You wake up to a noise that you are unable to describe.
<p id="monster">gYGUuhyKYfrdyGbF</p>
<p id="monster">Yeet</p>
<img src="" height="200px">
Your bedroom has a bed against the far wall, and a bedside table to the left of that bed. Your closet to the right of your bed is piled high with boxes of various sizes. Having just moved in to this house that you inherited from your late grandmother, there are boxes everywhere.
(set: $room to "bedroom")
(set: $burned to 0)
[[Find the noise->Death (Bedroom)]]
[[Leave the room->Rooms]](color:red)[While searching for the noise, you were led to the space beneath the bed. A black tentacle reached out and pulled you under. You were hastily and tastily devoured by the monster.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]
<img src="" height="400px">(color:#888)[Please select the room you would like to enter.]
[[Living Room]]
(set: $left to 1)
(if: $left is 1)[(link:"Bedroom")[(goto:"Bedroom 2")]]
(if: $room is "living room")[(link: "Basement")[(goto:"Basement")]]
(if: $room is "living room")[(link: "Attic")[(goto:"Attic")]]
(if: $room is "living room")[(link: "Front Door")[(goto:"Front Door")]](color:#888)[You are now in the Kitchen]
The kitchen is simple, as you just moved in and hade not had time to decorate it. There is an oven and a fridge, with cabinets above the counters.
(set: $room to "kitchen")
[[Leave Kitchen->Rooms]]
[[Look In Cabinets->Cabinets]]
[[Inspect Fridge->Fridge]]
[[Inspect Freezer->Freezer]]Living Room
(set: $room to "living room")
[[Watch TV->TV]]
[[Look Around->Look Around (LR)]]
[[Leave Room->Rooms]]
(if: $keyFragments is 2 and $hasGlue is 1)[(link:"Make Key")[(goto:"Make Key")]](color:#888)[The bathroom is bland and boring. The only things there are a toilet, a shower and some cabinets. There is also a plunger next to the toilet. The toilet is full of a strange viscous black goo!]
[[Use Toilet->Toilet]]
[[Look Around]]
(if: $hasPlunger is 1)[(link:"Plunge Toilet")[(goto: "Plunge")]]
[[Leave->Rooms]](color:#888)[It's a fridge.]
[[Open Fridge]]
[[Back to Kitchen->Kitchen]] (color:#888)[You inspect the Freezer. You find that the door has been slightly jammed due to the fact that a purple substance has been dripping out of it.]
[[Open Freezer->Freezer Death]]
(if: $hasLighter is 1)[(link:"Burn Substance with Lighter")[(goto:"Burn")]]
[[Back to Kitchen->Kitchen]](color:red)[You open the freezer. A long, sticky pseudopod tentacle slaps you in the face and then eats you.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]] (color:#888)[The fridge is not very full. There is a can of putrid black beans that seem to be covered in a dark purple mold. The beans came with the house. They were there when you arrived. They have most likely been there since 1985 (the year you were born). They are your twin.]
(if: $bites < 15)[(color:#888) [There is also a half-eaten hot dog you placed inside when you moved in.]]
(if: $bites < 20 and >= 15)[(color:#888) [There is also a quarter of a hot dog.]]
(else-if: $bites >= 20)[(color:#888)[There is no longer a hot dog.]]
(if: $bites < 20)[(link: "Eat Hot Dog")[(goto:"Hot Dog")]]
[[Open Beans->Bean Death]]
[[Close Fridge->Kitchen]]You take a tiny bite out of the hot dog and are repulsed. You set it back down.
(set: $bites to it + 1)
[[Back->Open Fridge]](color:red)[You pop open this moldy can of beans and immediately are repelled by the horrible smell coming from the can. You look down and see a dark purple ooze moving around inside the can. At the sight of light, a slimy pseudopod arm reaches out of the can and kills you!]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]You open the door to the spooky dark basement.
(if: $hasFlashlight is 1)[You switch on the flashlight and proceed down the stairs.]
(else-if: $hasFlashlight is 0)[You proceed down the stairs, slightly scared by the darkness.]
You turn on the TV with a remote that was resting on the arm of the couch. Your only options of things to watch are [[The Emoji Movie->Movie Death]] or [[Soap Opera]]. You can also [[Turn it off->Living Room]].(color:red)[As you pop in the DVD, you can feel the anger that the monster is directing at you. The monster kills you because you choose terrible movies.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
$hashtag[`#`deathbyemojimovie]You switch to the soap opera channel. You feel a slimy presence next to you on the couch.
[[Wait->Friend Ending]]
[[Switch Channel->TV]]Wow! You managed to be a decent person for once in your life and gain a friend! Too bad it was the evil monster living in your dead grandma’s house. Also the fact that the only connection you made was through TV, I think that says something else about you… And it isn’t good!
<img src="" height="200px">
[[Finish->Completed]](if: $hasKey is 1)[(goto: "Escape Ending")]
(else:)[You attempt to open the front door, but it is locked.]
[[Back->Living Room]](color:#888)[The attic is musty and covered in cobwebs. There are boxes everywhere, this being the place where you had put everything.]
[[Sort Through Boxes->Boxes]]
[[Hide->Hide (Attic)]]
(if: $hasFlashlight is 0)[(link:"Leave")[(goto:"Rooms")]]
(else-if: $hasFlashlight is 1)[(link:"Leave")[(goto:"Fight")]]Fine. I told you to be logical. I get that. But I’m the sarcastic narrator. You don’t listen to me. I bet if I had added a 5 second timer to each decision, you wouldn’t have been so focused on logic. How about a metaphor? Let’s say this game is a cow (Okay I’ll admit, maybe not the best metaphor, but bear with me) and you are tasked with milking it. You milked one drop out of the cow’s potential gland. Oof, this analogy is getting worse by the second. I’d better stop while I’m ahead (if I was ever ahead).
[[Finish->Completed]](color:yellow)[Congratulations! You completed the game! That was one ending out of five!]
[[Next->Credits]]Using a old, grimy, dusty (and sticky in some spots) flashlight, you managed to vanquish the monstrous shadow demon plaguing your house! You also managed to wake your neighbors in the middle of the night by shining a flashlight directly out your window. Great job!
PS: this is a horror story, so you know the monster isn’t actually finished. You might want to move (very far away). Just a tip!
<img src="" height="200px">
[[Finish->Completed]]By directly going against exactly what I suggested you to, you stopped the monster from ever bothering you again. You may think that this strange urn has some sort of elaborate backstory, but it doesn't. You want a backstory? Fine. Someone back in the old west ate a bunch of black licorice, then entered a saloon, proceeding to spit directly into the urn shaped spitoon. A old witch then came to town. And made the dark, murky spit magically evil. So yeah, you’ve been avoiding old licorice spit this whole time.
[[Finish->Completed]] (color:red)[As you sit down, something doesn't feel right about the seat. As you are pulled down into the toilet, you reflect on your decision to sit down on a toilet filled with black goo.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bathroom]]You can either hide in the [[Shower]] or in the [[Cabinet->Cabinets (BR)]]. (color:#888)[There is a plunger resting next to the toilet.]
[[Pick Up Plunger->Plunger]]
[[Back->Bathroom]]You pick up the plunger.
(set: $hasPlunger to 1)
[[Next->Bathroom]](if: $plunged is 0)[(set: $keyFragments to it + 1)You plunged the toilet and found a Key Fragment!]
(else-if: $plunged is 1)[(print: "You plunged the toilet.")]
(if: $plunged is 0)[(link:"Collect Key Fragment")[(goto: "Bathroom")]]
(else-if: $plunged is 1)[(link:"Done")[(goto:"Bathroom")]]
(set: $plunged to 1)(if: $hasLighter is 0)[(print: "You find a lighter in the fireplace.")]
(else-if: $hasLighter is 1)[(print:"You do not find anything special.")]
(if: $hasLighter is 0)[(link:"Pick Up Lighter")[(goto:"Lighter")]]
(else-if: $hasLighter is 1)[(link:"Done")[(goto:"Living Room")]](set: $hasLighter to 1)
You stow the lighter carefully in your pocket. Not your mouth. That would be a bad idea. Although it would be big enough.
[[Done->Living Room]](if: $burned is 0)[(print:"You burn the substance and open the freezer door. You do //not// die. You find a key fragment.")]
<img src="" height="100px">
(if: $burned is 0)[(link:"Collect Key Fragment")[(goto:"Burned")]]You collect the key fragment.
(set: $keyFragments to it + 1)
(set: $burned to 1)
(set: $hasLighter to 0)
[[Next->Kitchen]] (if: $hasGlue is 0)[You find a bottle of Gorilla Glue in a cabinet.]
(else-if: $hasGlue is 1)[You find nothing in the cabinets.]
(if: $hasGlue is 0)[(link:"Collect Glue")[(goto:"Glue")]]
(else-if: $hasGlue is 1)[(link:"Done")[(goto:"Kitchen")]]You put the Gorilla Glue in your pocket.
(set: $hasGlue to 1)
[[Done->Kitchen]](set: $keyFragments to 0)
(set: $hasGlue to 0)
(set: $hasKey to 1)
You now have a Key!
[[Done->Living Room]](color:red)[The black goo dripping from the shower head begins to coil around your leg. You died.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]](color:red)[The sink pipes explode, and you are covered with the black goo. It starts to shrink, and you are squeezed to death.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]You find a GameBoy that has a note on it. The note says "From your Uncle." You also find a comic book titled "The Adventures of Cow Puncher." There is also a photo of your grandma, with half of the face stained black with goo.
<img src="">
(if: $hasFlashlight is 0)[You find a Flashlight.]
(if: $hasFlashlight is 0)[(link:"Collect Flashlight")[(goto:"Collect Flashlight")]]
(else-if: $hasFlashlight is 1)[(link:"Done")[(goto:"Attic")]](color:red)[You climb into a box and close the top. You hope that the monster won't find you. Unfortunately, the box you chose was filled with black goo. You died.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]You try to turn on the flashlight and discover that it has batteries. The batteries are charged. It turns on, and you are comforted by the light.
(set: $hasFlashlight to 1)
[[Done->Attic]]You climb down the ladder into a the second floor hallway. This hallway is the one that has the rooms branching off. You turn around and see the monster blocking your way.
[[Stand Your Ground->Stand]]
(if: $hasFlashlight is 1)[(link:"Shine Flashlight")[(goto:"Shine")]](color:red)[You decided to stand your ground. Great job! That was a very good idea. You are now dead.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]You directed the flashlight beam at the monster. It's slimy surface absorbed the light and began to glow. It then proceeded to explode in a thousand small pieces. How rude.
[[Next->Fight Ending]]Your bedroom has a bed against the far wall, and a bedside table to the left of that bed. Your closet to the right of your bed is piled high with boxes of various sizes. Having just moved in to this house that you inherited from your late grandmother, there are boxes everywhere.
[[Hide Under Bed->Hide Under Bed]]
[[Leave->Rooms]](color:#888)[The floor under the bed is dusty, and it is very cramped. You are starting to get bored.]
[[Leave->Death (Bedroom 2)]]
[[Wait->Wait Ending]](color:red)[You climb out from under the bed and see that the floor is now covered with black goo. You are unable to get to the door without stepping on it. You step on it. It immediately kills you to death. You are now as blind as an ocular bat. And dead.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]Good job! You made it… by cowering in a corner for hours on end. You did nothing productive, not even sleep, because you were too afraid to move, even a smidgen. Now the monster will be back tomorrow night, so you can either move or do what you did again. And again. And again. Until you manage to actually do something. Have fun!
[[Finish->Completed]](color:red)[In the darkness, you were unable to see the monster approach, and you were deadified. Yes. That is a fact. And a word. You are now dead.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]Are you sure you would like to continue?
[[Yes!->Confirm 2]]
[[You Decide->Decision]]Are you absolutely sure you would like to enter the spooky dark basement when there is a monster lurking around in the dark? It's a horror game, you know.
(if: $hasFlashlight is 0)[(link:"Next")[(goto:"Basement Death")]]
(else-if: $hasFlashlight is 1)[(link:"Next")[(goto:"In Basement")]]
[[You Decide->Decision]]<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Your flashlight moves around the room, showing the bleak walls covered in the same black goop you have seen everywhere. Your flashlight settles on a strange object in the center of the room, with <div class="glitch" data-text="g& {s./ ^7h g!e">g& s ^7h ge</div> strange black veins of the unknown material seeping out. It appears <div class="glitch" data-text="H^5bj G euGB *8s9_ euY#7">H^5bj G euGB *8(s4>9_ euY7</div> to be an old urn. What do you do?
[[Leave It Alone->Leave Alone]]
[[Examine It Closely->Examine Urn]]
[[<div class="glitch" data-text="C=0lo^jse U&5rn">Close Urn</div>->Close Urn]]I decide that you should (color:red)[NOT] (color:white)[go down the stairs.]
[[Done->Rooms]](color:red)[You decide to explore a little bit more before you take any action. You can hear a strange sound emanating from the urn, and the veins of goop on the ground throb and pulse with energy. Suddenly the goop picks itself up and forms into some for of humanoid. The humanoid lunges for you and is the last thing you ever see.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]](color:red)[Before you even manage to lean down to look at it closely, something happens within the urn, and a wave of goop flows out. You are washed away to your untimely demise.]
(set: $hashtag to (color:red)+(text-style:"rumble"))
[[Play Again->Bedroom]]<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<div class="glitch" data-text="gjeHsy ^509h D duhe IUHu-46 %545Df T hy^ &@hgL {s!sf}">gjeHsy ^509h D duhe IUHu-46 %545Df T hy^ &@hgL {s!sf}</div>
[[<div class="glitch" data-text="|\|3%+">Next</div>->Source Ending]]Presenting [#The Super Gloop] by Dylan Beckett and Julian Wright
(click: ?page)[(goto:"Lead Programmer")]Lead Programmer: Julian Wright
(click: ?page)[(goto:"Art")]Lead Artist: Dylan Beckett
(click: ?page)[(goto:"Art Director")]Art Director: Dylan Beckett
(click: ?page)[(goto:"Emotional Support")]Emotional Support: Dylan Beckett
(click: ?page)[(goto:"Celeste Classic")]Lead Player of Celeste Classic for "Inspiration": Dylan Beckett
(click: ?page)[(goto:"Music Coordinators")]Llama:
<img src="">
<iframe width="1" height="1" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
(live: 20s)[(goto:"Yes No")]Music Coordinators: Dylan Becket and Julian Wright
(click: ?page)[(goto:"Llama")](color:black)+(text-style:"emboss")[#Thanks For Playing!]