Dry leaves twist and flutter down from dead branches as you follow the path. Wind howls through the maples and birch, carrying a harsh chill from the waters beyond.
It’s an hour’s drive from town on a good day. Double that with storm season in full swing. But these folks wouldn’t dare ask for help -- especially from cops -- unless it was serious.
//Christ...if this ain't bigger than the cougar sighting of ’96.//
The trail banks into a root-covered clearing. On the far side, a brass bell hangs from a polished square of wood. It’s nailed to a gnarled tree at the mouth of a narrow lane.
The lane is fringed with bleached rocks and driftwood. From where you stand, it looks like a road of bones...
[[Ring the bell.]]
[[Examine the area.]]
[[Check in with the station.]] You stumble on a fat root, almost dropping your phone.
//‘Stupid…’// you mutter to yourself, knowing the block of plastic and glass is your lifeline. Especially if the roads flood. Or worse.
A handwritten note on the bell reads:
''‘Please Ring and WAIT for Attendant’''
You grab the thick knot of rope hanging from the bell and give it a firm shake. An eerie //dannnnnnng// fills the clearing and rolls through the woods...
[[You’re nothing if not obedient. Wait.]]
[[Proceed down the path.]]
[[Check in with Station]]The clearing is a near-perfect circle. The old trees were torn out soon after the founders began building, but they couldn’t stop neighboring roots from reclaiming the territory.
The tree at the head of the path looks like something out of a fairytale, hulking and twisted, with a dark hole in its trunk -- a wailing, rotting mouth.
The brass bell hangs from a carved sign that reads ''‘HAVEN’''.
The white-fringed path leads over a mossy ridge and out of sight…
[[Ring the bell.]]
[[Proceed down the path.]]
[[Check in with the station.]] With a flickering bar of signal, you text the station.
As you tap at the screen, you realize how thankful you are for this marvel of modern technology. Texting trumps voice every time for a card-carrying introvert, especially when dealing with the real power brokers in this town...
But that's above your pay grade. For now.
A moment later, the update comes in:
[[Ring bell.]]
[[Proceed down the path.]]
You pace in a circle, waiting. Above the bell, the carved ''‘HAVEN’'' sign catches your eye. It features a raised womanly silhouette on polished maple. Anatomically correct, no less.
The phone blinks again with the last message from HQ -- a goddamn dead girl who went cliffdiving. Naked. In November.
Startled by the sound, you turn and see a ''hooded figure''. Delicate hands pull back the hood to reveal a shaved head and sharp-boned face.
With a stern look, the pale young woman raises a finger to her lips, and motions for you to follow.
[[FOLLOW in silence.]]
[[“Don't worry...I know the rules."]]
You proceed down the path, confident that any violation of ‘decorum’ will be forgiven once this mess is cleaned up.
The phone blinks with the last message from HQ -- a goddamn dead girl who went cliffdiving. Naked. In //November//.
Weird shit. Even weirder, considering where it happened.
You lift your head from the phone, startled by a hooded figure. Delicate hands pull back the hood to reveal a shaved head and sharp-boned face.
With a stern look, the pale young woman raises a finger to her lips, and motions for you to follow.
[[FOLLOW in silence.]]
[[“Don't worry...I know the rules."]]
The robed girl turns away, pacing ahead and ignoring you.
You were briefed on their ‘rules’ before you came — only the leader speaks, and even then it’s rarely to //men//.
But one of their own is dead, so there are bigger rules at play now.
You follow her over the ridge and spot the compound. It's a towering timber lodge above the eastern shore, draped in billowing white canvas and studded with tiny A-frame cabins for its ‘guests’.
[[“Take me to your leader...”]]
[[“How could someone kill themselves here?”]]
The robed girl turns away and paces ahead. Maybe she's ignoring you. Maybe she's purging herself of your sinful tones.
You were briefed on their ‘rules’ before you came — only the leader speaks, and even then it’s rarely to //men//.
But one of their own is dead, so there are bigger rules at play now.
You follow her over the ridge and spot the compound – a towering timber lodge above the eastern shore, draped in billowing white canvas and studded with tiny A-frame cabins for its ‘guests’.
[[“Take me to your leader...”]]
[[“How could someone kill themselves here?”]]You have little patience for this cult stuff, so that old ‘alien invader’ chestnut should make the point loud and clear.
The robed girl responds with sharp eyes, but no malice in them -- in fact, you could swear there was a hint of //amusement//.
She pulls back a huge flap of canvas and waves you inside the shadowy hall...
If the bluntness was meant to catch the robed girl off guard, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she regards you with something akin to grim //curiosity// before pulling the canvas aside.
You turn to take in the scene, and notice there's not a single bird in the sky or the trees.
You step to the entrance, thankful for the shelter in the face of the coming storm...
The message is burned into a massive beam running the width of the hall. Alcoves on both sides are lit by oil lanterns, the statues and paintings held within awash in golden hues.
Queens. Empresses. Warrior maidens. Archetypes of feminine power.
Thunder rolls beyond the lodge’s walls, and dark clouds wrestle within an oval skylight high overhead.
You feel your phone vibrate. Another message.
Your ''daughter'' smiles back at you from the phone's home screen -- the blonde curls and cherubic face and soulful blue eyes -- so gentle and trusting.
You wonder what in the world could ever steer souls like hers to a place like this...
[[Stop and check your message]]
[[Ignore it, and continue]]
'//A moment, please,//' you say, opening your phone. '//The devil’s work is never done.//'
It's an update from the Station:
The woman stares at you, impatient or annoyed. Likely both.
You stuff the phone in back in your jacket, and continue to the end of the hall...
You ignore the buzzing and continue to the end of the hall. You can’t help but notice your footsteps echoing on the stone floor. But the girl’s steps are silent.
//She’s barefoot. On granite. In November. Bloody hell...//
Hopefully your host won’t view leather boots and an aversion to frostbite as serious offenses. You shake your head at the thought.
Some robed figures gather to watch you from a spiral staircase. As you pass beneath them you smile politely and give a half-salute, but they're still as statues.
A shiver runs through you. Whether it's from barefoot sympathy or the sketchy 'sisters', you swallow it down and continue to the end of the hall...
[[END OF HALL]]Your guide reaches a stone archway at the hall's end. Others like her have gathered on a walkway above. A murder of robed crows. Watching. Waiting.
The air feels warmer here. //Much// warmer. But there are no signs of fire, or vents, or electric heat. Strange.
The girl steps towards a set of rich violet curtains hanging on the far wall and parts them with one hand. She points inside with the other, waiting for you to get the hint...
If you didn't know any better, you'd think this was a //dare//.
Stepping through the curtains you’re struck again by the heat, but also by the scents of smoke and lavender and spicy musk. The chamber is aglow with lantern light and candles, and the reflective glints from gold-framed mirrors and a marble fountain in the center.
At the back of the room -- seated tall upon a platform of dark wood and plump cushions --- sits another ''hooded woman''.
It's hard to tell if she's older than the first. But, from the look of the veins in her forearms and the set of her handsome jaw, she's certainly a //stronger// one.
You clear your throat. She doesn't flinch.
//Playing tough//, you think. //But why?//
Adjusting your badge and gun, you step towards the fountain and dangle a finger in the water as you speak...
[[‘I’m Officer Gage. I’m here about the incident…']]
[[‘Thanks for the warm welcome, ma'am. Literally.’]]
[[‘So…you must be the great and powerful Oz.’]]
You wonder if she's even //seen// the movie, let alone read the books.
‘//So…the man before me has a thing for childish fantasy, does he?//’ the woman says, unmoved. The hood conceals most of her face, but the eyes seem to glow as they track your steps towards the platform.
‘//Theatricality aside? It's clear I ain't in Kansas anymore,//’ you say, unzipping your coat at the heat in the room. ‘//I’m Officer Gage. I’m here to investigate the incident on your grounds. Just some routine questions for you, Ms..?//’
‘//''Lilith''. That’s how you will address me,//’ the woman says, each word a dram of honey and disdain. She pulls back her hood to reveal a silvery mane, gold-green eyes, and impossibly smooth skin.
Hers is a timeless and haunting beauty.
[[Lilith?]]A. //‘Is that what you choose to call it..?//’ the woman says, unmoved. The hood conceals most of her face, but the eyes seem to glow as they track your steps. ‘//Incident?//’
‘//Works for now. That could change, of course, depending on what you tell me, Ms…?//’ you say, pulling your hand from the fountain and wiping it on your thigh.
‘''Lilith''. //That’s how you will address me,//’ the woman says, enunciating each syllable with honey and disdain. She pulls back her hood to reveal a silvery mane, gold-green eyes, and impossibly smooth skin.
‘//And I assume that ‘incident’ is a polite way of saying self-harm?//’
‘//Seems that way. Is that what you think happened here?//’ you ask, holding her gaze. The room feels even warmer now, your chest heavy with each breath...
‘//HAVEN is a sacred place, Officer Gage. But it is not an EASY one. We serve the downtrodden, the abandoned, and the abused. The goal is nothing less than absolute TRANSFORMATION. To become more than they ever dreamt possible. More than YOUR world would ever permit.//’
Her nostrils flare with the words, and her stare pins you in place. ‘//Inevitably, some must fail. They cling to old lives, and flee from our gifts. But this was the first who chose to…//’
‘//…to flee permanently.//’ You deadpan, unzipping your jacket in the stilfing heat.
You flick at the fountain and bring some drops to your brow before the grilling begins..
[[‘You only help women here, correct?’]]
[[‘What can you tell me about the girl?’]]
[[‘Who found the girl? And why was she naked?]]
‘//They are the ones who NEED helping. Who must AWAKEN to their true potential. Whose time has come fulfill a greater PURPOSE,//’ Lilith says, her voice echoing through the chamber.
‘//And men aren’t part of that…'purpose'?//’ you say.
The phone vibrates. Another message from HQ? But something tells you to let it wait -- this woman demands your strict attention.
‘//I’m afraid you had your time, Officer. And look at the state of the world because of it.//’
Lilith smiles and reaches for something shiny on the dais. Probably one of those fancy New Age knick-knacks your ex was so fond of...
‘//No offense,//' Lilith hisses.
‘//None taken,//’ you grunt, face flush with blood and heat.
[[‘What can you tell me about the dead girl?’]]
[[‘Who found the girl? And what happened to her clothes?]]
‘//She came to us a lifelong victim. A sad and broken thing. And yet she defended the perpetrator to the very end. Made excuses for him. Blamed herself…and grieved the ''consequences''.//’
The room dims and you think you hear //whispers// from behind you. Just beyond the curtains...
‘//Consequences?//’ you ask, rubbing at your eyes to clear your vision.
The phone vibrates, and nearly slips from your sweat-soaked hand.
But you can't take your eyes off this woman. Not yet. Because something is //happening//...
[[‘You only help women here at HAVEN, correct?’]]
[[‘Who found the girl? And why was she naked in the middle of November?]]
‘//The Sisterhood did...ALL of them...as they rejoiced under the light of the full moon//.' Lilith says, unfolding her legs. Her movement is serpentine, and she holds your stare like a cobra...
'//It is a most powerful time for manifesting one’s dreams…//’
‘//…and for LETTING GO.//’
There's a crack of thunder outside, and the room dims. The sweat's from every pore now, and the air hums with heat and electricity.
The phone vibrates again. But something in your gut screams not to turn away..not to break this woman's gaze...not //yet//.
[[What can you tell me about her?]]
[[Tell me...why is HAVEN only for women?]]‘Ma'am? How needlessly chivalrous. I am ''Lilith''. //That’s how you will address me,//’ the woman says, her words drenched in honey and disdain. She pulls back her hood to reveal a silvery mane, gold-green eyes, and impossibly smooth skin. A timeless beauty.
‘//My apologies. Lilith it is,//’ you say, moving towards the platform and wiping beads of sweat with your sleeve. ‘//So, I have some questions, Lilith…but first, I gotta ask about this heat.//'
//‘Ahhh, you’re feeling effects of our infrared panels, geothermal springs, and a proprietary herbal mist employed for circulation and vitality,//’ Lilith says, disarming you with a measured smile. ‘//Consider it feminine magic at work.//.’
‘//Impressive. Then I guess it's true what they say -- that you built this place yourself, with an all-woman team?//’ you ask.
‘//Is that such a surprise?// Lilith says, eyes narrowing. '//Women have built and toppled empires. But that’s not what you’re here to LEARN, is it Officer..?//’
[[Officer Gage]]‘//It's ''Gage''. And no. We both know why I’m here//.’ You pull out your phone and a stylus to take notes. ‘//The sooner we can wrap this up, the sooner I can get out of your hair before the storm comes full force//.’
‘//A storm is ALWAYS coming, Officer Gage.//’ The woman takes her time scanning you from hat to boots. You think of your childhood cat, toying with its prey -- prey that almost always ended up in its belly, or on your pillow.
‘//The secret is in letting it LIFT you to the Heavens...and not dash you down to earth.//’
‘//Mmhmm. Which brings us back to why I’m here.//’ You unzip your coat in the growing heat. The stylus is slippery between your fingers, and you’re finding it hard to focus...
'//I have questions.//'
[[‘You only help women here, correct?’]]
[[‘What can you tell me about the girl?’]]
[[‘Who found the girl? And why was she naked?]]
You take a sharp breath and squint, reading as fast as you can.
Lilith circles the fountain towards you.
‘//You’re a man, therefore slow by design. But it's CRIMINAL how in the dark you truly are...//'
[[Lights Out!]]
A sickly sweet gust snuffs the candles and lanterns, leaving only the glow from the phone’s screen.
You freeze and hear the hushed whispers closing in around you.
You see her eyes, Lilith's eyes, as they //burn// in the blackness like angry stars in a dead sky.
Her voice becomes one with the whispers and the storm and the sea.
[[CHARGE THE EXIT AND FLEE THE COMPOUND!]]With a trembling hand, you draw your gun and fire off a single shot high and wide. There's a loud //CRACK//, and the sound of glass hitting the floor.
//Damn mirrors//, you think, as the muzzle flash catches Lilith’s grin in the darkness. //Seven years of shit, if I’m lucky to live that long...//.
You hear the drapes part behind you and more bodies enter the room.
‘//STOP!! Under the authority of the Wolf County Sheriff’s Department, you are officially wanted for questioning in the deaths of ASHA VOLKOFF, and her father HANK. Stand down, or I will open FIRE!!//'
The darkness swirls around you now. And it’s //laughing//.
You fumble with the phone, hoping you’ve bought enough time to dial the station. To call for help.
Something cold strikes from behind.
Another on your shoulder.
Between your ribs.
Through your spine.
You spin away and lower your head, charging at the curtains to flee the way you came.
There are whimpers and groans as you slam through the fabric and into the timbered hall. You knock some robed ‘disciples’ to the ground, but they quickly leap to their bare feet, daggers and hatchets in hand. You try to reach for your gun, but your arm hangs suddenly useless at your side…
//Shit…one of them got me. Just above the elbow. Smart.//
You sprint down the hall towards the exit. As you burst through the canvas, a strong gust nearly slams you back inside. The storm swells now, pelting you with freezing rain. Trees bend to the point of breaking.
You look back -- past the blood-streaked canvas where you emerged -- and see a throng of hooded girls.
They're closing fast, eyes like embers.
[[RUN to the WATER]]
[[RUN to the ROAD]]
‘//WAIT! I YIELD!!//’
You kneel, lower your gun and phone //slowly// to the floor, and place your hands behind your head.
‘//Do we have a COWARD in our midst? A shame. They taste milky and sour,//’ Lilith taunts, hot breath by your ear. The whispers in the dark melt into giggles...
‘//You’re wrong, lady. I’m a lot of things, but I’m a MAN...not a coward. Which still makes me guilty in your eyes, I reckon. And I don’t know what the hell you are or what the hell you’re doing here...but there is ONE thing we agree on.//’
‘//What could we possibly share? I’m DYING to know.//’ You tense as cold steel slides across your face, guided by Lilith’s hand. It’s the blunt side. For now.
‘//I LOVE my little girl. More than ANYTHING in this wretched world,//’ you nod towards the picture on the phone, nicking your jaw on Lilith's knife. A drop of blood trickles down your neck, joining the tears you shed at seeing your daughter’s face. Maybe for the last time…
Lilith crouches beside you, hovering the knifepoint in front of your eyes. ‘//Choose your next words carefully, Office Gage…//’
‘//She came to us a broken thing. And yet she made excuses. Blamed HERSELF. And grieved the ''consequences''.//’
The room darkens, and you think you hear whispering. Behind you. Just beyond the curtains...
‘//Consequences?//’ you ask, wincing as your vision blurs.
The phone vibrates again, almost slipping from your sweat-soaked hand.
But you can't take your eyes off Lilith. Not yet. Something is //happening//...
[[‘Who found her? And what the hell happened to her clothes?]]
‘//The Sisterhood did. As they rejoiced beneath the full moon. As it kissed their bare flesh. It is a most powerful time to manifest one’s dreams…//’
Lilith says, sliding from her platform. Her movement is serpentine, and she holds your gaze like a cobra.
‘//…and for LETTING GO.//’
More thunder outside, and the room darkens. You’re drenched in sweat now, and the air hums with heat and static.
Your phone vibrates again. More updates?
But you can't turn away...
Can't lose sight of this woman...
Not //yet//...
[[What can you tell me about the deceased?]]
‘//She came to us a lifelong victim of sexual assault. A broken thing. And yet she defended him to the very end. Made excuses for him. Blamed herself…and grieved the ''consequences''.//’
The room darkens more, and you think you hear //whispering//. Behind you. Just beyond the curtains.
‘//Consequences?//’ you ask, rubbing at your eyes as your vision blurs.
The phone vibrates, almost slipping from your sweat-soaked hand.
But you can't take your eyes off Lilith. Not yet. Something is //happening//.
[[Help me understand - why do you only take women in here?]]‘//WE did. We ALL did. Dancing as one under the light of the full moon. The cold disappears in that sacred hour. The time to manifest one’s DREAMS…//’
Lilith says, sliding from her platform. Her movement is serpentine, and she holds your gaze like a cobra.
‘//…and for LETTING GO.//’
Thunder shakes the hall, and the room goes dim. You’re drenched in sweat now, and the air hums with electricity.
Your phone vibrates again, but you ignore it. Because this is too important...
Because you want //answers//.
[[Tell me...why do you only help WOMEN here?]]
‘//Women are the ones who need helping. Whose time has come. Who must fulfill their greater PURPOSE,//’ Lilith says, her voice echoing through the chamber.
‘//And men aren’t part of that plan?//’ you say.
Your phone vibrates. Another message from HQ? But something tells you 'not yet'. You need to see this through...
‘//I’m afraid you HAD your time, Officer. And look at the state of the world because of it.//’
Thunder booms beyond the walls. Lilith smiles, unfolds her legs, and reaches for something shiny on the dais...
‘//No offense,//' she hisses.
‘//None taken,//’ you grunt, your face flushing.
[[Who found the body? And why was in God's name was she naked?]]‘//The Sisterhood did. ALL of us. As we rejoiced beneath the full moon. Bathing in her gifts. Drinking in the sacred hour of MANIFESTING...//’
Lilith sways. Her movement is serpentine, and she holds your gaze like a cobra.
‘//…and of LETTING GO.//’
Thunder shakes the hall, and the room goes even darker. You’re drenched in sweat, struggling to see, and fighting for breath.
The phone vibrates again -- it must be urgent.
As you swipe across your daughter's face to check the message, something tells you this could be the most important text you will ever receive...
[[Check Phone Message]]‘//They are the ones who NEED helping. The awakening is long overdue. The time has come fulfill a greater PURPOSE,//’ Lilith's voice echoes through the chamber, like waves against a distant shore.
‘//I'm guessing men aren't part of that plan?//’ you ask.
‘//I’m afraid you HAD your time, Officer. And the world weeps because of it.//’
Thunder booms beyond the walls. Lilith smiles and reaches for something shiny on the dais. Shiny and //sharp//.
‘//No offense,//' she hisses. '//It was inevitable.//
The phone vibrates again. You take a step back and swipe the screen.
Your daughter's sweet smile blooms in the dark as you read the message...
[[Check Phone Message]] ‘//She came to us a lifelong victim of sexual assault. A broken thing. And yet she defended the monster to the very end. Made excuses for him. Blamed HERSELF…
//...and then grieved the ''consequences''.//’
The room darkens, and you hear whispers. They're coming from the shadows. From all around you.
The phone vibrates, almost slipping from your sweat-soaked hand. You swipe across the screen as Lilith unfolds her legs and slithers from the dais.
Your daughter's sweet face beams back at you, a light in the growing dark...
[[Check Phone Message]]
‘//The Sisterhood did. No matter the season, we bathe in the light of the full moon! Summon the TRUE self! Only then can our dreams be made real...//’
Lilith says, sliding from her platform. Her movement is serpentine, and she holds your gaze like a cobra.
‘//…and our deepest shames SACRIFICED!//’
More thunder. The room darkens. You realize you're covered in sweat, and every hair on your damn body is bristling...
The ''phone'' vibrates again. It must be urgent. Something tells you this message could change the course of lives...
Yours included.
[[Check Phone Message]] ‘//Because they are the ones who NEED helping. Who must AWAKEN to their true potential. It is time to fulfill our greater PURPOSE,//’ Lilith's voice echoes through the chamber, like waves against a distant shore.
‘//And men aren’t part of that…'purpose'?//’ you say.
‘//I’m afraid you HAD your time, Officer. And the world is worse for it...//’
Thunder booms beyond the walls. Lilith smiles and reaches for something shiny on the dais. It looks ornate, and a lot like something the ex used to spend your monthly bonus on...
‘//No offense,//' she hisses, sliding down from her platform.
‘//None taken,//’ you grunt, your face flush from heat.
[[What can you tell me about the dead girl?]]‘//She came to us a victim of sexual assault. Sad and broken beyond repair. Against all reason, she clinged the pain. She blamed HERSELF! We could not let this go unpunished.//’
The room spins, and you think you hear whispering. Behind you. All around. Conspiring in the dark.
‘//Unpunished..?//’ you ask, rubbing at your eyes.
The phone vibrates, almost slipping from your sweat-soaked grasp.
Lilith steps forward with the thing in her hand. You retreat a little, swiping the screen with one thumb...
...and freeing your ''gun'' with the other.
[[Check Phone Message]] ‘//Because they are the ones who NEED helping. Who must AWAKEN to their true potential. Whose time has come fulfill a greater PURPOSE,//’ Lilith's voice echoes through the chamber, like waves against a distant shore.
‘//And men aren’t part of that…purpose?//’ you say.
‘//I’m afraid you had your time, Officer. And look at the state of the world because of it.//’
Thunder booms beyond the walls. Lilith smiles and reaches for something shiny on the dais. A candleholder, maybe..?
‘//No offense,//' she hisses, sliding down from her platform.
‘//None taken,//’ you grunt, your face flush from heat.
The phone vibrates again. Your fingers tremble as you swipe across the screen. Across your daughter's smiling face...
[[Check Phone Message]] ‘//Lilith. Isn’t that Old, OLD Testament?// you ask, making another ripple in the fountain with your fingers. '//Seems I’m not the only one with a thing for fantasy...//’
The woman takes her time scanning you from hat to boots. The faintest of smirks dances across her lips. For some reason, you think of your childhood cat stalking prey in the family barn. Prey that would inevitably end up in its belly...
Or on your pillow.
‘//Your questions, please.//’
[[‘You only help women here, correct?’]]
[[‘What can you tell me about the girl?’]]
[[‘Who found the girl? And why was she naked?]]You collapse in shock, the gun and phone slipping from your hands as you reach out for something to break your fall. You try to breathe, but you gurgle and choke on something wet…
‘//They’ll come for me//,’ you cough, dragging yourself across the floor. The smooth stone is hot, and the air smells of sulfur and ruin.
‘//LET THEM…//’
The voice is Lilith’s, but spoken through many mouths. An angry choir, burning in your mind like the sun.
Pairs of fiery eyes gather in the dark. Sharp blades gleam in shadowy hands. Some are dripping blood.
‘//WE WILL DRINK THEM LIKE WINE,//’ the women howl. You can’t help but cry out at the sight of your daughter’s face, fading with the phone’s dying light…
Thank you for reading (and playing) ''HAVEN''!
I've been wanting to revisit my oldschool text-game roots for ages, so TWINE seemed like the perfect tool to make it happen. My goals were to stick to the basics -- use text ONLY to create a sense of mystery tension w/ modest dialogue trees and multiple endings -- while keeping things crisp. //Relatively//.
If you enjoyed the story, please consider pimping it far and wide. =)
And also feel free to visit <a href="http://www.brookeburgess.com">brookeburgess.com</a> to let me know your thoughts on it, see more of my work, or to collab on some fresh-baked narrative goodness!
“//I don’t care if a reader hates one of my stories, just as long as he finishes the book.//”
//—Roald Dahl//
Fearing a trap from fallen trees you circle the compound, darting between the A-frame dorms and towards the shore. Pulling out the phone with your good hand, you frantically try to call station.
//Goddamn it…no SIGNAL!!//
Lightning slices across the sky. You curse back at it as you clamber down a zig-zag path towards the water. Blood is pouring from your arm now and the dizziness has returned, threatening to swallow you whole.
You stop on the cliffs and check again, heart dropping as you see your daughter’s face on the screen, but still no bars of signal. You hang your head, kiss the screen, and look down at the jagged shore below.
//This is how that poor girl must’ve felt. A sick asshole of a father, and then this...insane CULT. She was trapped. She was completely alone.//
Thunder shakes the mountainside. You take a deep breath, reach for your gun, and turn away from the sea…
You bound up the ridge and down the path back to the highway. Blood spatters on the bleached stones as you shove your injured arm aside and reach for your gun. You can’t help but think they look even more like //bones// now, lining the walls of a nightmare.
The brass bell chimes as you enter the clearing, jerked about by swirling wind. The trees creak and sway and knock together, and the roots seem to move between flashes of lightning. Only the old elm stands fast, the hole in its trunk mocking you with a silent scream.
Beneath the bell’s echo, you hear them. Footsteps on dry leaves. Wordless //whispers//.
You fire a shot high in their direction, hoping to give them pause, and then pivot hard and dash towards the road.
With each desperate footfall your vision narrows a little more...
Before you can draw your weapon, a HAND is around your throat.
You pry and claw at Lilith’s fingers as she lifts you off the ground. You gasp in terror...but also in wonder, and in awe.
‘//You are wrong,//’ she whispers, and somehow you can hear her through the gale. ‘//The girl was not trapped here. We LOVED her. But she chose her fate. She chose to fall, naked from the heavens, and be washed clean of the crimes against her.//’
You try to speak, but no sound comes.
‘//Here//,’ Lilith says, a glimmer of pity in the voids of her eyes, ‘//LET ME SHOW YOU.//’
For a beautiful moment, the clamor of waves and wind and rain stops. The sky opens, and a golden light shines through the clouds.
The light falls with you then, down from the heavens...
All the way to the cold stones below.
//You can MAKE it, Gage. Just get to the goddamn CAR and you’re golden.//
//CALL it in. Sirens and SHOTGUN if they swarm. And then straight to the HOSPITAL. Tomorrow morning, this’ll all be nothing but a bad dre…//
You stop in your tracks. It takes a moment to register what you see, for the reality of it to come crashing in.
A ''tree'' has fallen onto the cruiser. A big one. The hood and roof are buckled from the impact. The windows are blown out, shards dangling from them like glassy fangs.
A shadow steps from the woods -- from behind the stump, where the tree once stood -- brandishing a //very// large axe.
Your fingers are slick with blood as you pull the trigger. Three times. Three center shots. The figure groans, drops the axe, and crumples to the ground.
Her hood falls aside, and you see her face. It’s the same girl who greeted you -- the one with the pale skin and fine bones and piercing eyes -- now lifeless at your feet.
You hear gasps at the head of the trail, and turn to see twenty or more of her ‘sisters’. Hands cover mouths. Eyes are wide with shock and tears and sparks of vengeance. You raise your gun at them and inch towards the car. Their faces harden, and they advance with blades raised...
//12 left in the Glock. Six in the shotgun. God…give me STRENGTH.//
The women howl as they charge. You say a prayer, and open fire.
The storm rages around you, and the rain becomes a flood.
‘//If someone DID something to her? Like that girl's FATHER did? I would’ve lost my damn mind. Broken the laws of God and man and buried him myself.//’ Your teeth gnash, and you can't hide wrath boiling in your eyes.
Lilith twirls the blade in front of your face, arching an eyebrow. ‘//So...are you saying that you APPROVE? That such punishments are JUSTIFIED?//’
‘//Corruption’s everywhere, lady...even here. Most townies couldn't give a shit as long as the beer money flows. And I can think of a few BAD men who’ve got it coming...//’
Lilith leans close as if to kiss you, but stops just short. ‘//But you're not LIKE them. In fact, you're offering to HELP, aren't you..?//’
‘//What we WANT is to be left alone. To thrive. And to FEED now and then...//’
Lilith caresses your jaw, catching a drop of your blood on her finger. She brings it to her lips and sucks it clean, gauging your reaction.
‘//Good for the skin,//' she coos, lips glistening. '//So...do we UNDERSTAND each other//?
‘//I smell which way the wind’s blowing. But you gotta give ME something//,’ you counter, trying to hold firm as your guts turn to jelly. '//Why did the ''girl'' have to die?//’
Lilith’s face softens, her gaze cools, and she lowers the knife to the floor.
‘//She CHOSE to. She couldn’t bear the shame that monster left in her, and chose to cleanse her soul in the sea. We tried everything, but the pain was too great. That’s why we reported it. So she could be put to rest in your world AND ours…//’
You nod, and reach carefully for your phone. The sight of your daughter lifts your heart beyond measure. ‘//I believe you.//’
Lilith leans forward, taking your face in her hands. Her touch is impossibly tender, and her voice like warm rain. ‘//Food isn’t the only thing we’ll need. HAVEN must live on. For generations…//’
You’re so lost in her eyes that it takes a few beats for the penny to drop.
‘//Are...are you trying to..?//’ stammering, you turn to see the sisterhood filling the room. The women clasp hands and form a circle around you, faces ripe with mischief.
‘//Tell me, Gage,//’ Lilith purrs, bringing a pale finger to your lips...
‘//Are you MARRIED?//’
[[FIN]]With a flickering bar of signal, you text the station.
//Damn phones//, you think, as you fumble with the screen. Some days, you totally get why a group like this chose to step away from the world...
A moment later the update comes in:
[[Keep Waiting.]]
[[Proceed down the path.]] You pace in a circle, waiting. Above the bell, the carved ''‘HAVEN’'' sign catches your eye. It features a raised womanly silhouette on polished maple. Anatomically correct, no less.
Startled by the sound, you turn and see a ''hooded figure''. Delicate hands pull back the hood to reveal a shaved head and sharp-boned face.
With a stern look, the pale young woman raises a finger to her lips, and motions for you to follow.
[[FOLLOW in silence.]]
[[“Don't worry...I know the rules."]]You stumble on a fat root, almost dropping your phone.
//‘Stupid…’// you mutter to yourself, knowing the block of plastic and glass is your lifeline. Especially if the roads flood. Or worse.
A handwritten note on the bell reads:
''‘Please Ring and WAIT for Attendant’''
You grab the thick knot of rope hanging from the bell and give it a firm shake. An eerie //dannnnnnng// fills the clearing and rolls through the woods...
[[You’re nothing if not obedient. Wait.]]
[[Proceed down the path.]]
↶↷Dry leaves twist and flutter down from dead branches as you follow the path. Wind howls through the maples and birch, carrying a harsh chill from the waters beyond.
It’s an hour’s drive from town on a good day. Double that with storm season in full swing. But these folks wouldn’t dare ask for help -- especially from cops -- unless it was serious.
Christ...if this ain't bigger than the cougar sighting of ’96.
The trail banks into a root-covered clearing. On the far side, a brass bell hangs from a polished square of wood. It’s nailed to a gnarled tree at the mouth of a narrow lane.
The lane is fringed with bleached rocks and driftwood. From where you stand, it looks like a road of bones...
Ring the bell.
Examine the area.
Check in with the station.