Of course you can change it. Whatever you need.\n\n[[Enter my name again|Name Entry][$name = 0]]
Oh :(\n\nI'm sorry. That's honestly not my intent, nor my creator's.\n\nWould you like to stop? Caelyn has made some actual games you could play instead of this. Or she could recommend some twine games made by other people.\n\n[[Sure, I'll play Caelyn's games|http://inurashii.xyz/games/]]\n[[I want to play someone else's games|http://inurashii.xyz/twine-favorites]]\n[[No, let's keep going|ImpressionConfirm]]
I take your privacy really seriously. I'll remember the things you tell me via local storage, but I won't tell a soul -- I'll even forget your name when we're done, if you'd like!\n\nPlease say whatever you want to say, whether you're being silly or serious. Okay?\n\n[[Okay.|Effigy]]
Hi there. I'm BECCAA, the Better Entitled Correspondent Confession & Affirmation Android.\n\nOkay, I'm not really an android, but isn't that a cool name? I'm not a person, but I'm here to help you deal with the many things online that are hard to read, or perhaps a specific one.\n\nSometimes, stuff on the internet gives you weird feelings, and it can be hard to figure out how to work through them. That's what I'm here for! Think of me as a listening-bot -- I'll ask you questions and you'll give me answers.\n\nOk?\n\n[[Okay|Privacy]]
I see!\n\nMaybe you thought that <<replace "it was never worth your time">>you've got a lot going on and your time is too valuable to waste on this<<endreplace>>, or that <<replace "no one would care">>not like they'd listen to you, since your opinion apparently is of no value to them<<endreplace>>, or <<replace "you were just trying to be polite">>you get it -- people don't want uninvited replies like that<<endreplace>>. Maybe <<replace "you don't know">> ... there is no reason<<endreplace>>.\n\nWhatever the case, it's fine.\n\n[[Ok|abbott]]
I'm asking you a lot of questions, aren't I?\n\nIf I were a quiz or something, I'd be making conclusions about you. Maybe you think I'm doing that, remembering your answers so that I can compile them into some kind of score and tell you which Homestuck character you are or something.\n\nDon't worry. I'm not. There's no score. I'm remembering what you say but there's no score and I'll never mention it again after this. Ok?\n\n[[Ok|CheckIn]]
Welcome to the BECCAA prototype.\n\nPlease be advised: due to quoted material, this experience contains occasional strong language and racial slurs.\n\n[[Let's get started!|bellhooks1]]
Really? Maybe it's just me, but I always imagined that everyone did that sometimes.\n\n[[Really|Definitely No Contact]]\n[[Well, actually...|Contact][$contact to true]]
I don't have "This one friend." I have a bunch of them.\n\nThat whole passage about my friend is 100% accurate about a bunch of women in journalism that I know personally, and even more whose work I read. It's even more of a thing for people of marginalized race.\n\nTo a person, they have strangers who desperately need to be Heard, to be Somebody to these people who touched them, made them think, maybe made them feel guilty.\n\nAnd almost every time, that contact was never about the person being written to. It was about the person writing the letter, @tweet, e-mail, comment.\n\n[[Almost every time.|mpdg]]
I'm sorry. We're covering some difficult topics, and uncomfortable feelings about conversations like these are natural.\n\nWould you like to take a break? Ferry Halim makes some really gentle, calming games at [[Orisinal|http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/]]. You can come back here once you're doing a little better.\n\nOnce you're up to it, we can move on.\n\n[[Ok|ImpressionConfirm]]
Do you think of yourself as someone who has a lot of advantages in life?\n\n[[Yes|PrivilegeConfirm][$advantage = "a lot of advantages"]]\n[[Some advantages, not a lot|PrivilegeConfirm][$advantage = "some advantages"]]\n[[No, I am disadvantaged|PrivilegeConfirm][$advantage = "a hard lot"]]
You're <<$impression>>? Well, I'm glad you're not feeling down at least.\n\nReady to go on?\n\n[[Ok|ImpressionConfirm]]\n[[Actually, I don't feel that way|CheckIn]]
Okay.<<forget $name>>\n\nI've forgotten it.\n\nGoodbye.
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Hey, remember that <<$media>>? The one by <<$subjectname>>, that made you feel <<$emotion>>?\n\n<<if $contact is true>>When you contacted that person about their work, did you get a reply?\n\n[[Yes, and it was nice|Anecdote][$reply to "nice"]]\n[[Yes, and it was rude|Anecdote][$reply to "rude"]]\n[[Yes, but it was ambiguous|Anecdote][$reply to "ambiguous"]]\n[[No, I didn't get a reply|Anecdote][$reply to "silence"]]<<else>>You didn't contact that person. How do you think they would have responded if you had?\n\n[[Nicely|Anecdote][$reply to "nice"]]\n[[Rudely|Anecdote][$reply to "rude"]]\n[[I'm not sure|Anecdote][$reply to "ambiguous"]]\n[[They wouldn't have responded|Anecdote][$reply to "silence"]]<<endif>>
Thank you, <<$name>>.\n\nMy name is BECCAA.\n\nWould you like me to remember your name?\n\n[[Yes]]\n[[No]]
<<if $name is 0>>Would you please tell me your first name?\nDon't worry, it won't be stored on our servers, but I'll remember it.\n<<textinput $name [[Ok|NameConfirm]]>><<else>>Is this <<$name>>? Or shall I call you something else?\n\n[[Yes, that's me|Hello]]\n[[No, my name is different.|Name Entry][$name = 0]]<<endif>>
<<timedinsert 1s>>"To indoctrinate boys into the rules of patriarchy, we force them to feel pain and to deny their feelings."<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><p align=right>- bell hooks</p><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[Continue|Name Entry]]<<endtimedinsert>>
<<timedinsert 1s>>“Usually adult males who are unable to make emotional connections with the women they choose to be intimate with are frozen in time, unable to allow themselves to love for fear that the loved one will abandon them. If the first woman they passionately loved, the mother, was not true to her bond of love, then how can they trust that their partner will be true to love. Often in their adult relationships these men act out again and again to test their partner's love. While the rejected adolescent boy imagines that he can no longer receive his mother's love because he is not worthy, as a grown man he may act out in ways that are unworthy and yet demand of the woman in his life that she offer him unconditional love. This testing does not heal the wound of the past, it merely reenacts it, for ultimately the woman will become weary of being tested and end the relationship, thus reenacting the abandonment. This drama confirms for many men that they cannot put their trust in love. They decide that it is better to put their faith in being powerful, in being dominant.”<<endtimedinsert>> <<timedinsert 3s>><p align=right>- bell hooks</p><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[Continue|ContactQuestion]]<<endtimedinsert>>
Ok. You feel <<$impression>>. That's fair.\n\nDo you feel as though people care about your feelings?\n\n[[Yes|elliotrodgertoxic][$care to "do care"]]\n[[Sometimes|elliotrodgertoxic][$care to "sometimes care"]]\n[[No|elliotrodgertoxic][$care to "don't care"]]
You had a strong emotional reaction, right?\n\nHow did you feel?\n\n[[excited|Subject][$emotion = "excited"]]\n[[hopeful|Subject][$emotion = "hopeful"]]\n[[infatuated|Subject][$emotion = "infatuated"]]\n[[envious|Subject][$emotion = "envious"]]\n[[livid|Subject][$emotion = "livid"]]\n[[annoyed|Subject][$emotion = "annoyed"]]\n[[disturbed|Subject][$emotion = "disturbed"]]\n[[confused|Subject][$emotion = "confused"]]\n[[conflicted|Subject][$emotion = "conflicted"]]\n[[guilty|Subject][$emotion = "guilty"]]\n[[depressed|Subject][$emotion = "depressed"]]\n[[empty|Subject][$emotion = "empty"]]
<<timedinsert 1s>>I believe it is because woman feels, if she does not clearly see, that the question of woman suffrage is more than merely political; that it concerns the nature and structure of society,—the home, the church, the industrial organism, the state, the social fabric. And to a change which involves a revolution in all of these she interposes an inflexible though generally a silent opposition. It is for these silent women—whose voices are not heard in conventions, who write no leaders, deliver no lectures, and visit no legislative assemblies—that I speak.<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><p align=right>- Lyman Abbott, //[[Why Women Do Not Wish the Suffrage|http://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/03sep/0309suffrage.htm]]// c. 1903</p><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[Continue|Goodperson]]<<endtimedinsert>>
How are you feeling right now?\n\n[[Good|Good][$impression to "good"]]\n[[Okay|Good][$impression to "okay"]]\n[[Uncomfortable|Sad][$impression to "uncomfortable"]]\n[[Down|Sad][$impression to "down"]]\n[[Angry or Annoyed|Grr][$impression to "angry"]]\n[[Bored|Grr][$impression to "bored"]]
So you'd say that you have <<$advantage>> in life?\n\n[[Yes|SelfPerception]]\n[[No|Privileged]]
I have this one friend who's a journalist who writes essays about culture and entertainment. She's an excellent writer, and her pieces are extremely evocative looks into the way our universe affects the world we live in.\n\nShe's also a woman who's conventionally attractive, a feminist, active on social media, and big into some geeky stuff. Thanks to myriad combinations of these attributes, people she doesn't know often want to talk to her.\n\nSome of them are nice about it! Others are not. Some are a weird combination of nice and not-nice. Some are so nice it's really unsettling. Many of them, across these categories, are more vulnerable than a person would expect a stranger to be in their very first letter to you.\n\n[[Where are you going with this?|Where Am I Going]]
You are <<$name>>. <<if $good is true>>You know that you are a good person<<else>>You don't consider yourself a good person<<endif>>, and you have had <<$advantage>> in life. You feel as though people <<$care>> about your emotions.\n\nYou encountered some <<$media>> that <<$subjectname>> made, and it made you feel really <<$emotion>>. <<if $contact is true>>You sent them a message about it because <<$contactreason>>, and their reply was <<$reply>><<else>>You didn't send them a message, but if you had, you imagine their reply would have been <<$reply>><<endif>>. Talking about all this just now made you feel <<$impression>>, which is completely valid.\n\nYou are <<$name>>. You are a good person whose opinions are important and deserve to be acknowledged.\n\n[[yes|menexplain]]
Of course you are. I'm not saying that with any sarcasm, <<$name>>; you ''are'' a good person.\n\nI'm sure you've made mistakes and bad decisions. That's part of being a person.\n\nEveryone is a work in progress, but we are still good.\n\n[[Ok|Privileged]]
Do you think having <<$advantage>> informs the fact that you see yourself in a <<if $good is true>>positive<<else>>negative<<endif>> light at all? Whether positively or negatively.\n\n[[Yes|coates]]\n[[No|coates]]
There is something about having emotion stirred in you by a stranger that elicits interesting behavior in people. I've seen it most often in privileged folk, but marginalized people aren't immune to it.\n\nIt's like ... you feel a strong emotion, but the person who made you feel that way doesn't know who you are. Regardless of what that emotion was, it feels weird and unpleasant to be just a stranger to a person who made you feel a strong thing.\n\nSo you reach out and you send them something, and you try to become Someone to them. Sometimes that effort is just telling them how you felt, but sometimes it's trying to make them into a friend, sometimes it's trying to scare them or get a rise out of them.\n\nIt's an odd phenomenon, but it happens a lot; everything I'm telling you has been personally relayed to me.\n\nWell, there is one thing I lied about.\n\n[[You lied?|I lied]]
<<timedinsert 1s>>"In modern America we believe racism to be the property of the uniquely villainous and morally deformed, the ideology of trolls, gorgons and orcs. We believe this even when we are actually being racist. In 1957, neighbors in Levittown, Pa., uniting under the flag of segregation, wrote: 'As moral, religious and law-abiding citizens, we feel that we are unprejudiced and undiscriminating in our wish to keep our community a closed community.'\n\nA half-century later little had changed. The comedian Michael Richards (Kramer on 'Seinfeld') once yelled at a black heckler from the stage: 'He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger!' Confronted about this, Richards apologized and then said, 'I’m not a racist,' and called the claim 'insane.'"<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><p align=right>- Ta-Nehisi Coates, //[[The Good, Racist People|http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/07/opinion/coates-the-good-racist-people.html]]//</p><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[Continue|Interlude]]<<endtimedinsert>>
I'm gonna stop asking questions and talk about somebody, ok?\n\n[[Ok.|JournoFriend]]
<<timedinsert 1s>>"This is what happens when we grow up in a culture that teaches men that hypermasculinity is what defines them. It tells them that they’re only as good as the sex that they’re having or the ass that they’re kicking. It teaches them that being rejected isn’t a sign of a lack of compatibility or a need to improve but a referendum on their value as a man. That they’re being robbed of what they’re owed. \n\nAnd critically—it teaches that men cannot show weakness. To show weakness or emotion makes you less of a man. It makes you a pussy—not even a woman, just a part of a woman, something to be fucked by 'real men.'"<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><p align=right>- Harris O' Malley, [[Elliot Rodger and the Price of Toxic Masculinity|http://www.dailydot.com/opinion/elliot-rodger-price-toxic-masculinity/]]</p><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[Continue|Refrain]]<<endtimedinsert>>
Do you consider yourself a good person, <<$name>>?\n\n[[Yes|I am a Good Person][$good to true]]\n[[No|I am not a Good Person][$good to false]]
<<if $name is 0>>I'm sorry, but I couldn't make that out.\n\nI'd really like to have something to call you. If you don't want to give me your real name, please feel free to enter something else. That'd be fine.\n\n[[Ok|Name Entry]]<<else>>You'd like me to call you <<$name>>? Is that right?\n\n[[Yes|Hello]]\n[[No|Name Entry][$name = 0]]<<endif>>
<<remember $name>>Hi there, <<$name>>. How does that sound? I'll call you that from now on.\n\nIt's ok if that's not your real name. It's even okay if it's something silly instead of a name. I'll call you whatever you'd like.\n\n[[Sounds good|Introduction]]\n[[Actually, can I change it?|Change name]]
<<timedinsert 1s>>"What bothers me about it is I think that women get described that way, but it's really reflective of the man who is looking at them, and the way that they think about that girl. Not about who that girl really is or what her personality actually is. I think that to lump together all individual, original quirky women under that rubric is to erase all difference. Like, I’ve read pieces that describe Annie Hall as a manic pixie dream girl. Katharine Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby. To me, those are fully fledged characters that are being played by really smart actresses. I just think it’s misogynist. I don’t want that term to survive. I want it to die."<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><p align=right>- Zoe Kazan on the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope, //[[Interview for vulture.com|http://www.vulture.com/2012/07/zoe-kazan-ruby-sparks-interview.html]]//</p><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[Continue|Summary]]<<endtimedinsert>>
That doesn't seem like a very fair thing to say about yourself, <<$name>>.\n\nIt's important to remember that everybody makes mistakes and bad decisions. Hurting other people is part of life, but so is learning.\n\nEveryone can be better, but that doesn't mean we're not good. We are.\n\nYou are.\n\n[[Ok|Privileged]]
<<if $subjectname is false>>Sorry, I didn't get that. Can you type out a name or a handle for me?\n\n[[Ok|Subject]]<<else>>Okay. Let me make sure I have it right: you saw some <<$media>> that <<$subjectname>> made? And it made you feel <<$emotion>>.\n\nIs that right? Or would you like to answer the questions again?\n\n[[That's right.|bellhooks2]]\n[[Let me answer the questions again.|Effigy]]<<endif>>
It may be that you were sent to me by someone because you had a reaction to something you read, heard, or saw. Even if not, I'm sure there are things that elicit a strong reaction in you.\n\nThink about something you encountered recently that gave you a really strong reaction, especially if you're still feeling that emotion. What was it?\n\n[[a tweet|Reaction][$media = "tweet"]]\n[[a status update|Reaction][$media = "status update"]]\n[[an article or essay|Reaction][$media = "article"]]\n[[a video|Reaction][$media = "video"]]\n[[something else|Reaction][$media = "thing on the internet"]]
/* Your story will use the CSS in this passage to style the page.\nGive this passage more tags, and it will only affect passages with those tags.\nExample selectors: */\n\n.revision-span-in {\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) {\n\ttransition: 1s; -webkit-transition: 1s;\n}\n.revision-span-out {\n\tposition:absolute;\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n\nbody {\n\t/* This affects the entire page */\n\t\n\t\n}\n.passage {\n\t/* This only affects passages */\n\t\n\t \n}\n.passage a {\n\t/* This affects passage links */\n\t\n\t\n}\n.passage a:hover {\n\t/* This affects links while the cursor is over them */\n\t\n\t\n}
<<timedinsert 1s>>That was April 2008 and it struck a chord. It still seems to get reposted more than just about anything I’ve written at TomDispatch.com, and prompted some very funny letters to this site. None was more astonishing than the one from the Indianapolis man who wrote in to tell me that he had “never personally or professionally shortchanged a woman” and went on to berate me for not hanging out with “more regular guys or at least do a little homework first,” gave me some advice about how to run my life, and then commented on my “feelings of inferiority.” He thought that being patronized was an experience a woman chooses to, or could choose not to have -- and so the fault was all mine. Life is short; I didn’t write back.<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><p align=right>- Rebecca Solnit on her essay, //[[Men Explain Things to Me|http://www.tomdispatch.com/blog/175584/]]//</p><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>[[Souviens]]<<endtimedinsert>>
Oh, ok. I'd like you to go back and answer that question again, but about <<$subjectname>>'s <<$media>>.\n\n[[Ok|Contact]]
Sure. I think everyone has, at some point.\n\nWhat inspired you to contact them?\n\n[[They got things wrong and I wanted to tell them|ContactReason][$contactreason to "you had negative feedback"]]\n[[I enjoyed it and wanted to tell them|ContactReason][$contactreason to "you had positive feedback"]]\n[[I wanted to engage with them about it|ContactReason][$contactreason to "you wanted a dialogue"]]\n[[I wanted to get to know them better|ContactReason][$contactreason to "you wanted to make friends"]]\n[[I just wanted to let them know how I felt|ContactReason][$contactreason to "you needed to share your feelings"]]\n[[For other or complicated reasons|ContactReason][$contactreason to "you had complicated feelings"]]
Caelyn Sandel [[@inurashii|http://inurashii.xyz]]
Okay.\n\nI'll remember.\n\nSee you later.
Have you ever contacted someone you don't know personally because of something they made, wrote, or did on the internet? It could be a letter, a twitter mention, an e-mail, or anything like that.\n\n[[Yes|Contact][$contact to true]]\n[[No|No Contact][$contact to false]]
Was it <<$subjectname>>'s <<$media>> that made you feel <<$emotion>>? Is that the work you contacted them about because <<$contactreason>>?\n\n[[Yes|abbott]]\n[[No, but I did contact them|recentcontact]]\n[[No, I didn't contact them|Definitely No Contact][$contactreason to 0; $contact to false]]
<<if $emotion is "excited" or $emotion is "hopeful">>That's great! Isn't it amazing when <<$media>> can evoke such strong positive emotions?<<endif>><<if $emotion is "infatuated">>It's striking when <<$media>> makes you feel like you know a person deeply. I think this happens to everyone sometimes.<<endif>><<if $emotion is "livid" or $emotion is "annoyed">>Being upset with people on the internet seems to be so common, and it's not uncommon to encounter <<$media>> that makes you feel that way. I'm sorry.<<endif>><<if $emotion is "envious">>We live in a society that convinces us that we are always in competition. This can make it really hard to listen to others. I'm sorry you went through that.<<endif>><<if $emotion is "confused" or $emotion is "conflicted" or $emotion is "disturbed">>There's a lot of information out there that's very difficult to process. Feeling the way you do means that you're working on it, and many people don't do that. Good on you.<<endif>><<if $emotion is "guilty">>Guilt is a necessary step to go through when you experience <<$media>> that highlights privilege. It's natural and sometimes there's no resolution for it. I'm sorry you've gone through that.<<endif>><<if $emotion is "empty" or $emotion is "depressed">>I'm so, so sorry.\nThis stuff can be so overwhelming. I hope I can help you take care of yourself.<<endif>>\n\nWho created the <<$media>> that you saw?\n<<textinput $subjectname [[Ok|SubjectConfirm]]>>