<center><fontsize="+2">Exploring Pop Culture</font></center>
<center><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/9drdumrqa9wljq16ukbp2sgekr3pjose.jpg" width="900" height="700" alt="TitlePopCulture"></center>
Over the next 16 weeks, we'll be looking at ways of critically engaging with pop culture. This course is self-paced and student-led, meaning you'll be able to bring your own interests into the course. Sound good? Great! First, tell me [[a little about you]].(font: "Arial")[This course is designed with three objectives in mind:
1. Students evaluate the popular culture they engage with.
2. Students analyze pop culture critically.
3. Students participate in a wider pop culture conversation through creation of media.
<img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/gmzp3y64koxuwtqkp05spboxt5l1tj68.gif" width="900" height="700" alt="CaptainAmericaUnderstands">
With these goals in mind, we will be exploring what pop culture looks like today, as well as how pop culture plays a part in our lives, and its pursuasive power.
What else would you like to know about our course?
[[Who is Ms. Malone?]]
[[Equipment List]]
[[Community Guidelines]]
<center><font="+2">(font: "Arial")[It is dangerous to go alone. Take these...</font></center>
<img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/ljhxq2krfw2m6myxcrquzi35zjubaiam.jpg" width="250" height="400" alt="BrummettTitlePage">
Brummett, Barry. Rhetoric in Popular Culture. 4th Edition. SAGE, 2014.
You don't have to buy this, unless you want a copy for yourself! The chapters we need are on digital reserve at the library.
One of the following:
<left><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/4kq6kec1e980k5yu4np6bbd0ffsg1bf4.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Isnana"></left> <center><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/2q6lsl3dwmaucr5aqbfstin30ullo3fk.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="HarleyQuinn"></center> <right><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/jb3z6ppfmx5k18hh8nbhyr9j8xxgeapl.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="Wakanda"></right>
<img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/eobiv3s6e2fvviysydwfxljkly60xt6a.png" width="400" height="400" alt="TwitterLogo">
A twitter account. Please make a new account with your first name and Engl275 (Ex - LaurenEngl275) if you do not have an account or if you are not comfortable using your own.
What else would you like to know about our course?
[[Who is Ms. Malone?]]
[[Community Guidelines]]
[[Assignments]]]<center><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/4lsw0kmn6zxcoi47iqp20er9m10rzt67.jpg" width="900" height="700" alt="ComputerIllustration"></center>
(font: "Arial")[Technologies in Class
This class utilizes Canvas, CyBox, and Twine as our primary technologies, however we will also use other resources as well – including YouTube, Biteable, Twitter, and Audacity. In addition to saving your work to your computer and CyBox, I encourage you to save to a flash drive (see me if you’d help accessing one for the semester). Take my advice: save in multiple places!
I have an open technology policy. That is, you may use the tech you’d like. However, there will be times that are tech-free for pedagogical reasons. I ask that you respect these times, and that you do not abuse your tech privileges. Abuses of tech include, but are not limited to:
Snapchat during class
Facebook that is not related to an activity
Watching ESPN
(text-style: "bold")[Working on homework for other classes]
Accommodation Statement
In the spirit of Universal Design for Learning, I will strive to provide an environment that is equitable and conducive to achievement and learning for all students. I ask that we all be respectful of diverse opinions and of all class members, regardless of personal attribute. I encourage persons with disabilities or particular needs that impact on performance to meet with me to co-design accommodations, if necessary, beyond those listed under UDL. I ask that we all use inclusive language in all of our work. Students with disabilities may also want to register with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS), located on the main floor of the Student Services Building, Room 1076. Phone: 515-294-7220.
Religious Observances
Using the Interfaith Calendar, I have done my best to design our semester so that our major assignments do not put undue stress on those who must be absent for religious reasons. However, I realize that there are many faiths and practices, and some of you may need additional or different accommodations. If this applies to you, please speak with me so that we can co-design a plan for the specific part of the term this applies to.
Statement of Equity & Inclusion in Our Classroom
I approach my classes with three assumptions of me and my students:
1. We are all here to learn.
2. We all come from different backgrounds, cultures, and values.
3. We all have room to grow and develop deeper understandings.
With these assumptions, I strive to provide an environment that makes learning equitable and centers on student justice. I ask that we work to use inclusive language (detailed in our class notes forum), and refrain from personal attacks. You will be challenged to think beyond your own perspective and consider various points of view. Reflecting on and talking about these perspectives may make us confused, scared, defensive, etc. These feelings are valid, but they do not excuse creating a hostile environment for those in our classroom community. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards will be given a chance to modify their behavior, and then asked to leave class.
Professional courtesy and sensitivity are important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, color, culture, religion, politics, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and gender expression, age, ability, and nationality.
Class rosters are provided to the instructor with your legal names, but I will gladly respect your preferred name and pronouns. Please let me know if I need to make changes to the class roster.
Honor Code
We will have many discussions on ethics - computer, communication, and teamwork - as a part of this course, and you will be held to the standards we discuss. In terms of your academic work, you should remember to give credit to those whose work you gather ideas from. This includes direct citations, paraphrasing, etc. You may use APA, MLA, or Chicago to cite references. Please feel free to see me with any questions you have regarding when and how to give credit in your academic work.
What else would you like to know about our course?
[[Who is Ms. Malone?]]
[[Equipment List]]
<center><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/5tl7zwprlndvgtlcydm3dd6h50ahogy7.jpg" width="900" height="700" alt="QuestionMarkCufflinks"></center>
(font: "Arial")[Q. What is the best way to reach you?
A. For basic questions? Send me a Canvas message any time before 6 PM Monday - Friday. I do my best to respond within 24 hours. However, if you'd like to speak to me in person, please feel encouraged to come to my office during open hours for a consultation, or schedule time for a coffee talk.
Q. Wth are open hours? Is that like getting sent to the principal?
A. Nope. Open hours are times when I make myself available to students for whatever they might need. Struggling with a concept in class? Come on through! Questions about your grade? Let's chat (I even have snacks!). Nervous about a job interview and want me to look over your resume or cover letter? Happy to do it!
Q. I guess that's cool. Where's your office?
A. In Curtiss Hall, suite 319. We can meet there from noon - 2PM on Wednesdays. I'm also happy to schedule one-on-one or group appointments on Thursdays if Wednesday afternoons don't work for you.
Q. So, as long as I do a bunch of assignments, I'm good right?
A. Eh...not so fast. You do have to attend class and actively engage in activities. There will also be workshops throught the semester.
Q. When you say "engage"...?
A. That means you are here both physically and mentally. Discussing things with your small group, participating in activities, taking class notes or asking question in the chat, and answering questions are all examples of engagement. Coming to class and sleeping or doing another course's homework is not engagement.
Q. Got it. What happens if I get sick and need to miss?
A. Stay home and take care of yourself. You have 4 freebies that won't count against your grade.
Q. Do you accept late work?
A. Each topic we cover will have a 3 or 4 weeks dedicated to it. You may turn in any work you'd like to do for that topic within that time frame. With the exception of your trading card and final project, none of the assignments have specific due dates attached.
Q. So how do I do well in this class?
A. So glad you asked! You'll find more in the [[Assignments]] section.
What else would you like to know about our course?
[[Who is Ms. Malone?]]
[[Equipment List]]
[[Community Guidelines]]]
(font: "Arial")[The units in our course are as follows:
1 - Getting Started
2 - What is Pop Culture?
3 - Fandom Culture
4 - Gaming Culture
5 - Participatory Culture
Each unit has options in terms of the assignments you can complete. For a full list of the assignments, please see the chart on Canvas. This course is based on the accumulation of points, but you shouldn't try to do everything.
First, which kind of experience do you want to have in this class?
[[Playing to My Strengths|Option2]]](set: $name to (prompt: "What should I call you in class?",))
(set: $fandom to (prompt: "What's your favorite part of pop culture?",))
(font: "Arial")[Great, $name! [[Let's get started]]!]Hi there! I'm Ms. Malone. I'm completing the final year of my PhD in Rhetoric and Professional Communication. I'm an Air Force brat, so I grew up all over the United States. I've spent most of my adult life right here in Iowa. I'm always up to talk about Disney, Marvel comics, or random memes. No, seriously, I love memes.
<center><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/7ubfwrnofrz9oa2i72jy8taqwmhtjyqe.gif" width="400" height="400" alt="MotherofDragons"></center>
You can reach me in a few different ways:
1. Consultation - this is the best option for any sort of extra one-on-one time or specific work/questions that you have. You can come in to my office (319 Curtiss) and we can work on whatever assignment you have questions about. Also a good option if you want to discuss something we're going over in class.
2. Chat - On the left-hand menu of Canvas, there is a chat feature. You can get in touch with me there. I will check this periodically through the week, so it's best used for low-stakes questions or random in-class questions that you don't feel like asking right away. Please note - we ALL can see the chat history. This is not a private channel of communication.
3. Coffee - we can also meet downstairs in Curtiss (or at the Hub) by appointment. These meetings can be about work, or if you'd just like to meet and discuss pop culture stuff that's happening.
4. Canvas Message; PLEASE NO EMAIL! - I get admin emails for IT stuff, and your email WILL get buried. I wouldn't want that to happen! Please send me a Canvas message if none of the other options work for you.
<img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/pxju0kvywmusqhj10tcl3axhzx2ryq4b.jpg" width="400" height="400" alt="MsMalone">
[[Equipment List]]
[[Community Guidelines]]
[[Assignments]](font: "Arial")[This class has four outcomes attached to it: theory comprehension (T), writing (W), design (D), and production (P). The writing assignments are/are close to your traditional essays. For design, these are projects that are made of a single visual component. Lastly, production projects have to do with various forms of media.
For a well-rounded experience, you should choose a project to complete in each unit, and from the various outcomes. For theory comprehension, you can earn points in that outcome in our in-class workshops and through quizzes. Your course map might look a little like this:
T1 - Trading card (D - required) & course map (T - in workshop)
T2 - Pop Culture Map (P) + quizzes
T3 - Analytical Debate Paper (W) + quizzes
T4 - Game Jam (D) & any extra credit
T5 - Multimedia Essay (W)
You can access the full list of assignments on Canvas.
[[This looks great!|Ending1]]
[[Let me try playing to my strengths.|Option2]]]
(font: "Arial")[This class has four outcomes attached to it: theory comprehension (T), writing (W), design (D), and production (P). The writing assignments are/are close to your traditional essays. For design, these are projects that are made of a single visual component. Lastly, production projects have to do with various forms of media.
If you want to play to your strengths, you should choose a project to complete in each unit, from the outcome that you have the most skills in. For theory comprehension, you can earn points in that outcome in our in-class workshops and through quizzes. Your course map might look a little like this:
T1 - Trading card (D - required) & course map (T - in workshop)
T2 - Pop Culture Map (P) + quizzes
T3 - Fandom Cookbook (P) + quizzes
T4 - Game Jam (P - in workshop) & any extra credit
T5 - Podcast Pilot (P)
You can access the full list of assignments on Canvas.
[[This looks great!|Ending2]]
[[Let me try the well-rounded experience.|Option1]]]<center><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/vdiiasvtz7cgb4efhnl12wcivfp6bffw.jpg" width="250" height="400" alt="HulkWins"></center>
(font: "Arial")[Well done, $name, lover of all things $fandom! You're off to a good start for our course. Make sure you map out what you'd like to do for projects in this course, and turn it in Wednesday. Remember, this is just a starting point - you can change things up whenever you want! Send me a Canvas message if you have any questions on the course setup.] <center><img src="https://iastate.box.com/shared/static/dfnh71eixm4cldd6u450a5i7iu17o0k8.jpg" width="250" height="400" alt="FreddieMercury"></center>
(font: "Arial")[Well done, $name, lover of all things $fandom! You're off to a good start for our course. Make sure you map out what you'd like to do for projects in this course, and turn it in Wednesday. Remember, this is just a starting point - you can change things up whenever you want! Send me a Canvas message if you have any questions on the course setup.]