There is a voice too, singing a lullaby in a forgotten language. You can't make out the words but the song is sad and a tear rolls down your cheek despite the fact that you are on the verge of [[sleep|Lips]].
With his ship safely out of any blast radius, your initiate the module B launch sequence and jettison your own pod.\n\nAs it clears the debris field of the main ship, the autopilot engages and you sit back and watch as your home for the last five years, turns lazily in space and then [[tears apart|module_b_4]].\n
With the rupture isolated, the core automatically diverts power away from the damaged sector and primary systems being to come [[back online|Power_4]].\n\n
You desperately look for signs of the children before you black out, but with so much debris, it's impossible to see anything clearly.\n\nWracked with pain and starved of oxygen your body begins to shut down, leaving you with a single, [[final thought|final]].
There is nothing you can do here until power is restored.\n\n"<em>Sir, the ship will be unable to sustain human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds.</em>"\n\nWith no way to remedy the oxygen situation, you could:\n- Run to [[your son in the cargo bay|T]]\n- Attempt to [[repair the powercore|Power]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the structural damage|Struct]]\n- Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]
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His soft whimper is difficult to hear over the emergency klaxon and the roar of the escaping air, but you put your head next to his and whisper in his ear how much [[you love him|Comfort_3]].
As you climb into Escape Module A and initiate the launch sequence, the computer crackles over the module's tinny speaker:\n\n"<em>Sir, I have established contact with your son in the cargo bay and have taken the liberty of patching him through.</em>"\n\n"Dad? Dad [[why did you leave me?|EvacT_3]]"
<<silently>>\n<<set $T = 0>>\n<<set $timer = 120>>\n<<set $structure = 0>>\n<<set $power = 0>>\n<<set $o2 = 0>>\n<<set $radiation = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n\nThe bridge of the ship is dark except for the eerie glow of the emergency power and there is a wicked wind howling through the superstructure. There must be a breach in the hull, but for some reason the emergency shutters [[haven't engaged|Klaxon]].\n\n
<em>"...The ship will be unable to sustain human life in approximately [[<<print $timer>> seconds|Computer_5]]."</em>\n\n
...with a sharp metallic [[tang|Blood]]...
A wind blows in from the darkness and gently tustles your [[hair|Song]].\n\n
There is a brief moment of compression which forces you to close your eyes, before a muffled THUD, and then the queerest sensation of [[being outside|structural_death_2]].
You cradle your son's head in your burned and blistered hands as a fire sweeps through the cargo bay and then explodes into the [[space beyond|final]].
You burst through the hatch into the cargo bay and instantly spy your son trapped beneath a topppled cargo crate which is crushing his legs and chest.\n\n"[[Dad!|T_3]]"\n\n\n
<<set $timer -= 15>>\n<<if $power eq 0>>\nYou attempt to move the crate but it's much too heavy for you to shift alone and the lifters are all offline due to the ruptured power core.\n\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unsuitable for human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n\n- Stay and [[comfort your son|Comfort]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the life support|Life]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the power core|Power]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the structural damage|Struct]]\n- Get the hell [[off the ship|EvacT]]\n<<else>>\nYou access a loading control panel on the nearest bulkhead and have the option of setting the [[lifters|lifters]] to remove the create or to [[prep a med droid|med]] for when the crate is removed.\n<<endif>>
The critical-damage klaxon is sounding and the instruments are all lit and [[flashing|Geiger]].
<<set $timer -= 15>>\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unsuitable for human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n\nAs the final oxygen reserves escape into the emptiness of space, you close your eyes and rest your head next to your [[dying son|final]].
<<set $timer -= 15>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"Sir, the ship should now be considered unsuitable for human life."</em>\n\nThe ship lists and groans painfully as the damage done finally [[takes its toll|structural_death]].\n<<else>>\n <<if $power eq 0>>\n With the no power to the automated systems it could take weeks (or even months) to just assess, let alone repair, all the structural damage to the ship. Unfortunately, with only <<print $timer>> seconds until the ship tears itself apart there is little that any individual could do to without robotic assistance.\n\n "<em>The ship will be unsuitable for human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds.</em>"\n\n - Run to [[your son in the cargo bay|T]]\n - Attempt to [[fix the life support|Life]]\n - Attempt to [[fix the power core|Power]]\n - Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]\n \n <<else>>\n With the powercore back online, you re-boot the structural systems and set the repair priorities. This will at least stop the ship leaking any more oxygen and/or tearing itself appear.\n <<set $structure = 1>>\n <<if $structure eq 1 and $power eq 1 and $o2 eq 1>>\n <<set $timer = 1500>>\n "<em>In light of the repairs made to keys systems, I estimate that you have extended the life of the ship to approximately <<print $timer>> seconds.</em>"\n <<else>>\n <em>"The ship will be unsuitable for human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n <<endif>>\n - Run to [[your son in the cargo bay|T]]\n<<if $o2 = 0>>\n - Attempt to [[fix the life support|Life]]\n<<endif>>\n - Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n\n\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $timer -= 10>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"The ship should now be considered unsuitable for human life."</em>\n\nThe ship lists and groans painfully as the damage done to it finally [[takes its toll|structural_death]].\n<<else>>\n<<if $power eq 0>>You manage to climb into the life support control bay, but because of the powercore rupture the readouts are lifeless and the controls [[don't respond|Life_2]].\n\n<<else>>\nYou manage to climb into the life support control bay, and since the power has been restored, you only have to [[reboot the system|Life_3]] in order to restart the flow of o2.\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n
<<set $timer -= 10>>\n\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unable to sustain human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n<<if $T eq 0>>\nDesperate to save yourself, you abandon your trapped son and head for the [[escape modules|EvacT_2]].\n<<else>>\nYou reach the escape module bay and with the droid's assistance load your son into module A.\n\nYou could either climb into [[module A|module_a]] with your son, or climb into [[module B|module_b]].\n<<endif>>
Carried on the wind is a rhythmic tune which oscillates in your [[ears|Melody]].\n\n\n\n\n
You open your eyes to the a scene of unimaginable carnage as the everything you know and cherish is blasted into the [[blackness of space|structural_death_3]].
<em>"...The power core has ruptured. All non-partioned systems are offline. Without intervention, the powercore will [[go supercritical|Computer_3]]."</em>\n
<em>"...Oxygen is currently being vented into space and without intervention will shortly [[be depleted|Computer_4]]."</em>\n
Your eyes snap open at the taste of blood and you're instantly bathed in the [[chaos around you.|Chaos]]
<set $timer -= 15>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"Sir, the ship should now be considered unsuitable for human life."</em>\n\nThe ship lists and groans painfully as the damage done finally [[takes its toll|structural_death]].\n<<else>>\nDesperate to save yourself, you abandon both the ship and your son and head for the [[escape modules|Evac_2]].\n<<endif>>\n\n
<<set $timer -= 240>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\nYou sit down on the grating next to your son while the medical droid does its best to stablise him for an evacuation.\n\nA violent shudder rocks the ship and is followed by the screaming of rending metal.\n\n<em>"Sir, the ship is now unable to [[sustain human life|meddeath]]".</em>\n\n<<else>>\nKnowing that you've already done your best to stabilise the ship, you opt to stay with your son until he's ready to be moved to an escape pod.\n\nThe med droid is both fast and effective, quickly making brutal decisions about what can be saved and what needs to be lost.\n\nWhen the work is complete, the droid extends a telescopic carrier board and raises your son for transport to the [[escape pods|EvacT]]\n\n<<set $T = 1>>\n<<endif>>
You rush to your son's side and hold his hand as the lifter gently removes the crate and the med droid attempts to stop your son from [[drowning|med_3]] in his own blood.\n
It sucks to be a single dad in space.\n\n[[Restart from beginning|Start]]\n\n[[Restart from awakening|Computer]]\n\n<<forget $timer>>\n<<forget $o2>>\n<<forget $T>>\n<<forget $structure>>\n<<forget $radiation>>\n<<forget $power>>\n
There is a deep tortured groaning as you realise the ship is falling [[apart|Kids]]!
<<set $timer -= 10>>\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unsuitable for human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n\nBefore setting the lifters to remove the crate, you prep a med droid to deal with the implications of suddenly [[removing|med_2]] a 300kg crate from someone's chest.\n\n
<<set $timer -= 10>>\nYou confirm the request priorities at the terminal and a lifter moves over to you son and gently removes the crate [[from his chest|lifters_2]].\n\n
And where is your [[son|Computer]]?!?
Without power in the lifters, there is little chance to save your son, so you sit down next to him an caress his hair as the life is crushed out of him by the [[cargo crate|Comfort_2]].\n\n\n
You switch off the speaker and turn away from the window which is filled with the vista of your ship twisting lazily in space and [[bursting at the seams|Evac_7]].
Wracked with guilt and shame, your drift in space, left to contemplate your self-serving [[cowardice|final]].\n\n
"Dad, [[where are you?|Evac_5]]"\n
Your heart fills with shame and regret as you realise just what [[you've left behind|Evac_6]].\n\n
As you climb into Escape Module A and initiate the launch sequence, the computer crackles over the module's tinny speaker:\n\n"<em>Sir, I have established contact with your son in the cargo bay and have taken the liberty of patching him through.</em>"\n\n"Dad? Dad [[are you there?|Evac_3]]"
"Dad, I'm stuck and [[I can't breathe|Evac_4]]."\n\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unable to sustain human life in <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n\n\n
<<set $timer -= 15>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"Sir, the ship is now unable to [[sustain human life|med_4]]"</em>\n<<else>>\nYou howl with grief at the loss of your son and at the futility of [[further action|meddeath]].\n<<endif>>
Wracked with guilt and shame, your drift in space, left to contemplate your self-serving [[cowardice|final]].\n\n
You switch off the speaker and turn away from the window which is filled with the vista of your ship twisting lazily in space and [[bursting at the seams|EvacT_5]].
<<set $timer -= 10>>\nYou sprint the once-familiar, now ruined corridors to the cargo bay, vaulting fallen crates and ducking bulkheads [[at pace|T_2]].\n\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unsuitable for human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>
"Dad? I'm scared and [[I don't want to die|EvacT_4]]."
Single Dad in Space
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You look down at the burns on your hands, knowing that you probably won't survive the trip to wherever it is that the autopilot takes you and [[your son|final]].
<<set $timer -= 10>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"The ship should now be considered unsuitable for human life."</em>\n\nThe ship lists and groans painfully as the damage done to it finally [[takes its toll|structural_death]].\n<<else>>\nAcknowledging the sacrifice you are ultimately making, you enter the primary power core enclosure and [[manually partition the ruptured segment|Power_3]].\n\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unable to sustain human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $timer -= 10>>\n<<endsilently>>\nThe ruptured powercore of your crippled ship is bathed in lethal levels of radiation. Entering the enclosure to [[repair the ruptured core|Power_2]] will surely be a one-way trip for anyone who attempts it.\n\n<em>"Sir, the ship will be unable to sustain human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n\nIf you don't want to repair the core, you could:\n- Run to [[your son in the cargo bay|T]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the life support|Life]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the structural damage|Struct]]\n- Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]\n\n\n
<<set $timer -=15>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"The ship should now be considered unsuitable for human life."</em>\n\nThe ship lists and groans painfully as the damage done to it finally [[takes its toll|structural_death]].\n<<else>>\n<<set $power = 1>>\nBlisters are already forming on your skin and face. This tiny victory, wasn't without cost.\n\n"<em>Sir, the ship will be unable to sustain human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds.</em>"\n\nWith only seconds of oxygen remaining, you could:\n- Run to [[your son in the cargo bay|T]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the life support|Life]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the structural damage|Struct]]\n- Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]\n<<endif>>\n
Through the observation window, you watch your son's module detatch from the ship and retreat to a safe distance before firing its [[primary thrusters|module_b_3]].
<<set $o2 = 1>>\n\n<<if $structure eq 1 and $power eq 1 and o2 eq 1>>\n <<set $timer = 1500>>\n <em>"In light of the repairs made to keys systems, I estimate that you have extended the life of the ship to approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n <<else>>\n <em>"The ship will be unsuitable for human life in approximately <<print $timer>> seconds."</em>\n <<endif>>\n - Run to [[your son in the cargo bay|T]]\n <<if $structure eq 0>>\n - Attempt to [[fix the structural damage|Struct]]\n <<endif>>\n - Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]
<<set $timer -= 15>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"The ship should now be considered unsuitable for human life."</em>\nThe ship lists and groans painfully as the damage done to it finally [[takes its toll|structural_death]].\n<<else>>\n<em>"Sir, it is going to take appoximately 240 seconds to stabilse your son so that he can be moved and there is approximately <<print $timer>> seconds until the ship is unable to support human life.</em>\n\nYou could:\n- [[stay|med_4]] with your son\n<<if $o2 eq 0>>\n- Attempt to [[fix the life support|Life]] systems\n<<endif>>\n<<if $structure eq 0>>\n- Attempt to [[fix the structural damage|Struct]]\n<<endif>>\n- Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]\n<<endif>>
You try to cancel the launch sequence, but the safety bolts have already fired, and the module jettisons from the main craft.\n\nDespite your best efforts to save your son, you calculate he'll be dead within minutes from accute [[radiation poisoning|final]].
Something warm hits your lips and you know that the music in the dark is offering up a [[gift|Salty]].
\n<<set $T = 0>>\n<<set $timer = 120>>\n<<set $structure = 0>>\n<<set $power = 0>>\n<<set $o2 = 0>>\n<<set $radiation = 0>>\nThe ship's computer, comes over the loudspeaker:\n\n<em>"Sir, the structutural integrity of the ship has been compromised and without intervention it will tear [[itself apart|Computer_2]]."</em>\n
You taste the gift from the music in the dark, but it is [[salty|Metallic]]...
You get to your feet.\n\n"Shirka, where is [[my son|Children]]?"
Your portable geiger counter is buzzing like an [[angry hornet|Destruction]].
<<set $timer -= 15>>\n<<if $timer lte 0>>\n<em>"Sir, the ship is now unable to [[sustain human life|med_4]]"</em>\n<<else>>\nYou call out to the med droids as your son shudders and coughs. By the time they reach you, he's fitting wildly and then [[suddenly still|lifters_4]].\n<<endif>>
Kent Valentine
The haunting melody rises, crests and falls, the pattern instantly familiar and [[comforting|lullaby]].
You hoist yourself into the escape pod next to your son and initiate the launch sequence. As you take his hand in your own, you look at the burns from the powercore and realise that you are [[highly radioactive|module_a_2]].
<em>"Your son is trapped in the cargo bay, the rest of the crew were vented into space when the asteroid hit.</em>\n\n- Run to [[your son in the cargo bay|T]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the life support|Life]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the power core|Power]]\n- Attempt to [[fix the structural damage|Struct]]\n- Get the hell [[off the ship|Evac]]\n\n
<<set $timer -= 10>>\nWith the pressure gone from the chest, your son's lungs instantly begin to fill with blood and he begins [[to drown|lifters_3]].
You climb into module B in order to prevent your son from being exposed to further radiation and you initiate his [[launch sequence remotely|module_b_2]].