*Hello*, **world**! { (set: $age to 27) (set: $wallet to 20) } [[Continue->age]] I am $age years old. (if: $age >= 16)[I am old enough to drive my moped :)](else:)[I am not old enough to drive legally, but I still can drive my moped without being caught :)] <img src="http://databikes.com/imgs/a/b/u/n/o/pegasus__s50lx_2010_1_lgw.jpg" /> [[Continue->wallet]]I have $ $wallet in my wallet. (if: $wallet >= 20)[I'm rich :) [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]] (else:)[I'm poor :( [[I need money -> Need Money]]]{(set: $shirt to 20) (set: $sword to 7) (set: $shield to 5) (set: $spam to 2) (set: $turtle to 30) (set: $coffee to 4) (set: $unicorn to 3000) <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/49/Savers,_West_Roxbury_MA.jpg/640px-Savers,_West_Roxbury_MA.jpg" /> } Welcome to Savers, you can buy: 1. Shirt for $shirt dollars [[<img class="icon" src="http://www.ramalvip.com/image/data/imagens_produtos/1053/10530.jpg" />->BuyS]] 2. Sword for $sword dollars [[<img class="icon" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Pn16A1AmQow/TjeR5RWuKMI/AAAAAAAADgY/M1ZEJaTDZcI/s1600/Nerf%2BN-Force%2BVendetta%2B-%2B07.JPG" />->BuySw]] 3. Shield for $shield dollars [[<img class="icon" src= "http://www.blackopstoys.com/catalog/images/HT-%20902186-19A.JPG" />->BuySh]] 4. Spam musubi for $spam dollars [[<img class="icon" src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2d/86/e2/2d86e27488eec248b5a3ef1ec7cc5420.jpg" />->BuySp]] 5. Turtle for $turtle dollars [[<img class="icon" src="http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss140/cdmay/Mud%20Turtles/IMG_0182_zpsf3c2a0d1.jpg" />->BuyT]] 6. Coffee for $coffee dollars [[<img class="icon" src="http://healthyfastfood.biz/wp-content/uploads/ktz/starbucks-iced-coffee-venti-2xpdbwsem7gaojie4xgrgq.jpg" />->BuyC]] 7. Real Pegasus for $unicorn dollars [[<img class= "icon" src="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/179/9/d/a_real_pegasus__x3_by_beky_the_cat-d556b7c.jpg" />->BuyU]] I really want to buy that pegasus one day... (if: $wallet >= $shirt)[(set: $wallet to it - $shirt) (set: $haveShirt to 1) <div class= "positive">Nice choice!</div> [[Shop some more!->Shop]]](else:)[(set: $haveShirt to 0)Sorry, you can't afford this.] <img src="http://www.ramalvip.com/image/data/imagens_produtos/1053/10530.jpg" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars left.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] (if: $wallet >= $sword)[(set: $wallet to it - $sword)(set: $haveSword to 1) <div class= "positive">Nice choice!</div> [[Shop some more!->Shop]]](else:)[(set: $haveSword to 0)Sorry, you can't afford this.] <img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Pn16A1AmQow/TjeR5RWuKMI/AAAAAAAADgY/M1ZEJaTDZcI/s1600/Nerf%2BN-Force%2BVendetta%2B-%2B07.JPG" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet left.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]](if: $wallet >= $shield)[(set: $wallet to it - $shield)(set: $haveShield to 1) <div class= "positive">Nice choice!</div> [[Shop some more!->Shop]]](else:)[(set: $haveSword to 0)Sorry, you can't afford this.] <img src= "http://www.blackopstoys.com/catalog/images/HT-%20902186-19A.JPG" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet left.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]](if: $wallet >= $spam)[(set: $wallet to it - $spam)(set: $haveSpam to 1) <div class= "positive">Nice choice!</div> [[Shop some more!->Shop]]](else:)[(set: $haveSword to 0)Sorry, you can't afford this.] <img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2d/86/e2/2d86e27488eec248b5a3ef1ec7cc5420.jpg" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet left.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]](if: $wallet >= $turtle)[(set: $wallet to it - $turtle)(set: $haveTurtle to 1) <div class= "positive">Nice choice!</div> [[Shop some more!->Shop]]](else:)[(set: $haveTurtle to 0)Sorry, you can't afford this.] <img src="http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss140/cdmay/Mud%20Turtles/IMG_0182_zpsf3c2a0d1.jpg" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet left.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]](if: $wallet >= $coffee)[(set: $wallet to it - $coffee)(set: $haveCoffee to 1) <div class= "positive">Nice choice!</div> [[Shop some more!->Shop]]](else:)[(set: $haveCoffee to 0)Sorry, you can't afford this.] <img src="http://healthyfastfood.biz/wp-content/uploads/ktz/starbucks-iced-coffee-venti-2xpdbwsem7gaojie4xgrgq.jpg" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet left.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]](if: $wallet >= $unicorn)[(set: $wallet to it - $unicorn) <div class= "positive">YOU FINALLY BOUGHT THE PEGASUS! YOU WON THE GAME!</div>] (else:)[(set: $haveSword to 0)Sorry, you can't afford this. [[Shop some more!->Shop]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] <div class="money">You have $wallet left.</div>] <img src="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/179/9/d/a_real_pegasus__x3_by_beky_the_cat-d556b7c.jpg" /> You're in Waipahu, and you have several choices: (if: $mug is 1)[You already mugged a kid.](else:)[[[Mug a Waipahu Intermediate student -> Mug a Waipahu Intermediate student]]] (if: $rob is 1)[You already robbed a bank.](else:)[[[Rob Bank of Hawaii -> Rob Bank of Hawaii]]] (if: $apply is 1)[You already applied to McDonalds.](else:)[[[Apply for a job at McDonalds -> Apply for a job at McDonalds]]] [[Host a garage sale -> Host a garage sale]]{ (if: $haveSword is 1 and $haveShield is 1)[(set: $wallet to it + 10)] (else:)[(set: $wallet to it + (random:1, 4))] (set: $mug to 1) } <div class= "negative">I can't believe you just mugged a kid!</div> <img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3-Qkzm_V7L0/sddefault.jpg" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] {(if: $haveSword is 1 and $haveShield is 1)[(set: $wallet to it + 2000)] (else:)[(set: $wallet to it + (random:500, 1000))](set: $rob to 1)} <div class= "negative">I can't believe, you successfully robbed a bank!</div> <img src="http://media2.kshb.com//photo/2012/06/23/bank-robbery_20120623142937_640_480.GIF" /> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]]{(if: $haveShirt is 1)(set: $wallet to it + 200) <div class= "positive">Congratulations on the new job!</div> (set: $apply to 1)} <img src="http://img.izismile.com/img/img6/20130513/640/some_of_the_strangest_things_seen_at_mcdonalds_640_40.jpg" />] (else:)[<div class= "negative">Unfortunately, you didn't get the job :(</div> <img src="http://cdn.breitbart.com/mediaserver/Breitbart/Big-Government/2013/Economy/employment_guide_AP.jpg" />] <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]]<img src="http://www.greenfieldlakeshomes.com/Garage_sale.jpg" /> (if: $haveShirt is 1)[[[Sell Shirt for 40 dollars->Sold Shirt]](set: $haveShirt to 0)](else:)[None] (if: $haveSword is 1)[[[Sell Sword for 14 dollars->Sold Sword]]](else:)[None] (if: $haveShield is 1)[[[Sell Shield for 10 dollars->Sold Shield]]](else:)[None] (if: $haveSpam is 1)[[[Sell Spam Musubi for 4 dollars->Sold Spam]]](else:)[None] (if: $haveTurtle is 1)[[[Sell Turtle for 60 dollars->Sold Turtle]]](else:)[None] (if: $haveCoffee is 1)[[[Sell Coffee for 8 dollars->Sold Coffee]]](else:)[None] (if: $haveMoped is 1)[You don't have a moped anymore.](else:)[[[Sell Moped for 1000 dollars->Sold Moped]]] <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars</div> [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]{(set: $wallet to it + 40)(set: $haveShirt to 0) } <div class= "positive">Great bargain!</div> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Sell More?-> Host a garage sale]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]{(set: $wallet to it + 14)(set: $haveSword to 0) } <div class= "positive">Great bargain!</div> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Sell More?-> Host a garage sale]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]{(set: $wallet to it + 10)(set: $haveShield to 0) } <div class= "positive">Great bargain!</div> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Sell More?-> Host a garage sale]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]{(set: $wallet to it + 4)(set: $haveSpam to 0) } <div class= "positive">Great bargain!</div> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Sell More?-> Host a garage sale]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]{(set: $wallet to it + 60)(set: $haveTurtle to 0) } <div class= "positive">Great bargain!</div> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Sell More?-> Host a garage sale]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]{(set: $wallet to it + 4)(set: $haveCoffee to 0) } <div class= "positive">Great bargain!</div> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Sell More?-> Host a garage sale]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]{(set: $wallet to it + 1000)(set: $haveMoped to 1) } <div class= "positive">Great bargain!</div> <div class="money">You have $wallet dollars now.</div> [[Sell More?-> Host a garage sale]] [[Get some more money-> Need Money]] [[Let's go shopping->Shop]]