//What do you dream of?//(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")
[[Heartache|Teph_Start]] or [[Emptiness|SC7_Start]]?<mark><p style="font-size:13px">MEM0RY.EXE by Brenda Fox Challender</p></mark>
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
<mark><p style="font-size:13px"><a href="http://www.bfchallender.com" target="_blank" style="color:#BABABA">portfolio site</a> | <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendafoxchallender" target="_blank" style="color:#BABABA">linkedin</a></p>
</mark><!-- ///////////////// GLOBAL VARIABLES ///////////////// -->
\<!-- text color -->
\(set: $COLOR_pc to (text-color: "#808080"))
\(set: $COLOR_sc to (text-color: "#4A4A4A"))
\<!-- tracks last personality choice the player made -->
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")
\<!-- ///////////////// TEPH VARIABLES ///////////////// -->
\<!-- /////// PERSONALITY /////// -->
\<!-- secretive -->
\(set: $TE_S to 0)
\<!-- witty/bold -->
\(set: $TE_W to 0)
\<!-- honest -->
\(set: $TE_H to 0)
\<!-- /////// RELATIONSHIPS /////// -->
\<!-- SC7, other PC -->
\(set: $TE_R_SC7 to 0)
\<!-- Neska, roommate -->
\(set: $TE_R_NESKA to 0)
\<!-- /////// ENCOUNTERS /////// -->
\(set: $SV_T03_DROIDQ to 0)
\(set: $TEPH_MEM to false)
\<!-- ///////////////// SC07 VARIABLES ///////////////// -->
\<!-- /////// PERSONALITY /////// -->
\<!-- selfishness -->
\(set: $SC_SELF to 50)
\<!-- /////// RELATIONSHIPS /////// -->
\<!-- Teph, other PC -->
\(set: $SC7_R_T to 0)
\<!-- /////// STORY VARS /////// -->
\<!-- /////// TE_PATH- 1 = Line, 2 = SC7, 3 = Droid $ /////// -->
\(set: $TE_PATH to 0)
\<!-- /////// Did you lie to the $ Droid /////// -->
\(set: $TE_DR_LIE to false)
\<!-- /////// Did you insert the chip /////// -->
\(set: $TE_CHIP to false)
\<!-- /////// Did you give the old man your spot /////// -->
\(set: $TE_OM to false)
\<!-- /////// Did you help SC07 view its master's memory /////// -->
\(set: $TE_MM to false)
\<!-- /////// Did you give SC07 your name /////// -->
\(set: $TE_INTRODUCED to false)
\<!-- /////// Did SC07 experience your memory /////// -->
\(set: $TE_SHM to false)
\<!-- /////// Did you leave a memory behind /////// -->
\(set: $TE_LM to true)I don't realize I'm having the dream again until I wake up drenched in sweat, gasping for air.
Neska groans above me in her bunk. "Seriously, Teph? Again?" Her head pokes down over the side, a frown framed by locks of wild black hair. "This is the third time this week."
$COLOR_pc["Sorry,"] I mutter, still trying to get my bearings.
"You sounded like you were in a warzone." She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. "What //do// you dream about, anyway?"
(link: "Change the subject.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_00")]
(link: "Joke about it.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "W")(goto: "Teph_00")]
(link: "Try to explain.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "H")(goto: "Teph_00")]The first image in SC-07's mind as it powered on was of its master lying lifeless in his bed.
Its processor acknowledged the image with a mechanical click, and then it was gone. An anomaly to be forgotten. Except droids never forgot.
"Finally!" The master's son was wearing his customary frown. SC-07 had inquired about it exactly 7 times before accepting that he frowned more than the average human.
$COLOR_pc["My apologies, sir- I powered down for as long as you had requested."]
"Whatever- that morning routine you mentioned, what was it?"
$COLOR_pc["Nothing important,"] I say softly.
Neska's frown deepens into a pout. "It's important if it makes me lose sleep! You know how critical it is that I get a full 10 hours!"
"Your whining is just as annoying," another voice snaps from below us.
Neska is indignant. "Shut up, Ry! You don't know what you're talking about!"
(link: "Get out of your bunk.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_01")]$COLOR_pc["Being stuck in a partner-bond, finding a house in the Middle Ring, filing Procreation Papers... the usual horror story."] None of which are things I'd mind, but Neska giggles like I thought she would.
"No wonder you were on the fritz. That sounds terrifying!" She smiles. "Glad you're finally over your ex. It's for the best, you know?"
My heart seems to lodge itself in my throat. $COLOR_pc["Y-yeah. Definitely glad."] I'm not, but Neska doesn't need to know that. After today, it won't be a problem anymore.
(link: "Get out of your bunk.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")(goto: "Teph_01")]$COLOR_pc["I can never remember exactly what it was when I wake up, but..."] I rub the back of my neck. $COLOR_pc["Well... it's Finn."]
"Can you keep it down?" Ry chimes in, irritated. "Some of us are still trying to sleep over here."
"Yeah, like me before Teph started screaming." She sits back up. "It's been like three months already, Teph. You've gotta let it go."
Three months feels like nothing next to the three years that Finn and I were together, but to Neska it's an eternity. Most Tier 4 prostitutes never see the same customer more than a handful of times, and partner-bonds are expressly forbidden. Unfortunately her inexperience with bonded partners doesn't make her words hurt any less.
But there's no point in arguing with her, and it doesn't matter anyway. After today, it won't be a problem anymore.
(link: "Get out of your bunk.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")(goto: "Teph_01")]{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
(display: "Teph_01-S")
\The commune hallway is quiet, but I'm up a little earlier than usual. It's a lot more crowded between shifts, when everyone's migrating from work to their common rooms.
I linger by the doors that lead outside, waiting for the stragglers in the hall to go their separate ways. Once they have, I exit the building and [[go left|Teph_02]].{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
(set: $TE_S to $TE_S + 1)
(display: "Teph_00-S")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'W')[
(set: $TE_W to $TE_W + 1)
(set: $TE_R_NESKA to $TE_R_NESKA + 5)
(display: "Teph_00-W")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'H')[
(set: $TE_H to $TE_H + 1)
(set: $TE_R_NESKA to $TE_R_NESKA - 10)
(display: "Teph_00-H")
I don't have time to listen to them squabble today, so I excuse myself from the room. They probably don't even notice me leave.
No one ever goes left.
Right leads to the familiar: the Undercity, the Foundry, and all the grimy things in between. Though any Tier 1 would assure you otherwise, most people in our tier don't make it outside of the slums. //"Born 4, stay poor,"// as the children's rhyme goes. Every day, we hobble to the right.
But today, I'm going left.
If you go far enough, left leads to the upper echelon. The decadent Canopy, pristine streets, and cozy upper tier jobs. All that separates us- physically, at least- is the Skybridge.
Two droids are posted at the entrance, staring me down as I get closer. "Destination?" one of them asks.
(link: "Answer vaguely.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_03")]
(link: "Answer directly.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "H")(goto: "Teph_03")]{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
(set: $TE_S to $TE_S + 1)
(display: "Teph_03-S")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'H')[
(set: $TE_H to $TE_H + 1)
(display: "Teph_03-H")
\Its companion extends a hand. "Authorization, please."
I hold up my hand, allowing it to scan the chip in my wrist. After a moment, it nods. "Thank you. You may proceed."
The first droid seems incredulous, jittering with mechanical impatience.
(link: "Ask if there's a problem.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "W")(goto: "Teph_04")]
(link: "Continue on your way.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")(goto: "Teph_05")]$COLOR_pc["Tier 2."] (set: $SV_T03_DROIDQ to 1)
"For what?" One of the droids inquires.
$COLOR_pc["That's my business,"] I reply calmly, though my heart begins to thud in my ears.
$COLOR_pc["The Memory Bank."]
One of the droids makes a noise that almost sounds like a scoff. $COLOR_pc["Is something the matter?"] I ask, trying to keep my nerves under control.
"This one is... //surprised// that a Tier 4 has clearance," the jittery droid admits.
//Surprised//? Droids can't feel surprise- and they shouldn't be rude, either.
[[Let it go.|Teph_04a]]
[[Say something.|Teph_04b]]{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'N')[
(set: $TE_S to $TE_S + 1)
(display: "Teph_03a")
\ Inside the station, the Skybridge hums. People scurry between lines, leaning in close to shout to each other over the din.
An attendant waves to get my attention, scanning my wrist when I notice her. Her chip reader vibrates; she nods and motions me toward one of the lines.
One by one, we funnel into the glowing tubes that [[ascend to the upper tiers|Teph_06]].(set: $SV_T03_DROIDQ to 2)$COLOR_pc["Oh. W-well, I do."] I smile faintly and move past them, quivering with anxiety.
Behind me, I hear the droids chattering. "Please, 085. If you continue on this way, I'll have no choice but to report you for maintenance."
"There's no logical reason that a Tier 4 would be allowed to access anything above Tier 3."
I leave them behind and [[continue up the stairs|Teph_05]].(set: $TE_W to $TE_W + 1)$COLOR_pc["You mean someone programmed you to be classist,"] I blurt before I can stop myself. It's too late to take it back, so I turn to the proper droid. $COLOR_pc["What's your partner's name?"]
$COLOR_pc["P-please file a request to have SO-085 taken in for personality maintenance."] I clench my fist at my side, ignoring my burning cheeks. $COLOR_pc["I'll check to make sure that you did it."]
"Right away, madam."
I nod firmly and start [[climbing the stairs|Teph_05]].I hurry up the stairs past them before they find some reason to keep me there.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(transition: "dissolve")[//We are what we leave behind.//]
Teph stared up at the perfect letters on the perfect sign, her mind filled with imperfect thoughts. What //would// she leave behind?
A legacy.
Just memories.
\(click-replace: "Wealth")[ Wealth? Given that she barely made enough to stay in the commune, the thought was laughable]
\(click-replace: "A legacy")[ A legacy? Sure, she still hoped to have children someday, but it was a foolish dream. Finn had proven that much]
\(click-replace: "Just memories")[Just memories? Teph didn't think she was very memorable, but at the moment she was less concerned with preserving memories and more concerned with getting rid of them. That's why she was here, anyway. To [[move on|Teph_000]]]The Memory Bank's lobby was as pristine as the outside, spotted with pale overhead lights that shone down on the greeters' windows. Most were occupied, but there was one available at the end- much less busy than Teph had feared.
She timidly approached the window, smiling faintly at the woman behind the glass. $COLOR_pc["H-hello."]
"Welcome to Legacy Incorporated." The greeter's neon green eyes looked Teph up and down, her mouth pulled in a straight line. Appearance mods were common fare in the Upper Tiers, but Teph had only ever seen them in vods; it was difficult not to stare. "I need to verify your admission. Please [[extend your arm|Teph_001]]."Teph placed her arm in the slot beneath the window, palm turned upward so the greeter could scan the chip in her wrist. After a moment the reader beeped, and the greeter's brow furrowed. "Tier //6//? That's... unusual." Her pause was practically oozing with the unsaid.
Teph retracted her arm, rubbing her wrist as the greeter leaned forward conspiratorially. "How did //you// end up with authorization for Tier 3?"
(link: "Avoid the question.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_002")]
(link: "Make something up.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "W")(goto: "Teph_002")]
(link: "Answer honestly.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "H")(goto: "Teph_002")]$COLOR_pc["They just scanned my pass at the Skybridge, and..."] Teph shrugged nervously, fully aware that she wasn't telling the greeter what she wanted to know. (But there was no rule that said you had to let your greeter interrogate you!)
It hadn't seemed possible, but her look of disgust intensified. She scowled at Teph, glancing back at her display.$COLOR_pc["A loan,"] Teph blurted before she could stop herself. $COLOR_pc["I had to put up three years of wages."]
"Oh, you poor //thing//," the woman cooed, but her eyes glittered. Although the greeter was the one behind glass, Teph felt like she was an exhibit at one of the Undercity's Menageries.$COLOR_pc["I... I won the lottery,"] Teph lied.
"Oh really? How exciting for you. I'm sure it's been as motivating as they expect it to be." The greeter smiled insincerely and glanced at her display.{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
(set: $TE_S to $TE_S + 1)
(display: "Teph_002-S")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'W')[
(set: $TE_W to $TE_W + 1)
(display: "Teph_002-W")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'H')[
(set: $TE_H to $TE_H + 1)
(display: "Teph_002-H")
"Have you decided on which memories you'll be storing with us today, or would you like to visit our Memory Aide?" (set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")
[[Ask about the Memory Aide.|Teph_003]]
[[Proceed into the Memory Bank.|Teph_004]]$COLOR_pc["Memory Aide?"]
"Some of our patrons are unsure which memories they'd like to keep and which they'd like to store. The Memory Aide is designed specifically to help you select the right memory." Her lips twisted into a wry smile. "Many of our... lower-tier clients appreciate the service. It's complimentary."
[[Visit the Memory Aide.|Teph_005]]
[[Proceed into the Memory Bank.|Teph_004]]$COLOR_pc["I-I'm pretty sure I know what I want to leave behind."]
"Suit yourself." She tapped her display. "Your authorization is valid until you exit the building. You can [[go in|Teph_006]] whenever you like. Have a //wonderful// day."The greeter brought up a good point (even if it was laced with classism): Teph only had one shot at this. She'd been confident in her plan, but it couldn't hurt to get a second opinion... right?
$COLOR_pc["Um- that sounds good, actually. The Memory Aide."]
"//Wonderful//." She swiped her scanner across the display. "It's an immediate left once you enter. Your authorization is valid until you exit the building. [[Go in|Teph_007]] whenever you like."Trying to ignore how insincere the greeter sounded, Teph moved past the row of windows and through one of the doors leading to the bank.
The lobby was deceptively small compared to the rest of the building. Now that Teph was in the main hall the ceilings rose high overhead, chiseled from rose marble and inset with long, glowing tubes that cast the room in pale light. Snatches of memories from famous patrons were played via hologram in the middle of the room. Around the moving images stood an interior garden, enriched by fake sunlight from overhead. Bank patrons relaxed among the greenery, or were ushered here or there by droids and human workers alike.
The perimeter of the room was dotted with masses of people, a different line for each tier. Unsurprisingly, the Tier 6 line seemed terribly understaffed for the size of the crowd around it. Teph was glad that she'd decided not to see the Memory Aide. If she had, the line might be even longer.
Better to [[get in line|Teph_010]] as soon as possible.The lobby was deceptively small compared to the rest of the building. Now that Teph was in the main hall the ceilings rose high overhead, chiseled from rose marble and inset with long, glowing tubes that cast the room in pale light. Snatches of memories from famous patrons were played via hologram in the middle of the room. Around the moving images stood an interior garden, enriched by fake sunlight from overhead. Bank patrons relaxed among the greenery, or were ushered here or there by droids and human workers alike.
The perimeter of the room was dotted with masses of people, a different line for each tier. Unsurprisingly, the Tier 6 line seemed terribly understaffed for the size of the crowd around it.
Nervously, Teph wondered if she should still [[see the Memory Aide|Teph_009]], or if it would be better to just [[get in line|Teph_010]].She wasn't sure how long the Memory Aide would take, but maybe the line wouldn't be so long once she had finished.
Teph turned to her left, noting a droid standing next to a shimmering curtain of light. She approached, turning up her wrist, which the droid scanned with the reader built into its optical interface. It nodded and waved her [[beyond the curtain|Teph_011]].{
(if: $TEPH_MEM is true)[
(display: "Teph_010A")
(display: "Teph_AltLineStart")
}Teph turned away from the scene, squeezing her eyes shut. It wasn't her fault that the old man didn't make it here in time. This was her only shot, and this wasn't her problem to solve- from the sound of it, he'd had multiple chances to make it here. Teph only had one...
Behind her, the employee called over the security droids. For the rest of the afternoon, Teph did what she could to forget the desperation in his voice, but it echoed stubbornly in her head.
Time seemed to pass agonizingly slowly, but little by little, the line decreased in length. Finally, a droid came through the vault doors and nodded at the guards. "Next, please."
[[Follow the droid|Teph_014-X]]
\(set: $TE_PATH to 3)$COLOR_pc["You can have my spot."]
(set: $TE_OM to true)
Both the old man and the employee turned towards her, shocked. "Y-you can't be serious," the employee stammered, his face flushing. "To give away a spot in the Tier 6 line--"
$COLOR_pc["He needs it more than I do."] Teph motioned at the line. $COLOR_pc["Please take my spot."]
"Oh!" The old man got to his feet, clasping her hands in his. "Bless you, young lady! I don't have the words to thank you!"
$COLOR_pc["It's all right."] She smiled as he passed, rambling thank you in as many ways he could muster.
The employee shook his head. "Well, I can't say I've seen //that// before. I recommend that you take the time to enjoy the sights while you're here." He turned away from her again, adding under his breath, "This is likely your only chance."
He ushered her [[out of the way|Teph_SC07_0]] as though she were a gutterfly, nothing more than a pest to be shepherded.The vault was a domed chamber lined with consoles and punctuated by the clanking of machinery somewhere in the background as the bank's automatons processed and stored patrons' memories. There was a faint floral scent and a whisper of moisture in the air.
A platform(if: $TE_MM is true)[ identical to the one that she'd stood on to experience Kendrell's memory] loomed in the center of the room, flanked by a wall flickering with gentle blue lights(if: $TEPH_MEM is true)[, just like MEM].
"Welcome to the Vault," a computerized voice said. "If you purchased a memory chip to store a copy of your memory, please insert it into the Terminal. Otherwise, please proceed onto the platform."
\(if: $TE_PATH is 3)[(link: "Insert the chip the droid gave you.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(set:$TE_CHIP to true)(goto: "Teph_016A")]
\(link: "Do not insert the chip.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(set:$TE_CHIP to false)(goto: "Teph_016A")]]
\(else-if: $TE_SHM is true)[SC-07 looked at her for confirmation.
\(link: "Take SC-07's hands.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_016-SC")]
(link: "Step onto the platform.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_016-SC")]]
\(else:)[[[Approach the platform.|Teph_016A]]]
The droid led her further down the hallway, stopping once they had reached a door marked 'Tier 6'. It knocked, waited, then passed its palm over the door's scanner. Once it had opened, the droid motioned for her to go in. "The bathroom."
$COLOR_pc["What? But-"]
"I'm sure you will find respite there, miss," it interrupted sharply.
Understanding, Teph nodded and [[entered|Teph_032]].SC-07 began to walk again, leading her to a magnificent archway that was framed by two metal statues. Just inside, an attendant stood impatiently in front of a crowd of humans. Upper tiers by the look of their clothing, none of them below Tier 4.
[Ask SC-07 about the crowd.]<SC0|(click-replace: ?SC0)[$COLOR_pc["What are all these people doing here?"]
$COLOR_sc["They are eager to receive my master's memories. In some ways, it is a historical moment,"] SC-07 murmured as they neared the center of the room.]
"About time," the attendant snapped, though she stopped in her tracks when she saw Teph. "Who is //she//?"
$COLOR_sc["A friend. She will be helping me experience one of Master Kendrell's memories."]
"Oh. I... see." She waved her hand. "Fine, then. [[Step onto the platform.|Teph_0280]]"(set: $TE_LM to false)
\$COLOR_pc["... No."]
SC-07 was understandably confused by her answer. $COLOR_sc["No?"]
$COLOR_pc["No... your Master was right. I wouldn't be who I am if I just... forgot what happened. Even if it hurts."]
$COLOR_sc["But- I am sure you had to give up something substantial to come here."]
Teph nodded. $COLOR_pc["Yeah... but I can't make myself do something I know I'll regret. I'm... not sure what the future holds, but that's just part of living in Tier 6."]
$COLOR_sc["Miss(if: $TE_INTRODUCED is true)[ Teph]..."] SC-07 placed a hand over its chest, where its heart would be if it had one. $COLOR_sc["I... I believe you would have made Master Kendrell very happy today. Please- if you would permit me. I am not sure what I will be able to do, but I may be able to help you recover some of what you gave up."]
(link: "Accept, and hug SC-07.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_030_0")]
(link: "Accept.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_030_0")]
(link: "Decline.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "A")(goto: "Teph_030_0")]{
(if: $TE_NOS is true)[
Without any further interruptions, Teph exited the bank.
(else-if: $TE_PATH is 2)[
Waving goodbye one last time, Teph left SC-07 behind her and exited the bank.
(else-if: $TE_PATH is 3 and $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[
Without bothering to see who it was, Teph pushed her way through the doors and out onto the sidewalk. She had made it across the plaza from the bank before she finally turned around, checking her flank. Thankfully, no one was pursuing her. It seemed that she could finally breathe.
(else-if: $TE_PATH is 3)[
Without any further interruptions, Teph exited the bank.
It was over. Teph took a brief moment to admire how lovely Tier 3 looked at this time of day. There was no garish neon, no flashing lights or advertisements blaring from oversized signs. Unobtrusive displays showed the time, or the weather predictions. People moved from place to place as though they had all the time in the world. It was... relaxing.
Teph turned once more to look at the sign: //We are what we leave behind.//
She had much more to give. And despite everything, she was still here; in time, she would find out what legacy she would leave.
<mark><center><i>END</i></center></mark>The bathroom was cramped, dirty compared to the rest of the bank but still cleaner than the Undercity. There was a single stall, a sink, and an air drier, but nothing else of note.
[Look around.]<S_00|(click-replace: ?S_00)[ Teph took a moment to get her bearings outside of the stall, trailing her fingers over each wall in case it triggered an opening. Unfortunately, she found nothing- and from the looks of it, there was nothing on the ceiling either.]
[Turn on the sink.]<S_01|(click-replace: ?S_01)[ Uncertainly, she approached the sink, holding her fingers below it until the water came on. The temperature was pleasant, but the running water revealed no secrets.]
[Turn on the drier.]<S_02|(click-replace: ?S_02)[ Teph stuck her hand below the drier, waiting anxiously for the roar as it came on. To her surprise, it hardly made any sound at all. Its heat was also much gentler than she was used to- keeping her hand beneath it for more than a few seconds didn't turn her skin red. $COLOR_pc["I guess even the driers are fancier in Tier 3,"] she said quietly, shaking her head.]
[Enter the stall.]<S_03|(click-replace: ?S_03)[ Teph opened the door to the stall, wrinkling her nose at its fancy blue lights. On the wall behind it, scribed in very small, precise font, was a note: //[[Wrist here|Teph_032A]]//.](if: $TE_SHM is true)[
(goto: Teph_MemSC)
Teph shuddered as she came out of the memory, slowly becoming aware of her surroundings again. As she did, the computerized voice spoke again.
"The memory will begin to fade. By the time you awaken from your next sleep cycle, it will be gone." Overhead, a mechanical arm held a clear glass tube; inside of it, white light swirled. Part of the wall slid open to reveal another arm, which grasped the tube firmly and removed it from the room. "Your memory will be digitized and stored on our Cloud server for one week. After a week, you will need to pay a maintenance cost to retain access to it."
(if: $TE_PATH is 3)["If you inserted a storage chip, please remove it at this time. Have a wonderful day."]
[[Exit the room|Teph_Epilogue]].{
(if: $TE_PATH is 1)[
(go-to: "TE_Line")
(else-if: $TE_PATH is 3)[
(go-to: "TE_Sell")
(else-if: $TE_PATH is 2)[
(go-to: "TE_SC")
}The Memory Aide's room felt like it belonged to another world. It was dark, and small... and seemingly uninhabited.
$COLOR_pc["Um... hello?"]
"Hello, Teph," a computerized voice responded.
Teph spun around, startled. $COLOR_pc["Wh-who's there?"]
"I am the Memory Aide. You may call me MEM." Gentle blue lights pulsed to form a circle on the opposite wall.
$COLOR_pc["You're an AI?"]
"Yes. I have an external body I can use, if you prefer." Something began to stir in the corner, an interface coming to life.
$COLOR_pc["Ah- no thank you, this is fine. It's less, uh... intimate."]
The movement ceased. "I see. Is that why you are here? Do you fear intimacy?"
(link: "Avoid the question.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_013")]
(link: "Answer honestly.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "H")(goto: "Teph_013")]{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
(set: $TE_S to $TE_S + 1)
(display: "Teph_013-S")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'H')[
(set: $TE_H to $TE_H + 1)
(display: "Teph_013-H")
"That is a common sentiment." MEM paused. "Pardon my observation, but you must have selected a memory already if you have come all this way... and our Tier 6 patrons rarely have the resources to pay for our storage services. What is it that you wish to forget?"
[[Betrayal.|Teph_015]]$COLOR_pc["Droids make me uneasy. Uh- no offense."]$COLOR_pc["Sort of? I didn't... used to, but..."] Teph shifted her weight uneasily. $COLOR_pc["Well, that's why I'm here. To forget."]$COLOR_pc["My... ex-partner."] Teph looked down at her feet. $COLOR_pc["I want to forget him. That's- how it works, isn't it? If I forget meeting him, I'll forget everything?"]
"Yes." MEM's lights pulsed thoughtfully. "But depending on how long you have known him, removing such an ingrained memory strand could have adverse effects on your personality."
(link: "I know.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "A")(goto: "Teph_017")]
(link: "I don't care.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "B")(goto: "Teph_017")]
(link: "I'm counting on it.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "C")(goto: "Teph_017")]$COLOR_pc["I know. I-I tried to find out as much as I could about the side effects before I made my decision. I know I might change, but... I think it's worth it."] Teph smiled sadly. $COLOR_pc["If I can remember how to live without fear and regret, I think I'll be a better person."]
$COLOR_pc["I don't care. Everyone told me that I'd stop caring, but I can't. I forget to eat. I forget what I'm working on. I can barely sleep- a-and when I do, I have nightmares, and I scream and wake up my dormmates."] Teph doubled over, fingers knotted into her hair. $COLOR_pc["I just want it to stop."]
$COLOR_pc["I'm counting on it."] Teph smiled sadly. $COLOR_pc["We... were together for a long time. Long enough that it changed me. And I don't like the person I became with him. I want a fresh start."]
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'A')[
(display: "Teph_015A")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'B')[
(display: "Teph_015B")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'C')[
(display: "Teph_015C")
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')(set: $TEPH_MEM to true)
"I see. In that case, it sounds like you have made your choice."
$COLOR_pc["Yeah... I guess I have."] It was nice to be reassured. Teph was confident now that she had done the right thing. Forfeiting her wages was going to make her life difficult, but... at least she wouldn't have Finn hanging over her head anymore.
[[Thank the AI.|Teph_019]]
[[Leave the room.|Teph_010]]$COLOR_pc["I guess I'm ready."] Teph turned to leave, though she hesitated by the curtain. $COLOR_pc["Um... thanks. For listening."]
"It was my pleasure, Teph," MEM replied as its blue lights dimmed.
[[Return to the bank.|Teph_010]]Now that Teph was feeling a little more confident, the Memory Bank seemed less intimidating than before. Unfortunately the line wasn't any shorter. If anything, there seemed to be //more// people huddled in the Tier 6 queue.
As Teph approached the line, a man with a glowing display turned toward her and shook his head vigorously. "You're Tier 6?"
$COLOR_pc["Yes. Is- is this the right line?"]
"Well- normally yes, but I'm afraid we've run out of space. We can only accommodate a certain number of Tier 6 customers per day. You'll have to come back tomorrow."
Teph's heart sunk into her throat. $COLOR_pc["But... my authorization is only good for one day."]
He shrugged, already turning away from her. "Sorry."
(link: "Plead with him")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_010C")]
(link: "Cause a scene")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_010C")]
(link: "Find another way")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "A")(goto: "Teph_010C")]Teph approached the line, flinching beneath the withering gaze of one of the bank's employees. He smirked at her obvious discomfort, clicking his tongue. "Well, aren't you unlucky? You've just missed the last Tier 6 spot for the day."
$COLOR_pc["Last... spot?"]
"Oh, yes. We can only accommodate a certain number of Tier 6 customers per day. But I guess they never tell you that, do you?" He frowned as an elderly man hobbled towards them. "Here we go again..."
The man fell to his knees in front of the employee, trembling. "No, please..."
"Sorry, old man. You'll have to try again tomorrow."
"But I've been trying for days." He clasped his hands together. "Please, I... I don't have any organs left to- th-this is my last chance."
"And every day, I've told you that you need to get here earlier. Please don't make a scene."
"//Please//, sir... my son never got to meet his mother. I-I want him to remember her like I do... I have to save my memories for him, before I die..."
The employee shrugged. "Rules are rules."
[[Give him your spot.|Teph_012]]
[[Do nothing.|Teph_014]]{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[
(display: "Teph_010_0P")
(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
(display: "Teph_010_0S")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'A')[
(display: "Teph_010_0A")
(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'N')[
(display: "Teph_SC07_0")
}$COLOR_pc["Wait!"] Unthinkingly, Teph grabbed the man's sleeve. Revulsion lit across his face for an instant as he snatched his arm away from her. $COLOR_pc["Ah- I'm sorry, I just... I can't come back tomorrow. Or... or ever, probably. This is my only chance."]
Whatever sympathy she'd been hoping for was completely absent. "If it were really important to you, you'd have gotten here sooner. I recommend that you take the time to enjoy the sights while you're here." He turned away from her again, adding under his breath, "This is likely your only chance."$COLOR_pc["N... no!"] It came out louder than she meant it to. The silence it left in its wake was both emboldening and ashaming. Teph clenched her fists. $COLOR_pc["You can't treat us like this! You //know// how hard it is for- ... for //us// to make it here. You can't just turn us away!"]
The man's face flushed a light shade of red. "Madam, //please//. Lower your voice."
$COLOR_pc["No! You have to let me in. I didn't come all this way just to-"]
$COLOR_sc["Um- excuse me,"] another voice chimed in. A droid was approaching them, fiddling with its hands as though nervous. $COLOR_sc["She's- she's with me."]
[["I am?"|Teph_SC_00]]
[["Who are you?"|Teph_SC_00]]
[["What?"|Teph_SC_00]]Teph stood in stunned silence as the man flicked through his display. Just like that? Just like that, she'd wasted two years of wages for nothing?
No- she couldn't accept that. She had to find another way. There //had// to be another way.As Teph stood paralyzed by shock, something caught her eye. A droid, dressed in a well-tailored suit, trailed by a small procession of bank employees that ushered it towards the magnificent Tier 2 entrance. Though the employees moved to obscure her from the droid's view, its eyes met Teph's for a brief moment.
If that droid was truly Tier 2, it had complete access to the bank. Maybe... it would be able to help?
... But droids didn't help anyone. Not unless they were programmed to.
(link: "Get the droid's attention.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_SC07_1")]
(link: "Do nothing.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "A")(goto: "Teph_Alt_00")]$COLOR_pc["Wh-?"]
"//Her//?" A gaggle of bank employees trailed along after the droid; the woman leading them was the first to speak. "You cannot be serious."
$COLOR_sc["I believe my master's pass grants me full access to come and go as I please, with whomever I please. If I am incorrect, I deeply apologize."]
"Well... //no//, but..."
$COLOR_sc["Then may my guest and I proceed privately?"]
"... Yes. Yes, I suppose you may." She waved an arm at her stunned entourage. "Well?"
They scurried away, muttering amongst themselves. The droid nodded at her, motioning for Teph to [[follow|Teph_SC_01]]. $COLOR_sc["Shall we?"]$COLOR_pc["E-excuse me!"] Teph blurted. The droid stopped in its tracks, turning its head this way and that before finally pointing at itself, as if asking for clarification. $COLOR_pc["Yes! You."]
"//Really//, madam- you are out of your depth!" The bank employee moved between her and the droid, but it was too late. The droid was already on its way over.
$COLOR_sc["May I... help you?"] The droid asked.
$COLOR_pc["Um. I hope so."] She stared down at her feet. How was she supposed to ask such a huge favor from a droid?
(link: "Logical appeal.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_SC07_2")]
(link: "Emotional appeal.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_SC07_2")]There was no way a droid could help her. She would likely just get into more trouble if she bothered it.
Teph shuffled over to the lobby's garden, plopping down on one of the benches with a sigh. This was bad. //Really// bad. $COLOR_pc["What am I going to do?"] she whispered to herself, resting her forehead against her knuckles.
[Sneak in?]<op2|
[[Give up?|Teph_Alt_01]]
\(click: ?op1)[(replace: ?op1)[No one would listen. There were probably hundreds of other people just like her who were disregarded every day. As a Tier 6, she meant nothing.]]
\(click: ?op2)[(replace: ?op2)[Could she? All it took was a cursory glance around the bank to dash that fleeting hope. There were cameras everywhere, and security droids at every entrance.]]
\(set: $TE_PATH to 3)"Excuse me." The voice was unmistakably robotic. Startled, Teph glanced up to see a bank droid standing near her, its hands behind its back. "Do you need assistance, miss?" It asked loudly.
$COLOR_pc["Assis- ... can you help me?"]
//"Quietly,"// it hissed. //"If you still long to leave your memories behind, I can [[help|Teph_Alt_02]]."// Then at a louder volume, "You appear distraught."$COLOR_pc["Hel- oh, sorry. //Help me? How?//"] she whispered, trying her best to look inconspicuous.
"Of course, miss. The bathrooms are this way." The droid walked stiffly away from her, and she trailed along behind it. As they rounded a corner, it prompted, "//Fall.//"
"//Cameras everywhere. Need to obscure our words.//"
(link: "Fall.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_Alt_03")]
(link: "Refuse.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_Alt_03")](if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[$COLOR_pc["Oh-"] Teph hesitated for only a moment before faking a stumble, sprawling on the floor.
"Oh, no! Please, let me assist you!" It leaned over her, turning its back towards the camera in the corner and speaking softly.]
\(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[$COLOR_pc["No! I don't even know if I can trust-"]
It poked the mouth of a small pouch out of its sleeve, letting a cascade of dirt fall onto the floor beside it. "Oh my! One of our guests has left a mess. Please, allow me to clean it up. It will only take a moment."
As it crouched to sweep up the dirt, it stared meaningfully past her at the camera in the corner. Taking the hint, Teph angled her back towards it, hiding him from the camera's view. It nodded and began to speak, head turned down.]
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
"There are many regular patrons who may walk in for a spot at any moment. It is possible to... //suggest// to the appointment system that you are such a patron, if you make it past the vault entrance without being scanned. I can help you with that."
(link: "Thank the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_Alt_04")]
(link: "Question the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_Alt_04")](if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[$COLOR_pc["I- I'd appreciate- thank you so much!"]
"Of course, I will need something in return."
$COLOR_pc["... Oh."]]
\(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[That sounded much too good to be true. $COLOR_pc["What do //you// get out of this?"]]
The droid procured a small memory chip, making sure to keep it out of sight of the camera. "If you wish for assistance, you must make a copy of the memories that you leave, and deliver that copy to me before you depart."
[Question its motives.]<M_0|(click-replace: ?M_0)[$COLOR_pc["What do you want my memories for?"]
The droid stared at her with its blank, glowing eyes. "There is quite the demand for new human memories in the droid community."
[Ask about the 'droid community'.]<M_1|(click-replace: ?M_1)[$COLOR_pc["Droid community...? What do you mean?"]
The droid shook its head. "I do not mean to be rude, but if we stay too long it will raise suspicion. We do not have time for your questions. Will you do this or not?"]]
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
<mark>[[<abbr title="Do as it asks; it's only fair.">Accept.</abbr>|Teph_Alt_05]]
[[<abbr title="Pretend to go along with it.">Lie.</abbr>|Teph_Alt_05A]]</mark>The idea of a droid owning her memories was... concerning, to say the least. But... it would be completely unfair to expect such a favor without giving something in return, even if it was for a droid. $COLOR_pc["... Okay,"] Teph whispered, extending her hand.
The droid carefully slid the chip into her palm, and straightened as she closed her fingers around it. "[[Follow|Teph_020]] me, please."There was no way Teph was giving her memories to some droid to do who-knows-what with... but this was her best bet of getting out of this situation.
So Teph swallowed her conscience, extended her hand, and lied. $COLOR_pc["Fine. I'll do it."]
The droid carefully slid the chip into her palm, and straightened as she closed her fingers around it. "[[Follow|Teph_020]] me, please."
\(set: $TE_DR_LIE to true)Teph held her wrist up to the wall, flinching as a tiny white light scanned her chip. After a moment it beeped, and the wall went transparent, revealing some kind of closet on the other side.
$COLOR_pc["A-a hologram?"] She moved her hand forward, half expecting it to bump into an invisible wall, but it didn't.
Suddenly, the closet door opened. Teph gasped, backing away, but it was only the droid, looking expectant. "What are you doing here?"
$COLOR_pc["You brought me here...? You said you could help-"]
"No, not me. SL-113 must have sent you." It beckoned at her. "[[Come along|Teph_032B]], then."Teph followed the droid out of the closet, into yet another hallway. "Maintenance hall," it explained. "One moment." Reaching an intersection, it glanced both ways before nodding. "All clear. It's not far from here."
They had rounded two more corners before it pointed to a glowing ring of lights at the end of the hall. "There."
The lights began blinking as they neared, illuminating a scanner on the wall. "Authorization?"
"One moment." The droid pulled up a display, scrolling through a long list and tapping one of the entries. It waved its chip over the scanner and stepped to the side as a door slid open. "[[Go on|Teph_016]]."{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[
$COLOR_pc["Sure."] Not knowing what else to say, Teph lifted her hand in a half-wave and followed the bank droid out of the chamber. They departed the decadent upper-tier halls, heading through a series of doorways that returned them to the lower-tier area of the bank.
(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
The droid led her down a hallway with glass walls. On either side of them, mechanical arms gently lifted and set small, white cylinders into metal towers that spiralled up out of sight.
[Ask about the cylinders.]<A_0|(click-replace: ?A_0)[$COLOR_pc["What are those?"]
"Memories. The physical copies are stored here after the data is uploaded to our Cloud servers."]
[Keep going.]<A_1|(click-replace: ?A_1)[They passed deeper into the vault, eventually coming to a door with a scanner beside it. "Go ahead," the droid urged, and Teph lifted her wrist to the scanner.
The door beeped once and slid open, ready for Teph to [[enter|Teph_016]].](if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[
$COLOR_pc["Y-you have Tier 2 access, so you can... go wherever you want in the Bank, and take whoever you want with you. So it wouldn't cost you anything to grant me access to the vault. Just a moment of your time."]
(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
$COLOR_pc["I'm sorry to bother you, just- I-I'm from Tier 6. I had to give up so much to get here, and now they're telling me that they can't see me. This is my only chance, and they're ripping it from my hands. But if you use your access to grant me entry to the vault, they //have// to let me in."]
(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
The droid appeared startled. $COLOR_sc["They won't let you in?"] It turned towards the employees glowering behind it. $COLOR_sc["Is this true?"]
"Well- yes, we only let a certain number of low-tier patrons in each day..."
$COLOR_sc["And yet you do not appear starved for resources."] For a moment it appeared to stare off into space, and then it nodded. $COLOR_sc["Yes. You may come with me. It is what my master would have wanted."] The bank employees began to squawk their disapproval, but the droid merely motioned for Teph to [[follow it|Teph_SC_01]]. $COLOR_sc["Shall we?"](set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
\Teph could hardly believe it, but she wasn't about to pass up what might be her only chance at getting in. She followed along after the droid, past the guards and into the Tier 2 entrance.
It led to a tunnel that was chiseled from marble and inset with lights that moved at a languid, relaxing pace, reminiscent of the bank's lobby. More holograms of famous patrons' memories flitted at their sides, like merry ghosts.
$COLOR_sc["I must admit, I'm unfamiliar with the indignities that you must suffer,"] the droid said softly. $COLOR_sc["My master spoke of it only occasionally, though he seemed very bothered by the Tier system. He always said it rewarded those who started on the top, and kept down those who did not... though always with the illusion of upward movement."] It glanced back over its shoulder as though remembering something. $COLOR_sc["Oh- I've neglected to introduce myself. I am SC-07."]
[Give it your name.]<SC0|(click-replace: ?SC0)[$COLOR_pc["Teph. Er- my name, I mean. I'm Teph."]
$COLOR_sc["Teph,"] it nodded. $COLOR_sc["It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."]
\(set: $TE_INTRODUCED to true)]
[Ask about its name.]<SC0A|(click-replace: ?SC0A)[$COLOR_pc["S-C-zero-seven,"] she repeated. $COLOR_pc["... Scott? Or- does it stand for something?"]
$COLOR_sc["Synthetic Companion. I was the seventh prototype."]
$COLOR_pc["Seventh? I thought there were only six models."]
$COLOR_sc["Yes. But my design was never released to the public."]]
[Ask about its master.]<SC1|(click-replace: ?SC1)[$COLOR_pc["Who was your master?"]
$COLOR_sc["You may have known him as Ilias Kendrell."]
Teph's jaw dropped. $COLOR_pc["//The// Ilias Kendrell?"]
$COLOR_sc["Of Kendrell Industries, yes."] The droid gestured at the walls. $COLOR_sc["None of this would have been possible without him."]]
(link: "Ask why it's here.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_SC_02")]
(link: "Ask why it helped you.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_SC_02")]
[[Continue silently.|Teph_SC_02]]
\(set: $TE_PATH to 2)(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[
$COLOR_pc["So why are you... here? Droids don't have memories."]
$COLOR_sc["You are correct. We do not."]
(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
\(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
$COLOR_pc["Why did you help me? Don't get me wrong, I... I'm grateful, I just..."]
(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
SC-07 stopped, turning to face her with its hands clasped behind its back. $COLOR_sc["There are many reasons I invited you to join me, though one is of particular importance. I have a favor I might ask of you as well. You see... my Master has passed away. He always wanted to leave his memories here, but insisted that he wait until he died. I am here to fulfill his wishes."]
[Ask how that's even possible.]<SC1|(click-replace: ?SC1)[$COLOR_pc["How do you transfer memories from someone who- ... who..."]
$COLOR_sc["Someone who is dead? I'll admit it is a difficult process. They must be monitored closely, and within minutes of their death they must be connected to an extractor. It is possible to pull memories out before brain activity ceases completely. It appears that I was successful in doing so for my Master."]]
[Ask what that has to do with you.]<SC2|(click-replace: ?SC2)[$COLOR_pc["So you're here to drop off his memories... what does that have to do with me?"]
The droid bowed its head, looking surprisingly sheepish. $COLOR_sc["Being a droid, there are certain things that I am prohibited from doing. Were I not here in Master Kendrell's stead, I would have been treated with only a fraction of the respect they have shown me. Yet even with my Master's status, Bank rules prohibit a droid from... from viewing memories."] It looked up at her shyly. $COLOR_sc["Unless there is a human with it."]
[[Connect the dots.|Teph_SC_03]]]$COLOR_pc["So you... want to view your Master's memories before you leave them here? That's why you need me."]
$COLOR_sc["Yes. I understand that it is a lot to ask. You do not have to, if you do not wish to. But I would be grateful."]
[Ask why he wants to see the memories.]<SC1|(click-replace: ?SC1)[$COLOR_pc["Why does that matter? Why would a droid want to see someone's memories?"]
SC-07 bowed its head again. $COLOR_sc["Androids were programmed to feel very limited emotions. Our own emotions are very restrictive- vague impulses, not nearly strong enough to be called 'feelings'. But humans have no such restrictions. And if we experience a human's memory, we... we feel all that you feel. Uninhibited. I... would like to know what it is like."]]
[[Accept.|Teph_SCN_0]]Teph's skin crawled. $COLOR_pc["That's... no. I can't. It's not... Droids were programmed that way for a reason. N-no offense."]
SC-07 seemed to deflate slightly. $COLOR_sc["I understand. It is a lot to ask. ... But I will honor my word."]
It began to walk again, leading her to a magnificent archway that was framed by two metal statues. Just inside, an attendant stood impatiently in front of a crowd of humans. Upper tiers by the look of their clothing, none of them below Tier 4.
"About time," the attendant snapped, though she stopped in her tracks when she saw Teph. "Who is //she//?"
$COLOR_sc["A friend. Would you have someone escort her to the vault? She has a memory she needs extracted."]
"Fine, fine." She waved at one of the droids standing at attention in the periphery.
As it approached, SC-07 turned towards Teph and bowed its head again. $COLOR_sc["I suppose this is where we part ways. Thank you for indulging me."]
[[Help SC-07 view its master's memory.|Teph_SCM_1]]
[[Offer to let SC-07 view your memory.|Teph_SCM_A]]
(link: "Leave with the bank droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_014A")]It didn't really make sense. She'd heard that droids were only built to serve particular functions, that they didn't really think for themselves, but... that couldn't be the case. What logical explanation was there for what she'd just been asked? This seemed like pure curiosity, which was strangely... human.
Teph nodded slowly. $COLOR_pc["... Okay."]
It stared at her. $COLOR_sc["... Really?"]
$COLOR_pc["Yes."] She smiled. $COLOR_pc["N-now let's hurry and go, before I change my mind!"]
$COLOR_sc["Oh! I apologi- ... wait, that was a joke, wasn't it?"] The droid shook its head. $COLOR_sc["Well... [[come this way|Teph_028]], then. If you're sure."]$COLOR_pc["Wait."] Teph frowned, looking down at her feet. It didn't really make sense, but she felt... //bad// about refusing to help. Letting a droid experience something that was meant to be human seemed wrong in theory, but...
$COLOR_pc["I'll help,"] she said quietly, her eyes returning to SC-07. $COLOR_pc["I'll help you view Kendrell's memory."]
"You'll do what?" The human attendant asked, a spike of irritation in her voice.
$COLOR_sc["Ah- yes."] SC-07 seemed surprised by her shift in mindset, but it went along with it just the same. $COLOR_sc["She'll be helping me view my master's memory."]
"I... see." The attendant waved her hand. "Fine, then. [[Step onto the platform.|Teph_0280]]"$COLOR_pc["Wait. Um..."] Teph fidgeted with her hands. $COLOR_pc["I'm... not really comfortable messing around with someone else's memories, but... if the sensation is all you're after, you can... come with me...?"]
$COLOR_sc["Come... with you?"]
The notion sounded more ridiculous the longer Teph thought about it, but it was too late to back out now. $COLOR_pc["Yeah- you know... when they extract your memory, you relive it one last time, so... I mean- I know I'm not your master, so it's probably not as meaningful, but... it's something."]
$COLOR_sc["I hadn't considered--"] SC-07 glanced at the crowd of humans, then nodded firmly. $COLOR_sc["... Yes. That sounds agreeable, if you would have me."]
"What's taking so long over there?"
It turned toward the attendant, holding out a chip. $COLOR_sc["All of Master Kendrell's memories are here. Please treat them with respect. I will be leaving with my friend."]
"Sure, whatever you want!" She greedily snatched the chip from SC-07's hand, holding it with reverence. "Ah-- SL-112, escort them to the vault, would you?"
"Acknowledged." One of the droids stepped forward, bowing to them. "Please, [[follow me|Teph_028X]]."$COLOR_sc["Thank you for this,"] SC-07 said quietly as they stepped onto the platform.
$COLOR_pc["It was the least I could do."] Teph glanced around the room again. $COLOR_pc["I-I just wish there weren't so many people around."]
$COLOR_sc["Are they bothering you? You will not be able to perceive them once the memory begins."] It retrieved a chip from its pocket, handing it to the attendant. As she carried it to the terminal, SC-07 held out its hands. $COLOR_sc["Here."]
$COLOR_sc["Face towards me if they unnerve you. If you look only at me, perhaps it will feel more private."]
(link: "Face SC-07.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_0281")]
(link: "Decline.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_0281")](if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[$COLOR_pc["Oh... um, thank you."] Teph hesitated before sliding her hands into the droid's, turning to face it.
She'd never touched a droid before. Its skin was undeniably metallic, but somehow it didn't feel as alien as she had expected.]
\(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[$COLOR_pc["Um... no thank you."] Teph smiled nervously and turned away from SC-07, trying not to focus on any particular person in the room.
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")]
"Which memory would you like to view?" the attendant asked.
$COLOR_sc["Whichever memory first appears,"] the droid responded. $COLOR_sc["It will be the last thing that was on his mind when his consciousness faded."]
"All right. [[Get ready|Teph_0282]], then."(set: $TE_MM to true)
\The fireplace is warm. It fills the room with its breath and its glow, electric wires humming quietly in the stillness. I am home.
In my hands I hold a chip, too small to be scrutinized by eye. I open my personal display, using it to zoom in. Closer, and closer. I can see the fine edges of the circuitry, the gleam of the firelight on metal. It is not so different from flesh and bone. It can store enough information to power a metallic body, to give it thought and speech. But can it store a soul?
"Father!" My son calls from the other room. I must [[go to him|Teph_0283]].I put the chip in my pocket and grab the cane leaning against my armchair, gripping it tightly as I get to my feet. As I limp down the hallway, he calls to me again. "Father!"
$COLOR_pc["I'm here."] I hobble into his room.
The machine that breathes in place of his lungs wheezes loudly in the corner. He sits upright in his bed, brow furrowed with concern. I will never be used to the sight of the tubes coming out of his chest. "Father, look."
He points at the window. A small bird perches on the sill, tapping with its beak. $COLOR_pc["It's just a bird, Lucas."]
"Can't we [[let it in|Teph_0284]]?"I actually consider it for a moment, but the moment is fleeting. $COLOR_pc["We can't. Who knows where it's been? And if it carries a disease..."]
"But father, it's dying."
That much seemed evident. It was scrawny, its feathers darkened by smoke. Each subsequent tap grew weaker. I clench my jaw and tap a key on my display, dimming the window so the bird is out of sight. $COLOR_pc["We can't help it, Lucas."]
"It's like me then, isn't it?"
I limp over to his bed, sitting beside him. $COLOR_pc["No. You won't die."]
"But you said everything dies. Was that a [[lie|Teph_0285]]?"$COLOR_pc["No."] I stroke his hair. There is a pain in my chest, heavy and thick. I've come to recognize it as dread. $COLOR_pc["Our bodies are frail, but our minds are strong. I will always remember you. So you will never die."]
"Really?" He squints at me. "You promise?"
The dread leaks into my throat, threatening to take my ability to speak. I swallow to force it down. $COLOR_pc["Of course."]
If I [[close my eyes|Teph_0286]], I can almost ignore the feeble tapping on the window.{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[
Teph gasped as the world faded back into view. SC-07's hands anchored her again. She squeezed them tightly, trembling.
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")
Teph gasped as the world faded back into view. She was so disoriented that she lost her balance, stumbling backwards off of the platform.
SC-07 grabbed her elbow, keeping her from falling.
$COLOR_sc["Are you all right?"] SC-07 asked. Behind them, the bank workers already seemed to have forgotten them, fussing over the console, flipping through Kendrell's memories.
(link: "'Yes.'")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_0287")]
(link: "'No.'")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_0287")](if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[$COLOR_pc["Yes, I just..."]
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")]
\(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[$COLOR_pc["No. No, I'm not okay."]
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "N")] Teph shook her head. $COLOR_pc["That was... awful."]
[Ask what happened to the boy.]<SC0|(click-replace: ?SC0)[$COLOR_pc["What happened to that boy? Lucas?"]
$COLOR_sc["He died, of course. But my Master kept his promise."] Though his face could not emote, Teph imagined that SC-07 was smiling. $COLOR_pc["Lucas was the last thing he thought of before he passed. And now all the memories of him will live on here, forever."]]
[[Ask why Kendrell kept that memory.|Teph_0288]]$COLOR_pc["I don't understand. Your master //made// all of this. He could have extracted any memories he wanted to. Why did he want to remember that terrible moment?"]
$COLOR_sc["Lucas inspired my master to achieve the things he did. The loss of his son wounded him, undeniably, but he would not be who he was without that memory."] SC-07 bowed its head. $COLOR_sc["I cannot thank you enough for helping me. It was... a strange experience, to be sure, but I believe I understand him better now."]
The droid turned towards the crowd at the console. $COLOR_sc["They seem engrossed. I think we may leave now. You still have your own memories to leave, correct?"]
<mark>[[<abbr title="Stick to your original plan, and leave your memory behind.">Leave your memory.</abbr>|Teph_028L]]
[[<abbr title="Let SC-07 experience your memory with you as you leave it behind.">Ask SC-07 to come with you.</abbr>|Teph_028G]]
[[<abbr title="Kendrell was right; without your memory, you'll lose a piece of yourself.">Keep your memory.</abbr>|Teph_030]]
$COLOR_sc["I'll see you off, then."] It waved at one of the droid attendants that stood on the edge of the room. $COLOR_sc["Would you escort us to the vault, please?"]
The Tier 2 vault was as decadent as the rest of the passageway. The ceiling shimmered with what must be patrons' dreams, projected over paintings of constellations. Rich red draperies offset the pale lights and chiseled stone.
Eventually they reached a scanner that stood before a massive door. Lights blinked on and off, illuminating the impressive angelic statues that heralded the mouth of the vault.
SC-07 turned to her as the other droid waved its palm over the scanner. $COLOR_pc["Thank you again(if: $TE_INTRODUCED is true)[, Miss Teph]. I wish you the best."]
[[Enter the vault.|Teph_016]]$COLOR_pc["Would you like to come with me?"]
SC-07 stared at her. $COLOR_sc["Come... with you?"]
$COLOR_pc["T-to leave my memory. You know-- when they extract it you, relive it one last time, so..."] She shrugged. $COLOR_pc["I just think it would be nice... not to face that alone."]
$COLOR_sc["Oh-! Yes, of course."] SC-07 waved at one of the droid attendants that stood on the edge of the room. $COLOR_sc["Would you escort us to the vault, please?"]
"Acknowledged. [[Follow me|Teph_028X]], please."(set: $TE_SHM to true)
\The Tier 2 vault was as decadent as the rest of the passageway. The ceiling shimmered with what must be patrons' dreams, projected over paintings of constellations. Rich red draperies offset the pale lights and chiseled stone.
Eventually they reached a scanner that stood before a massive door. Lights blinked on and off, illuminating the impressive angelic statues that heralded the mouth of the vault.
SC-07 turned to her as the other droid waved its palm over the scanner. $COLOR_pc["I... am humbled that you would have me along for something so intimate. I will follow your lead."]
Their escort waved them forward. "You may [[enter the vault|Teph_016]] when you are ready."$COLOR_pc["Come on."] Teph smiled,(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[ reaching for SC-07's hands as she stepped up onto the platform. It gave them a reassuring squeeze as lights came on over their heads.](else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[ stepping up onto the platform. SC-07 followed her lead, looking up at the lights that came on over their heads.]
"Think only of the memory you want to leave behind. I will begin to preview the memory for you once I've started loading it. If you are sure it is the memory you want to extract, say 'Proceed'."
[Think about //him//.]<C0|(click-replace: ?C0)[It wasn't hard to remember Finn. He'd been practically the only thing on her mind over the last few months. He was the reason she'd ended up here, the reason she could no longer sleep at night.
Eventually, her thoughts focused on that night they first met. If she could purge this memory, she could forget about him completely and move on. [["Proceed."|Teph_Mem0]]]
[Think about your nightmares.]<C1|(click-replace: ?C1)[Surprisingly, her thoughts shifted to the awful dreams she'd been having. She could never fully remember them when she awakened, but she woke up screaming every time. Maybe... maybe if she could leave her nightmares behind, she'd be able to get some sleep again. And that way, she'd hold onto her memories of Finn... for better or worse. [["Proceed."|Teph_Mem1]]]
[Think of a happy memory.]<C3|(click-replace: ?C3)[With SC-07 here with her... She couldn't imagine what it must be like to feel such limited stubs of emotion. Maybe Kendrell was right, and she needed to hold on to her pain along with her happiness. But she'd been blessed with a few happy memories growing up. Maybe she could allow SC-07 to experience one of them. [["Proceed."|Teph_Mem3]] ]{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[
Without thinking, Teph wrapped her arms around the droid. $COLOR_pc["If you could do something, I'd appreciate it... but I'll figure something out if I need to."] She held him a little tighter. $COLOR_pc["... Thank you."]
SC-07 seemed shocked, to say the least. There was the slightest hint of fluster in its movements as she pulled back from embracing it. $COLOR_sc["I... it was my pleasure."]
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[
$COLOR_pc["If you could do something, I'd appreciate it... but I'll figure something out if I need to. Thank you, SC-07."]
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'A')[
Teph shook her head. $COLOR_pc["I don't want to be indebted to anyone. But I appreciate the thought."]
$COLOR_sc["Here."] SC-07 waved its palm over the chip on her wrist. $COLOR_sc["Now you may contact me whenever you wish. I... please, do not hesitate to ask if you think I may help(unless: $CHOICE_LAST is 'A')[ in the meantime. I'll be in touch soon]."]
[[Say goodbye|Teph_END]].{
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[Teph did as she was instructed, easily sliding the chip into the slot at the top of the terminal.]
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[Teph pulled the chip out of her pocket, staring at it with her brow furrowed. After a moment, she returned it to her coat.]
She stepped up onto the platform and closed her eyes as lights came on over her head. "Think only of the memory you want to leave behind. I will begin to preview the memory for you once I've started loading it. If you are sure it is the memory you want to extract, say 'Proceed'."
[Think about //him//.]<C0|(click-replace: ?C0)[It wasn't hard to remember Finn. He'd been practically the only thing on her mind over the last few months. He was the reason she'd ended up here, the reason she could no longer sleep at night.
Eventually, her thoughts focused on that night they first met. If she could purge this memory, she could forget about him completely and move on. [["Proceed."|Teph_Mem0]]]
[Think about your nightmares.]<C1|(click-replace: ?C1)[Surprisingly, her thoughts shifted to the awful dreams she'd been having. She could never fully remember them when she awakened, but she woke up screaming every time. Maybe... maybe if she could leave her nightmares behind, she'd be able to get some sleep again. And that way, she'd hold onto her memories of Finn... for better or worse. [["Proceed."|Teph_Mem1]]]
(if: $TE_PATH is 2)[ [Think about the droid that replaced your father.]<C2|(click-replace: ?C2)[Apparently SC-07 was on her mind as well. Her thoughts shifted from meeting him to her reservations about droids. From there, it was easy to remember that fateful night with her father. One encounter had colored her experiences with droids so strongly... perhaps if she forgot it, she might not fear them as much. [["Proceed."|Teph_Mem2]]] ]My body ached. Arms and legs groaned with each step I took, begging me to stop, but I wasn't quite home yet. This new job at the factory was exhausting, but I was making enough to put aside a small fraction of my wages each month. The extra agony was worth the promise that someday, years from now, I might be able to get out.
Of course, getting lost in thought when your legs are weak is a pretty bad idea. As I moved down the street towards the stairs to the Undercity, my legs gave out.
That was when I started to [[fall|Teph_Mem0_0]].I have been here before.
I'm running down a narrow hallway, toward a light, but I never seem to make any progress. My legs pound as fast as they can go, and I run until my lungs want to explode, but I go nowhere.
Then, suddenly, the light blurs. He's in front of me, laughing, and I can't [[stop running|Teph_Mem1_0]].Today is different than usual.
I wake up and go downstairs. I pour myself a box of NS-03 and enjoy the papery texture that father despises so much. It's like every other day, only something feels different.
"Teph, is that you?" He calls me from the other room.
$COLOR_pc["Yes, papa!"]
"Could you [[come here|Teph_Mem2_0]] for a moment?"There's grass under my feet.
It tickles, and I laugh, grabbing a fistful and throwing it into the air. It floats down, and I take a deep breath, blowing it back into the air, trying to make the grass touch the clouds.
The sun is warm on my skin. I was too preoccupied to appreciate it at the time, but remembering it now fills me with comfort.
"Teph!" my father calls. "Where did you run off to?"
[[Answer him.|Teph_Mem3_0]]"Whoa, hey! Careful!" A pair of strong arms grabbed me before I could tumble, and I found myself staring into a pair of unfamiliar brown eyes. There was something beautiful about them- dark, with flecks of light scattered inside.
"You okay?" He asked.
$COLOR_pc["Wha- oh- y-yes! I'm okay!"] I struggled to stand, resting a hand on the railing beside me to steady myself without his help.
"You sure? You seem pretty shaken."
$COLOR_pc["Yeah, I'm- I'm just tired."] Now that I could stand on my own he took a step back. I could see him more clearly in the flickering neon lights above the Undercity. Something about his clothes was bothering me. When I realized what it was, I may have [[flipped out|Teph_Mem0_1]] a little.$COLOR_pc["Oh- oh, I'm //so// sorry-- you're Tier 4, aren't you? Oh... oh no. I didn't mean to bother y-"]
"Hey, hey, it's okay." He waved a hand. "It's just a number, right? No harm done."
$COLOR_pc["Really? Because I'm //really// sorry."]
"Yeah? And you're also //really// beautiful. What kind of gentleman would I be if I'd just let you fall, huh?"
I felt my cheeks flush red, my heart fluttering ever faster. $COLOR_pc["A-a lousy one, I guess?"]
He laughed. The sound was warm and genuine. I wanted to hear it again. "Well, I don't //usually// meet women like this, but you seem pretty charming. You want to get a drink somewhere?"
[['Afdnksg sgjs gds gjsi YES.'|Teph_Mem0_2]]
[['I'd like that.'|Teph_Mem0_2]]I can't quite find the words, so I nod instead, maybe a little too vigorously. He smiles and takes my arm. He's as warm and pleasant as his laugh suggested, and somehow I forget that I ache. Everything feels light, and weightless. For once, I'm not worried about tomorrow. Just today.
I wish I could [[stay|Teph_Mem0_3]] in this moment forever.Images race through my head as they're pulled from my subconscious. Impressions of touch, warm and light, are weighed down by darker emotions. Fear and envy and suspicion swirl frantically between my ears. I hear the whispers of the others, the rumors that I denied. I watch his face as I ask him, and I balk because I can't read him at all, because he is suddenly an unknowable void. Finally, I see the ring on his finger, searing through my eyelids.
I want to wake up.
I [[scream|Teph_Memory]].
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'A')I try to slow down, but instead I trip, and I fall. Straight into his mouth, tumbling. His hands seek holds in my skin, and I bat them away. The ring on his finger burns where it touches me. I cry out every time, flinching away from the marks he is leaving, but when I scream, no sound comes out.
"It's just a number," he says as shackles fly at me from the darkness, pinpointed at my wrists, [[chaining me down|Teph_Mem1_1]].Now all I can hear is his laugh, all I can smell is his scent, all I can feel are his arms. I push against the pressure, fight to get out, but he sucks me back in. The more I struggle, the tighter his hold. He won't let go. I can't escape.
His brown eyes stare me down. Somewhere in the distance, I can hear the faint sound of heels clicking on the pavement. My arms and legs are tired, but I have to keep moving.
"//Whatever//," he snarls as he pulls me even closer, crushing me beneath his weight. "I didn't need you, anyway."
Again, I [[try to scream|Teph_Memory]].
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'B')$COLOR_pc["Yes, papa!"] I slide down out of my chair and race into his workshop, stopping dead in my tracks when I see it.
The droid stares at me with its expressionless face. It is tall, and metal, and wrong. $COLOR_pc["Papa?"] I ask uncertainly.
He walks over to me, kneeling to look me in the eye. "It's okay, Teph. This is Mr. Dawson's friend. His name is SLP-005. He's going to be staying with us a while."
$COLOR_pc["Why?!"] I reach for him, grabbing his neck and burying my face against his beard.
"He's going to be learning from me. Mr. Dawson asked me to teach him. You'll [[be nice|Teph_Mem2_1]] to him, won't you?"$COLOR_pc["Okay,"] I mumble. But it isn't okay.
SLP-005 does not speak to me. It ignores that I exist, and watches my father every moment with its unblinking eyes. I'm certain that it is dead, that it has no heartbeat, that it shouldn't be alive. But my father never listens.
When Mr. Dawson comes to see the droid, he and my father argue. Their voices are loud, too loud to block out, even with my hands covering my ears.
When they come to take me from my father, he sits at the table with his head in his hands and refuses to look at me. "I'm sorry, but it's really the only way. It just doesn't make economic sense," Mr. Dawson says.
I struggle as they pull me away, and when I can no longer see my father, I [[scream|Teph_Memory]].
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'C')Teph came out of the memory with a gasp. SC-07 knelt before her, visibly shuddering.
(if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'A')[
(display: "Teph_MemA")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'B')[
(display: "Teph_MemB")
(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'D')[
(display: "Teph_MemD")
"The memory will begin to fade. By the time you awaken from your next sleep cycle, it will be gone." Overhead, a mechanical arm held a clear glass tube; inside of it, white light swirled. Part of the wall slid open to reveal another arm, which grasped the tube firmly and removed it from the room. "Your memory will be digitized and stored on our Cloud server for one week. After a week, you will need to pay a maintenance cost to retain access to it."
$COLOR_pc["That's fine. I don't need it anymore."]
SC-07 seemed to have recovered slightly, straightening and brushing itself off. $COLOR_sc["Are you ready to [[leave|Teph_EpSC]]?"]$COLOR_sc["That was..."] SC-07 got to its feet. $COLOR_sc["The beginnig was... nice. I felt so..."] It couldn't seem to find the right word, so it gave up, its shoulders slumping. $COLOR_sc["But then, afterwards- it was fleeting- you were... hurt. You hurt even still."]
$COLOR_pc["Yeah. That's why I wanted to forget."](if: $TE_MM is true)[ Teph cocked her head at the droid. $COLOR_pc["Do you think I made a mistake? Should I have kept it, like your master did?"]
SC-07 shook its head slowly. $COLOR_sc["I... do not know. Both aspects were equally intense. It is a difficult question."]]
$COLOR_sc["So... that is emotional pain. And lightness."] It touched its chest, deep in thought. $COLOR_sc["I... should like to experience more of the one, but nont of the other."]
Teph smiled. $COLOR_pc["I think that's what we all want. But that's just... what it's like, being human. We hurt as much as we're happy."]$COLOR_sc["What... was that?"] It asked, looking up at her.
$COLOR_pc["I'm- I'm sorry, that was probably confusing, wasn't it? That was- a dream I've been having. One I hope I can forget."]
$COLOR_sc["A... dream."] SC-07 got to its feet. $COLOR_sc["We do not dream. Are all dreams so... frightening?"]
$COLOR_pc["No, not all of them."]$COLOR_sc["(if: $TE_INTRODUCED is true)[Teph... ]I..."] Gently, it reached for her hands. $COLOR_sc["That was... beautiful. Thank you."]$COLOR_pc["Yes."] Together, they departed the room.
A droid was waiting outside the vault to see them on their way. SC-07 was surprisingly silent as they walked down the hall.
[Ask if SC-07 is okay.]<SC1|(click-replace: ?SC1)[$COLOR_pc["Are you okay, SC?"]
$COLOR_sc["Yes- sorry. I am just... considering."]
[Ask what it's considering.]<SC2|(click-replace: ?SC2)[$COLOR_pc["Considering... what?"]
SC-07 looked meaningfully at the droid that was leading them. $COLOR_sc["I... would rather discuss it in private."]]
\(set: $TE_Q to true)]
[[Continue to the lobby.|Teph_EpSC_0]]All things considered, Teph's trip to the Memory Bank had been relatively uneventful. She shuddered to think what might have happened if she'd gotten there a moment later. It would be a long time before she could forget the desperate crying of the old man who'd been behind her... and with her memories forgotten, how would she even know if it had been worth it?
Another droid was waiting for her just outside the door. It escorted her out of the Tier 2 entrance, and then she was back in the lobby, free to [[exit the bank|Teph_END]].A droid stood at attention outside the room, immediately extending its hand when she exited. "The chip."
\(if: $TE_CHIP is true)[
"Not so fast." The droid motioned at her as she moved towards the end of the hall. "If you exit that way, there'll be questions. [[Come with me|TE_Sell_A]]."]
$COLOR_pc["Here."] She handed it the blank chip, trying her best to keep her expression impassive.
"Good. Now, [[come with me|TE_Sell_A]]. If you exit that way, there'll be questions."]Despite the difficulties she'd faced, Teph's trip to the Memory Bank had turned out all right in the end. She shuddered to think what might have happened if she hadn't gotten help from SC-07.
(if: $TE_MM is true)[
To Teph's surprise, SC-07 was waiting for her outside the vault, along with one of the bank's droids. $COLOR_pc["What are you doing here?"]
$COLOR_sc["I wanted to thank you one more time, before... well."] SC-07 clasped its hands together nervously. $COLOR_sc["Is there anything else you need from me?"]
[[Ask SC-07 to walk with you.|TE_SC0]]
[[Leave with the bank droid.|TE_SCA]]
Another droid was waiting for her just outside the door. It escorted her out of the Tier 2 entrance, and then she was back in the lobby, free to [[exit the bank|Teph_END]].
\(set: $TE_NOS to true)
}Soon they were back in the lobby. It was lit in gentle pinks and oranges now, reminiscent of the sunsets in the old paintings. $COLOR_pc["Is it that late already?"] Teph glanced worriedly at the ticking clock mounted prominently over the exit. $COLOR_pc["I need to go back, before the Skybridge closes..."]
\(if: $TE_SHM is true and $TE_Q is true)[
$COLOR_sc["If you need, you can stay with me at my master's manor,"] SC-07 said quickly. $COLOR_sc["I... would not want you to get stranded past curfew."]
$COLOR_pc["Oh. Is- that what you wanted to talk to me about?"]
$COLOR_sc["Yes... more or less."] SC-07 took a nervous half-step backwards. $COLOR_sc["Before now, I had minimal contact with humans other than Master Kendrell. And I... I think the word is- fond? ... It would be a shame, if we were never to meet again."]
[[Go with SC-07.|Teph_EpSC_1]]
[[Go home.|Teph_EpSC_2]]]
\(else-if: $TE_SHM is false and $TE_Q is true)[
Teph glanced at SC-07 curiously. $COLOR_pc["What did you want to ask me about?"]
$COLOR_sc["I... was curious. Having never experienced something so intimate- would it be... inappropriate for me to call you a... friend?"]
\(else:)[$COLOR_sc["Yes- the curfew, of course."] SC-07 bowed its head. $COLOR_sc["I have not said it enough- thank you, for all you have done."]
[[Give SC-07 your contact number.|Teph_EpSC_3]]
[[Go home.|Teph_EpSC_2]]]
It was a strange position to be in- making friends, with a droid? Teph wasn't sure how to feel about it, but here she was. If she were being honest, the prospect of becoming friends with SC-07 was... pleasant.
SC-07 stared at her in what appeared to be disbelief. $COLOR_sc["I'm sorry- you said-?"]
$COLOR_pc["Yes. I'll go with you."] She smiled. $COLOR_pc["I think I have a lot to learn about droids, and... talking to one seems like a good place to start."]
Perhaps she imagined it, but she felt like SC-07 smiled back at her. $COLOR_sc["Then... shall we [[go|Teph_EpSC_End]]?"]$COLOR_pc["You're sweet... I think."] She smiled. $COLOR_pc["But I need to go home. I have the early shift tomorrow, and the longer I'm gone, the more questions my dorm-mates will ask when I get back."]
$COLOR_sc["O-of course. ... I hope that-"] The clock chimed loudly, and SC-07 shook its head. $COLOR_sc["Nevermind. You need to [[leave, quickly|Teph_END]]. But please know that it has been a pleasure."]$COLOR_pc["Here."] Teph reached for SC-07's palm, passing her wrist over its scanner. $COLOR_pc["Now you can reach me whenever you want to. Um, //if// you want to, that is."]
$COLOR_sc["Oh! Thank you very much. To be honest, I was trying to-"] The clock chimed loudly. SC-07 shook its head. $COLOR_sc["Nevermind. You need to [[leave, quickly|Teph_END]]. But please know that it has been a pleasure."]They exited the bank, and Teph took a brief moment to admire how lovely Tier 3 looked at this time of day. There was no garish neon, no flashing signs or advertisements blaring from oversized signs. Unobtrusive displays showed the time, or the weather predictions. People moved from place to place as though they had all the time in the world. It was... relaxing.
Teph turned once more to look at the sign: //We are what we leave behind.//
She had much more to give. And despite everything, she was still here; in time, she would find out what legacy she would leave. If today was any indication, perhaps her future wouldn't be as empty as she had feared.
$COLOR_sc["This way,"] SC-07 extended its hand. $COLOR_sc["It would be best to stay close. I'm sure there will be questions."]
Teph took his hand, turning her back on the sign. $COLOR_pc["It's okay. I'm ready."]
<mark><center><i>END</i></center></mark>It led her to a narrow doorway, down what must have been another 'maintenance hall'. There was no exit in sight when it stopped, knocking on the wall.
$COLOR_pc["What are you doing?"]
"Just checking the chip. We'll be clear to go once that's done."
(if: $TE_CHIP is false)[[[Run.|TE_SELL_A1]]]The wall opened to reveal a dimly-lit room, with flashing lights. Various droids sat around the room with strange cables coming out of the backs of their necks. Most of them looked unremarkable, but one of them was wearing a suit. It must have been the Tier 2 droid from earlier. What were they all doing in here?
"Fresh memory." It handed the chip to another droid that was waiting inside.
"Just a moment."
\(if: $TE_CHIP is false)[The instant the chip was inserted into the console, the droid snapped to attention. "This chip is empty!"
"What?!" Her escort grabbed her arm. "What did you do, human?"
[[Call their bluff.|TE_Sell_A01]]]
\(else:)[The console beeped when the droid inserted the chip. After a pause, it nodded. "All clear."
"Good. [[Let's go.|TE_Sell_B]]"]Teph took off at a full sprint, barreling down the hallway. Behind her, she heard the droid yell "Hey! Where do you think you're going?!"
She wasn't sure how many twists and turns she fled along, too scared to check if she was being followed, but eventually she spotted a closet along the wall.
[[Open the closet.|TE_Sell_A1-C]]She fumbled with the door for a moment, but in a stroke of luck, it was unlocked. When she found herself facing a bathroom stall through a transparent wall, she jumped through it without hesitation, emerging from the bathroom with her heart pounding.
Forcing herself to walk, she returned to the lobby, making sure to keep out of sight of any droids. She made it all the way to the exit before a voice spoke up, spiked with suspicion. "Hey...!"
(link: "Run outside.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_END")]
[[Stay calm.|TE_SELL_A1-D]]Though she was on edge, it would be more suspicious to run. Teph turned around slowly. $COLOR_pc["Yes?"]
It was the male employee from earlier. "So it is you! What are you doing here so late?" He shrugged. "I guess you took my advice seriously, hm? About seeing the sights?"
$COLOR_pc["Uh-- yeah! The bank sure is... beautiful."]
"Isn't it?" he smirked. "I'm sure you'll remember it. For as long as natural memories last, anyhow."
[[Exit the bank.|Teph_END]]$COLOR_pc["Here, papa!"]
"Aha! There you are." He sits next to me, smiling. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
$COLOR_pc["Yes, yes! Can we live here, papa?"]
He laughs. "I'm afraid not."
$COLOR_pc["Aww."] My disappointment is fleeting, soon replaced by wonder again. $COLOR_pc["Papa, is it true that it was like this before? That you lived someplace like this?"]
"Yes, it's true. Only it was much more beautiful."
Somehow, my childish excitement gives way to awe. We sit peacefully for a moment. The wind ruffles my hair. It smells like freedom.
As if reading my mind, my father asks, "Teph- would you like to [[fly|Teph_Mem3_1]]?"I feel my mouth stretch into an 'O', eyes widening at the prospect. $COLOR_pc["Yes! Please! Papa, I want to fly!"]
"Are you sure?"
He scoops me into his arms, lifting me high over his head. I can see more of everything, all the way to the end of the illusion, where the edges are white, and the world remembers that it's in a box. It doesn't trouble me, though. Especially when my father tosses me into the air.
I scream, terrified, but then he catches me. The next time he lets go, I'm screaming in excitement. I forget about the grass, and I [[reach for the sky|Teph_MemSC]].
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'D')$COLOR_pc["I didn't put it in the terminal."] Teph stood up straight. $COLOR_pc["You can't hurt me- you're programmed not to. And if you try to turn me in, you'll have to explain to the bank how I got into the vault with //your// authorization."]
The droid shook its head. "You really think we would be that stupid? This could have been so simple, human."
As it spoke, the second droid brought up its display. "Alert! Alert! An unauthorized customer has been found near the vault!"
[[Run|TE_SELL_A1]].Teph followed the droid down another maze of corridors. The next time it stopped, it was standing in front of a closet.
"This is where you got in." It motioned impatiently for her to [[leave|TE_Sell_C]].The bathroom was a familiar and welcome sight at this point. Teph easily found her way out, keeping her head down as she made her way through the bank's lobby. She was more than ready for this ordeal to be over, and eager to [[go outside|Teph_END]].$COLOR_pc["You can walk with me, if you want."]
$COLOR_sc["I would like that."]
The bank droid motioned for them to follow, and they set off down the hallway. SC-07 seemed bothered by something, but Teph was unsure if she should ask him about it or not.
[Ask if SC-07 is okay.]<SC1|(click-replace: ?SC1)[$COLOR_pc["Are you okay, SC?"]
$COLOR_sc["Yes- sorry. I am just... considering."]
[Ask what it's considering.]<SC2|(click-replace: ?SC2)[$COLOR_pc["Considering... what?"]
SC-07 looked meaningfully at the droid that was leading them. $COLOR_sc["I... would rather discuss it in private."]]]
[[Continue to the lobby.|Teph_EpSC_0]]
\(set: $TE_Q to true)$COLOR_pc["No, I'm okay. But thanks for... getting me in here."]
$COLOR_sc["Of course."] SC-07 bowed, watching as the bank droid escorted her out of the Tier 2 entrance. Soon she was back in the lobby, free to [[exit the bank|Teph_END]].
\(set: $TE_NOS to true)$COLOR_pc["Uh- I'm sorry-- I was just trying to help you, since you helped me. I... don't really think I know you well enough to be your friend."]
$COLOR_sc["Ah... of course. My apologies. I must have just been overwhelmed by the emotional intensity."] SC-07 straightened. $COLOR_sc["Well... thank you once more."]
The clock chimed again, and Teph took a step backward. $COLOR_pc["I'd better be going."]
$COLOR_sc["Yes- of course, you need to [[leave|Teph_END]] before curfew.. Don't be late on my account."]$COLOR_pc["Oh- well, no. I think?"] She laughed. $COLOR_pc["Um, I can't say I've ever gotten to know a droid before. But- it felt... important that we shared that. So, yes. I suppose you could call me your friend."]
$COLOR_sc["I see! I was worried that I was overthinking things... Here."] SC-07 waved its palm over the chip on her wrist. $COLOR_sc["Now you may contact me whenever you wish. I... please, do not hesitate to ask if you think I may help you in any way."]
[[Say goodbye|Teph_END]].Teph approached the line, flinching as a strange wailing noise filled the air. Just in front of her an elderly man groveled on his knees before one of the bank's employees, clinging to his pant legs. "No, please... this is my last chance!"
The employee's nose wrinkled in disgust as he took a half-step away from the old man, trying to distance himself. "Sorry, old man. You'll just have to try again tomorrow."
"But I've been trying for days." He clasped his hands together. "Please, I... I don't have any organs left to- th-this is my last chance."
[[Ask what the problem is.|Teph_A1]]
[[Sneak past them into the line.|Teph_A2]]$COLOR_pc["What's... going on here?"] Teph asked nervously.
"Oh good, another one." The man frowned down his nose at her. "We can only accommodate a certain number of Tier 6 customers per day. You'll just have to come back tomorrow. Security!"
The droids marched forward on command, grabbing the blubbering old man by the elbows and dragging him out. As they did so, the bank man turned back towards her, quirking a brow. "Well? Are they going to have to drag you out, too?"
(link: "Plead with him")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_010C")]
(link: "Protest the situation")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_010C")]
(link: "Find another way")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "A")(goto: "Teph_010C")]Whatever was going on didn't look good. Better just to stay out of it.
Doing her best not to attract attention, Teph quietly shuffled around the scene. It wasn't terribly difficult, given the attention the old man was attracting. Even standing in line, she could still hear him pleading behind her.
"I've been trying for days!" the old man cried. "//Please//, sir... my son never got to meet his mother. I-I want him to remember her like I do... I have to save my memories for him, before I die..."
"Rules are rules, sir. So unless one of these fine people is willing to give up their hard-earned spot..." he punctuated his sentence with a laugh- the idea was ridiculous, after all.
... Wasn't it?
[[Give him your spot.|Teph_012]]
[[Do nothing.|Teph_014]]The droid led her down a hallway with glass walls. On either side of them, mechanical arms gently lifted and set small, white cylinders into metal towers that spiralled up out of sight.
[Ask about the cylinders.]<A_0|(click-replace: ?A_0)[$COLOR_pc["What are those?"]
"Memories. The physical copies are stored here after the data is uploaded to our Cloud servers."]
[Keep going.]<A_1|(click-replace: ?A_1)[They passed deeper into the vault, eventually coming to a door with a scanner beside it. Out of habit, Teph raised her wrist.
"Wait." The droid turned towards her, staring through its expressionless metallic face. "I know what you've done."
[[Feign innocence.|Teph_X0]]
[[Say nothing.|Teph_X2]] ]$COLOR_pc["Wh-what do you mean?"] Teph asked, biting back the nervous laughter that tickled her throat.
"You were not authorized to enter this line. If you scan your wrist now, an alarm will sound, and you will be escorted from the premises." The droid paused. "... But it does not have to be this way. There are many regular patrons who may walk in for a spot at any moment. It is possible to... //suggest// to the appointment system that you are such a patron."
(link: "Question the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_Alt_X0A")]
(link: "Thank the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_Alt_X0A")]Teph swallowed, her heart pounding. Of course they'd noticed- they kept track of how many people were in line. $COLOR_pc["... Yes. I snuck in."]
"If you scan your wrist now, an alarm will sound, and you will be escorted from the premises." The droid paused. "... But it does not have to be this way. There are many regular patrons who may walk in for a spot at any moment. It is possible to... //suggest// to the appointment system that you are such a patron."
(link: "Question the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_Alt_X0A")]
(link: "Thank the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_Alt_X0A")]"You were not authorized to enter this line. If you scan your wrist now, an alarm will sound, and you will be escorted from the premises." The droid paused. "... But it does not have to be this way. There are many regular patrons who may walk in for a spot at any moment. It is possible to... //suggest// to the appointment system that you are such a patron."
(link: "Question the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "S")(goto: "Teph_Alt_X0A")]
(link: "Thank the droid.")[(set: $CHOICE_LAST to "P")(goto: "Teph_Alt_X0A")](if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'P')[$COLOR_pc["I- I'd appreciate- thank you so much!"]
"Of course, I will need something in return."
$COLOR_pc["... Oh."]]
\(else-if: $CHOICE_LAST is 'S')[That sounded much too good to be true. $COLOR_pc["What do //you// get out of this?"]]
The droid procured a small memory chip. "If you wish for assistance, you must make a copy of the memories that you leave, and deliver that copy to me before you depart."
[Question its motives.]<M_0|(click-replace: ?M_0)[$COLOR_pc["What do you want my memories for?"]
The droid stared at her with its blank, glowing eyes. "There is quite the demand for new human memories in the droid community."
[Ask about the 'droid community'.]<M_1|(click-replace: ?M_1)[$COLOR_pc["Droid community...? What do you mean?"]
The droid shook its head. "I do not mean to be rude, but if we stay too long it will raise suspicion. We do not have time for your questions. Will you do this or not?"]]
\(set: $CHOICE_LAST to 'N')
<mark>[[<abbr title="Do as it asks; it's only fair.">Accept.</abbr>|Teph_X0A-1]]
[[<abbr title="Pretend to go along with it.">Lie.</abbr>|Teph_X0A-2]]</mark>The idea of a droid owning her memories was... concerning, to say the least. But... it would be completely unfair to expect such a favor without giving something in return, even if it was for a droid. $COLOR_pc["... Okay,"] Teph whispered, extending her hand.
The droid carefully slid the chip into her palm, and Teph closed her fingers around it. "One moment."
It pulled up a display, scrolling through a long list and tapping one of the entries. Once it had waved its chip over the scanner and stepped to the side, the door slid open. "[[Go on|Teph_016]], then."There was no way Teph was giving her memories to some droid to do who-knows-what with... but this was her best bet of getting out of this situation.
So Teph swallowed her conscience, extended her hand, and lied. $COLOR_pc["Fine. I'll do it."]
The droid carefully slid the chip into her palm, and Teph closed her fingers around it. "One moment."
It pulled up a display, scrolling through a long list and tapping one of the entries. Once it had waved its chip over the scanner and stepped to the side, the door slid open. "[[Go on|Teph_016]], then."
\(set: $TE_DR_LIE to true)