<font size="4">\n“Barnabas’ stomach felt a growing unease as he walked back to his locker. He knew Deni would be thrilled by the map. She would have all kinds of theories about what it meant, about some huge conspiracy that lay behind its existence. He knew that if he let her in on the secret, her fantasies of becoming a famous journalist ”\n\n“would immediately kick into high gear. She would break the story to the world, making a name for herself at 15. He could imagine her being interviewed on the news, all poised and serious. He imagined her hosting a documentary that would introduce a million viewers to the mysteries of the underground world: “And now, we’re arriving at the thrilling Doomlock Station!” she would say to the camera with breathless earnest. He felt himself burning with resentment as if all this had already happened. He thought, Does she think she can just go running after Calvin AND take credit for my map?”\n</font>\n\n<font size="3">\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11\n</font>\n\n<font size="5">\nChoose only ONE:\n\n1. Barnabus [[shows]] Deni the Map\n2. Barnabus [[does not show]] Deni the Map\n</font>
“The train was standing in the station, but the doors remained closed. Barnabas peered through the slatted windows, and he could make out a sign that read: “Deadly Steam! Secure Q clamps before decompressing!” As if to illustrate this obscure injunction, a cloud of mist drifted across the window, hiding the sign. The air seemed to have grown warmer, more humid. The man and woman were on their feet now, removing the straps from their cart and moving to stand behind the closed doors. \n\nA light turned on above the doors, and they slid open. A blast of wet heat entered, and mud, dark and smelly, oozed into the subway car from the platform. The man took a flashlight from his belt and shone the beam, uselessly, into the steam outside. What kind of disgusting subway station is this? Barnabas wondered. Whatever it was, whatever he had to endure, Barnabas was determined to get off here. As soon as these people…\n\nBefore the giants could exit, the thick steam disgorged a trio of terrifying figures. They were even taller than the[…]”\n\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11\n\nGet off at Lesser Holding Station in [[Toxic Steam]]
“There was no station announcement, and when he raised his head to peek through the gap between the machine’s arms, Barnabas saw nothing through the open doors but a dirty platform. There was no station name or ads on the concrete walls, no crowds of morning commuters — just a few men and women in coveralls getting off and few a getting on. Barnabas had planned to exit here, but now he wondered whether he should wait for something resembling a proper station. Still, he was only getting in deeper — literally deeper — the longer he stayed aboard.”\n\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11\n\nBattle [[Panther dog]]\n\nRun Back in train and hide until [[Lesser Holding Station]]
\n\nEncounter the panther dog.\n\n“ Huge as it was, it must have been a dog, though it was taller than he was and moved with the coiled menace of a panther, sinuous muscles rippling beneath its matted blue-grey coat. There was a thick, studded leather collar circling the dog’s powerful neck and a taut leash extended out to the platform.\nThe dog spotted Barnabas immediately, narrowing its eyes, showing teeth as long as a human finger, and growling. Barnabas hastily retreated to his hiding place. The man holding the leash entered the subway, and thankfully, he looked more than capable of controlling the beast. He must have been seven feet tall, barrel-chested, the biceps in his thick arms hard and round as two watermelons. ”\n\nThe [[Panther dog chases Barnabas onto the train]] still at the station]]\n\nRun the Panther dogs and get back on the train to [[Final Process Station]]
\nYou have reached to portal to Level 2 [coming soon]
<font size="4">\nBarnabus returns to school on the Greenline. He inspects the weird new line written on the map he still has. Barnabus is a bit late to videotape the assembly. Deni asks the mayor speaking at the assembly some tough questions but the mayor outmanouvers her. Seeing she is in trouble, Barnabus blurts out a question involving the construction of a new line. They mayor delines to answer the question. The assembly is brought to a closed. Deni is very angry at Barbabus for interrupting her questioning.\n</font>\n\ncontinue to [[map]]
\n“Despite the fact that the people in the car couldn’t see Barnabas, the massive dog seemed to know exactly where he was. It had lain down on the floor by the man’s feet, creating an astonishingly large puddle of drool, but slowly it was shifting its body, twist by turn, to get closer to his hiding place. Barnabas looked longingly at the open door. He didn’t know how long he had before the train left the station, but there was no way he could get past the beast who seemed eager for a chance to tear out his throat.\n\nThe chimes sounded and the doors slammed shut. Barnabas whimpered in frustration. The lights dimmed and the train jerked forward into the tunnel, resuming its roller-coaster descent, deeper and deeper into the earth. During one particularly tight turn, the dog slid halfway across the floor toward Barnabas, who saw, to his horror, that the man had relaxed his grip on the leash. Realizing it was free, the dog got carefully to its feet, its eyes shining hungrily. Its balance in the rocking train was impressive. Barnabas looked at the top of the machine in front of him and at the dog’s strong legs. It sure looked to him like the beast could leap right over and get him if it chose to do so.”\n\n\n“Just as the train levelled out and pulled into the next station, the dog tensed its back legs and made its leap. Up into the air it flew, its trajectory one that would easily clear the machine and land it on top of Barnabas. He screamed inaudibly, the sound lost under the identical scream of the braking wheels. The man looked up at that moment, tightened his huge fist around the leash, and the dog crashed back to the floor.”\n\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11\n\nSafe! Continue to [[Final Process Station]]\n
<font size="4">\n“With a sense of thrill and foreboding, he opened the last fold of the map, and there he saw another subway line, an Aqua Line that followed a strange, meandering path, first West, but then veering North to the edge of the city where the Tower District stood, and continuing… beyond.\n\nThe PA crackled once like it was clearing its throat before the announcement rang out: “A northbound Green Line train is approaching on track 5. Please make your way to track 5.”</font>\n\n<font size="2">\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks.<i> https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11 </i>\n</font>\n\n<font size="5">\nChoose only one:\n\nTake the [[Green Line]] and get to school\n\nTake the through to the unknown Aqua line [[Passage 3]]\n</font>
<font size="5">\n\nYou are about to go on an abridged tour of the subway from a YA novel called <i>Teetering</i> by J. Marshall Freeman\n\n\n<img src="file:///Users/scoderre/Documents/TWINE/images/teetering_cov.jpg" alt="Teetering Cover" height="400" width="250">\n\n\nContinue to [[Passage 1]]
“These new passengers were all very tall as if the population here on this side of Crumhorn consisted entirely of basketball players. Seven or eight of these giants — both men and women — entered the car. A few were in business clothes, carrying leather briefcases, but most were dressed in coveralls of various colours. They wore dented hardhats and muddy construction boots, and at their waists were wide web-belts full of unidentifiable tools. Some pushed large, wheeled machines, bristling with blades and hoses, or carts filled with bundles of piping and buckets full of bolts and widgets, coated blackly with oil.”\n\n“A station announcement rang out (a male voice and stern): “The outbound Aqua Line train will depart in one minute. Please secure all burdens and make sure your personal safety harnesses are firmly attached.” Barnabas stared at the open door nearest him. I should get up, he thought. I should go through that open door before this goes too far. He slid along the seat, ready to leave his hiding place, but as he stood on the big machine’s rubber wheel and peered out through the open door, he saw the guard in aqua walking slowly, purposefully down the platform, her eyes searching every corner of her world for infractions.”\n\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11\n\nGet off at [[Lesser Holding Station]]\n\nContinue on to [[Cracks Station]]\n
<font size="4">\n“Barnabas ran from end to end of the car and peered through the windows into the adjacent cars. He seemed to be the only one on the whole slowly-moving train. He tried to quell his panic and assess the situation calmly: he was somewhere he shouldn’t be, and if he was caught, he might be in trouble. But the panic he felt was mixed with another emotion: excitement. He was on an adventure! He was an Innervader, after all!\nThe train arrived at another platform, although considering how slow they’d been moving, Barnabas figured they must still be within the mammoth structure of Admiral Crumhorn ”\n\n“Station. There were people on the platform, and he instinctively ducked down and tried to decide his next move. He could wait for the doors to open and just march out confidently. He would just switch to the westbound platform and catch a train back to the normal world of the Yellow Line. “Sorry, I fell asleep,” he’d say if anyone challenged him.”\n</font>\n\n<font size="2">\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11\n\n</font>\n<font size="5">\n\nMake your choice Barnabus Avatar!\n\nHide and continue onto the [[Passage 3]]\n\n</font>
<font size=5>TEETERING Subway Journey</font>\n\n<img src="file:///Users/scoderre/Documents/TWINE/images/teetering_cov.jpg" alt="Teetering Cover" height="200" width="145">\n\n\n
“The next station was even hotter, and sweat poured off Barnabas’ forehead while the train sat there with the doors open. The floor was now filthy with mud, and the windows splattered and fogged. Giants got on and off, some with further unidentifiable machines that exuded smells like sour cabbage, or with carts bursting with scrap piping like a bowl of copper spaghetti.”\n\n[[Get off at Drum Station]]\n\nStay on train and go to [[Final Process Station]]\n\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11
<font size="3">\nJ. Marshall Freeman\n\nTwine Subway game by\nS. Charles Coderre\n</font>
“The platform was in the middle of a huge, paved yard that seemed to be a loading dock. Big trucks manoeuvred around each other, and cranes and forklifts raised wooden crates, bundles of lumber, and piles of gravel into the trucks. The area was bounded by huge warehouses that stood with their doors open, accepting and dislodging yet more weighty miscellany. To the other side of the subway platform was a bustling food depot where every type of conveyance, from small hand-carts to large trucks, was being filled with boxes of vegetables, huge slabs of raw meat, and a thousand little paper bags of ingredients.”\n\n“The overhead lights in the car came on abruptly, blindingly bright. The clown was inside his hiding place, standing on the machine’s rubber wheel and reaching out a bony hand toward him. Barnabas screamed as the clown pulled him out from behind the machine by his shirt-front, and in one smooth move, up onto a subway chair. The clown took the one beside him.”\n\n“The train suddenly levelled out. The brakes began their painful shriek. Through the mud-stained slit windows, Barnabas could see something resembling light. He gripped the pole in front of him as much to keep his mind from flying off into madness as to brace himself against the forces of deceleration.\nThey must have been going terribly fast, because it took the train more than a minute to stop. Finally when the shriek of the brakes couldn’t be any louder, the train gave a final shudder and came to a decisive halt. It seemed to exhale deeply, like it too was relieved to reach the end of the ride. All was still for a moment, and then the doors opened.”\n\n\nExcerpt From: J. Marshall Freeman. “Teetering.” iBooks. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/teetering/id1167640722?mt=11\n\n[[Get off and find Wickram]] with Flastep the Clown\n\nStay on and go to [[Doomlock Station]]
Face giants with large dogs\n\n
Barnabas does not show Deni his map. Klevver, the mayor's security man, confronts Barnabas just as the crowd lets out of the auditorium. Klevver shoves Barnabas into the locker and locks it. Deni later lets him out. \n\nInstead of telling them about the map, Barnabas tries to show them how his new gift, a diaboriku, works. He fails at first and then the gift creates a giant monster which attacks he, Deni, and Cavlin; only to disappear when Barnabas drops the diaboriku.\n\nThey test out the diaboriku and finds out that it transforms whatever object it is pointed at into a giant monster.\n\nThe friends soon separate, leaving Barnabas alone. At this time, Klevver sneaks up on him. Klevver demands to know why B asked the mayor a question about new subway lines. He holds B upside down over the stairwell railing. \n\nMayor Tupplebaum arrives and makes the guard put him down. Barnabas makes up a story to explain that he heard some subway workers talking about a "secret subway line". The principal interrupts them. She scolds B for asking rude questions. B goes back to class.\n\nBarnabas suddenly remembers that the diaboriku has fallen down the stairs. He goes to pick it up and the toy rolls away from him, outside, through alleys. B loses the toy.\n\nHowever, he finds out that Mr. Glower, the man he saw with the strange boy in the subway before, has picked it up. Glower returns it to B and then climbs into a limo and leaves.\n\n\n</font>\n\n\n<font size="5">\nFor all the above, the total is 10 points!\n\nGo to [[Passage 2]]\n</font>
<font size="4">\n</font>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nContinue on to [[Passage 3]]