@@font-size:2.5em;Breaking the spine, snapping it in half, is her way of digging in deep, allowing herself to be engulfed by the story. She scrawls her name on the inside of the front cover, and the year she read it. Ownership. This broken book, with its ink smudged and written over, with its spine so broken you cannot even read the title of the book anymore, let alone the author's name, with pages folded enough times [[they have become severed]], detached with a surgeon's precision.@@
@@font-size:2.5em;That should be all you need to know about her, but you don't know how to read her yet.@@ @@font-size:2em;Lit from the outside by external lights, and she won't let you take off her sweater because of the bloodied crescent moons and ragged lines that dot her back, like a plea for help in Morse code, [[etched by her unpainted, unmanicured nails]].@@
@@font-size:2.5em;Afterwards, she replaces the book on her shelf. She'll stare fondly at it, seeing the lines on the spine, and smile to herself, [[before moving on to the next - and undamaged - book|Credits]].@@
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@@font-size:2.5em;Promises of adventure and excitement lay behind her red lips, stretched across sharpened teeth as she throws her head back, letting her laugh escape from her throat like a volcano erupting. [[So unlike you]], slightly drunk, her eyes watery as they wander the bar, sparkling as flecks of light illuminate them.@@
@@font-size:2.5em;[[She opens only gently]], at first revealing just bits and pieces of information.@@
@@font-size:4em;//Made for <a href="http://dmg.to">DMG Toronto's</a> Ad Hoctober jam.//@@\n\n@@font-size:3em;//Special jam instructions: Your game is definitely not a game.//@@\n\nFor more games from Kaitlin Tremblay, check out <a href="http://thatmonster.wordpress.com/other-media">That Monster.</a>\n
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@@font-size:2.5em;She has a theory about books. She loves destroyed books. Books with broken spines, and dog-eared pages and annotated inscriptions, phone numbers, train times, ticket reservation numbers, a joke she overheard on the tv.@@ @@font-size:4em;“A well-read book is a well-loved book,”@@ @@font-size:2.5em;she would say, explaining that she can tell which book she loved by the amount of wear and tear it sustained. [[A book with pages falling out, taped back to the spine with scotch tape, for example, shows she loved it with an unrivaled passion.]]@@
@@font-size:2.5em;A secret here, about having being bullied as a kid, or a nod to an assault or harassment here and there, said in a way that you can't be sure if she's joking, insinuating, being dramatic, or merely testing the waters,@@ @@font-size:3em;[[a tentative toe]] to make sure the water is warm enough to not immediately freeze.@@
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Untitled Story