As you walk along the sidewalk, thinking about all the strange things that have occurred around you today, you ask yourself a question only those willing to tempt fate should ask. Temp fate? [[Yes]] [[No]]“Could this day get any stranger?” [[Continue]]“Uhhhgg, I am so glad this day is over with.” [[Continue Home]]Right then you hear a "Pssst". [[Investigate]]As you finish your walk home (either:"You find a hundred dollar bill laying on the ground","It begins to rain, “Rain? This was not in the forecast.” You walk home wet.").You pause for a second to look around, uncertain if you were hearing things, then again in a slightly gravelly voice, "Hey ugly, over here". You look off to your right at the old abandoned house you were passing. The house has been empty somewhere close to thirty years now. Time and weather has had its toll on the place and you even questioned several times on your walks home how the place was even standing. Now, there was someone or something in there. Do you approach the house? [[Approach]] [[Ignore]]You approach the house, cautiously. As you step onto the porch, the boards under your feet moan and splinter. You become slightly more concerned for your safety. Was this a bad idea? "This is a bad idea." [[Continue anyways]] [[Leave]]You consider for a moment, if you should approach the house. "(either:"Nope!","Oh hell no!","I'm done, i'm going home.")" You continue home at an increased pace looking behind you several times to ensure nothing is following you. You shrug off any concerns and move closer to the front door. [[Inspect the door]] Nevermind, you change your mind. [[Leave]]Out of concern for your safety and realizing just how stupid of a risk you are taking you decide to leave. As you turn to leave a section of the porch roof collapses in on you. [[...]]You end up laying there injured with a broken leg for several hours before getting the attention of two members of your neighborhood night watch.The front door appears older than the rest of the house. Shards of glass lined the window frame on the door. A curtain hung from the inside of the door obscuring the opening and preventing visibly seeing through. [[Reach to open the door]]Suddenly, a creature far too ugly to be human swung the curtain aside and blew powder at your face. The powder smelled of old work boots and a recently stirred composter. The creature cackled and ran off deeper into the house. [[....]](either:"You decide to enter the house after it and are never seen or heard from again. ","You decide you have had enough and choose to leave. On your way home you begin to see strange apparitions. [[What a strange day]] ") Ten years later at Stagwood Psychiatric Institute, Nurse: “Your son is here to see you.” Your Son: “Happy Birthday! I brought your favorite ice cream.” "Do you see it son? So strange!"