obscene (adj):\n#immodest; not agreeable to [[chastity]] of mind; causing [[lewd|lewdness]] ideas\n#offensive; disgusting\n\nobscenity (n): [[impurity]] of thought or language; [[unchastity]]; [[lewdness]]
naughty (adj):\n#[[bad]]; [[wicked]]; [[corrupt]]\n#(it is now seldom used but in ludicrous censure)\n----\n{{{t a l k d i r t y t o m e}}}
female (n): a [[she]]; one of the [[sex]] which brings young; not [[male]]\n----\n{{{v a g i n a - h a v e r}}}
strumpet (n): a [[whore]]; a [[prostitute]]
DEBAUCH:\n(v):\n#to [[corrupt]]; to [[vitiate]]\n#to [[corrupt]] with [[lewdness]]\n#to [[corrupt]] by [[intemperance]]\n(n):\n#a fit of [[intemperance]]\n#[[luxury]]; [[excess]]; [[lewdness]]\n\nalso:\n*debauchee (n): a [[lecher]]; a drunkard; a [[man]] given to [[intemperance]]\n*debaucher (n): one who [[seduces|seduce]] others to [[intemperance]] or [[lewdness]]; a [[corrupter|corrupt]]\n*debauchery (n): the practice of [[excess]]; [[intemperance]]; [[lewdness]]\n*debauchment (n): the act of debauching or [[vitiating|vitiate]]; [[corruption|corrupt]]
unmarried (adj): having no [[husband]], or no [[wife]]
excess (n):\n#more than enough; faulty superfluity\n#[[intemperance]]; unreasonable indulgence in meat and drink\n#violence of passion\n#transgression of due limits
feculence (n):\n#muddiness; quality of abounding with [[lees]] or sediment\n#[[lees]]; [[feces]]; sediment; [[dregs]]\n\nfeculent (adj): [[foul]]; [[dreggy|dregs]]; [[excrementitious|excrement]]
huh.\nthe "fuck" word isn't in this dictionary.\n\n…do you want to [[fornicate]] with the dictionary?\n…maybe you want to try [[debauching|debauch]] it?
FOUL (adj):\n#not clean; [[filthy|filth]]; [[dirty|dirt]]; miry\n#(through most of its significations it is opposed to //fair//)\n#[[impure|impurity]]; polluted; full of [[filth]]\n#[[wicked]]; detestable; abominable\n#hateful; ugly; loathsome\n\nfoully (adv): [[filthily|filth]]; [[nastily|nasty]]; odiously; hatefully; scandalously; disgracefully; shamefully\n\nfoulness (n):\n#the quality of being foul; [[filthiness|filth]]; [[nastiness|nasty]]\n#pollution; [[impurity]]\n#hatefulness; atrociousness\n#ugliness; deformity
sex (n):\n#the property by which any animal is [[male]] or [[female]]\n#[[womankind|woman]], by way of emphasis\n----\n[[{{{g e n i t a l s}}}]]
LUST (n):\n#[[carnal]] [[desire]]\n#any violent or irregular [[desire]]\n\nalso:\nlustful (adj):\n#[[libidinous]]; having irregular [[desires|desire]]\n#provoking to [[sensuality|sensual]]; inciting to lust\nlustfully (adv): with [[sensual]] [[concupiscence]]\nlustfulness (n): [[libidinousness|libidinous]]\n
you are trying to [[fuck]] the [[dictionary]]
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adultery (n): the act of violating the bed of a [[married|marry]] person\n\nadulterate (v):\n#to commit adultery\n#to [[corrupt]] by some foreign admixture; to contaminate
carnal (adj):\n#fleshly; not spiritual\n#[[lustful|lust]]; [[lecherous|lecher]]; [[libidinous]]
CORRUPT:\n(va):\n#to turn from a sound to a putrescent state; to infect\n#to deprave; to destroy integrity; to [[vitiate]]; to bribe\n#to spoil; to do mischief\n(vn):\n#to become putrid; to grow rotten; to putrefy; to lose [[purity|purity]]\n(adj):\n#spoiled; tainted; [[vitiated|vitiate]] in its qualities\n#unsound; putrid\n#[[vicious]]; tainted with [[wickedness|wicked]]; without integrity\n\ncorruption (n):\n#[[wickedness|wicked]]; [[perversion]] of principles; loss of integrity\n#cause, or means, of depravation\n\n(also: corrupter; corruptibility; corruptible; corruptibleness; corruptibility; corruptive; corruptly; corruptness)
LEWD (n):\n#[[wicked]]; [[bad]]; [[naughty]]\n#[[lustful|lust]]; [[libidinous]]\n\nalso:\n*lewdness (n): [[lustful|lust]] [[licentiousness|licentious]]\n*lewdster (n): a [[lecher]]; one given to criminal [[pleasures|pleasure]]
appetite (n):\n#the natural desire of [[good|bad]]; the instinct by which we are led to seek [[pleasure]]\n#the [[desire]] of [[sensual]] [[pleasure]]
WHORE (n):\n#a [[woman]] who [[converses|converse]] unlawfully with [[men|man]]; a [[fornicatress|fornicate]]; an [[adultress|adultery]]; a [[strumpet]]\n#a [[prostitute]]; a [[woman]] who receives [[men|man]] for money\n\nalso:\n*whore (vn): to [[converse]] unlawfully with the other sex\n*whore (va): to [[corrupt]] with regard to [[chastity]]\n*whoredom (n): [[fornication|fornicate]]\n*whoremaster / whoremonger (n): one who keeps whores, or [[converses|converse]] with a [[fornicatress|fornicate]]
libidinous (adj): [[lewd|lewdness]]; [[lustful|lust]]
savage (n): a [[man]] untaught and uncivilized; a barbarian\n\nsavage (adj):\n#wild; uncultivated\n#untamed; cruel\n#uncivilized; barbarous; untaught; wild; [[brutal]]
he (pronoun): [[man]] or [[male]] being
filth (n):\n#[[dirt]]; [[nastiness|nasty]]; any thing that soils or [[fouls|foul]]\n#[[corruption|corrupt]]; grossness; pollution
The dictionary you are trying to [[fuck]] is Samuel Johnson's //[[Dictionary|full title]] of the English Language//. Commissioned in 1746 and published in 1755, it was composed in the fourth-story garrett of Johnson's house at 17 Gough Square, London.\n\n…\n…\n…\n…the dictionary doesn't know what you mean by "fuck."\nDo you want to try [[fornicating|fornicate]] with it? Maybe a [[debauch]] is in order?\n
intercourse (n): [[commerce]]; exchange; communication
seduce (v): to draw aside from the right; to tempt; to [[corrupt]]; to [[deprave]]; to mislead; to deceive
impure (adj):\n#defiled with guilt; unholy\n#[[unchaste|unchastity]]\n#[[feculent]]; foul with extraneous mixtures; drossy\n\nimpurity (n):\n#want of sanctity; want of holiness\n#act of [[unchastity]]\n#[[feculent]] admixture
licentious (adj):\n#unrestrained by law or morality\n#presumptuous; unconfined\n\nlicentiousness (n): boundless liberty; contempt of just restraint\n----\n{{{t h i s i s y o u r c h a n c e t o e s c a p e}}}\n{{{y o u a r e u n r e s t r a i n e d}}}\n{{{c l o s e t h e d i c t i o n a r y a n d w a l k a w a y}}}\n\n\n{{{y o u c a n a l w a y s t r y t o f u c k i t a g a i n l a t e r}}}\n
dirt (n): mud; [[filth]]; mire; any thing that sticks to the clothes or the body\n\ndirty (adj):\n#[[foul]]; [[nasty]]; [[filthy|filth]]\n#mean; base; despicable\n\nalso: dirt (v); dirt-pie; dirtily; dirtiness; dirty (v)
voluptuousness (n): [[luxuriousness|luxury]]; addictedness to [[excess]] of [[pleasure]]
virgin (n):\n#a [[maid]]; a [[woman]] unacquainted with [[men|man]]\n#any thing untouched or unmingled; any thing [[pure|purity]]
chastity (n):\n#[[purity]] of the body\n#freedom from [[obscenity]]\n\nchaste (adj):\n#pure from all [[commerce]] of sexes; as, a //chaste// [[virgin]]\n#free from [[obscenity]]\n#true to the [[marriage|marry]] bed
(The dictionary's full and official title is:\n\n<center>//A\nDICTIONARY\nof the\nEnglish Language:\nin which\nThe WORDS are deduced from their ORIGINALS,\nand\nILLUSTRATED in their DIFFERENT SIGNIFICATIONS\nby\nEXAMPLES from the best WRITERS.\nTo which are prefixed,\nA HISTORY of the LANGUAGE,\nand AN ENGLISH GRAMMAR.\nBy SAMUEL JOHNSON, A.M.\nIn TWO Volumes//</center>\n\n…most impressive. No wonder you want to [[fuck]] it.)
deprave (v): to [[vitiate]]; to [[corrupt]]; to contaminate
Dirty Words in the //Dictionary//\n/%version 1.0; uploaded June 8, 2014%/
man (n):\n#human being\n#not a [[woman]]\n#not a boy\n#not a beast
unchaste (adj): [[lewd|lewdness]]; [[libidinous]]; not continent; not [[chaste|chastity]]; not [[pure|purity]]\n\nunchastity (n): [[lewdness]]; [[incontinence]]
wicked (adj):\n#given to [[vice|vicious]]; not good; flagitious; morally [[bad]]\n#cursed; baneful; pernicious; [[bad]] in effect, as medicinal things are called virtuous
geld (v):\n#to [[castrate]]; to deprive of the power of generation\n#to deprive of any essential part\n#to deprive of any thing immodest, or liable to objection\n
woman (n): the [[female]] of the human race
infamy (n): publick reproach; notoriety of [[bad]] character\n\ninfamously (adv): shamefully; scandalously
incontinence (n): inability to restrain the appetites; [[unchastity]]\n\nincontinent (adj): [[unchaste|unchastity]]; indulging unlawful [[pleasure]]
purity (n):\n#cleanness; freedom from [[foulness|foul]] or [[dirt]]\n#freedom from guilt; innocence\n#[[chastity]]; freedom from contamination of [[sexes|sex]]
converse (v): to [[cohabit]] with; to hold [[intercourse]] with; to be a companion to
vicious (adj):\n#[[corrupt]]; [[wicked]]; opposite to virtuous\n#(it is rather applied to habitual faults, than criminal actions; it is used of persons and practices)\n\nvice (n):\n#the course of action opposite to virtue; [[depravity|deprave]] of manners; inordinate life\n#a fault; an offence\n#a kind of small iron press with screws, used by workmen
vitiate (n): to [[deprave]]; to spoil; to make less [[pure|purity]]\nsee also: "[[vitious|vicious]]"
lees (n):\n#[[dregs]]; sediment\n#(it seldom has a singular)
lecher (n): a [[whoremaster|whore]]\n\nlechery (n): [[lewdness]]; [[lust]]\n\n(also: lecher (v); lecherous; lecherously; lecherousness)
pleasure (n):\n#delight; gratification of the mind or [[senses|sensual]]\n#loose gratification\n----\npleasures ==can be== ought not to be: [[excessive|excess]], [[addictive|luxury]], [[corporal|sensual]], [[brutal]], [[unlawful|incontinence]], [[criminal|lewdness]]
luxury (n):\n#[[voluptuousness|voluptuous]]; addictedness to [[pleasure]]\n#[[lust]]; [[lewdness]]\n\nluxurious (adj):\n#delighting in the [[pleasures|pleasure]] of the table\n#[[lustful|lust]]; [[libidinous]]\n#[[voluptuous]]; enslaved to [[pleasure]]\n
nastiness (n):\n#[[dirt]]; [[filth]]\n#[[obscenity]]; grossness of ideas\n\nnasty (adj):\n#[[dirty|dirt]]; [[filthy|filth]]; sordid; nauseous; polluted\n#[[obscene|obscenity]]; [[lewd|lewdness]]
intemperance (n): [[excessive|excess]] addiction to any [[appetite]] or affection\n\nintemperate (adj): immoderate in [[appetite]]; [[excessive|excess]] in meat or drink; drunken; gluttonous
maid / maiden (n): an [[unmarried]] [[woman]]; a [[virgin]]\n\nmaiden (adj):\n#consisting of [[virgins|virgin]]\n#fresh; new; unused; unpolluted
castrate (v):\n#to [[geld]]\n#to take away the [[obscene|obscenity]] parts of a writing
PROSTITUTE:\n(n):\n#a hireling; a mercenary; one who is set to [[sale|commerce]]\n#a public [[strumpet]]\n(adj):\n#[[vicious]] for hire; sold to [[infamy]] or [[wickedness|wicked]]; sold to [[whoredom|whore]]\n(v):\n#to sell to [[wickedness|wicked]]; to expose to crimes for a reward\n#(it is commonly used of women sold to [[whoredom|whore]] by themselves or others)\n#to expose upon vile terms
desire (v):\n#to wish; to long for; to covet\n#to require; to demand\n----\ndesires ==can be== ought not to be: [[irregular|concupiscence]], [[carnal]], [[violent|lust]]\nsee also: [[pleasure]]
commerce (n): [[intercourse]]; exchange of one thing for another
concubinage (n): the act of living with a [[woman]] not [[married|unmarried]]\n\nmore to the point:\nconcubine (n): a [[woman]] kept in [[fornication|fornicate]]; a [[whore]]; a [[strumpet]]
genitals (n):\n#parts belonging to generation\n#"Ham is conceived to be Jupiter, who was the youngest son who is said to have cut off the //genitals// of his father." //Brown//\n----\n"Ham is conceived to be Jupiter, who was the youngest son, worshipped by the name of Hamon, who was the Egyptian and African name for Jupiter, who is said to have cut off the genitals of his father, derived from the history of Ham, who beheld the nakedness of his, and by no hard mistake might be confused from the text, as Bochartus hath well observed." --Sir Thomas Browne, //Enquiries into Vulgar and Common Errors//, Bk VII, ch V\n----\n{{{don't think about castration\ndon't think about castration\ndon't think about castration\ndon't think about}}} [[castration|castrate]]
wife (n): a [[woman]] that has a [[husband]]
excrement (n): that which is thrown out as useless, noxious, or [[corrupted|corrupt]] from the natural passages of the body\n\nalso:\n*excremental (adj): that which is voided as excrement\n*excrementitious (adj): containing excrements; consisting of matter excreted from the body; offensive or useless to the body
marry (v):\n#to join a [[man]] and [[woman]]\n#to take for [[husband]] or [[wife]]\n\nmarriage (n):\n#the act of uniting a [[man]] and [[woman]] for life\n#state of perpetual union\n
sensual (adj):\n#consisting in sense; depending on sense; affecting the senses\n#devoted to sense; [[lewd|lewdness]]; [[luxurious|luxury]]\n\nalso:\n*sensualist (n): a [[carnal]] person; one devoted to corporal [[pleasures|pleasure]]\n*sensuality (n): devotedness to the senses; addiction to brutal and corporal [[pleasures|pleasure]]
FORNICATE (va): to commit [[lewdness]]\n\nalso:\n*fornication (n): [[concubinage]] or [[commerce]] with an [[unmarried]] [[woman]]\n*fornicator (n): one that has [[commerce]] with [[unmarried]] [[women|woman]]\n*fornicatress (n): a [[woman]] who without marriage [[cohabits|cohabit]] with a [[man]]
brutal (adj):\n#that which belongs to a brute\n#[[savage]]; cruel; inhuman\n\nbrute:\n#(adj): rough; ferocious; uncivilized; [[savage]]\n#(n): an irrational creature; a creature without reason; a [[savage]]
bad (adj):\n#[[vicious]]; [[corrupt]]\n#hurtful; unwholesome; mischievous; pernicious\n#a general word used in regard to physical or moral faults, either of [[men|man]] or things
feces (n):\n#[[dregs]]; [[lees]]; sediments; subsidence\n#[[excrement]]
perverse (adj):\n#distorted from the right\n#obstinate in the wrong; stubborn; untractable\n#petulant; vexatious; peevish; [[desirous|desire]] to cross and vex\n\npervert (v):\n#to distort from the true end or purpose\n#to [[corrupt]]; to turn from the right
she (pronoun): the [[female]]; not the [[male]]
concupiscence (n): irregular [[desire]]; [[libidinous]] wish; [[lust]]; [[lechery|lecher]]
dregs (n):\n#the sediment of liquors; the [[lees]]; the grounds; the [[feculence|feculent]]\n#any thing by which [[purity]] is [[corrupted|corrupt]]
Dr Samuel Johnson & @hcgoldsmith
male:\n(adj): of the [[sex]] that begets, not bears young; not [[female]]\n(n): the [[he]] of any species\n----\n{{{p e n i s - h a v e r}}}
husband (n): the correlative to [[wife]]; a [[man]] [[married|marry]] to a [[woman]]
cohabit (v): to live together as [[husband]] and [[wife]]