You are standing in an open field, then you trip with something weird.
What could it be?
[[Inspect]]It's a small kind of artifact with a brilliant sphere, and there's a part that can be rotated.
[[Rotate]]Wow, a portal opened right before your eyes!
Do you want to jump in?
[[Let's Go!]]You appear in the middle of some ruins. Where do you want to go?
[[Turn around]]
[[Go straight]]You turn around and you see a gate, but it won't work.
Return to [[Let's Go!]]There's a ruined gate that you don't know where it leads.
[[Go to gate]]
Return to [[Let's Go!]]On the gate, there's a 5x4 keypad with weird symbols. It must be some kind of password. But, what is the password?
Return to [[Go straight]]
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 2]]
[[Key 3]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6]]
[[Key 7]]
[[Key 8]]
[[Key 9]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 11]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 18]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Continue]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]A loud growl makes your ears ring! Looks like that key was incorrect!
Try another key!
Return to [[Go to gate]]Keep going!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 2 ]]
[[Key 3]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6]]
[[Key 7]]
[[Key 8]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 11]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 18]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Keep going]]Keep going! You're doing great!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 3]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6]]
[[Key 7]]
[[Key 8]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 11 ]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 18]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Continue with puzzle]]Keep going! You´re doing great!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 3]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6]]
[[Key 7 ]]
[[Key 8]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 18]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Push another key]]Keep going! You´re doing great!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 3]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6]]
[[Key 8]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 18 ]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Push the next key]]Keep going! You´re doing great!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 3]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6]]
[[Key 7]]
[[Key 8 ]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Keep going with the puzzle]]Keep going! You're doing great!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 2]]
[[Key 3 ]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Is this puzzle gonna waste my time or what?]]Nah, i don't think so. But keep going, man! You can do it!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 6 ]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and nothing else happens. Maybe it's because you touched the correct key, but the gate won't open. Looks like you have to light up the whole keypad, keep going!
[[Ugh!]]Don't complain, man! I've played lots of puzzle games and lemme tell ya that some puzzles were harder than this one. So keep going, man! I believe in you!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 4]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 13 ]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]A ding is heard and... and... uh... ok.
[[Grrr!]]Please stay calm, got it? It could be worse if you had to start the puzzle all over again. Keep going, and beware!
[[Key 1]]
[[Key 4 ]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]That's my boy! ;)
[[(sigh)]]Keep going! You're doing great!
[[Key 1 ]]
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 14]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]Yes, that one was correct!
[[Mmmph!]]Keep going! You're doing great!
[[Key 5]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 14 ]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]Cool!
[[Really? You really think this stupid puzzle is cool? Really?!]]No, i wasn't saying that puzzle is cool, i was saying that you were doin' a cool job right now!
[[Oh... er... OK]]Now, let's keep going. ;)
[[Key 5 ]]
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]Awesome!
[[I'm getting tired of this, you know!]]Yeah, me too! But, we have no choice but to keep going.
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 12 ]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19]]
[[Key 20]]Nice!
[[Brrrr!]]C'mon, dude! I believe in you!
[[Key 10]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 19 ]]
[[Key 20]]Yes! That's my bro!
[[I'm. Getting. MMAAAAAAAAADD!!!!!]]Resist, dude! There are only five keys to go!
[[Key 10 ]]
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17]]
[[Key 20]]Yes, keep going, dude!
[[Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!]]Four keys to go!
[[Key 15]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 17 ]]
[[Key 20]]Resist, dude, RESIST!
[[Ggrrrrraaagghh!!!]]Three more!
[[Key 15 ]]
[[Key 16]]
[[Key 20]]YES!
[[Ggrrgh... I can't take this anymore!]]TWO MORE; DUDE! TWO, MOOOORE!!!
[[Key 16 ]]
[[Key 20]]LAST ONNNEEEEEE!!!!!
[[Key 20 ]]HOORAYYYY!!!!XD The gate has finally opened! Wish to know what's inside?
[[YES! I WANT TO KNOW!!!]]But, at the second you enter... BLAM! The gate closed behind you! Now you will be trapped here until you find another way out!
[[Go forward]]You go forward, and... LOOK AT THAT! Its a precious palace! Ruined, but still precious! So, what now?
[[Go right]]
[[Go left]]
[[Keep going straight]]
[[Look at the gate]]You turned right, and in front of you, there's a door that leads to somewhere.
[[Open the door]]
Return to[[Go forward]]You turned left, and in front of you, is a precious painting of a person, possibly important to this palace.
[[Pick up painting]]
Return to [[Go forward]]You keep going straight.
[[Keep on going]]
Return to [[Go forward]]
The gate is closed and it can't be opened, not anymore.
Return to [[Go forward]]You can't, it's somehow stuck to the wall!
Return to [[Go left]]It opened!
[[Go down the stairs]]There's a door in front of you.
[[Open that door]]
Return to [[Keep going straight]]It opened!
[[Go through the door]]There are some stairs that lead to the second floor.
[[Go up the stairs]]Goin' up!
[[Continue going up]]There's a door in front of you.
[[Open this door]]"WOW, this must be the throne room!" you say.
[[Walk forward]]
[[Walk left]]
[[Walk right]]At your left, there's a precious throne.
At your right, you can see a window.
In front of you, there's a door.
[[Step left]]
[[Step right]]
[[Step forward]]A large pillar blocks the way.
Return to [[Open this door]]A large pillar blocks the way.
Return to [[Open this door]]WOW! What a precious throne! That's got to cost millions of their currency just to create that!
[[Sit on throne]]
Return to [[Walk forward]]In front of you, there's an open window. (That was a Windows-related joke, guys. I did it on purpose.)
[[Approach window]]There's a door in front of you. I wonder where it leads.
Return to [[Walk forward]]
[[Open door]]Wow! Look at that fascinating river, and maybe you can see yourself in it.
Return to [[Step right]]
[[Jump out of window]]It's locked!
Return to [[Step forward]](Sigh of relief) What a pleasure it is to sit on this magnificient throne! :D It super comfy!
Return to [[Step left]]What are you thinking, dude? Are you sure you wanna do this?
[[Yep]]Are you really sure?
[[YES!!]]Seriously, dude. If you die in that river, it's not my fault. Are you seriously you want to do this KILLER stunt?! ARE. YOU: SURRRREEEEEE????!!!!
[[YES!!! YES I AM!!!]]
[[On a second thought, no. I don't wanna die.]]Ok then, best of luck, dude.
[[Thanks!]]Good boy.
Return to [[Step right]]OK, here we go. 3, 2, 1...
When you jump out the window, the river drags you with great speed.
[[Drag]]While you ask for help with screams, the river becomes more and more reckless.
[[NNNOOOOO!!! XP]]Until you land on your back in a lake.
[[CHUAFFF!!!]]WOW! What a big splash!
[[Gluglugluglu...]]You wake up doing the dead over the lake, then swim towards the shore, then lose yourself in a deep deep forest.
[[WHERE AM I??!!]]Who knows?
So... Now what?
[[Look at lake]]It seems that the forest is deeper than we thought.
[[I'm tired!]]
Return to [[WHERE AM I??!!]]"What a precious lake!" you say.
Return to [[WHERE AM I??!!]]
[[Swim]]Oh great. Now the forest is divided into three different paths. Which one should be the right one?
[[Center Path]]
[[Left Path]]
[[Right Path]]
Return to [[Walk]]Wow, this path is long.
Return to [[I'm tired!]]Wow, this path is dark. I wonder where it leads.
[[Keep on walking]]The path continues to the right.
[[Follow]]Then all of a sudden...
[[AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]The lion was very hungry, and so the lion ate you whole without leaving a trace of your existence.
Go back to [[I'm tired!]]The path continues straight.
[[Keep following]]The path continues to the right (again).
[[Ugh!!]]Hey, i can see a light!
[[Yay!]]Wait a minute...
[[WHAT?]]Ugh, Looks like that this path takes you back to the beginning. What a pity.
Go back to [[I'm tired!]]Then you hear a rare voice.
[[What is it?]]Then all of a sudden... WAM! A crazy (and weird) guy appeared in front of you! He attacked you and tied you with a rope.
[[WAAAAITTT!!]]And without listening to you, he hits you in the head with some kind of mallet and leaves you unconscious, and without knowing where is he taking you...
[[Ow ow ow ow]]You wake up in an unknown place, and tied to some kind of totem, and the people of that place do not seem to be Indians (of those of the hatchet).
[[What is this place?]]One person approaches you, and he speaks to you, but you didn't understand it, it's like he was speaking an indigenous language.
[[Uh, i don't know what you're saying.]]He then employs the sign language.
He is indicating that:
Y-o-u a-r-e a-b-o-u-t t-o d-i-e.
[[Uh, oh]]"Please, sir! I don't wanna die!" you say.
And then he tells you in signs:
T-e-l-l t-h-a-t o-n-e t-o t-h-e p-r-i-n-c-e.
[[Who's the prince?]]The guy says: H-a-n-g o-n.
He then approaches a giant horn, and then blows through the small hole making it sound.
[[OW! MY EARS!]]After that, a guy with a blindfold approaches you. By its appearance, it seems to be the prince of this place.
[[Maybe because he's blind.]]"Greetings, human". He says.
[[Wait. Do you talk my language?!]]"Yes, and all because of the Great War between Crypticans and Humans..." he said.
"Humans like YOU!"
[[WHAAA??! L-like me?! What are you talking about?!]]"Its none of your business!" he said.
[[But i want to know!]]"No! Because you're a human!" he said.
[[Please!]]"No!" He said.
[[(Make a face)]]"Hmmmm..."
[[(next)]]"UGH! FINE! I'LL TELL IT! YA HAPPY NOW?!" He said.
[[YAY! XD]]"But with ONE condition!" He said.
[[What kind of condition?]]"After i tell you the story of the Great War between Crypticans and Humans, you have to answer me a series of questions related to it." He said.
[[A series of questions? Like a trivia?]]"Well, kinda." He said.
"Now, are you ready?"
[[Yes, sir!]]You swim like the fishies over the beautiful lake. (And getting your clothes wet).
Return to [[WHERE AM I??!!]]"Okay then." He said.
"Here we go..."
[[(Listen)]]You go down the stairs, just to find that the path is blocked by a giant pile of boulders.
Return to [[Go right]]A long time ago, us, the crypticans, lived in harmony and peace.
Until one day, humans came.
They looked like soldiers, with weapons, with vehicles, and confused.
They didn't knew where were they, nor we didn't knew who were they.
We hode in our homes, hoping them to be gone in minutes.
Until one human found me.
He was scared. (I had six eyes at the time).
He screamed.
He charged his weapon.
He shot and missed me.
He ran away.
He told other soldiers.
They came up with their weapons ready.
And there's where the battle began.
Our soldiers attacked without mercy, but with no effort.
The human soldiers were outnumbering us, they were like sixty soldiers at least.
Also, they were civilians in danger, the remaining soldiers sacrificed themselves to save them, while others escorted them to safety.
And some seconds later, the human cavalry came.
They fired at everything, set up houses on fire, killed inocent people, and wiping out our soldiers.
We had no choice but to retreat.
But then, one tank fired at me, but this time, it didn't miss.
I was bleeding, i couldn't see anything, i was at the brink of death.
Both soldiers and civilians struggled themselves to escort me back to the castle, just to find our king was DEAD.
Our city was left in ruins, our houses were burned to ashes, and our castle was mostly destroyed.
Thankfully, i survived that shot, but i couldn't see anything ever again.
That's why i'm always being escorted by the royal guards.
And that's why i don't trust on humans. Because of the war.
[[zzzz...]]He then finds you asleep.
"WAKE UP!" he screamed.
[[WHOA!]]"You felt asleep during the story?!" he asked you.
[[No, i was... i, i... drifted.]]"Hmmm, Where did i lost you?" he asked.
[[The part where you guys hode in your homes.]]
[[The part where the battle began.]]
[[The part where the human cavalry came.]]
[[The part where you were shot by a tank.]]
[[The part where you found the king was dead.]]
[[The part where you said that you don't trust in humans since the war ended.]]"Ugh, looks loke i have to tell it all over again." he said.
[[Let's go then.]]"YOU HEARD NONE OF I SAID?!"
[[I'm deeply sorry, mr. prince! I'm not such a good listener, i always fall asleep in the first seconds of an story!]]"YOU FELT ASLEEP ON THE INTERESTING PART? REALLY?!
[[Um... yeah...]]"Good." He said.
[[Um, thanks?]]"Good boy." he said.
[[Thanks! ;)]]"Good boy." he said.
[[Thanks! ;)]]"Wow, i didn't knew you were such a good listener!" he said.
[[Thanks! ;)]]"So, are you ready to REALLY hear the story?!" he said.
[[Yes, sir!]]"REALLY, REALLY READY?!" he said.
[[BRING IT ON!]]"Now, let's go to the test." he said.
[[Okay.]]"Ugh, looks like i need to tell you the story all over again, ain't i?" he said.
[[Let's go then.]]"Now. Let's go to the test." he said.
[[Okay.]]"Here are the rules." he said.
[[(Rules)]]"I'll ask you a set of eight questions." he said.
"If you guess right, you live."
"BUT, if you guess wrong... YOU DIE!
[[Uh... yes.]]"Alright then..." he said.
[[TBC]]To be continued.
[[Click]]Thank you so much for playing the Cryptica Demo! Cryptica will be the first game i've ever made! XD
The full game will contain more zones to explore, more puzzles, more story, music, and CUTSCENES!! XD
Get some hype for the full release! :D
Yours sincerely,
Alex Turell aka cocoloco3412, composer, gamer and creator of this game.
Return to [[Welcome]]