Steal from the people \n So you try to steal from someone and they see you so they catch you and you are there prisoners. \n\nDEAD END
The Last Two People\n\n\n\n\n
Go Look Around \n\nYou and Alex look around. After a bit it starts getting darker and darker when you are walking. It's getting cooler and cooler then you ask Alex \n“Hey where are we going to sleep?” “Um I don’t know?” He say in a wondering voice. You hear sounds coming for the bush it sounds like paper being crumpled into a ball. “Um what is that.” you ask horrified “RUN!!!!” So you and Alex are run as fast as you two can but then you two fall into a big hole. \n DEAD END\n
FROM A TREE\nSo you are getting food from a tree but you can’t climb it so Alex climb and get fruit and you say “We should start making a S.O.S sigh in the sand and making a fire so you can get help” “Ok but should we start tomorrow or today?”\n\n[[Start today]]\n\n[[Start tomorrow]]\n
So You Go To The House \n\nWe your in the house you hear a noise is sounds like a helicopter and when you run out of the house it gone you missed you only change. \n\nDead End \n\n\n
You, Alexa with brown hair and blue eye who plays a ton with your laptop are with your family on a great family trip. On your way home the airplane pilot says “Um there is something wrong, the oxygen masks will be let down now thank you.” Your mom says carly “It will be ok.” Out of nowhere, the plane shakes. Your pilot says “Urgh the plane wing just fell off but we will all be ok.” There is another shake and your pilot says “So we are going down just enjoy the ride and the cabin crew will come with snacks.” Boom the plane crashes on an Island. You live! But your mom, brother, and sister are dead. Tears comes out of your eyes like a waterfall. Then you hear a noise you’re hands are crumbling and you are grabbing the chair. You don’t know what to do. Then finally you get out of you seat and look the plane to see if there is anybody else on the plane but you find that there is no one. Then you hear a sounded from the top of the plane, the plane is starting to break and you see a door. So without thinking you run out of the plane. Once you get outside you see someone it was a boy he looks about your age. You walk up to him slowly. Then you say “Hello?” He jumps up, you can see he’s crying then. He says to you “Who are you?” “Who are you?” you say back in a mystery voice “I am Alex, who are you?” “I am Alexa.” You stare at him. He stares back then you say “Is there other survivors” “No, I don’t think but I heard some sounds like people talk or something but I don’t think they are from the plan I think they live here.”\n“OK, What do we do?”\n“I don’t know go look around or stay where we are and start making a house?”\n[[Go look around]]\n[[stay where you are and start making a house]] \n
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Stay where you are and start making a house\n So you and Alex stay and are make a house and you find out that Alex is a good builder. He is making the best house ever with the little tool. you have. He is taking things from the plane and putting them in the house so you ask him “ How are you so good.” “Good at what?” “Building” “Oh my dad he shows me some tips to survive” \n“So you know how we can live?” “Will not realy but I know some tip to live longer, but it's getting late so we better go to sleep you can have the bigger bed” “Oh no you can have it you made the house” “No you take it” “how about the first night you have the bed and the next night I will have the bed” “No you take it the first and I will have it the next” “Fine.” So you go into the house and your and you love it. \nThe next day you are HUNGRY!!!!!!! So you say to Alex “I WANT FOOD!” “Ok, but where are we going to get the food from?” “From a tree or from the people”\n\n\n[[From the tree]]\n\n[[Steal from the people]]\n
By: Halia Kiara Zimmermann
\nStay where you are\n\nBoth of you pick to stay where you are and then after 40 minutes a helicopter come and you swing your hand and you are screaming “HEY OVER HERE,, HEY OVER HERE.”\nThen the helicopter lands on the Island and people comes out it’s Your Dad and Alex Mom. You run to them and you start crying happy tears then you go in the helicopter and the helicopter takes you home.\n\nThe End\n
Start Today\nSo you start today and when you are all done and happy with you work it starts raining, raining so hard that all your hard work is gone. \n\nDEAD END
Start Tomorrow\nYou pick to sleep for the night. The next morning you are so happy you did not do it last night because you can tell it rained. So then you are making the S.O.S and Alex is making the fire. It talks about 35 minutes and when you are done you ask Alex “Do you want to wait and see if someone comes or do you want to go to the house and stay there?”\n\n[[Stay where you are]]\n[[Go into the house]]