<div id="center">
(set: $submerged to false)(set: $ocean to false)(set: $peace to false)(set: $timer to 0)(set: $resttimer to 0)(set: $rest2timer to 0)(set: $rest3timer to 0)(set: $rest4timer to 0)(set: $rest5timer to 0)(set: $rest6timer to 0)(set: $rest7timer to 0)you are going to die
(link: "okay")[(set: $start to true)(goto: "you are going to die")]
|all>[|car>[the car fills with seawater]
<div id="center">|restchoice>[(link: "
rest")[(replace: ?restchoice)[(display: "rest")]]]
|fightchoice>[(link: "fight")[(replace: ?fightchoice)[(display: "fight")]]]<div>]
<div id="center">(set: $start to false)[[you died->start]]<div>
the seatbelt is locked
cut it
your knife
glovebox reach reach reach reach more - condoms fastfood trash knife
console - dads cds moms saint rosary
cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut
front window
back window
passenger window
back passenger window
kick kick kick kick kick kick (to no avail)
punch punch punch (to no avail)
door handle pull pull pull pull pull pull
window crank crank crank crank crank crank
When a roll occurs -- text turns upside down until another roll
when under water you have to click swim to find the door
up or down
up you die
down you live
|submerged>[you are submerged (set: $submerged to true)]
you sit and wait and get the story of the accident
now what
this is it
the water gushes from the cracked windshield like a photgraph bleeding into three dimensions
the car groans and cracks
you are inside a whale
you were just driving home
you drove this way countless times
always the same way
why is this the time
was it always this time
you drove on this road to head home but really you were always heading here
one long road
connected to all the others
{(either: "your face feels like it will fall off", "tasting blood", "insides broken", "you cant remember the last thing you said to", "what will they say when they hear", "the car sinks deeper", "how far to the surface", "which way is the surface", "you were supposed to be the first to", "the car sinks faster", "your ears hurt", "drowning is a terrible way to go", "you never told them what you really think", "you never did", "the last thing you said to", "what was the last thing","what will they do now", "said enough", "did enough", "the water is so cold")}
|rest1choice>[(set: $peace to true)(live: 1s)[(if: $submerged is true)[
little bubbles spill from the cracked windshield] (else-if: $ocean is true)[
you hear the car moan](else:)[
water gushes from the cracked windshield like a photo bleeding into three dimensions](set: $rest1timer to it + 1)(if: $rest1timer > 2)[
(stop:)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "rest")[(replace: ?rest1choice)[(display: "restb")]]]]]]]
|fight2choice>[(set: $peace to false)the seatbelt is locked
(link: "cut it")[(replace: ?fight2choice)[(display: "cut it")]]]
|fight3choice>[(set: $peace to false)(link: "find knife")[(replace: ?fight3choice)[(display: "your knife")]]]
|fight4choice>[(set: $peace to false)(link-replace: "console")[dads cds moms rosary]
(link-replace: "glovebox")[(link-repeat: "reach")[
(set: $reach to it + 1)(prepend: "reach")[
(if: $reach is 5)[(replace: ?fight4choice)[(link: "open")[(display: "inside glovebox")]]]]
|fight5choice>[(set: $peace to false)condoms reciepts trash (link: "knife")[(replace: ?fight5choice)[(link: "seatbelt")[(display: "seatbelt")]]]]
|fight6choice>[(set: $peace to false)(link-repeat: "cut")[
(set: $cut to it + 1)(append: "cut")[.](if: $cut is 11)[(replace: ?fight6choice)[
(link: "door")[(display: "door")]]
|fight7choice>[(set: $peace to false)(set: $2opening to (array: "pull handle", "--pull handle--"))(set: $2opening_index to 1)(link-repeat: "[(print: $2opening's $2opening_index)]<2opening_link|")[(set: $2opening_index to it + 1)[(if: $2opening_index > $2opening's length)[(set: $2opening_index to 1)](replace: ?2opening_link)[(print: $2opening's $2opening_index)(if: $submerged is true)[(replace: ?fight7choice)[
(link: "pressure equalized, it opens")[(link: "swim")[(replace: ?all)[(display: "swim")]]]]]]]]
(set: $opening to (array: "kick window", "
kick window"))(set: $opening_index to 1)(link-repeat: "[(print: $opening's $opening_index)]<opening_link|")[(set: $opening_index to it + 1)[(if: $opening_index > $opening's length)[(set: $opening_index to 1)](replace: ?opening_link)[(print: $opening's $opening_index)]]]
<div id="center">|fight8choice>[(set: $peace to false)(set: $ocean to true)
which way to the surface?
(link: '"up (?)"')[(replace: ?fight8choice)[(display: "going down")]]
(link: '"down (?)"')[(replace: ?fight8choice)[(display: "going up")]
|goingdown>[(set: $peace to false)(set: $3opening to (array: "~swim~", "~~swim~~"))(set: $3opening_index to 1)(link-repeat: "[(print: $3opening's $3opening_index)]<3opening_link|")[(set: $3opening_index to it + 1)[(if: $3opening_index > $3opening's length)[(set: $3opening_index to 1)](replace: ?3opening_link)[(print: $3opening's $3opening_index)]](set: $swimcounter to it + 1)(if: $swimcounter is 25)[(append: ?goingdown)[
you see light... ]]]]
|rest2choice>[(set: $peace to true)(live: 1s)[(if: $submerged is true)[
you feel as if you were inside a whale] (else-if: $ocean is true)[
it sounds like a whale](else:)[
you feel as if you were inside a whale](set: $rest2timer to it + 1)(if: $rest2timer > 2)[
(stop:)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "rest")[(replace: ?rest2choice)[(display: "restc")]]]]]]]
|rest3choice>[(set: $peace to true)(live: 1s)[
you were driving home(set: $rest3timer to it + 1)(if: $rest3timer > 2)[
(stop:)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "rest")[(replace: ?rest3choice)[(display: "restd")]]]]]]]
|rest4choice>[(set: $peace to true)(live: 1s)[
you drove this way countless times(set: $rest4timer to it + 1)(if: $rest4timer > 2)[
(stop:)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "rest")[(replace: ?rest4choice)[(display: "restf")]]]]]]]
|rest5choice>[(set: $peace to true)(live: 1s)[
always the same way east to west or west to east(set: $rest5timer to it + 1)(if: $rest5timer > 2)[
(stop:)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "rest")[(replace: ?rest5choice)[(display: "restf")]]]]]]]
one long road (live: 1s)[(set: $rest7timer to it + 1)(if: $rest7timer > 2)[
(stop:)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "rest")[(replace: "one long road")[ going all the way around]]]]]]
|rest6choice>[(set: $peace to true)(live: 1s)[
you thought you were heading home but really you were always heading right here(set: $rest6timer to it + 1)(if: $rest6timer > 2)[
(stop:)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: "rest")[(replace: ?rest6choice)[(display: "restg")]]]]]]]
|goingup>[(set: $peace to false)(set: $3opening to (array: "~swim~", "~swim~"))(set: $3opening_index to 1)(link-repeat: "[(print: $3opening's $3opening_index)]<3opening_link|")[(set: $3opening_index to it + 1)[(if: $3opening_index > $3opening's length)[(set: $3opening_index to 1)](replace: ?3opening_link)[(print: $3opening's $3opening_index)]](set: $swimcounter to it + 1)
(if: $swimcounter > 25)[(replace: ?goingup)[you feel rich black mud beneath your fingertips]]
(if: $start is true)[
|bar>[(background: "#fff")[__]]
(live: 1s)[(unless: $peace is true)[(display: "pop up")](set: $timer to it + 1)(append: ?bar)[(background: "#fff")[__]](if: $timer > 20)[(replace: ?car)[(display: "submerged")]](if: $timer is 38)[(stop:)(goto: "you died")]]]
{(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")]}