You've fallen on hard times huckleberry. Censari slavers raided your convoy. Unfortunately you were valuable enough that they kept you alive.
(link: "I'm good with a gun.")[
(set: $specialty to "Weapons")
(set: $decklist to "4 Trusty Revolver (Set3 #206)")
(goto: "Escape")]
(link: "I'm a studied spell slinger.")[
(set: $specialty to "Spells")
(set: $decklist to "4 Torch (Set1 #8)")
(goto: "Escape")]You spend the next several days in chains. You overhear the slavers celebrating their success and glean that they're low on supplies, but a day away from an unsanctioned shiftstone mine. After you're sure all but the nightwatch has gone to sleep (if: $specialty is "Weapons")[you manage to pick the lock on your shackles](elseif: $specialty is "Spells")[you torch the chains that bind you].
You could attempt to sneak away and hope the other slaves don't raise the alarm. Some of the oni slaves look at you with hope. You could certainly use their muscle in attempting your escape. That or you could activate some of the spare grenadin in the tent to cause a distraction while you and the slaves make your escape.
(link: "Help the Oni.")[
(set: $foundation to "Oni")
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Oni Ronin (Set1 #13)
4 Fallen Oni (Set2 #138)")
(if: $specialty is "Weapons")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Back-Alley Delinquent (Set4 #200)")
(if: $specialty is "Spells")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Hotblood Barbarian (Set4 #12)")
(goto: "Picking up the pieces")]
(link: "Activate the grenadin.")[
(set: $foundation to "Grenadin")
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Grenamender (Set3 #204)
4 Grenadin Drone (Set1 #5)")
(if: $specialty is "Weapons")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Grenadin Bellower (Set3 #214)")
(if: $specialty is "Spells")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Rally (Set1 #33)")
(goto: "Picking up the pieces")]
(link: "Attempt to sneak away.")[
(set: $foundation to "Stealth")
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 On the Hunt (Set2 #5)
4 Ghostform (Set1 #258)")
(if: $specialty is "Weapons")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Flamefang Charmer (Set4 #18)")
(if: $specialty is "Spells")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Suffocate (Set1 #251)")
(goto: "Picking up the pieces")](if: $foundation is "Oni")[After the first few oni are free, breaking the rest of the chains takes a matter of moments](elseif: $foundation is "Grenadin")[The grenadin sparks to life. It grins up at you as you explain your plan](elseif: $foundation is "Stealth")[Several oni melt the bonds off of their wrists. Together, you sneak out of the tent. The rest of the oni watch as you go].
The slave tent is in the center of camp. (if: $specialty is "Weapons")[In the nearest wagon you spot a cache of firearms. In the opposite direction you see a collection of swords and armor. Which way do you go?
(link: "Fine blades make for quick work.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Ornate Katana (Set1 #23)
4 Venomfang Dagger (Set1 #263)")
(goto: "A hidden place to regroup")]
(link: "You prefer to put holes in enemies from range.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Blackguard Sidearm (Set1 #266)
4 Welding Torch (Set4 #36)")
(goto: "A hidden place to regroup")]
](elseif: $specialty is "Spells")[You take a moment to catch your breath. What will you do if you run into a guard while escaping?
(link: "Hope to surprise them.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Assembly Line (Set1 #29)
4 Devour (Set1 #261)")
(goto: "A hidden place to regroup")]
(link: "Hope to overpower them.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Rapid Shot (Set1 #259)
4 Rampage (Set1 #17)")
(goto: "A hidden place to regroup")]]You manage to escape to a craggy outcropping. The slavers begin their search with the dawn.
From your hiding place you can see the smoke rising from the slaver's mining camp in the distance. The last landmark you can remember was days past. If you're careful, you think you can travel along the crag where the slavers will have a hard time reaching or tracking you.
The sun beats down on your head as you consider your next move.
Flee into the shadowlands.(click-replace: "Flee into the shadowlands.")[Braving the shadowlands without supplies or a guide is suicide.]
You'll kill the leader of these damned slavers.(click-replace: "You'll kill the leader of these damned slavers.")[You suspect the slaver's leader is in the mining camp.]
(link: "Raid the mining camp for supplies.")[
(if: $specialty is "Weapons")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Hair-Trigger Pistol (Set4 #216)")
(if: $specialty is "Spells")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Madness (Set1 #267)")
(goto: "Steal Supplies")]
(link: "Free the mining camp's slaves.")[
(if: $specialty is "Weapons")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Cabal Bludgeoner (Set2 #156)")
(if: $specialty is "Spells")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Execute (Set1 #277)")
(goto: "Slave revolt")]You creep upon the mining camp with nightfall. Getting to the slave's bunks shouldn't be a problem. What you're not sure of is what to do once you've freed them.
(link: "Turn them against the guards in brutal revolt.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Deathstrike (Set1 #290)")
(goto: "Slavers flee")]
(link: "Attempt to sneak them out en masse.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Devastating Setback (Set3 #226)")
(goto: "Captured")]
(link: "Use a distraction to arm the slaves.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Cloud of Ash (Set1 #39)")
(goto: "Slavers flee")]
(link: "Use skirmishing tactics to harry the guards until they flee.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Guerrilla Fighter (Set1 #36)")
(goto: "Slavers flee")]The food stuffs and supplies essential for travel are heavily guarded. Luckily the warehouse nearby has only a single sentry. A few of the (if: $foundation is "Grenadin")[grenadin](else:)[oni] that followed you through the waste make short work of the centaur guard.
You take stock of the warehouse. Several crates of shiftstone line one of the walls. A few rusty rifles lay scattered nearby. A pair of direwood beasts snuffle in their cage near one of the exits. From here you might be able to sneak into the supply house next door, but without some sort of distraction or cover, your odds of making off with enough are slim.
(link: "Light a fuse leading to the shiftstone crates.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Burn Out (Set1 #28)")
(goto: "Slavers flee")]
(link: "Release the caged direbeast to cover your retreat.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Ravenous Thornbeast (Set1 #278)")
(goto: "Slavers flee")]
(link: "Get the goods and get out.")[
(if: $foundation is "Stealth")[(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Audacious Bandit (Set2 #17)")
(goto: "Slavers flee")
](else:)[(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Shogun's Scepter (Set1 #26)")
(goto: "Captured")]
(link: "You post snipers to cover your escape.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Outlands Sniper (Set1 #42)")
(goto: "Slavers flee")]You come back to consciousness facing Zuberi himself. "I like you," growls the outlands warlord "You've got fire in your gut, and that's worth its weight in 'stone. Still, what you've done deserves punishment."
(link: "Become the mine's executioner, starting with the other escapees.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Inspire Obedience (Set2 #169)")
(goto: "Months go by")]
(link: "You and the other escapees will go to the camp's fighting pit.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Pit Fighter (Set2 #27)")
(goto: "Months go by")]
(link: "To the mines. Working beside grenadin may be dangerous, but it's better than the alternatives.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Quarry (Set1001 #15)")
(goto: "Months go by")]The mining camp is in uproar. From your hiding spot overlooking the main camp you can see the bulk of Zuberi's centaur outriders galloping hither and yon.
One of the other escaped slaves recognizes Zuberi himself. They say, "We should kill him."
Another mentions the scrapshop and says, "That's where the true boss of this mine lives. Plus, we could raid the shop for weapons."
(if: $foundation is "Oni")[(link: "Chase Zuberi.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Oni Striker (Set1 #44)")
(goto: "Give chase")]
(link: "Raid the shiftstone scrapshop.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Lurking Sanguar (Set1 #293)")
(goto: "Raid shiftstone scrapshop")]
](elseif: $foundation is "Grenadin")[(link: "Chase Zuberi.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Powderkeg Rider (Set3 #38)")
(goto: "Give chase")]
(link: "Raid the shiftstone scrapshop.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Stonescar Pickaxe (Set4 #263)")
(goto: "Raid shiftstone scrapshop")]
](elseif: $foundation is "Stealth")[(link: "Chase Zuberi.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Lethrai Bladewhirl (Set4 #236)")
(goto: "Give chase.")]
(link: "Raid the shiftstone scrapshop.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Soul Collector (Set1 #291)")
(goto: "Raid shiftstone scrapshop")]]You manage to get the drop on Zuberi around a blind corner in the crag. In the briefest moment you realize he has nothing left in the mine. The slaves are free. The supplies are under your control. From the way he keeps his eyes dead-set on the horizon you can tell Zuberi is headed towards the shadowlands.
The moment passes. You must decide what to do about the fallen warlord.
(link: "Shoot Zuberi in the back: He dies like a dog for what he's done.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Runic Revolver (Set1 #404)
4 Ashara, Ruthless Assassin (Set3 #220)
4 Rakano Outlaw (Set1 #20)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]
(link: "That way lies death and worse. Let the shadowlands take care of Zuberi.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Stray into Shadow (Set1001 #9)
4 Shadowlands Guide (Set1 #280)
4 Pyroknight (Set1 #16)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]
(link: "Shout and give the warlord a chance to defend himself. Whoever's quicker on the draw shall live.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Jekk's Choice (Set4 #264)
4 Jekk, Lone Gun (Set4 #265)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]You and your band of escapees confront the scrapper in his shop.
"Zuberi held me here against my will. Honest. I's as much a slave as you. Or I was. Take me with you. I promise you won't regret it."
(link: "Accept the scrapper's offer.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
3 Stonescar Scrapper (Set3 #236)
3 Devious Drone (Set3 #227)
3 Recycler (Set3 #269)
3 Toppletower (Set3 #26)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]
(link: "Kill the scrapper.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Sparkbot (Set2 #13)
4 In Cold Blood (Set1003 #15)
4 Treachery (Set1 #394)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]
(link: "Tell the scrapper to run, then raid his shop.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
3 Obsidian Golem (Set1 #398)
3 Ticking Grenadin (Set1 #12)
3 Prickly Grenadin (Set3 #224)
3 Toppletower (Set3 #26)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]The slaves' life is cruel and hard. Months go by as you endure your punishment.
(link: "Attempt another escape.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Inner Fire (Set3 #35)
4 Piercing Grief (Set2 #143)
4 Champion of Chaos (Set1 #402)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]
(link: "Tackle your punishment with gusto.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
4 Censari Brigand (Set1 #34)
4 Outlands Brute (Set2 #18)
4 Warband Chieftain (Set1 #395)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]
(link: "Resign yourself to your fate.")[
(set: $decklist to it + "
3 Stonescar Excavator (Set2 #14)
3 The End is Near (Set4 #237)")
(goto: "Present Deck")]Throughout the story, your decisions led to the decklist below. I can't promise it's good, but it should at least be playable once you add power. If you try a different path, you'll produce a different deck entirely.
Did you get the best ending?