(set: $startseen to true) { (if: (datavalues: $player) is (a: 0,0))[You are standing at the door of the [[Outpost]].] (else:)[(display: "compass")] } (if: (datavalues: $player) is not (a: 0,0))[(if: $loc is in $visited)[You have searched this area already.] (if: (datavalues: $player) is (datavalues: $part))[(if: $partfound is false)[(set: $event to true)]A [[peculiar structure]] has been built here: planks of wood and strips of metal bound together with cord.](elseif: $player's X > 11 or $player's X < (-11) or $player's Y > 11 or $player's Y < (-11))[(display: "cat")(if: $never is true)[ [[cat]] ]](else:)[(display: "event")(if: $never is true)[ [[event]] ]]] (if: $event is false)[ { <center><center><table><tr><td>(link: "Northwest")[(set: $player's Y to it + 1)(set: $player's X to it - 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td> <td>(text-colour: "black")[ ]</td> <td> (link: "North")[(set: $player's Y to it + 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td> <td>(text-colour: "black")[ ]</td> <td> (link: "Northeast")[(set: $player's Y to it + 1)(set: $player's X to it + 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td></tr> <tr></tr> } { <tr><td> (link: "West")[(set: $player's X to it - 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td><td></td> <td>O</td> <td>(text-colour: "black")[ ]</td> <td> (link: "East")[(set: $player's X to it + 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td></tr> <tr></tr> } { <tr><td> (link: "Southwest")[(set: $player's Y to it - 1)(set: $player's X to it - 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td> <td>(text-colour: "black")[ ]</td> <td> (link: "South")[(set: $player's Y to it - 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td> <td>(text-colour: "black")[ ]</td> <td> (link: "Southeast")[(set: $player's Y to it - 1)(set: $player's X to it + 1)(set: $loc to (datavalues: $player))(goto: "movement")] </td></tr></table> } ] <!--CODE AND TESTING INFORMATION: Player datavalues: (print: (datavalues: $player)). Loc: $loc. Visited: $visited. Part: (print: (datavalues: $part))--> { (set: $visited to $visited + (a: $loc)) }{ (set: $player to (datamap: "X", 0, "Y", 0)) (set: $visited to (array: "start")) (set: $loc to "locstart") (set: $event to false) (set: $eventchance to 0) (set: $never to false) (set: $cat to 0) (set: $catseen to 0) (set: $bloatershot to false) (set: $part to (datamap: "X", (either: (random: 3, 10), (random: (-3), (-10))), "Y", (either: (random: 3, 10), (random: (-3), (-10))))) (set: $partfound to false) } (text-style: "blurrier")[(text-colour: "grey")[(font: "Stencil")[THE OWL OUR SKY THE SILENCE OUR HOME]]] The outpost is bare. Whatever furnishings it once had have been stripped away, and the [[etheric gate]] stands ruined. The text daubed across the wall makes you feel uneasy. You would almost feel safer [[outside->movement]].{You can (if: $player's X >= 11 or $player's X <= (-11) or $player's Y >= 11 or $player's Y <= (-11))[ no longer] (elseif: $player's X >= 7 or $player's Y >= 7 or $player's X <= (-7) or $player's Y <= (-7))[ barely] see the Outpost's beacon (if: $player's X < 11 and $player's Y < 11 and $player's X > (-11) and $player's Y > (-11))[ (if: $player's X < 3 and $player's Y < 3 and $player's X > (-3) and $player's Y > (-3))[nearby ] (elseif: $player's X < 5 and $player's Y < 5 and $player's X > (-5) and $player's Y > (-5))[] (elseif: $player's X < 7 and $player's Y < 7 and $player's X > (-7) and $player's Y > (-7))[dimly ] to the <!--Northeast Quarter--> (if: $player's Y >= 0 and $player's X >= 0)[ (if: $player's Y > ($player's X * 2))[south] (elseif: $player's X > ($player's Y * 2))[west] (else:)[southwest] ] <!--Southeast Quarter--> (elseif: $player's Y <= 0 and $player's X >= 0)[ (if: ($player's Y * (-1)) > ($player's X * 2))[north] (elseif: $player's X > ($player's Y * (-1)) * 2)[west] (else:)[northwest] ] <!--Southwest Quarter--> (elseif: $player's Y <= 0 and $player's X <= 0)[ (if: ($player's Y * (-1)) > ($player's X * (-1) * 2))[north] (elseif: $player's X * (-1) > ($player's Y * (-1)) * 2)[east] (else:)[northeast] ] <!--Northwest Quarter--> (elseif: $player's Y >= 0 and $player's X <= 0)[ (if: $player's Y > ($player's X * (-1) * 2))[south] (elseif: $player's X * (-1) > ($player's Y * 2))[east] (else:)[southeast]]]. }$player - $visited - $loc - $X - $Y - (print: (datavalues: $part1))(if: $partfound is false)[(set: $partfound to true)You approach the structure, and see that it is in fact some kind of shrine or altar. Strings of mouse skulls hang motionless from its frame, but your attention is drawn elsewhere. (text-style: "blurrier")[(text-colour: "grey")[(font: "Stencil")[FOR THE GLORY OF THE OWL WHO SHIELDS US FROM THE STARS IN OUR HOUR OF ASCENSION WE BREAK THE WORLD'S THIN BARS]]] The words encircle a long aluminium spike, wreathed in coils of bright copper. This, you realise, is the piercing spire from the outpost's gate. You hesitate to disturb this eerie shrine, but, as the spire is your only means of escape from this place, you realise there is nothing to do but [[take it->take the spire]].](else:)[(text-style: "blurrier")[(text-colour: "grey")[(font: "Stencil")[FOR THE GLORY OF THE OWL WHO SHIELDS US FROM THE STARS IN OUR HOUR OF ASCENSION WE BREAK THE WORLD'S DIM BARS]]] The altar lies empty, but the words remain. You feel a shiver run down your spine. You think it would be wise to [[leave this place alone->movement]].]{ (set: $eventchance to (random: 0, 20)) (if: $eventchance < 3)[(display: "minor event")] (if: $eventchance is 10)[(set: $event to true)(display: (either: "needlehead", "bloater", "eighth echo", "cult echo"))] (if: $never is true)[ [[minor event]] [[needlehead]] [[bloater]] [[eighth echo]] [[cult echo]] ] }You hear a voice. //(either: "Hi!", "Hello!", "Excuse me?", "Oi!", "Hey!", "Hi!", "Frank?", "Frank!")// it calls, //(either: "Hi!", "Hello!", "Excuse me?", "Oi!", "Hey!", "Hi!", "Is that you?", "Are you there?")// You hesitate before [[calling back->needlehead call]], wondering if it might be a better idea to [[remain silent->needlehead remain silent]].A floating gasbag of a creature appears overhead, several dozen long, willowy tongues dragging leisurely across the surface of the mud. The beast is vast: vast enough that your feeble lantern illuminates only a portion of its great bulk. Slowly, ponderously, it drifts [[towards you->bloater towards you]].{ (either: "(set: $cat to it + 1)", "") }(if: $cat > 2)[(set: $event to true)Something darts across the periphery of your vision, skirting the border of the lantern's light. You cannot see enough to make out what it is: only that something so big should not be able to move so fast. You wait, hands shaking, weapon trained on the place it vanished into the dark. You feel a cold breath across the back of your neck. (text-colour: "red")[You spin to face the creature, but not in time to make out what it is: only that its jaws are as wide as your head.] [[(Restart.)->start]]] {(elseif: $cat > 1 and $catseen < 2)[(set: $catseen to 2)Something stirs nearby. You catch a flicker of movement in the lanternlight, a glimpse of teeth in the dark.] (elseif: $cat > 0 and $catseen < 1)[(set: $catseen to 1)An unpleasant electric sensation prickles across your scalp.] }//Hello?// you call back. //Who's there?// There is no response. You begin to think you might have simply imagined the voice: the dark can do that to you. Then something steps slowly into the light. It is not human. The creature is about the size of a lurcher, walking on four limbs, though arms or legs is difficult to say. Your attention is fixed on its head: a tapered spike with no discernible organs or orifices. The vents lining its neck twitch and strain. //(either: "Give us a smoke.", "[[Put the light out!->needlehead put the light out]]", "I keep telling you! In the fusebox!")// It is not the same voice as before. The thing is hideous. You [[stay where you are->needlehead stay where you are]], ready to [[shoot->needlehead shoot]].You wait and listen. You think you hear something moving nearby, but the voice does not call again. Wondering if you might only have imagined it, you decide to (link: "move on")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]].Surprised to hear this demand, you comply. You switch off the lantern and stand in the dark, feeling foolish. //What now?// you ask, after a pause. A cluster of tentacles curl around your hand, still holding the lantern. Struggling to [[avoid flinching->needlehead avoid flinching]], you ready your weapon, preparing to [[shoot->needlehead close gunshot]].The creature approaches. You cast the lantern about, but can see nothing. If there are any others, they are keeping their distance. As the beast draws near, the front of its head stretches open, a cluster of tendrils reaching to coil around your hand holding the lantern. Its attention totally absorbed, it no longer speaks. You don't want to [[risk losing the lantern->needlehead risk losing the lantern]], but you'd also prefer not to risk the sound of [[a gunshot->needlehead close gunshot]].You line up the sights and put a bullet through the animal's torso. It screeches, not with a voice but with a terrible, inhuman cry. You fire again, and it falls silent. As the sound of the shot fades, you begin to hear things skittering in the dark. Vicious, tapered faces strike into the pool of light as a creature approaches, then vanish just as quickly. On each attempt they draw a little closer. You hesitate, not sure if it would be best to [[flee->needlehead flee]] or [[stand your ground->needlehead stand your ground]].The creature's tendrils wrap around your arm, then retract. Its curiosity satisfied, it takes a few steps back before speaking in a new voice. { //To the (text-colour: "yellow")[<!--Northeast Quarter--> (if: $part's Y >= 0 and $part's X >= 0)[ (if: $part's Y > ($part's X * 2))[north] (elseif: $part's X > ($part's Y * 2))[east] (else:)[northeast] ] <!--Southeast Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y <= 0 and $part's X >= 0)[ (if: ($part's Y * (-1)) > ($part's X * 2))[south] (elseif: $part's X > ($part's Y * (-1)) * 2)[east] (else:)[southeast] ] <!--Southwest Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y <= 0 and $part's X <= 0)[ (if: ($part's Y * (-1)) > ($part's X * (-1) * 2))[south] (elseif: $part's X * (-1) > ($part's Y * (-1)) * 2)[west] (else:)[southwest] ] <!--Northwest Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y >= 0 and $part's X <= 0)[ (if: $part's Y > ($part's X * (-1) * 2))[north] (elseif: $part's X * (-1) > ($part's Y * 2))[west] (else:)[northwest]]],// it says. //For the glory of the Owl, build it to the (text-colour: "yellow")[<!--Northeast Quarter--> (if: $part's Y >= 0 and $part's X >= 0)[ (if: $part's Y > ($part's X * 2))[north] (elseif: $part's X > ($part's Y * 2))[east] (else:)[northeast] ] <!--Southeast Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y <= 0 and $part's X >= 0)[ (if: ($part's Y * (-1)) > ($part's X * 2))[south] (elseif: $part's X > ($part's Y * (-1)) * 2)[east] (else:)[southeast] ] <!--Southwest Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y <= 0 and $part's X <= 0)[ (if: ($part's Y * (-1)) > ($part's X * (-1) * 2))[south] (elseif: $part's X * (-1) > ($part's Y * (-1)) * 2)[west] (else:)[southwest] ] <!--Northwest Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y >= 0 and $part's X <= 0)[ (if: $part's Y > ($part's X * (-1) * 2))[north] (elseif: $part's X * (-1) > ($part's Y * 2))[west] (else:)[northwest]]].// } Without another word, the creature slinks back into the darkness, leaving you perplexed and a little unsettled. You resolve to (link: "move on quickly")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]].You plant the muzzle of your revolver against the creature's cartilaginous head. Reacting to the sudden contact, it lashes out faster than you could possibly have expected, mouthparts like wire saws whipping across the flesh of your arm. You drop the lantern (if: (history:)'s last is not "needlehead put the light out")[ and the glass cracks, plunging you into total darkness]. In the flash of your gunshot you see the creature as it flees. But it was not alone. You hear a multitude of calls from nearby, a cross between whalesong and a seagull's cry. (text-colour: "red")[You make a run for the outpost. You do not get far.] [[(Restart.)->start]]You remain perfectly still, hoping that the creature will simply leave of its own accord. It releases your hand and speaks once more. { //(text-colour: "yellow")[(if: $part's X is not 0)[ (if: $part's X > 0)[(print: $part's X) to the east] (if: $part's X < 0)[(print: $part's X * (-1)) to the west], ] (if: $part's Y is not 0)[ (if: $part's Y > 0)[(print: $part's Y) to the north] (if: $part's Y < 0)[(print: $part's Y * (-1)) to the south]]] . This is where it must be. This is the place the Owl has selected.// } You wait what feels like a long time before turning the lantern back on. When you do, (link: "the creature is gone")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]].You run, and thankfully the creatures do not pursue you. You (link: "continue")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]] hurriedly on your way.You stay put, casting the lantern about, careful not to give any of the creatures an opportunity to strike from behind. You are keenly aware that you have already used two shots, but there's no time to reload. You hear a noise from behind you and wheel around to look. A whole pack of the things is lurking en masse at the edge of the light. You fire before you even have a chance to aim. The group scatters, but one remains. A mass of tendrils has emerged from the tip of its snout, each lined with wicked barbs, all buried in the flesh of its dead comrade. It backs away swiftly, dragging a line of entrails behind it. Apparently they weren't interested in you anyway. You (link: "leave them to it")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]].(if: $partfound is true)[You've done it. Slotting the disruption spire back into the machine is a necessarily trivial task. Starting the generator and priming the machine are similarly straightforward. The tuning coil is already matched to a sister gate somewhere inwards of the first layer: somewhere in the real world. But still, peering through the crackling window between the worlds, you can't help but wonder exactly where you will be taken. Though you know there is nothing for you here, you hesitate to [[step through]].]{ }(else:)[The gate's ontological disruption spire has been detached from the main body of the machine and is nowhere to be seen. You do not have the tools—let alone the knowledge—necessary to produce a makeshift replacement, and even if you did this world lacks even the most basic raw materials. It is a cold, primitive place. And [[you are trapped here->Outpost]].]You force all the air out of your lungs, close your eyes, and throw yourself through the turbulent gate. A wave of energy passes through you—or you through it—making your bones judder within your skin. You [[open your eyes]].(display: "startup") It is [[dark]]. (if: $startseen is true)[[[(Skip this section.)->Outpost]]]You reach for the lightswitch, but instead of the familiar textured wallpaper of your room at the university, you find only cloth and metal. It is then that you remember the expedition. The jeep. The sudden, unexpected lurch. In front of you, [[a light flickers into life]].[[The engine is on fire.]]You reach about the footwell and grab your lantern. Without it, you would struggle to [[escape the car]] or [[check the driver]].You stumble out into the open, casting the lantern across the body of the vehicle. Through the flames, you can make out deep gouges in the metal, bright streaks where the paint has been stripped away. Yet there is nothing here. Nothing that the car could have struck. In the total darkness of the Alterworld, something shifts, slowly following the deep tyre tracks. You [[shut the light off and run]].You snap on the lantern and look to your right. The driver is gone. So are the seat, the door, and most of the roof. Shredded canvas waves gently in the draft of the engine, now burning brightly. You grab the doorhandle and shove your way [[out of the jeep->escape the car]].You run until the flames of the engine are out of sight, the sounds of the creature out of earshot. You reach to turn on the lantern once again, but hesitate. There is a light in the distance. A pulsing, violet light. A [[beacon]].You have no idea what the beacon marks. You have no idea where you are. But you do know one thing: that light is your best chance of survival. In darkness, [[you approach]], hoping to escape the notice of anything nearby.The beacon sits atop a small, prefabricated concrete structure. A wave of relief washes over you. No smugglers, no poachers: this is exactly the sort of solid, simple building used to house research teams in the Alterworld. You knock on the door. //Hello?// you call. //Excuse me?// The door swings inwards at your touch—it is not presently secured—but there is no answer, no light from [[inside->inside outpost]].You wonder for a moment if this place might have been abandoned before you remember the beacon, quietly blinking on its pylon atop the roof. If this place has been abandoned, it has been abandoned in the last few hours. //Hello?// you call again. You [[shine your lantern about the room->Outpost]].Copy this into the "movement" passage to see where the player and part are (aleng with a couple of other helpful variables). CODE AND TESTING INFORMATION: Player datavalues: (print: (datavalues: $player)). Loc: $loc. Visited: $visited. Part: (print: (datavalues: $part))As you touch the metal, all the hairs on your scalp begin to prickle. You (link: "hope")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]] this is merely due to some etheric charge lingering in the spire.{ (either: "You hear murmuring in the distance, or you think you do. It is very quiet here.", "Something like a moth tumbles through the air in front of you. It shows no interest in the light of your lantern whatsoever.", "A peculiar creature drifts overhead, pulsing with a light the colour of bread mould.", "You feel something crawling up your leg. Acting on instinct, you try to grab it. The creature whips away into the darkness, leaving you holding a single wiry tentacle, flailing wildly of its own accord. You drop the vile thing post haste.", "A deep, resounding call makes the ground reverberate beneath your feet. After an interval of a few moments, you hear an answering call, coming apparently from a distance of several miles.", "Something brushes past your ear. You shine your light about frantically, but can find no trace of it. You convince yourself you must have imagined the entire episode.", "You try to recall when you last replaced the batteries in your lantern.", "You press a hand to your breast pocket, feeling the hard contours of the revolver through the fabric. It is a small comfort to you.", "You put your foot through a nest of some kind. Once you're reasonably certain you've brushed all its swarming inhabitants from your trousers, you continue on your way.", "You suddenly become aware of something looming in the periphery of your vision. As you turn your head, it vanishes into the darkness.", "A flat, oily-looking creature bursts from the ground in front of you. By the time you manage to fumble your weapon out of your pocket, it has already darted away, leaving no trace of its presence but a cloud of foul-smelling phosphorescent vapour.", "You startle some bulbous, gelatinous creature feeding on an outcrop of spongy vegetable matter. With a loud squeal, it bursts open, ejecting a few of its internal organs in one direction while flopping away in the other.", "A blind, buoyant creature strides through the lanternlight on spindly legs. It is surprisingly graceful for something so bizarre." ) }You are standing in an unfurnished room, the walls damp brick. Besides your lantern, and the sparks cast from the gate behind you, the place is unlit. There are no windows, leaving you uncertain as to whether it is day or night. There is only a single [[flight of stairs]].You climb the stairs and push open the door at the top. It is exceptionally heavy, and you find that you must put your whole weight against it to pass through. The reason for this becomes apparent as soon as you step into the next room. The door is not a door: it is a bookcase. You are in a library. A small library, but a library nonetheless. Each wall is lined with books, and there is a large square table in the centre of the floor, a dozen or so slim volumes scattered across it. You pick one up. //HYMNS OF THE HENGE// You pick up another, and find it is the same. All the volumes are the same: all rough-edged paper, inexpertly stitched together. You take one to the window—noting as you do so that it appears to be evening—and turn to the first page, but you are distracted by a noise from [[behind you]].A man in the doorway: on his face there is a feathered mask, in his hand there is a leather cosh. He lunges for you. With no time to draw your revolver, escape is your only option: but [[forwards, through the door]], or [[back, down the stairs]]?You dart forwards, catching your assailant unawares. Stepping in past the swing of his weapon, you tug at his mask, dragging it down over his eyes as you shove past through the door. You stop. You are in a small but lavishly decorated chapel. However, this is not what gives you pause. The first two or three rows of pews are all full, occupied by men in neatly tailored suits. Three dozen heads all turn to face you, and yet no eyes are upon you. Each man's head is covered my a mask, crafted in the likeness of some denizen of the Alterworld. You hear a heavy footfall behind you, feel a sharp blow across the back of your head. You fall. Lying on the rough stone floor, you notice for the first time the figure on the altar. Not Christ, but a sprawling mass of wings and eyes. [[The room spins.->end]]You make a dash for the stairs, leaving your attacker behind as he rounds the table. You take the steps three at a time, stumbling for want of the lantern you left in the library. You jump back through the gate and hastily stop the machine. [[The window closes with an electric snap.->end]] It is dark.You hear a man's voice in the distance. //Can anybody hear me?// You stop and listen? //Can anybody hear me?// comes the question again, more forceful this time, an edge of panic to it. //Hello? Hello?// You hesitate, not sure whether to [[approach->eighth echo approach]] the man or quietly turn off your light and [[walk away->eighth echo walk away]].You follow the sound of the voice and soon come across a figure huddled over on the ground. With one hand, he clutches a small, rugged microphone to his face. With the other, he adjusts the dials of a shortwave radio. //This is Gerald Smythe of the Eighth Expedition. I have become separated from my unit and my apparatus is not functional.// He releases the transmit button and takes a deep, ragged breath, the air rattling noisily through the gasmask strapped to his face. He speaks into the radio once more. //I fear that I am trapped here. I...I can't see. If anybody can hear this, please respond.// Despite his desperate attempts to attract help, he appears completely oblivious to your presence. You could either [[make yourself known->eighth echo make yourself known]] or [[take the opportunity to leave->eighth echo walk away]].You snap off your lantern and silently take your leave. You do not turn it on again until you have reached the other side of a low ridge, by which time (link: "you no longer hear the voice")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]] at all.You reach out and gently place a hand on the man's shoulder. (text-colour: "red")[(live: 1s)[(text-style: "expand")[He turns to face you.]] (live: 2s)[(text-style: "expand")[He turns to face you.]] (live: 3s)[(text-style: "expand")[He turns to face you.]] (live: 4s)[(text-style: "expand")[He turns to face you.]] (live: 5s)[(text-style: "expand")[He turns to face you.]]] (live: 7s)[[[(Restart.)->start]]]//Stop! Who's there?// A short, stocky man in a grubby overcoat lurches into the ring of lanternlight, apparently as surprised to see you as you are him. Before you even have a chance to speak, he lifts a snub-nosed pistol, waving it in your general direction. The fact that he's spoken to you at all, rather than firing in the dark, suggests that you still have a chance to [[explain yourself->cult echo explain yourself]]. However, you have no way of knowing how he'll react if you do. You could attempt to [[shoot first->cult echo shoot first]] or [[escape into the darkness->cult echo escape into the darkness]]: curiously, the man does not appear to be carrying a light.You raise both hands. //Don't shoot,// you say. //I don't mean any harm.// //Stand up!// he demands. You take a breath to reply, but realise there is nothing you can say. You are already standing, and this man is clearly unhinged. //Put down the radio!// He waves the gun at something just to your left. //Put down the radio and take off that mask! I won't ask again.// You look at the place his attention is fixed, but there is nothing there. You consider whether it would be safer to [[stay where you are->cult echo stay where you are]] or [[attempt to leave->cult echo attempt to leave]].Against all odds, you manage to draw your weapon before he can fire. You hastily line up the sights of your revolver and pull the trigger. In the light of the muzzle flash, for the very first time, he meets your gaze. (text-colour: "red")[(live: 1s)[(text-style: "expand")[The bullet finds its mark.]] (live: 2s)[(text-style: "expand")[The bullet finds its mark.]] (live: 3s)[(text-style: "expand")[The bullet finds its mark.]] (live: 4s)[(text-style: "expand")[The bullet finds its mark.]] (live: 5s)[(text-style: "expand")[The bullet finds its mark.]]] (live: 7s)[[[(Restart.)->start]]]You snap off your lantern and run as fast as you can, hoping to avoid the shot in the darkness. However, it never comes. You slow to a walk, moving as silently as you can over the waterlogged ground, watching always for lights on the horizon, but there is nobody following you. You are about to turn on your lantern once more when, without warning, a single gunshot echoes across the mire. You wait a little longer before turning on the light. (link: "All is quiet.")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]]You remain absolutely still. //It's a soldier!// he shouts, after a pause. //He must have followed the beacon. Somebody check the shrine! Protect the shrine!// He makes a wild gesture towards the { (text-colour: "yellow")[<!--Northeast Quarter--> (if: $part's Y >= 0 and $part's X >= 0)[ (if: $part's Y > ($part's X * 2))[north] (elseif: $part's X > ($part's Y * 2))[east] (else:)[northeast] ] <!--Southeast Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y <= 0 and $part's X >= 0)[ (if: ($part's Y * (-1)) > ($part's X * 2))[south] (elseif: $part's X > ($part's Y * (-1)) * 2)[east] (else:)[southeast] ] <!--Southwest Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y <= 0 and $part's X <= 0)[ (if: ($part's Y * (-1)) > ($part's X * (-1) * 2))[south] (elseif: $part's X * (-1) > ($part's Y * (-1)) * 2)[west] (else:)[southwest] ] <!--Northwest Quarter--> (elseif: $part's Y >= 0 and $part's X <= 0)[ (if: $part's Y > ($part's X * (-1) * 2))[north] (elseif: $part's X * (-1) > ($part's Y * 2))[west] (else:)[northwest]]] }, though you are certain there is nobody else here to see it. You wait as he walks forward, his eyes fixed always on the same patch of ground, his attention drawn completely to some phantom in the air just beside you. He stops, stoops, and shies back in horror. //What are you?// he whispers. He holds the gun at arm's length, as though it were a knife holding a foe at bay. //What are you!?// The man's flesh begins to ripple like water over glass. He pulls the trigger, and there is a deafening flash. As the gunshot fades, (link: "so does he")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]].Slowly and calmly, you begin to walk away, leaving the lantern on so that the man will not misinterpret your attempt to leave. He does not even look at you. His eyes are fixed on the same bare patch of ground as before. You press on slowly, and bit by bit the darkness swallows him. //It's a soldier!// he shouts, though you doubt there is anybody but you to hear him. //He must have followed the beacon. Somebody check the shrine! Protect the shrine!// You continue on your way, content to leave the man to his delirium. As you (link: "finally leave him")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]] to distance and darkness, you are startled by the sound of a gunshot, but it was not meant for you.Without being sure how far the creature's reach extends to the left or the right, your only route of escape lies [[behind you->bloater behind you]]. However, it appears that the thing is currently feeding on the mud itself: it may be safe to [[remain still->bloater remain still]] and allow it to pass over you. Alternatively, you could attempt to [[drive it off->bloater drive it off]] with your gun.You hurry back, hoping to put some distance between yourself and this gargantuan beast. However, at the sound of your rapid footfalls, the creature suddenly becomes aware of your presence. With a mournful wail, it begins to push itself faster through the air. Fins wave, tongues grasp as it pursues you. A tendril the size of a ship's anchor cable catches at your ankle, tripping you. (text-colour: "red")[The creature descends, tongues unfurling to reveal a mouth that stretches wider than the reach of your lantern.] [[(Restart.)->start]]You wait as the creature passes overhead. It pays no mind to you or your light, but in the course of its slow journey, one of its hanging tongues trails towards you. You stay rooted to the spot, torn between remaining [[perfectly still->bloater perfectly still]] and trying to quietly [[step aside->bloater step aside]].(if: $bloatershot is false)[(set: $bloatershot to true)You take the revolver from your pocket and put a shot into the creature before it gets too close. Deterred by either the noise of the shot or the sting of the bullet, the creature rises clumsily into the air, caustic vapour spilling from its side. With itching eyes and throat, you (link: "continue on your way")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]].]{ }(else:)[You casually fire at the huge thing, confident that you will be able to drive this one off as you did the other. However, the instant that you shoot, it lets out a deafening moan. Tongues slithering across the mire, it descends upon you, searing clouds of vapour tumbling to the ground. (text-colour: "red")[Blinded by the haze, you have no chance of escape.] [[(Restart.)->start]]]The tongue drifts blindly into you, its surface slithering across your jacket. You hold your breath, both to avoid alerting the creature to your presence, and because if its foul stench. As the tip of the tongue finally begins to vanish over your sholder, something snags in the fabric of your jacket. The last foot or so of the tendril is studded with barbs, which the creature uses to comb the mud for food. Quite successfully, it seems. (text-colour: "red")[The tongue loops about your neck as the creature drags you into its gigantic maw, as casually as a child would pick an apple.] [[(Restart.)->start]]You shift carefully to one side, allowing the tongue to pass. It lingers a moment, tracing the waterlogged hollows of your footprints, before slithering away. You wait until the creature has long passed, then (link: "walk away")[(set: $event to false)(goto: "movement")(if: $never is true)[ [[movement]] ]], leaving it to comb the marshy ground of the Alterworld in peace.