(set: $proof to "no")
The Null Hypothesis. Noun.
[[Definition|The Null Hypothesis]]
The Null Hypothesis. Noun.
Definition: The default assumption made for an argument, one that an individual seeks to disprove (nullify).
Example: You have a bar of chocolate before a major test. You score a 95% when you expected a 70%.
The null hypothesis would be that eating chocolate before a major test does *not* affect test scores. (Because it's kinda obvious chocolate has no effect on test scores)
The alternative hypothesis, however, would be the claim that eating chocolate positively affects test scores. This is the hypothesis that you might want to try to figure out if it's [[true]].
(if: $proof is "yes")[Return to [[proof]]](else:)[]Essentially, [[the null hypothesis|The Null Hypothesis]] is the baseline assumption that we have about situations.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
The human brain really likes patterns, and out in the savannah during the caveman days, this way of thinking helped us to [[survive]].
Imagine that you're out hunting antelope for your tribe, when you see wild grass rustle in front of you. Something large is coming your way.
It must be a:
[[antelope]]The null hypothesis is the default assumption. We need evidence to disprove that claim. But the rustling is getting closer, and louder.
Do we really need explict evidence at this point?
I don't know about you, but I think we should
Antelope, you say? It would make sense. After all, we are hunting antelopes, so we can assume it's an antelope coming towards us.
The alternative hypothesis is that it's a lion.
Which uh... probably means we should reconsider the situtation if we've no evidence to guide us, instead of making blind assumptions.
You're a lot braver than I am. I don't want to gamble on it being a [[lion]].The null hypothesis is the default assumption. We need evidence to disprove that claim. But the rustling is getting closer, and louder.
Do we really need explict evidence at this point?
I don't know about you, but I think we should
[[running]].That was a close one.
I guess you're wondering what's the point of all this?
I mean, thanks for the explanation on these terms and all, but [[what's the point?]]The point is that your thoughts are like this in daily life.
When you read the [[example|survive]], the null hypothesis could be that it's an antelope.
The null hypothesis is "usually correct", at least until we have further evidence. But sometimes, what we *think* is correct might not actually be true.
Especially in scenarios where society tells us we're [[someone that we're not]]The null hypothesis is the default assumption. We need evidence to disprove that claim. But the rustling is getting closer, and louder.
Do we really need explict evidence at this point?
I don't know about you, but I think we should
[[start]]My name is SevenFeathers [[(but not really)|born]]My name is SevenFeathers (but not really)
And I was born a male [[(but not really)|society]]
My name is SevenFeathers (but not really)
And I was born a male (but not really)
Society's always told me I'm a guy [[(but not really)|because]]
My name is SevenFeathers (but not really)
And I was born a male (but not really)
Society's always told me I'm a guy (but not really)
Because I'm [[transgender|Transgender]].
Transgender. Adjective.
[[Definition]]Transgender. Adjective.
Definition: People who are transgender have a [[gender identity]] different from the [[sex]] they were assigned at birth.
Gender identity refers to a person's sense of being male, female, or other. It's typically expressed by their mannerisms, clothing, hairstyles, and speaking style. Essentially, it's about expressing how you want to percieved: as a male? Or female? Or other?
Gender identity doesn't have to do with your sexual preferences, nor is it tied to your [[sex]].Sex refers to various physical characteristics an individual possesses, including reproductive anatomy and sex hormones that their body produces. Unfortunately, sex doesn't always associate with an individual's [[gender identity]]. These people whose sex doesn't match their gender identity are referred to as [[transgender|Definition]].
People whose gender matches their sex are referred to as cisgender.
[[I always thought I was cisgendered]]I was born with a male body.
I'd rather date girls.
I never had paralyzing dysphoria when I looked in the mirror.
And even if I might be trans, I should make sure I have full evidence that I'm trans, because I might just be making a mistake.
Where is the [[proof]] that I'm transgendered?(set: $proof to "yes")
Being cisgendered is the null hypothesis[[(definition)|The Null Hypothesis]] in today's society. Being cisgendered is so embedded in *normalness* that being cis isn't ever questioned. There is a burden of proof on oneself to prove that they're trans, not only to others, but to themselves as well., but there is no such burden on cis people.
Here are some questions that others have asked me.
Them:"Are you really sure that you're trans?"
Me: Cisgendered men don't fervently wish to be a woman for their birthday wish, I think.
Them: "Why didn't you tell me that you're trans?
Me: Because I convinced myself that I was cis all this time. Maybe just I'm gay? Maybe I'm just sick. Maybe just a phase. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe...
Them: "Maybe you should reconsider if you're trans or not?"
Me: The null hypothesis is that I'm cis. The alternative hypothesis is that I'm trans. Why do I need evidence to prove my own self-identity? Especially when it has no [[effect]] on you for me to live as who I really am?[[The Null Hypothecis|https://freethoughtblogs.com/nataliereed/2012/04/17/the-null-hypothecis/]], by [[Rebecca Reid]], was the blog that made me really challenge my assumptions about myself.
There's no real reason for the null hypothesis to be that I'm male, just because I was born with a male body.
There's no real reason for me to pretend to live as someone I'm not, just because I was born with a male body.
There's no real reason for the years of self-hatred, years of thinking I need evidence to prove my own [[identity.]][[The Null Hypothesis.]]The Null Hypothesis. Noun.
Definition: The default assumption made for an argument, one that an individual seeks to disprove (nullify).
*Does not apply for self-identity.
Thanks for reading.
-SevenFeathersThe Null Hypothesis. [[Noun.]]References
Reid, Rebecca. *"The Null HypotheCis"*.Free Thought Blogs, Apr 17, 2012.https://freethoughtblogs.com/nataliereed/2012/04/17/the-null-hypothecis/. Accessed Jun 13, 2018.