It's saturday, you walk into a small comic book store and notice an unusually large number of pokemon plushies and a faint smell of body odor. There's no mistaking it, there is a Premier Challenge at this store today. Go on and sign up!
[[Right on! time to win this->Sign up]]
[[Actually I don't really want to play at this PC, wouldnt want to risk getting paired up with a junior and losing->Wuss end]]You walk over to the sign up table, pay your $15 ($15 for a PC! Madness!) and fill out your team sheet. You fill out your team sheet without error (this is a fantasy story after all) and take a seat waiting for round 1 pairings to be posted
[[Talk to your friends while you wait->Friends talk]]
[[I have no friends, I'm going to look at memes on my phone instead->Memes]]Good point, that would be pretty embarrassing, plus the prize support at this Premier Challenge isn't good enough for a player of your caliber. You go home and watch anime for 3 hours then go to bed wondering why you never seem to take any intiative in your life.
Congratulations! You TECHNICALLY made it out of this PC without getting your reputation as a pokemon player irreperably damaged, but at what cost? I mean I guess no one other than you and me will know that you ran away, cowering in fear at the thought of playing a 9 year old in pokemon, but how will you live with yourself?
Game Over
[[Start Over->PC Start]]You talk with your friends for 20 minutes about the optimal arcanine spread and all talk about how you hope no one runs lillikoal at this PC. Oh look! Pairings just got posted
[[Go check the pairings->Pairings]]You look at memes on your phone for 20 minutes, but just end up disappointing yourslef as people are still posting that stupid "Guy checks out other girl while his girlfriend is watching" meme. Oh look! Pairings just got posted!
[[Go check the pairings->Pairings]]Pairings are posted, turns out there are only 15 players at this PC so juniors and seniors will be mixed in with masters. Also this PC is going to be Bo1, better not mess up! You check your pairings and find your name. "Robert McGaffey Jr? Never heard of him" You think as you glance at your pairings, but then upon closer inspection you notice something terrifying, that (JR) was not part of his name, but actually an indication that little Bobby is a junior. "Ehhh he's a junior, should be an easy win!" You think to yourself, trying to suppress the fear that a loss in a crazy bo1 PC to this boy would be impossible to recover from
[[Go sit at your table->Table]]
[[Fake a health issue to get out of the tournament->Ambulance]]You fall to the floor and lie on your back, faking that you are having a health issue to try to get out of the tournament. Immeidiately noticing your injury, the largest player in the area exclaims "Don't worry! I know CPR!"
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With agility uncharacteristic to a man of his size, the player rushs on top of you to perform CPR before you even realize what is happening. In the Chaos, you end up breaking your wrist and actually need to go to a hospital.
[[Go to hospital->Hospital]]You sit down at the table and accross from you sits a smug little 9 year old kid
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"Hello My name is Robert! I am so glad that I get to play pokemon against a big kid today! I also like trains and my mom still breast feeds me"
[[Umm OK, thats kinda weird->Game 1]]
[[Get ready to get wrecked you fucking dweeb->Warning]]You arrive at the hospital and receive treatment for your broken wrist. The wrist cast is a little annoying but you'll live. The real annoyance comes when you get a bill for $5000 (and you thought $15 PC registration was bad!) in the mail for what ammounted to paper mache and asprin
[[Sadly pony up the money and go on with your life->Injury end]]
[[Hey wait I'm not an American I don't have to pay that $5000 for just a little broken wrist->Silly europeans]]You have to take a brief break from pokemon due to your wrist injury, and people are still going to make fun of you behind your back because it was kinda funny that you fell over like an idiot that one time. But at least they won't be able to make fun of you for losing to a junior!
Game Over
[[Go back to previous check point->Pairings]]Hey screw you this is my story and if I say you're paying an imaginary $5000 for health coverage then you damn well better pay it
[[Ok fine ->Injury end]] Alright, time to start game 1. He is only 9 years old it can't be that hard to beat him right
[[Go for the obvious play->Good play]]
[[Go for a read->Bad play]]
[[Go for hax->Hax play]]<img src="">
"JUDGE! THIS KID IS SAYING BAD WORDS!" Exclaims little robert. With little delay, a judge rushes over to your table. You are surprised to notice that this PC is actually being judged by The Honoroable Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Roberts and he is dressed in full Supreme Court apparael.
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"Son, you know swearing is unacceptable! I have no choice but to issue you a formal warning. If I catch you breaking the rules again you will be disqualified from this tournament and also that would mean you technically lost to a junior which is really embarassing"
[[Sorry your Honor, it won't happen again->Game 1]]
[[This is some real bullshit->Navy Seal]]<img src="">
"What the heck did you just say to me, you little Lillikoal player? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Pokemon Judging, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on VGCheaters, and I have over 300 confirmed DQs. I am trained in team sheet checking and I’m the top warning giver in the entire wolf pack. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will disqualify you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that stuff to me at a Premier challenge? Think again, Pheromosa user. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of judgess across the USA and your Player ID is being reported right now so you better prepare for the storm, you little Tapu bulu user. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your Championship point rating. You’re done, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can disqualify you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unsportsmanlike conduct identification, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Verlisify and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable team off the face of the continent, you little PkHEXer. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you idiot. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re banned, kiddo."
You are officially banned from all pokemon competition, and everyone knows that you lost to a junior. Your life is ruined, you have no friends and even your body pillow won't talk to you anymore.
[[Start Over->PC Start]] Good call! He is only 9 so the obvious play totally works against him. Now you're in a great position what play will you make.
[[On to turn 2->Good position]] You go for the ballsy read turn 1, which falls totally flat because he goes for the obvious play. He's a 9 year old kid! Not Ray Rizzo! I'm not sure why you would go for a read against a 9 year old but you're in a deep hole, how will you get out of it?
[[Think carefully about my plays and try to get out of it->Normal loss]]
[[Click Rock Slide->Hax play]]
Oh wow, you're really going for the hax against a 9 year old! You're such a good player! You do you but that's kinda gross. Fortunately for you, you get the hax and poor little Bobby looks like he is about to cry
[[I knew I would get the hax!->Good position]] You go for the safe play like the little coward you are. Looks like you should've just gone full coward and dropped out of the PC or faked an injury or something because you get frozen by an ice beam and stay frozen for 15 turns, leading to your demise.
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"I DID IT! I BEAT A BIG KID!" little Bobby exclaims, "Thanks for playing with me!" He says before extending his hand for a handshake. You, still stunned from your terrible luck, give him a limp fish handshake and hope no one remembers this.
But everyone remembers, you are forever tormented for your loss and when you die the epitath of your gravestone makes sure to point out that you lost to a junior this one time at a PC in 2017.
Game Over
[[Return to checkpoint->Game 1]] You go for two conescutive unnecessary swords dances, but since your opponent is 9 it still ends up working out for you. You manage to beat the junior
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"Oh well, I guess you can't win every time" says little bobby, who is noticably upset but still composing himself. "Thanks for playing me!" He says as you shake his hand.
That was a close one! But you managed to make it out with your dignity in tact!
You win!
[[Play Again->PC Start]] Really, that's how you want to decide whether or not you lose to a junior? Just go for hax and hope for the best? I must say no matter what happens here I am personally disappointed in you.
You do manage to get the hax, and little bobby is devastated
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"I can't believe this happened to me!" Says bobby, as tears pour down his face. "I was playing so good but now I get unlucky, this is just like when I behave myself at home but my daddy hits me anyway". You do your best to console poor little bobby but to no avail
You do manage to escape with your dignity as a player, but everyone thinks your kind of an ass for making a little kid cry like that.
You win!
[[Play Again->PC Start]] You give a valiant effort to overcome your first turn blunder but it's not enough, you end up losing to this little kid
<img src="">
"I DID IT! I BEAT A BIG KID!" little Bobby exclaims, "Thanks for playing with me!" He says before extending his hand for a handshake. You, still stunned from your terrible luck, give him a limp fish handshake and hope no one remembers this.
But everyone remembers, you are forever tormented for your loss and when you die the epitath of your gravestone makes sure to point out that you lost to a junior this one time at a PC in 2017.
Game Over
[[Return to checkpoint->Game 1]] That play put you in a good position! Time to end him! how will you do this?
[[Play it safe, go for the drawn out win->Get Haxed]]
[[Start showboating ->Showboat play]]
[[Go for hax ->Hax play 2]]