Pros of private funding:\n-Large amounts of cash\n-Immediate use of our research\n-No bias towards any one nation\n\nCons of private funding:\n-Possible immoral use of research\n-Likely bias research bias towards the private firm\n-Complete reliance on firm for cash.\n\nDo you want to [[select this source of funding|pvta]], or [[keep reviewing your options|finance]]?
The next item we are working on is to finalize a drug designed to assist persons working in high-altitude, low-oxygen conditions. The drug has already been tested as safe, so we are only performing some final checks to verify it's effects.\n\n[[Here are the results|choicetwoa]].
Director, we've restricted access to the miracle drug, so far with good results. Most major hospitals have stocks of our medicine for the worst patients to use, and we're handling contracts with some companies to mass-produce it.\n\nWith the amount of money that we're making out of this, I reccommend that we now [[shut down|pubgoodend]] this foundation, and move on to something bigger.
<<silently>>\n<<set $fund = "">>\n<<set $sell = "">>\n<<endsilently>>\n"Pros and Cons"\n\nAn Interactive Story by Alex Hughes\n\nClick [[here|intro]] to start!
Hello, and congratulations on your promotion to Director of the Miami Research Foundation!\n\nOur projects have many real-world impacts, and as such, we must continue researching as soon as possible!\n\nOur first order of business is to decide our funding options. As a non-profit organization, chosing a good source of money is extremely important.\n\nHere, let me show you our [[funding options|finance]].
Your time here at the foundation has had some major impacts on the world!\n\nYour first steroid, sold to the major private company, was sold widely across the world, and many people were able to better live their lives thanks to the drug.\n\n<<if $sell == "yes">>But sadly, the second drug you created had the unforseen long-term effect of addiction. Despite being quickly banned from markets, the private company made a killing off of it and is still making huge amounts of money from private use.<<else>>Luckily, the second drug you created had the unforseen long-term effect of addiction, so pulling it from markets was a good decision that prevented the ruining of many lives.<<endif>>\n\nFinally, the company provided you with a large check for giving them the miracle drug. While your foundation may have gone under, you personally are able to live life comfortably for a long time.\n\n[[End|end]]
Director, I have good news and bad news.\n\nThe good news is, the miracle drug is a huge success, and people everywhere are using it with amazing results.\n\nThe bad news it, many hospitals and large pharmaceutical companies are losing business to us, and we've been hit with a large number of lawsuits. We simply dont have the time and money to deal with them well, so we've been forced to [[shut down|badpubend]].
<<set $fund = "govt">>I'm sure the United States Goverment will be very pleased to hear that we've decided to accept their aid.\n\nThey've sent us a [[letter|choiceone]] detailing their first research request.
<<set $sell = "no">>Director, while we may have seized the moral high ground here, we've lost a lot of money testing a failed drug. We'll need to produce something of value soon, or this foundation wont last much longer.\n\nLuckily, I have an idea for a [[new product|choicethree]].
Thank you for playing my short game!\n\nI put a lot of time and effort into writing and creating this, so time permitting, feel free to click the restart button on the left and play again. Different choices lead to different endings, of course.\n\nThank you again, and have a fantastic day!
Sadly, the drug doesn't seem to work nearly as well as it was promised to before. However, <<if $fund == "pvt">>the private firm is still interested in purchasing the rights to the drug.<<else if $fund == "govt">>the government doesn't know about the drug being ineffective.<<else if $fund == "pub">>the public doesn't know this, and what they don't know wont necessarily hurt them.<<else>>Something went wrong here!<<endif>> Do you think [[we should sell it|choicetwoyes]] to them, [[or not|choicetwono]]?
Director, one of our interns has stumbled upon what is, for lack of a better phrase, a miracle drug! It's cheap to produce, and has a very wide variety of uses. However, I do have some concerns...\n\nWhile the drug is undeniably good for humanity, it could have a disaterous effect on the medical economy if released unrestrained into the market.\n\n<<if $fund == "pvt">>We can [[release it unrestricted|choicethreeyespvt]] to the private firm and allow them to decide what to do with it, or we can [[limit their access|choicethreenopvt]] and prevent them from flooding the market.<<else if $fund == "pub">>We can [[release it unrestricted|choicethreeyespub]] to the public, or we can [[restrict manufacturing|choicethreenopub]] of the drug to prevent accidentally flooding the market.<<else if $fund == "govt">>Luckily, the government will easily take care of any economic problems for us [[if they release it|choicethreegovt]].<<else>>Something went wrong!!!<<endif>>
The private firm managed to get ahold of our miracle drug and are now marketing as their own product, giving us none of the credit and none of the money.\n\nSeeing as we had yet to patent, there is nothing we can really do to prevent them from selling the drug.\n\nWith all of the time and money we put into the end product, we aren't able to continue to run this foundation. We are being [[shut down|pvtend]].
version.extensions.ifMacros={major:2,minor:0,revision:0};macros["if"]={handler:function(place,macroName,params,parser){\nvar conditions=[],clauses=[],srcOffset=parser.source.indexOf(">>",parser.matchStart)+2,src=parser.source.slice(srcOffset),endPos=-1,currentCond=parser.fullArgs(),currentClause="",t=0,nesting=0;\nfor(var i=0;i<src.length;i++){if(src.substr(i,9)=="<<endif>>"){nesting--;if(nesting<0){endPos=srcOffset+i+9;\nconditions.push(currentCond);clauses.push(currentClause);break;}}if((src.substr(i,6)=="<<else")&&nesting==0){conditions.push(currentCond);\nclauses.push(currentClause);currentClause="";t=src.indexOf(">>",i+6);if(src.substr(i+6,4)==" if "){currentCond=Wikifier.parse(src.slice(i+10,t));\n}else{currentCond="true";}i=t+2;}if(src.substr(i,5)=="<<if "){nesting++;}currentClause+=src.charAt(i);\n}try{if(endPos!=-1){parser.nextMatch=endPos;for(i=0;i<clauses.length;i++){if(eval(conditions.shift())){new Wikifier(place,clauses[i ].trim());\nbreak;}}}else{throwError(place,"can't find matching endif");}}catch(e){throwError(place,"bad condition: "+e.message);\n}}};
Pros and Cons
Your time here at the foundation has had some major impacts on the world!\n\nYour first steroid, released to the American public, was spread to hospitals around the nation, and many people were able to better live their lives thanks to the drug.\n\n<<if $sell == "yes">>But sadly, the second drug you created had the unforseen long-term effect of addiction. Despite being quickly banned from markets, the name of your foundation has been forever soiled by this blunder, and you've lost public trust.<<else>>Even better, the second drug you created ended up having an unforseen addiction side effect, and your yanking it from the market prevent the ruining of several lives.<<endif>>\n\nAnd in the end, you released the most powerful drug in history to the market, saving millions of lives in the long run, and being praised as one of the creators of humanity's golden years. Good job, Director.\n\n[[End|end]].
<<set $fund = "pub">>I'm sure the public will be very happy to hear that our contributions to science will be funded by them!\n\nOne of our top scientists has just sent me a [[memo|choiceone]] on a proposed line of research.
Your time here at the foundation has had some major impacts on the world!\n\nYour first steroid, sold to the major private company, was sold widely across the world, and many people were able to better live their lives thanks to the drug.\n\n<<if $sell == "yes">>But sadly, the second drug you created had the unforseen long-term effect of addiction. Despite being quickly banned from markets, the private company made a killing off of it and is still making huge amounts of money from private use.<<else>>Luckily, the second drug you created had the unforseen long-term effect of addiction, so pulling it from markets was a good decision that prevented the ruining of many lives.<<endif>>\n\nFinally, the company gave you and your foundation no credit whatsoever for your creation of the miracle drug. While you may have helped humanity, your name sadly wont go down in history.\n\n[[End|end]].
I've outlined a few of the most attractive offers we have recieved in exchange for the funding of our foundation:\n\n[[U.S. Government Contract|govt]]: The United States government has to provide funding for most of our programs, in exchange for our permission to use any information we collect for possible war or intelligence gathering purposes.\n\n[[Private Firm|pvt]]: A multi-national company is offering complete funding for all of our programs for exclusive use of any information we collect. They have not given us any information as to what they intend to use this information for.\n\n[[Public Funding|pub]]: If we don't want to rely on any one source of funding, or if you feel uncomfortable with promising our research, we can instead solicit donations from grants and the general public. We may not recieve much funding, though.\n\nSelect an option to learn more about it, and to finalize our source of income.
The government has shut you down, and banished your name to obscurity. While you were able to help many people with your first steroid, trying to sell this new drug was quite illegal, and you've been forced out of your business. Better luck next time, perhaps.\n\n[[End|end]].
Director, I have some [[good news and some bad news|news]].
Pros of public funding:\n-Complete transparency\n-Wide support base\n-No incentive to falsify or change research\n\nCons of public funding:\n-Small cash flow\n-No immediate use of research\n-Reliance on public intereset\n\nDo you want to [[select this source of funding|puba]], or [[keep reviewing your options|finance]]?
Director, I have some [[bad news|badnews]] for you.
Director, one of our interns has stumbled upon what is, for lack of a better phrase, a miracle drug! It's cheap to produce, and has a very wide variety of uses. However, I do have [[some concerns...|choicethreea]]
Director, the human testing was a success!\n\nWhile there was one case of a slight allergic reaction, all of the subjects responded well to the steroids, and <<if $fund == "govt">>we can send some samples to the government for field use soon.<<else if $fund == "pvt">>we can send some samples to the firm for commercial use immediately.<<else if $fund == "pub">>we can release some samples to local hospitals for civiallian useage in a few weeks.<<else>>Something went wrong here!!!<<endif>>\n\nWe'll begin our next project [[immediately|choicetwo]].
Pros of government funding:\n-Decent amount of cash\n-Supporting our country\n-Possible government protection\n\nCons of government funding:\n-Possible hostile use of research\n-Cash flow subject to whims of politicians\n-Possible research bias to please government\n\nDo you want to [[select this source of funding|govta]], or [[keep reviewing your options|finance]]?
The good news is, the drug sold extremely well, and is helping people everywhere as we speak!\n\nThe bad news is, now that we've provided them with the ultimate cure, they don't really have any need for our foundation anymore, and we are being [[shut down|goodend]].
Your time here at the foundation has had some major impacts on the world!\n\nYour first steroid, released to the American public, was spread to hospitals around the nation, and many people were able to better live their lives thanks to the drug.\n\n<<if $sell == "yes">>But sadly, the second drug you created had the unforseen long-term effect of addiction. Despite being quickly banned from markets, the name of your foundation has been forever soiled by this blunder, and you've lost public trust.<<else>>Even better, the second drug you created ended up having an unforseen addiction side effect, and your yanking it from the market prevent the ruining of several lives.<<endif>>\n\nAnd in the end, it was all for naught. While you may have helped many lives, your foundation was ruthlessly torn apart by larger corportations whose customers you had stolen. Your name may go down in history as the one who introduced the miracle drug to the public, major companies will surely do their best to slander it.\n\n[[End|end]].
<<set $sell = "yes">><<if $fund == "govt">>The government ran their own tests with the drug, and found that it did not work nearly as well as we promised! Director, I'm very sorry to say that our research foundation is being [[shut down|badend]].<<else if $fund == "pvt">>The firm, in full knowledge of the lack of effectiveness of our drug, still decided to purchase it, and we've made a lot of money off of the sale. However, the public wont derive any benefit from spending money on a useless drug, and there could be repercussions in the future.\n\nDirector, we're ready for you to approve our [[next product|choicethree]].<<else if $fund == "pub">>The public, unaware of the uselessness of the drug, still bought it. While they don't yet seem to notice it's lack of an effect, sales aren't exactly booming either. Hopefully we wont get any backlash from this.\n\nDirector, we're ready for you to approve our [[next product|choicethree]].<<else>>Something went wrong!!!>><<endif>>
Director, the government has released the drug as part of the new Universal Health Care Plan. However, something went terribly wrong, and the drug has been lost! While we can certainly recreate it, it will be several years before the government will be able to release it again, so we have been forced to [[shut down|govtend]].
It seems that our first line of research will be to create a new type of steroid, one with a greater benefit to the human body and immune system, and with less harmful side effects.\n\nBeing the director, you have some say over how we should procede with our research. The most important issue right now is human testing.\n\nIf we test our steroids on human subjects, we will gain a much greater understanding on the effects of the compound on the intended users.\n\nHowever... There is also the chance that the steroids will have an unforseen negative effect on human psychology, and could bring harm to our test subjects. In this case, it would be safer to test on animal subjects, such as lab rats.\n\nDirector, what do you propose? [[Human testing|choiceonehuman]], or [[animal testing|choiceoneanimal]]?
It seems that our first line of research will be to create a new type of steroid, one with a greater benefit to the human body and immune system, and with less harmful side effects.\n\nBeing the director, you have some say over how we should procede with our research. The most important issue right now is human testing.\n\nIf we test our steroids on human subjects, we will gain a much greater understanding on the effects of the compound on the intended users.\n\nHowever... There is also the chance that the steroids will have an unforseen negative effect on human psychology, and could bring harm to our test subjects. In this case, it would be safer to test on animal subjects.\n\n[[Director, what do you propose?|choiceonec]]
It seems that our first line of research will be to create a new type of steroid, one with a greater benefit to the human body and immune system, and with less harmful side effects.\n\nBeing the director, you have some say over how we should procede with our research. The most important issue right now is human testing.\n\nIf we test our steroids on human subjects, we will gain a much greater understanding on the effects of the compound on the intended users.\n\n[[However...|choiceoneb]]
<<set $fund = "pvt">>The company's shareholders are very happy to hear that we've decided to promise our aid to them!\n\nWe've just recieved an [[email|choiceone]] from them outlining their first research request.
Alex Hughes
It seems that our first line of research will be to create a new type of steroid, one with a greater benefit to the human body and immune system, and with less harmful side effects.\n\nBeing the director, you have some say over how we should procede with our research. The most important issue right now is [[human testing|choiceonea]].
Thankfully, the animal testing was a success. All of the rats responded well to the steroids. <<if $fund == "govt">>As soon as we modify the formula for human use, we'll send it to the goverment for use in the field.<<else if $fund == "pvt">>As soon as we modify the formula for human use, we'll send it to the firm for commercializtion.<<else if $fund == "pub">>As soon as we modify the formula for human use, we'll release the it for civilian usage.<<else>> Something went wrong here!!!<<endif>>\n\nWe'll begin our next project [[immediately|choicetwo]].
Your time here at the foundation has had some major impacts on the world!\n\nYour first steroid, released to the American public, was spread to hospitals around the nation, and many people were able to better live their lives thanks to the drug.\n\nEven better, the second drug you created ended up having an unforseen addiction side effect, and your yanking it from the market prevent the ruining of several lives.\n\nBut in the end, your government lost one of the most powerful and effective drugs in history, and your foundation was the one to receive all of the blame. You are forced to retire, none the richer, but much the wiser.\n\n[[End|end]].