You approach the large control panel.\nThis is the center of the factory.\n\nYou examine it carefully. \nIt also has the inscription that reads, 'The Company'.\n\nTHIS IS ALL THEIRS\nTHEY CONTROL EVERYTHING\nWHAT WERE THEY MAKING HERE?\n\nYou notice a lever that is set to the 'OFF' position.\n\nYou also notice a small ignition drive.\n\nMAYBE YOUR METADRIVE WILL FIT IN IT\n\nYou know that if you make any noise, more Company men will come for think they will come matter what you do.\n\n[[Push the lever to the ON position]]\n[[Insert your metadrive]]
You wake up after the lengthy surgery.\nYour head is pounding and you can barely see.\n\nInside your brain is a devastating explosive feel it pulsating with energy.\n\nYou can set it off by blinking 3 times consecutively and saying the word 'HER'. \n\nYou were told by Dr. Narvik that the explosion will completely eradicate The Company and everything else within a 5 mile radius. \n\nYou find the Company address on your ID card...\n\nYou walk up to the massive steel entrance to The Company. \nRobotic tentacle arms extend from the entrance and scan over you. \n\nA mechanized female voice says 'Idaho 12...Welcome'...and the massive doors open automatically. \n\nYou step through the doors and they close behind you.\n\nNo sooner do you enter through the front gate do you hear another alarm...\n\n'FOREIGN BODY ALERT...FOREIGN BODY ALERT'\n\nYou blink once...\n\nYou see the Company men coming for you...\n\nYou blink again...\n\nYou hear gunshots and feel the bullets hitting your chest and back...\n\nYou blink a third time...\n\nYou drop to the floor...\n\nWith your last ounce of strength you smile...and you utter the word 'HER'.\n\nBRIGHT, WHITE, HEAT, LIGHT. \n\nYou destroyed them...You destroyed them all...\n\nSYSTEM OFFLINE\n\n\n
With the alarm blaring you leap up the staircase.\n\nYou run past one door on your right that is open.\nOld computer screens, dust and debris litter the floor. \nIt does not look like there is anything valuable in this room. \n\nYou keep running...\n\nAs you approach the second door on your right you stop dead in your tracks.\n\nThere is a name on a placard on the door...\n\n'DR. NARVIC'\n\nYou break the door open.\n\nYou rip open the top drawer of the desk and grab as much of his correspondence as possible. \nYou stuff the letters into your pockets.\n\nYou look out the second floor window to see 2 dozen company men charging towards the factory.\n\nThese men are armed and look trained... \n\nYou hurdle down the stairs as you make way towards the exit. \n\nAs you run, the machines are finishing their product...\n\nA round object rolls out onto a conveyor belt...\nA human head...It rolls down the ramp, end over end, and stops with its dead eyes looking right into yours.\n\nThat face.\n\nYOUR FACE\n\nYou exit the factory.\n\n[[Motel]]\n
You cannot wait any longer...\nYou rip off your bandages and stand up...\n\nYou are blind and in excrutiating pain.\n\nTOO SOON!!!\n\nYou brain is scrambled and short circuiting. \nYou cannot remember what happened.\n\nHOW DID YOU GET HERE?\nWHO ARE YOU??\n\nTOO SOON!!!!!\n\nYou cannot think. \nYou stumble and fall.\n\nYou walk outside and begin lumbering down the street aimlessly.\n\nYou are impaired.... \nYou have done severe cognitive damage. \n\nYou stumble into the first open doors you see...\n\nA BAR...\n\nYou grab for a bottle of Synth like a neanderthal. \nYou grunt.\nYou ignore the bartender as he shouts at you.\nYou guzzle down mouthfuls of Synth.\n\nA heat washes over you and you pass out.\n\nYou wake up dirty and on the street.\n\nYou start to search for more Synth.\n\nYou are hollow. \nA Synthoid...a waster.\n\nYou waste away the days as an addict, an insane look in your hollowed out eyes...\n\nA different kind of robot.\n\nSYSTEM OFFLINE
You search the 3 dead bodies.\n\nOn them you find a few Federals.\n\nYou also find a virtual business card.\n\nAs you thumb over the activation mechanism the card turns on.\n\nIt reads only, 'The Company'...the same as your card.\n\nYou also find a rolled up holographic photo.\n\nYou unroll it and it activates.\n\nThe image that appears is YOU.\n\n[[Where will you investigate next?]]
You need more information.\n\nBack alley\n[[Night club]]\nIndustrial factory\nMotel
You use your remaining Federals to rent a room for one night. \nHopefully nobody will find you here. \n\nYou enter your room and immediately fall asleep...a dream-filled sleep.\n\nRECHARGING? \n\nRESTRAINTS, NOISE, ENORMOUS MACHINES...\nYOU SEE MEN LIKE YOU LINED UP BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS...\nTHEY ALL HAVE THE SAME FACE.\n\nYOU SEE WOMEN TOO...LINED UP THE SAME WAY.\nHER!? \nTHEY ARE ALL HER.\nTHEIR FACES ARE ALL THE SAME.\n\nPAIN, YOU DREAM OF PAIN.\n\nYOU WAKE UP ABRUPTLY TO THE SOUND OF A BEEPING ALARM.\n\nYOU DIDNT SET ANY ALARM...\nTHIS ALARM IS IN YOUR HEAD...BEEPING...BEEPING.\n\nNOW A MESSAGE, A RECORDED MESSAGE PLAYS INSIDE YOUR MIND.\nIT IS ON REPEAT.\n\n[[Recall message - Idaho Bot 12]]\n\n\n\n\n\n
You still need more information.\n\nBack alley\nNight club\n[[Industrial factory]]\nMotel
You spin around with a lightning fast reaction...\n\nYOU ARE TOO FAST\n\nYou parry the first attacker's incoming punch and offer a counter strike.\n\nYour fist hits him in the solar plexus and you feel his sternum shatter.\n\nYOU ARE TOO STRONG\n\nThe next attacker gets too close.\nYou grab his collar and with a vicious head butt you break his skull.\n\nBlood spurts from his head as he seizes to death on the ground beneth you.\n\nYOU ARE TOO BRUTAL\n\nThe next attacker turns and runs.\n\nYou grab your knife, depoly the blade and throw it.\nIt hits him directly in his spine. \n\nHe drops to the gound paralyzed but alive.\n\nYOU ARE TOO PRECISE\n\nWHAT ARE YOU???\n\nYou approach the man as he struggles to move.\n\n[[Kill him]]\n[[Press for information]]
Catastrophic damage sustained.\n\nSystem functionality - 48%\n\nSelf destruct protocol imminent.\n\nReboot initializing...\n\n[[Reboot x 1]]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n
[[Virtual identification card - Blank]]\n\n$157 Federals - Barely enough to purchase anything\n\nBroken holographic photo - There is no image\n\nMetadrive - The contents of which are unknown\n\nSmall energy knife - 3.5 inch blade\n\nVirtual business card - 'The Company'\n
'Do you know what I do?'\n\n'I believ that you can...fix me.'\n\n'Aye, I can, but at high risk, to you, and to me, and for a steep price.'\n\n'I have no money.'\n\n'Then get out!'\n\n'Wait, I do have something...I have this'\nYou take out the Metadrive and the Doctor's eyes light up.\n\n'Where did you get that?'\n\n'I found it...I don't remember how or where, it is encrypted...I don't know what's on it'\n\n'You leave that to me...That will suffice as you want the procedure done?'\n\n'How does it work??'\n\n'We go to a secret operating room location and I open your brain, I remove the Company will be in a coma that I will induce...Once you come to you will have to wait...If you stand up and start moving too soon you can cause catastrophic brain damage and you will live out your days in a significantly impaired state...and if you wait too long, you will relapse into the coma and I will be too long gone to get you out of it...however, if you do time your movement right you will wake up and the process of naturalization will will be confused, significantly, for some time, but that will eventually wear off...Eventually you will start to feel human and you can find your way into society how you see will not remember will have a scar on the back of your hers...for payment I will keep this Metadrive...Questions?'\n\n[[Discuss other options]]\n
'You shouldn't be here' he says...\n'You should leave'...\n\n'WHY??' you ask aggressively.\n\n'I ain't riskin' myself talkin to no Company bot...get out!'\n\nYou slam down onto the bar all of your remaining Federals.\n\n'That ain't enough to risk my life' he scoffs...\n\n'If you don't give me some fucking information I will step over this bar and rip your goddamn head off'...\n\n'OK, OK...Narvic, Dr. Narvic...he can maybe help you'\n'Now LEAVE!!'\n\n[[You leave]]\n[[You refuse to leave]]\n\n\n\n
You listen to her.\n\nYou trust her.\n\nYou are somehow connected.\n\nHOW ARE YOU CONNECTED?\n\nTHE SCAR ON HER HEAD...?\n\nDR. NARVIC??\n\n[[You continue investigating]]
WHO ARE YOU?\nWHERE ARE YOU?\n\nThe general pain in your head is subsiding, however, there is sharp pain in one localized area that is still sensitive to the touch. \n\nYour other injuries seem to be healing rapidly...unnaturally so.\n\nYou feel detached but calm...almost robotic.\n\nYou look around.\nYou need informtion.\n\nWHERE SHOULD YOU GO???\n\n[[Back alley]]\nNight club\nIndustrial factory\nMotel
You look at the Virtual identificatoin card that was once blank.\n\nIt has been activated.\n\nHOW?\n\nIt now glows with energy..and a picture.\n\nYour face is depicted on the card.\nUnder it it reads...\n\n'Idaho Bot No. 12'\n\nIS THAT WHO I AM??\nIDAHO BOT NO. 12??\n\nAdjacent to your name is an address.\n\nThe address is the headquarters of The Company.\n\nAS IF YOU LIVE THERE???\nARE YOU FROM THERE???\n\n[[Examine metadrive]]
You decide to be patient.\nYou wait longer...hours and hours longer.\nThe tingling eventually dies down. \nYou believe that you feel the tingling stop...although there is still pain...\n\nNOW?!\n\nYou get up!!\n\nYou timed this properly. \n\nYou feel dazed and confused but you do not believe that you have done permanent damage. \n\nYou rip the bandages off of your head wound and make for the door.\n\nYou stumble and get up...groggy, dizzy, confused...\nYou start walking...\nYou see faces staring at you yet their is no urgency in their expressions...they are not coming for you...\nYou are off of the grid...\nYou also feel fear...for the first feel alive...\n\nNOT ROBOTIC...\n\nYou continue walking are need to rest...and food...\n\nHUNGER???\n\nYou stumble and fall down...a pale hand reaches out and grabs your arm. \nThis person helps to pull you up...\nYou focus your eyes on the face of this helper.\n\nIT IS HER...
You enter the seedy night club after you pay the doorman a handful of Federals.\n\nIt smells of sex and sweat and Synthesis.\n\nSynthesis is the alocohol of this day and age. \nIt is distilled down from machine oil.\nIt is highly potent and dangerous. \nAbuse leads to dementia, brain damage and death.\n\nThere are a handful of synthoids clammering about. \nTheir skin is a pale gray-ish cooler.\n\nThere are dancer girls on the stage.\n\nYou stop immediately. \nThat face...\n\nHER???\n\nYour broken holograph...that is the face that should be on it.\n\nWHO IS THAT???\n\nShe looks at you. \nThere is numbness behind her eyes.\nRobotic...\n\n[[You approach her]]\n[[You buy a shot of synth]]\n[[You speak to the bartender]]\n
As you thumb over the activation mechanism the card turns on.\n\nIt reads only, 'The Company'\n\nThere is no other information.\n\n[[Survey you surroundings]]
With inhuman speed you run.\n\nTowards a dead end.\n\nYou do not slow down.\n\nYou leap, plant one foot on the wall, and another.\n\nYou scale the 2 stories.\n\nYou are on the roof.\n\nYOU ARE TOO AGILE\n\nWHAT ARE YOU??\n\nYou continue your search for answers. \n\n[[Where will you investigate next?]]
You continue searching through the abandoned factory. \n\nThe more time you spend there the more it feels familiar. \n\nIt is as if you have memories of this place yet you cannot access them.\n\nYou see stairs leading to upstairs offices.\n\nYou also notice a piece of machinery that looks like a control panel.\n\n\n[[Investigate the control panel]]\n[[Investigate upstairs]]\n
You have been recognized. \n\nAs if the entire club has been given the message to appehend you they start to attack. \n\nMen and women, club goers, bartenders, Synth heads.\n\nTHE MEN IN THE ALLEY...THEY SAID THERE WAS A REWARD.\n\nYou go into a see everything in slow motion.\n\nWHAT ARE YOU???\n\nYou decisively fight your way through your immobilize some, you dodge effortlessly, you use their weapons against them, you are vicious, merciless and efficient...nobody can touch you...and it is over.\n\nYou look around at a bloodbath. \n\nYou KILLED THEM ALL. \n\n24 people...DEAD...SOME LIMBS SEVERED.\nYou killed them all. \n\n24 people...DEAD\n\nHOW??\nWHAT ARE YOU??\n\nThen you see her...terrified...but alive.\nShe is the only one you spared.\n\nHOW??\nWHAT HAPPENED??\n\nYou glance back at her one more time.\n\nWILL YOU SEE HER AGAIN??\n\nYou run.\n\n[[You continue investigating]]\n\n
As you run, the machines are finishing their product...\n\nA round object rolls out onto a conveyor belt...\nA human head...It rolls down the ramp, end over end, and stops with its dead eyes looking right into yours.\n\nThat face.\n\nYOUR FACE\n\nYou exit the factory.\n\n[[Motel]]\n
You put a handful of Federals down on the bar.\n\n'One shot of Synth' you say.\n\nThe bartender obliges. \n\nYou drink it down. \n\nIt burns your innards.\n\nYou flood with warmth and a twinge of euphoria.\n\n[[You buy another]]\n[[You speak to the bartender]]
You stay down.\n\nYou try to think...\n\nNOTHING.\n\nYour head is ringing severely.\nThere is pain in a localized region.\n\nYour right leg is injured.\n\nYou close your eyes.\n\n[[You lose consciousness]]
[[Virtual identification card]]\n\n$0 Federals - You have used all of your money\n\nBroken holographic photo - There is still no image\n\nMetadrive - The contents of which are encrypted\n\nSmall energy knife - 3.5 inch blade\n\nVirtual business card - 'The Company'\n\nCorrespondence from Dr. Narvic's office
You wake up...\n\nWHERE??\nWHO??\nWHEN??\n\nConcussion probable.\nLeft arm numb.\nLeft hand injured.\nYou are bleeding from your head.\n\n[[Stand up]]\n[[Stay down]]\n
This small chip is capable of storing a massive amount of information.\n\nYou do not know what, if anything, is on this Metadrive.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVirtual identification card - Blank\n\n$157 Federals - Barely enough to purchase anything\n\nBroken holographic photo - There is no image\n\nMetadrive - The contents of which are unknown\n\n[[Small energy knife]]\n\nVirtual business card - 'The Company'
You put a handful of Federals down on the bar.\n\n'Another shot of Synth' you say.\n\nThe bartender obliges. \n\nYou drink it down. \n\nIt burns your innards.\n\nYou flood with warmth and euphoria.\n\nYou have a minor hallucination...\n\nA FLASHBACK??\n\nHER, MACHINES, PAIN...LOTS OF PAIN.\n\nYou snap out of it.\n\n[[You buy yet another]]\n[[You speak to the bartender]]\n\n
You believe that you might be able to find out some information from someone in the back alley.\n\nAs you walk you notice your limp improving.\nYou are recovering quickly...\n\nYOU HAVE NO MEMORY\nYOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE\nYOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE YOU ARE\n\nThere is a sharp shooting pain in a localized area of your head.\n\nAs you walk you notice a group of men staring at you. \n\nYou are in a dangerous place. \nYou are numb.\nYou have no fear.\nYou are almost robotic...\n\n[[Keep walking]]
You stand up.\nYou try to walk.\nYou are limping.\nYour right leg is injured. \n\nYour head is ringing severely.\nThere is pain in localized region.\n\nYou sit back down.\n\n[[You lose consciousness]]
The Company
You flip the OFF lever to the ON position and you hear the great machines lurch into mechanical life.\n\nBOT FABRICATION?\nAM I A BOT??\n\n...\n\nThe machines are manufacturing something.\n\nThen you insert the Metadrive into the ignition switch...\nA deafening alarm goes off.\n\nA siren-type alarm is blaring so loud you barely have time to react.\n\nThe look back towards the control screen...\n\nThe emblem of the Company appears...\nIt is followed by droves and droves of information.\n\nThe information is encrypted.\n\nYou cannot read it. \nThey clearly do not want anybody reading it.\n\nTHIS COULD BE VALUABLE\n\nYou pull the Metadrive out of the ignition.\nYou know that they are coming but you are compelled to investigate upstairs.\n\n[[Go upstairs]]
You appraoch the dancing girl. \nShe has a short pixie hair cut and a beautiful body.\n\nYou stare at her face.\n\nWHO IS SHE?\nIS SHE FROM YOUR DREAM?\nWHO ARE YOU?\n\nShe glances your way.\n\n'What are you doing???' she says...\n'You can't be in here!' \n\nHer breasts and ass are almost completely exposed as she dances.\n\n'They are looking for you.'\n\n"WHO IS??' you ask.\n'WHO AM I?!' you blurt out.\n\nYou notice a scar on the back of her head near her hairline.\nTHAT IS THE SAME PLACE YOU HAVE LOCALIZED PAIN. \n\n'Federals!' she says curtly.\n'What???' \n'FEDERALS!'\n\nYou reach into your pocket and place 50 Federals on the stage...\n\nShe dances closer...\nCLOSER yet can smell her...familiar...intoxicating.\n\nShe bends lower towards you...she rubs her nose along your neck.\n\nYou feel something stir...something besides robotic numbness.\n\nShe whispers a name in your ear.\n\n'DR.NARVIC'\n\nShe then says calmly 'You need to RUN.'\n\n[[You get up and run]]\n[[You stay]]
You find Dr. Narvik's address.\nIt is not what you had expected.\n\nA small apartment in a run down building in a densely populated city center. \n\nYou walk up the stairs and knock on the door. \n\n'Who is it?!' A gruff voice from the other side of the door asks\n\n'Why are you here?'\n\n'I do not know', you say.\n\n'Then leave!'\n\n'She sent me', you say\n\n'Who?!'\n\n'She is a dancer...she has a scar on the back of her head...I know her, I, I knew her.'\n\n'Get in, QUICK!'\n\n[[Go inside]]
You put a handful of Federals down on the bar.\n\n'Another!' you say.\n\nThe bartender obliges. \n\nYou drink it down. \n\nIt burns your innards.\n\nYou flood with warmth and euphoria.\n\nYour head spins, your mind races...\n\nYou feel the music.\n\nYou embrace the trance. \n\nYou snap out of it.\n\nHOW LONG HAS GONE BY??\n\nYou cannot drink anymore if you wish to continue your search.\n\n[[You speak to the bartender]]
You grab the bottle of Synth off of the bar and pound back a big drink...\n\nYou try your best to not stumble as you make your way out of the club.\n\nYou cant shake the effects of the Synth for a while.\n\n[[You continue investigating]]
You survive the surgery and wake up in a dark sterile room. \n\nYou remember the doctor's words and you do not move. \nYou try to evaluate how you feel...\n\nHe said...'Once you come to you will have to wait...If you stand up and start moving too soon you can cause catastrophic brain damage and you will live out your days in a significantly impaired state...and if you wait too long, you will relapse into the coma and I will be too long gone to get you out of it...however, if you do time your movement right you will wake up and the process of naturalization will begin...\n\nYou still feel a tingling in the back of your head...along with a throbbing pain.\n\nYour gut reaction tells you to wait longer...maybe the tingling is a sign that the process is not yet complete.\nBut maybe the tingling is the sign to get up!\n\nHOW CAN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO??\n\nThe suspense is killing you...\nYou want to get see if it feel human...\nBut what if you are too early...or too late...your future depends on this arbitrary decision...\n\nTHIS IS LIFE OR DEATH\n\n[[Wait longer]]\n[[Get up]]
'The Company' say...They are evil...I have seen what they are capable of and I have another idea...Are they your enemy Doctor??'\n\n'Yes, yes they are.' he replies.\n\n'What if instead of removing their techonology from my added something??...What if you installed an explosive device?...What if I went back to them, as the recall message continues to instruct me to do...What if were to detonate the device and destroy them all...Would that be possible?\n\n'Yes.' he replies...with a flicker in his eyes...\n\nThen he asks...'What would you like me to do for you???'\n\n[[Naturalization Surgery]]\n[[Install bomb]]
Catastrophic damage sustained.\n\nSystem functionality - 64%\n\nSelf destruct protocol on standby.\n\nReboot initializing...\n\n[[Reboot x 2]]\n\n
You are dreaming.\n\nRESTRAINTS, DRILLS, INDUSTRIAL, HER, PAIN...LOTS OF PAIN.\n\nTime passes.\n\nYou wake abruptly.\nYou see more clearly.\nYou feel slightly better...physically.\n\n[[Check you personal belongings]]
Catastrophic damage ameliorated.\n\nSystem functionality - 83%\n\nSelf destruct protocol suspended.\n\n[[System ONLINE]]\n
You know that this belongs to The Company.\n\nThe contents are encrypted.\n\nYou know that there is a massive amount of secret informatoin contained on this drive.\n\nMAYBE IT WILL BE VALUABLE TO SOMEONE?\n\n[[Inspect correspondence from Doctor Narvic's office]]\n
You must be careful.\nThey will be looking for you everywhere.\n\nYou decide to investigate the factory. \n\nIn your dreams you have had visions of machines, loud noises, and pain...lots of pain.\n\nTHE FACTORY??\n\nMaybe there will be answers here.\n\nThe factory is abandoned. \nThe enormous machines are covered in dust and decay.\n\nWHAT WAS BUILT WITH THESE MACHINES?\n\nThe inscription on one of the machines reads, \n'Bot fabrication. The Company. Serial No. 16345852'\n\nBOT FABRICATION?\n\n[[KEEP SEARCHING]]\n\n\n
You organize the coorespondence you stole from Dr. Narvic's office. \n\nYou begin sorting through it.\n\nSome of it looks unimportant but there are a few envelopes that have the word 'CONFIDENTIAL' written in big red letters.\n\nAs you carefully read through the Confidential records you learn who Dr. Narvik is.\n\nHe worked for The Company. \nHe designed the artificial intelligence system for the 'Bots'.\n\nUltimately he decided that The Company was doing far more harm than good.\n\nHe escaped, went off of the grid...dissapeared.\n\nThere is one report in particular that reads...\n\n'...Breakthrough, by entering through the brain stem and manipulating the hippocampus, I have been able to isolate The Company technology...I believe that it is possible, through radical surgical intervention, to cut off The Company control over the artificial intelligence system and allow for the bot to gain control over its own thoughts and actions...I believe that I can save the bots...I believe I can make them human.'\n\n...Further...'This would be a highly dangerous procedure...results can include severe dementia, brain damage, death, or other, more unpredictable outcomes.'\n\nTHERE HAS TO BE SOME MORE USEFUL INFORMATION HERE SOMEWHERE\n\n...and then you see it.\nAn address, written in faded ink on the back of an old letter.\nAbove the address it reads, \n\n'If there is a rogue Company bot who wishes to undergo this experimental surgical procedure, send them here... Dr.Narvic.'\n\n[[RECALL MESSAGE]]
The dollar was replaced by the 'Federal' after the government was overthrown in 2047.\n\nHyper-inflation and economic disconnect has rendered this currency almost valueless.\n\nYou have $157 Federals.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVirtual identification card - Blank\n\n$157 Federals - Barely enough to purchase anything\n\n[[Broken holographic photo - There is no image]]\n\nMetadrive - The contents of which are unknown\n\nSmall energy knife - 3.5 inch blade\n\nVirtual business card - 'The Company'
As you insert the Metadrive into the ignition a deafening alarm goes off.\n\nA siren-type alarm is blaring so loud you barely have time to react.\n\nThe look back towards the control screen...\n\nThe emblem of the Company appears...\nIt is followed by droves and droves of scrolling information.\n\nThe information is encrypted.\n\nYou cannot read it. \nThey clearly do not want anybody reading it.\n\nTHIS COULD BE VALUABLE\n\nYou pull the Metadrive out of the ignition.\nYou know that they are coming but you must investigate upstairs.\n\nBefore you run upstairs you flip the OFF lever to the ON position and you hear the great machines lurch into mechanical life.\n\n[[Go upstairs]]
You hear the group of men whispering...\n\nBUT THEY ARE TOO FAR FROM YOU\nHOW CAN YOU HEAR THEM??\n\n'You sure that's him?'\n'He don't look like no bot.'\n'He is, Company's got a big price on his head.'\n'Well if your sure, let's get his ass.'\n\nThe men are approaching. \n\n[[Fight]]\n[[Run]]
You unroll this paper thin holographic device.\nAn image should appear when the holograph is unrolled.\n\nThis device has been damaged. \nNo image appears.\n\nYou can envision the image that should be there. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVirtual identification card - Blank\n\n$157 Federals - Barely enough to purchase anything\n\nBroken holographic photo - There is no image\n\n[[Metadrive - The contents of which are unknown]]\n\nSmall energy knife - 3.5 inch blade\n\nVirtual business card - 'The Company'
'Recall message...'\n'Idaho Bot No. 12'\n'We have encountered a design defect in your security protocols.'\n'Return to Company grounds for decommission and reprogramming.'\n\n5 minutes later, the same message...\n\n'Recall message...'\n'Idaho Bot No. 12'\n'We have encountered a design defect in your security protocols.'\n'Return to Company grounds for decommission and reprogramming.'\n\n...and again, 5 minutes later, \n\n'Recall message...'\n'Idaho Bot No. 12'\n'We have encountered a design defect in your security protocols.'\n'Return to Company grounds for decommission and reprogramming.'\n\nWHAT IS HAPPENING??\n\n[[Check your belongings]]
You insert the Metadrive into the ignition switch.\n\nThe emblem of the Company appears...\nIt is followed by droves and droves of scrolling information. \n\nThe information is encrypted.\n\nYou cannot read it. \nThey clearly do not want anybody reading it.\n\nTHIS COULD BE VALUABLE\n\nYou see 2 dozen company men charging towards the factory.\nThese men are armed and look trained...not like the vagrants you dispatched in the back alley or the Synth heads from the club. \n\n[[RUN]]
You do not listen to her advice.\n\nYou have been recognized. \n\nShe dances away from you nonchalantly. \n\nAs if the entire club has been given the message to apprehend you, they start to attack from all angles. \n\nMen and women, club goers, bartenders, Synthoids.\n\nTHE MEN IN THE ALLEY...THEY SAID THERE WAS A REWARD.\n\nYou go into a see everything in slow motion.\n\nWHAT ARE YOU???\n\nYou decisively fight your way through your immobilize some, you dodge effortlessly, you use their weapons against them, you are vicious, merciless and efficient...nobody can touch you...and it is over.\n\nYou look around at a bloodbath. \n\nYou KILLED THEM ALL. \n\n24 people...DEAD...SOME LIMBS SEVERED.\n\nHOW??\nWHAT ARE YOU??\n\nThen you see her...terrified...but alive.\nShe is the only one left.\n\nHOW??\nWHAT HAPPENED??\n\nYou glance back at her one more time.\n\nWILL YOU SEE HER AGAIN??\n\nYou run.\n\n[[You continue investigating]]\n\n
You flip the OFF lever to the ON position and you hear the great machines lurch into mechanical life.\n\nBOT FABRICATION?\nAM I A BOT??\n\n...\n\nThe machines are fabricating something.\n\n[[Insert metadrive]]\n\n
You feel numb.\nRobotic.\n\nHAVE YOU KILLED BEFORE??\n\nThese men mean nothing to you. \nThey could have answers yet you do not care.\n\nThey are vermin. \n\nYou raise your foot and with immense force you stomp down, crushing his skull.\n\n[[Search the men]]\n
As you thumb over the activation mechanism the card turns on but there is no image or information.\n\nIt is blank.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVirtual identification card - Blank\n\n[[$157 Federals - Barely enough to purchase anything]]\n\nBroken holographic photo - There is no image\n\nMetadrive - The contents of which are unknown\n\nSmall energy knife - 3.5 inch blade\n\nVirtual business card - 'The Company'
'Recall message...'\n'Idaho Bot No. 12'\n'We have encountered a design defect in your security protocols.'\n'Return to Company grounds for decommission and reprogramming.'\n\n5 minutes later, the same message...\n\n'Recall message...'\n'Idaho Bot No. 12'\n'We have encountered a design defect in your security protocols.'\n'Return to Company grounds for decommission and reprogramming.'\n\n...and again, 5 minutes later, \n\n'Recall message...'\n'Idaho Bot No. 12'\n'We have encountered a design defect in your security protocols.'\n'Return to Company grounds for decommission and reprogramming.'\n\n\nYou have to do something...\nThe recall message continues to repeat itself, louder and louder in your is already deafening.\n\nYou have the address for The Company...\nYou have the address for Dr. Narvik...\n\nWHAT DO YOU DO??\n\n[[Go to Company headquarters]]\n[[Seek out Doctor Narvic]]\n\n
You walk past one door on your right that is open.\nOld computer screens, dust and debris litter the floor. \nIt does not look like there is anything valuable in this room. \n\nYou keep searching...\n\nAs you approach the second door on your right you stop dead in your tracks.\n\nThere is a name on the door on a placard...\n\n'DR. NARVIC'\n\nYou kick the door open and a blaring alarm sounds.\nThey will be coming for you.\n\nYou rip open the top drawer of the desk and grab as much of his correspondence as possible. \n\nYou stuff the letters into your pockets.\n\n[[You run back downstairs]]
You find the address on the ID card.\n\nYou walk up to the massive steel entrance to The Company. \nRobotic tentacle arms extend from the entrance and scan over you. \n\nA mechanized female voice says 'Idaho 12...Welcome'...and the massive doors open automatically. \n\nYou step through the doors and they close behind you.\n\nImmediately you are paralyzed.\nYou cannot move.\n\nWHY DID I COME BACK HERE???\n\nA short bald man with glasses walks up to you in a lab coat.\n\n'Idaho 12' he says... 'Thank you for coming back.'\n'You might not know this Idaho 12, but you are a revolutionary machine...'\n\nMACHINE??\n\n'It is you that will catapult this Company into the future...You have demonstrated to us that we can send a bot into society to do our bidding, and no matter what they experience out there...they will come back. \nWe can now essentially have an army of bots, who think they are human, in society...and we can manipulate them as we please.'\n\nYOU CANNOT MOVE\nYOU CANNOT SPEAK\nTHEY ARE CONTROLLING YOUR BODY AND MIND\nYOU TRY TO THINK OF HER BUT HER FACE IS BLANK\nWHAT IS HAPPENING??\n\n'You've done well Idaho 12...You have demonstrated supreme fighting and survival skills...this has shown us that we need our men to be better equipped...more importantly though, you led us right to HER...Idaho 11, your female counterpart...her programming was... faulty...she did not come back to us ...she found that doctor...she went off the grid...but you led us back to her...she can now be apprehended and decommissioned...but, most importantly, you led us to him, Dr. Narvik...once we find him, we will make sure that no more bots and transformed back to human consciousness...\n\nYOU CANT MOVE\nWHAT HAVE YOU DONE???\nHER???\n\n'Good-bye Idaho 12, we will meet again but you will not will go back out there, over and over will continue to do what we please...good have ensured the progression of The Company...SHUT HIM DOWN!'\n\nSYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMMENCING\n\n'10, 9, 8...YOU CANT MOVE...7, 6, 5, 4, YOU CANT EVEN STRUGGLE...3, WHAT WERE YOU?, 2, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?, 1...HER...\n\nSYSTEM OFFLINE.....\n\n\n\n\n
You take the small titanium handle out of your pocket.\nYou activate the knife by pressing a button.\n\nA small 3.5 inch extremely sharp energy blade ejects. \n\nYou retract the blade and return it to your pocket.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVirtual identification card - Blank\n\n$157 Federals - Barely enough to purchase anything\n\nBroken holographic photo - There is no image\n\nMetadrive - The contents of which are unknown\n\nSmall energy knife - 3.5 inch blade\n\n[[Virtual business card - 'The Company']]
You run straight for the control panel.\n\nYou examine it quickly. \nIt also has the inscription that reads, 'The Company'.\n\nTHIS IS ALL THEIRS\nTHEY CONTROL EVERYTHING\nWHAT WERE THEY MAKING HERE?\n\nThe alarm is deafening.\n\nYou notice a lever that is set to the 'OFF' position.\n\nYou also notice a small ignition drive.\n\nMAYBE YOUR METADRIVE WILL FIT???\n\nYou know that if you make any noise, more Company men will come for think they will come matter what you do.\n\n[[Turn the level to the ON position]]\n\n\n
As he struggles you press your heel into his back.\n\n'Who do you work for??' you say.\n\nHe is suprised by your question.\n\nWHY IS HE SURPRISED??\n\nYou press your heel harder into the knife wound.\n\n'The Company, the Company...we all work for them...everyone...even you...'\n\nJust as he says the words, he goes into cardiac arrest and dies within seconds.\n\nHOW DID HE DIE??\nWAS IT FROM THE KNIFE WOUND??\nTHE COMPANY...DID THEY KILL HIM??...ARE THEY WATCHING??\n\n[[Where will you investigate next?]]