell them, you're sorry, you must have been mistaken.
It must have been a dream.
Your child must have run off in the night.
They [[accept your apology]]/[[don't accept your apology]]They don't understand the difference.
You [[lie]] They accept your apology and you are allowed to stay in the village.
You survive another day to fight the White Man.
[[The End]] You beg and plead but they've had enough of your lies and apologies.
You and your family are kicked out of the village and forced to live in the forest.
Where you die of [[dysentery]]/[[starvation]]/[[wolf bites]]Life in the forest is rough, but not as rough as that poop infected water.
Your family dies of dysentery.
Your bodies fertilizethe soil, where new life springs forth and eventually, everyone forgets about the crazy family in the woods and their story about the White Man.
[[better luck next time]]Life in the forest is rough, there is not enough food to go around.
Your family dies of starvation.
Your bodies fertilize the soil, where new life springs forth and eventually, everyone forgets about the crazy family in the woods and their story about the White Man.
[[better luck next time]]Life in the forest is rough, but not as rough as trying to fight off a pack of wolves.
Your family dies of wolf bites.
Better luck [[next time]]It was all a dream.
The next morning you awake to see a [[Welcome Wagon]] Your family may have died of wolf bites, but those were no ordinary wolves.
Your family is reborn as a pack of werewolves.
Do you [[avenge the death of your child]]/[[take revenge on the village]]/[[wake up]]You set out on a journey to find the White Man who stole your child and bring his reign of terror to an end.
[[to be continued]]Your family waits until the next full moon.
They go to the village and [[murder everyone in their sleep]]/[[turn them into werewolves]]Did that really just happen?
[[better luck next time]] Now that everyone is dead you can [[avenge the death of your child]] Now that everyone has been turned you can [[avenge the death of your child]] Want to play again? [[better luck next time]]
Want to continue to [[hunt the White Man]]?I'll have to get back to you, I haven't written it yet.
In the meantime, you can start back at the beginning by greeting the [[Welcome Wagon]] Your neighbors believe you. Because they watched her leave in a wagon.
Your family survives and lives another day to fight the White Man.
[[The End]] You tell your neighbors your daughter was murdered by a hideous beast.
They think you've gone insane.
They just watched your daughter leave on the wagon with the White Man.
You [[apologize]]/[[tell them off]]You tell them your daughter is dead to you.
That the White Man changed her.
That he stole her and defiled her and she isn't your daughter anymore.
Your neighbors [[don't believe in the White Man]]/[[believe in the White Man]]You tell them you're sorry.
That it's just all too much.
That you weren't prepared for your little girl to leave the nest so soon.
They [[accept your apology]] / [[don't accept your apology]]