You wake up delrious.
In fact, you have no idea where you are or how you got there.
You notice that you are tied up.
You are panicing.
You look around. It looks like you're in a creepy basement.
What do you do?
[[Scream for help.->Scream]]
[[Sit and wait.->Sitting]]
[[Try to escape.->Escape]]You scream for help.
You continue calling out for 30 minutes.
(Throat is starting to hurt)
Do you: [[Continue to scream?->Still Screaming]]
[[Try to escape->Escape]]
[[Give up.->Give Up]]You have now been screaming for hours.
No one has come.
Do you: [[Give up->Give Up]]
[[Try to escape->Escape]]You sit and wait.
You become hungry.
Actually, you are now starving.
[[Eat your fingers.->Yum Fingers]]
[[You must find real food. Try to escape->Escape]]Your legs are tied together with a thick rope.
Your hands are restricted with a rusty chain.
The room has multiple other broken rusty chains layign around.
It looks like you weren't the only one to have been tied up in this basement before.
There are wire cutters laying beside the one chain, but they are far out of your reach.
How do you attempt to escape?
[[Try to break the bones in your hands to pull them out of the chain.->Ouch My Hands]]
[[Try to rub the chain and the rope together to cut through the roap.->Rub together]]
You gave up.
You sit there for hours.
[[Everything is hopeless, contine to sit and wait->Still Giving Up]]
[[There is still hope, try to escape->Escape]]At this point you are dying from dehydration and starvation.
You must try and [[escape.->Escape]]
It hurts too much; you can't do it.
You need to find a new way to escape.
[[Rub the chains on your hands with the rope on your feet->Rub together]]
The wire cutters are hard to use...
but you finally get your hands free.
You're feet and hands are free.
[[Where do you go now?->Doors]]No. Nope.
You must be extremely delirious.
You are not eating your fingers.
[[Try to escape->Escape]]You are now untied.
You're feet are free, but your hands are not.
You can now reach the wire cutters with your feet.
[[Reach for the wire cutters.->Wire Cutters]]Through this door, you see bloody tourture equipment.
It is a small closet.
It looks like a deadend.
[[Leave and check door 2->Door 2]]
[[Leave and check door 3->Door 3]]
(You can grab a weapon here, not you can only carry one weapon)
[[Grab the bloody hammer then leave and check door 2->Door 2]]
[[Grab the bloody hammer then leave and check door 3->Door 3]]
[[Recheck this room->Recheck door 1]]You walk through this door.
It is a big open room.
It looks like a shower room.
There was blood all over the floor.
It's a dead end.
[[Check door 1->Door 1]]
[[Check door 3->Door 3]]
[[Recheck this room->Recheck door 2]]This room has bodies.
There are dead bodies everywhere.
It stinks.
You are shaking because you are so scared, but you need to escape!
You don't see any exit though.
[[Check door 1->Door 1]]
[[Check door 2->Door 2]]
[[Recheck this room->Hatch]]You failed to escape.You are outside.
Do you:
[[Run to the shed.->shed]]
[[Run through the field.->field]]
[[Run to the woods.->woods]]You see a hatch on the other side of the room.
It looks like a trap door with a pull down ladder.
[[Step over dead bodies to get to the trap door->Open Hatch]]You open the hatch.
You peak your head out.
You look around.
You see a bunch of canned food.
The food looks dusty.
The room smells musky and has cobwebs.
It looks like you are in an old pantry.
[[Step into the pantry.->Pantry]]You are in the pantry.
You quietly peak out the door.
You don't see anyone, so you go through the door.
Now you are standing in a dirty kitchen.
It looks like you are in a log cabin.
You smell a foul, rotten scent.
You notice some kitchen applicances around the room.
They could be used as a weapon.
(If you have not yet grabbed a weapon)
[[Choose a weapon.->Weapon]]
(If you already grabbed a weapon in the basement)
[[Continue through cabin.->Cabin]]
(If you choose to continue without a weapon)
[[Contine through the cabin without a weapon->Cabin]]You see some weapons.
What do you grab?
[[Frying pan->Frying pan]]
[[Big wooden spoon->Spoon]]You walk into the [[dining room.->Dining Room]]You have the knife.
Now move on to the [[next room.->Dining Room]]You have the frying pan.
Now move on to the [[next room.->Dining Room]]You grab the big wooden spoon.
Now move on to the [[next room.->Dining Room]]You walk into the dining room.
The table looks like it is set for dinner.
It seems like no one is in the house though.
[[Continue into the living room->Living Room]]
[[Walk down the hallway->Hallway]]
You look around.
There are no pictures.
The furniture is wrapped in plastic.
You see a window.
[[Try to break the window with a wooden chair->Window]]
[[Go to hallway->Hallway]]You come in contact with the killer.
(Pick the option of the weapon you chose)
[[Knife->Use Knife]]
[[Frying pan->Use Frying Pan]]
[[Big Wooden Spoon->Use Big Wooden Spoon]]
[[Hammer->Use Hammer]]
[[No weapon->No weapon]]In the hallway you see a door.
You think it might lead to the outside.
You try it and it won't open.
It seems like it is sealed shut.
[[Go up the stairs->Stairs]]
[[Go to living room->Living Room]]The window appears to be made out of plexiglass.
It won't break.
[[Go to the hallway->Hallway]]You cautiously preceed upstairs.
Again, you notice that there are no pictures throughout the house.
You are at the top of the stairs.
You stare down a long, dark hallway.
You see 3 doors.
[[Check behind door 1->Up door 1]]
[[Check behind door 2->Up door 2]]
[[Check behind door 3->Up door 3]]This room appears to be a bedroom.
There are no windows and no other doors.
It looks like a deadend.
[[Check door 2->Up door 2]]
[[Check door 3->Up door 3]]
[[Recheck this room->Recheck up door 1]]This is another bedroom.
The bedroom has weird tourture devices everywhere.
There are no exits that you can see.
[[Check door 1.->Up door 1]]
[[Check door 3.->Up door 3]]
[[Recheck this room.->Recheck up door 2]]You see a cracked window in this room.
You pry open the window and jump out!
You are [[outside->outside]]You walk in the shed.
There is no one in there
There is no form of transportation.
It's a dead end.
[[Run through the field.->field]]
[[Run through the woods.->woods]]When you run through the woods, you see a road.
Do you [[walk along the road?->walking on road]]
or [[turn around and go to the shed->shed]]
or [[turn around and go to the field->field]]The killer cuts the big spoon in half, and then he cuts you in half.
[[You die.->Dead]]You throw the hammer at the killer.
It hits him and you take off running.
[[Run to the woods.->woods]]You try to hit the killer with the frying pan but you miss.
He kills you with his chainsaw.
[[You die.->Dead]]You stab the killer and contine to run.
[[Run through the woods.->woods]]You search all through the room.
You look under the disgusting rugs.
You search through the smelly sheets.
This room has no exit.
[[Check door 2->Up door 2]]
[[Check door 3->Up door 3]]You move your feet and hands close together.
You move your hands back and forth to rub the chain against the roap.
It looks like it's working.
You start moving it faster until you get super tired.
Your arm muscles are hurting.
You don't think you can continue: you're not even half way through the rope on your feet.
[[Give up. It hurts too much.->Giving up]]
[[FIGHT THROUGH THE PAIN. You need out of this basement.->Fight]]You give up.
It will never work.
You start to starve.
You need to escape.
[[You try to rub them together again.->Rub together]]You suck it up and try to continue.
You are slowly rubbing the chain against the rope.
You are too weak to move any faster.
Hours pass and you are only slowly making progress.
[[Take a break->Break]]
[[Ignore the pain. 5 more minutes of vigorous movement and you'll be free.->Untied]]You need to find an exit out of the basement.
There are 3 doors.
[[Go through door 1->Door 1]]
[[Go through door 2->Door 2]]
[[Go through door 3->Door 3]]You take a break.
You regain your stregth.
[[Get back to work at trying to untie yourself.->Untied]]You recheck the room.
It has no exit.
[[Check door 2.->Door 2]]
[[Check door 3.->Door 3]]This room has no exit.
It is a dead end.
[[Check door 1.->Door 1]]
[[Check door 3.->Door 3]]You recheck the room.
There is no exit.
[[Check door 1->Up door 1]]
[[Check door 3->Up door 3]]You run through the woods.
You don't look back.
You just keep running.
You don't see anyone or anything.
[[Keep running.->road]]You are running through the field.
In the field, you see a black figure come running after you.
The figure is a big man with a chainsaw.
He is chasing you.
You run out of energy, and he is catching up to you.
[[Time to fight him.->Which weapon]]You are walking on the road and you see a car.
[[Get in the car.->safe]]You have no weapon, so you try to fight the killer off with your hands.
The killer takes his chainsaw and kills you.
[[You die.->Dead]]The driver takes you to a police station where you explain what happened to you.
[[You survived->alive]]You succeded in escaping.