When you go up to dunk you either
[[ 360 windmill dunk]]
[[ 540 behind the back dunk]]
you either
[[dunk it]]
[[get stuffed buy the rim]]
you either
[[dunk it]]
[[ end up like paul george with a broken ankle]]
[[ the crowd goes wild]]
[[ an excitement rushes through you whole body]]\
you either
[[ fall and get embarrased]]
[[ roll over and say to someone what are those]]
We call your mom and tell her
[[ you broke your ankle]]
[[ your friend drives you and your mom doesn't find out]]
Your whole basketball career is over.
<img src="http://medaccesspartners.com/wp-content/uploads/banner-image-albemarle-hospital.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
[[ your mom tells you that you are dumb and does meet you at the hospital]]
[[ she rushes into her car and meets you to the hospital]]
<img src="http://medaccesspartners.com/wp-content/uploads/banner-image-albemarle-hospital.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
Your whole basketball career is over.
you either
[[ sound stupid for trying to recover for the bad attempt at the dunk]]
[[people start to laugh]]
People just laugh at you in your face and pick on you for the rest of your life.
You either think to your self
[[ Wow that was a good recovery]]
[[ Wow people are dumb]]
You become the most favorite player on the team that the crowd loves.
you either
[[You have so much adrenaline and do another dunk]]
[[ do the same dunk again]]
Your mom is asshole.
<img src="https://adventureswiththepooh.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/yelling-mom.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
she either
[[ cries because you're hurt]]
[[ she passes out]]
you either
[[ do a 360 under both legs]]
[[ you dunk on someone.]]
<img src="http://www.totalprosports.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/jordan-mcrae-360-dunk-tennessee-e1363353834784.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
People just oooooooo about it.
You become the most known basketball player for there dunks.
Shows that she cares about you.
Then she is then taken care of and is fine.
You get known for posterizing people.
<img src="http://www.sikids.com/images/cms/imce/users/jrepanich/2013/03/Vince-Carter-Olympics-Weis-sm.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
Here comes the first practice of basketball, I can't wait to show my coach how I have improved my game so much. I am wanting to show him how I can get up and dunk it and hopefully he will like it.
<img src="http://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2011/c943e7ba-0181-4033-a882-6c5fbeb3c57b.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
Think to yourself that you could be a comedian, you either
[[ go on American Idol]]
[[ you don't think about going to American Idol]]
You are an ass for thinking that.
You will embarrase yourself and will get picked on for your whole life and live in shame.
You just crack jokes with your friends.
so you either
[[ go to the bank]]
[[go to seaword]]
You barge in a yell this is a stick up!!!! You ask the bank accountant to put all the money in the bag and they do but as they do that the police are already on there way. You then get the bag full and hurry out to your car and drive away and get a 5 star speed chase.
<img src="http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20130108&t=2&i=692095110&w=644&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&sq=&r=CBRE907167I00" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">
You pull up to Sea World wiht a semi truck full of water and begin to think on how to kidnap Shamoo. You go to a crane to pick up Shamoo and put him in the semi truck and try to escape but then out of know where comes batman. He tells you to keep on going because the police that are chasing you are really jokers side kicks who were intentionally trying to take Shamoo too.
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/SeaWorldBelieve.JPG" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">