<<$DealerName>> shows: <<$E1C1>>\n<<$DealerName>>'s at: <<$E1Val>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<if $SplitEm is "yes">>\n\n<<set $P1C1s to $P1C2>> Starts a second Hand\n\n<<set $TempCard to $P1C1>> Creates a new Val for the first hand\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1Vals to $TVal>>\n\n<<if $P1AceCount neq 0>> If player is splitting aces, creates 2 new ace counts\n<<set $P1AceCount to 1>>\n<<set $P1AceCounts to 1>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<CreateCard>> Deals the second card for the first hand\n<<set $P1C2 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $SplitEm to "no">>\n<<else if $P1C3 is 0>> P1 Getting 3rd Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C3 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $P1C4 is 0 and $P1DD neq "yes">> P1 Getting 4th Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C4 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $P1C5 is 0>> P1 Getting 5th Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C5 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>>\nYou show: <<$P1C1>>, <<$P1C2>><<if $P1C3 neq 0>>, <<$P1C3>><<endif>><<if $P1C4 neq 0>>, <<$P1C4>><<endif>><<if $P1C5 neq 0>>, <<$P1C5>><<endif>>\nYou are at: <<$P1Val>>\n\nYour second hand shows: <<$P1C1s>><<if $P1C2s neq 0>>, <<$P1C2s>><<endif>><<if $P1C3s neq 0>>, <<$P1C3s>><<endif>><<if $P1C4s neq 0>>, <<$P1C4s>><<endif>><<if $P1C5s neq 0>>, <<$P1C5s>><<endif>>\nIt is at: <<$P1Vals>>\n\nYou are aiming for <<$BustOver>> for a payout of <<$Payout*$P1Bet>> on your first hand.\n\n<<if $P1Bust neq "yes" and $P1C5 neq 0>>\nNice! A five card trick. You win!\n[[Continue|SplitHandler2]]\n<<else if $P1Val is $BustOver>>\nNice! On the money.\n\n[[Continue|SplitHandler2]]\n<<else if $P1Bust neq "yes">>\n[[Hit|SplitHandler1]]\n[[Stay|SplitHandler2]]\n<<else>>\nYou busted!\n[[Continue|SplitHandler2]]\n<<endif>>
You found the Amulet all those rogue-like games are always looking for!\n\nCongratulations, you won!\n<<silently>>\n<<if $Highscore <= $Loot>>\n<<remember $Highscore = $Loot>><<endif>>\n<<remember $TotWins += 1>>\n<<if $GoalDepth >= $BestDepth>>\n<<remember $BestDepth = $GoalDepth>><<endif>>\n<<if $BestDepth is 15>>\n<<remember $Difficulty = "Easy">>\n<<else if $BestDepth is 30>>\n<<remember $Difficulty = "Normal">>\n<<else if $BestDepth is 60>>\n<<remember $Difficulty = "Hard">>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<if $Victory neq "no" and $Amulet <= $GoalDepth>>\n<<silently>>\n<<$Amulet += 1>>\n<<CreateDealer>>\n<<endsilently>>\nThe hallway before you seems empty...\n\n[[Delve deeper|PlaceBets]]\n<<else if $Victory is "no">>\n<<$DealerName>> blocks the way forward!\n\n[[Continue fighting!|PlaceBets]]\n<<else>>\nOn the floor ahead you see a faint glimmer...\n\n[[Investigate|AmuletGet]]<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $P1AceCount = 0>>\n<<set $P1AceCounts = 0>>\n<<set $SplitEm = "no">>\n<<set $P1DD = "no">>\n<<set $P1C1 = 0>>\n<<set $P1C2 = 0>>\n<<set $P1C3 = 0>>\n<<set $P1C4 = 0>>\n<<set $P1C5 = 0>>\n<<set $P1Val = 0>>\n<<set $P1C1s = 0>>\n<<set $P1C2s = 0>>\n<<set $P1C3s = 0>>\n<<set $P1C4s = 0>>\n<<set $P1C5s = 0>>\n<<set $P1Vals = 0>>\n<<set $P1Bet = 0>>\n<<set $P1Bust = "no">>\n<<set $P1Busts = "no">>\n<<set $E1AceCount = 0>>\n<<set $E1C1 = 0>>\n<<set $E1C2 = 0>>\n<<set $E1C3 = 0>>\n<<set $E1C4 = 0>>\n<<set $E1C5 = 0>>\n<<set $E1Val = 0>><<endsilently>>\n
<<if $TempCard is "AH" or $TempCard is "AS" or $TempCard is "AC" or $TempCard is "AD">>\n<<set $TPips to "A">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "2H" or $TempCard is "2S" or $TempCard is "2C" or $TempCard is "2D">>\n<<set $TPips to "2">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "3H" or $TempCard is "3S" or $TempCard is "3C" or $TempCard is "3D">>\n<<set $TPips to "3">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "4H" or $TempCard is "4S" or $TempCard is "4C" or $TempCard is "4D">>\n<<set $TPips to "4">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "5H" or $TempCard is "5S" or $TempCard is "5C" or $TempCard is "5D">>\n<<set $TPips to "5">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "6H" or $TempCard is "6S" or $TempCard is "6C" or $TempCard is "6D">>\n<<set $TPips to "6">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "7H" or $TempCard is "7S" or $TempCard is "7C" or $TempCard is "7D">>\n<<set $TPips to "7">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "8H" or $TempCard is "8S" or $TempCard is "8C" or $TempCard is "8D">>\n<<set $TPips to "8">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "9H" or $TempCard is "9S" or $TempCard is "9C" or $TempCard is "9D">>\n<<set $TPips to "9">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "10H" or $TempCard is "10S" or $TempCard is "10C" or $TempCard is "10D">>\n<<set $TPips to "10">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "JH" or $TempCard is "JS" or $TempCard is "JC" or $TempCard is "JD">>\n<<set $TPips to "J">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "QH" or $TempCard is "QS" or $TempCard is "QC" or $TempCard is "QD">>\n<<set $TPips to "Q">>\n<<else if $TempCard is "KH" or $TempCard is "KS" or $TempCard is "KC" or $TempCard is "KD">>\n<<set $TPips to "K">>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $TempCard to either("AH","2H","3H","4H","5H","6H","7H","8H","9H","10H","JH","QH","KH","AS","2S","3S","4S","5S","6S","7S","8S","9S","10S","JS","QS","KS","AC","2C","3C","4C","5C","6C","7C","8C","9C","10C","JC","QC","KC","AD","2D","3D","4D","5D","6D","7D","8D","9D","10D","JD","QD","KD")>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<$DealerName>> shows: <<$E1C1>>\n<<$DealerName>>'s at: <<$E1Val>>\n\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $P1C3 is 0>> P1 Getting 3rd Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C3 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $P1C4 is 0 and $P1DD neq "yes">> P1 Getting 4th Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C4 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $P1C5 is 0>> P1 Getting 5th Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C5 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>>\nYou show: <<$P1C1>>, <<$P1C2>>, <<$P1C3>><<if $P1C4 neq 0>>, <<$P1C4>><<endif>><<if $P1C5 neq 0>>, <<$P1C5>><<endif>>\nYou are at: <<$P1Val>>\n\nYou are aiming for <<$BustOver>> for a payout of <<$Payout*$P1Bet>>.\n\n<<if $P1Bust neq "yes" and $P1C5 neq 0>>\nNice! A five card trick. You win!\n[[Continue|WhoWins]]\n<<else if $P1DD is "yes">>\n<<silently>><<set $P1Bet to (2*$P1Bet)>><<endsilently>>[[Doubled down!|DealerTurn]]\n<<else if $P1Val is $BustOver>>\nNice! On the money.\n\n[[Continue|DealerTurn]]\n<<else if $P1Bust neq "yes">>\n[[Hit|P1Hit]]\n[[Stay|DealerTurn]]\n<<else>>\nYou busted!\n[[Continue|DealerTurn]]\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<if $TVal > $BustOver and $TAceCount is 0>>\n<<set $TBust to "yes">>\n<<else if $TAceCount neq 0 and $TVal > $BustOver>>\n<<$TVal -= 10>>\n<<$TAceCount -= 1>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $TBust to "no">><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $TAceCount = 0>>\n<<$TVal = 0>>\n<<if $TempCard is "2H" or $TempCard is "2S" or $TempCard is "2C" or $TempCard is "2D">>\n<<$TVal += 2>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "3H" or $TempCard is "3S" or $TempCard is "3C" or $TempCard is "3D">>\n<<$TVal += 3>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "4H" or $TempCard is "4S" or $TempCard is "4C" or $TempCard is "4D">>\n<<$TVal += 4>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "5H" or $TempCard is "5S" or $TempCard is "5C" or $TempCard is "5D">>\n<<$TVal += 5>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "6H" or $TempCard is "6S" or $TempCard is "6C" or $TempCard is "6D">>\n<<$TVal += 6>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "7H" or $TempCard is "7S" or $TempCard is "7C" or $TempCard is "7D">>\n<<$TVal += 7>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "8H" or $TempCard is "8S" or $TempCard is "8C" or $TempCard is "8D">>\n<<$TVal += 8>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "9H" or $TempCard is "9S" or $TempCard is "9C" or $TempCard is "9D">>\n<<$TVal += 9>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "10H" or $TempCard is "10S" or $TempCard is "10C" or $TempCard is "10D" or $TempCard is "JH" or $TempCard is "JS" or $TempCard is "JC" or $TempCard is "JD" or $TempCard is "QH" or $TempCard is "QS" or $TempCard is "QC" or $TempCard is "QD" or $TempCard is "KH" or $TempCard is "KS" or $TempCard is "KC" or $TempCard is "KD">>\n<<$TVal += 10>>\n<<else if ($TempCard is "AH" or $TempCard is "AS" or $TempCard is "AC" or $TempCard is "AD") and ($TVal + 11) > $BustOver>>\n<<$TVal += 1>>\n<<else if $TempCard is "AH" or $TempCard is "AS" or $TempCard is "AC" or $TempCard is "AD">>\n<<$TVal += 11>><<$TAceCount += 1>>\n<<else>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<silently>>\n<<CreateCard>> Dealer gets his card\n<<set $E1C1 = $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<set $E1Val += $TVal>>\n<<set $E1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n<<set $TAceCount = 0>>\n\n<<CreateCard>> P1 Gets first card\n<<set $P1C1 = $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<set $P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n<<set $P1C1Val to $TVal>> For Split Checker\n\n<<CreateCard>> P1 Gets second card\n<<set $P1C2 = $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<set $P1Val += $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount += $TAceCount>>\n<<set $P1C2Val to $TVal>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Val>> Aces housekeeping\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Val to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n\n<<endsilently>>\n<<$DealerName>> shows: <<$E1C1>>\n<<$DealerName>>'s at: <<$E1Val>>\n\nYou have: <<$P1C1>>, <<$P1C2>>\nYou are at <<$P1Val>>\n\nYou are aiming for <<$BustOver>> for a payout of <<$Payout*$P1Bet>>.\n\n<<if $P1Bust is "yes">>\n<<$DealerName>> catches you by surprise! You busted before you had a chance to defend yourself!\n\n[[Continue|WhoWins]]\n<<else if $P1Val is $BustOver>>\n<<silently>> <<set $P1Loot += (($P1Bet*$Payout)+$P1Bet)>><<endsilently>>\nCritical Hit! You earned <<$P1Bet*$Payout+$P1Bet>> bonus loot.\n\n[[Continue|WhoWins]]\n<<else>>\n[[Hit|P1Hit]]\n[[Stay|DealerTurn]]\n<<if $P1Life >= (2*$P1Bet)>>\n[[Double Down|P1Hit][$P1DD = "yes"]]\n<<silently>><<set $TempCard to $P1C1>>\n<<Pips>>\n<<set $TempPips to $TPips>>\n<<set $TempCard to $P1C2>>\n<<Pips>>\n<<set $TempPips2 to $TPips>><<endsilently>><<if $TempPips is $TempPips2>>[[Split|SplitHandler1][$SplitEm = "yes"]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<if $E1Val <= $E1HitOn>>\n<<if $E1C2 is 0>>\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $E1C2 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$E1Val += $TVal>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $E1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $E1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $E1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $E1Val to $TVal>><<set $E1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $E1C3 is 0>>\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $E1C3 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$E1Val += $TVal>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $E1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $E1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $E1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $E1Val to $TVal>><<set $E1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $E1C4 is 0>>\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $E1C4 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$E1Val += $TVal>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $E1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $E1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $E1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $E1Val to $TVal>><<set $E1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $E1C5 is 0>>\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $E1C5 to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$E1Val += $TVal>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $E1Val>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $E1AceCount>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $E1Bust to $TBust>>\n<<set $E1Val to $TVal>><<set $E1AceCount to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else>>\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<$DealerName>> plays and shows: <<$E1C1>>, <<$E1C2>><<if $E1C3 neq 0>>, <<$E1C3>><<endif>><<if $E1C4 neq 0>>, <<$E1C4>><<endif>><<if $E1C5 neq 0>>, <<$E1C5>><<endif>>\n<<$DealerName>>'s at: <<$E1Val>><<silently>>\n\n\n\n\n<<endsilently>>\n\nYou show: <<$P1C1>>, <<$P1C2>><<if $P1C3 neq 0>>, <<$P1C3>><<endif>><<if $P1C4 neq 0>>, <<$P1C4>><<endif>><<if $P1C5 neq 0>>, <<$P1C5>><<endif>>\nYou are at: <<$P1Val>>\n\n<<if $P1C1s neq 0>>Your second hand shows: <<$P1C1s>><<if $P1C2s neq 0>>, <<$P1C2s>>, <<endif>><<$P1C3s>><<if $P1C4s neq 0>>, <<$P1C4s>><<endif>><<if $P1C5s neq 0>>, <<$P1C5s>><<endif>>\nIt is at: <<$P1Vals>><<endif>>\n\n<<if $E1Val is $BustOver and $E1C3 is 0>>\n\n<<$DealerName>> strikes a critical hit!\n\n[[Continue|WhoWins]]\n\n<<else if ($P1Bust is "yes" and $P1C1s is 0) or ($P1Bust is "yes" and $P1Busts is "yes")>>\n\n<<$DealerName>> [[strikes while you're vulnerable!|WhoWins]]\n<<else if $E1Bust neq "yes" and $E1Val <= $E1HitOn and $E1C5 is 0>>\n<<$DealerName>> plays...\n\n[[Continue|DealerTurn]]\n<<else if $E1Bust is "yes">>\n<<$DealerName>> busted!\n\n[[Continue|WhoWins]]\n<<else if $E1Val > $E1HitOn>>\n<<$DealerName>> stays.\n\n[[Continue|WhoWins]]\n<<else>>\n<<$DealerName>> stays... How did you get here?\n\n[[Continue|WhoWins]]\n<<endif>>
<<silently>><<set $P1Life = 20>>\n<<set $P1Loot = 0>><<endsilently>>\n<<if $Highscore > 0>>\nWelcome back to Dungeon Blackjack!\n\n<<if $DungeonWin neq "yes">>\nOn your last run you were slain by <<$SlainBy>> with <<$Highscore>> loot.\n\nCare to give it another shot?\n[[Easy|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 15]]\n[[Normal|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 30]]\n[[Hard|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 60]]\n<<else>>\nOn your last victory run you retrieved the Amulet with <<$Highscore>> loot on <<$Difficulty>> difficulty. You've escaped <<$TotWins>> times.\n\nCare for another run?\n[[Easy|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 15]]\n[[Normal|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 30]]\n[[Hard|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 60]]\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\nWelcome to Dungeon Blackjack...\n\nSelect a dungeon:\n\n[[Easy|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 15]]\n[[Normal|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 30]]\n[[Hard|Shuffle][$GoalDepth = 60]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $P1C1s is 0>>\n<<if ($P1Val > $E1Val and $P1Bust neq "yes") or ($P1C5 neq 0 and $P1Bust neq "yes") or ($P1Bust neq "yes" and $E1Bust is "yes")>>\nYou defeated <<$DealerName>>!\n\nYou earned <<$P1Bet*$Payout>> loot!<<silently>><<$P1Loot += ($P1Bet*$Payout)>><<set $Victory = "yes">><<endsilently>>\n\n[[Continue|Shuffle]]\n<<else if $P1Val is $E1Val>>\nPush!\n<<silently>><<set $Victory = "no">><<endsilently>>\n[[Continue|Shuffle]]\n<<else>>\n<<$DealerName>> won!\n\nYou are at <<$P1Life -= $P1Bet>> life.\nYou have <<$P1Loot>> loot so far.\n<<if $P1Life > 0>>\n<<silently>><<set $Victory = "no">><<endsilently>>\n[[Continue|Shuffle]]\n\n<<else>>\n<<silently>>\n\n<<if $P1Loot > $HighScore>>\n\n<<remember $Highscore = $P1Loot>>\n<<remember $SlainBy = $DealerName>>\n\n<<endif>><<endsilently>>\nGame Over\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<else>>\n<<if ($P1Val > $E1Val and $P1Bust neq "yes") or ($P1C5 neq 0 and $P1Bust neq "yes") or ($P1Bust neq "yes" and $E1Bust is "yes")>>\nYour first hand defeated <<$DealerName>>!\nYou earned <<$P1Bet*$Payout>> loot!<<silently>><<$P1Loot += ($P1Bet*$Payout)>><<set $Victory = "yes">><<endsilently>> <<else>> <<$DealerName>> beat your first hand!\nYou are at <<$P1Life -= $P1Bet>> life.\n<<endif>>\n<<if ($P1Vals > $E1Val and $P1Busts neq "yes") or ($P1C5s neq 0 and $P1Busts neq "yes") or ($P1Busts neq "yes" and $E1Bust is "yes")>>\nYour second hand defeated <<$DealerName>>!\nYou earned <<$P1Bet*$Payout>> loot!<<silently>><<$P1Loot += ($P1Bet*$Payout)>><<set $Victory = "yes">><<endsilently>>\n<<else>>\n<<$DealerName>> beat your second hand!\nYou are at <<$P1Life -= $P1Bet>> life.\n<<endif>>\n<<if $Victory is "yes">>\nYou have <<$P1Loot>> loot so far.\n\n[[Continue|Shuffle]]\n<<else if $P1Val is $E1Val and $P1Vals is $E1Val>>\nDouble Push!\n<<silently>><<set $Victory = "no">><<endsilently>>\n[[Continue|Shuffle]]\n<<else if $Victory neq "yes">>\n<<$DealerName>> won!\nYou have <<$P1Loot>> loot so far.\n<<if $P1Life > 0>>\n\n[[Continue|Shuffle]]\n<<else>>\n<<silently>>\n<<if $P1Loot > $HighScore>>\n<<remember $Highscore = $P1Loot>>\n<<remember $SlainBy = $DealerName>>\n<<endif>><<endsilently>>\nGame Over\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n
<<$DealerName>> shows: <<$E1C1>>\n<<$DealerName>>'s at: <<$E1Val>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<if $P1C2s is 0>>\n\n<<CreateCard>> Deals the second card for the first hand\n<<set $P1C2s to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Vals += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCounts += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $P1C3s is 0>> P1 Getting 3rd Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C3s to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Vals += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCounts += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Vals>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCounts>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Busts to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Vals to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCounts to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $P1C4s is 0 and $P1DD neq "yes">> P1 Getting 4th Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C4s to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Vals += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCounts += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Vals>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCounts>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Busts to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Vals to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCounts to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else if $P1C5s is 0>> P1 Getting 5th Card\n\n<<CreateCard>>\n<<set $P1C5s to $TempCard>>\n<<ValCalc>>\n<<$P1Vals += $TVal>>\n<<$P1AceCounts += $TAceCount>>\n\n<<set $TVal to $P1Vals>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCounts>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Busts to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Vals to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCounts to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $TVal to $P1Vals>>\n<<set $TAceCount to $P1AceCounts>>\n<<CheckBust>>\n<<set $P1Busts to $TBust>>\n<<set $P1Vals to $TVal>>\n<<set $P1AceCounts to $TAceCount>>\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endsilently>>\nYou show: <<$P1C1>>, <<$P1C2>><<if $P1C3 neq 0>>, <<$P1C3>><<endif>><<if $P1C4 neq 0>>, <<$P1C4>><<endif>><<if $P1C5 neq 0>>, <<$P1C5>><<endif>>\nYou are at: <<$P1Val>>\n\nYour second hand shows: <<$P1C1s>><<if $P1C2s neq 0>>, <<$P1C2s>><<endif>><<if $P1C3s neq 0>>, <<$P1C3s>><<endif>><<if $P1C4s neq 0>>, <<$P1C4s>><<endif>><<if $P1C5s neq 0>>, <<$P1C5s>><<endif>>\nIt is at: <<$P1Vals>>\n\nYou are aiming for <<$BustOver>> for a payout of <<$Payout*$P1Bet>> on your second hand.\n\n<<if $P1Busts neq "yes" and $P1C5s neq 0>>\nNice! A five card trick. You win!\n[[Continue|DealerTurn]]\n<<else if $P1Vals is $BustOver>>\nNice! On the money.\n\n[[Continue|DealerTurn]]\n<<else if $P1Busts neq "yes">>\n[[Hit|SplitHandler2]]\n[[Stay|DealerTurn]]\n<<else>>\nYou busted!\n[[Continue|DealerTurn]]\n<<endif>>
<<$DealerName>> attacks!\n\nYou are at <<$P1Life>> life and have <<$P1Loot>> loot.\n<<if $P1Life >= ($MinAnte)>>How much are you willing to risk?\n\n[[<<$MinAnte>> life|InitialDeal][$P1Bet = $MinAnte]]<<if $P1Life >= ($MinAnte + 1)>>\n[[<<$MinAnte + 1>> life|InitialDeal][$P1Bet = ($MinAnte + 1)]]<<endif>><<if $P1Life >= ($MinAnte + 2)>>\n[[<<$MinAnte + 2>> life|InitialDeal][$P1Bet = ($MinAnte + 2)]]<<endif>><<if $P1Life >= ($MinAnte + 3)>>\n[[<<$MinAnte + 3>> life|InitialDeal][$P1Bet = ($MinAnte + 3)]]<<endif>><<endif>><<if $P1Life < $MinAnte>>\n<<$DealerName>> is closing in for the kill!\n\n[[It's all or nothing|InitialDeal][$P1Bet = $P1Life]]\n<<endif>>
Dungeon Blackjack
<<silently>>\n\n<<set $DealerName = either("Adventurer's Ghost","Skeletal Guard", "Two and a Half Zombies", "Wight Knight","Ghoul's Nest","Cinderbones","Bloodbound Thrall","Poltergeist","Necromancer","Revenant Drake","The Vampiress","The Lich","The Reaper","Aberrant Vermin","Classic Cult","Plague Whisperer","Tentacle Fiend","Shrieking Ooze","Furious Zealot","Drifting Watcher","Displacer Hounds","Faceless One","The Chimeric Dragon","The Fae","The Summoner","The Avatar of Regret","Goblin Sapper","An Orc and a Half","Goblin Berzerker","Ratskull Shaman","Ogre Taskmaster","Cave Troll","Warg Riders","Horde Caller","Gluttonous Ettin","The Wyrm Unleashed","The Warchief","The Champion","The Horde","Kobold Trapsmith","Dead Fall","Poison Darts","Pendulum Blades","Cursed Ring","Unlabeled Potion","Magic Lock","Boulder Tunnel","Mimic","The Dragon's Hoard","The Chronophage","The Rust Golem","The Sphinx","Fallen Angel","Demon Ascendant","GabeN")>>\n\n<<if $DealerName is "Adventurer's Ghost">>\n<<set $BustOver = 19>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 15>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 0>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n<<set $DealerPic = 0>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Skeletal Guard">>\n<<set $BustOver = 20>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 18>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Two and a Half Zombies">>\n<<set $BustOver = 22>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 14>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Wight Knight">>\n<<set $BustOver = 23>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 17>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Ghoul's Nest">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Cinderbones">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Bloodbound Thrall">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Poltergeist">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Necromancer">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Revenant Drake">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Vampiress">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Lich">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Reaper">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 4>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Aberrant Vermin">>\n<<set $BustOver = 19>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 14>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Classic Cult">>\n<<set $BustOver = 20>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 15>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Plague Whisperer">>\n<<set $BustOver = 22>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 17>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Tentacle Fiend">>\n<<set $BustOver = 23>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 18>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 0>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Shrieking Ooze">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Furious Zealot">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Drifting Watcher">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Displacer Hounds">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Faceless One">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Chimeric Dragon">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Fae">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Summoner">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Avatar of Regret">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 4>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Goblin Sapper">>\n<<set $BustOver = 19>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 18>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "An Orc and a Half">>\n<<set $BustOver = 20>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 17>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Goblin Berzerker">>\n<<set $BustOver = 22>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 0>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Ratskull Shaman">>\n<<set $BustOver = 23>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 14>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Ogre Taskmaster">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Cave Troll">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Warg Riders">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Horde Caller">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Gluttonous Ettin">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Wyrm Unleashed">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Warchief">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Champion">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Horde">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 4>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Kobold Trapsmith">>\n<<set $BustOver = 19>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 17>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Dead Fall">>\n<<set $BustOver = 20>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 14>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 0>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Poison Darts">>\n<<set $BustOver = 22>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 18>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Pendulum Blades">>\n<<set $BustOver = 23>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 15>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 1>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Cursed Ring">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Unlabeled Potion">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Magic Lock">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Boulder Tunnel">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 2>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Mimic">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Dragon's Hoard">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Chronophage">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Rust Golem">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 3>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "The Sphinx">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 3>>\n<<set $Payout = 4>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Fallen Angel">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 4>>\n<<set $Payout = 4>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "Demon Ascendant">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 4>>\n<<set $Payout = 4>>\n\n<<else if $DealerName is "GabeN">>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 4>>\n<<set $Payout = 4>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<set $BustOver = 21>>\n<<set $E1HitOn = 16>>\n<<set $MinAnte = 0>>\n<<set $Payout = 2>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>