Hello (set: $name to (prompt: "What's your name?","Name"))(print: $name)
I hope you like to click and choose.
I need you to help me sort these 6 passages by picking one of two options given at the end.
Sometimes you won't understand, but don't overthink, be impulsive and just keep clicking.
In return for your work and the choices you make, I will reveal what sort of sausage you are at the end the game.
It shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes.
[[Follow my lead|First stage]]
(set: $Cumberland to 0)
(set: $Quorn to 0)
(display: "Typewriter")
(live: 14.5s)[
[[Stuff a boa constrictor?|66]] Or
[[Go to America?|98]]]
(set: $typewriterText to "In the buyosphere, you spent time considering whether a lamp - or a stuffed boa constrictor - will complete or clutter your living room.
This has always been a more complicated question in America than elsewhere, because to be American is, in a sense, to be insecure.")
Good choice.
Click [[here|Two]] to reveal the next question, or check what you just collected below.
(link: "What's in My cupboard?")[Barley malt extract]
(set: $Quorn += 16.6666666666666666666)
(set: $Barley_malt to 1)Good choice.
Click [[here->Two]] for the next question, or check to see what you just collected below.
(link: "What's in my cupboard?")[Black pepper]
(set: $Cumberland += 16.66666666666666666)
(set: $Black_pepper to 1)(display: "Typewriter")
(live: 12.0s)[
[[Give Bill a five pound coin?|99]] Or
[[Go swimming in the stream?|102]]]
(set: $typewriterText to "'New money always poses a threat to old money,' Bill said.
Bill collects old five pound coins as a hobby.
'YES, but doesn't fashion depend on doing things that are outside of the mainstream?' Someone else said.")
[[Click|Three]] for the next question.
(Link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[Cayenne pepper]
(set: $Cumberland += 16.66666666666666666666)
(set: $Cayenne to 1)[[Click|Three]] for the next question.
(link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[Firming agents]
(set: $Quorn += 16.66666666666666666)
(set: $Firming_agents to 1)(display: "Typewriter")
(live: 16.5s)[
[[Blame the shoppers?|110]] Or
[[Escape out the window and go shopping?|109]]]
(set: $typewriterText to "People tend to agree that shopping is an exercise of both profound responsibility and profound freedom.
But there is no doubt that it can also serve as an escape from responsibility and a substitute for meaningful action.
Shoppers may sometimes be unfairly victimized, but it feels good to blame other people.")Next question click [[here|Four]].
(link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[Nutmeg]
(set: $Cumberland += 16.6666666666666666)
(set: $Nutmeg to 1)
Next question click [[here|Four]].
(link: "What's new in my cupboard")[(if: $Mycoprotein > 0)[Mycoprotein](if: $Mace > 0)[Mace]]
(either: "(set: $Mace to 1)","(set: $Mycoprotein to 1)")
(if: $Mycoprotein > 0)[(set: $Quorn += 16.6666666666666666)]
(if: $Mace > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.66666666666666666)]
(display: "Typewriter")
(live: 13.0s)[
[[I have brown hair too.|111]]
[[I don't have brown hair.|112]]]
(set: $typewriterText to "I can see two things on the table:
1) A stock photo of a smiling man. The man is roughly 30 years old, he has short brown hair and he is of medium build.
2) A blank white page in the middle of a book, in between chapters.")
Next question... keep [[Clicking|five]].
(link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[Onion]
(set: $Quorn += 16.66666666666666)
(set: $Onion to 1)
Next question... keep [[clicking|five]].
(Link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[(if: $Potato_starch > 0)[Potato Starch](if: $Pork > 0)[Pork](if: $Palm_oil > 0)[Palm oil]]
(either: "(set: $Potato_starch to 1)","(set: $Pork to 1)", "(set: $Palm_oil to 1)")
(if: $Potato_starch > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.6666666666666)]
(if: $Pork > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.666666666666666)]
(if: $Palm_oil > 0)[(set: $Quorn += 16.66666666666666666)]
(display: "Typewriter")
(live: 34.0s)[
[[Order a streamlined toaster?|114]] Or
[[Cover your webcam with bluetac?|115]]]
(set: $typewriterText to "Sally volunteered to test out some new software.
Last week Sally bought three blue oxford-cloth button-down shorts, a water filter, a duke ellington box set, a stock pot, three books on school reform ....and a dozen candles.
The software searched for others who exhibit similar behaviour, and it concluded that Sally would either want a streamlined toaster, with extra-wide slots to accommodate English muffins, or a sweater hand-knitted in Bolivia by Incas.
Many customers however are not at all certain that they would want insight into their strongest, strangest, most private desires available on the internet, ripe for exploitation.")[[Click|six]] through, or check below .
(link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[(if: $Rehydrated > 0)[Rehydrated egg white](if: $Rapeseed > 0)[Rapeseed oil]]
(either: "(set: $Rehydrated to 1)","(set: $Rapeseed to 1)")
(set: $Quorn += 16.66666666666666666)[[Click|six]] through, or check below.
(link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[(if: $Spelt > 0)[Spelt](if: $Soya_grit > 0)[Soya grit](if: $Salt_q > 0)[Salt](if: $Salt_c > 0)[Salt]]
(either: "(set: $Spelt to 1)","(set: $Soya_grit to 1)","(set: $Salt_q to 1)","(set: $Salt_c to 1)")
(if: $Spelt > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.6666666666666666)]
(if: $Soya_grit > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.666666666666666)]
(if: $Salt_q > 0)[(set: $Quorn += 16.666666666666666666)]
(if: $Salt_c > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.666666666666666666)](display: "Typewriter")
(live: 25.0s)[
[[Be like Phil?|116]] Or
[[Window shopping is good for the soul?|119]]]
(set: $typewriterText to "What Phil considers to be a very useful kind of attention, some people view as a breach of their privacy and prefer to listen to their hearts and read the reviews in papers.
But it is funny how conventions change. Not so long ago, window shopping, was depicted as a vulgar pastime and at worst a sort of peversion that could place women in harm’s way. But now Phil doesn't even need to go to the shops, he just opens his Microsoft Windows. ")That's it, [[click to finish]]!
(link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[(if: $Textured > 0)[Textured wheat protein](if: $Thyme > 0)[Thyme]]
(either: "(set: $Textured to 1)","(set: $Thyme to 1)")
(if: $Textured > 0)[(set: $Quorn += 16.6666666666666666)]
(if: $Thyme > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.666666666666666)]That's it, [[click to finish]]!
(link: "What's new in my cupboard?")[(if: $White_pepper > 0)[White pepper](if: $Wheat_flour > 0)[Wheat flour]]
(either: "(set: $White_pepper to 1)","(set: $Wheat_flour to 1)")
(if: $White_pepper > 0)[(set: $Cumberland += 16.666666666666666)]
(if: $Wheat_flour > 0)[(set: $Quorn += 16.666666666666666)]Good work (print: $name).
We have reached the end of the game. Thanks for your help.
The results can now be revealed...
[You are (print: $Cumberland) percentage Cumberland sausage]
[You are (print: $Quorn) percentage Quorn sausage]
Here's a personalised list of what you'll need to create your sausage.
(link: "Show list" )[(if: $Barley_malt > 0)[* Barley malt extract](if: $Black_pepper > 0)[* Black pepper](if: $Cayenne > 0)[* Cayenne pepper](if: $Firming_agents > 0)[* Firming agents](if: $Nutmeg > 0)[* Nutmeg](if: $Mycoprotein > 0)[* Mycoprotein](if: $Mace > 0)[* Mace](if: $Onion > 0)[* Onion](if: $Potato_starch > 0)[* Potato starch](if: $Pork > 0)[* Pork](if: $Palm_oil > 0)[* Palm oil](if: $Rehydrated > 0)[* Rehydrated egg white](if: $Rapeseed > 0)[* Rapeseed oil](if: $Soya_grit > 0)[* Soya grit](if: $Salt_q > 0)[* Salt](if: $Salt_c > 0)[* Salt](if: $Spelt > 0)[* Spelt](if: $Textured > 0)[* Textured wheat protein](if: $Thyme > 0)[* Thyme](if: $Wheat_flour >0)[* Wheat flour](if: $White_pepper > 0)[* White pepper]]
Do you want contribute to my collective sausage?
[[Yes, tell me more]]
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
|typewriterOutput>[](live: 40ms)[(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)](set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[(stop:)]]If you would like to contribute to my collective sausage, just take a moment to copy your list of ingredients below, (highlight text then press ctrl c).
(if: $Barley_malt > 0)[* Barley malt extract](if: $Black_pepper > 0)[* Black pepper](if: $Cayenne > 0)[* Cayenne pepper](if: $Firming_agents > 0)[* Firming agents](if: $Nutmeg > 0)[* Nutmeg](if: $Mycoprotein > 0)[* Mycoprotein](if: $Mace > 0)[* Mace](if: $Onion > 0)[* Onion](if: $Potato_starch > 0)[* Potato starch](if: $Pork > 0)[* Pork](if: $Palm_oil > 0)[* Palm oil](if: $Rehydrated > 0)[* Rehydrated egg white](if: $Rapeseed > 0)[* Rapeseed oil](if: $Soya_grit > 0)[* Soya grit](if: $Salt_q > 0)[* Salt](if: $Salt_c > 0)[* Salt](if: $Spelt > 0)[* Spelt](if: $Textured > 0)[* Textured wheat protein](if: $Thyme > 0)[* Thyme](if: $Wheat_flour >0)[* Wheat flour](if: $White_pepper > 0)[* White pepper]
Now if you have copied the list of ingredients above, follow the link to my Googleform [[here]] and simply paste the text in the textbox.
(open-url: "https://forms.gle/zxjYeMUJGiSfWX5U8")