{(set:$charactername to (either:"Uchiyama", "Sakai", "Yogi", "Miyata", "Tanimoto", "Goya", "Tanimoto", "Sakai", "Miyahira", "Umemoto", "Otsuka", "Murayama", "Nagano", "Okano", "Takara", "Nao", "Momo", "Nayoko", "Mutsoko", "Mura", "Shigé", "Tajima", "Kawahara", "Yamaoka", "Toyama", "Mita", "Endo", "Matsuura", "Suzuë", "Miki", "Miné", "Theudelinde", "Lori", "Jane", "Helen", "Madelgarda ", "Goodsong", "Marcatrude", "Salvia", "Ingeltrude", "Leubast", "Danielle", "Allison", "Bertha", "Heather", "Jah", "Prax", "Knep", "Sez", "Zaad", "Susan", "Damaris", "Chloe", "Mara", "Rachel", "Vera", "Winifred", "Mrs Raisins", "Mughec", "Wrienuc", "Wrox", "Farah", "Myfanwy", "Alex", "Elvia", "Lorda", "Zandra", "Da-Xia", "Changchang", "Fang", "Cuifen", "Ming-Huá", "Liu", "Ling", "Seo-yeon", "Ji-woo", "Mi-kyung","Kyung-ok", "Hilda", "Jack"))}<strong>$charactername - Baseline Personplasm</strong> {(set: $temp to (random:-1,1)) (set: $hexadj1 to "wtf") (set: $hexadj2 to "wtaf") (set: $agility to (random:-1,1)+$temp) (set: $maxagility to $agility+2) (set: $speed to ($agility)) (set: $perception to (random:-1,2)-$temp) (set: $charisma to ($perception)) (set: $strength to (random:-2,2)) (set: $arcana to (2-$strength)) (set: $HP to (23-($perception+$agility))) (set: $CV to (random:5,25)) (set: $AP to (135-($CV+$perception+$agility))) (set: $level to 1) (set: $weapon to (either: "flail", "staff", "sabre", "mace", "daggers","spear")) (set: $maxdamage to 8) (set:$bughex to (random:1,4)) (set:$lighthex to (random:0,2)) (set:$firehex to (random:0,1)) (set:$greenhex to (random:0,1)) (set:$waxhex to (random:0,1)) (set:$earthhex to (random:0,1)) (set:$windhex to (random:0,1)) (set:$waterhex to 0) (set:$timehex to 0) (set:$trickhex to 0) (set: $skills to (array:)) (if:$charactername is "Mrs Raisins")[(set:$HP to $HP+10)]} Agility: (print: $agility) Speed: (print: $speed) Perception: (print: $perception) Charisma: (print: $charisma) Strength: (print: $strength) Arcana: (print: $arcana) Hit Points: (print: $HP) [[Reroll|Hello]] <strong>Species</strong> Normborn (locked) (link:"Santaborn")[(set: $charisma to ($charisma-1))(set: $strength to ($strength+1))(set: $HP to ($HP+3)) (set:$species to "Santaborn")(goto: "Choose Class Fragment")] (-1 Charisma, +1 Strength, +3 HP) (link:"Puppetborn")[(set: $HP to ($HP-2))(set: $charisma to ($charisma+1)) (set:$agility to ($agility+1)) (set:$species to "Puppetborn")(goto: "Choose Class Fragment")] (-2 HP, +1 Charisma, Agility rampup) (link:"Snailborn")[(set: $speed to ($speed-1))(set: $strength to ($strength+1)) (set: $perception to ($perception+2))) (set:$species to "Snailborn")(goto: "Choose Class Fragment")] (-1 Speed, +1 Strength, +2 Perception) (link:"Wound Dwarf")[(set: $arcana to ($arcana-1))(set: $agility to ($agility+1)) (set: $perception to ($perception+1))) (set:$species to "Wound Dwarf")(goto: "Choose Class Fragment")] (-1 Arcana, +1 Agility, +1 Perception) (link:"Nestmech")[(set: $perception to ($perception-1))(set: $strength to ($strength+1)) (set: $HP to ($HP+3))) (set:$species to "Nestmech")(goto: "Choose Class Fragment")] (-1 Perception, +1 Strength, +3 Hit Points) This is just a device to teach myself Twine. Lots of it might not work yet. If you spot glitches, I'd love to hear about them!You are a (print: $species). Agility: (print: $agility) Speed: (print: $speed) Perception: (print: $perception) Charisma: (print: $charisma) Strength: (print: $strength) Arcana: (print: $arcana) Hit Points: (print: $HP) <strong>Class Fragment</strong> (link:"Ecocritic")[(set: $strength to ($strength-1))(set: $arcana to ($arcana+1))(set:$class to "Ecocritic")(set:$skills.push("Earth Hexchanics","Wind Hexchanics","Fire Hexchanics"))(set:$bughex to $bughex+2)(goto: "Choose Temperament")] (-1 strength, +1 arcana) (link:"Chandler")[(set: $perception to ($perception+1))(set: $strength to ($strength-1))(set:$class to "Chandler")(set:$skills.push("Fire Hexchanics"))(set:$firehex to $firehex+1)(set:$weapon to "candlesnuffer")(set:$maxdamage to 4)(goto: "Choose Temperament")] (-1 strength, +1 perception) (link:"King of Light")[(set: $perception to ($perception+1))(set: $arcana to ($arcana-1)))(set:$class to "King of Light")(set:$skills.push("Lux Hexchanics"))(goto: "Choose Temperament")] (-1 arcana, +1 perception) (link:"Ronin")[(set: $arcana to ($arcana-1))(set: $strength to ($strength+1))) (set:$class to "Ronin")(set:$weapon to "katana")(set:$maxdamage to 12)(set:$AP to 4)(goto: "Choose Temperament")] (-1 arcana, +1 strength) (link:"Mirrorraveller")[(set: $HP to ($HP-4))(set: $charisma to ($charisma+1)))(set:$skills.push("Lux Hexchanics"))(set:$class to "Mirrorraveller")(goto: "Choose Temperament")] (-4 HP, +1 charisma)You are a (print: $species) (print: $class). Agility: (print: $agility) Speed: (print: $speed) Perception: (print: $perception) Charisma: (print: $charisma) Strength: (print: $strength) Arcana: (print: $arcana) Hit Points: (print: $HP) <strong>Temperament</strong> (link:"Berserker")[(set: $charisma to ($charisma-1))(set: $strength to ($strength+2))(set:$temperament to "radge")(goto: "Get Started")] (-1 Charisma, +2 Strength) (link:"Scholar")[(set: $arcana to ($arcana+2))(set: $perception to ($perception+1))(set: $strength to ($strength-1)) (set: $agility to ($agility-1))) (set:$temperament to "geeky")(goto: "Get Started")] (-1 Agility, -1 Strength, +2 Arcana, +1 Perception) (link:"Athlete")[(set: $strength to ($strength+1))(set: $speed to ($speed+1))(set: $arcana to ($arcana-1))) (set:$temperament to "a jock")(goto: "Get Started")] (-1 Arcana, +1 Speed, +1 Strength) (link:"Entrepreneur")[(set: $charisma to ($charisma+2))(set: $perception to ($perception-1)))(set: $AP to ($AP+100))) (set:$temperament to "a trustafarian")(goto: "Get Started")] (-1 Perception, +2 Charisma, +100 Auragentum) (link:"Clown")[(set: $arcana to ($arcana-1))(set: $agility to ($agility+1))(set: $charisma to ($charisma+1))) (set:$temperament to "a joker")(goto: "Get Started")] (-1 Arcana, +1 Agility, +1 Charisma) {(set:$maxHP to $HP) (set:$relagility to $agility) (set:$description to $temperament) (if: ($charisma)>4)[(set:$description to "just lovely") (set:$weapon to "staff")](else:)[] (if: ($strength+$speed+$agility)>8)[(set:$description to "a jock")](else:)[] (if: ($perception)>4)[(set:$description to "shrewd")](else:)[] (if: ($perception)+($speed)+($agility)>8)[(set:$description to "a bit of a ninja") (set:$weapon to "sword")](else:)[] (if: ($arcana)>4)[(set:$description to "a scary wizard") (set:$weapon to "staff")](else:)[] (if: ($arcana)>3)[(if:($class) is "Ecocritic")[(set:$weapon to "shillelagh")(set:$maxdamage to 10)(set:$description to "a scary druid")](else:)[]](else:)[] (set:$CV to (random:10,30)) }You are $charactername, a (print: $species) (print: $class). Agility: $agility Speed: $speed Perception: $perception Charisma: $charisma Strength: $strength Arcana: $arcana Hit Points: $HP / (print: $maxHP) Auragentum: $AP CV Points: $CV Level: 1 Your friends think of you as $description. You seldom leave your lodgings without your $weapon. Your max damage, with strength modifier, is (print:($maxdamage+$strength)). [[Skycrawl Alpha Test|Practice]]{(if:$AP<0)[(set:$AP to $AP+($AP/10))] (set:$AP to (round:$AP))}Agility: (print: $agility) Speed: (print: $speed) Perception: (print: $perception) Charisma: (print: $charisma) Strength: (print: $strength) Arcana: (print: $arcana) Hit Points: (print: $HP) / (print: $maxHP) Auragentum: (print: $AP) CV Points: (print: $CV) Level: (print: $level) {(if:$level>9)[(goto:"You win")] (set:$damagedebt to 0) (set:$tookdamage to 0) (set:$enemyCV to 0) (set:$whoseturn to $speed+5) (set:$relspeed to $speed)}Fight (link:"DPS")[(set:$enemyHP to (random:5,20))(set:$enemydamage to (random:10,20)+$level)(set:$enemyname to "a DPS")(set:$relspeed to $speed-1)(goto:"Setup Bout")] Fight (link:"Tank")[(set:$enemyHP to (random:18,30)+(2*$level))(set:$enemydamage to (random:5,14))(set:$enemyname to "a tank")(goto:"Setup Bout")] Fight (link:"Healer")[(set:$enemyHP to (random:5,23))(set:$enemydamage to (random:5,10))(set:$enemyname to "a healer")(goto:"Setup Bout")] Fight (link:"Fragile Speedster")[(set:$enemyHP to (random:$level,15))(set:$enemydamage to (random:5,15)+(2*$level))(set:$enemyname to "a fragile speedster")(set:$relspeed to ($relspeed/2)-5)(goto:"Setup Bout")] (if:$AP>14)[(link:"Cotch:")[(set:$AP to $AP-15)(set:$HP to $maxHP)(goto:"Practice")] 15](else:)[No room at the inn :/] [[Go Shopping|Store]] (if:$CV>124+($level*35))[[[Level Up|Level Up]]](else:)[Level Up: (Print:(125+$level*35)) CV points] [[Full Stats|Skills Audit]]{(set:$temp to 0) (if:$enemyname is "a healer")[(set:$enemyHP to $enemyHP+(random:0,2))] (if:((random:1,20)+$relspeed+$whoseturn)<13)[(if:$enemyHP>0)[(goto:"Enemy Turn")]](else:)[(set:$whoseturn to -5)(if:$damagedebt>0)[You hit! You deal $damagedebt damage! (set:$temp to 1)](if:$damagedebt<0)[(print:"You miss!") (set:$damagedebt to 0) (set:$temp to 1)] (if:$damagedebt>0)[(set:$enemyHP to $enemyHP-$damagedebt) (set:$damagedebt to 0) (set:$temp to 1)] (if:$tookdamage>0)[(print:$readout) (set:$temp to 1)] (if:$tookdamage>0)[You take $tookdamage damage! (set:$HP to $HP-$tookdamage) (set:$tookdamage to 0) (set:$temp to 1)] (if:$tookdamage<0)[You dodge! (set:$tookdamage to 0) (set:$temp to 1)]] (if:$temp is 0)[Not much courtesy, not much subtley.]} You face $enemyname. (if:(random:1,20)+($perception)>10)[You think they have about $enemyHP HP, and can do about $enemydamage damage per attack. (if:($arcana+$perception)>6)[(if:not ($enemyvulnerabilities contains "time"))[(if:not ($enemyvulnerabilities contains "trick"))[They look vulnerable to $enemyvulnerabilities hexes.]]]] { (if:$enemyHP<1)[(set:$readout to "You slay your foe!")(goto:"Win Fight")] (if:$HP<1)[(goto:"Lose Fight")] } Your Hit Points: (print: $HP) / (print: $maxHP) Your Dodge Bonus: $relagility Your Strike Twice Bonus: $relspeed Your Base Damage: 1-$maxdamage Your Damage Bonus: $strength [[Strike with your $weapon|Strike]] (if:$bughex+$lighthex+$firehex+$greenhex+$waxhex+$earthhex+$windhex+$waterhex+$timehex+$trickhex>1)[[[Hex|Hex]] ]{ }[[Flee]] (if:$AP+($charisma*2)>(20*$level))[[[Bribe|Surrender]] ]{ } Your Auragentum: $AP Your CV Points: $CV (if:$skills contains "Rage")[(if:$CV>29)[[[Rage|Go berserk]]](else:)[Unavailable] (link:"[?]")[- requires 30 CV points.] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Selfheal Quickhex")[(if:$CV>19 and $AP+$arcana>19)[[[Selfheal Quickhex|Heal hex]]](else:)[Unavailable] (link:"[?]")[- requires 20 CV points and (print:(20-$arcana)) auragentum coins.] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Swiften Quickhex")[(if:$CV>19)[[[Swiften Quickhex|Speed boost]]](else:)[Unavailable] (link:"[?]")[- requires 20 CV points.]](set:$damagedebt to ((random:1,$maxdamage)+$strength)) (if:$damagedebt<1)[(set:$damagedebt to 1)] (goto:"Bout")$readout Foes are just the worst. But you gain $enemyCV CV points and $enemyAP Auragentum coins. (set:$CV to $CV+$enemyCV)(set:$AP to $AP+$enemyAP)(set:$temp to (random:0,$level)) (if:$temp is 4)[You catch a Jiggle Bug. (set:$bughex to $bughex+1) ]{ }(if:$temp is 5)[You find a filigree hexchanism drifting on the breeze. (set:$windhex to $windhex+1) ]{ }(if:$temp is 6)[You find a rooty little hexchanism burrowing into the ground. (set:$earthhex to $earthhex+1) ]{ }(if:$temp is 7)[You catch a pair of Jiggle Bugs. (set:$bughex to $bughex+2) ][[Next|Practice]]$readout Alas, you have perished. It's even worse than it sounds. [[Restart|Hello]]{(if:$relspeed>10)[(set:$relspeed to $relspeed-1)] (if:$species is "Puppetborn")[(if:$relagility<($agility+$level))[(set:$relagility to ($relagility+1))]] (set:$whoseturn to $whoseturn + 10) (set:$enemyAP to $enemyAP + 1 + $level) (if:$tookdamage>0)[(set:$readout to "Your foe attacks, and attacks again!")] (if:$tookdamage<1)[(set:$readout to "Your foe attacks!")] (if:$tookdamage>($maxHP-3))[(set:$tookdamage to $maxHP-5)] (if:(random:1,20)+$relagility<15)[(set:$tookdamage to $tookdamage+(random:1,($enemydamage)))] (if:$tookdamage<1)[(set:$tookdamage to -1)]} (goto:"Bout")(set:$enemyCV to $enemyHP+$enemydamage+(random:10,20)+$level) (set:$enemyAP to (random:1,25)) (set:$enemyresistances to (array:(either:"bug","light","fire","green","wax","earth","wind","water","time","trick"))) (set:$enemyvulnerabilities to (array:(either:"bug","light","fire","green","wax","earth","wind","water","time","trick"))) (set:$relagility to $agility) (if:$species is "Puppetborn")[(set:$relagility to -2)] (goto:"Bout"){(Set:$temp to (random:5,20))(Set:$relspeed to $relspeed+3)(Set:$whoseturn to 3)(Set:$CV to $CV-$temp)}You convert $temp CV points into a speed boost! [[Next|Bout]] {(Set:$temp to (random:10,30))(Set:$relspeed to $relspeed+3)(Set:$whoseturn to -3)(Set:$CV to $CV-$temp)}You burn $temp CV points into berserker rage! (set:$temp to 0) (if:$relspeed>3)[(set:$damagedebt to ((random:6,$maxdamage)+$strength))(set: $enemyHP to $enemyHP-$damagedebt)You deal $damagedebt damage!] Hrrrrraaargh! (if:(either:1,2) is 1)[(set:$damagedebt to ((random:6,$maxdamage)+$strength))(set: $enemyHP to $enemyHP-$damagedebt)You deal $damagedebt damage!] Graaaargh! (if:(either:1,2) is 1)[(set:$tookdamage to (random:1,$enemydamage))(set: $HP to ($HP-$tookdamage))You take $tookdamage damage!] Aaargh! (if:(either:1,2) is 1)[(set:$damagedebt to ((random:6,$maxdamage)+$strength))(set: $enemyHP to $enemyHP-$damagedebt)You deal $damagedebt damage!] Hrrrugh! GRAAAARGH! (if:(either:1,2) is 1)[(set:$tookdamage to (random:1,$enemydamage))(set: $HP to $HP-$tookdamage)You take $tookdamage damage!] Graaargh! AAARGH! (if:(either:1,2) is 1)[(set:$damagedebt to ((random:6,$maxdamage)+$strength))(set: $enemyHP to $enemyHP-$damagedebt)You take $damagedebt damage!] (if:(either:1,2) is 1)[(set:$tookdamage to (random:1,$enemydamage))(set: $HP to $HP-$tookdamage)You take $tookdamage damage!] Aaargh! GRAAAARGH! (if:(either:1,2) is 1)[(set:$damagedebt to ((random:6,$maxdamage)+$strength))(set: $enemyHP to $enemyHP-$damagedebt)You take $damagedebt damage!] AAAARGH! (set:$damagedebt to 0) (set:$tookdamage to 0) (if:$HP<5)[(set:$temp to (random:2,(2+$level)))] (if:$temp>0)[(set:$HP to ($HP+$temp)) (if:$skills contains "Boiling Blood")[(set:$HP to $HP+4)]You are torn to pieces. You heal $temp HP, but will it be enough? AAARGH!] [[Next|Berserk Outcome]]{(if:$HP>0 and $enemyHP>0)[(goto:"Bout")] (if:$HP>0 and $enemyHP<1)[(set:$readout to "You have smashed them!")(goto:"Win Fight")]}You dimly realise you have slain your foe. But as your rage dwindles, so does your own life. [[Restart|Hello]]{(Set:$temp to (random:10,20))(Set:$HP to ($HP+($temp/2)+$level))(Set:$whoseturn to 1)(Set:$CV to $CV-$temp)(Set:$AP to ($AP+$arcana-$temp))}You convert $temp CV points and (print:($temp-$arcana)) auragentum coins into a healing haze! You gain (print:($temp/2)+$level) Hit Points! (if:$HP>$maxHP)[(set:$HP to $maxHP)] [[Next|Bout]](set:$CV to $CV-(125+($level*35))) (set:$level to $level+1) (if:$class is "Ecocritic")[(goto:"Ecocritic Level")] (if:$class is "Chandler")[(goto:"Chandler Level")] (if:$class is "King of Light")[(goto:"King of Light Level")] (if:$class is "Mirrorraveller")[(goto:"Mirrorraveller Level")] (if:$class is "Ronin")[(goto:"Ronin Level")]{(set:$temp to (random:1,2)) (set:$maxHP to $maxHP+$temp)(set:$HP to $HP+$temp)}Your maximum Hit Points are raised to $maxHP! Choose a new $class skill: (if:not($skills contains "Reynard's Blessing"))[(link:"Reynard's Blessing")[(set:$charisma to $charisma+1)(set:$perception to $perception+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Reynard's Blessing. Your Charisma and Perception both rise by one point. Beasts Cant becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Reynard's Blessing"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 charisma, +1 perception, unlocks option] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Reynard's Blessing")[(if:not($skills contains "Beast Cant"))[(link:"Beast Cant")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Beast Cant. Sometimes the hardest part of learning a language is realizing that there is one, and where its limits lie. After that, you picked it up pretty easily. (You now get a bonus when you try to talk yourself out of most fights).")(set:$skills.push("Beast Cant"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Foucault's Footbridge"))[(link:"Foucault's Footbridge")[(set:$perception to $perception+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Foucault's Footbridge. Your Perception rises by one point, and Corkskin becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Foucault's Footbridge"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 perception, unlocks option] ]{ }(if:($skills contains "Foucault's Footbridge"))[(if:not($skills contains "Corkskin"))[(link:"Corkskin")[(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+5)(set:$HP to $HP+5)(set:$levmes to "You choose Corkskin. Your maximum Hit Points rise by five points.")(set:$skills.push("Corkskin"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[ +5 Max HP] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Mannaphid Mutualism"))[(link:"Mannaphid Mutualism")[(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Mannaphid Mutualism. Your Arcana rises by one point. Both Vegetable Hexchanics and Beetle Use Beetle Use Beetle Use become available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Mannaphid Mutualism"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 arcana, unlocks options] ]{ }(if:($skills contains "Mannaphid Mutualism"))[(if:not($skills contains "Beetle Use Beetle Use Beetle Use"))[(link:"Beetle Use Beetle Use Beetle Use")[(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Beetle Use Beetle Use Beetle Use. You grow expert in the magic of the Jiggy Bug. Your Arcana rises by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Beetle Use Beetle Use Beetle Use"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 arcana, special effect] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Vegetable Hexchanics"))[(if:$skills contains "Mannaphid Mutualism")[(link:"Vegetable Hexchanics")[(set:$greenhex to $greenhex+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Vegetable Hexchanics. Collaborating with others in the field, you are able to produce your first clockwork bark hexchanism! You may choose to make more at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Vegetable Hexchanics"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> unlocks hexchanisms] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Selfheal Quickhex"))[(link:"Selfheal Quickhex")[(set:$levmes to "As you are drifting into wakefulness one morning, it strikes you how little your pattern of exertion and rest depend on your own sense of metabolic flux. It feels impossible to recognize your own $species body from its conflux of ecologies, or even to isolate one limb or inner organ of it, except by borrowing figures and figments from the stories those ecologies tell of themselves and of each other. Later that day - unrelated, perhaps - some previous study coalesces, and you finally master Selfheal Quickhex.")(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Selfheal Quickhex"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Aquology"))[(link:"Aquology")[(set:$levmes to "You spend some time by the canal, studying the sediments: traces of mercury, chromium, cadmium, zinc, copper, lead. Your Arcana rises by one point, and Water Hexchanics becomes available at the next level.")(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)(set:$skills.push("Aquology"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[ +1 arcana, unlocks option] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Water Hexchanics"))[(if:$skills contains "Aquology")[(link:"Water Hexchanics")[(set:$waterhex to $waterhex+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Water Hexchanics. Collaborating with others in the field, you are able to produce your first kalpis hexchanism! You may choose to make more at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Water Hexchanics"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> unlocks hexchanisms] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Ticktock Hexchanics"))[(if:$description is "radge")[(link:"Ticktock Hexchanics")[(set:$timehex to $timehex+1)(set:$perception to $perception+1)(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)(set:$agility to $agility-1)(set:$strength to $strength-1)(set:$description to "timely")(set:$levmes to "You choose Ticktock Hexchanics. Your Arcana and Perception both rise by one, but your Strength and Agility fall by one. You enter a druidic time rift and devise your first temporaltoma hexchanism! You may choose to make more at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Ticktock Hexchanics"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 arcana, +1 perception, -1 strength, -1 agility, unlocks hexchanisms] ]]{ } Or artifice new hexchanisms: (link:"Flamula")[(set:$firehex to $firehex+6+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "The secret to artificing excellent flamula hexchanisms lies in getting the first iteration of the mage-furnace just right. The whole thing takes time, but eventually you have baked a fresh batch of intricate wee nests of smoke and ember.")(goto:"Species Level")] (if:$skills contains "Vegetable Hexchanics")[(link:"Clockwork Bark")[(set:$greenhex to $greenhex+6+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "You manufacture some new hexchanisms. The corks, the phelloderm, the cortex, the phloem, the cambium and the xylum, and then the really finnicky stuff. The thing to remember about these hexchanisms is to keep winding them.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ }(link:"Nepheliad Pyxides")[(set:$windhex to $windhex+5+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "The main chassis of a nepheliad pyx is a cat's cradle of zephyrs. It is patient work. You get there in the end.")(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"Terremotive Thuribles")[(set:$earthhex to $earthhex+5+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "You enlist the tiny rhythmic jaws of your more fine-grained friends in order to artifice some extra terremotive thuribles. After what feels like ages squatting in the ditch as orgiophant to the cilia, you are the proud owner of several very special pecks of dirt.")(goto:"Species Level")] (if:$skills contains "Water Hexchanics")[(link:"Kalpis")[(set:$waterhex to $waterhex+5+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "Your kalpises are layered out of crinkled planes of tessellating hendekeractonal brookwater. They look very quenching.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Ticktock Hexchanics")[(link:"Temporaltoma")[(set:$timehex to $timehex+3+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "One of the less tangible hexchanisms. Graftings from eye flaws, a little flesh astrally harvested from the Chess-Nous forest, et cetera. Of course, the one true ingredient is the time rimed onto each step of the process.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ } [[Practice]]{(if:$HP<($maxHP/1.5))[(set:$HP to (round:($maxHP/1.5)))]} (set:$temp to 1)(print:$levmes)(if:$level is 3)[ (if:$species is "Santaborn")[Santaborn also get an extra point of strength at third level.(set:$strength to $strength+1)](if:$species is "Puppetborn")[Puppetborn also get an extra point of agility at third level.(set:$strength to $strength+1)](if:$species is "Snailborn")[Snailborn also get an extra point of strength at third level.(set:$strength to $strength+1)](if:$species is "Wound Dwarf")[Wound Dwarves also get an extra point of agility at third level.(set:$strength to $strength+1)](if:$species is "Nestmech")[Nestmechs also get an extra point of arcana at third level.(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)]]{ }(if:$level is 4)[ (if:$charisma<0)[(set:$charisma to $charisma+1)You are developing a certain rugged charm, $charactername. Charisma goes up by one.]]{ }(if:$level is 5)[ (if:$species is "Santaborn")[Santaborn also get an extra point of strength at fifth level.(set:$strength to $strength+1)](if:$species is "Puppetborn")[Puppetborn also get an extra point of agility at fifth level.(set:$strength to $strength+1)](if:$species is "Snailborn")[Snailborn an extra point of strength at fifth level.(set:$strength to $strength+1)](if:$species is "Wound Dwarf")[Wound Dwarves also get an extra point of agility at fifth level.(set:$agility to $agility+1)](if:$species is "Nestmech")[Nestmechs also get five extra maximum hit points at fifth level.(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+5)]]{ }(if:$level is 6)[ (if:$charisma<0)[(set:$charisma to $charisma+1)You're not exactly a people person, $charactername, but you're learning. Charisma goes up by one.]]{ }(if:$level is 7)[ (if:$species is "Santaborn")[Santaborn also get an extra point of arcana at seventh level.(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)](if:$species is "Puppetborn")[Puppetborn also get an extra point of arcana at seventh level.(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)](if:$species is "Snailborn")[Snailborn also get an extra point of perception at seventh level.(set:$perception to $perception+1)](if:$species is "Wound Dwarf")[Wound Dwarves also get an extra point of perception at seventh level.(set:$perception to $perception+1)](if:$species is "Nestmech")[Nestmechs also get an extra point of agility at seventh level.(set:$agility to $agility+5)]] (if:$level is 8)[(if:$species is "Snailborn")[(if:$perception>4)[(if: $class is not "Ecocritic")[(set:$temp to 0)[[Next|Druid Choice]]]]]](if:$temp is 1)[[[Continue|Practice]]]{(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+3)(set:$HP to $HP+3)}Your maximum Hit Points are raised to $maxHP! Choose a new $class skill: (if:not($skills contains "Withy and Snell"))[(link:"Withy and Snell")[(set:$agility to $agility+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Withy and Snell. Your agility rises by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Withy and Snell"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 agility] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Feet of Nerves"))[(link:"Feet of Nerves")[(set:$speed to $speed+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Feet of Nerves. Your speed rises by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Feet of Nerves"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 speed] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Warring Withdrawal"))[(link:"Warring Withdrawal")[(set:$speed to $speed+1)(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+2)(set:$HP to $HP+2)(set:$levmes to "You choose Warring Withdrawal. You grow skilled in living to fight another day. Your maximum hit points rise by a further two points, and your speed rises by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Warring Withdrawal"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 speed, +2 max HP, special effect] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Mean Mittens"))[(link:"Mean Mittens")[(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Mean Mittens. Your Strength rises by one point, and Decked becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Mean Mittens"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 strength, unlocks option] ]{ }(if:($skills contains "Mean Mittens"))[(if:not($skills contains "Decked"))[(link:"Decked")[(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Decked. Your maximum hit points rise by a further two points, and your strength rises by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Mean Mittens"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 strength, +2 HP]] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Dungeon Ranger"))[(link:"Dungeon Ranger")[(set:$perception to $perception+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Dungeon Ranger. Your perception rises by one point, and Herbalism becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Dungeon Ranger"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 perception, unlocks option] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Mirror of Princes"))[(link:"Mirror of Princes")[(set:$charisma to $charisma+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Mirror of Princes. Your charisma rises by one point, and Fast Advancement becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Mirror of Princes"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 charisma, unlocks option] ]{ }(if:($skills contains "Dungeon Ranger"))[(if:not($skills contains "Herbalism"))[(link:"Herbalism")[(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+2)(set:$HP to $HP+2)(set:$levmes to "You choose Herbalism. Your maximum Hit Points rise by another two points. Selfheal Quickhex becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Herbalism"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+2 max HP, unlocks option] ]]{ }(if:($skills contains "Herbalism"))[(if:not($skills contains "Selfheal Quickhex"))[(link:"Selfheal Quickhex")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Selfheal Quickhex.")(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Selfheal Quickhex"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Rage"))[(link:"Rage")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Rage. If you use it, you can deal out punishing damage, but you may neglect your own defence.")(set:$skills.push("Rage"))(set:$HP to $maxHP)(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Boiling Blood"))[(if:$skills contains "Rage")[(link:"Boiling Blood")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Boiling Blood. Your strength rises by one point. Your Rages are now even more out of line.")(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$skills.push("Boiling Blood"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[ +1 strength, special effect] ]]{ }(if:($skills contains "Mirror of Princes"))[(link:"Fast Advancement")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Fast Advancement. Your maximum hit points rise by one more point, and you receive some CV points back.")(set:$CV to $CV+25+($level*35))(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+1)(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[ +1 HP, CV points discount]]{ } [[Practice]]{(set:$temp to (random:1,2)) (set:$maxHP to $maxHP+$temp)(set:$HP to $HP+1)}Your maximum Hit Points are raised to $maxHP! Choose a new $class skill: (if:not($skills contains "Flickerfooted"))[(link:"Flickerfooted")[(set:$speed to $speed+1)(set:$agility to $agility+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Flickerfooted. Your speed and agility both rise by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Flickerfooted"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 speed, +1 agility] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Ossifragrant Pugilism"))[(link:"Ossifragrant Pugilism")[(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Ossifragrant Pugilism. Your strength rises by one point.")(if:$skills contains "Rage")[(set:$levmes to $levmes+" Boiling Blood becomes available at the next level.")](set:$skills.push("Ossifragrant Pugilism"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 strength, may unlock option] ]{ }(link:"Aromatherapy")[(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+1)(set:$AP to $AP+40+$charisma)(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$levmes to "You choose Aromatherapy. Your side business makes you a little extra cash. Through your experiments with rare incenses, you increase your maximum hit points by one more point. Although it may be more of a psychological hit point? Anyway, if they are not already available, Bright Spark and Armortherapy become available at the next level. You may choose this option any time you go up a level.")(set:$skills.push("Aromatherapy"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 max HP, +(print:$charisma+40) auragentum, may unlock options] { }(if:$skills contains "Aromatherapy")[(if:not($skills contains "Bright Spark"))[(link:"Bright Spark")[(set:$perception to $perception+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Bright Spark. Your perception rises by one. Enlightenment becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Bright Spark"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[ +1 perception, unlocks option] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Aromatherapy")[(if:not($skills contains "Armortherapy"))[(link:"Armortherapy")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Armortherapy. Your maximum hit points rise by four points.")(set:$skills.push("Armortherapy"))(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+4)(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+4 max HP] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Bright Spark")[(if:not($skills contains "Enlightenment"))[(link:"Enlightenment")[(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Enlightenment. Your arcana rises by one. You unlock new options at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Enlightenment"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[ +1 arcana] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Enlightenment")[(if:not($skills contains "Selfheal Quickhex"))[(link:"Selfheal Quickhex")[(set:$levmes to "You find a form of flame whose lambency never harms, but like a licking pet heals the flesh. You have mastered Selfheal Quickhex.")(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Selfheal Quickhex"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Bright Spark")[(if:not($skills contains "Swiften Quickhex"))[(link:"Swiften Quickhex")[(set:$levmes to "You learn the lore that will let you become like a lambent flame on the wick of your spine. You have mastered Swiften Quickhex.")(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Swiften Quickhex"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Lux Hexchanics")[(if:not($skills contains "Wax Hexchanics"))[(link:"Wax Hexchanics")[(set:$levmes to "You artifice your first clockwork waxwork hexchanic! You can make more at the next level.")(set:$waxhex to $waxhex+1)(set:$skills.push("Wax Hexchanics"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> unlocks hexchanism] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Enlightenment")[(if:not($skills contains "Lux Hexchanics"))[(link:"Lux Hexchanics")[(set:$levmes to "You artifice your first sidereal ampulla hexchanic! You can make more at the next level.")(set:$lighthex to $lighthex+1)(set:$skills.push("Lux Hexchanics"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> unlocks hexchanism] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Rage"))[(if:$description is "radge")[(link:"Rage")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Rage. If you use it, you can deal out punishing damage, but you may neglect your own defence.")(if:$skills contains "Ossifragrant Pugilism")[(set:$levmes to $levmes+" Boiling Blood becomes available at the next level.")](set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Rage"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect, may unlock option] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Jack Be Nimble"))[(if:not$description is "radge")[(link:"Jack Be Nimble")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Jack Be Nimble. Your agility rises by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Jack Be Nimble"))(set:$agility to $agility+1)(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 agility] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Boiling Blood"))[(if:$skills contains "Ossifragrant Pugilism")[(if:$skills contains "Rage")[(link:"Boiling Blood")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Boiling Blood. Your strength rises by one. Your Rages are now more powerful.")(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$skills.push("Boiling Blood"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[ +1 strength, special effect] ]]]{ } Or artifice new hexchanisms: (link:"Flamula")[(set:$firehex to $firehex+5+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "Flamula hexchanisms are always a friend to the wandering chandler. You cook up a fresh batch.")(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"Nepheliad Pyxides")[(set:$windhex to $windhex+5+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "The main chassis of a nepheliad pyx is a conflux of snuffing breezes. The work is pleasant but long. You get there in the end.")(goto:"Species Level")] (if:$skills contains "Wax Hexchanics")[(link:"Clockwork Waxwork")[(set:$waxhex to $waxhex+4+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "Each starts as a witchknot of wicks and snastes. By applying your secret chandlers arts, you produce several new hexchanisms.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Lux Hexchanics")[(link:"Sidereal Ampulla")[(set:$lighthex to $lighthex+2+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "It is a clear, starry night, so you artifice some new hexchanisms.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ } [[Practice]]{(set:$temp to (random:1,3)) (set:$maxHP to $maxHP+$temp)(set:$HP to $HP+1)}Your maximum hit points are raised to $maxHP! Choose a new $class skill: (if:not($skills contains "Flickerfooted"))[(link:"Flickerfooted")[(set:$speed to $speed+1)(set:$agility to $agility+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Flickerfooted. Your speed and agility both rise by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Flickerfooted"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 speed, +1 agility] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Lifting Light"))[(link:"Lifting Light")[(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+4)(set:$levmes to "You choose Lifting Light. Your maximum hit points rise by another four points, and your strength rises by one.")(set:$skills.push("Lifting Light"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 strength, +4 max HP] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Mean Mittens"))[(link:"Mean Mittens")[(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Mean Mittens. Your strength rises by one point, and Decked becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Mean Mittens"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 strength, unlocks option] ]{ }(if:($skills contains "Mean Mittens"))[(if:not($skills contains "Decked"))[(link:"Decked")[(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+2)(set:$levmes to "You choose Decked. Your maximum hit points rise by another two points, and your strength rises by one.")(set:$skills.push("Decked"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 strength, +2 HP] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Rage"))[(link:"Rage")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Rage. If you use it, you can deal out punishing damage, but you may neglect your own defence.")(set:$skills.push("Rage"))(set:$HP to $maxHP)(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> special effect] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Bright Spark"))[(link:"Bright Spark")[(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$levmes to "You choose Bright Spark. Enlightenment becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Bright Spark"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> unlocks option] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Enlightenment"))[(if:($skills contains "Bright Spark"))[(link:"Enlightenment")[(set:$arcana to $arcana+2)(set:$levmes to "You choose Enlightenment. Your arcana rises by two points, and Fire Hexchanics becomes available at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Enlightenment"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+2 arcana, unlocks option] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Fire Hexchanics"))[(if:($skills contains "Enlightenment"))[(link:"Fire Hexchanics")[(set:$firehex to $firehex+1)(set:$levmes to "You devise your very first flamula hexchanic. You will be able to make more at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Fire Hexchanics"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[> unlocks hexchanic] ]]{ } (if:($arcana>-3))[Or artifice new hexchanisms: (if:($skills contains "Fire Hexchanics"))[(link:"Flamula")[(set:$firehex to $firehex+4+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "Flamula hexchanisms are always a friend to the wandering chandler. You cook up a fresh batch.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ }(link:"Sidereal Ampulla")[(set:$lighthex to $lighthex+4+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "It is a clear, starry night, so you artifice some new hexchanisms.")(goto:"Species Level")]] [[Practice]]{(set:$temp to (random:1,3)) (set:$maxHP to $maxHP+$temp)(set:$HP to $HP+1)}Your maximum Hit Points are raised to $maxHP! Choose a new $class skill: (if:not($skills contains "Flickerfooted"))[(link:"Flickerfooted")[(set:$speed to $speed+1)(set:$agility to $agility+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Flickerfooted. Your Speed and Agility both rise by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Flickerfooted"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 Speed, +1 Agility] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Steely Thews"))[(link:"Steely Thews")[(set:$strength to $strength+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Steely Thews. Your Strength rises by one point.")(set:$skills.push("Steely Thews"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 Strength] ]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Mirror of Princes"))[(link:"Mirror of Princes")[(set:$charisma to $charisma+1)(set:$levmes to "You choose Mirror of Princes. You grow more skilled in negotiations. Your Charisma rises by one point, and you unlock a new option at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Mirror of Princes"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 Charisma] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Mirror of Princes")[(if:not($skills contains "Scruto and Speculum"))[(link:"Scruto and Speculum")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Scruto and Speculum. You grow more skilled in detecting traps and clandestine devices. You unlock a new option at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Scruto and Speculum"))(goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Scruto and Speculum")[(if:not($skills contains "Smoke and Mirrors"))[(link:"Smoke and Mirrors")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Smoke and Mirrors. You grow more skilled in camouflage and misdirection. You unlock a new option at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Smoke and Mirrors"))(goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Smoke and Mirrors")[(if:not($skills contains "Otherie Quickhex"))[(link:"Otherie Quickhex")[(set:$levmes to "You master Otherie Quickhex. When cast in battle, it will briefly buff your Perception. You unlock a new option at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Otherie Quickhex"))(goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Otherie Quickhex")[(if:not($skills contains "Doppelganger Quickhex"))[(link:"Doppelganger Quickhex")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Doppelganger Quickhex.")(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Doppelganger Quickhex"))(goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:not($skills contains "Ravelling 101"))[(link:"Ravelling 101")[(set:$maxHP to $maxHP+1)(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$levmes to "You choose Ravelling 101. You increase your maximum Hit Points by one more point. You unlock a new option at the next level.")(set:$skills.push("Ravelling 101"))(goto:"Species Level")] (link:"[?]")[+1 max HP] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Ravelling 101")[(if:not($skills contains "Deeper Reflection"))[(link:"Deeper Reflection")[(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Deeper Reflection"))(set:$levmes to "You choose Deeper Reflection. Your studies unlock new options at the next level.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Deeper Reflection")[(if:not($skills contains "Enlightenment"))[(link:"Enlightenment")[(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)(set:$skills.push("Enlightenment"))(set:$levmes to "You choose Enlightenment. Your Arcana rises by one point, and you unlock a new option at the next level.") (link:"[?]")[+1 arcana](goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Enlightenment")[(if:not($skills contains "Darkly"))[(link:"Darkly")[(set:$arcana to $arcana+1)(set:$skills.push("Darkly"))(set:$levmes to "You choose Darkly. Your Arcana rises by one point. At the next level you will be able to artifice three new types of hexchanism.") (link:"[?]")[+1 arcana](goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:$skills contains "Deeper Reflection")[(if:not($skills contains "Undo Wounds Quickhex"))[(link:"Undo Wounds Quickhex")[(set:$levmes to "You have mastered Undo Wounds Quickhex. By recording your cleaving flesh, and immediately replaying it in reverse into the same timespace volume, you are able to countervail your wounds.")(set:$skills.push("Undo Wounds Quickhex"))(set:$HP to $maxHP)(goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ }(if:$description is "radge")[(if:not($skills contains "Rage"))[(link:"Rage")[(set:$levmes to "You choose Rage. When you use it you'll deal punishing damage to your foes, but you may neglect your own defence.")(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$skills.push("Rage"))(goto:"Species Level")] ]]{ } Or artifice new hexchanisms: (link:"Sidereal Ampulla")[(set:$lighthex to $lighthex+2+$arcana)(set:$levmes to "It is a clear, starry night, so you artifice some new hexchanisms.")(goto:"Species Level")] (if:$skills contains "Darkly")[(link:"Kalpis")[(set:$waterhex to $waterhex+3)(set:$levmes to "Your kalpis are layered out of crinkled planes of tessellating hendekeractonal brookwater. They look very quenching.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Darkly")[(link:"Stockhypercube")[(set:$trickhex to $trickhex+3)(set:$levmes to "You worm out a few of the universe's bones to use as ovipositors, and increase your store of hexchanisms.")(goto:"Species Level")] ]{ }(if:$skills contains "Darkly")[(link:"Temporal Teratoma")[(set:$timehex to $timehex+3)(set:$levmes to "One of the less tangible hexchanisms. Graftings from eye flaws, a little flesh astrally harvested from the Chess-Nous forest, et cetera. Of course, the one true ingredient is the time rimed onto each step of the process.")(goto:"Species Level")] ] [[Practice]]{(set:$temp to 0) (if:$skills contains "Make Like a Tree")[(set: $temp to $temp+$perception)] (if:$skills contains "Smoke and Mirrors")[(set: $temp to $temp+$perception)] (if:$skills contains "Warring Withdrawal")[(set: $temp to $temp+1+$perception)] }(if:(random:1,20)+$perception+$relagility+$relspeed+$speed+$temp-$level<20)[You suffer a parting shot!(set:$readout to "You are struck as you try to flee!")(set:$HP to $HP-(random:1,$enemydamage)) ]{ (if:($HP<1))[(goto:"Lose Fight")] (if:$skills contains "Warring Withdrawal")[(if:$enemyHP<($level+3))[(set:$readout to "Your enemy pursues. Thanks to your Warring Withdrawal skill, you cut them down!")(goto:"Win Fight")]]} You slip away. It was a terrible idea to begin with. [[Practice]]{(set: $temp to 3) (if:$skills contains "Mirror of Princes")[(set:$temp to 5+$charisma)]}You come to an arrangement. Politics is the continuation of war, intermixed with other means. Who is to say. Maybe the real monster was them all along. (set:$AP to (2*(random:1,$temp))) [[Practice]]{(if:$AP<0)[(if:(0-$AP)>(100+($charisma*80)))[(goto:"Credit Maxed")]]}Auragentum: (print: $AP)(if:$AP<300)[ - you may buy on credit(if:$charisma>2)[, but watch out for the interest]] (if:$maxdamage<16)[Weapons ](if:$maxdamage<8)[(link:"Sabre:")[(set: $AP to $AP-100)(set:$weapon to "sabre")(set:$maxdamage to 8)(goto:"Store")] 100 ]{ }(if:$maxdamage<12)[(link:"Katar:")[(set: $AP to $AP-200)(set:$weapon to "katar")(set:$maxdamage to 12)(goto:"Store")] 200 ]{ }(if:$level>2)[(if:$maxdamage<16)[(link:"Antlers:")[(set: $AP to $AP-300)(set:$weapon to "antlers")(set:$maxdamage to 16)(goto:"Store")] 300 ]]{ } Hexchanisms (link:"Jiggle Bug")[(set:$AP to $AP-20)(set:$bughex to $bughex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($bughex): 20 (link:"Sidereal Ampulla")[(set:$AP to $AP-30)(set:$lighthex to $lighthex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($lighthex): 30 (link:"Flamula")[(set:$AP to $AP-40)(set:$firehex to $firehex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($firehex): 40 (link:"Clockwork Bark")[(set:$AP to $AP-70)(set:$greenhex to $greenhex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($greenhex): 70 (link:"Clockwork Waxwork:")[(set:$AP to $AP-70)(set:$waxhex to $waxhex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($waxhex): 70 (link:"Terremotive Thurible:")[(set:$AP to $AP-70)(set:$earthhex to $earthhex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($earthhex): 70 (link:"Nepheliad Pyx")[(set:$AP to $AP-70)(set:$airhex to $airhex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($windhex): 70 (link:"Kalpis")[(set:$AP to $AP-70)(set:$waterhex to $waterhex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($waterhex): 70 (link:"Temporalatoma")[(set:$AP to $AP-100)(set:$timehex to $timehex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($timehex): 100 (link:"Stock Hypercube")[(set:$AP to $AP-100)(set:$trickhex to $trickhex+1)(goto:"Store")] ($trickhex): 100 [[Practice]]$charactername, you have the one-time option of switching to Ecocritic class. Your Strength and maximum HP will drop slightly, but you'll keep your existing skills and gain low level Ecocritic skills automatically. (Link:"Go green")[(set:$maxHP to $maxHP-8)(set:$strength to $strength-1)(set:$HP to $maxHP)(set:$arcana to $arcana+2)(set:$skills.push("Mannaphid Mutualism"))(set:$skills.push("Reynard's Blessing"))(set:$class to "Ecocritic") (set:$description to "a scary druid"))(goto:"Practice")] [[No thanks|Practice]]Agility: $agility Speed: $speed Perception: $perception Charisma: $charisma Strength: $strength Arcana: $arcana Hit Points: $HP / (print: $maxHP) Auragentum: $AP CV Points: $CV Level: $level L33t skillz: (print:($skills)) Weapon: $weapon [[Practice]]Pick a hexchanic with your left hand: (if:$bughex>0)[(link:"Jiggle Bug")[(set:$bughex to $bughex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "bug")(set:$hexdamage to 2)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $bughex ]{ }(if:$lighthex>0)[(link:"Sidereal Ampulla")[(set:$lighthex to $lighthex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "light")(set:$hexdamage to 3)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $lighthex ]{ }(if:$firehex>0)[(link:"Flamula")[(set:$firehex to $firehex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "fire")(set:$hexdamage to 4)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $firehex ]{ }(if:$greenhex>0)[(link:"Clockwork Bark")[(set:$greenhex to $greenhex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "green")(set:$hexdamage to 5)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $greenhex ]{ }(if:$waxhex>0)[(link:"Clockwork Waxwork")[(set:$waxhex to $waxhex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "wax")(set:$hexdamage to 6)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $waxhex ]{ }(if:$earthhex>0)[(link:"Terremotive Thurible")[(set:$earthhex to $earthhex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "earth")(set:$hexdamage to 7)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $earthhex ]{ }(if:$windhex>0)[(link:"Nepheliad Pyx")[(set:$windhex to $windhex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "wind")(set:$hexdamage to 7)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $windhex ]{ }(if:$waterhex>0)[(link:"Kalpis")[(set:$waterhex to $waterhex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "water")(set:$hexdamage to 7)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $waterhex ]{ }(if:$timehex>0)[(link:"Temporalatoma")[(set:$timehex to $timehex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "time")(set:$hexdamage to 8)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $timehex ]{ }(if:$trickhex>0)[(link:"Stock Hypercube")[(set:$trickhex to $trickhex-1)(set:$hexm1 to "trick")(set:$hexdamage to 8)(Goto:"Second Hexchanic")] - $trickhex ]{ } Or [[strike with your $weapon|Strike]].{(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+$arcana) }Pick a hexchanic with your right hand: (if:$bughex>0)[(link:"Jiggle Bug")[(set:$bughex to $bughex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "bug")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+2)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $bughex ]{ }(if:$lighthex>0)[(link:"Sidereal Ampulla")[(set:$lighthex to $lighthex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "light")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+3)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $lighthex ]{ }(if:$firehex>0)[(link:"Flamula")[(set:$firehex to $firehex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "fire")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+4)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $firehex ]{ }(if:$greenhex>0)[(link:"Clockwork Bark")[(set:$greenhex to $greenhex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "green")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+5)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $greenhex ]{ }(if:$waxhex>0)[(link:"Clockwork Waxwork")[(set:$waxhex to $waxhex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "wax")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+6)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $waxhex ]{ }(if:$earthhex>0)[(link:"Terremotive Thurible")[(set:$earthhex to $earthhex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "earth")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+7)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $earthhex ]{ }(if:$windhex>0)[(link:"Nepheliad Pyx")[(set:$windhex to $windhex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "wind")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+7)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $windhex ]{ }(if:$waterhex>0)[(link:"Kalpis")[(set:$waterhex to $waterhex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "water")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+7)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $waterhex ]{ }(if:$timehex>0)[(link:"Temporalatoma")[(set:$timehex to $timehex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "time")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+8)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $timehex ]{ }(if:$trickhex>0)[(link:"Stock Hypercube")[(set:$trickhex to $trickhex-1)(set:$hexm2 to "trick")(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+8)(Goto:"Wizard Name")] - $trickhex ]{ } {(set:$temp to 1.5) (if:$hexm1 is $hexm2)[(set: $temp to 2)] (if:$enemyresistances contains $hexm1)[(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage/($temp))] (if:$enemyvulnerabilities contains $hexm2)[(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage*$temp)] (if:$enemyresistances contains $hexm1)[(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage/$temp)] (if:$enemyvulnerabilities contains $hexm2)[(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage*$temp)] (set:$hexdamage to (round:$hexdamage)) (if:$hexm1 is $hexm2)[(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+$level)] (set:$hexcontents to (array:$hexm1,$hexm2)) (if:$hexcontents contains "bug")[(if:$skills contains "Beetle Use Beetle Use Beetle Use")[(set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+2)]] (set:$dominantadj to (either:"Eldritch","Mean","Nasty", "Forceful", "Weird", "Wyrd", "Mephitic", "Ornery", "Fierce","Useful","Sticky","Mordant","Acerbic","Chafing","Wondrous","Deadly","Nightmarish","Gibbering","Swarming")) (if:$hexm1 is "bug" and $hexm2 is "bug")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Chattering","Swarming"))] (if:$hexm1 is "light" and $hexm2 is "light")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Scintillating","Prismatic"))] (if:$hexm1 is "fire")[(if:$hexm2 is "fire")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Boiling","Steaming","Flaming", "Blazing", "Fervid", "Igneous", "Scorching", "Lavic", "Infernal"))]] (if:$hexm1 is "wax" and $hexm2 is "wax")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Goopy","Molten"))] (if:$hexm1 is "earth" and $hexm2 is "earth")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Rumbling","Stone-Faced"))] (if:$hexm1 is "wind" and $hexm2 is "wind")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Roaring","Screaming"))] (if:$hexm1 is "water" and $hexm2 is "water")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Gushing","Founting"))] (if:$hexm1 is "water" and $hexm2 is "time")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Astral","Neverborn"))] (if:$hexm1 is "water" and $hexm2 is "trick")[(set:$dominantadj to (either:"Vorpal","Wubbing"))] (set:$hexname to $dominantadj+(either:" Abomination"," Fiend"," Aide"," Temp"," Hellion"," Aide-de-Camp"," Cantrip"," War-Wonder", " Hex", " Nuisance"," Plague", " Familiar", " Spirit", " Work", " Summoning", " Torpedo", " Bolt")) (set:$hexfamiliar to (either:"bat","homonculus","jellyfish","manniken","winged crab","beam","ghost","little goblin","pumpkin","jack-o-lantern","little ogre","huge imp","tiny owl","scrabbling cat","wtf-fest","fairy","mixture","cloud","peculiar object","flickering paw","mace","hammer","throne","disc","frisbee","star","bezoar","gargoyle","grinning face","spinning top","will-o-the-wisp","strange feline","cloak","ray","face","being","lance","sphere","spinning orb","bolus")) (if:$hexm1 is "bug")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"bronze", "mince", "fur", "saw teeth", "chitin", "frass", "mouths", "flesh", "shards", "twitching blades", "scissors", "edges", "tin", "shale", "web", "spiderweb", "gunk", "talons", "mouthparts", "teeth", "guts", "antennae", "legs", "hooves", "chewing mouths", "bone", "cuticle", "venom", "dark segments", "muscle", "joints", "combs", "tentacles", "cilia", "mandibles", "maxillae", "coagulant", "needles", "stylets", "tongues", "sponges", "yellow liquid", "black liquid", "bile", "fumes", "flight muscles", "bone spirals", "thorns", "veins", "bursting cocoons", "sucking holes", "gobbling teeth", "champing teeth", "pollen", "stone", "gas", "tubes", "eyes", "worms", "flayed skin", "skin", "chyme", "hatching eggs", "hooked wings", "nails", "fat", "white lumps", "bugging eyes", "googly eyes", "copper", "cobalt", "iron", "spit", "shuddering wings", "lasers", "wiggling legs", "venom", "cogs", "saw teeth", "hooked darts", "grappling hooks", "grapnels", "blades", "lancets", "scythes", "shanks", "stingers", "axes", "claws", "pincers", "cooties", "pills", "horns", "keratin","spines", "shale", "prickles", "briars", "filigree", "snarls", "webbing", "lacework", "gossamer", "mesh", "squirming limbs", "meshwork", "sticky lattices", "gooey reticulation", "ectoplasm", "plasm", "fibres", "chitin plates", "chitinous entanglement", "chitinous trellising", "frass", "lumpy frass", "irridiscent films", "sap", "protein", "gore", "lace", "ink", "powder", "crystal", "aplite", "basalt", "flint", "glowing pellets"," caecotrophs", "exploding cysts", "tails", "razors", "oil"))] (if:$hexm2 is "bug")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"bronze", "mince", "fur", "saw teeth", "chitin", "frass", "mouths", "flesh", "shards", "twitching blades", "scissors", "edges", "tin", "shale", "web", "spiderweb", "flanges", "gunk", "talons", "mouthparts", "teeth", "guts", "antennae", "legs", "hooves", "chewing mouths", "bone", "cuticle", "venom", "dark segments", "muscle", "joints", "combs", "tentacles", "cilia", "mandibles", "maxillae", "coagulant", "needles", "stylets", "tongues", "sponges", "yellow liquid", "black liquid", "bile", "fumes", "flight muscles", "bone spirals", "green acid", "thorns", "veins", "bursting cocoons", "sucking holes", "gobbling teeth", "champing teeth", "pollen", "stone", "gas", "tubes", "eyes", "worms", "flayed skin", "skin", "chyme", "hatching eggs", "hooked wings", "nails", "fat", "white lumps", "bugging eyes", "googly eyes", "copper", "cobalt", "iron", "spit", "shuddering wings", "lasers", "wiggling legs", "venom", "cogs", "saw teeth", "hooked darts", "grappling hooks", "grapnels", "blades", "lancets", "scythes", "shanks", "stingers", "axes", "claws", "pincers", "cooties", "pills", "horns", "keratin","spines", "shale", "prickles", "briars", "filigree", "snarls", "webbing", "lacework", "gossamer", "mesh", "squirming limbs", "meshwork", "sticky lattices", "gooey reticulation", "ectoplasm", "plasm", "fibres", "chitin plates", "chitinous entanglement", "chitinous trellising", "frass", "lumpy frass", "irridiscent films", "sap", "protein", "gore", "lace", "ink", "powder", "crystal", "aplite", "basalt", "flint", "glowing pellets"," caecotrophs", "exploding cysts", "tails", "razors", "oil"))] (if:$hexm1 is "light")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"fizzing steam", "sunspots", "jale light", "lustrous zaps", "frothing tinsel", "spasming gaudiness", "unicorn fur", "wild coruscations", "pulsing radiance", "flashing colors", "eye flaws", "eye-beams", "dazzling grey light", "splayed medals", "gnashing ribbons", "superheated hummus", "nociceptors", "radiant mechanisms","writhing nerves", "nova folds", "vivid refulgence", "scintillant throbs", "resplendent vapors", "brown flares", "lucent smoke", "whipping scintillations", "phlogiston", "mouches volantes", "Purkinje trees", "luminous protuberances", "branching phosphorescence", "scotoma", "Purkinje images", "condensed firmament"))] (if:$hexm2 is "light")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"fizzing steam", "sunspots", "ionizing radiation", "lustrous zaps", "frothing tinsel", "spasming gaudiness", "stellar wind", "wild coruscations", "pulsing radiance", "gravitational distortion", "eye flaws", "eye-beams", "magnetic fields", "splayed medals", "gnashing ribbons", "superheated hummus", "spicules","nociceptors", "writhing nerves", "nova folds", "vivid refulgence", "scintillant throbs", "radioactive waste", "ultraviolent rays", "lucent smoke", "coronal mass ejections", "phlogiston", "mouches volantes", "Purkinje trees", "luminous protuberances", "branching phosphorescence","scotoma","Purkinje images","condensed firmament"))] (if:$hexm1 is "water")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"braiding brooks", "boiling water", "swamp muck", "groundwater", "hoarfrost", "cloudburst", "vapor", "well buckets", "ice pellets", "crystalline shurikens", "sea water", "foam", "seaweed", "bladderwrack", "waterspouts", "steam plumes", "snowmelt", "sleet", "slush", "vibrating frost", "gushing black water", "sea monster scales", "high pressure spray", "monsoon winds", "tides", "Neptune's beard", "deadly undertows", "phosphorous motes", "plankton", "sucking tentacles", "springwater", "waterfalls", "soaking vortices", "whitewater rapids"))] (if:$hexm2 is "water")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"braiding brooks", "boiling water", "swamp muck", "groundwater", "hoarfrost", "cloudburst", "vapor", "well buckets", "ice pellets", "crystalline shurikens", "sea water", "foam", "seaweed", "bladderwrack", "corsair bones", "bubbles", "starfishes", "waterspouts", "steam plumes", "snowmelt", "sleet", "slush", "vibrating frost", "gushing black water", "high pressure spray", "monsoon winds", "tides", "deadly undertows", "phosphorous motes", "plankton", "sucking tentacles", "springwater", "waterfalls", "soaking vortices", "whitewater rapids"))] (if:$hexm1 is "fire")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"licking flames","hot coals", "founting lava","boiling rock","thick indigo smoke","scarlet steam","star flesh","strobing ashes","cooling lava","melted cheddar","green fire","crystalline cinders","charred hair","pouring sparks","embrous orreries","hearth scrapings","scorching ribbons","chimneysmoke","coal dust","conflagrating boughs","burning rain","magma hail","dancing blood clots"))] (if:$hexm2 is "fire")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"licking flames","hot coals", "founting lava", "boiling rock","thick indigo smoke","scarlet steam","star flesh","strobing ashes","cooling lava","jale fire","burning roaches","spurts of ash","charred hair","pouring sparks","embrous orreries","hearth scrapings","chimneysmoke","black fire","coal dust","conflagrating boughs","burning rain","magma hail","dancing blood clots"))] (if:$hexm1 is "wax")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"searing goop", "braiding cables", "acrid black bleach", "fizzing gunk", "bursting tallow", "boiling goo", "broth", "pouring sludge", "fluent blubber", "lumpy slime", "flowing lard", "lavic drippings", "vaseline", "simmering cream", "moths", "molten ghee", "molasses", "writhing slime", "gris-gris", "scalding ambergris", "fishy ooze", "translucent gore", "boiling cellulite", "smoking flab", "bubbling suet", "knuckled candles", "pulsing lotions", "blue smoke", "scrambled egg", "jelly", "scalding paste", "boiling chrism", "simmering cream"))] (if:$hexm2 is "wax")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"searing goop", "melting disjecta membra", "molten slag", "fizzing gunk", "bursting tallow", "boiling goo", "broth", "pouring sludge", "fluent blubber", "thermic flesh", "flowing lard", "lavic drippings", "vaseline", "simmering cream", "blue acid", "boiling ointment", "molten ghee", "runny sugars", "angular smoke", "gris-gris", "scalding ambergris", "yellow smoke", "sublimating fat", "boiling cellulite", "smoking flab", "bubbling suet", "bubbling unguent", "pulsing lotions", "blue smoke", "emulsion", "jelly", "scalding paste", "boiling chrism", "simmering cream"))] (if:$hexm1 is "wind")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"gas","red smoke","storm clouds","air pressure","lightning","flickers","leaves","valves","branches","beaks","feathers","mistrals","zephyrs","puffs","gauze","spangles","mother-of-pearl","billows","cirriform","stratocumuliform","stratiform","altocumulus floccus","altocumulus lenticularis duplicatus","altocumulus castellanus","altocumulus stratiformis translucidus undulatus","rainbows","cumulonimbus","hail","thunder","castellanus","crenels","boulders","intortus","doll bones","undulatus","boiling bulges","fallstreak holes","oblique shocks","shock waves","cymbals","fan blades","displaced sky","bulbs","meteor metal","climate chaos","condensation funnels","hot towers","rope cloud","scud cloud","shelf cloud","folded space","Jovian cirriform","Martian fog","fog","frostbite","waves","vortices","kites","talons","methane","bromine","arsine","cyanogen","cyclonic torque","wind socks","monsoon bursts","cloudburst","wind shear","jet stream","telekinetic force","buffetting crystal","seeds","topsoil","frozen flippers","screeches","vibrations","pulses","shear stress","transverse waves","steel","howls","ululations","peals","thundercracks","sonic energy","glows"))] (if:$hexm2 is "wind")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"gas","purple smoke","storm clouds","air pressure","lightning","flickers","leaves","valves","branches","beaks","feathers","mistrals","zephyrs","puffs","gauze","spangles","mother-of-pearl","billows","cirriform","stratocumuliform","stratiform","altocumulus floccus","altocumulus lenticularis duplicatus","altocumulus castellanus","altocumulus stratiformis translucidus undulatus","rainbows","cumulonimbus","hail","thunder","castellanus","crenels","boulders","intortus clouds","doll bones","undulatus clouds","boiling bulges","fallstreak holes","oblique shocks","shock waves","cymbals","fan blades","displaced sky","bulbs","meteor metal","climate chaos","condensation funnels","hot towers","rope cloud","scud cloud","shelf cloud","folded space","Jovian cirriform","Martian fog","fog","frostbite","waves","vortices","kites","talons","methane","bromine","arsine","cyanogen","cyclonic torque","wind socks","monsoon bursts","cloudburst","wind shear","jet stream","telekinetic force","buffetting crystal","seeds","topsoil","frozen flippers","screeches","vibrations","pulses","shear stress","transverse waves","steel","howls","ululations","peals","thundercracks","sonic energy","glows"))] (if:$hexm1 is "green")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"ham", "cheese", "potatoes", "scalding soup", "pak choy", "sea beet", "sorrel", "sour cabbage", "chard", "pummelling turnips", "yarrow", "yao choy", "vanilla", "winter melons", "cucumbers", "avocados", "pouring black-eyed peas", "seething fava beans", "vibrating guar", "rearing okra", "compressed courgette flowers", "garlic bulbs", "bamboo shoots", "carrots", "camas", "burdock", "beetroot", "yams", "tigernuts", "bone-smashing radishes", "sharpened parsnips", "hijiki", "mozuku", "ogonori", "nori", "jombu", "dabberlocks", "bladderwrack", "cockatrice eggs", "dumplings", "grass", "thorns", "steaming tempura", "twisting vines", "pears", "pulverizing peaches", "pummelling plums", "hot salsa", "snapping muscling vines", "hot ginger", "vinegar", "thorny roses", "briars", "brambles", "cactus spines", "buzzing bees", "roaring sap", "shuttering wings", "berberis thickets", "flower-studded paradoxa shrubs", "hawthorn hedge", "thick underbrush", "gorse", "sea buckthorn", "holly", "sloes", "alder buckthorn", "thorny dark red flowers", "small thorny bonsais", "brake", "boscage", "monstrous topiary", "serrano peppers", "gushing shrubbery", "chungyang peppers", "wax peppers", "pasilla peppers", "peppadew", "carolina reapers", "naga viper peppers", "infinity chillis", "naga chillis", "bird's eye chillis", "Scotch bonnet peppers", "fatalii", "calyxes", "pulpy rosettes"))] (if:$hexm2 is "green")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"ham", "cheese", "potatoes", "scalding soup", "pak choy", "sea beet", "sorrel", "sour cabbage", "chard", "pummelling turnips", "yarrow", "yao choy", "vanilla", "winter melons", "cucumbers", "avocados", "pouring black-eyed peas", "seething fava beans", "vibrating guar", "rearing okra", "compressed courgette flowers", "garlic bulbs", "bamboo shoots", "carrots", "camas", "burdock", "beetroot", "yams", "tigernuts", "bone-smashing radishes", "sharpened parsnips", "hijiki", "mozuku", "ogonori", "nori", "jombu", "dabberlocks", "bladderwrack", "cockatrice eggs", "dumplings", "grass", "thorns", "steaming tempura", "twisting vines", "pears", "pulverizing peaches", "pummelling plums", "hot salsa", "snapping muscling vines", "hot ginger", "vinegar", "thorny roses", "briars", "brambles", "cactus spines", "buzzing bees", "roaring sap", "shuttering wings", "berberis thickets", "flower-studded paradoxa shrubs", "hawthorn hedge", "thick underbrush", "gorse", "sea buckthorn", "holly", "sloes", "alder buckthorn", "thorny dark red flowers", "small thorny bonsais", "brake", "boscage", "monstrous topiary", "serrano peppers", "gushing shrubbery", "chungyang peppers", "wax peppers", "pasilla peppers", "peppadew", "carolina reapers", "naga viper peppers", "infinity chillis", "naga chillis", "bird's eye chillis", "Scotch bonnet peppers", "fatalii", "calyxes", "pulpy rosettes"))] (if:$hexm1 is "earth")[(set:$hexadj1 to (either:"bone","quicksand","shell","feldspar","latite","chalk","coal","marl","mudstone","lignite","limestone","dolomite","quartz","schist","glass","beryl","venemous gems","vertebrae","ribs","eggshell","expanding geodes","melanite","hot clay","maw-sit-sit","amethyst","moss opal","morganite","fragmenting moonstone","onyx","burning blood","vibrating opal","bloodstone","blood clots","pearl","calcite","rhodonite shrapnel","beryl shrapnel","topaz gravel","smashed statuary","garnet rubble","serpentine saws","jade knives","jade hooks","grass","obsidian bludgeons","stone wheels","spines","jinfengopteryx bones","jagged flux","banji fossils","trilobytes","packed exoskeleton","mirror-shatter","femurs","skulls","cement","concrete","ephemera","speleothems","shark tooth stalagtites","ice stalactites","nomingia fossils","splash stalactites","pool spar","soda straws","icicles","avalanches","sucking sinkholes","pouring earth","armour","seething sand","iron confetti","cannonballs","buckshot","mud","sludge","slime","gunk","husks","barosaurus fossils","moving rock","lapis lazuli","judiceratops bones","smelting metals","lead","zinc","nickel","silver","quicksilver","slag","muck","feculence","dust bunnies","resin","amber","shells","petrified wood","silica","teeth"))] (if:$hexm2 is "earth")[(set:$hexadj2 to (either:"bone","quicksand","shell","feldspar","latite","chalk","coal","marl","mudstone","lignite","limestone","dolomite","quartz","schist","glass","beryl","dartlike jewels","vertebrae","ribs","eggshell","expanding geodes","melanite","maw-sit-sit","amethyst","moss opal","morganite","fragmenting moonstone","onyx","vibrating opal","bloodstone","blood","pearl","calcite","rhodonite shrapnel","beryl shrapnel","topaz gravel","smashed statuary","garnet rubble","serpentine saws","jade knives","jade hooks","grass","obsidian bludgeons","stone wheels","spines","jinfengopteryx bones","jagged flux","banji fossils","trilobytes","packed exoskeleton","mirror-shatter","femurs","skulls","cement","Jiggy Bugs","concrete","ephemera","speleothems","shark tooth stalagtites","ice stalactites","nomingia fossils","splash stalactites","pool spar","soda straws","icicles","avalanches","sucking sinkholes","pouring earth","armour","seething sand","iron confetti","cannonballs","buckshot","mud","sludge","slime","gunk","husks","barosaurus fossils","moving rock","lapis lazuli","judiceratops bones","smelting metals","lead","zinc","nickel","silver","quicksilver","slag","muck","feculence","dust bunnies","resin","amber","shells","petrified wood","silica","teeth"))] (if:$hexadj1 is $hexadj2)[(set:$hexadj2 to "threads of your own soul") (set:$hexdamage to $hexdamage+$hexdamage+$arcana+10)(set:$CV to (random:1,$CV))] (if:$hexcontents contains "bug")[(set:$hexname to ("Minor " +$hexname))] (set:$hexverb to (either:"flies at","smashes into","seizes","slides into","pummels","leaps at","crashes into","hurtles into","sails into","darts into","collides with","courses into")) (set:$hexdescription to "A $hexfamiliar of $hexadj1 and $hexadj2 $hexverb your foe, inflicting $hexdamage damage!") (set:$enemyHP to $enemyHP-$hexdamage) }Your hexchanisms merge into $temp2's $hexname! $hexdescription [[Next|Hex Aftermath]]{(set:$temp to 0) (if:$enemyHP<1)[(set:$readout to "You slay your foe!")(goto:"Win Fight")] }(if:$hexcontents contains "bug")[(if:not($skills contains "Beetle Use Beetle Use Beetle Use"))[(set:$temp to (random:0,$level))]]{ }(if:$temp is 1)[You are entangled and suffocated in webbing! You take 3 damage! (set:$HP to $HP-3)(set:$relagility to $relagility-2)]{ }(if:$temp is 2)[You hock up a glob of chitin. You take 1 damage. (set:$HP to $HP-1)]{ }(if:$temp is 3)[You are weeping orange, tar-like tears. You can barely see. (set:$relagility to $relagility-2)]{ }(if:$temp is 4)[Stalagmites of solid web hinder your motion. (set:$relspeed to $relspeed-2)]{ } (if:$temp is 0)[(goto:"Bout")] [[Next|Bout]](if:$arcana+$level<5)[(set:$temp2 to (either:"Hermes Trismegistus", "Zomaris the Yellow", "Wu Yang", "Apollonius of Tyana", "Giger", "Iida of Tres Tabernae", "Ímar Ua Donnubáin", "Chino of the Oni", "Faye Winter", "Aifaeh of Swartkasteel", "Bess of Nalediplek", "Seishirō Sakurazuka", "Jim Darkmagic", "Myfanwy of Brug Isongo", "Tallulah of Edinburgh", "Wu Di", "Epigrith the Gentle", "Machi the Lost", "Chiba Taniko", "La Voisin", "Ilxaryl of Izinjagroen", "Ando of Scholomance", "Wu Peng", "Xu Fu", "Circe", "Nekoyashiki", "Sue Perkins", "Sandy Toksvig", "The Muses Unionized", "Mina Panther", "Gary Gygax", "Ashiya Doman", "Fujikawa-Raised-by-Rains", "Hectate", "Shizuka Watanabe", "Anemone Keeling"))] (if:$arcana+$level>4)[(set:$temp2 to (either:"Lucinda Bloodworth", "Kure of Aeminium", "John Dee", "St. Cyprian", "Sabrina Tenebris", "Etpianne of Lemuria", "Wu Xian", "Aliss the Unmercenary", "Abyssinana of Easton", "Jābir ibn Hayyān", "Isis Breedlove", "Suto the Gardener", "Ugexone of Dragontarn", "Jane of Nottingham", "Yu the Great", "Smiling Mary", "Harada of Scholomance", "Roger Bacon", "Helen the Red", "Wu Xie", "Takai of Akkerlake", "Wu Ji", "Ugnakealis of Nthathorn", "Grace of the Two Souls", "Abe no Seimei", "Black Constable", "Zhang Jiao", "Denise Grimm", "Ntombi of Hissing Higgle", "Glinajes the Mauve", "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle", "Angelic Morelli", "Siri", "Helena Bonham Carter", "Binwin's Wizardtwin", "The Witch of Endor", "Ichikawa the Grey", "Benevenuto Cellini", "Minaka Hirakata", "David Blaine", "Hakehione of Meropis", "Alana Shadesoul", "Maud Duke", "Bella of Brug Ijembula", "Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel", "Ling Fen", "Edroxashan of Hyperborea", "Wu Xian", "Semiramis"))] (goto:"Hex Effect")You and your ballin ways. You now owe money all round town. No more shopping for you, yeah. [[Next|Practice]]Wow, you totally win the test fragment! Thanks for playing! Let me know of glitches & drop me a line (@jolwalton / [email protected]) if you'd like any updates on this thing (which I can't promise, but yup). ^_^ [[Again!|Hello]]