(font: "comic sans MS")[[Gosh.]<gosh|
(click: ?gosh)[It is [HOT]<clhot| out today.]
(click: ?clhot)[[Hotter than yesterday]<sure|](click: ?sure)[, [for sure.]<icecream|]
(click: ?icecream)[Some [[well...<-ice cream]] sure would be great.]]
(set: $totalprogress to $totalprogress + 1)
(font: "comic sans MS")[Let's Check the [[freezer.]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[I could walk to Mr. Jenkins' [[Walkin'<-Ice Cream Parlor.]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[Hey, I could get some [[from the store.->go to the store!]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[Screw it, I'll just have some [[lemonade.]]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[Hey, is it getting [[dark?]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[What's even in here?]<opendoor|
(click: ?opendoor)[[Wait...]<Wait|]
(click: ?Wait)[What the heck is [[THAT?!]]]
(set: $fprogress to 0)
(set: $totalprogress to $totalprogress + 1)]
(font: "comic sans MS")[Man, I could fry an egg on this sidewalk.
[[Oh hey, there's the shop!->Nuts to that, I want my ice cream!]]]
(set: $progress to + 1)
(set: $totalprogress to $totalprogress + 1)
(font: "comic sans ms")[Really seems like more of a lemonade day than an ice cream day, anyway.
Hey, I have a lemon left over from St Citrus Day. [[How hard could it be?->make it yoursef]]
(set: $totalprogress to $totalprogress + 1)]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Is that [a...?]<fur|
(click: ?fur)[Is that...[FUR?]<tail|]
(click: ?tail)[Man, what's this on [its...?]<teeth|]
(click: ?teeth)[[Are those...?]<ohno|]
(click: ?ohno)[[[Oh no...->It's a cat]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[It's a [rat.]<I|
(click: ?I)[[[I...um...->cat]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[[AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[[EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Maybe I should [[wash my hands]].
And I also oughtta [[bury the rat->bury the cat]].]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Tap's [on.]<washy|
(click: ?washy)[Start [washing.]<scrub|]
(click: ?scrub)[Keep [scrubbing.]<wash|]
(click: ?wash)[I've used up all [the soap.]<clean|]
(click: ?clean)[I'm out of [hot water.]<ouch|]
(click: ?ouch)[My hands are [bleeding.]<finished|]
(click: ?finished)[Ok, I think I'm [[done.]]]
(set: $cprogress to 1)]
(font: "comic sans ms")[I think the shovel is in the [[basement]].
(set: $fprogress to 1)]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[So...]<so|
(click: ?so)[...now [[what?]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[[GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!->Gross]] ]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(if: $fprogress is 0)[Maybe I should [[bury the rat->bury the cat]].]
(if: $fprogress is 1)[I sure could go for some [[What should I do?<-ice cream.]]] ]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Where's the [light?]<spiders|
(click: ?spiders)[Ah, here [it...]<wow|](click: ?wow)[[Wow.]<lots|](click: ?lots)[That is a **LOT** of [spiders.]<Ah|]
(click: ?Ah)[Oh hey, here's the [[shovel]].]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Wait, what's that stuff on the [blade?]<gross|
(click: ?gross)[Is that...it can't be...[[Oh no...]]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[I can hear that ice cream [[callin']] my name.]
(set: $xprogress to 0)
(set: $yprogress to 0)
(font: "comic sans MS")[Good ol' Mr. Jenson's Ice Cream Parlor. In business since 1909.
(text-style: "shudder")[I could head in the [[front door]].]
Hey, there's a sign around back that says "Free Ice Cream"! [[Hmmmmmm]].
Guess I'll [[go home.->What should I do?]]]
(font: "lucida handwriting")["Ellie! How are you, kiddo?"]
(font: "comic sans MS")["Hey, Mr. Johnson! I'm good, dyin' for an ice cream!"]
(font: "lucida handwriting")["Well, let's not sit here chawin'! What can I get you for?"]
(font: "comic sans MS")[[[Vanilla sounds great!]]
[[Chocolate, as per ushe.]]
[[Rocky Road, brah.]]
[[What's the Flavor of the Month?]]
(set: $xprogress to 1)]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Man, it's dark in [here]<gnome|.]
(font: "impact")[(click: ?gnome)["THE CHOSEN ONE HAS ARRIVED AT [[LAST!"->BWUH?!?]]]
(set: $yprogress to 1)]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Who are all these [little guys?]<uhhey|
(click: ?uhhey)["Uh..[hey...?"]<chosen|]]
(font: "impact")[(click: ?chosen)["ALL HAIL THE [[CHOSEN ONE]]!!"]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[It's all [[Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.<-RUSTY.]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(if: $cprogress is 1)[That really [bums me out.]<cheering|
(click: ?cheering)[I could sure use some [cheering up.]<youknowhat|]
(click: ?youknowhat)[You know what I [need?]<ice|]
(click: ?ice)[I could really go for some [[ice cream.->well...]]]]
(if: $cprogress is 0)[Did I remember to [[wash my hands]]?]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[[ Aw, Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.->two months ago.]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[I only bought this [like...]<what|
(click: ?what)[[Two months ago?]<party|]
(click: ?party)[I was gonna go that big [shoveling party!]<MAN|]
(click: ?MAN)[[[Man!->Cheering Up.]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[["Who me?"]<yesyou|]
(font: "impact")[(click: ?yesyou)[["Yes, you!"]<couldntbe|]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?couldntbe)[["Couldn't be!"]<itstrue|]]
(font: "impact")[(click: ?itstrue)[["It's true!"]<allhail|]
(click: ?allhail)[[["ALL HAIL THE WISEST OF THEM ALL!"->Shouting so much]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[["I think I get it."->Shouting so much]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[I wish they wouldn't [[SHOUT LIKE THAT]].]
(font: "impact")["At last, one is to decipher our [riddle."]<riddle|]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?riddle)["Ok...[[shoot.]]"]]
(font: "impact")[["What..."]<drama|]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?drama)[(I hate [[dramatic pauses->Is the difference]])]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[["Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."]<answers|
(Click: ?answers)[[*What should I say?*]<err|]
(click: ?err)[[[Tuesday?->[Tuesday?]]
[[What color is the duck? How much does 6 cups of pure iron ore weigh? The average GDP of Venuzuala? And just what is a duck, anyway? What does a duck mean?->Dumb Answer]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Er...thanks?"]
(font: "impact")["What do you wish of us, [[oh wise one?]]"]
(font: "impact")["HMMMMMMMMM."]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Did I say something [wrong?"]<hmm|]
(font: "impact")[(click: ?hmm)["This is a most unusual answer. We will have to medidate on it for [[several months."]]]]
(font: "impact")["WHAT?!?"]
(font: "comic sans ms")[They seem pretty mad.]
(font: "impact")["This [[won't do.]]"]
(font: "impact")[[["Is the Difference Between a Duck?"->dramatic pauses]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Got any [ice cream?"]<icecream|]
(font: "impact")[(click: ?icecream)[["We're Fresh out."]<what|]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?what)[["What."]<WHAT|]
(click: ?WHAT)[["WHAT".]<BUT|]
(click: ?BUT)[["But the sign said 'FREE ICE CREAM'!]<FREE|]]
(font: "impact")[(click: ?FREE)["Well yes, but we've been seeing chosen ones all day, I'm afraid we're cleaned out [of...]<wait|"]
(click: ?wait)[[["C-Chosen One?"->C-Chosen One]]]]
(font: "impact")["Such a dreadful answer! Out with you! OUT!"]
(font: "comic sans ms")[And just like that, I'm out on the [street.]<guess|]
(if: $xprogress is 0)[(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?guess)[Guess I'll [[head around front.->callin']]]]]
(if: $xprogress is 1)[(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?guess)[Too bad, I really wanted some [[ice cream.->What should I do?]]]]]
(font: "lucida handwriting")["Sorry, kiddo, I'm afraid we're fresh out."]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[["Uh..."->Ice Cream Choices]]]
(font: "lucida handwriting")["Never carried it."]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[["Buh...?"->Ice Cream Choices]]]
(font: "lucida handwriting")["Marshmallows on ice cream? Communism!"]
(font: "comic sans MS")[[["Guh...?"->Ice Cream Choices]]]
(font: "impact")["Where are you going?"]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(if: $xprogress is 1)["To get some gosh darned [[ICE CREAM!"->What should I do?]]]](if: $xprogress is 0)[(font: "comic sans ms")["To get some dosh garned [[ICE CREAM!"->callin']]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Wait! What about my [Ice Cream?"]<answer|]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?answer)[["Hello?"]<hello|]
(click: ?hello)[["Hellllooooooooooooooo?"]<huh|]
(if: $xprogress is 0)[(click: ?huh)["I guess they were serious. Might as well head [[around front->front door]]."]]
(if: $xprogress is 1)[(click: ?huh)[That's too bad. I could sure go for some [[Ice Cream->What should I do?]].]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")["Then I guess I'll have..."
[[Vanilla sounds great!]]
[[Chocolate, as per ushe.]]
[[Rocky Road, brah.]]
[[What's the Flavor of the Month?]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[Boy, this sure [is]<um| (click: ?um)[[green.]<andum|]
(click: ?andum)[[And, um...]<pulsy|]
(click: ?pulsy)[[[Pulsaty.]]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")["Picked Fresh today, kiddo!"
[Wait, picked?]<skree|]
(font: "ravie")[(text-style: "shudder")[(click: ?skree)[["Skreeeee!"]<skreeee|]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[(click: ?skreeee)[[[Wait, Skree?!->"Skreeeeeeee!"]]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[
[[PUNCH IT!!]]]
(font: "ar darling")[''WHACK!'']
(font: "comic sans ms")[Oooh, it burns!
At least its off, though. [Quick!]<stomp|]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?stomp)[
[[BITE IT!!]]]]
(font: "ar darling")[CHOMP.]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Wow. That is truly [disgusting.]<taste|
(click: ?taste)[Like, it tastes like despair feels. Well [[anyways]]]]
(font: "ar darling")[OWCH!]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[I stubbed my toe!]<stamp|
(click: ?stamp)[Man, that really smarts! Like, I might need an ice pack or something. [Oh, well.]<ohwell|]
(click: ?ohwell)[[[At least it looks pretty dead.->[Oh thank gosh. It's dead]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Man. [That was scary.]<scary|
(if: $yprogress is 1)[(click: ?scary)[[[I don't think I'm gonna get ice cream here.]]]](else:)[[[Maybe I can try around back?->Hmmmmmm]]]]
(font: "ms comic sans")[Too Bad.
I could sure go for some [[ice cream.->What should I do?]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Like, it's more of a cold drink on the forehead hot, not such much a cold stuff in the stomach hot. [[Yeah.->lemonade.]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[And hey, the store is air conditioned! [[Double bonus.]]
(set: $totalprogress to $totalprogress + 1)]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[Ingredients.]<list|
(click: ?list)[[*One Lemon?*]<check1| (click: ?check1)[''CHECK.'']
[*One bag of white powdery stuff that's probably sugar?*]<check2| (click: ?check2)[''CHECK.'']
[*Water?*]<check3| (click: ?check3)[''Straight from the hose.'']
[*Pitcher?*]<check4| (click: ?check4)[''Stolen from Ed's House.'']
[*Spoon?*]<check5| (click: ?check5)[''FORK.'']
[[Let's Do this.]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[OK!
[Let's seeeeeeee...]<see|
(click: ?see)[Let's cut [[the lemon]], first.] ]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[Wait.]<wait|
(click: ?wait)[[Where's my KNIFE?]<knife|]
(click: ?knife)[[Crud.]<Shucks|]
(click: ?Shucks)[[I sold my knife to buy lemons for St Citrus Day!]<Shuckiest|]
(click: ?Shuckiest)[[[CRUUUUUUUD.->[Just the Shucksiest]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Maybe I can [[bite it]] in half.]
(font: "forte")[[[Chomp.->[Chomp.]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Can't think of a reason it [wouldn't work.]<Imean|
(click: ?Imean)[I mean it's gonna wind up in [my mouth]<anyway| anyway.]]
(font: "forte")[(click: ?anyway)[[[Chomp.->[Chomp.]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[Ah.]<bad|
(click: ?bad)[I see now why this was a [bad decision]<note|.]
(click: ?note)[[[Speaking of->another note]]...]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[At least it's [[roughly->in half]] in half [now.]<now|
(click: ?now)[Let's [[mix these->mixin']] ingredients!]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Aw, man, it's not quuuuiiiiiiite there. Guess I'll [[take another bite.->another note]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[Man.]<man|
(click: ?man)[[MAN!]<MANOHMAN|]
(click: ?MANOHMAN)[Man oh man oh man. That is some fine [[looking lemonade]].]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Well, [bottoms up.]<uhoh|
(click: ?uhoh)[[Uh oh]<itate|.]
(click: ?itate)[[It ate through the cup.]<maybe|]
(click: ?maybe)[Maybe that [[wasn't sugar.]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[I don't think I should make this [myself.]<myself|
(click: ?myself)[What should I [[do?]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[I could sure go for some [[ice cream.->What should I do?]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Ugh. Why is this store [SO HOT?]<sohot|
(click: ?sohot)[Is the air conditioner [[busted?]]]]
(click: ?ugh)[How is it [hotter IN THE STORE?]<GUH|]
(click: ?GUH)[Ok, focus. Which [[aisle]] is ice cream on?]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[Aisle Seven?]<7| (click: ?7)[(Baking supplies.)]
[Aisle Eight?]<8| (click: ?8)[(Play Doh?)]
[Aisle 9?]<9| (click: ?9)[(Just a big hole in the [[ground]].)]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[I guess I could ask an [[employee?]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Hello? [Excuse me?"]<excuse|]
(font: "ravie")[(click: ?excuse)["How may we help you, [[fellow hu-man?]]"]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[["Er..."]<er|]
(font: "ravie")[(click: ?er)["Do you require food for nutrients, fellow hoo-man? We have many varieties of [[tastelicious foods."]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Got any [ice cream?"]<aid|]
(font: "ravie")[(click: ?aid)["Does your ice require creaming, fellow hoomun? Please render the ice unto me, that I might properly cream it with my [[helpful hoomun apendages."]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Um, you know what? I think I'm just gonna go [home..."]<ok|]
(font: "ravie")[(click: ?ok)["Very well. Fare alright, [fellow hyamin."]<manager|]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?manager)[Maybe I can [[find a manager.->"I'd like to speak to your manager!"]]
[[Man, I just wanna get home.->my day.]]]]
"Yeah, uh, see you, fellow human?"
Man. What's that guys problem?
I could really go for some [[Ice Cream->What should I do?]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Today has just not been [[my day.]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Well that sucked. I should could go for some [[ice cream->What should I do?]] to cheer me up.]
(font: "comic sans ms")["Hi, can you tell me [where-"]<bloodle|]
(font: "snap itc")[(click: ?bloodle)[[["BOW BEFORE ME, PUNY CARBON BAG!"->"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH."]]]]
(font: "ravie")["Oyez, I understand we hyumens require desserts for sustainance pleasure. Does my friend, you, require assistance in finding a taste snack, [[fellow hayoman?"]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[["No, it's like a dessert...?->"No, it's like a drink...?"]]
Or maybe...
[["I'd like to speak to your manager!"]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")["S-sorry to disturb you!"
I am so [[outta here.]]
"Where was that [[employee]]?"]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Gosh, it's almost [8!]<late|
(click: ?late)[Wow. What a [[beautiful sunset.]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[B-r-r-r. It's starting to get [[chilly.]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[Man.]<cocoa|
(click: ?cocoa)[I should could go for some [[cocoa]].]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[THE END.]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[["Ice Cream"->...]]
by Max Aronson
(set: $totalprogress to 0)]
(font: "comic sans ms")[[[...->Beginning]]]
(font: "comic sans MS")[[[Well...->What should I do?]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Oh [Ga-a-a-a-w-w-d!]<touch|
(click: ?touch)[I [touched it!]<with|] (click: ?with)[With my [HANDS.]<hands|]
(click: ?hands)[[[Uccccccchhhhhhh.->GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!]]]
(set: $fprogress to 0)
(set: $cprogress to 0)]
(font: "lucida handwriting")["Ooh, it's real special this [month!"]<well|]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?well)["Well, what [is it?"]<surprise|]]
(font: "lucida handwriting")[(click: ?surprise)["It's a surprise! Here, try a scoop, [on the house!"]<click|]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?click)[[["Hey, Thanks Mr Johnson!"->"Thanks!"]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Whooo. This is [hard work.]<mixing|
(click: ?mixing)[Startin' [to sweat...]<sweat|]
(click: ?sweat)[So...thirsty...! [Almost...]<done|
(click: ?done)[[[DONE!!->mix these]]]]]
(font: "ravie")[[SKREEEEEEE!]<skree|]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?skree)[OH GOD IT'S STILL NOT DEAD! [errrr...]<kick|]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?kick)[[[KICK IT SOMEHOW!!->KICK IT SOMEHOW!!]]]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.
(font: "ravie")[["HYyeeooouuuuummuuuunnnnnnnnn-"]<alright|]
(font: "comic sans ms")[(click: ?alright)["You know, I think I'll [see myself out."]<out|]
(click: ?out)[Never shopping here again. I bet they didn't even have [[ice cream.]]]]
(font: "comic sans ms")[Too bad. I could really go for some [[ice cream.->What should I do?]]]