Get-a-load-a this guy *thumb gesture*\n\n[[Rude!|sorry!]]
I-Is that a joke? You don't want any of that bullshit food they serve you.\n\n[[Why? What's your deal with airline food?|Huh?]]
So you're travelling via air bus, eh?\n\n[[Yeah, So?|What of it]]
Yeah, sure. Super expensive draft. The only means of paying is a credit card or your left arm. \n\nGo ahead.\n\n[[Okay, fine. TELL ME, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO EAT OR DRINK ON THIS AIRCRAFT IF I HAVEN'T BROUGHT FOOD OF MY OWN?|well]]
Iron Man just flew by!\n\nThanks for saving New York, Tony!\n\n[[BOY, I SURE AM THIRSTY|UHH]]\n
Cloooooooser.\n\n[[*gets closer*|closer 2]]
Hue...huehuehueheuheuheuheuhue\n\n[[Uhh.|oh my]]
You were being serious?\n\nHow do you even expect to open the package?\n\nHow are you going to live if you cut yourself on the packaging and bleed to death?\n\nAre you aware of the sodium?\n\n[[I never thought of it that way...|think again]]
Flying is the fastest and safest form of travel. \n\nDid you know that?\n\nWe all can't be Sanic Hegehog, but planes are the best that we got.\n\nI'll hold your hand\n\n[[BOY, I SURE AM THIRSTY|UHH]]\n
Come closer.\n\n[[*get closer*|closer]]
What's the deal with airline food?
Oh, nothing, really, just wondering...\n\nDid you bring a snack?\n\n[[No, I can get food on the plane|I'm Hungry]]\n\n
[[:P|my bad]]
Have fun at PAX!\n\nNote: This game is so dumb and my CSS won't work and !!!! and I'm actually hungry rn
What's outside your window?\n\n[[Just clouds. They're p cool.|floating]]\n[[Are you dumb? Do you know how high we are?|scared]]\n[[I'm not opening that window.|babby]]
Still thirsty?\n\n[[A bit. What if I grab a beer?|booze]]
Your plane is landing. \n\n[[I didn't even get anything to eat or drink because of you|oh man]]
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You plan on eating those peanuts, don't you? \n\n[[I fucking love nuts|peanuts]]
Wahh~ wahh~ babby's first flight\n\nJust chill, you'll get to your destination.\n\n[[BOY, I SURE AM THIRSTY|UHH]]\n
The pipes usually run side by side with the plumbing! Guess what can happen!\n\nOr is that a myth? Or do I just not have any idea what I'm talking about?\n\nTee hee, you'll have to do the research for yourself.\n\n[[Why would you even tell me that?|you jerk]]
Do you really want to know?\n\n[[PLEASE. ENLIGHTEN ME|okay]]
Want to know something about airplanes and the water they serve?\n\n[[S-Sure|not really]]
Gosh, you're so dum.\n\n[[Well you can't even spell|ohh]]
lol\n\n[[What's so funny?|lmao]]