**So why would you need to apply for financial support?**
It will give me time.
It will put the project higher up the priority list
It will give me deadlines
It will show the world that what I am doing has value.
It will give me additional possibilities that I could not do otherwise.
[[Where does money come from?]][[Central government]]
[[Local government]]
[[Private funds]]
[[EU funds]]Worth keeping an eye on as these often change as policy and governments change.
So how do you make [[the good project]]?Local government money may be disguised EU money eg the Social Fund is often distributed locally.
Now find out how to prepare the [[the good project]].In Denmark there are thousands of legacy trust funds. As long as you meet the criteria, you may benefit. Some of these funds are so specific that they carry over funds from one period to the next because there were no suitable applicants.
How do you make [[the good project]]?These are what I am most familiar with and are good if your project would benefit from a cross EU perspective.
However the applications take a while to write and you are not guaranteed funding.
Your projects will never be fully funded so you have to be prepared to bear some of the cost.
How do you make [[the good project]]?<img src="https://annefox.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/33677193_1982001851872193_2393524594762842112_n-1024x768.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="diversophy Denmark">
What do you want to think about first?
[[Target group]]?
[[Legal and financial capacity]]?Most funding organisations need you to be pretty clear about your target group.
Who they are
Why they need help
How many you will reach etc
[[Jackpot!]]It will often be a good idea to work with partners to strengthen your application. eg For the EU they will need to be in other EU/EEA countries.
It makes your application more serious.
[[Jackpot!]]You will need to be able to describe your proposed project very clearly and briefly.
This helps you plan the time line and helps you estimate how much it will cost.
Your elevator pitch
Go to the [[Jackpot!]]Boring but important!
You need to make sure that you are an eligible organisation or person to run a project.
Weak financial capacity may be one good reason to get [[Partners]]!
For EU projects this means getting your PIC number for example.
Go to the [[Jackpot!]] or take a [[chance]]!Good luck with your application!
<img src="https://annefox.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/eu_flag_co_funded_pos_rgb_right-1.jpg" width="500" height="200" alt="EU">Sorry you didn't make it!
but don't forget that
many projects fail to be funded
even though they may be good.