(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
You feel <<print $himher>> considering pulling <<print $hisher>> hand away, and then deciding against it. Fingers intertwine with yours. It's a bit sweaty. You don't love it. <<print $dateName>> starts looking into your eyes, and you avoid <<print $hisher>> gaze as long as possible.\n\n"I just really...wanted prom to be special," <<print $dateName>> says. <<print $capheshe>> might be done yelling, it seems. Finally ready to start guilting you, like they all do.\n\n"I mean, it's still special. Sometimes bad things are still special," you explain.\n\n"AUGH," <<print $dateName>> groans and gets up off the bench, seemingly about to stomp out <<print $hisher>> anger. You watch.\n\nWhat does <<print $hisher>> prom outfit look like?\n<<print $PHaiku2>>\n\nAnyway, you don't know why that made <<print $himher>> so mad, just now. You're just trying to help. Some last minute advice before <<print $dateName>> is out of your life forever. You hate these kinds of conversations. They take way too long and happen way too often. If you weren't so nice they would go by much faster. \n\n"Look, I cheated on you," you lie.\n\n<<print $dateName>> stops stomping. "You...what? With who?"\n\n[["Your best friend"|PResponse]]\n[["Your worst enemy"|PResponse]]\n[["It doesn't matter"|PResponse]]
Puddles can't speak. Only gurgle. \n\n<<print $elfName>> shrugs and snaps her fingers over the fire. A flame bursts forth. "I wanted to do it the human way, but I guess this is fine. How are you doing, <<print $playerName>>-puddle?"\n\nShe picks a marshmallow out of the bag and dips it in you. You don't feel anything, but it's still pretty damn weird. You try to flow away from her, but, again. You're a puddle. \n\nYou just watch her eat the marshmallow, and then you both stare at the fire for a while. Your heart, even though puddles don't have hearts, finally stops pounding. Your thoughts, even though puddles don't have brains, finally stop racing. \n\nYou're going with the flow. The puddle flow.\n\nWhat's it like being a puddle forever?\n<<textinput $FHaiku3 [[5 syllables|FChocolateResponse2]]>>\n\n<<print $elfName>> finally snaps her fingers over you, and you snap back into your human shape. Your clothes are still on, though they're a bit stretched and damp now. \n\n"Sorry about that," she says. You can't even be mad.\n\n[[The fire roars and you watch the embers spread across the ground.|FHaikuEnd]]
<<set $playerName = prompt("And what would you like your name to be?")>><<set $alienName = prompt("And your alien tour guide's name is?")>>"It looks different from up here, doesn't it?" says <<print $alienName>>.\n\nYou nod. You're surprised by how numb you feel, staring out at that old strange planet. You assume that you're going to miss Earth, maybe even possibly cry later, when <<print $alienName>> is gone. You always end up crying after an assignment is over and you have to leave the planet behind. But for now, oddly, you just feel quiet. \n\nWhat exactly does Earth look like from here?\n<<textinput $MHaiku3 [[5 syllables|MoonStart2]]>>\n\n<<print $alienName>> clears his throat and shuffles awkwardly. "Well, so, did you complete your assignment, Agent <<print $playerName>>?" \n\nYou hold out your folder. What's inside?\n\n[[Hundreds of thousands of pages of notes on human behavior, organized by subject and indexed thoroughly|MH2G2]]\n[[A romance novel that is essentially a thinly veiled autobiographical account of your numerous relationships on Earth|MRomance]]\n[[A painting of the moon|MPainting]]
<<print $alienName>> takes your folder, and thumbs through it.\n\nHe blushes.\n\n"Ah...I see. Well...we could always use more research on...this kind of thing," he says.\n\nYou watch him. You learned a lot about the power of silence on Earth.\n\nHe stashes the folder under his arm and quickly steps back behind the ship to make a call. \n\nYou stare back out at Earth. You don't know if you miss it yet. You can't even tell if you miss <<cyclinglink "Jess" "Max" "Sage" "Sam" "Taylor" "Harper" "Adrian" "Ash" "Charlie" "Riley" "Jordan" "Kai">>. You probably do. At least rationally. Somewhere in there. Maybe if you look through your papers again.\n\nHow would you describe love?\n<<print $MHaiku2>>\n\nFor now, though, you still don't really feel anything at all. At least not until you feel the warm glow of <<print $alienName>>'s hand on your shoulder. It's oddly comforting.\n\n"Ready to head out?" he asks. \n\n[["Yes."|MResponse]]\n[["I suppose."|MResponse]]\n[["..."|MResponse]]
The remote won't work, no matter how hard you press the buttons, and that horrible song won't stop. You can't even lower the volume. It just gets louder and louder and you hurl the remote at the TV. \n\nThe whole thing shuts off, with a faint burning smell.\n\nHow do you feel, now that it's quiet?\n<<print $BRHaiku1>>\n\n"Well..." says <<print $catName>>.\n\n"I don't want to talk about it," you say.\n\n"That song kind of reminds me of what you..." \n\n"I said I don't want to talk about it."\n\nYou and <<print $catName>> sit in silence for a few minutes. \n\nThere's a knock at the door. "<<print $playerName>>? Sweetie? What was that sound? Are you okay?"\n\n[[You open the door|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You say "I'm fine!"|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You do nothing|BRDoNothing]]
<<stopallsound>>You're sitting. You're breathing. You're feeling more at peace. Where are you?\n\n[[I'm at the beach|BeachStart]]\n[[I'm in the forest|ForestStart]]\n[[I'm in my bedroom|BedroomStart]]\n[[I'm on the moon|MoonStart]]\n[[I'm at the park|ParkStartGenderCatch]]
<<print $sisterName>> suddenly looks at you. She must've sensed you staring. You should've said something. Anything. It's too late now. \n\nShe jumps up and runs over to you, trampling her sand castle on the way. She crashes into the sand at your feet, rolling over like a dog.\n\n"I'M BORED OF SAND CASTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she tells you in her outside voice, which is not that different from her inside voice. She then proceeds to rattle off the various battles that occured in the Kingdom of the Shore. You pull your sunglasses down over your eyes so she can't tell you're not listening. \n\nWhen she finally stops to take a breath, you stand up and walk over to the ocean. <<print $sisterName>> follows. As usual. You shouldn't have said anything.\n\n"Are you going swimming?" she asks.\n\nYou look down at your bathing suit. What does it look like?\n<<textinput $BEHaiku1 [[5 syllables|BENothing2]] >>\n\n"I guess," you say.\n\n"Can I come?"\n\n[["Sure..."|BESwimming]]\n[["I guess..."|BESwimming]]\n[["Whatever..."|BESwimming]]
<<fadeinsound "BeachHaiku.mp3">>\n\n<center style="padding:1em; border: 1px solid white;">@@color:yellow;<<print $BEHaiku1>><br><<print $BEHaiku2>><br><<print $BEHaiku3>><br><br>@@[[return to start|Start]]</center>\n
The familiar countdown starts.\n\n<<timedreplace 1s>>10...<<gains>>9...<<gains>>8...<<gains>>7...<<gains>>6...<<gains>>5...<<gains>>4...<<gains>>3...<<gains>>2...<<gains>>1...<<gains>>Is <<print $playerName>> coming? We're just doing this countdown out of politeness.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\nThe countdown drones repetitively and out of sync. <<print $alienName>> continues to shift nervously and then quietly leads you back to the ship. It's not his fault he's nervous. You're just not feeling talkative. But you do like that glowing feeling. He's good at his job. \n\nYou don't look back at the Earth as you enter the ship.\n\nHow do you feel now that you can't see Earth?\n<<textinput $MHaiku1 [[5 syllables|MResponse2]]>>\n\nOne you're buckled in, you hear that faint computer voice you've heard so many times before.\n\n"Liftoff!" \n\n[[You allow yourself one last glance out the window.|MHaikuEnd]]
<<set $playerName = prompt("And what would you like your name to be?")>><<set $sisterName = prompt("Unfortunately, you also had to take your little sister to the beach. What's her name?")>>You're sitting on a long, warm beach towel. <<print $sisterName>> is finally silently building a sand castle.\n\nHow does the ocean look?\n<<textinput $BEHaiku2 [[7 syllables|BeachStart2]]>>\n\nIf she decides to make more additions before stomping the thing to the ground, you might get another few minutes of peace.\n\nWhat do you say?\n\n[["You should add a couple windows."|BECastle]]\n[["Some flags might look nice."|BECastle]]\n[[Nothing. Don't distract her.|BENothing]]
<<print $alienName>> takes your folder, and thumbs through it.\n\nHe blushes.\n\n"Ah...I see. Well...we could always use more research on...this kind of thing," he says.\n\nYou watch him. You learned a lot about the power of silence on Earth.\n\nHe stashes the folder under his arm and quickly steps back behind the ship to make a call. \n\nYou stare back out at Earth. You don't know if you miss it yet. You can't even tell if you miss <<cyclinglink "Jess" "Max" "Sage" "Sam" "Taylor" "Harper" "Adrian" "Ash" "Charlie" "Riley" "Jordan" "Kai">>. You probably do. At least rationally. Somewhere in there. Maybe if you look through your papers again. \n\nHow would you describe love?\n<<textinput $MHaiku2 [[7 syllables|MRomance2]]>>\n\nFor now, though, you still don't really feel anything at all. At least not until you feel the warm glow of <<print $alienName>>'s hand on your shoulder. It's oddly comforting.\n\n"Ready to head out?" he asks. \n\n[["Yes."|MResponse]]\n[["I suppose."|MResponse]]\n[["..."|MResponse]]
<<print $alienName>> takes your folder. \n\n"Oh wow, this is pretty heavy, huh," he says. "Oh, whoops!"\n\nAs <<print $alienName>> stumbles, the pages scatter violently out into space. It looks almost as if they begin to orbit. May as well be lost forever.\n\nWhat do those papers look like as they drift through space?\n<<textinput $MHaiku2 [[7 syllables|MH2G22]]>>\n\n"Was that your only copy?" <<print $alienName>> asks.\n\n"Yes," you say.\n\n"Well. Maybe next time you'll make more than one," <<print $alienName>> says. He nods curtly and then steps back to answer a quick call.\n\nYou stare back out at Earth. Your life's work is gone, but you still can't feel anything. Is this peace? Or loneliness?\n\nYou suddenly feel the warm glow of <<print $alienName>>'s hand on your shoulder. Perhaps it was just loneliness after all.\n\n"Ready to head out?" he asks. \n\n[["Yes."|MResponse]]\n[["I suppose."|MResponse]]\n[["..."|MResponse]]
Good choice. These marshmallows seem especially soft. There's no way <<print $elfName>> will hear you.\n\nYou manage to swallow the marshmallow, seemingly undetected. The growling in your stomach stops. Mission accomplished. \n\n<<print $elfName>> throws her last match into the fire. No light. Out of luck. \n\n"Can you stop sitting around and come help me blow on the flame?" <<print $elfName>> asks. "Sometimes that helps."\n\nYou stand at what you consider to be a normal speed, but suddenly you're fifteen feet above the ground and hurtling back down to Earth, fast.\n\nHow does that feel?\n<<textinput $FHaiku2 [[7 syllables|FMarshmallow2]]>>\n\nYou crash into a pile of leaves and then bounce back up. Less high this time, but still just as painful on the crash. You suffer six painful bounces before you can grab a tree trunk and steady yourself.\n\n"What the <<cyclinglink "heck" "hell" "fuck" "fork" end>> was that?" you say.\n\n"It's from the marshmallow you ate," <<print $elfName>> says. "I guess you can't help with the campfire after all."\n\nWhat do you say?\n\n[["How long does this last?!|FMarshmallowResponse]]\n[["What kind of marshmallow was that?!|FMarshmallowResponse]]\n[["Are you going to help me?!|FMarshmallowResponse]]
Though you're very careful, the solid graham cracker crumbles between your teeth and you see <<print $elfName>>'s pointed ears snap to attention. She turns around before you can hide the evidence.\n\n"Oh, I see," she says, turning back to the short, dying flames and dropping one of her last matches into the fire. "You don't have faith in me."\n\n"I was starving," you say. "It's not your fault. I think the wood's wet. Maybe we-" \n\nSuddenly, the trees around you grow taller.\n\nAnd taller.\n\nAnd taller.\n\nThe bark grows lighter. And smells sweeter.\n\nGrass springs up from the ground and nearly covers your head.\n\nYou're <<print $elfName>>'s size now!\n\nHow did that make you feel?\n<<print $FHaiku2>>\n\nWhat do you do?!\n\n[[Freak out|FGrahamResponse]]\n[[Scream|FGrahamResponse]]\n[[Freak out AND scream|FGrahamResponse]]
"WHAT?" <<print $dateName>> yells. <<print $dateName>> snatches the dollar out of your hand anyway and shoves it in <<print $hisher>> pocket. That's probably for the best. It's kind of the least you could do. But you also probably could've used that dollar. You can see it sticking out of <<print $hisher>> pocket, though, still. Maybe you can grab it later, in the car or something. \n\n"I just really...wanted prom to be special," <<print $dateName>> says. <<print $capheshe>> might be done yelling, it seems. Finally ready to start guilting you, like they all do.\n\n"I mean, it's still special. Sometimes bad things are still special," you explain.\n\n"AUGH," <<print $dateName>> groans and gets up off the bench, seemingly about to stomp out <<print $hisher>> anger. You watch.\n\nWhat does <<print $hisher>> prom outfit look like?\n<<textinput $PHaiku2 [[7 syllables|PDollar2]]>>\n\nAnyway, you don't know why that made <<print $himher>> so mad, just now. You're just trying to help. Some last minute advice before <<print $dateName>> is out of your life forever. You hate these kinds of conversations. They take way too long and happen way too often. If you weren't so nice they would go by much faster. \n\n"Look, I cheated on you," you lie.\n\n<<print $dateName>> stops stomping. "You...what? With who?"\n\n[["Your best friend"|PResponse]]\n[["Your worst enemy"|PResponse]]\n[["It doesn't matter"|PResponse]]
It takes too long to gather the energy. Before you even feel like giving it a proper try, you hear a sigh and retreating footsteps. You hear the microwave open and then slam shut. You wait through the first round to hear if it'll start up again. It does. She's making you dinner, too.\n\nHow do you feel when you hear that microwave?\n<<textinput $BRHaiku2 [[7 syllables|BRDoNothing2]]>>\n\n"Oh, I hope it's chicken parmesan," says <<print $catName>>. \n\n"Gross," you say.\n\n"You should eat it anyway. Maybe she remembers what it's like to be in high school," says <<print $catName>>.\n\n"Maybe," you say.\n\n"Although..." \n\n[["Ugh, what?"|BRResponse]]
You already have a lot of photos of <<print $catName>> but you take a few more with your phone. Your printer's almost out of ink but the fuzzy, faded look of the new photos actually makes the collage look kinda cool. Grunge.\n\nYou spend an hour covering up every tiny blank piece of the white poster board. The layering is kind of therapeutic.\n\n"This is my favorite art," whispers <<print $catName>>. You nod and gently press his face against the collage so he can give it a kiss. He does.\n\nWhen there's nothing else to cover, you sit quietly on your bed for a while. It's still too early to sleep. And there's nothing else in your heart that you want to collage. \n\nHow do you feel when you look at your collage?\n<<print $BRHaiku1>>\n\n"Everything okay?" <<print $catName>> asks. \n\n"Yeah," you say.\n\n"You still thinking about what happ-"\n\n"Yes. Obviously."\n\n<<print $catName>> nods sagely. "Do you want to talk about it?"\n\nYou don't answer him.\n\nThere's a knock at your door.\n\n"<<print $playerName>>? Sweetie? You've been up here a long time. Are you okay?"\n\nMom.\n\n[[You sigh, get up, and open the door|BRDoNothing]]\n[["Just working on some art!"|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You don't answer|BRDoNothing]]\n\n
Before you can get your full question out, you're high in the air again, even higher than before. You realize too late that you shouldn't have taken that step toward <<print $elfName>>.\n\nThis time there are ten bounces, but only five are painful. You get a hang of it pretty quick once you realize that your knee joints are much softer now. As long as you land on your feet, it's actually quite a bit like flying. \n\n"How nice," you hear <<print $elfName>> say as you bounce past. She's got the fire started, but you can't seem to care about that anymore. You're aiming for the clearing just on the other side of the camp. There could be some quality bounces there. \n\nYou bounce from sun to shade, and try to touch the tops of the trees. It feels like hours pass, and you even learn a couple of flips. \n\nHow does your newfound freedom feel?\n<<print $FHaiku3>>\n\n<<print $elfName>> walks over to your landing spot and you reach down to high five her. She snaps her fingers at you, and your next bounce is only a foot off the ground. You're so thrown off by the lost momentum that you crash headfirst into the dirt.\n\n"Sorry about that," <<print $elfName>> says. You walk grumbling back to camp with her. The fire is going good, but she's hidden the bag of marshmallows. \n\n[[You sit together and poke at the flames.|FHaikuEnd]]
<<if visited("SheParkStart")>><<set $heshe = "she"; $capheshe = "She"; $waswere = "was"; $himher = "her"; $hisher = "her"; $caphisher = "Her"; $hishers = "hers">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("HeParkStart")>><<set $heshe = "he"; $capheshe = "He";$waswere = "was";$himher = "him"; $hisher = "his"; $caphisher = "His"; $hishers = "his">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("TheyParkStart")>><<set $heshe = "they"; $capheshe = "They"; $waswere = "were"; $himher = "them"; $hisher = "their"; $caphisher = "Their"; $hishers = "theirs">><<endif>>"How can you just sit there?" <<print $dateName>> cries. <<print $caphisher>> eyes are red and splotchy. You can't help but feel at fault. You didn't mean for this to happen. <<print $dateName>> doesn't deserve this. \n\nHow does <<print $hisher>> face look?\n<<textinput $PHaiku1 [[5 syllables|ParkStart2]]>>\n\n"Sorry," you say, but <<print $dateName>> just sobs more and holds out <<print $hisher>> hand. What do you give <<print $himher>>?\n\n[[A tissue|PTissue]]\n[[Your hand|PHand]]\n[[A dollar|PDollar]]
<<print $alienName>> takes your folder, and opens it.\n\nHe's silent for a long time.\n\n"This is beautiful," he finally says. "Not quite what we assigned, but I think we'll find some use for it. Is this acryllic?"\n\n"Watercolor," you say.\n\nHow did you feel when you were working on the painting?\n<<print $MHaiku2>>\n\nHe nods, rolls up the painting carefully, and stores it in an empty cannister hanging on his belt. Then he steps behind the ship to answer a quick call.\n\nYou stare back out at Earth. The whole time you were there, you couldn't keep your eyes off the Moon. Always anticipating irony, you thought you might experience the same feelings about Earth once you were on the Moon. Grass is always greener and whatnot. \n\nBut you still don't really feel anything at all. At least not until you feel the warm glow of <<print $alienName>>'s hand on your shoulder. \n\n"Ready to head out?" he asks. \n\n[["Yes."|MResponse]]\n[["I suppose."|MResponse]]\n[["..."|MResponse]]
<<fadeinsound "MoonHaiku.mp3">>\n\n<center style="padding:1em; border: 1px solid white;">@@color:blue;<<print $MHaiku1>><br>@@@@color:green;<<print $MHaiku2>><br>@@@@color:blue;<<print $MHaiku3>><br><br>@@[[return to start|Start]]</center>
<<print $elfName>> is so busy swearing at the fire that you're able to unwrap a square of chocolate easily without catching her notice. \n\nHowever, she definitely notices when you take your first bite. \n\nBecause just as the sweet chocolate touches your tongue, your entire body melts into a puddle. A puddle of chocolate.\n\nWhat does that feel like?\n<<textinput $FHaiku2 [[7 syllables|FChocolate2]]>>\n\n<<print $elfName>> seems unphased. She drops her last match into the fire without success, and then gently steps over to you in your puddle form.\n\n"So, I guess you ate some of that chocolate," says <<print $elfName>>.\n\nHow do you respond?\n\n[["Turn me back into a human!"|FChocolateResponse]]\n[["I'm sorry! I don't want to be a puddle!"|FChocolateResponse]]\n[[You say nothing, because you're a puddle|FChocolateResponse]]\n\n
Your hands close around a warm thrashing body. You yank <<print $sisterName>> above the surface and drag her to shore. She's gagging and coughing and your eyes are stinging and you can't tell whether either of you are crying. \n\nYou carry her back to her destroyed sandcastle. Her lips are slightly blue so you wrap her up in your towel, but you don't let her out of your arms. You don't say anything. You want to wait until you've both calmed down enough to talk. \n\nHow do you feel?\n<<textinput $BEHaiku3 [[5 syllables|BEFoundSister2]]>>\n\n"I'm sorry," <<print $sisterName>> finally says, and then starts coughing again.\n\n"Shut up," you say.\n\n"You saved my life!"\n\n"You were fine."\n\nShe's quiet again. You watch the waves.\n\n"Thank you," she whispers.\n\n"I told you to shut up," you say. You pick up her little bucket and pack it with sand. Your hands are still shaking. "Let's see if we can make another sandcastle before dinner."\n\n[[You work together until the sun sinks low|BEHaikuEnd]]
"What? What'd you say?" <<print $sisterName>> calls. She jumps up and runs over to you, trampling her sand castle on the way. She crashes into the sand at your feet, rolling over like a dog.\n\n"Never mind. Irrelevant now," you say. You pull your sunglasses down over your eyes so she won't be able to tell if you need to stop listening.\n\n"What elephant? <<print $playerName>>? What elephant?" <<print $sisterName>> asks. Four billion times.\n\nYou finally stand up and walk over to the ocean. <<print $sisterName>> follows. As usual. You shouldn't have said anything.\n\n"Are you going swimming?" she asks.\n\nYou look down at your bathing suit. What does it look like?\n<<print $BEHaiku1>>\n\n"I guess," you say.\n\n"Can I come?"\n\n[["Sure..."|BESwimming]]\n[["I guess..."|BESwimming]]\n[["Whatever..."|BESwimming]]
<<fadeinsound "ParkHaiku.mp3">>\n\n<center style="padding:1em; border: 1px solid white;">@@color:blue;<<print $PHaiku1>><br><<print $PHaiku2>><br><<print $PHaiku3>><br><br>@@[[return to start|Start]]</center>
<<print $dateName>> snatches the tissue out of your hand and blows <<print $hisher>> nose and it's SUPER gross. Are people supposed to actually feel bad when they watch someone cry? You guess you feel a little bad. If wanting to go home counts as feeling bad. You just haven't felt bad about <<print $dateName>> in a while. It's just not in you. \n\n"I just really...wanted prom to be special," <<print $dateName>> says. <<print $capheshe>> might be done yelling, it seems. Finally ready to start guilting you, like they all do.\n\n"I mean, it's still special. Sometimes bad things are still special," you explain.\n\n"AUGH," <<print $dateName>> groans and gets up off the bench, seemingly about to stomp out <<print $hisher>> anger. You watch.\n\nWhat does <<print $hisher>> prom outfit look like?\n<<print $PHaiku2>>\n\nAnyway, you don't know why that made <<print $himher>> so mad, just now. You're just trying to help. Some last minute advice before <<print $dateName>> is out of your life forever. You hate these kinds of conversations. They take way too long and happen way too often. If you weren't so nice they would go by much faster. \n\n"Look, I cheated on you," you lie.\n\n<<print $dateName>> stops stomping. "You...what? With who?"\n\n[["Your best friend"|PResponse]]\n[["Your worst enemy"|PResponse]]\n[["It doesn't matter"|PResponse]]
For a second, <<print $dateName>> looks angry enough to storm off, and you get your hopes up. As usual, they're dashed.\n\n"You're lying," <<print $dateName>> says, simply. "But..."\n\nYour hopes rise again. "Yes?"\n\n"I'm done. I'm just done. I don't need to know the truth anymore."\n\nYou shrug. "The truth doesn't always set you free."\n\n<<print $dateName>> grabs your hands."I mean this with my whole heart. Screw you. I'm going back to prom." For a second it had seemed like <<print $heshe>> might kiss you, at least one last time, but no. You guess not. \n\nThen, <<print $dateName>> is gone. You put your feet up beside you on the bench. You stare at your hands for a while, and then up at the moon.\n\nHow does it feel now that <<print $dateName>> is gone?\n<<print $PHaiku3>>\n\nOf course, not only <<print $dateName>> is gone. The past three months are gone. All that prom stress, gone. The rush of the breakup hits you all at once. This one was so much easier than the others. So much simpler. But the rush is still there.\n\nAnd now nobody's here to ruin it.\n\n[[You stare at the moon for another half hour as the bass thumps steadily from the dark school behind you|PHaikuEnd]]
At Peace
"//Islands in the stream, that is what we are!//" <<print $catName>> screeches.\n\nBut neither you or <<print $catName>> knows the rest of the lyrics so that falls apart pretty quickly.\n\nYou skip to the next song. On shuffle. Amateur mistake.\n\nYour own band, CPU, comes up next. You recognize the song from the first drum beat. That song. You turn it off.\n\n"Karaoke over," you tell <<print $catName>>.\n\nHe nods. "Because that was..."\n\n"Yeah."\n\n"The song you wrote for..."\n\nYou nod. \n\nHow did you feel when you wrote that song back then?\n<<print $BRHaiku1>>\n\n"Yeah, that's the one..." you say.\n\n"Do you want to talk about-"\n\n"No."\n\n"Are you sure you-"\n\n"I said no, <<print $catName>>!"\n\nThere's a knock at the door.\n\n"<<print $playerName>>? Sweetie? Are you okay? Are you talking to yourself again?"\n\n[[You roll your eyes and open the door|BRDoNothing]]\n[["No! Just playing some music!"|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You stay silent|BRDoNothing]]
Your hands close around a warm thrashing body. You yank <<print $sisterName>> above the surface and drag her to shore. She's gagging and coughing and your eyes are stinging and you can't tell whether either of you are crying. \n\nYou carry her back to her destroyed sandcastle. Her lips are slightly blue so you wrap her up in your towel, but you don't let her out of your arms. You don't say anything. You want to wait until you've both calmed down enough to talk. \n\nHow do you feel?\n<<print $BEHaiku3>>\n\n"I'm sorry," <<print $sisterName>> finally says, and then starts coughing again.\n\n"Shut up," you say.\n\n"You saved my life!"\n\n"You were fine."\n\nShe's quiet again. You watch the waves.\n\n"Thank you," she whispers.\n\n"I told you to shut up," you say. You pick up her little bucket and pack it with sand. Your hands are still shaking. "Let's see if we can make another sandcastle before dinner."\n\n[[You work together until the sun sinks low|BEHaikuEnd]]
<<if visited("SheParkStart")>><<set $heshe = "she"; $capheshe = "She"; $waswere = "was"; $himher = "her"; $hisher = "her"; $caphisher = "Her"; $hishers = "hers">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("HeParkStart")>><<set $heshe = "he"; $capheshe = "He";$waswere = "was";$himher = "him"; $hisher = "his"; $caphisher = "His"; $hishers = "his">><<endif>>\n<<if visited("TheyParkStart")>><<set $heshe = "they"; $capheshe = "They"; $waswere = "were"; $himher = "them"; $hisher = "their"; $caphisher = "Their"; $hishers = "theirs">><<endif>>"How can you just sit there?" <<print $dateName>> cries. <<print $caphisher>> eyes are red and splotchy. You can't help but feel at fault. You didn't mean for this to happen. <<print $dateName>> doesn't deserve this. \n\nHow does <<print $hisher>> face look?\n<<print $PHaiku1>>\n\n"Sorry," you say, but <<print $dateName>> just sobs more and holds out <<print $hisher>> hand. What do you give <<print $himher>>?\n\n[[A tissue|PTissue]]\n[[Your hand|PHand]]\n[[A dollar|PDollar]]
"Why are you staring at me?" asks <<print $elfName>>. She's throwing matches into the campfire with little success.\n\nYour stomach grumbles softly. "No reason," you say.\n\nHow does the hunger make you feel?\n<<print $FHaiku1>>\n\nYou look at the various s'more ingredients in your lap. Would it be okay to eat just a little bit? Possibly. And <<print $elfName>> might not even notice...\n\nYour stomach grumbles again so you decide to go for it.\n\n[[You nibble on a graham cracker|FGrahamCracker]]\n[[You chew on a marshmallow|FMarshmallow]]\n[[You bite into some chocolate|FChocolate]]
You're sitting on a long, warm beach towel. <<print $sisterName>> is finally silently building a sand castle.\n\nHow does the ocean look?\n<<print $BEHaiku2>>\n\nIf she decides to make more additions before stomping the thing to the ground, you might get another few minutes of peace.\n\nWhat do you say?\n\n[["You should add a couple windows."|BECastle]]\n[["Some flags might look nice."|BECastle]]\n[[Nothing. Don't distract her.|BENothing]]
<<print $alienName>> takes your folder. \n\n"Oh wow, this is pretty heavy, huh," he says. "Oh, whoops!"\n\nAs <<print $alienName>> stumbles, the pages scatter violently out into space. It looks almost as if they begin to orbit. May as well be lost forever.\n\nWhat do those papers look like as they drift through space?\n<<print $MHaiku2>>\n\n"Was that your only copy?" <<print $alienName>> asks.\n\n"Yes," you say.\n\n"Well. Maybe next time you'll make more than one," <<print $alienName>> says. He nods curtly and then steps back to answer a quick call.\n\nYou stare back out at Earth. Your life's work is gone, but you still can't feel anything. Is this peace? Or loneliness?\n\nYou suddenly feel the warm glow of <<print $alienName>>'s hand on your shoulder. Perhaps it was just loneliness after all.\n\n"Ready to head out?" he asks. \n\n[["Yes."|MResponse]]\n[["I suppose."|MResponse]]\n[["..."|MResponse]]
<<print $dateName>> snatches the tissue out of your hand and blows <<print $hisher>> nose and it's SUPER gross. Are people supposed to actually feel bad when they watch someone cry? You guess you feel a little bad. If wanting to go home counts as feeling bad. You just haven't felt bad about <<print $dateName>> in a while. It's just not in you. \n\n"I just really...wanted prom to be special," <<print $dateName>> says. <<print $capheshe>> might be done yelling, it seems. Finally ready to start guilting you, like they all do.\n\n"I mean, it's still special. Sometimes bad things are still special," you explain.\n\n"AUGH," <<print $dateName>> groans and gets up off the bench, seemingly about to stomp out <<print $hisher>> anger. You watch.\n\nWhat does <<print $hisher>> prom outfit look like?\n<<textinput $PHaiku2 [[7 syllables|PTissue2]]>>\n\nAnyway, you don't know why that made <<print $himher>> so mad, just now. You're just trying to help. Some last minute advice before <<print $dateName>> is out of your life forever. You hate these kinds of conversations. They take way too long and happen way too often. If you weren't so nice they would go by much faster. \n\n"Look, I cheated on you," you lie.\n\n<<print $dateName>> stops stomping. "You...what? With who?"\n\n[["Your best friend"|PResponse]]\n[["Your worst enemy"|PResponse]]\n[["It doesn't matter"|PResponse]]
Puddles can't speak. Only gurgle. \n\n<<print $elfName>> shrugs and snaps her fingers over the fire. A flame bursts forth. "I wanted to do it the human way, but I guess this is fine. How are you doing, <<print $playerName>>-puddle?"\n\nShe picks a marshmallow out of the bag and dips it in you. You don't feel anything, but it's still pretty damn weird. You try to flow away from her, but, again. You're a puddle. \n\nYou just watch her eat the marshmallow, and then you both stare at the fire for a while. Your heart, even though puddles don't have hearts, finally stops pounding. Your thoughts, even though puddles don't have brains, finally stop racing. \n\nYou're going with the flow. The puddle flow.\n\nWhat's it like being a puddle forever?\n<<print $FHaiku3>>\n\n<<print $elfName>> finally snaps her fingers over you, and you snap back into your human shape. Your clothes are still on, though they're a bit stretched and damp now. \n\n"Sorry about that," she says. You can't even be mad.\n\n[[The fire roars and you watch the embers spread across the ground.|FHaikuEnd]]
Though you're very careful, the solid graham cracker crumbles between your teeth and you see <<print $elfName>>'s pointed ears snap to attention. She turns around before you can hide the evidence.\n\n"Oh, I see," she says, turning back to the short, dying flames and dropping one of her last matches into the fire. "You don't have faith in me."\n\n"I was starving," you say. "It's not your fault. I think the wood's wet. Maybe we-" \n\nSuddenly, the trees around you grow taller.\n\nAnd taller.\n\nAnd taller.\n\nThe bark grows lighter. And smells sweeter.\n\nGrass springs up from the ground and nearly covers your head.\n\nYou're <<print $elfName>>'s size now!\n\nHow did that make you feel?\n<<textinput $FHaiku2 [[7 syllables|FGrahamCracker2]]>>\n\nWhat do you do next?\n\n[[Freak out|FGrahamResponse]]\n[[Scream|FGrahamResponse]]\n[[Freak out AND scream|FGrahamResponse]]
For a second, <<print $dateName>> looks angry enough to storm off, and you get your hopes up. As usual, they're dashed.\n\n"You're lying," <<print $dateName>> says, simply. "But..."\n\nYour hopes rise again. "Yes?"\n\n"I'm done. I'm just done. I don't need to know the truth anymore."\n\nYou shrug. "The truth doesn't always set you free."\n\n<<print $dateName>> grabs your hands."I mean this with my whole heart. Screw you. I'm going back to prom." For a second it had seemed like <<print $heshe>> might kiss you, at least one last time, but no. You guess not. \n\nThen, <<print $dateName>> is gone. You put your feet up beside you on the bench. You stare at your hands for a while, and then up at the moon.\n\nHow does it feel now that <<print $dateName>> is gone?\n<<textinput $PHaiku3 [[5 syllables|PResponse2]]>>\n\nOf course, not only <<print $dateName>> is gone. The past three months are gone. All that prom stress, gone. The rush of the breakup hits you all at once. This one was so much easier than the others. So much simpler. But the rush is still there.\n\nAnd now nobody's here to ruin it.\n\n[[You stare at the moon for another half hour as the bass thumps steadily from the dark school behind you|PHaikuEnd]]
"What? What'd you say?" <<print $sisterName>> calls. She jumps up and runs over to you, trampling her sand castle on the way. She crashes into the sand at your feet, rolling over like a dog.\n\n"Never mind. Irrelevant now," you say. You pull your sunglasses down over your eyes so she won't be able to tell if you need to stop listening.\n\n"What elephant? <<print $playerName>>? What elephant?" <<print $sisterName>> asks. Four billion times.\n\nYou finally stand up and walk over to the ocean. <<print $sisterName>> follows. As usual. You shouldn't have said anything.\n\n"Are you going swimming?" she asks.\n\nYou look down at your bathing suit. What does it look like?\n<<textinput $BEHaiku1 [[5 syllables|BECastle2]]>>\n\n"I guess," you say.\n\n"Can I come?"\n\n[["Sure..."|BESwimming]]\n[["I guess..."|BESwimming]]\n[["Whatever..."|BESwimming]]
<<set $playerName = prompt("And what would you like your name to be?")>><<set $elfName = prompt("And what's the name of the elf you're staring at?")>>"Why are you staring at me?" asks <<print $elfName>>. She's throwing matches into the campfire with little success.\n\nYour stomach grumbles softly. "No reason," you say.\n\nHow does the hunger make you feel?\n<<textinput $FHaiku1 [[5 syllables|ForestStart2]]>>\n\nYou look at the various s'more ingredients in your lap. Would it be okay to eat just a little bit? Possibly. And <<print $elfName>> might not even notice...\n\nYour stomach grumbles again so you decide to go for it.\n\n[[You nibble on a graham cracker|FGrahamCracker]]\n[[You chew on a marshmallow|FMarshmallow]]\n[[You bite into some chocolate|FChocolate]]
It takes too long to gather the energy. Before you even feel like giving it a proper try, you hear a sigh and retreating footsteps. You hear the microwave open and then slam shut. You wait through the first round to hear if it'll start up again. It does. She's making you dinner, too.\n\nHow do you feel when you hear that microwave?\n<<print $BRHaiku2>>\n\n"Oh, I hope it's chicken parmesan," says <<print $catName>>. \n\n"Gross," you say.\n\n"You should eat it anyway. Maybe she remembers what it's like to be in high school," says <<print $catName>>.\n\n"Maybe," you say.\n\n"Although..." \n\n[["Ugh, what?"|BRResponse]]
You toe the water cautiously. It's way colder than it should be. You think about turning back. Maybe all the way back to the hotel. \n\nYeah. That sounds good.\n\nJust then, <<print $sisterName>> runs past your left side in a streak of black and white polka dots. She tears into the water and tries to leap over a wave as it rolls into the shore. \n\n"<<print $sisterName>>!!" you yell, lunging forward into the freezing water to grab her, but she disappears under the thundering wave. \n\nDAMN IT. \n\nYou dive down to catch her, but you lose your bearings as the wave slams your face against the gravelly ocean floor. Mucousy strings of seaweed tangle through your fingers as you come up gasping for air. Your nose is full of water.\n\nStill no <<print $sisterName>>. \n\nWhich direction do you dive next?\n\n<<cyclinglink "North" "More seaweed" end>>\n<<cyclinglink "North-East" "Empty cold water" end>>\n<<cyclinglink "East" "Dead jellyfish" end>>\n<<cyclinglink "South-East" "Broken shells" end>>\n<<cyclinglink "South" "Shallow sand" end>>\n<<cyclinglink "South-West" "Broken bottles" end>>\n[[West|BEFoundSister]]\n<<cyclinglink "North-West" "Empty cold water" end>>
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<<print $elfName>> is so busy swearing at the fire that you're able to unwrap a square of chocolate easily without catching her notice. \n\nHowever, she definitely notices when you take your first bite. \n\nBecause just as the sweet chocolate touches your tongue, your entire body melts into a puddle. A puddle of chocolate.\n\nWhat does that feel like?\n<<print $FHaiku2>>\n\n<<print $elfName>> seems unphased. She drops her last match into the fire without success, and then gently steps over to you in your puddle form.\n\n"So, I guess you ate some of that chocolate," says <<print $elfName>>.\n\nHow do you respond?\n\n[["Turn me back into a human!"|FChocolateResponse]]\n[["I'm sorry! I don't want to be a puddle!"|FChocolateResponse]]\n[[You say nothing, because you're a puddle|FChocolateResponse]]\n\n
The remote won't work, no matter how hard you press the buttons, and that horrible song won't stop. You can't even lower the volume. It just gets louder and louder and you hurl the remote at the TV. \n\nThe whole thing shuts off, with a faint burning smell.\n\nHow do you feel, now that it's quiet?\n<<textinput $BRHaiku1 [[5 syllables|BRTVOff2]]>>\n\n"Well..." says <<print $catName>>.\n\n"I don't want to talk about it," you say.\n\n"That song kind of reminds me of what you..." \n\n"I said I don't want to talk about it."\n\nYou and <<print $catName>> sit in silence for a few minutes. \n\nThere's a knock at the door. "<<print $playerName>>? Sweetie? What was that sound? Are you okay?"\n\n[[You open the door|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You say "I'm fine!"|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You do nothing|BRDoNothing]]
<<fadeinsound "BedroomHaiku.mp3">>\n\n<center style="padding:1em; border: 1px solid white;">@@color:purple;<<print $BRHaiku1>><br><<print $BRHaiku2>><br><<print $BRHaiku3>><br><br>@@[[return to start|Start]]</center>
"Stop it," says <<print $elfName>>. "It's not so bad. It's nice down here. Believe me."\n\nYou grab her by the collar. "AM I AN ELF?" \n\n"I don't know, are you?" she says, and pries your fingers off her easily. "Maybe you shouldn't have ate that graham cracker, <<print $playerName>>." You just watch her in shock until she turns away. \n\n<<print $elfName>> snaps her fingers over the fire. A flame bursts forth. "I wanted to do it the human way, but I guess this is fine."\n\nYou sit down on a log that feels like a tree trunk now, and cross your arms, deciding to become an absolute picture of stubbornness. Even though it's a little cool to feel the grass on your face. To burrow away from the wind.\n\nYou see a couple knots in the trunk of some nearby trees. You wonder if they lead to elf villages. Could you get some kind of elf job? Would that be better than a human job? Probably. <<print $elfName>> seems pretty happy. Can you do magic like her?\n\nYou snap your fingers, and your fingertips glow.\n\nHow does that feel?\n<<textinput $FHaiku3 [[5 syllables|FGrahamResponse2]]>>\n\nYou snap again. More glowing.\n\nYou're so caught up in your snapping that you don't notice when the owl swoops down until you feel its talons dig into your back.\n\n<<print $elfName>> snaps her fingers over you, and you snap back into your human shape, before you even have time to panic. The owl realizes immediately that it can't carry you off anymore, and flees into the evening.\n\n"Sorry about that," <<print $elfName>> says. But you can't even be mad.\n\n[[The fire roars and you watch the embers spread across the ground.|FHaikuEnd]]
Good choice. These marshmallows seem especially soft. There's no way <<print $elfName>> will hear you.\n\nYou manage to swallow the marshmallow, seemingly undetected. The growling in your stomach stops. Mission accomplished. \n\n<<print $elfName>> throws her last match into the fire. No light. Out of luck. \n\n"Can you stop sitting around and come help me blow on the flame?" <<print $elfName>> asks. "Sometimes that helps."\n\nYou stand at what you consider to be a normal speed, but suddenly you're fifteen feet above the ground and hurtling back down to Earth, fast.\n\nHow does that feel?\n<<print $FHaiku2>>\n\nYou crash into a pile of leaves and then bounce back up. Less high this time, but still just as painful on the crash. You suffer six painful bounces before you can grab a tree trunk and steady yourself.\n\n"What the <<cyclinglink "heck" "hell" "fuck" "fork" end>> was that?" you say.\n\n"It's from the marshmallow you ate," <<print $elfName>> says. "I guess you can't help with the campfire after all."\n\nWhat do you say?\n\n[["How long does this last?!|FMarshmallowResponse]]\n[["What kind of marshmallow was that?!|FMarshmallowResponse]]\n[["Are you going to help me?!|FMarshmallowResponse]]
Before you can get your full question out, you're high in the air again, even higher than before. You realize too late that you shouldn't have taken that step toward <<print $elfName>>.\n\nThis time there are ten bounces, but only five are painful. You get a hang of it pretty quick once you realize that your knee joints are much softer now. As long as you land on your feet, it's actually quite a bit like flying. \n\n"How nice," you hear <<print $elfName>> say as you bounce past. She's got the fire started, but you can't seem to care about that anymore. You're aiming for the clearing just on the other side of the camp. There could be some quality bounces there. \n\nYou bounce from sun to shade, and try to touch the tops of the trees. It feels like hours pass, and you even learn a couple of flips. \n\nHow does your newfound freedom feel?\n<<textinput $FHaiku3 [[5 syllables|FMarshmallowResponse2]]>>\n\n<<print $elfName>> walks over to your landing spot and you reach down to high five her. She snaps her fingers at you, and your next bounce is only a foot off the ground. You're so thrown off by the lost momentum that you crash headfirst into the dirt.\n\n"Sorry about that," <<print $elfName>> says. You walk grumbling back to camp with her. The fire is going good, but she's hidden the bag of marshmallows. \n\n[[You sit together and poke at the flames.|FHaikuEnd]]
"//Islands in the stream, that is what we are!//" <<print $catName>> screeches.\n\nBut neither you or <<print $catName>> knows the rest of the lyrics so that falls apart pretty quickly.\n\nYou skip to the next song. On shuffle. Amateur mistake.\n\nYour own band, CPU, comes up next. You recognize the song from the first drum beat. That song. You turn it off.\n\n"Karaoke over," you tell <<print $catName>>.\n\nHe nods. "Because that was..."\n\n"Yeah."\n\n"The song you wrote for..."\n\nYou nod. \n\nHow did you feel when you wrote that song back then?\n<<textinput $BRHaiku1 [[5 syllables|BRKaraoke2]]>>\n\n"Yeah, that's the one..." you say.\n\n"Do you want to talk about-"\n\n"No."\n\n"Are you sure you-"\n\n"I said no, <<print $catName>>!"\n\nThere's a knock at the door.\n\n"<<print $playerName>>? Sweetie? Are you okay? Are you talking to yourself again?"\n\n[[You roll your eyes and open the door|BRDoNothing]]\n[["No! Just playing some music!"|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You stay silent|BRDoNothing]]
Okay, well <<print $dateName>> is crying.\n\n[[Uh-oh|ParkStart]]
"Though I don't think she stalked her crush..." <<print $catName>> says.\n\n"Uh huh..."\n\n<<timedreplace 2s>>"And took a bunch of notes...<<gains>>and then left that notebook...<<gains>>with her name on it...<<gains>>on the crush's desk...<<gains>>as a gift..."\n\n<<gains>>"Yeah. Yeah. I get that. She probably didn't."\n\n"But hey, I mean...maybe...it was flattering?"\n\n"I doubt it."\n\n"Well...we haven't had a chance to gauge the reaction..."\n\nYou put <<print $catName>> under a quilt. "Go to sleep."\n\n"Goodnight."\n\nYou hear your mom shuffling plates. She'll call you down in a moment. You look at your phone. No missed calls. You look in the mirror. Same face as usual. Same posters. Same old sweaters. \n\nYou look out the window. The sun is setting.\n\n[[Only two more weeks until graduation.|BRHaikuEnd]]<<endtimedreplace>>
<<set $playerName = prompt("And what would you like your name to be?")>><<set $dateName = prompt("And your crying prom date's name is?")>>Real quick, which pronoun does <<print $dateName>> prefer? \n\n[[She|SheParkStart]]\n[[He|HeParkStart]]\n[[They|TheyParkStart]]
<<set $playerName = prompt("And what would you like your name to be?")>><<set $catName = prompt("And what is the name of the stuffed cat on your bed?")>>"Meow," says <<print $catName>>.\n\nOf course, <<print $catName>> doesn't really say that. You say it for him. Quietly. To yourself. Right into <<print $catName>>'s beautiful button eyes.\n\nHow does looking into those eyes make you feel?\n<<textinput $BRHaiku3 [[5 syllables|BedroomStart2]]>>\n\n"Let's do something so you can forget about all of...you know," <<print $catName>> says. "What do you want to do?"\n\n[[Watch some TV with <<print $catName>>.|BRWatchTV]]\n[[Finish your collage about <<print $catName>>.|BRCollage]]\n[[Sing some karaoke with <<print $catName>>.|BRKaraoke]]
Okay, well <<print $dateName>> is crying.\n\n[[Uh-oh|ParkStart]]
The familiar countdown starts.\n\n10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...Is <<print $playerName>> coming? We're just doing this countdown out of politeness.\n\nThe countdown drones repetitively and out of sync. <<print $alienName>> continues to shift nervously and then quietly leads you back to the ship. It's not his fault he's nervous. You're just not feeling talkative. But you do like that glowing feeling. He's good at his job. \n\nYou don't look back at the Earth as you enter the ship.\n\nHow do you feel now that you can't see Earth?\n<<print $MHaiku1>>\n\nOne you're buckled in, you hear that faint computer voice you've heard so many times before.\n\n"Liftoff!" \n\n[[You allow yourself one last glance out the window.|MHaikuEnd]]
You and <<print $catName>> watch <<print $show>> for a few minutes. You even start to forget about this afternoon.\n\n"I love <<print $show>>," <<print $catName>> whispers and you, obviously, agree.\n\nIt's shaping up to be a great evening.\n\nUntil, of course, that commercial comes on. The one with that song.\n\n<center>//Every breath you take <br> And every move you make <br> Every bond you break <br> Every step you take <br> I'll be watching you//</center>\nToo real. Too relevant. Change the channel. Quick.\n\n[[Sports|BRTVOff]]\n[[News|BRTVOff]]\n[[Weather|BRTVOff]]\n
<<fadeinsound "ForestHaiku.mp3">>\n\n<center style="padding:1em; border: 1px solid white;">@@color:green;<<print $FHaiku1>><br><<print $FHaiku2>><br><<print $FHaiku3>><br><br>@@[[return to start|Start]]</center>
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<<print $alienName>> takes your folder, and opens it.\n\nHe's silent for a long time.\n\n"This is beautiful," he finally says. "Not quite what we assigned, but I think we'll find some use for it. Is this acryllic?"\n\n"Watercolor," you say.\n\nHow did you feel when you were working on the painting?\n<<textinput $MHaiku2 [[7 syllables|MPainting2]]>>\n\nHe nods, rolls up the painting carefully, and stores it in an empty cannister hanging on his belt. Then he steps behind the ship to answer a quick call.\n\nYou stare back out at Earth. The whole time you were there, you couldn't keep your eyes off the Moon. Always anticipating irony, you thought you might experience the same feelings about Earth once you were on the Moon. Grass is always greener and whatnot. \n\nBut you still don't really feel anything at all. At least not until you feel the warm glow of <<print $alienName>>'s hand on your shoulder. \n\n"Ready to head out?" he asks. \n\n[["Yes."|MResponse]]\n[["I suppose."|MResponse]]\n[["..."|MResponse]]
"Meow," says <<print $catName>>.\n\nOf course, <<print $catName>> doesn't really say that. You say it for him. Quietly. To yourself. Right into <<print $catName>>'s beautiful button eyes.\n\nHow does looking into those eyes make you feel?\n<<print $BRHaiku3>>\n\n"Let's do something so you can forget about all of...you know," <<print $catName>> says. "What do you want to do?"\n\n[[Watch some TV with <<print $catName>>.|BRWatchTV]]\n[[Finish your collage about <<print $catName>>.|BRCollage]]\n[[Sing some karaoke with <<print $catName>>.|BRKaraoke]]
"WHAT?" <<print $dateName>> yells. <<print $dateName>> snatches the dollar out of your hand anyway and shoves it in <<print $hisher>> pocket. That's probably for the best. It's kind of the least you could do. But you also probably could've used that dollar. You can see it sticking out of <<print $hisher>> pocket, though, still. Maybe you can grab it later, in the car or something. \n\n"I just really...wanted prom to be special," <<print $dateName>> says. <<print $capheshe>> might be done yelling, it seems. Finally ready to start guilting you, like they all do.\n\n"I mean, it's still special. Sometimes bad things are still special," you explain.\n\n"AUGH," <<print $dateName>> groans and gets up off the bench, seemingly about to stomp out <<print $hisher>> anger. You watch.\n\nWhat does <<print $hisher>> prom outfit look like?\n<<print $PHaiku2>>\n\nAnyway, you don't know why that made <<print $himher>> so mad, just now. You're just trying to help. Some last minute advice before <<print $dateName>> is out of your life forever. You hate these kinds of conversations. They take way too long and happen way too often. If you weren't so nice they would go by much faster. \n\n"Look, I cheated on you," you lie.\n\n<<print $dateName>> stops stomping. "You...what? With who?"\n\n[["Your best friend"|PResponse]]\n[["Your worst enemy"|PResponse]]\n[["It doesn't matter"|PResponse]]
You feel <<print $himher>> considering pulling <<print $hisher>> hand away, and then deciding against it. Fingers intertwine with yours. It's a bit sweaty. You don't love it. <<print $dateName>> starts looking into your eyes, and you avoid <<print $hisher>> gaze as long as possible.\n\n"I just really...wanted prom to be special," <<print $dateName>> says. <<print $capheshe>> might be done yelling, it seems. Finally ready to start guilting you, like they all do.\n\n"I mean, it's still special. Sometimes bad things are still special," you explain.\n\n"AUGH," <<print $dateName>> groans and gets up off the bench, seemingly about to stomp out <<print $hisher>> anger. You watch.\n\nWhat does <<print $hisher>> prom outfit look like?\n<<textinput $PHaiku2 [[7 syllables|PHand2]]>>\n\nAnyway, you don't know why that made <<print $himher>> so mad, just now. You're just trying to help. Some last minute advice before <<print $dateName>> is out of your life forever. You hate these kinds of conversations. They take way too long and happen way too often. If you weren't so nice they would go by much faster. \n\n"Look, I cheated on you," you lie.\n\n<<print $dateName>> stops stomping. "You...what? With who?"\n\n[["Your best friend"|PResponse]]\n[["Your worst enemy"|PResponse]]\n[["It doesn't matter"|PResponse]]
<<print $sisterName>> suddenly looks at you. She must've sensed you staring. You should've said something. Anything. It's too late now. \n\nShe jumps up and runs over to you, trampling her sand castle on the way. She crashes into the sand at your feet, rolling over like a dog.\n\n"I'M BORED OF SAND CASTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she tells you in her outside voice, which is not that different from her inside voice. She then proceeds to rattle off the various battles that occured in the Kingdom of the Shore. You pull your sunglasses down over your eyes so she can't tell you're not listening. \n\nWhen she finally stops to take a breath, you stand up and walk over to the ocean. <<print $sisterName>> follows. As usual. You shouldn't have said anything.\n\n"Are you going swimming?" she asks.\n\nYou look down at your bathing suit. What does it look like?\n<<print $BEHaiku1>>\n\n"I guess," you say.\n\n"Can I come?"\n\n[["Sure..."|BESwimming]]\n[["I guess..."|BESwimming]]\n[["Whatever..."|BESwimming]]
Okay, well <<print $dateName>> is crying.\n\n[[Uh-oh|ParkStart]]
Marianne Murphy
You already have a lot of photos of <<print $catName>> but you take a few more with your phone. Your printer's almost out of ink but the fuzzy, faded look of the new photos actually makes the collage look kinda cool. Grunge.\n\nYou spend an hour covering up every tiny blank piece of the white poster board. The layering is kind of therapeutic.\n\n"This is my favorite art," whispers <<print $catName>>. You nod and gently press his face against the collage so he can give it a kiss. He does.\n\nWhen there's nothing else to cover, you sit quietly on your bed for a while. It's still too early to sleep. And there's nothing else in your heart that you want to collage. \n\nHow do you feel when you look at your collage?\n<<textinput $BRHaiku1 [[5 syllables|BRCollage2]]>\n\n"Everything okay?" <<print $catName>> asks. \n\n"Yeah," you say.\n\n"You still thinking about what happ-"\n\n"Yes. Obviously."\n\n<<print $catName>> nods sagely. "Do you want to talk about it?"\n\nYou don't answer him.\n\nThere's a knock at your door.\n\n"<<print $playerName>>? Sweetie? You've been up here a long time. Are you okay?"\n\nMom.\n\n[[You sigh, get up, and open the door|BRDoNothing]]\n[["Just working on some art!"|BRDoNothing]]\n[[You don't answer|BRDoNothing]]\n\n
"It looks different from up here, doesn't it?" says <<print $alienName>>.\n\nYou nod. You're surprised by how numb you feel, staring out at that old strange planet. You assume that you're going to miss Earth, maybe even possibly cry later, when <<print $alienName>> is gone. You always end up crying after an assignment is over and you have to leave the planet behind. But for now, oddly, you just feel quiet. \n\nWhat exactly does Earth look like from here?\n<<print $MHaiku3>>\n\n<<print $alienName>> clears his throat and shuffles awkwardly. "Well, so, did you complete your assignment, Agent <<print $playerName>>?" \n\nYou hold out your folder. What's inside?\n\n[[Hundreds of thousands of pages of notes on human behavior, organized by subject and indexed thoroughly|MH2G2]]\n[[A romance novel that is essentially a thinly veiled autobiographical account of your numerous relationships on Earth|MRomance]]\n[[A painting of the moon|MPainting]]
"Stop it," says <<print $elfName>>. "It's not so bad. It's nice down here. Believe me."\n\nYou grab her by the collar. "AM I AN ELF?" \n\n"I don't know, are you?" she says, and pries your fingers off her easily. "Maybe you shouldn't have ate that graham cracker, <<print $playerName>>." You just watch her in shock until she turns away. \n\n<<print $elfName>> snaps her fingers over the fire. A flame bursts forth. "I wanted to do it the human way, but I guess this is fine."\n\nYou sit down on a log that feels like a tree trunk now, and cross your arms, deciding to become an absolute picture of stubbornness. Even though it's a little cool to feel the grass on your face. To burrow away from the wind.\n\nYou see a couple knots in the trunk of some nearby trees. You wonder if they lead to elf villages. Could you get some kind of elf job? Would that be better than a human job? Probably. <<print $elfName>> seems pretty happy. Can you do magic like her?\n\nYou snap your fingers, and your fingertips glow.\n\nHow does that feel?\n<<print $FHaiku3>>\n\nYou snap again. More glowing.\n\nYou're so caught up in your snapping that you don't notice when the owl swoops down until you feel its talons dig into your back.\n\n<<print $elfName>> snaps her fingers over you, and you snap back into your human shape, before you even have time to panic. The owl realizes immediately that it can't carry you off anymore, and flees into the evening.\n\n"Sorry about that," <<print $elfName>> says. But you can't even be mad.\n\n[[The fire roars and you watch the embers spread across the ground.|FHaikuEnd]]
So, what show are you and <<print $catName>> watching?\n\n<<textinput $show [[Awesome!|BRTVShow]]>>