(set: $coins to 20)(set: $current to (random:1,10))(set: $prev to 0)(set: $pal to (either: "Osric", "Fred", "Berg", "Jack", "Brad", "Tydwald", "Red", "Ted", "Ethelbert", "Cecil", "Gonk", "Tiny")) After another long day of toil, with your pocket full of copper coins, you head down to the tavern to play dice with your crony, $pal. You both work long hours, so your preferred game is simple: one of you rolls a number (between one and ten), and then you bet a copper on whether the next roll will be higher or lower. To spice things up, you can also stake five coins on the chance that the number will be identical to the one before. [[Begin]]. ==> (text-style: "subscript")[ //[[About]]// ]You have $coins coins in your pocket. (either: "You pick up the dice and roll", "$pal picks up the dice and rolls") a $current. Will the next number be [[higher]], [[lower]], or the [[same]]? [[Quit]] for the night. (move: $current into $prev)(set: $current to (random: 1,10)) The next number is $current. (if: $current > $prev)[(set: $coins to $coins + 1)You win!](else:)[(set: $coins to $coins - 1)You lose!] [[Begin<-Play again.]](move: $current into $prev)(set: $current to (random: 1,10)) The next number is $current. (if: $current < $prev)[(set: $coins to $coins + 1)You win!](else:)[(set: $coins to $coins - 1)You lose!] [[Begin<-Play again.]](move: $current into $prev)(set: $current to (random: 1,10)) The next number is $current. (if: $current is $prev)[(set: $coins to $coins + 5)You win!](else:)[(set: $coins to $coins - 5)You lose!] [[Begin<-Play again.]]You rise from the table, bidding $pal goodnight, and stroll out of the tavern(if: $coins > 20)[, (print: $coins - 20) coin(if: $coins > 21)[s] richer.](elseif: $coins is 20)[. A pleasant evening.](elseif: $coins > 0)[. You are poorer by (print: 20 - $coins) coin(if: $coins < 19)[s], but at least you haven't lost everything.](elseif: $coins < 0)[, where you are promptly arrested for debt.](else:)[. So much for your day's pay! Your spouse will not be impressed.] [[You can always play again another day.->Setup]]This is an extremely simple game made with Twine 2.0, because I could. [[Setup<-Go back]]